Labella answered by Edward Paul Donegan answers of Stop00p dot org JIT Survey
The 30 Cases the JIT surveyed at the project beginning discloses these highest frequency results
Survey question and affirmative answer percentage: Life-long Targeting Surveillance 97%, Stalking 93%, Hacking (of electronic devices) 90%, DEW 83%, Other Victims%, 80 Housebreaking 77%, Income Sabotaged 77%, Partnership Sabotaged 73%.
I Edward Paul Donegan attest to each of those items as well in the affirmative as occurring to me and those I have known. My father AND mother likely had OSS CIA backgrounds closely related to Joseph Kennedy Sr., the Vatican, Dean Rusk, and others. He himself was in Atomic Testing and secretive WWII history.
Theresa May says the 23 Russian diplomats kicked out of Britain are “undeclared intelligence officers”.
In other words, they’re “spies”.
This might surprise anyone who thought the key requirements for being a good diplomat were a firm handshake, a decent backhand and the ability to order a gin and tonic in several languages.
So where do you draw the line between official diplomacy and the murky world of espionage?
“Every embassy in the world has spies,” says Prof Anthony Glees, director of the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies at the University of Buckingham. -
Josph Kennedy Sr. once closely connected to Navy Undersecretary FDR and later by President FDR the US Ambassador to England probably knew of some spying and covert programs. So did James Donegan of Dorchester Massachusetts and GLorian of North Carolina.
Respondant and year Targeting first was noticed or began.
04-57-95-87, male, USA, 1999
25-11-19-60, male, Belgium, 1994
49-14-11-43, female, USA, 2008
21-12-20-18, female, UK, 2007 (detailed description of torture techniques)
71-20-20-32, male, Canada, 2013
00-85-13-14, female, Russia, 2007
02-53-15-21, female, USA, Denmark, 2012
03-47-21-95, male, USA, 1969
19-02-18-05, female, USA, 2017
11-24-05-10, female, USA, 2015
46-77-54-11, male, UK, 1976
11-22-82-46, female, USA, 2017
91-28-56-73, male, Japan, 2018
75-95-00-06, female, USA, 1995
11-85-53-60, male, Canada, 2011
03-06-19-51, female, Netherlands, 2006
04-10-19-68, male, Bulgaria, 2004
41-50-87-15, male, Iran, 2001
31-08-19-74, female, Switzerland, 2009
95-29-30-56, female, USA, 2005
10-29-49-46, male, USA, 2014
82-26-38-91, female, Spain, 1972
01-06-06-09, female, USA, 1971
71-71-71-71, female, Canada, 1974
97-97-97-97, male, Canada, 2000
71-56-38-71, male, UK, 2019
71-56-38-70, female, UK, 2019
90-91-08-11, male, Canada, 1987
15-78-91-90, male, Belgium, 2011
15-02-84-01, male, Canada, 2014
88-27-05-76, female, Canada, 2011
03-71-56-89, male, USA, 2016
04-03-19-83, male, Canada, 2011
82-58-82-58, female, USA, 1985
39-56-23-10, male, Sweden, 2009
01-07-83-30, male, Switzerland, 1998
16-32-76-15, female, USA, 2018
30-81-39-99, female, USA, 2009
35-68-21-94, female, Poland, 1995
81-22-14-91, female, USA, 2012
75-57-64-46, male, USA, 2011
24-71-93-57, male, UK, 2008
022-66-3233, Male, USA, 1979. Kindly your Affiant Edward Paul Donegan
A federal court in New York has ruled that the FBI conducted an adequate search for records
pertaining to “gang stalking.” The agency originally provided records from another request it believed were
responsive to Keith Labella’s request, but later admitted the records were not responsive and conducted further searches using extensive terms supplied by Labella. The agency found no responsive records and Labella sued. After finding the agency’s search had been adequate, the court examined documents submitted by Labella to show the agency must have responsive records. The court noted that “these documents are neither FBI records nor contain any mention of the FBI, so presumably Labella submits them to suggest that since gang stalking is so pervasive and so well-known to several government agencies, the FBI must have documents responsive to his FOIA request.” The court pointed out that “Labella’s suggestion that, because it is the nation’s leading law enforcement agency, the ‘FBI should be charged with constructive knowledge of gang stalking and presumed to have records thereof,’ shows only that Labella has no evidence at all that the FBI actually possesses records responsive to his request, let alone that the FBI failed to conduct a good-faith and reasonable search of its records. Labella’s proposed ‘presumption’ turns the law on its head; it is the FBI that is entitled to a presumption of good faith with respect to its affidavit and Labella cannot rebut that presumption by speculating that the FBI simply must have the records he requests because of its stature and resources.” Labella also argued that several articles criticizing the FBI’s FOIA practices raised suspicions. But the court observed that “even if these articles are fully credited, two isolated incidents of the FBI’s noncompliance with FOIA does not demonstrate that the FBI failed to conduct a reasonable search or acted in bad faith in this specific instance.” (Keith Salvatore Labella v. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Civil Action No. 11-CV-0023 (NGG)(LB), U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, Mar. 19)
Berkeley Law is one of the nation’s premier law schools, located at UC Berkeley. Offering JD, LLM, JSD and joint degrees, as well as individual courses. Access Reports: A Journal of News & Developments, Opinion & Analysis. Volume 38, Number 7 March 28, 2012. Access Reports republished by Berkeley Law.
Attorney Keith Labella as Ted Gunderson, Geral Sosbee and Ed Donegan assert along with Dr. Katherine Horton (St John’s College of Oxford University Physics, PhD) that intelligence agencies have targed law abiding citizens for illegal sabotage. Noise campaigns keep people awake with guns and red dots pointed into their homes, police guide criminals to attack the targeted individuals, round the clock intensive abusive stimuli prevent sleeping or working like constant banging on the walls or nearby even fully turned up stereos can not drowned out, and other attacks.
Q. Mr. Donegan have you published in your books earlier an similar statement as being given here though in the earlier version that compared yourself to Jean Hill and if you made such a statement that provides an overview can you provide it here? Please do so if you can.
A Declaration by Edward Paul Donegan On His Experiencing Government Retaliatory Violence From US Government Officials Hostile to JFK RFK Case Solutions
That earlier statement as made by myself Edward Paul Donegan
1) That Edward Donegan has the best available Assassination Theory that answers unanswered questions and that by his family background is likely closely linked to the assassinations of JFK and RFK and has available public information supportive of a threshold of likelihood of truth in that assertion.
The the US Government and its Officials have available information on their own and could assist rather than interfere with Ed Donegan’s research on US Government connections to the Kennedy assassinations including powerful elite families in the CIA and Congress and US Presidencies, but Ed Donegan has been at all times harassed rather than assisted in researching the government history of this, government records im this such as military and birth records of private citizens, and backgrounds of CIA US DOD families like the Burns family, the Barr family, the Mueller family, and other families of public record including public employees like Ted Gunderson and William Cooper and Jen Moore.
2) That Jen Moore had files corroborating Ed Donegan’s information is recorded as her death bed statements I continue to cite that affirms my stories of my family history I also cite family, news-story, and White house records on. That Jen Moore said before she died she faced death threats – being Silenced – by Free Mason connected powerful CIA figures if she spoke out on Ed Donegan is both on the record statement of her in Youtube, Bitchute, Farmer Jones Free Conference Call, and sources of her statements or statements about her and seen in her videos.
3) That these stories of Ed Donegan and Jen Moore trying to get Kennedy Assassination history told is too dangerous in the USA and will result in lethal covert retaliation by State Sponsored wielders of US Official power in Abuse of Power.
4) That the Abuse of that Power is in deniable mafia usage of allowing gang activity, snitch activity, neighborhood watch groups be front groups for disputes and fights that are the engineered violence against witnesses the Government needs to hide its hand (sometimes hidden) in disparaging, blocking, and suppressing conspiracy theorists as Russian plants, terrorists, or i diversionary smear campaigns, the Conspiracy theorist is ALSO a pedophile in fights with neighborhood toughs or employers are apartment managers of pedophilia accusation smear campaigns or schizophrenia smear campaigns and that this is a Modus Operandi of Targeting witnesses as part of suppression of witnesses.
5) That in the US theory of an unrestrained and free press, a condition of a free society, books and statements from those that todays 21st Century leaders came to power on something likely tied to Partnership for a New Century that ran in th 20th Century allowed George H.W. Bush and his planned successors Barrack Obama Jr make international stride in global allegiance under the propaganda of a liberal democracy when in fact covert allegiance with corrupt business practices was the tru partnership for the 21st Century and the globalization of CIA crime now controls official US policy and activities of State sponsored crime in mafia government.
6) That specific acts like break-ins to my home office (upon which the police records were changed to fictitious and unsupported burglary theory), cutting of utilities to my apartment by outdoor switch and valves operation, physical wire cuts or rewiring and splicing, have been part of black bags on thee home office often tied to very direct activities the Government perceives as a threat, activities naming William Burns in my book, Christopher Wray on the cover of it when my computer was stolen, etc.,
That this is a conspiracy against rights per-empting and disruption witness accounts to the Government or to the Press.
That Jean Hill experienced this.
That Jim Marrs, Richard Selzter, Ralph Thomas, and others observe is a pattern of the destruction of lives of loss lives by witnesses whose assertions contradict Government accounts.
Norma Jean Lollis Hill (February 11, 1931 – November 7, 2000) was an American woman who was an eyewitness to the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.[1][2] Hill was known as the “Lady in Red” because of the long red raincoat she wore that day, as seen in Abraham Zapruder’s film of the assassination. A teacher by profession, she was a consultant for Oliver Stone’s 1991 film JFK and co-wrote JFK: The Last Dissenting Witness with Bill Sloan.
Hill’s claims have been both disputed and embraced. While official sources have considered her an unreliable witness for a number of reasons, other researchers investigating the assassination and the conclusions of the Warren Commission consider her a highly credible witness. They point to significant circumstantial evidence of an apparent smear campaign to undermine the testimony and credibility of Hill, the closest civilian witness to the assassination and its immediate aftermath.
Jean Hill was a consistent critic of the official report of the Warren Commission since its release and in 1992 she co-wrote a book entitled The Last Dissenting Witness. In this book she made the assertion that her reported testimony before the Warren Commission was fabricated by the commission, a claim also made by others about Warren Commission testimony.[3] Others point out that those claims cannot be verified one way or the other, and argue that the Warren Commission did not fabricate testimony at all, although some people who probably committed perjury point to the possibility of an internal conspiracy. Wikipedia
Jean Hill was born in 1931. She worked as a teacher in Oklahoma City before moving to a Dallas school in 1962. On 22nd November, 1963, Hill, watched the motorcade of President John F. Kennedy from the grassy knoll facing the Texas School Depository Building. Hill and her friend, Mary Moorman, who was taking Polaroid pictures of the motorcade, were only a few feet away from President John F. Kennedy when he was shot. Hill and Moorman thought the shots had come from behind her on the grassy knoll and as soon as the firing stopped they ran towards the wooden fence in an attempt to find the gunman. Hill claims that they were detained by two secret service men. After searching the two women they confiscated the picture of the assassination.
Hill gave a statement to the police where she stated: “Mary Moorman started to take a picture. We were looking at the president and Jackie in the back seat… Just as the president looked up two shots rang out and I saw the president grab his chest and fell forward across Jackie’s lap… There was an instant pause between two shots and the motorcade seemingly halted for an instant. Three or four more shots rang out and the motorcade sped away.”
Shirley Martin telephoned Hill on 25th January, 1964. She told Martin that as soon as the firing stopped they ran towards the wooden fence in an attempt to find the gunman. However, they were detained by two secret service men. After searching the two women they confiscated the picture of the assassination. Hill told Martin that she was very scared as another witness, Warren Reynolds, had been shot in the head by an unknown assailant, the night before: “Mrs Hill told me that she and Miss Moorman had received many threatening phone calls urging them to keep quiet and when they reported these to the Dallas police, they received an official brush-off. Mrs. Hill said Miss Moorman would not talk to me as she was much more frightened and upset over the whole thing than Mrs. Hill was.”
Hill later gave evidence to the Warren Commission that was highly controversial. She claimed that she heard between four and six shots. Hill was also convinced that some of the shots came the grassy knoll. In interviews on television after the assassination Hill said she saw “a little white dog” in the rear seat of the president’s car. As there was no dog in the car, the reliability of Hill’s witness statement was undermined. However, 25 years later, it was revealed that a small white stuffed animal was on the back seat of the car. A child had presented it to Jackie Kennedy at the beginning of the tour of Dallas. This information was suppressed in order to discredit Hill as a reliable witness.
The Zapruder Film film shows the position of Jean Hill (left) and Mary Moorman when John F. Kennedy was shot.
The Zapruder Film film shows the position of Jean Hill (left) and Mary Moorman when John F. Kennedy was shot.
Jean Hill told Mark Lane: “The FBI was here for days. They practically lived here. They just didn’t like what I told them I saw and heard when the President was assassinated. She declined to permit a filmed interview, stating, for two years I have told the truth, but I have two children to support and I am a public school teacher. My principal said it would be best not to talk about the assassination, and I just can’t go through it all again. I can’t believe the Warren Report. I know it’s all a lie, because I was there when it happened, but I can’t talk about it anymore because I don’t want the FBI here constantly and I want to continue to teach here. I hope you don’t think I’m a coward, but I cannot talk about the case anymore.”
For many years Hill refused to give interviews about the John Kennedy assassination. However, in 1990, Hill agreed to work as a technical adviser on Oliver Stone’s motion picture, JFK. The following year she revealed what happened after the assassination: “They (Secret Service agents) took me to the Records Building and we went up to a room on the fourth floor. There were two guys sitting there on the other side of a table looking out a window that overlooked the killing zone, where you could see all of the goings on. You got the impression that they had been sitting there for a long time. They asked me what I had seen, and it became clear that they knew what I had seen. They asked me how many shots I had heard and I told them four to six. And they said, No, you didn’t. There were three shots. We have three bullets and that’s all we’re going to commit to now. I said, Well, I know what I heard, and they told me, What you heard were echoes. You would be very wise to keep your mouth shut. Well, I guess I’ve never been that wise. I know the difference between firecrackers, echoes, and gunshots. I’m the daughter of a game ranger, and my father took me shooting all my life.” In 1992 Hill published her book on the case, JFK: The Last Dissenting Witness.
Jean Hill, who worked as a schoolteacher in Dallas for over twenty years, died on 7th November, 2000.
Edward Donegan asserts assets of government are aware of and threatening my writings often while saying they are not, they are talking to someone else, or threatening me on non-verbal gestures or for allegations of pedphilia when the kill (as Noble Savage Prison Snitches) pedophiles, but that is also fabricated about thus I am exposed to the danger of Nobel Savages claiming they have a revenge motive to attack me, that occurring in my surroundings while I write my book or rent apartments in skid row. It is on my book cover intimidation or obstruction of my truth telling on this is Obstruction of Justice USC Title 18 Chapter 73, that Jen Moore was assassinated in furtherance of treason, what the United States as 18 USC Chapter 73 to address.
I Edward Paul Donegan declare I knew as a child likely the same Mr. Prouty that Oliver Stone and Jim Garison did. THe best of my research is that J. Edgar Hoover was serving on Majic 12 a committee of British and US Intelligence operations directors hostile to JFK and Roman Catholics during the Irish Troubles where the FBI was also operation and that this information is in the books I am writing and others have written.
That the facts of my research and family history show my Roman Catholic family and Roman Catholic PRouty of Boston opposed the Majic 12 allegiance with Great Britain that in 1954 GOP President Eisenhower agreed to in intel cooperation and VP Nixon used for directives in who to assasinate, and that JFK wanted to shut down Majic 12 that J. Edgar Hoover was leading.
That completes my transcription to here that earler statement.
Racketeering Stalk: Use of Shills for financial crimes including financially trading in and using organ or tissues for debt payments and payments for goods and services
Are they (who are parading themselves near me and then going to a Rendezvous site I am not at and only have heard of at times after the fact) in it for the Hoot or the Loot?
The Rough Noise (allegations acted out I am a loser) attack alleges I am a loser and after staging that the Parade uses an impostor of me to agree to pay-outs of false claims I am a loser. It is obstruction of justice in every component but it is used in the courts as Abuse of Process, the claim I am a threat allows a Protection racket to demand both damages and protection fees and treatment given to the protection racket that uses my identity to hire adult services offered to the retarded.
Noun. a loud raucous cry (as of an owl)
Noun, a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt
Verb. utter the characteristic sound of owls
Verb. to utter a loud clamorous shout
Noun. something of little value
Other forms: hooted; hooting; hoots
A hoot is the musical call an owl makes. The hoot of an owl sounds very much like the word hoot.
An owl’s hoot is the inspiration for a similar sound that people make to show disapproval or scorn: “The sound of the crowd’s hoots filled the stadium when the soccer player kicked the ball into his own team’s goal.” To make this sound, whether you’re a person or an owl, is to hoot, and if you don’t give a hoot, it means you really don’t care at all.
Noun. goods or money obtained illegally
Noun. informal terms for money
Verb. steal goods; take as spoils
Verb. take illegally; of intellectual property
Other forms: looting; looted; loots
Burglars and pirates handle a lot of loot — otherwise known as stolen money or goods.
One bank robber might say to the other, “You watch the customers! I’m going after the loot!” Loot most often means money, especially the kind of money you didn’t get legally. Loot is right up there with booty and swag in the family of words for stolen or pillaged things. When used as a verb, loot refers to the act of stealing, like when an angry mob loots the local grocery store during a riot.
Q. Mr Donegan you have asserted often self funding non-monetary or non US Currency fraud for goods and services shaking down your trust fund and bullying you. Do you and Jen Moore assert like some others have including Jen Moore and Ted Gunderson of human trafficking, murder of children and civillian persons, and assasination of investigators of the McMartin School and Fanklin Boystown and even JFK and RFK witnesses and all that is linked together?
A. I do and I further assert some of the names have changed from generation like Prescott Bush to George H.W. Bush to George Heart to William Randolph Hearst and then to a change Patty Hearst. And Barrack Obama Sr. and Barrack OBama Jr. and the Kennedy line and the Donegan line. From E. Howard Hunt to St. John Hunt from James and GLorian Donegan to Ed Donegan myself. And some of this was Midnight Climax, MK-Ultra, and now its Pizzate and covert rendezvous of blatantly illegal espionage programs and even repugnant markets and organ (genetics of adn fertilization rights ) trafficking. The Mueller Family, DuPonts, and many more of the Robber Barron age and J.P. Morgan and William Truesdale. Brown Brothers Harriman and Lovett.
Q. M. Donegan you assert the government remains either complicit in the Kennedy assassination or negligent in the solving of it, or perhaps on a case by case basis either one of those two. A. Yes and my plan is to put my piece of the puzzle onto the table researchers like myself are piecing it all together and when the picture is clear enough and compelling enough a truth (and we are reaching that point) law enforcement will have to take up key questions even if politicians in power and in the press ban the investigations of Conspiracy Theories as Lloyd Austin has done.
Q. Mr. Donegan you assert you have been damaged by lynch mobs in various ways including by exclusion from public places of accommodations, social circle and networking, etc., Are you familiar with the term “Lynch Mobs” and have you read this is related to Information Doppelgangers?
A. Yes. It is a littl bit complicated in that there are two seperate things. The term lynch mobs comes from the South and what is not the scenario is important. Here what is not the scenario. A white woman is approached by a black male who begins to sexually assault her. A crowd defends the white woman creating a safe distance between her and her attacker. That is something fairly direct and linked. The Lynch Mob scenario is that a person is villified by an inflmatory rumor like a black male has sexually assaulted a white woman and in response to the rumor a retaliatory action is undertaken in this theoretical hanging the black male in retaliation by the mob acting on the rumor. In the case of PsyOps very intense rumors are circulated about a a person in their poltics, sexual orientation, etc., and in response the mob either gets back at that person in some disconnected way or simply blacklists the person’s presence such that the person can not remain in the area and thus to prevent future actions. Q. Is that the Southern policy of “Don’t let the sun go down on you?” A. Yes, the mob, the town, the office, whatever has decided it is going to be hard for you to stay. Even if no action is take immediately be sure to move along quickly or the lynch mob may attack.
Q. From what you have read about crowd manipulation is the Lynch Mob created to be in a fixed delusional emotional fervor in which reasoning with the crowd is not possible? A. Yes, that is what I have read. And the crowd has had “face time” with the people conducting the smear, believe them, and are dupes who do not know the Target and would like never to know that Target. That is the whole point of smear campaigns, black-listing, and discrediting the person who is smeared.
Q. Mr Donegan you asserted MK-Ultra based conspiracy must succeed in destorying your life, credibality, and reach of voice of the criminals of the JFK assasination are to reamin in power. You assert they are using organized crime systems pay out baseless claims against you in the legal system leaving a damaging record tied to your name. In your research of organized crime what did you find as facilitators of that? A. In other for things like identity theft to work well some help is needed by the criminals. It is one thing to say “I am Ed Donegan and I owe money to a victim” to me but I will say I am Ed Donegan and I do not say that. But if that group of people who staged the appearances can recruit some help from a related accounting firm then the organized crime group can beging to swindle more effectively burring the identity theft into what is signed for as good accounting when in fact the accountants further the fraud. This is a common part of money laundering and ogranized crime.
Q. Is there a prurient component to this? There is for me, I am atracked to white women. I like some very spicy cold war world history type scenes like interrogation role plays. A group of law enforcement decided that this type of role play was to dicey to be left alone for the sake of national security and the role players needed to be infiltrated by law enforcement. LE using a dopple of me to run the financial racketeering and faked (forged) confessions through as part of the “collar” of the criminal Ed Donegan is something law enforcement has found quite enoyable to do as they have been very forthright in mentioning to me, and that I have to pay for their parties with those glam dommes.
Q. Most do not like white identitarians. That is nice name for white people who consider themselves quite comfortable with the fact they are white. For many elite dominas or others the thinking is the scene must reject white identatarians and prefer the social justice based cops running CONTELRPO welcoming the smear campaign against me.
Q. Mr Donegan do the law enforcement look needy as to access elite women and do you think a witch hunt using a con artist pretending to be you can involve honey pots the police drink and party with as they prepare to lure in the gullible loser and have him confess to the undercover operation partying in a hotel room? Yes, they seem very scummy. But there is more than the teen girl walking near me or the adult model in tight yoga leggings being the lure to me from the child. All this as the protection racket and more about that later but the protection racket is smearing me to limit my voice and damming allegations against me are used to warn other away from me, leasing to me, etc.,
Q. Is this in your perception racial based? A. I think there have been both racial and religious components. I call some of it the Taco Truck Family Reunion. The Mexican-American and 15 to 30 of his cousins and their buddies (of the entire batch perhaps 10 percent speak no English) are crackling and giggling about me giving them babies, looking at my crotch and giggling to each other, or rather abusively lauding at me is young children are near. The assertion is the Mexican community is defending itself from me. I assert they are framing me and with law enforcement helping so they can defraud me.
A. Civil Rights protection is something I have heard cited by some of these stalkers. They claim the poor immigrant child can not walk the streets safely with a white supremacist pedophile in the area or the apartment complex so they must begin patrolling and sieze assets to do so. One group I cite says it had been made up of former felons but they have now found a new purpose in life in motorcycling or use of vehicles for safety.
Q. Mr Donegan have you heard (perhaps as often as daily) from them that this is then stopping a Nazi? A. Yes., but it reminds me of the violence that shut down Trump rallies when he wanted to build the border to stop crime. His rallies were attacked by Mexican Americans carry Mexican flags many of them non-citizens. Whose point were they making? His or their own?
Q. Mr. Donegan when you are not lying about it have you admitted to expressing racial beliefs? A. Yes. I have always believed Sub Sahara is more remote culturally and genetically than Asia and Caucasia. I was in long term war with the NIH that this was true. In the course of that some science emerged even more conclusive than previous reseach that the premise was correct. I left the point behind after that but I think many still want debate practice with me.
Mr Donegan you have asserted though under color of law this covert operation has many racketeering elements. Do you assert Foundation Work in con artists language, felony intent, wire fraud, and conspiracy to defraud are all in practice nearly interchangeable con artist and legal terms of art in racketeering? Do you assert this ties to Jen Moore’s death and even more, harassment of you that itself is endangering you?
A. Yes. Foundation work is like a sniper creeping from shrub to shrub with rifle to attain a position on a hill that overlooks a presidential speech. It may not be the assassination attempt under the law, it might be. But it certainly is part of conspiring to do do so of the approach work involved several people for instance. I assert the final money-laundering and defrauding the trust occurs after foundation work or approach work – Models are placed near me, in wire fraud the transaction for a beverage, pizza, or order of fries is intoned to extort a permission not given to sell me modeling, and all of these are elements of the protection racket. I was just after leaving William Ruiz apartment in Capitola trying to contact US Treasury official on wire fraud allegation on these transactions. While not the wire we think of in banking and the wire room to other banks that is secured, it at the very least is a point of sale system and financial system in interstate commerce.
The mechanism of fraud being described is subversion. Experts say subversion seeks to destroy all parts of a targets life. This is important since social safety nets can help a person survive adversity. Job loss for instance might easily be overcome in a happily married couple with sufficient income for the entire family system remaining in the other person. In the case of a journalist or witness to an event job loss of the witness as an adversity alone may worsen the high ranking officials concern. The witness not having the distraction of day-to-day work may take up the events of his or her life the espionage agencies hope to suppress. Inheritance can be disrupted of the person due to receive an inheritance is denied it because a family member has been told the person who would gain the inheritance is under the influence of someone who would defraud it from the beneficiary.
Q. Mr. Donegan you blame Texas Department of Public Safety as the behind most disasters of history. You also assert much of this is religoin connected. In your mind are these tied together?
A. Yes. As far as Texas goes it had big problem with Nation-States that were not “God fearing.” Nations that did not allow missionary workers in, etc., or were represive to their own internal christian populations as the USSR was. It had put intense pressure on the Russian Orthodox Church for instance. This as part of the Anti-JFK movement and this also later was part of an immature Texas that when it needed to smear and coopt me used its own immaturity to claim was mine.
Q. Do you tie some of this history to Blacks Beach in the San Francisco Bay Area? A. Yes. It was quite famous in the area as a nudist beach; informally a zone where the laws on nudity were not enforced. It was hard to get to sort of l like the Playa and I think private but it was accessible through the main gate or sneaking in. A youth like us, a group of just adults thought we were going to a swing party. What we found was not that. It was a relaxation place for swingers who were used to nudity, had seen it all before, and didn’t really care about nudity. When in the open air why not take of your clothes and really feel more like you are outside as you lay on your beach towel. That rather than any swinger scene element was the fairly contagious part and visitors as well as regulars sensed that type of attitude. Texas has been very repressed and what comes fairly naturally for me and with ease for then they had wrestled with. The Keep Austin Weird, Keep Austin Topless (at Barton Springs) seemed to try to encourage a swing environment but fairly creepily so.
Q. Can you give us an example of this? A. Yes. When I first went to Barton Springs I had some trouble balancing on the slippery rocks, etc., and some college age people helped steady me with supporting my ams I had out for balance. Sure there were some hotties there enjoying a swim and that was pleasing to the eye, but nothing to be obsessive about. For some it was. When I had been arrested for NO ID CARD (it was more complicated than that after a thirty year debacle of my ID always being harassed or wrong especially as done by law enforcement) I heard in Sheriff’s Detention each one of the riff raff were figuring out how to get “crazy checks” (disability) so they could quit low income jobs and spend their days among the topless women, spinning poi, etc., I think the college town has been a driver in this including in using what I consider an intellectual perspective of Atheism and Paganism as a new cultural energy in Austin.
Q. Mr Donegan is bullying you as loser who likes children with no hair on the pubic region, etc., a norm? A. Yes, and it is part of the smear campaign that suggests I am developmentally retarded, like only sexuallized children, and need the sight of a hot female body. The former is not true I like tweens, children, etc., and I never did. The latter is true, that someone in the identity of Ed Donegan needs the sight of an adult entertainer as food for the eyes. While I enjoy that and would expect a norm of life normal people them included the people using my identity are the ones who want something outside their norm. I assert the mentally retarded, the lower levels of policing, perhaps the FBI on it most prurient programs, and others wanted to study goth, liberalism, etc, and are using a retarded version of me to “tie into” those lessons, to tie my trust fund into paying for those lessons.
Q. How did the large scale operation you assert had White House level support and even PsyOps support make it possible to use a trust fund to pay for false allegations about you and harassment of you? A. By covering all the bases. With my brother and the Trust FUnd or conservancy cooperating the elements were in place to comit the frauds. Here is some Google results on covering all the bases then I will say how they did it.
Google AI Overview Covering All The Bsis
The idiom “cover all the bases” means to deal with every aspect of a situation or activity, or to ensure something is successful. For example, “I think I’ve covered all the bases – I called everyone, ordered the food, and bought some decorations”.
The origins of the idiom are not clear, but it likely originated in the United States in the early to middle 20th century. There are two possible theories about its origins:
The idiom may come from baseball, where defensive players are positioned near all the bases. However, this would be illogical because covering the bases in baseball is routine, while the idiom usually means going beyond routine to be extra careful.
The idiom may have military origins, as the word “bases” likely had strong military associations during or after World War II. Google AI Overview
Setting up the legend with KOMPROMAT and fabricated information about me as “mentally challenged” and developmentally retarded” creates the first element of someone other than me in control of my assets. Next is that as a result of my developmental retardation I owe victims of my childish behaviors expenses like restitution, protection fees, etc., and also I need lessons is used to bilk the assets the trust was supposed to protect if a trust was needed at all. Finally others are invited to participate in bilking it either from a self-enrichment scheme for themselves as they seek damages for alleged conduct OR they wish the political damage the false allegations do to me. I think there is a final benefit the racketeers get and that is fights with me as they deny crimes that are organized at a high enough level to be accepted as policy but denied and not remediated. Proving a stalker is a stalker is not only difficult it is dangerous as you the accuser become subject to retaliation for the assertion. They (the stalkers have an alibi and stick to it.
People also ask
What does my alibi mean? : an excuse usually intended to avert blame or punishment (as for failure or negligence) made up an alibi for why she missed the meeting. – Google
Some kind of cover-story that deflects in some way the allegation of misconduct.
Niedermeyer. Can you give an example of retaliation for an assertion? Yes, it was Project Veritas and a few others that alleged Creamer and Foval were running illegal activities to instigate fights, etc., and many abusive counter-attacks were launched as to the methods and activities of the reporters. Over time though the substance of the reporting has born-out. In addition I think the Pizzagate allegations and that fraud will be realized as truthful over time. The allegations of Ted Gunderson of the CIA hiding in drug dealing and Satanic groups have been revealed. I know so because I have spent months restoring pixel by pixel Micheal Aquino documents into readability, etc.
Q. Do the CIA and FBI have a practice of mocking critics, using Rough Noise on them, discrediting them, and do you assert this is happening to you? A. Yes.
Q. Mr Donegan; do you think you were a “loser” in the gym when you joined? Why did you join? What happened next? A. Doug, it went something like this just relying upon my memory. I had been release from Sherrifs Detention that was a nightmare, a pscychward where adult models were brought in to “domme” a retarded lose, not me, but in cells near me. That loser had to be told by the domme with the deputies to take his pills, learn about Malcom X, the US Constitution, and Abrahan Lincoln. The person the deputies were using to get those lessons near me and audible to me was not me. That same loser was so addicted to glamourous dominas from Mensa (I Eat Puppies for Breakfast) he had to be put in a psychiatric emergency suit and isolation detention so he would never try antying like that again because he was only a retard.
Have this retarded verions of you bee sited by others? Yes. I use statements from Tom Dunham quite often.
Upon release and overweight did you doctor Christina Beselaga and others are Arlingtion (Virgina) Internal Medicine explain I was morbidly obese and that I need to a full physical scheduled? Yes,m and that was started but I asserted I was aging, had a bad back and accepted my condition as part of aging. Q. Did similar testing as a routing matter at Arlington Virginia Mental Health Services start at that same time now that you were released into their servies as to being discharged from Federal Custody? A., Yes the diabetes screens from the two different services should off the scale diabetes. I confused A1.C of 13.7 and 3.3 one I think just learning the type of numbers they were but I started exercising right away base on what I found out about how serious Diabetes was. The follow-up appointment with Arlington Internal Medicine was a week or two out for prescriptions, etc,. but I started exersciing right away and focuse on metabolic syndrom and insulin sensitivity and absorbing blood sugar with muscles. I found from my blood sugar readings the downward pressure was for three days after working out. This applied to Nephropathy pain too, even if drinking, exercise before drinking helped moderate blood sugar level before the weekend.
Have you seen this since? Yes. At Orange Theory [of fitness?} in Austin Texas. I had been reporting in my Diabetes journals often posted as gym check-ins in Arlington Virginia or my Diabetes Syndrome X Recover google blog that the cellular activity of restoring used MTP from MTA ofter exersize, restoring oxygen, removign waste, were metabolic and circulatory activty as follow-up. And orange and jump suits? Perhaps. In any case I have seen on person from them. He had crown tattoo. Some of my assailants came they are true kings of ancient lines now forgotten about and crowns and jeweled crowns and gold items are part of their dress standard. At that time I saw the person he was interviewing a blonde as potential employee. Some of those same dressed people have had racially motivated attacks on me, but not just those people.
Q. Mr Donegan did you post and discuss some of your diabetes interests and experiences with city officials and others? A. Yes, I had emailed the city manager of Corpus Christi that a fat camp would be good there. I was posting my Map My Runs and asked if they would be willing to work with Corpus Christi Bayfront Hotel to use its empty lobby rooms for equipment.
Q. In additon to music playlists did your commonly report and blog other elements of your experience? A. Yes. I had said that before I was diagnose I had dry eyes, urinated frequetly, and often in the toilet there was white crud accumulatin and in the shower bacteria. I had before I was evicted from Arlington apartments talked to my brotherr about a fan in the bathroom to reduces steam and mold. I have found since those days and while in Arlington if the body can;t cope with blood sugar levels the kidneyes will treat high-blood sugar water as a toxin and expell it. This leaves sugar in the urine and causes dehydration. The sugar if exposed to atmosphere may give rise to bacteria.
Q. Mr. Donegan you mentioned playlists. How long have you been a Cyber Goth? A. I still cant figure what that is. I asked online once and said a bunch of neon hair colored people showed up on my autoplay. Are you Cybergoths? No, she said, we are Agro. Ok. that was good to know but I also thanked her and her community for the fun high engergy vidoes that worked so well in the gym.
Q. Are you a Goth? Probably if anything that would be closest to it. I had many goth friends from goth clubs, loved playing there in the Bondage roped off area, thought they were wonderful artistic people, that would probably be the closes fit for me. But I also would say more the older goths who were not quite as “woke” as newer ones. I loved Peanut Girly for liberalism and art, Industrial music for Diesel Punk, lots of things like that, and the German identity of the 21st Century without apology for beign Germany. That is how I have felt as well, post racialism. Across the music spectrum from punk and others I talked about liberalism and art.
Q. Can you describe this? A. Yes violent hate crime mocking laughs at me when child is around that I am loser. I am a loser because I try to peep up their clothing, etc., It is sort of a racially charged shout of “faggot” or “nigger” or something like that. Non white females assert they are my pornography as white females do too. THey assert that this is them preventing child porn., The child porn is people (children) planted on me as KOMPROMAT. This KOMPROMAT and the Labor Racket protecting on the basis of me having hidden cameras is part of the protection racket.
Q. In a short time did you loose 100 pounds, were on pace easily to loose more, were you lighter on your feet and jonts, and younger when you had lost that weight? A. Yes and in that six month period I went from A1c 13.3 to 4.7. I found the blood sugar trends fron just exercise to excersize with metformin were similarly but spikes were far less with metformin and the downward trend sharper.
Q. After battling with the trust fund for gym expenses did you come to Texas? A. Yes and it was not an easy path. I had been arrested for dispute arising fron denial of trust fund money for health care and evicted in a fight with a neighbor who kept telling my “candy” was on the way, teens, etc. She was alson in Social Services.
Q. In Texas did you find similar problems? A. Yes. Just like in custody in Sherrifs Detention (and like custody in FMC Butner) dopples of me and my gym bag and motorcyle were constant and the retard was the worst of such. It looked like one religious group Soldiers of Christ or something like that possiblyi out of First United Methodist Chruch of Corpus Christi had been part of it.
Q. Did you discuss the situation with the Gold’s Gym staff in Corpus Christi? Yes. I warned then some type of Singray devivce was watching my cell phone and I was being mocked for was normal and on my phone, I was getting junk phone calls and possible with forged not real numbers, and that as I approached 29 mins 30 secs people would walk away from near me as theyt were were together or I was following them and skits like that. I explained to the Gold’s staff that it was hard to have regular goals and track them if I have to move randomly in the gym so what is called “set piece” of pieces of KOMPROMAT set along my anticipated path made me vulnerable to the smear campaign.
Q. Did they ask you for proof? A. Yes but I said I do not film inside the gym and asked them to reference their own security tapes. Q. Did there seeem to be some racial give and take underway? A. Yes. I try to keep race out of the gym but they were racialliy motivated. I had talked at the shared lunch counter at one point I was eating what I called a Squareito. A square plastic container with a tortilla, beans, and other items I liked for lunch. The person said back something to the affect that there were a lot of white women in there and he had love for eating tacos.
Q. Do you make up names for dirty tricks conducted in the gyms? A. yes. Play To Pause. I would be listening to music. It would by itself go to Stop. I would have to touch the electrostatic screen to get it to play again. Q. What would happen when you touched the elctrostatic screen? A. A child or someone would appear in front of my phone. I suspect the scene if viewed by an observer would indicate I had photographed someone. Q. How did you resolve this? A. I found they could not do this if I took the SIMM chip from my phone out. But in California it fell onto the tread of the treadmill and got lost and I had go to Tmobile to repplace it. Also to andf from the gym females in gym clothes were lining my path. Q. Do you like the look of athletic women? Yes. On Facebook I was posting to groups like Fitness Bodies Motivation my music and vid choices like Rokcy Balboas them and other inspirational things. There is a lot to be said for a communities success stories and great bodies look great.
Q. Did you express any Bondage interest while in the gym? A. It is sometimes, not very often, in some of my music. More of was Paganism. That was being copied.
Mr Donegan have you advised other Targeted people of certain things you have noticed and to be on the watch for? A. Yes. Sudden ownership changes, changes in management, or patrons. I think that usually means a Stalk team is being moved into place.
Q. Can you add anything else to the story of arriving in Texas and Gold’s Gym Corpus Christi? A. Yes, there seemed to be a black female who took over as general manager and I met with her and asked for her card. I googled her name and saw she had sold gym memberships at some other business for the US military or vets or something like that. People with military type duffles walked around the gym with me, looked at me with stop watches and clipboards, etc., and for instance when I was watching cybergoth on the Octane Fitness machine elliptical device one of the military types had a cyber raver mask on looked at me and held a 25 pound plate in his outstretched arms and rode the piece of equipment with me him steering the plate back and forth matching my strides on the elepticle.
I recently tweeted this to freind about scuzzy people following me around.,
Edward Paul Donegan
dog’s resemble their owners? The neighborhood watch framing me used closeness to me to mirror and. copy my every move. It was a really more sexual than racial profiling. They saw in my music their desired partners
Q. Mr Donegan could you explain some of that tweet? A. Yes. I have smoked since the 1990’s, done drugs since mid 2000’s, and live a very straight lifestyle. Mexican American’s with the tear tattoos in there eye sockets, covered in gang tattoos, often smokers, drug dealers, bragging of being violent criminals openly followed me in the gym. They seemed to want to become Cholo Couture, the same as Hispanics of Latin American and Russian goths. They struck me more as wolves, but life includes competition and everyone is in the game, no one excluded. I will say this. I listened to some Hard-style V. Shuffle, and the shuffle came from the Barrio. It was great stuff and I am glad it was in my music mix, but I think they wanted to portray me as looking for Hispanic minors to exploit. Lots of social media music has minors in it, they wanted to make a big deal out of that I think.
People in white trucks followed me long the Nueces Bay doing exactly that, offering me stopwatch advice and I had no idea who they were or why they were following nme at 5 m/ph. They would not communicate with me. I saw one Bluetooth unpaired device Q Marshall and it seemed some of these were black US Marshalls service from the Q Continuum (of extremes in intelligence) if you followed their legend story line.
Q. Does some of this fit with the dopple of you? A. Yes. ONe of the high energy dances is One Two Three Fuck Me. What I heard a dopple me ask an adult entertainer is he (the doppple) needed instructions on “fucking like a Timelord” a person interested in physcis, time space, aeronatutivs, etc., I was relly into wing shapes and waves and ripples and shockwaves during this period my life and physics. This recently showed up in Top Gun Maverick.
Q. Does the Tom Cruise conspiracy theory his is a twin of Barry Seal (or even your father) bother you? A. In that all conspiracy theory does, yes, but that personality of my father is in that character and adds some sort of re-connection and revitalizing my memories and connections with my father even if it similar looks and similar high performance flying. I wonder if my father’s story might be in part woven into that fabric.,
Q. Mr Donegan in your book writing have you tried to publicize this? A. Yes but conspiracy theories are an uphill journey. At Austin Public Library I already susepcted the staff at Falk (not the writer) Library the earlier one. A few years after that I had trouble in Austin Central Public Lirbrar 300 Cesar Street and could not get epub software to use, etc., so i worked on files on a USB drive only. After going back to Corpus Christi to live in 1001 N. Water and 1513 Ocean Drive I had emailed from Ed Donegan Author Accounts like (state backed abuse through the medical system like abuse of psychiatry) but they replied uselessly under the name of Barney Miller. Like Superman, X files names, Casper, Harvey Dent, these kind of names generally mean that you are being setup in some way by a person adopting an alias and not using a real name.
Q. Do you assert this is part of Zersetzung? A. Yes. I call it Justice Driving. Some call it is Psychiatric Driving. If you subject a just person to injustice the just person especially if threatened will try to bring justice by fighting back. Because the assailant denies starting the fight the person who fought back gets either arrested, thrown out of the place they were in, or even violently attacked by a local mob of the stalkers. A person is driven to act against what is being done wrongly to them. The person is driven to act.
Q. How does that work? A. Overt aggression as response to covert aggressors will be treated as original (liable) aggression against a party claiming to be a victim.
Q. Mr Donegan do pests talk? A. It depends on the pest. Some can’t. But they might land on an single record like up up on the roof the song if they want to suggest something linked to a roof top. Others who can speak might say “let me play this song for you” and the song is up up up on the roof. Q. Mr Donegan do criminals talk? A. Most can not. If they did say something they might be recorded or quoted on it. They might say something like I really liked the character Mary Jane in Spider-man. Will she be here soon? In the old Cheech and Chong days that was MJ or Marijuana.
Zersetzung is a German term that means “decomposition” or “decomposition of personalities”. It was a psychological warfare technique used by the East German Ministry for State Security (Stasi) in the 1970s and 1980s to repress political opponents. -Google
IF a person does not act against bullying KOMPROMAT staged about their person or property then the unmitigated KOMPROMAT will do damage down the road in how it incites lynch mobs, etc., so the person fights back against bullying and unfair treatment.
Q. What about this from the Senate Torture Report detailing CIA activities? Iten 10: Dietary Manipulation, Forced Weakness and Sickness.
The idea behind dietary manipulation is to weaken the target. This is easily done in a physical setting but in no-touch the hunger trigger needs to be suppressed. Sometimes a false correlation between eating food and sickness is induced to make the target believe they are being poisoned. However, poisoning is common in physical renditions too.
A. I had reported radiation attack and the Targeted Info poster of a woman with radiation burns I recognize too well. I was placed in a psych ward and more about that later. And in addition of reporting that to my mother I also reported to her that at Harris Teeter grocery store where we both shopped until she was too frail and then I just shopped that I had seen a person unknown to me place a syringe in and inject into a single peice of red meat that I was eating at the time making it impossible for me to buy it. Other actions were being undertaken around me too. I was reporting all this to her and we did not know the term Gang Stalk but she kept crying and staying in her bed “they are all just at me. They are just me all the time.” Over the course of time as her health deteriorated even worse should would only eat frozen ice bars. I have wondered if she thought the could get syringes into them. She was denies Nephro while in Hospice though she clearly needed it.
Q. Can you address housing, hygiene, gym, and more generically the modus operandi of a Gang Stalk? A. Yes, the basic system is shills are moved in to a location while on some theory about the Target (of the smear) others are moved ot “safety” by the protection racket. (I believe that means into the company of wolves, but wolves often dress nice and attract followers none-the-less.) While surrounded by Shills in neighboring apartments, etc., the Shills begin to become hostile rather than supporting environmental variables. They allow and participate in break-ins, harassment, and evidence plants. They both find things and invent things to complain about and go about a negative-comments file base. They use names that sound odd if you yourself use those names. They pick fights, look directly into your windows faces touching the glass or put their buttocks to the window glass. They plant child’s toys and underwear all over. Many will let this go on or do so because there is no choice. One of the last ditch defense mechanism they have is retaliation for complaints about the property management conduct. When you approach them you might hear some thing like this. “Mr. Donegan I am (or we are) glad you came to speak with us. We have wanted to adress the matter of your lease as well. Many tenents have complained about you and you are in violation of your lease. We are asking you to move out.” Similarly a technique of something even more open-ended may be used that might be called the Nuclear Option. “You are in violation of your lease and your lease is canceled. You have three days to move out.” This can happen with services like internet or TV, gym access, etc., and the benefit the Stalk team has is that when showing the open-ended eviction notice around to others away from you the Target it can be embellished with endless amounts of vitriolic fraud.
You frequently mention a letter from a lawyer for Tara Moore (who you do not think is connected in anyway to Jen Moore and that you and your mother lived under the samne circumstances of Tara Moore. Would you re-post that here? A. Yes.
At least 30k attacks on me Edward Donegan run since 1992 in public and private and no less than 100 open death threat to me in the last 10 years as I try to write. Most attacks undermining anywhere I write my books or have a home office, eroding use of office. It is the Jean Hill last witness story 1000 times over.
I Ed Donegan will start with Geral Sosbee and the FBI, local police, and the criminal assets they have available used to attack Sosbee in his homes costing him his homes. My expereince including decades of being stalkd and the police laughing a their thugs attack me.
America The Beautiful, NOT
Over the past 30 years since the fbi hijacked my life, ruined my professional standing and terrorized me 24/7/365, continuing to date, I have been harassed, subjected to assault & battery by fbi street thugs, have my car destroyed, poisoned, and made homeless. fbi seemed to make sport of their counterintelligence operations against me in their vendetta, often laughing as they drove, or walked by me. I slept at the airport, in rental cars, on the street and in low cost motels in south central LA, etc.
When I arrived in Rio Grande Valley, Texas, I slept in my car until bankruptcy. Then, I tried to rent a place to live. fbi prevented that. Finally, I rented apartments and later bought a low cost condominium in Brownsville, Texas. Then, fbi went all out to prevent me from having a safe place to live.
Below is a list of some of my residences in RGV (followed by the reason I moved) where fbi had new surprises waiting for me.
2304 Shidler Street, number 17, Brownsville, Texas 78520. May 2003-July 2007.
Multiple crimes against me: ransacking my residence, stealing money from my wallet as I slept, assaults by neighbors including a convicted murderer and drug dealers, etc., assaults by cars in the parking lot committed by neighbors; fbi forced me out by pumping toxic fumes into my residence. I moved to Mexico where fbi continued criminal assaults..
417 W. 17 Street, March 2007- July 2007, Brownsville, Texas 78520. Toxic fumes
430 N. 3rd Street, Apt # R5, Harlingen, Texas 78550. August 2007-October 2007. Toxic fumes
902 South Loop 499, Apt R5, Harlingen, Texas 78550. October 2007-May 2008
2828 East Grimes, Apt #152, Harlingen, Texas 78550. May 2008- March 2009. Toxic fumes
1901 A Pease Street, Harlingen, Texas 78552. July 2009- May 2009. Toxic fumes
2115 East Vinson, Apt # 1107, July 2009-March 2010. Toxic fumes
701 Sonesta Dr, Apt #1 , Harlingen, Texas 78550, March 2010-March 2011. Toxic fumes
5610 Ben Hogan Cir. Harlingen, Texas 78550. June, 2012-December, 2012. Toxic fumes
me. 3413 A North Arroyo Park Lane, Harlingen, Texas 78550. December, 2012 – December 31, 2013. Toxic fumes
2923 Madrid, Brownsville, Texas 78520. 2014-2016 extensive harassment by neighbors
101 E. Fern Street, June 2016-2017, four different apartments. Toxic fumes.
305 N. 35th Street, McAllen, Texas, 2017-2018.
Extensive harassment by neighbors and by fbi operative who was paid by fbi to harass and monitor me.
Mission, Texas June 2018 to present. ‘Over 55 Community’. Extensive harassment and crimes by neighbors and by fbi operatives visiting neighbors with firearm showing and with hand on the gun, shaking fist at me. Electronic harassment, trespass, etc.
During most of the above residences the owner or manager refused to address the toxic fumes issue which threatened my life (per M. D.)
I have never been accused of any crime. I am 74 years of age. See my sworn affidavits 2007 & 2014.
During the entire time that I tried to reside everywhere, the fbi runs multiple criminal operations against me in efforts to provoke a response.
A federal Judge is aware of all of these crimes by the fbi, but is equally homicidal and criminal and authorizes fbi’s crimes.
Police often help fbi’s efforts to kill me. The fbi vendetta has lasted almost half a century with no end in sight. Let the world know that the top law enforcement agency in USA is MAFIA and operates as outlaw all the time.
Even after I am diagnosed with coronary artery disease, fbi continues their 20 years activity of crimes against me, including assaults constantly by DEW & ELF weaponry causing sleep deprivation and quasi heart attacks.
This report is submitted for the record.
GERAL SOSBEE in defense of country and as attorney
I Edward Paul Donegan assert he purpose of destroying lives with cover criminal harassment using techniques all the way up to radiologically and other poisonings is the eliminate any martyrdom of fame; simply humiliate a person in society as pedophile, schizophrenic, any form of loser, homeless person, psych ward escapee, and insure over time the smear is effective enough to ensure person behind a dumpster is run of the mill street person, not someone the most elite in society are terrified of.
Q. Mr Donegan where you aware in 2007 when you viewed your rented room at the corner of 26th and Wisconsin a veritable bunker you lived in fear of your life from FBI stalks and community based agents readty to attack on buslines, etc. of Sosbee and Gunderson who asserted the same things as the same time? A. No.
Q. As the police were using these techniques in Corpus Christ were you trying to cooperate with them? A. Yes. Q. What was happening? A. Gay police officers were asking me as I went to the gym ejaculation questions or making that reference. For instance in Texas if you have medical insurance you ran ride a motorcycle without a helmet. A Corpus Christi police officer clearly gay and on a bike pulled along side my motorcycle and said “Going to the gym? Put your rain hat on hahaha and made a reference to his helmet. No rain expected that day, etc., The same thing at A Starbucks along that path to the gym, etc., THe police would mock and harass me, then arrested me for using profanity saying they had to arrest me because how could the allow me to swear at them when school children were near. Then they accused me of trying t punch then when I did not and I was complying with their instructions.
Q. Mr Donegan you held back your emotions after that outburst and after supporting police all of your life. Can you now tell us some of your frustrations today that Jen Moore also expressed? A. Yes. It is shocking these criminals who admit to criminal acts seem unworried about the consequences, illegality, or treason of their actions.
Q. Mr. Donegan can you explain based on this series of questions? Do these Criminal Syndicate operators seem to confuse the ease upon which a criminal act is committed with the seriousness of that crime? A. Yes. Q. Do these criminal operators seem to have full knowledge of the treason history you are writing about and do they have a confusing lack of concern about being a part of it? A. Yes. Q. Do these people not seem to understand things like obstruction of justice, fraud on the courts, identity theft, racketeering, etc., A. Yes. There brazenous is inexplicable and perhaps calculated. They seem to have such klout on their side they likely have calculated an attempt to hand to hand fight them from me or a terrorist threat towards themselves from me would be the only stopping attempt they would be subject to and a stopping attempt they have calculated they could explain in a defamatory way as to why I acted and maintain they are the victims.
Q. Have you heard of this before? A. I suspect Sirhan Sirhan was programmed to attack RFK so the CIA could hit him with an expert from behind if Sirhan missed, and the Tsarnevs were programmed to attack the Boston Marathon so the JFK library could be attacked in an overshadowed event.
Q. Mr Donegan you have used the name Story Cover Story as your version of Bond James Bond have you not? A. Yes. The retarded version of me, a sock-puppet needs others to guide him, take him by the hand, to adult models. The dopple of me is working with the governmnent and city workers and cooperation entities. It is a fraud, but what sets-up the access to adult entertainers the police can interview and infiltrate is the models and the police working together on the retarded Ed Donean how needs social services.
Q. Can you give me an example of that which may not be in your books? A. This one is prety memorable to me and may be in my gym logs and may be in my books. I was trying to figure out how to get the audio while on the treadmill for the flat-screens at Golds Gym Corpus Christi I think Santa Fe road. At some point one TV required FM reception. I used Bluetooth mostly but kept a spare set of headphones in my motorcycle under-seat compartment. When I got those from my bike I could get reception on my FM app on my phone for that TV. I know how radio works but the same black male Gold’ Gym worker who said to me he was going to be the one “eating the white tacos” led a retarded person around and out to the parking lot. The Golds GYm worker explained what an antenna was and radio was. I knew a few things about that myself. But the retarded version of me is everywhere I go and he needs retardation lessons (recovery from) and retardation services I refuse to sign up for.
Q. Do these series of events matvch what is staged about you? You who Dungeon Master parties and orgies for 30 years in the bay area not having had a peek at women before and hoping improper fits of gym clothes could be his first look? A. Yes, that is the Legend of Retarded Ed who with his social workers will all (as a single group) overcome the retardation that whole group suffers from.
Q. Is the retarded person at the rendezvous just retarded? Q. No. The dopple of me is culpable for misconduct the person that I am alleged to be would do to the community and pay-outs to the community to recompense the culpable acts is expected of the dopple of me who confesses as me.
Q. Mr Donegan did you approach officials frequently explaining a criminal cartel was money-laundering, criminally impersonating, and running other crimes from city and county offices? A. Yes. I believe Jen Moore was silenced by these same Cartel officials and likely the Corpus Christi police chief Floyd Simpson was killed by the cartel. Bobby Courtney also made the same assertions and was found nearly dead mortally beaten I suspect by an operative named Casper.
Q. Mr Donegan you spent alot of evenings watching political coverage and election night results, taking part in party politics, etc., and you also have read scientific studies and critiques of various ones. Can you tell us what you think the term “representative sample” means? A. I think it means that something that is used to illustrate some attribute of me should actually represent me and not be something that is more of a fluke or out of context, something “cherry picked” by enemies to make the point they want even though they and I know it is an unfair representation of me.
Q. Mr Donegan central to all this (and likely part of the assassination of William Colby) is Set Pieces. Could you describe that? A. Set Pieces is an espionage piece where a person in a stationary position or slow moving position is approaching a person who is moving. Say; for instance, along Key Bridge in Washing D.C. The bridge is named for Francis SCott Key and in the heart of D.C., A Russian Spy could know a CIA agent jogs that bridge every morning at 5:30 A.M. and be waiting in a stationary position greeting the approaching US Spy and making facial eye contact, Vis a Vis I think is the term, and perhaps offer a package into the “breadbasket” of the approaching runner. To an observer of the scene the US Spy approached the Russian Spy to pickup and envelope and perhaps panicked at being observed and dropped it. its the same KOMPROMAT scheme where a guy on a train foir work sitting on train seat has a model jump onto his lap and star kissing him as camera flashes go off.
Q. If Set Pieces directly tie a person to an event by setting the event a a location the person will (by prediction) move into is there other parts of set pieces? One in which the person targeted by the fraud is not directly involved? A. Yes.
A. A Smear Target can be linked to an event or allegations by items planted on the Smear Target (Targeted Individual) or the Smear Target’s property may be stolen or taken from the trash or donation or sale to others and then placed (set) elsewhere where a crime has been staged. I have call this Strewn Items Frauds. Items linked to a staged event placed on the Smear Target or property gained from a Smear Target place in an incriminating location.
Q. Are Smear Targets and Terror Stalk Targets and Targeted Individuals necessarily the same in your mind? A. I think it goes to what the goals are of the people who target people. A Terror Stalk may terrorize a person like Veronica Hoffman who took apart her phone or phone parts to stop bizarre phone calls that alarmed her. She died in a mental ward fearful of a Noise Campaign. The terror she was under may have been enough for her downward spiral as no one believed her. Q. Might a husband and wife disagree and argue over whether the husband, a state dept employee, is being stalked or followed? A. Yes. When they look out a window at the same time and see the exact same thing the husband my think that person was at the bank, at the parking garage, at the dry cleaners, and is now outside the home. THe wife had been at none of those locations? “Are you sure honey? I know some of the things going at work you won’t talk about are making you feel upset. Should you ask for a different assignment if this is stressing you out?”
When I returned from shopping at 1001. North Water street a pair of my underwear had been removed from my apartment and left by the elevator near at the end of the hallway and it was clearly mine. I had notice in Virginia Clarendon Courts before coming to Texas for the first time, and I have also seen children’s clothing including panties left near or on my property. This links me to most often a child being peeped at., etc., though through an item near me. I and others have been linked by similar sounding names or social media or corporate email accounts. In some cases I have worked for months untangling the frauds before I noticed minor variations in spellings, etc., Two most memorably where and email addresses.
Q. What has been some of the prurient aspect of the fraud. The core elements happen at the Rendezvous with an adult entertainer. This may be at the Smear Target’s birthday OR a fraudters birthday. At the “spanking party” the truth comes as police take the forged confession (created by an impostor) to a cooperating trust fund or child court or both. The defamation of the allegation is one gain, a payout to a young minority child or other is also a gain as the damage to my reputation. Its COINTELPRO. The FBI has used a lot of dirty tricks and using a honey pot to catch an impersonator of me and then bill my trust fund AS THOUGH the act that appeared to be mine was mine i a norm for them. THey (FBI and others) assert I am such a Nazi white race perfectionist only the hottest models can used for my needs. Of course the models are called to the hotel rooms or other locations the FBI are at with their dopple of me, not where I am..
No Ordinary Stalking
Organized stalking is carried out by an enthusiastic and structured group that has cruel intentions: stalk, harass, injure, financially ruin, and mentally crumple human prey until incapacitation occurs. What sets this crime apart is that innocents are picked off the street. There is no getting away from the stalkers and no getting away from the unusual technology that is used to take over someone’s life.
“For the first couple of months,” says June, “I thought it was a sick game. Now that I’ve been tormented for years, well, it’s clear that organized stalking is a sophisticated crime that follows a step-by-step process to leave the victim as bare and isolated as the dead tree on the cover. He or she may still be standing, but that’s about it.
“I’ll sum it up this way. Veiled intimidation ensures that targeted individuals are viewed by the public as free people, which they are not. They are playthings to their controllers. Hostages in plain sight. Victims are quite literally owned yet have limited chance of rescue because their desperate circumstances are misunderstood.
Some die from the violence. Some die from suicide. And the rest merely exist.”
Organized Stalking is worldwide and is called gang stalking in some areas. The electronic harassment that accompanies organized stalking is also known as covert harassment.
I have likened the entire plan to have landlords others drive me out because I am a peeper (when I am not but the Gangsalk manufactures this) and leaving me in skid row homeless shelters under black and white assault and loss of all belongings over and over again to the Law and Order Special Victims Unit episode Taken.
Gaslighting has repeatedly left me homeless unhealthy with little communications or hygeine or privacy and under attack by skid row thugs as a bag man in 100 degree heat. All allegations are in some way false and on fabrications of appearances and not reality.
It is exactly the acts of people like Jim Vocelka who take the deal to evict me, profit from it, or help others too, then leave me in homeless shelters where I am said to be there out of mental incompetence needing Social Services representation.
Jim Volcelka intentionally and knowingly engaged in coached fraudulent acts to make me seem intellectually retarded thus needing conservancy as well as faked allegations the layer of conservancy would then pay out as claims though the claims were staged frauds.
“Gaslighting” is the act of moving things around in home when the person is not there such as the location of furniture, etc.,
Stalking a person is most distressing when the Stalker proves to the Stalked person the Stalker has gained access to details of their life, home, etc.,
Gas lighting got its name when a husband in a movie toyed with the mind of his wife saying the gas was off but then in an out of place way lit a gas lamp that should not have worked.
Coming home as I repeatedly did to find my underwear gone, altered, left outdoors, my drapes cut with peepholes, damaged items not damaged when I left, etc., were a particular subset of Gaslighting, staging fraudulent appearances that will both defame and injure me and my reputation but give others a pretext for retaliation against me for what was staged in the Gaslighting.
That first veiled aggression is creating a phony allegation or the visual support for a phony allegation that then opens the door literarly for a retaliation over the phony allegation.
Tara Moore harassed by the GOP mayor and owner of her building is from Weymouth the Town of Presidents. There are 8.67 miles from Weymouth to Dorchester in northwest direction and 12 miles (19.31 kilometers) by car, following the MA 3 route. Dorchester is where my father Jim Donegan was born and the Kennedy’s are from, all part of Cape Cod area South Boston, Columbia Point out into Cape Cod, the Brookline area of town, etc,
Abigail Adams was from there, the Kennedys, long history going back to he Boston Tea Party and fighting of the British and Boston Harbor.
As she was violently stalked and attacked in here bathroom through the walls and vets as she showered, used the toilet, etc., same with me) she wondered how insensitive to the important history this could happen in this area, police misconduct. I wondered in astonishment in Washington D.C. area Arlington County Bolston Stop WMATA incredibly KOMPROMAT hate crime could be successfully conducted out in the open.
Excuse me it is Quincy as I look at her tweets. Quincy, MA Called the “City of Presidents” and “Birthplace of the American Dream”, Quincy is the birthplace of the second and sixth U.S. Presidents, John Adams and his son, John Quincy Adams. Rich in historic treasures, Quincy’s impressive past remains vibrant today as the city lays claim to an exciting future.
Broken hearted Tara Moore this could be happening. “Was haunted, harassed and stalked out of here to her 68 BEALE STREET QUINCY MASSACHUSETTS USA IN THE CITY OF PRESIDENTS~ TJM or America💔…🤍💙” 9:51 PM · Dec 2, 2021
These Stalks were not in spite of the importance of the area, but because of them and the histories.
In my last few days of MacLamar property 1001 N. Water St. I spent nights with kitchen knives with me, my mattress pulled to the center of the apartment, the far side of the room from the windows, and furniture arranged to slow intruder entrance into the apartment.
Police assisted break-ins and other threats were a constant as hostile “snicth” neighbors of street gangs were moved next to me.
This is the life of Ted Gunderson whose daughter was shot at through her window after Ted Gunderson had received threats to that affect in advance and later as well. The bullet-hole was photographed and document and Ted was no slouch in being able to collect and research the evidence.
Tar Moore was agoraphobic, a fear of being outside and even being in fear of being in her apartment. We shared that in common and talked on Twitter about Stalkers and the Government operating through landlord office fronts.
Here is what a lawyer responding to her situation had to say, and at least in my case there was a 25 year plus at least history of every place I lived in custody of or out being exactly the same.
When some people go to bed they feel safe, alone, or with their partner. I don’t think I have sensed tat in 25 years and I am not meant to, the stalkers are out their and on a mission to prove that to me at all times.
Robert L. Hedlund (born July 12, 1961) is an American businessman and politician serving as the mayor of Weymouth, Massachusetts. He was formerly a member of the Massachusetts Senate representing the Plymouth and Norfolk District.
Robert Montgomery Thomas (Mr.)
848 Washington Street
Weymouth. MA 02189 -1525
781 – 335 -1796 BobMontgomeryThomas@gmaiLcom
May 30, 2017
James D. Baldassini, Esq.
Baldassini and Baldassini
59 Winter Street
Weymouth, MA 02188-0002
Re: Tara Moore, 275 Lake Street, Unit 3,
Weymoutl, MA 02189, Docket # 1756SU000273
Dear Attomey Baldassini
I recently made the acquaintance of Tara Moore, supra, and all I can say is that I was astonished by the story she told me about her landlord/tenant relationship with your client Robert L. Hedlund, of 54 Longwood Road, Weymouth, who is also the current mayor of Weymouth. Mr. Hedlund is the registered owner of a corporation known as HWO, LLC (aka Hediund World Order, LLC), which limited liability corporation owns the subject property.
I am going to cut right to the chase by saying 1): that I find it incredulous that a seasoned attorney like you would participate in what amounts to taking advantage of a disabled woman (diagnosed with Panic Disorder, without Agoraphobia), who is also a recovering addict and who was not advised by or apprised of her rights to counsel in her dealings with you or your cfient, and 2): having seen pictures of the living conditions she has had to endure in her tenancy would be indicative of what a Weymouth slumlord would likely provide to his or her tenants. That the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) participates in the tenant’s lease by almost $1 ,200 a month and has done little, if anything, to order your client to correct the glaring deficiencies over a long period of time is astonishing as well probably criminal at least in my mind.
From what I can see your client has also engaged in a pattern of harassment, violating MGL c. 264, S 34A (a) and prowling, the prowling incident admitted on his TV show, “Ask the Mayor” on April 6, 2017. If you would like I will provide you with the time stamp information from the show.
I am enclosing herewith a contact sheet with pictures of the premises Ms. Moore leases from your client. The term utterly disgusting really does not fit its description. That you, client and the BHA could care less is appalling and the eviction notice you sent her, without being represented by counsel, has damaged her chances of finding an apartment or condo for her her daughter.
She has already been denied by Weymouth Place: recommended by your client .
That Ms. Moore and her daughter would have to live on the street is apparently not your issue.
Without further ado I am going to print seven copies of the contact sheet: one for you; one for your client; one for the BHA; one for the local Board of Health; one for Judge Coven; one for the Governors Opioid Task Force and one for District Attorney Michael Morrissey to see what they think about the situation and your ruthless representation for an obvious slumlord.
cc: Robert L. Hedlund; Cheryl Hill, BHA; Daniel McCormickt Weymouth BOH; Hon Judge Mark S Coven, Quincy District Court; Governor Charles D. Baker; Dist Atty. Michael Morrissey Disabled Persons Protection Commission, the Patriot Ledger; Boston Globe and Boston Herald’
Q. As for a D-E-W or raw-source attack on you did your mother fear any attacks on her as she was near death? A. Yes she thought she was surrounded by covert agents giving her the wrong medicine, etc., and tyring to kill her,. She begged me not to leave her bedside and I wouldn’t have but after a dispute I backed the nurses on she began intense vomiting. I went to shop for bibs and gowns to cover her body with that could be quickly changed to keep the discharge away from her face. I found such itemns nearby at Sarahs Beauty shop but when I returned she had already died. The dispute was over meds and she had said they were giving her something different. I now think they did but I never knew who was right and it as chaos every moment.
Q. Do you have any thoughts on who is behind this? You have asserted that you DO know the FBI and DHS has been involved easily seen as so in their own offfices and logo clothing items. Do you also suspect the CIA even though you are reluctant to name them and why are you reluctant to name them?
A. For the DHS operations I have been in DHS (federal dhs) facilities where much of this ocoured I have been inside FBI office in Corpus Christi where it was clearly going on, etc., as well as county and city police buildings. I have never been to Langley. Some have said they were from the CIA others have let it slip (homeless people) that the CIA and Secret Service recruited them. But whoever told the homeless person that was it true? In a few cases the homeless person seemed sure it wa the CIA and Secret Service but how would they know? Jen Moore said it was the CIA and even CIA DOJ connections of the Rod Rosenetein family. She also said she had CIA OSS and Vatican information on this history of the OSS CIA secrit identity stories that William Colby anbd others were exposing unitl President Ford shut Colby and others down. When in Arlingtoin Central Pubklic Library I had no computer I had changed Targted Manhattan Victinm blog to ST Johb Hunt Ed Donegan Expose Press sudden rarely ittimidating attacks began. I became evicted the day I stared writing about the Burs family and North Carolina PsyOs. Most place the GangSTalk blame at CIA Denver and missile command.
Q. If you had to say there was one traitor in the USA and the only option to save the USA was to execute that traitor by firing squad who would that be? A. William Barr. It looks he is Fat Bastard of fiction but in reality and I think Donald Barr of the OSS setup the Indonesia sleeper agent plan JFK was assassinated over the William Barr continues the cover-up.
Q. Is that one of the reasons you can not rent an apartment? Yes. A. What else is there? A. I find it difficult to get cell phone service without an ID card, rent an apartment, get into a bar, etc. without an ID card. In all cases most Targets report that is the first thing the FBI and others interfere with, prevent, and falsify. Q. Is that why you refused to have any paperwork in your name of Donegan on any peice of paper issued in Texas? A. Yes. I thought I would try for a Passport Card for several reasons. They knew me by face at the Austin Central Public library. That didn’t make too much difference but after sending in the Birth Certificate and other information nothing was returned. For deliveries it still would have to as US Mail pass into Texas. It appears most likely the Passport Card and my Birth Certificate was stolen at Austin Resource Center for the Homeless (ARCH) in Austin that is run by the Urban Alchemy criminals who are mostly black long-term felons on prison release and can be very dangerous.
Q. Have you a copy of the letter from a woman named Tara Mooore in your books that from Massachusetts match the situation in Texas? A. Yes. And it seems common world-wide. Julie Harper is having that problem in Spain, I had it Virginia and California.
Q. Mr Donegan do you assert these allegations acted out about your gym use or other allegations on other matters are meant to get under your skin? What do you mean by that if so? A. Borderline Personality Disorder can feel hurt very deeply. Jen Moore talked about the darkness trapped within and I think she too was a borderline. I have often talked of the pain of knowing I am facing losing my limbs and retinas and kidneys to diabetes, that I need a safe place to work out in, good diet, etc,. and instead I am mocked. If you get under the skin of a Borderline that borderline becomes volatile and will burst out of their skin lashing out and perhaps getting arrested or looking like a psychotic person.
Q. You have used the hunting term “smoke you (the Target) out” in your books. Is that related to Borderline Personality Disorder and a vulnerability that is targeted by police abuse? A. Yes. At times I am doing one thing an abusive type circumstance arises that is a contextual strong emotions distraction, something tailored to pick a fight with me or at least create a strong emotion in the forefront of my mind. Jen Moore spoke fo the CIA using GangSTalk to induce crippling trauma, trauma that is hard to live or work with and seems to need to be resolved as a context.
I have asserted that the liability a Borderline Personality Disorder person has is what is commonly called out-of-body experiences. Also called and expertly called dissociative episodes the conscious mind, the rational mind, may be aware of but not able to control the emotions in a volatile state. Ted Gunderson and John DeCamp did extensive research on this as being present in Franklin Nebraska children, one in particular born on August 3rd. It is NOT the same as schizophrenia in that the rational and emotional mind in unison shift to a different virtualized person but rather that in the single personality the emotions become so strong a force that the rational mind watches the inevitable satiation of them by emotional acts with an awareness of helplessness that the situation is at is. Trying to trigger an extreme emotion in a Borderline is how the borderline is disrupted from the Borderline’s activities that a Stalker hopes to disrupt.
Q. Did William Colby, Ted Gunderson, and John DeCamp (militia men) all think this was part of the Family Jewels program and part of CIA conducted research at McMartin Preschool in Manhattan Beach City, Los Angeles County, California you attended (that had secret tunnels and brain research that was conducted on you) and also the Franklin Nebraska Boystown center? A. Yes. In my books I go into extensive details (as Jen Momore does too about this research and ties to the JFK and RFK assassinations and MKLUTLTRA) and I will provide a transcript here.
Thomas Neal Donegan (brother of myself Edward Paul Donegan) was born in Los Angeles on Jan. 21, 1960. A year later, his brother Ned (me) was born. (Ned survives him. He is Edward Paul Donegan somewhat against my father’s wishes the British nickname was given to me Ned rather than Ed. I was born almost two years later November 18 1961, Los Angeles County near Santa Suisun Field Lab and Edwards Air Force Base my father flew out of, later TWA in Los Angeles with Noni Haggards family her husban Pat.) The family lived in Manhattan Beach City, California, and the San Francisco Bay area, divided by a stint in Marshfield, Massachusetts while Tom was in elementary school.
If you looked at a surveyor map of Manhattan Beach (City of) in Los Angeles County you might find these locations of interest. lot 922, 927, 931. Also lot 584 on 35th Street where the Donegan’s lived in the years Tom Donegan and Ed Donegan myself were born. Lots 931 and 922 were adjoining though had hidden connections by tunnel, one was the real school the other was a secret facility reached by a later buried tunnel. In the Gunderson docs my SSN are on label with 922 across the street from 927 and 931. This is where (all three of the lots) the conducted its research on me, Tom, and others. Lot922Secret is the picture filename and you can find the reference to it in the column of the scientific report Gunderson had compiles.
Q. So Mr. Donegan you say your family or origin home at the time you were born was in Manhattan Beach City, Los Angeles County, along the bay? And that you and Tom would play at the beach guarded by Tmisha the family German Sheppard? A. Yes. Q. Could you lookup the distance between your home at the time, that lot, and the McMartin school? A. Our home was about 1.5 miles away and pretty much a straight shot along straight streets. Q. And how far from Peter Lawford’s Home, and Marilyn Monroe’s home? A. To Peter Lawfords home straight up the beach front both homes were near or on is 12 miles. To Marilyn Monroe’s last home is 14.5 miles. That city is Brentwoood just north of Santa Monica. Q. Do you assert your family history is tied to all of this and JFK staying at the Lawford home at the time you were born? A. Yes. Q. Do you find it any coincidence that Ted Gunderson and Jen Moore and William Colby and John DeCamp all thought this was connected to JFK and his assassination by the CIA? A. No in piecing this together I find the MK-ULTRA based CIA conspiracy theories Prouty and others espouse are true.
Q. Mr Donegan you assert sometimes”art mirrors life” and that the place of Rocky Horror Picture Show, RKO Studies of Joseph Kennedy Sr were in fact the fictionalized home of Peter Lawford. Can you address this overlap of the Lawfords and RKO?
A. Peter Lawford was known as The Brother in Lawford. He was married to Patricia Kennedy. They lived in the Hollywood area as Marilyn Monroe did. If you look at the “rich weirdo’s home” of Rocky Horror you can see it is actually Peter Lawfords home Eddi is “born” at by a sperm bank experiment. The rich weirdo matches Peter Lawford whose right arm injury kept him in the film industry (like Ronald Reagan who had no injury) makig propoganda about planes like the P40 and Flying Tigers, etc., He was raising money for Kennedy 1964. That is when the invasion by Transylvanians is set. I suspect Marilyn Monroe and Glorian Donegan were those secret identities the OSS then as the CIA had placed in foster homes in 1926. It matches my father and his story of meeting my mother. He modified it some but he was interested in her sister first, I think Monroe. He also liked and fell back to Glorian my mother. They met at the filming of Jet Pilot began in about 1949 or so that told the story of the Battle of Britian, King Edward VIII aka Duke Edward was part of it. His children were present too, the Kings Daughter, I think Glorian and Marilyn. THere is a line in Rocky Horror “I only wen to the refresher course (for Duke Edward on the battle of Britain” to meet the sister, but married Glorian instead. This is also fictionalized in Jet Pilot and other Marlilyn films and fairly obviously if you know the actual story-lines that were fictionalized.
Q. In your opinion could the Internet Movie Database and other sources be quoted fairly easily on the familial history of Peter Lawford? A. Yes. Let me provide some information from them.
Extra work and bit parts
The advent of World War II saw an increase in British war stories and Lawford found himself in demand playing military personnel, albeit usually in uncredited parts. He is briefly seen in Mrs. Miniver (1942) and Eagle Squadron (1942), both times as pilots.[19]
His first decent role in a major film production was in A Yank at Eton (1942), starring Mickey Rooney, in which Lawford played a snobbish bully.[20] It was very popular at the box office.[21]
Lawford was a cadet in Thunder Birds: Soldiers of the Air (1942) and Junior Army (1942) (starring Bartholomew), a soldier in Random Harvest (1942), Immortal Sergeant (1942), and London Blackout Murders (1943) (directed by George Sherman), and a navigator in Assignment in Brittany (1943). He had a billed part in The Purple V (1943).[22][23]
With cooperation from the United States Army Air Corps, production filming began on location at the actual Thunderbird Field No. 1 northwest of Glendale, Arizona, from mid-March to May 6, 1942. The storyline of international flight students, including Chinese trainees, revolved around cadets flying the Stearman PT-17 primary trainer, but also featured many live action formation flights of Vultee BT-13 Valiant and North American AT-6 trainers.[5] Filming coincided with the time frame of the story. Additional sequences were filmed in the first week of June 1942 at the Falcon Field Training Facility in Mesa, Arizona, with retakes during July 1942.[2] Stunt pilot Paul Mantz flew the live action flying scenes.[6]
The North American Aviation T-6 Texan is an American single-engined advanced trainer aircraft used to train pilots of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), United States Air Force (USAF), United States Navy, Royal Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force and other air forces of the British Commonwealth during World War II and into the 1970s.
Designed by North American Aviation, the T-6 is known by a variety of designations depending on the model and operating air force. The United States Army Air Corps (USAAC) and USAAF designated it as the AT-6, the United States Navy the SNJ, and British Commonwealth air forces the Harvard, the name by which it is best known outside the US. Starting in 1948, the new United States Air Force (USAF) designated it the T-6, with the USN following in 1962.
The T-6 Texan remains a popular warbird used for airshow demonstrations and static displays. It has also been used many times to simulate various historical aircraft, including the Japanese Mitsubishi A6M Zero. A total of 15,495 T-6s of all variants were built. – The first 517 of the new AT-6A aircraft were manufactured at North American’s Inglewood, CA factory. The remaining airplanes would be built in new factories in Texas, which led to the common nickname of “Texan” for all models of the plane. A wide number of varieties of the AT-6 were built as the model was continually improved, including many built overseas under license from North American. –
At MGM he was a student in Above Suspicion (1943), a soldier in Pilot #5 (1943), a naval commander in The Sky’s the Limit (1943) (with Fred Astaire), and an Australian in The Man from Down Under (1943). He had a minor role at Republic’s Someone to Remember (1943) and The West Side Kid (1943), the latter directed by Sherman.
Lawford played a soldier in Sahara (1943) and sailors in Sherlock Holmes Faces Death (1943) and Corvette K-225 (1943). He was a Frenchman in Paris After Dark (1943) and Flesh and Fantasy (1943), and was a student in MGM’s Girl Crazy (1943) and The Adventures of Mark Twain (1944).[24]
Lawford’s career stepped up a notch when he was signed to a long-term contract to MGM in June 1943. The studio signed him with a specific role in mind: The White Cliffs of Dover (1944), in which he played a young soldier during the Second World War.[25]
Lawford had a small role in The Canterville Ghost (1944) and Mrs. Parkington (1944), playing a suitor of Greer Garson.[26]
MGM gave him another important role in The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945).
Thunder Birds (subtitled “Soldiers of the Air” and also known as Thunderbirds) is a 1942 Technicolor film directed by William A. Wellman and starring Gene Tierney, Preston Foster, and John Sutton. It features aerial photography and location filming at an actual Arizona training base of the United States Army Air Forces named Thunderbird Field No. 1 during World War II.
The film was made as a propaganda vehicle to boost civilian morale,[2] while at the same time providing a look at training activities and promoting airpower as a means of winning the war. Wellman was himself a veteran of the U.S. Air Service as a World War I fighter pilot.
Peter Lawford was Uncle of Maria Shriver. Ex-brother-in-law of John F. Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Sargent Shriver and Robert F. Kennedy.
Robert Sargent Shriver Jr. (Kennedy Adminstration Peace Corps) was an American diplomat, politician, and activist. He was a member of the Shriver family by birth, and a member of the Kennedy family through his marriage to Eunice Kennedy.
Eunice Mary Kennedy Shriver DSG (July 10, 1921 – August 11, 2009) was an American philanthropist[1] and a member of the Kennedy family by birth, and a member of the Shriver family through her marriage to Sargent Shriver, who was the United States Ambassador to France and the final Democratic nominee for Vice President of the United States in 1972. She was a sister of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, U.S. Senators Robert F. Kennedy and Edward Kennedy, and U.S. Ambassador to Ireland Jean Kennedy Smith. Wikipedia
Maria Owings Shriver born November 6, 1955)[2] is an American journalist, author, a member of the prominent Shriver and Kennedy families, former First Lady of California as the wife of Arnold Schwartzengger, and the founder of the nonprofit organization The Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement. She was married to former governor of California and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, from whom she filed for divorce in 2011; it was finalized in 2021.
Q. er Lawford started who married actress-hopefull Patricia Kennedy that Joseph Kennedy Sr. was pushing for the film industry a Hollywood extendend family began for the Kennedy’s including Marilyn Monroe largely cetered around RKO? A. Yes.
1.2 Background of the Project
preschool site was located in the greater Los Angeles area of Southern California,
in the City of Manhattan Beach. Specifically it was located at 931 Manhattan Beach Blvd.
It was built on a rectangular parcel near the northeast corner of the intersection of
Manhattan Beach Blvd. and Walnut Ave. (Figure l). The rectangular lot measured some
35.4 m.(116′) NIS by 11.1 m.(36′) EAV. In addition we explored the neighboring lot (927 Manhattan Beach Blvd.) which bordered the preschool lot. extending west of it to the intersection of Walnut Avenue and Manhattan Beach Blvd. (see Figure 1). üis property, referred to herein as the “side lot”. measured about 35.4 m.(ca. 116′) N/S and 12.3 m.(ca. 40′) EIW (Langenwalter, et al. 1985). Thus the combined two lots measured 35.4 m.(116′) N/S by 23.4 m.(76′) E/W. with a combined total area of 828.4 square meters (8,747 sq. ft.). This area is hereafter referred to as the “site.”
2.1 History of the Project Parcels
two lots that were investigated for the project are located within the City of
Manhattan Beach. Specifically they are located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Walnut Street at 931 (for the McMartin preschool lot)
and 927 (for the first Goldstein lot) Manhattan Beach Boulevard (Figure I).
Virginia McMartin opened the McMartin Preschool in downtown Manhattan Beach, California in 1956. The preschool became popular in the local community. The McMartin preschool was involved in a highly publicized child sexual abuse case that lasted seven years and cost $15 million, making it the longest and most expensive criminal trial in US history. The case resulted in no convictions and the preschool was closed and demolished. -Google AI and other info and source in my books. This was a few miles from the Donegan honme in the same beach city and the preschool of Tom and Ned (me) Donegan especially since our TWA father would be away on flights and my mother needed help.
A wood frame, one story house was constructed on the side Jot (at 927 Manhattan
3each Blvd.) and is showm on a Sandborn Map Company, 1928 map (Figure 9). This
was 30 x 32′ and had a small front porch (the concrete steps which had led from
Walnut St. to this structure were still present in 1985: see Figure 10 from Langenwaiter.
et al. 1985: 7-9, 14). The Sandborn map (see Figure 9) also shows a garage located on the
north half of the lot which measured 20 x 25′. The house had a septic tank constructed
underground which was rediscovered by our explorations (see Section 4.3 below). This side
lot property as well as the lot which contained the preschool were purchased by a Mr. Mark
Morris in 1942 (Langenwalter. et al. 1985: 7). Morris put the house up for sale in 1972
and apparently vacated the house in 1972. A demolition order for the house and garage
was issued on November 3. 1972. house and lot (the side Jot) were then acquired by
a Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Warren who in turn sold the property to its present owner.
Goldstein. on January 28. 1975 (Langenwalter. et al, 1985: 7). nie Jot continued to be
unoccupied during our field work and is still vacant as of the time of this writing in 1992.
first construction on the preschool jot (i.e. 931 Manhattan Beach Blvd.) was the
“Virginia McMartin Preschool” itself, for which the initial application for a permit was
registered in December, 1962 [One year earlier I was born November 18 1961 (Permit, 1962). The building was built by C.R. Anderson and
Co.. Contractors, who submitted architectural plans which were approved on February 15.
1966 (Blueprint, 1966). The actual construction of the school conformed to those
The key takeaways come early. Bonacci was born August 3rd, very close to August 4, Birthday week of the Family Jewels program. “Ritualistic” abusiveness gives rise to another element of his personality that begins to act when the trauma experienced awakens it. DeCamp and others describe that he has something like Schizophrenia but not schizophrenia. In reality it is BDP. This is what the CIA and OSS and Vatican have been researching in people like Glorian Donegan and Ed Donegan.
While especially before these scandals at McMartin and Boystown Franlkin Nebraska there could have been gay sex, sexual abuse, prostitution of youth by townsfolk, etc., and that Bonacci was involved in that rather than being the alternative to a political scandal the sex scandal used the existing sex scandal to explain-away Whitehouse contacts, etc., as CIA sleeper agents were selected and interviewed.
In 1993 FBI chief Ted Gunderson interviewed Paul Bonacci (of the Franklin cover-up) who described witnessing first hand George H.W. Bush’s activity at sex orgies in Washington D.C
r/Damnthatsinteresting 6 mo. ago In 1993 FBI chief Ted Gunderson interviewed Paul Bonacci (of the Franklin cover-up) who described witnessing first hand George H.W. Bush’s activity at sex orgies in Washington D.C
What the meetings with George H.W. Bush werer for were not orgies, the cover-story, but interviews for possible placement with new or adoption or marriage identities into families around the world, and around the world, becoming CIA agents-of-influence. THe Finders progam had a cover-story of sexually abusing children. While they were abused they were underoing a selection process. I Edward Donegan assert this is how Barrack Obama Jr. was tested and evaluated, even in 1962 at McMartin school with a CIA secret testing area. This was to possibly get him into Kenya, Indonesia, or follow Malcom X and the FBI into Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
Ted Gunderson Interview with Paul Bonacci – 1 of 2
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Follow along using the transcript.
Feb 8, 1993 and it’s approximately 2 p.m. Paul Basi is uh going to talk to me on
tape for the next several hours I presume Paul would you step in here and take your
place Paul um you’re doing this on a voluntary basis yeah okay and um no
threats or promises were made to you no to get to to have you talk and to discuss this matter with me
no before we begin tell me when you were born August 3rd 1967 your number
509 and explain to me what multiple personality is uh cuz you’ve been a multiple
yourself yeah multiple personality disorder is a disorder that
uh people get when they suffer traumatic events usually when they were young
children usually stemming from sexual abuse or Satanic ritual abuse and uh it’s when person has two or
more uh personalities living within a body and stuff or usually it’s more than that and they each have their own lives
and they each uh sometimes they see each other as
being usually they see each other as being a totally different person but
I um some of them know that they’re multiples or that there’s other personalities within the same body but
the majority of the personalities do not and the main personality usually has no awareness of
uh the other personalities all usually he’s totally unaware of everything he just has to live through life with
everybody saying why did you do thisday and you guys even remember yesterday how how do you switch from one
personality to another now if you were multiple person personality right yeah how many personality did you have
uh Al together there were about 12 121 or so did each personality have a
name every personality has a name some uh
personalities didn’t have names but they weren’t personalities that were very active some of them held just a very few
minutes of time all together and it was just to hold a certain event or a certain tramatic episode in life and why.
Q. Do you have some lengthy transcrptis and records of these CIA friends? (Gunderson admitted shortly before dying.)
Q. Before you enter some those into the record would you take as much time as you would like an the matter of abuse and a different element of personality arising? Did not Jen Moore speak of “Ritualistic Abuse” or “Satanic Abuse” of children in Mc Martin, Franklin, and elsewhere as the trauma within, disabling trauma that a person can not get through, and even a TV series you liked?
Do you have some interest in exploiting teens? So you have any connection to them? A. No, and somwehat. I think Sociogy has gone to far in demoninzing whites. I spent years online fighting schoolbooks that epxlains the worlds’ problem were the white people in it. As for exploting teens I have no interest. I have expressed empahty for those in these woke programs today studying white privlege theory, etc., and have tried to argue white privilede theory down among adults in that conversation.
Q. Mr Donegan have downloaded expoitative teen porn? Would you speak to that? I downloaded a lot of porn, teen included, one time or sevarl times when I was using drugs. I often had great party opportunities outside the several homes I lived in alone but did not wish to be in public on amphetmines, driving or not. So I dowloaded lots of porn and kept to it that. Q. Mr Donegan you have spoken about Roman Catholic concern for life and you say that fits into it? A. Yes, my father an I had great times playing tennis in Walnut Creek California and with Walt and Levita. At poolside we my father and I spoke often and of many things. The tragedy of car accidents was one of them. He was very convincing to me. Q. Did you also have a loss to a drunk driver? A. Yes. Someone I had just begun to date. Q. So though you never were in a DUI accident as a driver you did lose someone? Would you like to keep it that way? A. No. I hope for a time when no one has been lost to any contemporary drunk accident. Texting is now a part of that picture too.
Q. Mr Donegan were you concerned about teen porn? A. Some. I tried to delete the clearly illegal stuff, I kept some though it was quite likely illegal but passable as close enough to non-minors. Actually some of the S& I was also downloading was a bit more of a worry. Who is involved and how, and community standards is a constant question especially in bulk download.
Q. Are there racially charge assaults on you based on that? A. I think it is based on that, or something calculated to gain public acceptance of their (the “parade” givers) an appearance of legitimacy. I still have not figured it all out but part is a protection racket wherein minority people of the community I moved into (Corpus Christ Texas District Attorney Mark Gonzales) create a show (and it is false) that I am exploiting teens but he is catching me in the trap. I think buttocks fetishism was his and the need for models of adult age to go to the trap he sets and expose their white buttocks seems to be his scripted course of a chain of frauds. In that chain of frauds his poor neighborhood has a claim against me. Some say that the claim against me is one that semen will pay off.
Q. On what basis do you say that? A. Numerous but I would like to focus on the chain of events. That is like Chain of Custody. The false linking of me to things that give others a position of legal and moral power over me is tied to my seemingly guilty of exploitaion of minors. They say my eyes are exploiting all the gym clothes, hiked up yoga pants, etc., In this way they assert they are “going to have my baby” because that means they are going to be paid for what my eyes took in. Q. Is there any reality to that? A. None. But again it goes to fraud. When I was homeless in a tent a person would stand near my tent and say it was his. Other people’s property is put near me than moved away from me. My property is placed elsewhere. All of this is a cross linking of who is who.
Q. If as you assert this was racially charged and intended to be did you raise this issue with the library? A. Yes I reminded the library staff of the movie Topgun where a loud noise causes a person to convulse and spill coffee. Sudden noise or noise that is alarming, etc., disrupts the environment. I think it is intended to.
Babylon 5. I loved the colorful graphics, characters, had a crush on on the females and bro crush on all the males and loved the entire series. One of my favorite scenes was Talia the telepath. “Do you know what it is like when two telepaths make love?” she asked a non-telepath. I think we need to start with that if you want to understand Borderline Personality Disorder and deep reaching emotions. Think Nicholas Telsa and waves compounding and the form nodal additives with each new wave added on top of the previous wave as they reverberate and grow with each new cycle. In ADHD a form of emotional distention, an emotion rather than an idea can leak out of normal regulation by the brain executive that keeps things in check. Under normal conditions that may not be a problem. But under stress that is lasting or repetitive stress it can grow, grow very powerful. One PsyCorp explained of telepaths that telepaths were feared so they were pushed into a dark corner of society where they grew with no on noticing and then became a major dark power.
Google AI – In the 1994 Babylon 5 episode “Mind War”, Talia Winters says, “Do you know what it’s like when telepaths make love, Commander? You drop every defense, and it’s all mirrors: reflecting each other’s”. – Google AI.
It the outside is disgusting to a person the senses (as they are supposed to do) carry that to inside a person.
I have recently mentioned a symptom of Borderline Personality Disorder to an Austin police officer. Let me start with the Diagnostic Standards Manual
1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.
2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation.
3. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self.
4. Impulsivity in at least two potentially self-damaging areas (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating).
5. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures or threats, or self-mutilating behavior.
6. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and rarely more than a few days).
7. Chronic feelings of emptiness.
8. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights).
9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms. -
These last two are worth our time and attention. 8. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights).
9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms.
Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder, is a chronic condition that involves the coexistence of two or more distinct identities in a single person. Each identity, or “alter”, may have a uniqu name, personal history, and characteristics.
You can see how the “Sybil” story gets confused with a rational person watching how their emotions are running away with their self control but the dissacosiated intelect sharing in that same personality is thinking ah darn here we go again.
Mr. Donegan you say that you reported this to the police? A. Not exacatly. I stated I was under intense stress from the abuse I was experiencing at Starbucks near Whole Foods in Austin. I had been working on my book, was being drawn into angering interprsonal conflicts I wanted nothing to do with and was asked to leave. I told the police I was working on my book and was mentioning at that time Austin politicians and I felt the fights they were instigating were meant to harrass my use of the space. The police said they would consider the entire matter and aksed I if wished a ride to the Austin Central Public library where I could continue the book writing. I replied i would rather walk because I was under stress and feelig some heart beat stress and wanted to take the walk to come down a little and so I did.
Q. Is this tied to trauma and strong emotions? A. Yes. Traumatic STress Disorder is something I talked to Beacky Harrison about, being so full of trauma over FMC Butner the prison I had a hard time getting to the subject emotional and intellecually. It was like being paralzed. THere was just too much morass and no real tarting point to the whole expereince I could find then I did after multiple fits and starts to work through the trauma. I used breaking the sound barries and getting through the high pressuree front that his hard to see but there anyway.
What are the symptoms of a BPD breakdown?
Intense and highly variable moods, with episodes lasting from a few hours to a few days. Chronic feelings of emptiness. Inappropriate, intense anger or problems controlling anger. Feelings of dissociation, such as feeling cut off from oneself, observing oneself from outside one’s body, or feelings of unreality. -Google AI. I cant find it now but I think some definitions describe irregular or strong heart beast during BPD episodes.
John Decamp has long findings that the experts found on Paul Bonacci. THey were correct. Bonacci was rational, not delusional. His statements of fact were accurate. He did have psychiatric symptoms though. Those extensive reports publich by the Nebrasak Leadership Conference are entirely correct.
So what are some of the different types and reasons for all the laughter?
Contents,Etiquette Laughter,Contagious Laughter,Nervous Laughter,Belly Laughter,Silent Laughter,Stress-relieving Laughter,Pigeon Laughter,Snorting Laughter,Canned Laughter,Cruel Laughter.
Laughing at someone else’s expense is not only cruel, it’s just wrong. Your mom probably told you “It’s not nice to laugh at someone else’s expense.” Unfortunately, whether you were the one laughing or the one being laughed at, you probably broke her rule at some point in your life.
We may think of cruel laughter as insensitive and out of touch, but it’s been part of society a long time.
That is what is happening. Racially hostile people are laughing at me at my expense. Except it isn’t true but it IS at my expense. If they can stage and frabric humiliating “truths” about me (actually dissinformation) they can defraud me based on the acccustions they are fabricating and abusing me over. ARC of Northern Viriginia and Mark Gonzales are fairly clearly linked in this racketeering. As it operates a person is extorted for being where I am. That person is gullible and has the characteristics I am accused of. Though it is not me the use of my identity by the fraudster succeeds in extorting my use a public space as including paying out damages and protection feeds I do not owe but it is staged that I owe. My trust fund insures me in a way. I can be accessed to pay legal and health bills. THe protection racket uses that to get the dopple of me out of trouble by paying out a damage claim to the fake victim, then provides health car in the form of a sex worker for that gullible dopple of me. Both are fraud.
Be Not Afraid in Nebraska or Anywhere Else
Jen Moore on the silence surrounding the Franklin Scandal and other traumatizing of children, abusing them, etc., Let them know that this is they know what’s going on but let them know you are concerned you are paying attention you are going to fight you are going to write letters you are not going to stop. Video 5.1 PTSD, Isolation and fighting on by Jen Moore
You are not going to let this be very like the Franklin scandal was or than many other scandals [McMartin preschool , Jonestown, Jeffery MacDonald Family, others] throughout the years in our country.[ Birther, MKULTRA, JFK Assassination, Dulles, power elites, etc.,]
You’re not going to let it happen anymore you are joining together in an army of heroic citizens who are stepping forth on behalf of their country and behalf of innocent people we have the whistleblowers and behalf of victims to do something and change these circumstances the power belongs to the people not to the ones that have stolen the power and we are going to take it back
I Edward Paul Donegan am from one of these abused families and and the last survivor.
Part of the Psychological Warfare Deep State was the CIA and MI5 using locations like WACO, Manhattan Beach City Los Angeles County, and other locations doing abusive MKULTRA testing of children. This also occurred in Jonestown Guyana, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, elsewhere such was Australia and the family cult group Julian Assange is from.
The CIA is hopeful as is Army Intelligence some emigre families from WWI and WWII era out of wedlock births in the USA can reveal insights into Eugenics, Psychiatry, and be usable as sleeper agents in overthrow plans the CIA and MI5 a plotting out on a “Devil’s Chessboard” the CIA would rather not talk about or have talked about.
The identity of these families is secret and elite Free Mason with CIA and FBI backing of the program.
The Press in the USA will not focus on the subject or do so for very long.
the-complex-legacy-of-cia-counterintelligence-chief-james-angleton retrieved from The Intercept and copied or modified to here
In December 1974, CIA Director William Colby fired Angleton after the New York Times revealed the then-unknown counterintelligence chief had overseen a massive program to spy on Americans involved in anti-war and black nationalist movements, a violation of the CIA’s charter. Coming four months after the resignation of Richard Nixon, Angleton’s fall was the denouement of the Watergate scandal, propelling Congress to probe the CIA for the first time. A Senate investigation, headed by Sen. Frank Church, exposed a series of other abuses: assassination conspiracies, unauthorized mail opening, collaboration with human rights abusers, infiltration of news organizations, and the MKULTRA mind-control experiments to develop drugs for use in espionage. [Colby will soon be replaced as CIA Director George H.W. Bush who will replace the V.P. Nixon Mafia MKULTRA into the vert CIA that had been headed by Angleton, Dulles, Cabelle, and that JFK had fired]
The exposure of Angleton’s operations set off a political avalanche that engulfed the agency in 1975 and after. The post-Watergate Congress established the House and Senate intelligence committees to oversee covert operations. The passage of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act required the CIA to obtain warrants to spy on Americans. And for the first time since 1947, the agency’s annual appropriation was slashed.
The Cram [internal CIA review] file illuminates a pregnant moment in the history of America’s secret government, when the CIA began to reckon with the legacy of James Angleton, a founding father of the deep state, a master of mass surveillance, a conspiracy theorist with state power.
Sara Ford and William Colby to Jon Decamp
“What you have to understand, John, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at state for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, not matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. That is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face. You have done your part. You have tried to expose the evil and wrongdoing. It has hurt you terribly. But it has not killed you up to this point. I am telling you, get out of this before it does. Sometimes things are just too big for us to deal with, and we have to step aside and let history take its course. For you, John, this is one of those times,”
Colby will go on an write the forward to the DeCamp book even though he knows it may bring death to himself.
Book: The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska
1) Former CIA Director William E. Colby wrote the Foreword to the John DeCamp book The Franklin Coverup. In the foreword Colby advises DeCamp “Best thing you can do for your personal safety is to tell your story and make sure you have the national press interested in this and looking into it with some really good investigative reporters.” Colby also makes the statement: “There really are people too powerful, interests 100 big, that the rich and the powerful even when doing evil can (and will) succeed and you can do nothing about it at that moment.”
If a former CIA Director makes such a statement we have of necessity to give it credence.
2. Author John W. DeCamp (ex-CIA) is a former Nebraska Senator, a much decorated Vietnam War veteran who initiated OPERATION BABY LIFT out of Vietnam to provide safety for 2,800 orphaned Vietnamese children.
3. Ted Gunderson, former FBI Senior Special Agent in charge in Los Angeles, a 28 year FBI veteran, Gunderson wrote a report on the pedophilic ring for the Nebraska Leadership Conference and includes the comment can state without hesitation that every statement in this book is documented by hard evidence.” Gunderson was an [former] FBI child abuse specialist
The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska
Forward by Williamk Colby, DeCamp is reported to have been a CIA officer.
Be Not Afraid – There is Power in Truth Telling
The first addition of the The Franklin Cover-up was published in 1992. Another addition in 2006.
CIA director William Colby (the one who exposed the family jewels to Congress in the 1975-1976). Colby was John DeCamp’s friend. The book is true. One person sued the author for libel and lost in court. His story is supported by documentation.
If people shine the light on corruption it can go away. If people write, speak and go public in a truth telling manner, supported by facts, truth is powerful. FDR’s quote was accurate: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
President Franklin Roosevelt said that in 1933 when the first concentration camp opened in Germany outside of Dachau. Within two years Germans had a little ditty that tells it all about fear and not speaking up: “Dear God, make me dumb so that I may not Dachau come.”
I worked as a child protective services investigator for the government in the time period DeCamp’s book came out. I wish I had known about it then. The police and our state government actively talked about and gave trainings on ritual abuse of children.
Allegations of using and violating children came out against Army intelligence officer, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino related to a day care on an Army post, investigated in 1987. Aquino heads up the Temple of Set in California. In my opinion and others the investigation was stopped by the powers that be. The Army promoted him to General and he was integrally involved with Psy-Ops (See the Men Who Stare at Goats, the comedic version of torture in the military). I don’t know how author Jon Ronson missed Aquino, but he did.
Then it all went underground. We got the “word”, ritual abuse, “done”, no talking about it. Those that didn’t have the power of a John DeCamp were set up and then sometimes attacked through the courts. It happened locally behind the scenes. It happened through local powerful people. Powerful local people connect to powerful state people who connect to powerful national people who connect to the CIA and the military. Like a daisy chain made of thorns and weeds.
A supervisor in my agency said on a regular basis, “You know, sexual abuse doesn’t kill children.” He was tied into the power structure of the state.
The seeds for the use of children is embedded in a number of institutional government settings including schools. I recently reviewed child abuse reporting training materials on a school district. The school district dropped the term “sexual MISconduct”. They now call it “sexual conduct”. The materials say “While equally egregious, sexual conduct may not always be child abuse…” The materials further tell school district staff if a staff person has any suspicious to contact their “H.R. legal counsel” and then in RED letters on the bottom of that page says “Under no circumstances are you to contact the parent or legal guardian”.
DeCamp, the author has done the country a great service in not being afraid to tell the truth. His actions, documentation and going public protected him.
I recommend, read his book and don’t be afraid.
Our government, our military in seeing the concentration camps directly went themselves into a combination of fear and fascination as one might take in a massive train wreck. In switching fear to the Russians, our government brought over the most heinous Nazi war criminals.
Shortly after the big media Nuremberg trial event, most of those high ranking leaders melted back into German life, came to the US and South America with the assistance of our government, our government helped Mengele, the horrible doctor of the Auschwitz concentration camp who particularly liked to torture, experiment on children and kill them. But first he sexually caressed them. There is film footage of him doing that.
Mengele was part of the MKULTRA program to show the CIA and military through torturing and splitting children’s mind what the Germans had been doing. Read Carol Rutz’s book “A Nation Betrayed”. Her documentation is as great as DeCamp’s, another book I missed as I was struggling to figure out why the government agency I worked in wasn’t protecting children. Mengele pops up in a number of places in the US as well as Canada.
Be not afraid and trust your intuition. “The Franklin Coverup” would make an excellent suspense film. Now why hasn’t anyone in Hollywood made this film?
Read both books without fear. Read them as courageous tales of two people making a difference. Then speak up. Say what you see. Make documents public. Write you’re own book. There is a window of great opportunity now and it is Write your book and put it on Amazon. Like DeCamp and Rutz go forth and truth tell.
… Are we supposed to stay silent about the truths of the Catholic Faith when we’re with those who have fallen prey to worldly thinking and the false teachings of Satan? They don’t want to hear the truth. They want us to believe that we should not speak the truth because it would hurt their feelings and make them mad, perhaps even violent.
Anti-Christian sentiment has grown a lot stronger and become more obvious. We’re berated and condemned and sometimes even beaten for not agreeing with sinners.
Jesus tells us to “be not afraid” of speaking the truth. Even when there might be repercussions, we need not be afraid. If we have the attitude of, “Yes, I’m willing”, the Holy Spirit gives us the words and the supernatural, joyful peace that makes it easy. Fear gets overtaken by the Holy Spirit every time.
Q. Mr. Donegan does your research on the trial of McDonald and the life of Marilyn Monroe and Franklin and Mc Martin schools show the CIA Family Jewels program and do you believe this ties to European covert family history? Q. Yes. In a odd part of the homocide case was an airloom oddly stolen it seems without explanation from the house. I have done massive research in this and will cut and paste from my books on this and that is cut and pasted from the cited sources.
Maybe Jeffrey MacDonald was innocent after all retrieved from and copied or modified to here
In a rare interview, prosecutor’ office co-counsel Wade Smith reflects on the murder case that’s long captured America’s imagination.
AlterNet Remember the perceptual illusion where you look at a picture and you’re certain that you see the bust of a young woman? Then, if someone draws your attention to certain details, suddenly the picture transforms into the profile of an old woman. It’s a disorienting trick. You think you know what you’re seeing, but then you aren’t so sure.
The Jeffrey MacDonald murder case is one of the most disturbing in living memory. There are only two possible pictures, both nightmares.
Picture No. 1. Jeffrey MacDonald, a Princeton-educated Green Beret doctor with no history of violence and a sterling record, butchered his pregnant wife and two young daughters using a knife, ice pick and club. Then he injured himself and set up the scene to make the crimes appear to be the work of intruders. He claimed they chanted, “Kill the pigs! … Acid is groovy!” and scrawled the word “PIG” on the wall in his wife’s blood.
Picture No. 2. Jeffrey MacDonald, a bright young man with everything in life to look forward to, lost his wife and children to senseless, horrific violence. A military hearing found charges against him “untrue,” but he was convicted nine years later in a civilian trial. He has been imprisoned for three decades for a crime he did not commit.
Family History Theory of Collette Mac Donald Murder
It seems three or more heirlooms might have been missing. Marriage rings provided by Dr MacDonald AND some other heirloom. The Defense doubted the theft of the heirlooms motivated the robbery, why just fora few pieces of jewelry it makes no sense. But the removed jewelry did show intruders were in the house.
Closing Argument by Bernard Segal, August 28, 1979
Let me talk about while we are right here on the subject of the chest with the jewelry box. I heard the Government counsel say this morning, “We only have Dr. MacDonald’s word of the two valuable rings” – the one that the Kassabs asked Dr. MacDonald to retrieve that was a family heirloom and the one that Dr. MacDonald had given to Colette himself – “the only proof we have of that is Dr. MacDonald’s word that they were there in the house.”
You have before you one of the exhibits toward the end of the case when Dr. MacDonald testified the Government settled with Dr. MacDonald for these claims of lost property. It says on those cover documents that they discussed this matter before settling with Dr. MacDonald for those rings as well as the other items with two people – Captain Clifford L. Somers and CID Agent William Ivory. Captain Somers was unable to be here.
He was the principal Government prosecutor at the military proceedings in 1970. William Ivory was the same William Ivory. He was the lead investigator in 1970. Now, they had been through this whole process before of having heard the challenge that the rings were missing, and they, having consulted, agreed that Dr. MacDonald had to be compensated because there was no basis to refuse compensation. Here, nine and one-half years later, we hear the same explanation – “There is no proof the rings were there.” Why did the Army pay for it? Why did the Government pay for it? Why didn’t they say, “We resist. We resist. We don’t believe you, MacDonald”?
You ought to consider that that is an admission by the Government that that document where they paid Dr. MacDonald and said they talked – not just a property loss – but they talked to their criminal investigator and the chief prosecutor and agreed that they owed payment for those rings. That is an admission by the Government that the rings were probably taken that night.
Now, look, I am not suggesting to you, members of the jury, that the motive of this crime was to steal those rings. I don’t think that was the motive. We will talk about that motive later at another time. I want to say to you that just because the people did not come into the house with the express purpose of stealing rings, it doesn’t mean that the persons who committed these absolutely horrendous and monstrous crimes did not on the spur of the moment see a jewelry case and grab something from it. Yes, there were other valuables in the house. There were other things that could have been taken. This was not a ransacking of the house, but that was a jewelry box sitting on top. It was obvious and in an obvious location. One didn’t have to do anything. As a matter of fact, I think the reasonable inference that you might draw is that the woman seen in this case did not have a weapon – the woman talking about acid – LSD – and that in one of those strange and whimsical and unthinking moments removed from the crime scene something of value – not because she went there with a purpose of stealing it and not because the men went there to steal – their purposes are different – but that would be a reasonable inference.
Q. Mr Donegan extensive trial research and additional new research from you and Ted Gunderson are all through your books. Can you provide some more on the background of this family?
Colette Kathryn Stevenson MacDonald
Parents of Colette
Edward Cowles Stevenson said biological father of Collete
Mildred Madison Kassab BIRTH 11 Aug 1916 Pennsylvania, USA DEATH 19 Jan 1994 (aged 77) (said to me mother of Collete
- Mildren husband (Fellowcraft member) Edward Cowles Stevenson, died suicide 52,
- the SECOND Midred husband Alfred Gatas “Freddy” Kassab marries widowed
Alfred Kassab, second husband to Mildrend Madison Kassab, was born in Canada, of Egyptian and Syrian descent. He was in British intelligence during World War II and parachuted behind German lines on six occasions to make contact with the French Resistance. His first wife, a Scottish woman, and their infant child were killed in the bombing of London.
1921 Alfred Kassab is born in Montreal, Canada, to wealthy Syrian parents. He would later become the husband of Mildred Kassab, stepfather to Colette and Bobby Stevenson, and father-in-law to Jeffrey MacDonald.
Q. Mr Donegan how does this relate to the Defense Intelligence Agency, Micheal Aquino, and drug gangs? A. Aquino was said to be obsessed with Salzburg area castles and WWII. I think he was hunting for and creating plans for cover relatives or underground railroad extended family from that area. Because this is where Hitler and Himmler operated from it was already a big secret after WWII. Later on it became an even bigger secret.
Mr. Donegan, do you Ted Gunderson and Jen Moore and your family of origin (Jim, Glorian, Tom Ned (Edward) and you Edward the last of alive of the 6 people believe there was an heirloom of interest to us here? A. Yes. Rodin’s Thinker bookend, not the sendup of it EPD III, a monkey on a stack of book, one with the name Darwin, and the monkey holding a Human skull Affe mit Schädel .
The Thinker (French: Le Penseur) is a bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin, situated atop a stone pedestal. The work depicts a nude male figure of heroic size sitting on a rock. He is seen leaning over, his right elbow placed on his left thigh, holding the weight of his chin on the back of his right hand. The pose is one of deep thought and contemplation, and the statue is often used as an image to represent philosophy.
Affe mit Schädel is the parody take on The Thinker and is in the Whitehoue office with Donald Barr as Donald Barr of the OSS CIA of WWII now in the 1960’s continues with CIA work. The Affe mit Schädel (“Ape with skull”) is a famous work by the late-19th-century German sculptor Hugo Rheinhold. The statuette is otherwise known as the Affe, einen Schädel betrachtend (“Monkey viewing or contemplating a skull”). It was first exhibited in 1893 at the Große Berliner Kunstaustellung (Great Berlin Art Exhibition). This is the work the OSS was doing with among others Chauncey Holt who i WWII countered Nazi propaganda making anthropology exhibits that contested Naze evolutionary theories.
Q. How is that relevant to thorkil Kristen and George Ball as you assert? According to Ted Gunderson and me and others like Jen Moore genetics and Eugenics were studied in bastard children of elites of the world who were moved into orphanges or preschools or political families. Theser children were studied as children and some groomed for media, NGO, or political roles in the countries into which they were covertly placed.
Is that in the forewared Ted Gunderson wrote for the Nebraska Leadership Conference on the Franklin Nebraska scandal that broke in news stories just as McMartin school, your preschool, did? A. Yes.
Is it in your family oral history your grandfather was named Edward and an abdicated king? A. Yes, and I think that was on my mothers side who lived as a child with an underground railraod name then later was adopted into a South Carolina home at about 9 years old. This is the Jen Moore and Ed Donegan story. ALthough JFK and THorkill Kristensen are seen on February 20, 1961 I think this genetics test of the FOXP2 London KE Family gene I carry is tied to that testing, and Joseph Kennedy Sr and JFK and the Vatican had known my father married this woman Glorian with that genetic backround of this rare defect and the covert history of studying it out of wedlock. Some who passed 2 years old and matured well might be notified they had placed in some form of foster care out of concern for publicity regarding their real parents but the real parents would like to become covert benefactors as these children matured around the world where they were placed.
Thorkil Kristensen was elected to the Danish Parliament 1945 and became finance minister under Knud Kristiansen (1945–1947) and Erik Eriksen (1950–1953). Throughout his life he worked with difficult economic problems. Among people of his own party and opposing parties, he enjoyed great respect because of his broad knowledge of economics.
He came to disagree on economic policy with his party, Venstre, and left the party in 1960 [He believed better brains in remote regions of Earth would improve leadership as leaders were being selected to carryout economic world agendas.
After his exit from politics, he was secretary general of the OECD from 1960-1969. He was the founder of the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (CIFS), making it one of the first futures research institutes on the European continent. He was managing director at CIFS from 1970–1988. – Wikipedia
Q. Mr Donegan could you from quick recollection discuss Dr. McDonald? Could you tell us what condition was being researched in your family line that Jen Moore spoke of and was likely in the McDonald family line? A. As I recall he was a US Army Special Forces. He was a medical doctor with a chest surgery specialty and expected and wished to be deployed in support of combat forces. It was decided he would not be deployed into combat though. In North Carolina he resided with his family.
Mr. Donegan could you theorize yourself called as a witness in his trial and offer your testimony? A. Yes. Dr. McDonald was and is a medical doctor. He has training in the brain and psychiatry and would have contact with other physicians dealing with combat conditions and injuries. He was blamed for volatility and it was suggested bed-wetting by his daughter was to blame for his anger fit. I was a bed-wetter until quite late and sucked my thumb later than most children. I was also stubborn and willful and my parents would put me in my room and I would be angry and try a test of will by screaming until they let me out. It was a battle of will my father was patient for but with my mother and I bordelines the intensity of the family situation was a constant high stress struggle. I suspect others feared the traits the daughter and I and other borderlines might have been discored if this family survived.
Q. Did Ted Gunderson believe until the time he died that Mr. George H.W. Bush of the Whiteshouse had eugenics and breeding and childhood abuse, testing, and murdes at these schools? A. Yes, as did Jen Moore and all these were tied to sleeper agents and hidden identities of youths being moved into families around the world by the CIA.
… Who Document Illegal Unlawful activity (murder, kidnapping and more) of a covert underground criminal enterprise operating at the highest levels of our Government.
Ted is from the old FBI, not the new FBI.
By Ted L. Gunderson
FBI Senior Special Agent
In Charge (Retired)
Senior Special Agent in Charge (Ret.)
Federal Bureau of Investigation Lic. # 12878 P.O. Box 18000-259
Las Vegas, NV 83114
President George W. Bush Apri 23, 2003
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Bush
On April 3, 2003, I found an intruder (biker type- wearing a head bandana, leather Jacket, and chains attached to his belt) in the basement of the apartment complex where I am presently staying in Los Angeles. After seeing me, he bolted through the front door of the building and disappeared. I filed a police report. [am making this incident a matter of record with a number of government agencies and the news media because this appears to be yet another surveillance of me.
If anything happens to me, my family, or my close associates- including my attorney (former Nebraska State Senator, John DeCamp), Susan Ford, or other individuals within my informational network, the names of the leaders of the cult/drug network and additional information concerning their activities will be released to the public.
Regarding Mr. Colby, he did not drown and he did not commit suicide- he was murdered, shot in the head. [later elsewhere Gunderson and others assert Ice bullet and or cow head impact devices.]
John DeCamp who with Gunderson worked in this case (The Family Jewels Program and related abuses) for decades did not have direct evidence that GUnderson asserted Colby was murdered but DeCamp believes Colby might have been and feared he would be and that a possible “set pieces” attack on Colby had occured about a week before Colby did die. THe elderly Colby was beaten quite badly in a “random” attack in his daily life but survived. It is said Seth Rich died the same way.
Authors Note
I (John Decamp former Nebraska Senator and former CIA) have brought out this new, special 2004-2005 edition of The Franklin Cover-Up because the story and its implications continue to have exploding effects upon the American political and social landscape. In the years since the first copies of The Franklin CoverUp hit the streets, not only have I and others learned far more about the Larry King political sub-culture of drugs and child abuse and the horrors of child abuse committed and covered-up by certain members of the Catholic clergy, but the circulation of The Franklin CoverUp throughout the United States has brought many new cases to my doorstep.
And, one after another. I have become involved as attorney on one side or the other in these startling cases-from Columbine to the Oklahoma Bombing; from MY first-of-its-kind lawsuit against any Catholic Diocese for covering up .child abuse by priests to today, when it seems every day brings a new revelation about the abuse and use of children by clergy. What I was condemned for saying 15 years ago, when the first edition of The Franklin Cover-Up first came out, is now shouted from the rafters of the churches and POLITICAL HALLS across the United States. AND THE ABUSES ARE BEING CORRECTED.
When this book first came out, it was the first to open the ugly side of many of these issues-and I was certainly condemned by many for doing so. In fact, I was so threatened because of that first book that I had to move my entire family to a small town of 300 people, Clatonia, Nebraska, where I felt I had more security and neighbors to help watch out for and protect my children. That move has worked out fine for me. And my children are the greatest ever. I wish I COULD DROP THIS ISSUE ENTIRELY, but I have too many daily, weekly calls from folk all over America asking for help or guidance or information or direction on their particular problems. Hence, I thought the best way to answer them was to make this book available to them with current updates. That is part of what I have tried to do in this 2004-2005 edition of The Franklin Cover-Up. I have never spent one penny advertising or promoting this book. However, whatever caused it, it has sold well over 110,000 (One Hundred Ten Thousand) copies. Hopefully, it will do some good for some and give courage to others to Fight Back and Tell the Truth.
John DeCamp
Death of William Colby
(Unkown) I have brought out this new, second edition of The Franklin Cover-Up because the story and its implications continue to have exploding effects upon the American political and social landscape. In the four years since the first copies of The Franklin Cover-Up hit the streets, not only have I and others learned far more about the Larry King political sub-culture of drugs and child abuse, but the circulation of The Franklin Cover-Up throughout the United States has brought many new cases to my doorstep – and some of those extraordinary stories I tell here, in the new, second part of this book. Lastly, earlier in 1996, my dear friend Bill Colby, without whom The Franklin Cover-Up never would have seen the light of day, died, under very mysterious circumstances. This second edition includes my Memoriam to Bill, to whom I now re-dedicate The Franklin Cover-Up, in renewal of my commitment to fulfill the promises made to him, in the last days before his death.
Film looks at life of ex-spymaster William Colby retrieved from Reuters and copied or modified to here
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – When the body of former CIA director William Colby was found underwater near his vacation home in Rockpoint, Maryland 15 years ago, no one suspected murder, but his son Carl Colby has never ruled it out.
In May 1996, Colby went missing for eight days. He had gone canoeing, and is believed to have fallen into the water and drowned or suffered hypothermia. The cause of death was always thought to be a heart attack, but there can be little doubt Colby made plenty of enemies over the years.
“You could say the best way to get rid of a body is to throw it in the water because you can’t see any signs of abuse or injury,” Carl told Reuters. “Everybody in our family always wore a life vest, so why would he not wear a life vest?”
In fact, Carl is not certain what to make of his father’s death — murder, suicide, accident or fate. Nor does he know what to make of his father’s life — hero, victim or villain.
But he went looking and the result is his documentary, for which he interviewed former U.S. government officials such as Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Gates and James Schlesinger, along with journalists like Seymour Hirsch and Bob Woodward.
Carl Colby finally decided to make a movie about his father on September 11, 2001 after former Secretary of State James Baker traced the attack back to the Church Committee hearings of 1975 investigating abuses by the CIA, claiming it crippled the organization’s ability to collect intelligence.
Williams Colby’s testimony before the Church Committee became pivotal when he revealed the CIA’s “family jewels,” a series of clandestine and illegal activities such as secret prisons, warrantless wiretaps and assassination plots.
“He would come home and I’d say, ‘You’re spilling the beans! You’re volunteering information they’re not even asking you for!” remembers Carl. “He said, ‘So they’ll learn about these secrets. Place needs a housecleaning.’ He ended up taking the heat and falling on his sword but he saved the agency.”
“I felt a lot of respect for him around the times of the hearings because he was doing the unpopular thing and he was vilified,” notes Carl. “The conservatives thought he’s giving away the farm. The old boys hated him at the agency. He was sort of a man without a country.”
In 1976, William Colby was replaced as CIA Director by George H.W. Bush. Among the first things Colby did was divorce his wife of 40 years, remarrying a few months later. Carl recalls a family member asking his father what was more important to him, his family or his career. “He didn’t even bother to lie,” laments the filmmaker.
Toward the end of his life, William Colby learned of an old friend found under a bridge suffering from Alzheimer’s. “He said, ‘that’s never going to happen to me,’” remembers Carl. “One day you’re just going to hear that I was walking on a goat path in the Greek islands and I fell to the sea.”
Although questions still surround his father’s death, Carl feels it was just as likely a case of suicide as murder. “He lost Vietnam, he lost his job, but I think he felt like he wanted to be the master of his destiny,” Carl said. “He would have loved to just fade into the distance like the fog.”
Editing by Bob Tourtellotte
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
A section on terminology you use or extend as you mean these words. Since you will be using these terms and have altered or refined or subdivided some concepts would state for the records what you mean by the terms that follow?
Sow, Reap, Predatory Stalking, Harassment, Preemption, Reach of Voice
A. I use these terms as follows and find my understanding similar to and consistent with many victims of Targeting. Harrassment is the interference with, the harrassment of, the life’s activities of a target. The Target may be involved in sowing some seeds such as attempting to get healthy in the gym, writing a book, etc., Harassers will often try to discredit that person doing what is normal to themselves in that regard. A Harrasser will often while interfering with the Target cultivation some activity will try to reap for themselves the fruit of what the Target had sowed, laid the seeds of foundation for. In addition the Reapoer will often define the person who sowed the field as a threat the field and an outsider or “demon” to it.
Harrassing a person by blocking their work and premepting them by taking over the work is part of limiting a person’s reach of voice thus preempting something that my come from that person who the harrassers hope will not gain an audience.
Q. Mr Donegan do you assert covert harrassment, road-blocking, and preempting the work of a Target is used by PsyOps in order to prevent someone from gaining a credible voice? A. Yes, and the term predatory is the both the dirty tricks to roadblock the success of sowing a project and reachign its completion are predatorial activities by the harrassers and the subsuntion of what the reapers take from the sowers is in that part of dirty tricks. The dirty tricks can escalate to use of break-ins, death threats convyed, and death threats carried out.
Q. Mr Donegan you belive officials of the FBI have recent and long term fear of what their illegal conduct has been in regards to your family and you not limited to the Kennedy assassination to holding you in a pscywhard in a railroad of justice, and the death of several friends. Can you explain a pattern in some of these deaths? A. Yes. Veroinica Hoffman was surrounded by wierd sounding scum “Biplor is no shit” was posted by “”Harvey Dent.” Her mental disease of panic allegations of a noise campaign against her, etc., was a BiPolar allegation, not response to a Fear Stalk one designed to prove to a person they are being stalked by hostile strangers. Q. Did you see other things you recognize as similar to other victims? A. Yes, she was very social justice oriented, seemed to be cooperating with law enforcement and deputies, and the FBI in shaking down a loser, and was working with lots of mentally ill, immigrants and others as she would liked to have done. But the probably turned on her as they attack me. Bobby Courtney was attacked by a very scuzzy violent person who threatened me and that person used the name “Casper” and was violent psychotic black male with clock worn on his chest. I saw him very violently attack no less than five people.
Q. Mr Donegan do you believe use of these type of people in Stalk operations you and Jen Moore had a right to complain about? A. Yes. Here and I believed all of their activities were fraudulent but backed by police.
KOMPROMAT and Subdivions of The Art of Kompromat
A. Compromat uses the K of Russian is related to the letter C in Latin languages. Compromsing Materials are those that call into question the integrity of a person.
Compromising Material regarding a person (linked to a person) that is probably or thought to be true about the person linked to it.
Compromising Material that is not true about a person, incorrectly linked to a person by dirty tricks, etc.,
Whether true or untrue a KOMPROMAT file linked to a person will be used to warn people or services away from the person about whom the KOMPROMAT is tied to. A lawyer will be told the person is NOT being harassed by police, the person is being investigated by police and the interference a lawyer would cause at the present time would endanger the investigation that is oingoing. A donor may be warned privately not to back a ceratin politician, etc., based on the KOMPROMAT
Bully KOMPROMAT is aggressive treating a person in an abusive way and perhaps doing so under color of law, a police officer doing so and an alleged victim staging being a victim or bait bullying the KOMPROMAT victim. THe bulling may hope to and may get a conflict with the target of bullying alllegations.
KOMPROMAT Subterminology
Q. Mr Donegan have you experienced “No touch torture, GangStalking, rape, and voilent crimes that include being exposed to disgusting imagery, smells, etc.,? A. Yes. Some of the accusations regarding FBI, CIA, NSA, or other agency misconduct sound far flung. While not raped by touch I have had reports of demands for my semen and that has been both violent, explicit, implicit, and part of racketeering.
Q. Is there evidence Sirhan Sirhan was programed to kill RKF because of RFK plans to sell Isreal North American Aviation planes made in Los Angeles? Yes.
The Polka Dot File on the Robert F. Kennedy Killing: Paris
Peace Talks Connection
Copyright@ 2016 Fernando Faura All Rights Reserved
Published by:
Trine Day LLC
Could Sirhan Sirhan be, truly, a “Manchurian
While inclined towards the theory, Faura
was always hesitant to endorse it for lack of proven, competent evidence. Such evidence may have come into his possession with an email message from Shane O’Sullivan, the author of Who Killed Bobby? That mail included the Declaration of Dr. Daniel P. Brown PhD to the Parole Board of California prior to a Parole hearing for Sirhan.
Dr. Brown is an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC).
Dr. Brown is the author of Memory, Trauma Treatment and the Law, a textbook for which he received awards from seven professional societies for “outstanding contribution to forensic psychiatry and the law.”
He also served as an expert witness and consultant for the prosecution at the The International War Crimes Tribunal, The Hague, Netherlands where his expert testimony has been adopted as the standard of evidence by the tribunal.
Dr. Brown has also written four books on hypnosis — among them a standard textbook, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy (Erlbaum, 1986-coauthored with Erika Fromm). He also wrote the current guidelines on forensic interviewing for The Comprehensive Textbook on Psychiatry.
Dr. Brown, at the request of the Sirhan defense team, conducted a forensic assessment in six different two-day sessions over a three-year span spending over sixty hours interviewing and testing Sirhan at Corona Penitentiary and Pleasant Valley in California.
Dr. Brown’s “Declaration” to the Parole Board convinced Faura that Sirhan is in fact a “Manchurian Candidate.”
The relevant excerpts from Dr. Brown’s declaration regarding the girl in the polka dot dress follow:
Paragraph 10.3 ” ..After arriving at the Ambassador Mr. Sirhan recalled ‘ I felt out of place there … it was very hot sweltering hot. I wanted to cool down … I had the idea to get some lemonade. There was a bar there.”
Mr. Sirhan’s memory of the bartender suggests a strange feeling of familiarity, between them as if even though Mr. Sirhan, didn’t know who the bartender was, he felt as if some previous relationship had been established. Mr. Sirhan additionally recalls that the bartender communicated by nonverbal signals like making unusual eye contact and nodding, and through this processes of handling Mr. Sirhan alcoholic drinks and nonverbal gesturing to him, Mr. Sirhan got very “tired.” – The Polka Dot File on the Robert F. Kennedy Killing: Paris
Peace Talks Connection
Q. Can you explain this demand upon your semen if no one has touched you? A. A neighbor of mine in 1001 North Water Street had asserted “illegal animal husbandry” he and his counter-parts were involved in. Long prior to that a deaf mute couple, the female was black and the male may have been mixed race or what was in writing demanding a child from me. THe deaf mute pair were writing it on paper. They attacked me when I said no to them. At another time a large black male in Austin fairly thin rasta acting fellow who had fought with a person named Alex was working with a team of people. One was a black woman who had held a plastic cup to me and demanded I fill it up. I had no idea who she was but the water fountain was behind her. She and others were making ejaculation references or jokes. Some had been demanding I “make non-white babies” or give them “non-white babies.” I had pushed the cup she was pushing to me away and it collapsed when it was cheap thin plastic and I called her a *n*gger” and a Mexican gang member with her kicked at my face breaking my plastic glasses frame nearly blinding me in one eye. THe male who called that black woman his wife threatened my life for days over suggesting I had punched her which I did not. Assaulted me in a string of attacks saying me might just rob and kill me for my watch if he didn’t like me, or steal some other property from me if he didn’t like me, but what might make him like me? Physical attacks from his occurred I think three times.
At other times gestures are made, thank you references, CC a a liquid measure named as a priced for child-porn, mop pushing gestures signifying our agreement when no such agreement I am making, etc., I have evidence from various directions the ARC of Northern Virginia along with Mark Gonzales have impersonators who agree under confrontation for the circumstances that surround me for him in my identity to plead guilty to those circumstances. I assert this is all extortion and my presence in a library or elsewhere is not tied to being framed and charged for child porn. The group Urban Alchemy lewdly cat-call me and were “sowing family” T-shirts and ARC of Northern Virginia against me will and my mother’s will from the Glorian Donegan Trusts Fund to the Family Grow Fund to become part of new families. I have experienced other attacks too; one for instance on a train I forget in which state upon which a person asserting a disability he had (I forgot the disorder) required him to act against me and was quite potentially violent towards me interfering with him in his activities because he had needed what was wanted from me.
An Interview with John DeCamp (Nebraska Leadership Conference)
Decamp – “I go on in this very brief opening forward to explain why I was with Colby he’s friend advisor going back to Vietnam days.
I was in Washington standard his place and I was telling him you know I received these threats and he was somewhat familiar with Franklin he he had received national press and and I think he had a lot more knowledge than I’ll ever know he had but anyway he was warning me to get away from it to stay away – leave it alone to not touch it anymore and I said wait a minute Bill you know how can you walk away from something when you know terrible things are happening when you know institutions of government and we all rely on that there being corrupt?
Yeah it’s a real import and then he said to me he said John sit down just it’s just cool off and relax and Sully his wife was there Sally ford and Sally by the way was prominant I think ambassador to more countries than any other person has ever been in the history of the United States appointed by Carter so Sally’s got a little little heavy duty things herself and she was listening and nodding her head and agreeing with Bill bill says let me tell you my personal story because maybe it’ll have a message for you there.
And he says you know last night I returned from Russia now this is the former head of the CIA under President Nixon and President Ford and he sitting me down and telling me that with that I I just better listen he says last night I returned from Russia is what was I doing in Russia he said I was there and remember this is three weeks three weeks before the Gorbachev coup that hmm changed Russia forever tonight the collapse of Russia he said I was there in Russia with kind of a secret group of people whose names you would instantly recognize and those powerful people from all over the world names like myself you know Colby had been the head of the CIA he said we were there to save Russia from a revolution when and if it collapses so that it doesn’t explode into World War Three.
A world war he said this what were you doing trying to actually work with the people we had been defeating to prevent a revolution okay and he says it was the night before I was due to come home he said last night he said I was in my hotel right there on Red Square the most sacred place in all of Russian d’amore communism he said and I couldn’t sleep and I got thinking about just how significant these world events were that were occurring he says so I decided what excuse me what they have I’m just gonna go for a walk he said I knew that was forbidden because you know you can’t just go walking around Red Square in the middle of the night particularly the head of the CIA spent 40 years trying to destroy Russia he said but I thought I’d see how far I can get.
He says I walked out past the guards nobody’s paying attention so I go out of the hotel then I am in Red Square and from the tomb of Lenin walking up to the doors of the Kremlin itself he said nobody cared nobody was paying attention here was the head of the CIA the most hated the most feared enemy that communism had over the years bill Colby head of the CIA during the most critical time he said in it then it struck me he said that I realized it he said we’d won the Cold War was over Russia was dead communism was dead he said after 40 years and Reverend Weezer his words not mine now he said after 40 years of fighting the bastards we had won we won.
It was over the Cold War was Dunnan and I was the only one of the whole planet to recognize know it right then at that instant and then he said something else struck me something something to just really slam me I said well what was that he said I realized that this walk I was having in Red Square was it that was the only parade I was ever going to have for all our achievements there wasn’t gonna be the ticker tapes down Madison Avenue there wasn’t gonna be the the waving and he said it was all over and we’d won and this was my private parade.
And it was the only one I said okay bill now we’ve heard about your private parade in the defeat of communism so on so what’s that got to do with Franklin and this whole mess I’m trying to get something he said sometimes you better face up to the fact and this is one of those times that the things you’re involved in have have significance and people too big too powerful events and things involved you don’t even know about that are just too big and powerful for you to deal with and you have to face up the fact that maybe in in the time frame you’d like to deal with them and the way you’d like to do and can’t be done.
He said then sometimes evil does succeed for a while and that’s just you have to walk away from it get away from it and he says the only way Franklin will ever get exposed and where it leads to and what it goes is if the national press an independent national press just like happened in Watergate happened in iran-contra happened happening with old [Roman Catholic] Joe McCarthy at the independent national press really gets interested and delves into it and takes it all the way to where it leads
Morrow interjecting – is there such a thing [as a free and indeendent press] anymore in this country?
DeCamp again -See that that’s that’s why I said I said well how do you do that bill he says I’ll help y’all I know something he’s called notified a number of people he says the problem is getting one of them to really put the investigative research and reporters onto it and not having back off and where it leads.
Well so I went home thought about it was frustrated and I thought okay I’ll do my part to start it all right the story of Franklin as a documentary as a documentary with the things that are available right now today that show there was clearly at least again in my opinion a cover-up.
I won’t mince words I won’t hedge things I’ll spit it out straight and what it cost me it cost me but at least the foundation will be there and of course since since writing the book I’ve learned a lot more I now believe I think I’m beginning to understand maybe a little more of what bill was saying and where this thing really does lead and I I think now I’m finally understanding why it’s so powerful where it leads as I say and I think it leads into things that almost move into the fantasy world that we went to movies and watched and in the 60s and 70s and 80s.
In other words the mysteries of the Cold War battle and how far governments go with their secret services whether it be the CIA or or the Gestapo or the KGB in Russia and I believe and I know this sounds like I’m floating off into Fantasyland right tyro can bring you back here you’re right and I dimin the first one a few years ago to say well yeah make good movie but you aren’t gonna believe any of this here’s what I believe I believe that Franklin had a lot of personalities who through one way or another were linked up to the cold war effort the CIA and other things back during the 70s and 80s.
Morrow: We ran across some information about Larry King in one point that it looked like that he had at one time had some ties with the CIA.
Decamp: he did and I document some of those in the book but beyond that information I’ve learned since I wrote the book I have no doubt now no doubt Larry King was one of the underlings of the CIA involved in a specific program recruiting particularly young boys particularly kind of a particular kind of boy who were then used in a kind of mental programming a brainwashing (PsyOps) if you would that we were doing to use them for such things as assassinations such things as drug dealing.
remember drug dealing hmm back during the 70s and 80s we now know pretty well was one of the main methods to finance our covert operations we were actually involved in in drug dealing and even even even a lot of those things that sounds like sex, blackmail, so on and so forth at least, yeah mind-control (MKULTRA) thing now as they say sounds “off”.
now if anybody’s listening I think yeah DeCamp is off with the Lulu Birds you know like Manchurian Candidate you remember that old movie were they yeah well I guess what I’m (DeCamp is) saying is I think that [The Manchurian Candidate and MKULTRA of the CIA and DIA]is a integral part of this [Temple of Set Micheal Aquino].
If you have that kind of thing at stake predicting because the (elite)personalities that it goes up to ultimately mm-hmm the American public would be shocked to find it yes our government really really did these things same thing we accuse the other guys are doing which they were doing too well Congress investigated that back in the early 50s and the CIA.
Yeah but remember this a sophistication of the 50s was nothing compared to what it was in the 70s and 80s this is post Vietnam we had suffered our worst defeat in the history of this country our only defeat we now we’re not gonna let it happen again between 1975 roughly and 1986 roughly was the most intense Cold War period in this country
I mean it was just that close to a hot war at all times we always think of the Cuban crisis is the time not really 1975 to 1986 remember the Evil Empire, remember Star Wars SDI, remember the contest to see who could build up [GDP and economic strength and military] faster that’s what finally broke the Russians they just couldn’t keep up in the contest financially so that was the period when technology was going rampant.
Remember the invention of the computer the understanding of the human mind so much more and the information I’ve learned since the book came out that is poured in from a variety of sources makes me believe that that may well be why it’s necessary for the protection of our entire government in a sense embarrassment.
What people would believe what people would feel about their government if they knew some of the things that we had done profilers the motives for the cover-up.
I think that’s one of the major motives he says people just protecting themselves other people of course have a vested interest of all a child abuser these kind of things you’re certainly willing to cooperate if you are a if you’re a judge or an official who got your position as a result of help from this or that.
Remember another surprised and this I’m now convinced of which I didn’t know when I wrote the book off at Air Force Base if you’re gonna pick the most sacred military installation in the United States for the last 140 years where is it it’s off at Air Force Base right in the center of the United States what land USA the farthest you can get from Russia.
mmm-hmm well I am convinced now that there was a major CIA operation out of there handled there and of course Omaha the Heartland at least likely place in the world to have something like this that’s a major part of this Larry King was merely a tool in this whole thing.
remember another surprised and this I’m now convinced of which I didn’t know when I wrote the book off at Offutt Air Force Base is a U.S. Air Force base south of Omaha, adjacent to Bellevue in Sarpy County, Nebraska. It is the headquarters of the U.S. Strategic Command, the 55th Wing, and the 55th Wing of the Strategic Air Combat Command, the latter serving as the host unit. Wikipedia if you’re gonna pick the most sacred military installation in the United States for the last 140 years where is it it’s off at Air Force Base right in the center of the United States what land USA the farthest you can get from Russia.
Offutt Air Force Base
The 55th Wing’s mission statement is, “Provide dominant intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and nuclear command, control and communications to national leadership and warfighters,…Any time, Any place.”
Innovative, resilient leaders delivering information dominance across the full spectrum of conflict.
Mission, Family, Relationships
The 55th Wing is the largest wing in Air Combat Command and the second largest in the Air Force.
mmm-hmm well I am convinced now that there was a major CIA operation out of there handled there and of course Omaha the Heartland at least likely place in the world to have something like this that’s a major part of this Larry King was merely a tool in this whole thing. (Truth is stranger than fiction – DeCamp) who I ever thought would be writing a book when you opened you said the latest book rest assured it’s my only book at least at this point and who knows may write another one someday but here’s how it opens as I say I’m just gonna take a couple minutes and read this because because I think it’ll tell you why I whoo-hoo wish I’d never heard of Franklin I’m sitting here writing a book trying to document that some of my closest friends over the years are part of a massive cover-up and that’s what I’m doing.
I’m destroying friendships one on another I’m destroying myself in a very real sense you know what is certainly financially I just I just had no choice at some point.
ok so here’s how it starts what do Ronald Reagan President George Bush former CIA director William II Colby Democratic presidential candidate Bob Kerry billionaire and second richest man in America and now head of Salomon Brothers Warren Buffett and Ronald raskins the current administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) all have in common I asked my close friend and advisor William Colby one day in 1991 I give up former head of the Central Intelligence Agency CIA Colby said what could that group have in common three things I replied all of them a burden at times for those who have to carry them.
John H. Morrow, a teaching pastor who discipled numerous local, state and international Christian leaders, died Monday, May 5, 2014. He was 79.
John is survived by his wife, Vernetta; his six children, Jennifer (Hammond), Pamela (Rademacher), Theresa (Coleman), Timothy, Jeffrey and Kevin; and his sisters, Joan (Drinkard) and Frances (Morrison). His family legacy also includes 24 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. John was preceded in death by his sister, Martha (Abarca); his son, Stephen; and his daughter, Mary (Moore).
John was born in December 1934 in Omaha. He was raised in Oshkosh, Nebraska, where he met and married his high school sweetheart.
John was an ordained minister and pastor of Living Word Fellowship in Lincoln, Nebraska. He also was the founder and president of Living Word Christian Ministries International, a pastoral ministry in Central America, Haiti and Spain.
TEd Gunderson wrote the intro to the work by John Morrow The Nebraska Hoax.
Oct 14, 2017 Former Senator and author of The Franklin Cover-up, possibly one of the most important books that is seldom known. It covers DeCamp’s journey into the world of the global elites and the pedophile rings and various other misdeeds that he was forced to come in contact with during his time as a lawyer.
Q. In your lawsuits have you asked for domain seizures of abusive corporations, and sex-offender charges against mockers of you and mockers of others? A. Yes. I point out bullying a person like laughing at them as a loser, as a pedophile, a peeper, etc., is harassment. Exposing a straight adult male who wants adult females to view child porn, gay males, etc., is part of FBI and CIA norms. This is not a woman coming on to a straight male too many times, this is a gay male (as an example) trying to eroticize himself to the straight male to revulse the straight male.
Q. You used the word eroticize or your use of it and what you mean by that word in accsusing others of hostile sexual harrassment of you?
A. As I look like it now online here is what I find from Merian Webster. It is a verb. THere use to be a term back in my colledge days at the U of O, “working it” trying to bring out a look. Here is the Merian Webster offering on its definiation.
eroticized; eroticizing transitive verb : to make erotic eroticize the male image eroticization
i-ˌrä-tə-sə-ˈzā-shən noun Examples of eroticize in a Sentence
Marian Wbster shows Recent Examples on the Web
Bale, Robbie, and Saldaña can eroticize anything, and cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki makes their avid eyes beam. -Armond White, National Review, 7 Oct. 2022
Bros shines a light on the parts of gay male culture that seem to idealize and eroticize stereotypical masculinity. -Max Gao, Harper’s BAZAAR, 28 Sep. 2022
:Nobody did more to eroticize aviator shades and sideburns than Nez. -Rob Sheffield, Rolling Stone, 10 Dec. 2021
And in this drama of opposing forces, through this brutal dialectic, aspects of each woman’s anatomy are grotesquely eroticized by her adversary: buttocks for the black woman, breasts for her white counterpart. -Zadie Smith, The New York Review of Books, 11 Feb. 2020
They’ve been eroticized by Botticelli and vilified by Dickens and Shakespeare since long before Jean Harlow played a home-wrecking seductress in the 1932 film Red Headed Woman. -Lena Dunham, Vogue, 18 Aug. 2017
Of course, politically incorrect racial fantasia aren’t the only eroticized taboo. -Maureen O’Connor, The Cut, 11 June 2017
DeCamp Gunderson Letters to Barr, Mueller, Sessions, Others on FBI Obstructions of Justice
DeCamp Legal Services, Legislative Public Relations – Lobbying
Executive Bldg. – Suite 300
521 So. 14th
Lincoln, NE 68508
John W. DeCamp Phone; XXX XXX XXXX
Atlorney at Law Fax: XXX XXX XXXX
Nebraska Department of Social Services
Douglas County Attorney
Omaha Police Department
Nebraska Foster Care Review Board 7 MAY 1991
Nebraska State Attorney General
Nebraska Legislature Health and Welfare Committee
Nebraska Legislature Judiciary Committee
Douglas County Sheriff’s office
U.S. Attorney for State of Nebraska
Nebraska Leadership Conference
Dr. Beverly Mead, Creighton University
Dr. Judienne Densen-Gerber
Dr. Lilly Stoller, Immanuel Medical Center
Judge Patrick Mullen/Douglas Co. Dist Crt
Dear people:
Nebraska Revised statutes 28-711 impose specific duties, with criminal penalty for those who fail to follow the mandates of the law, upon all individuals having “reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect.,…”
I believe that under this law I have an obligation to provide information I have received from an individual named Paul Bonacci to the proper authorities for appropriate action. Further, Mr. Bonacci himself has, as he has in the past when he first provided information to public officials, made it clear to me that he also wants to comply with all terms of the child abuse laws of the state of Nebraska.
The information has come to me as a result of agreeing to act as attorney for Mr. Bonacci in conjunction with indictments issued against him by the Douglas County Franklin Grand Jury for allegedly lying to the Grand Jury about certain. aspects of child abuse he had either witnessed or been a victim of.
Mr. Bonacci has been diagnosed by at least two court appointed psychiatrists as having multiple personality syndrome or disassociative behavior syndrome, which is a form of mental illness but which is not insanity. A third legislatively ordered psychiatrist nationally recognized for her specializing in multiple personality syndrome has also thoroughly examined the young man.
[I Ed Donegan can tell you watching yourself intellectually loose control to your emotions is a form of dissociation between the rational and emotional mine, the emotional controlling conduct but coesistant in the consciousness. “Borderlines with significant dissociative symptoms may constitute a more severe and at-risk subgroup of BPD patients. However, there are significant research gaps and methodological issues in the area, including the possibility of unrecognized Dissociative Disorders in BPD study populations confounding results. Further studies are needed to better understand the impact of dissociation on BPD course and treatment, and to clarify the most appropriate assessment tools for clinical practice. In addition, interventional studies are needed to develop dissociation-specific BPD treatments to determine whether targeting dissociation in BPD can improve treatment outcomes.”]
Most of the 70 included studies were observational (98%) with first authors from Germany (59%). Overall, dissociation was associated with increased BPD symptom severity, self-harm and reduced psychotherapy treatment response; findings regarding suicide risk were mixed. Dissociation was associated with working memory and cognitive deficits, decreased pain perception, altered body ownership, no substance abuse or the abuse of sedative substances, increased fantasy proneness, personality fragmentation, fearful attachment, dream anxiety, perceived stress and altered stress responses, increased cumulative body mass index, decreased water consumption, several neurological correlates and changes in [FOXP2] gene expression.
BPD with significant dissociative symptoms may constitute a more severe and at-risk subgroup of BPD patients. However, there are significant research gaps and methodological issues in the area, including the possibility of unrecognized Dissociative Disorders in BPD study populations confounding results. Further studies are needed to better understand the impact of dissociation on BPD course and treatment, and to clarify the most appropriate assessment tools for clinical practice. In addition, interventional studies are needed to develop dissociation-specific BPD treatments to determine whether targeting dissociation in BPD can improve treatment outcomes.
As I understand it from all of them, they have concluded that the ailment Mr. Bonacci suffers is a direct consequence of very serious trauma caused by child abuse over a prolonged period of time. Another characteristic the Court ordered psychiatrist Mead of Omaha and Legislatively ordered nationally recognized psychiatrist Dr. Densen-Gerber have identified as a characteristic of this MPD syndrome is that the individual characteristically tells the truth about the abuse. At least the truth so far as they know it or perceive or understand it. The records of the third psychiatrist are sealed by Judge Mullen, but I presume law enforcement or proper investigative authorities would have the ability to obtain these results which I am not at liberty to discuss here as per Judge Mullen’s order.
Both of these highly competent psychiatrists mentioned have repeatedly examined this young man and concluded that they believe his complex tale of abuse is essentially accurate and that this individual, Paul Bonacci, is accurately reporting what he experienced.
However, each of them have also repeatedly emphasized the fact that BECAUSE OF THE MULTIPLE PERSONALITY FACTOR the true story of abuse and individuals involved in the abuse CAN ONLY BE UNDERSTOOD IF ONE PIECES TOGETHER OR CREATES A COMPOSITE Or THE STORIES TOLD BY THE VARIOUS PERSONALITIES.
It is the purpose of this letter, however, to now provide, as per the above cited Nebraska law, information from Mr. Bonacci which has been obtained relative to child abuse of the past–inveolving not only Mr. Bonacci but a host of others–which information IS THE COMPOSITE OF HIS STORY OF CHILD ABUSE AS PRESENTED BY THE VARIOUS PERSONALITIES. This is the first time this composite has been available and is being provided to authorities immediately upon transcription.
Mr. Bonacci has agreed that he wants to comply with Nebraska law and wants this information presented for investigation and examination as required by law. Further, he wants it made available so that the situation can be corrected so that others do not experience what he has been a victim of.
For the protection of other individuals identified in the transcripts provided with this letter, I have taken the liberty of obliterating the names of certain individuals whose name, because of national attention, would be immediately recognizable and would put those individuals at risk for their life.
However, there is no intent to keep this information from law enforcement. Quite the contrary. There is every intent to share this information along with a wealth of other information received from Mr. Bonacci. In the interest of protecting others, however, we would provide this information only under controlled circumstances to authorities specifically conducting the investigations as required by law.
Again, as stated, the purpose of this letter and this transcript of many hours of tapes which reflect the gradual piecing together of the Bonacci abuse story via the different personalities is simply to comply with Nebraska Child Abuse cases.
There is a second package of tapes which are being transcribed at this time. The moment they are available, I will provide them to the proper authorities for further investigation.
Paul Bonacci has instructed me that he does not want to see these abuses occur to others. Towards that end, and of course in compliance with Nebraska law, he feels this information should go to the proper law enforcement authorities and any other proper entities who can assist in stopping child abuse activity. In accordance with those “instructions, I am making thls information available to you and will provide whatever other assistance or information you request.
Finally, Mr. Bonacci would cooperate in anyway possible including further medical or use of other scientific tools or authorities in any exams, polygraph exams investigative methods necessary for determining and verifying the a stories.
John W. De Camp, Attorney
Copies of the above documents were forwarded early 1992 to:
William Barr, U.S. Attorney General, Washington, D.C,
Judge William Sessions, Director, F.B.I.,, Washington, D.C.
Ron Lahners, U.S. Attorney, Omaha, Nebraska
Governor Ben Nelson, Lincoln, Nebraska
F.B.I, Omaha, Nebraska
F.B.I, Los Angeles, California
TED L. GUNDERSON AND ASSOCIATES International Security Consulting and Investigation 2210 Wilshire Blvd. » Suite 422 « Santa Monica. “CA 90403 + 310/854-517]
March 11, 1992
Judge William Sessions
Director of F.B.I.
F.B.I. Headquarters
Washington, D.C. 2053S
Dear Judge Sessions:
The enclosed report contains information which indicates that FBI personnel have been in violation of the Obstruction of Justice Statute,
This report also contains information concerning the Johnny Gosch kidnapping case in Des Moines, Iowa. There appears to be an organized kidnapping ring operating in this country within the jurisdiction of the FBI that is not receiving the proper attention. I would appreciate your checking into this matter.
Ted L. Gunderson Private Investigator
TED L. GUNDERSON AND ASSOCIATES International Security and International Consulting and Investigations
2210 Wilshire Blvd. « Suite 422 « Santa Monica. CA 90403 » 213/854-5171
March 11, 1992
Mr. William Barr
U. S. Department of Justice
10th and Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20530
Dear Mr. Barr:
The enclosed report contains information which indicates that FBI personnel have been in violation of the Obstruction of Justice Statute.
This report also contains information concerning the Johnny Gosch kidnapping case in Des Moines, Iowa. There appears to be an organized kidnapping ring operating in this country within the jurisdiction of the FBI that is not receiving the proper attention. I would appreciate your checking into this matter. ’
TED L GUNDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Ted L. Gunderson Private Investigator
CC: FBI ~- Omaha, NE
FBI – Los Angeles, CA
Senator Schmidt – NE
Attorney John DeCamp – NE
Governor Ben Nelson – NE
Member, Society of Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
From: U.S. Department Justice
Criminal Division
Office of the Assistant Attorney General Washington, D.C. 26530
APR 20, 1992
To: Mr. Ted L. Gunderson, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates International Security Consulting and Investigations
2210 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 422
Santa Monica, California 90403
Dear Mr. Gunderson:
The letter and enclosures that you recently sent to Attorney General Barr have been referred to this office,
Your letter alleges that personnel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have obstructed justice and states that you have information concerning kidnapping within the jurisdiction of the FBI.
Having reviewed your enclosures, however, there is no evidence of misconduct by FBI personnel that would justify your charge of obstruction of justice.
If you have any new evidence about kidnapping, please provide it to your local office of the FBI.
Robert S. Mueller, III Assistant Attorney General
by John C. Keeney , Deputy Assistant Attorney General “Criminal Division
“The Mule (for the CIA): Robert S. Mueller III” is a book by Gene Chip Tatum friend of Ted Gunderson
Robert Swan Mueller III has been the go to man when secrets go awry. Recruited as a CIA asset in Vietnam as an member of the Phoenix Project it was embedded in him that there are No Borders, No Limits, No Restrictions, and No Repercussions. … Google Books Originally published: February 5, 2019 Author: Gene Chip Tatum
[Robert Mueller is known by many with deep state knowledge to be linked to the Dupont Corporation role in the Manhattan Project, mining and minerals and rail robber-barons, and secret government links to these generations old secrets and continuing assassinations by the CIA and FBI silencing witnesses. In fact Bush, Donald Barr, William Barr, most all of these were CIA and Project Pegauss connected]
TED L. GUNDERSON AND AS. JCIATES e international Security _.nsulting and Investigations 2210 Wilshire Blvd « Suite 422 « Santa Monica. CA 90403
May 26, 1992
Mr. Robert S. Mueller, III
Assistant Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
Criminal Division
Washington, DC 20530
Re: Your letter dated April 20, 1992
Dear Mr. Mueller:
Thank you for reviewing the material I sent you March 11, 1992.
I did not state that FBI personnel were in violation of the Obstruction of Justice statute. I only advised that there was an indication of this. I thought you would want to at least check into the matter. I am sorry to learn you do not feel it deserves further attention.
I have enclosed the book The Franklin Cover-up, by former Nebraska State Senator John W. DeCamp. Your attention is directed to Chapter 14, “Cover-up Phase III: The FBI” which makes additional allegations of FBI misconduct and possible violations of the Obstruction of Justice statute.
Ted L. Gunderson
Member. Society of Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
TED L. GUNDERSON AND ASSOCIATES e International Security Consulting and Investigations
2210 Wilshire Blvd. « Suite 422 « Santa Monica. CA 90403
April 4, 1992
Honorable Ron Lahners
L.S. Dept. DF Justice
F.0. Box 1228 OTE
Omaha, NE. 48101
Dear Mr. Lahners:
The enclosed report contains information which indicates that the FEI personnel have been in violation of the Obstruction of Justice Statue.
This report also contains information concerning the Johnny Gosch kidnapping case in Des Moines, lowa. There appears to be an organized kidnapping ring operating in this country within the jurisdiction of the FBI that is not receiving the proper attention. I would appreciate your checking into this matter,
Ted L. Gunderson Private Investigator
Encl. (1)
CC: FBI – Omaha, NE
FBI – Los Angeles, CA
U.S. Dept of Justice, Washington, D.C. Governor Bill: Nelson, NE
March 23, 1992
Special Agent In Charge
215 North 17th Street
Omaha, NE 68102
Dear Sir:
On March 11, 1992, I [Ted Gunderson] wrote to William Barr ([OSS CIA Creation of Obama Jr. linked to Kennedy Assasination] U.S. Department of Justice in an effort to draw his attention to the Obstruction of Justice Statute which I believe is being violated in the State of Nebraska and what appears to be an organized kidnapping ring operating within this nation.
On January 3, 1992 I wrote to Nebraska Attorney General Don Stenberg alerting him to possible misconduct by various law enforcement agencies in the State of Nebraska. Mr. Stenberg responded on January 28, 1992 through one of his assistants and the documents enclosed are in response to Mr. Stenberg’s letter.
I am sending copies to you because the evidence clearly shows that there is a problem in Nebraska and a national problem that must be cleaned up if the citizens of this country are to enjoy justice and safety. As a leader in your community I felt sure that you would want to be informed.
If you have questions or comments please contact me at your earliest convenience.
Ted L. Gunderson
Private Investigator
Q. Mr Donegan your father flew for TWA at the time of your birth in 1961 after leaving the USAF following flying the F-86 during the Korean War out of ATSUGI. Do you assert he knew or was connected to Barry Seal aslo a TWA pilot at that time? Is this connected to Phillip Marhsall a Special Activities Pilot who flew with Barry Seal? A. Yes.
Adler Berriman “Barry” Seal (July 16, 1939 – February 19, 1986) was an American commercial airline pilot who became a major drug smuggler for the Medellín Cartel. When Seal was convicted of smuggling charges, he became an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration and testified in several major drug trials. He was murdered on February 19, 1986, by contract killers hired by the cartel.
Barry Seal was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the son of Mary Lou (née Delcambre) and Benjamin Curtis Seal, a candy wholesaler. Seal began to fly as a teenager, earning a student pilot certificate at 16 and a private pilot’s certificate at 17. His flight instructor described him as a naturally gifted pilot.[1]
In 1962, Seal enlisted in the Louisiana Army National Guard for six years: six months of active duty, followed by five and a half years of inactive duty. Seal’s active duty began in July 1962. He was assigned to the 20th Special Forces Group and graduated from the United States Army Airborne School selection and training. His non-active duty was served in the 245th Engineer Battalion, where his MOS was radio telephone operator.[2]
In 1964, Seal joined TWA as a flight engineer and was soon promoted to the first officer, then captain, flying a Boeing 707 on a regular Western Europe route. He was one of the youngest 707 command pilots in the TWA fleet.[3] Seal’s career with TWA ended in July 1972, when he was arrested for involvement in a conspiracy to smuggle a shipment of plastic explosives to Mexico using a DC-4. The case was eventually dismissed in 1974 for prosecutorial misconduct, but in the meantime TWA fired Seal, who had falsely taken medical leave to participate in the scheme.[4]
Is not 1964 about the time your father began at TWA and quickly began flying the Boeing 707 he loved and flew much of his life until he later flew the L1011?
Yes. The would have likely been in the same TWA cockpit at times. I believe he (my father James Paul Donegan) had spoken about Barry Seal several times and a few others. One was when in about 1980 my father was force to retire because airline pilots are not supposed to be at risk for age related heart attacks or other problems the industry required him to retire at an age younger than most retirees. He was looking around at other flying possibilities like firefighting, crop dusting, old plane clubs, but disliked the danger those jobs entailed.
Documentation of Coverup by FBI
Chapter 14 of the book
The Franklin Coverup
by Former Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp
(For a copy of this book, send $9.70, check or money order, to AW.T. Inc, P.O. Box 85461, Lincoln, NE 68501. The book contains numerous references to President George Bush.)
[that information including references to the role of Geroge H.W. Bush was included as the enclosure sent to Mueeler III, Barr, Sessions, and others most of whom were CIA like William Barr whose father was also CIA as Mueller and Bush were CIA]
Corruption Network goes on with that archive data
Q. Have you seen this reported by or described by others an FBI or CIA system to be a repulsive shock to inner self, to the sensibilities, to the sense of well being of someone? A. Yes, the United States Senate examined this type of illegal conduct that I have described as their already known methods. I had been reporting these activities myself (including weapons pointed at me, etc., for decades but have not been believed. I get placed in psych wards as I report these activities. That issue of whether I am being assaulted or not become the fight (and a losing fight for me) thus disrupting my presence in activies such as shopping, going to a movie, wrting a book in a public place. This misconduct and trying to prove misconduct where I am becomes a distraction from my activities.
Q. Can you provide that same information here that is also in your books? A. Yes.
Definitions of tax
Other forms: taxes; taxed; taxing
A charge or fee that a government imposes on a citizen or business is called a tax. Taxes help to pay for the services people (and businesses) receive from the government.
There are many different kinds of taxes—on purchases, property, and income, for example—but all tax money is meant to pay for things that benefit people in society. For example, in many places schools, road repairs, fire departments, and health care for elderly and disabled people are all paid for with money from taxes. As a verb, tax can either mean “impose a tax on” or “put a strain or burden on.”
Noun. charge against a citizen’s person or property or activity for the support of government
synonyms:revenue enhancement, taxation -
Verb. levy a tax on
“Clothing is not taxed in our state” -
Verb. set or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine)
Verb. use to the limit
“you are taxing my patience”
Sexual, religious, threatening, disgusting, abusive, injurious, intrusive (including into a path being traveled by the target of harassment) noxiousness including but not limited to conversations of little worth or of that call upon the courtesy of the unwilling conversation partner, etc., are meant to raise the ire of the harassed person. – Edward Paul Donegan
Harvard human experiments, 1959-62
In 1947, Henry Alexander Murray returned to Harvard as a chief researcher, lectured and established with others the Psychological Clinic Annex.
Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom is a Revealer
Using Environmental Stress to induce conflict or self harm, no touch stress infliction – Espionage agencies discredit those who have information compromising to high levels of authority rouge units
Neuropsychological & Electronic No-Touch Torture Report by Dr. Robert Duncan (used on targeted citizens here in the U.S.) SERE training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) MAR 30 2015
The Executive Summary: Neuropsychological and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report Based on “The Torture Memos” and the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Declassified “Torture Report”
Perspectives on Enhanced Interrogation Techniques Project Proposals for Google Summer of Code 2015 By Robert Duncan, A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D.
“The United States is number one in torture since they are currently the world’s only superpower.” 04/2015
Torture is a horrific topic and most minds will turn away from it because it can’t be comprehended that humans can be motivated, or computer programs can be run to do this to other sentient beings. Just when we believed we were becoming more civilized as a culture, the technology for torture has advanced more than a hundred fold in recent decades.
This summary will get into ‘the minds of the dishonorable monsters’ of the psychology of torture. Those like Dick Cheney who helped authorize it under certain administrations and regimes of the U.S. government which have been proven to be criminal under U.S. law, treaties, and the International Criminal Court. There are many people involved in the conspiracy and cover-up including General Hayden.
The full report discloses the spectrum of techniques of interrogation and torture used by the U.S. and its allies. The United States government will officially deny the claims of this “no-touch torture report” but in time it will stand firm.
The technologies used are still classified as state secrets and will not be discussed in this summary. The torture methods have been leaked through thousands of American citizens who have survived the no-touch torture programs. The research and testimony has been accumulated since 2002 and merely used as examples but the names of the victims are withheld.
This report will not use skewed, misleading language such as “enhanced interrogation” to describe the torture techniques. Why torture? The CIA claims it works. The assumption is that it works to gain actionable intelligence. Torture is often used for revenge, punishment, interrogation, and behavior modification. In other terms torture is used to remove the continuity of thought to confuse the target to reveal information, erase brain patterns such as values and beliefs, or to break down the human spirit to make them submit and obey their handlers. The downside of torture is that the countries that do it lose “moral soft power” in world politics. Without due process, over 25% of those reported in the Senate Torture Report were declared innocent. Blowback is always a repercussion of torture. Torture often takes a long time to affect the target from months to years. Torture has shown to be unreliable except for getting false confessions and bad information but the U.S. and its allies are improving on their tactics and techniques.
The purpose of this report is to draw the parallels between physical torture techniques and no-touch torture methods used in secret by governments who possess the technologies that still go on today. This is a brief summary of offensive psychological and information warfare methods using traditional methods and modern cybernetic techniques while exploring hyper-game theory to walk the target to the desired path: leak intelligence, commit assassinations, or change beliefs.
Numerated Torture Methods for Interrogation and Behavior Modification (A comparison between physical and no-touch torture tactics)
Induction of Depressive/Manic states
The idea is to shake up the emotional states of the target because different information can be accessed at each state. Making the target feel despair and helplessness is the objective. This cycle of hope building and then breaking is done in many ways. The techniques between the physical methods and the no-touch technological methods are similar. Speech is very important during this process of emotional manipulation. Such examples are, “We have imprisoned you without due processes or hope of it. You are indefinitely detained.” Hope building examples include, “Sorry. We have mistaken you for someone else. You will be compensated for false imprisonment and torture.” The main difference between the cybernetic technology and physical is that emotional state clusters can be entrained into the target mind which speeds up the process. The communication is done differently but perceived as human speech. In the no-touch torture methods it is helpful if the target is labeled with mental illness that is being created for discrediting purposes so as not to draw human rights groups’ attention.
Memory Erasure
The military and CIA have been researching memory erasing drugs for half a century. The focus of this summary report is on interrogation. Memory erasure is an important technique during interrogation. It is used in combination with sleep deprivation. There are many drugs that have been developed for physical memory erasure. One such interrogation method requires acquiring information from the target while on these drugs and recording the subject. After a sleeping cycle, the interrogator claims that the target has confessed. Of course the target remembers nothing of their conversation. The interrogator will play samples of the subject’s conversation back to them making the subject believe that the interrogator knows more than they do. Similar techniques are used in the wireless, no-touch torture and interrogation programs. The cybernetic methods of memory erasure have additional purposes. The memory erasure can be used on the cybernetic target to make the target believe people have broken in and moved their belongings. While physical black bag jobs do occur, it is a way to make the target more paranoid.
Electricity and Shocks
Pain and fear of death are common tactics during interrogation. Shocking by electricity is a traditional method of torture and exposed in the CIA’s secret prisons. Shocking the testicles and nipples are the most common due to their sensitivity. Interestingly, the thousand of interviews of no-touch torture involves “stings” and “shocks” to various parts of their bodies over long durations.
Fear and Terror
There are many techniques to induce extreme fear in the target. In physical renditions dogs, power drills, guns, insects, mutilation, blow torches, water boarding, suffocation, mock burials, and mock executions are just a few the United States government have used. Remember that many targets of torture die from the physical effects. It is torture to death.
Let us compare the no-touch torture methods used to inflict the same terror and mental anguish. In several of these techniques the target needs to hear their handler’s voice. This report does not describe the technologies used to broadcast voices to the target at a distance. While the subject can be broadcast mental images to their mind using hypnosis and other suggestions as well as visual entrainments, the more invasive controls of the brain manipulation technologies can be used to entrained the brain’s autonomic nervous systems such as not breathing causing the target to not be able to sleep from fear of suffocation equivalent to water boarding. The neural linguistic programming can add fears such as heart attack, stroke, and cancer threats. Even motor cortex mapping can cause twitches in any part of the body. One example used a swift neck movement with a voice transmission, “We are trying to break your neck.” Directed energy effects such as Active Denial System can make the target feel that they are on fire indefinitely without the target dying from burns. Maximum pain and torture weapons have been evolving. Every drug effect can be artificially induced into the target mind including those of poisons.
Imprisonment and Isolation
Isolation is commonly used as punishment in prisons. Many whistleblowers like Bradley Manning suffer this condition. In soft interrogation it is used to get the target to talk to their interrogator since humans have the need for companionship. In no-touch torture the target is driven from their friends and family using different techniques in order to isolate them so that the electronic mind control has more effect on their psyche. Like in Guantanamo, the target becomes isolated losing their job and medical care. Part of the method involves slander in their community. They end up on the most part in poverty and paranoid about doctors and other people from false correlations that are purposefully induced into their lives. Isolation is also a form of sensory deprivation which will be discussed later. Days and weeks lose their meaning.
Sexually Disturbing Tailored Pornography
The Summary of the Senate Torture Report disclosed the disgusting revelations that in the secret torture prisons the targets were forced to perform homosexual acts on each other against their will and religion in order not to be beaten or killed. This is a common break down tactic of belief systems and the human will. In no-touch torture the techniques are more psychologically specialized for each target. Most common examples include homosexual targets that are forced with voices that are derogatory to their lifestyle and similar mental images. Almost all targets are forced to view child pornography in their minds. And vice versa is true, that heterosexual targets are forced to view homosexual sexual acts like in the secret U.S. torture prisons.
Also mentioned in the declassified report on torture was mutilation of the human. Cutting the naked target’s penis and scrotum, pulling nails or teeth is common. In no-touch torture mutilation is done by trickery. Let us look at a couple examples. There have been several targets who believed that the microwave hearing effect and other voice induction methods were done by microchips implanted in their teeth or ears. They had all their teeth pulled because they believed it was a technology called bone conductance. Others have poked out their ear drums in the belief they had micro implants in their ears. There are many more examples of trickery used to make the targets mutilate themselves.
Personal and Spiritual Defamation
In physical torture the CIA and other groups use propaganda and defamation of character for those they oppose. For detainees they try to disenfranchise the target from their religion. They will defecate on their Bible or Koran for example. They might say, “Why is your God not saving you?” In no touch torture and behavior modification they might try to make an atheist believe in god. It is just a mechanism to alter belief systems for control and experimentation. Perhaps the target may wish to confess their secrets to a “voice of god weapon”. Information warfare covers the gamut of electronic communication as well. The government training exercise uses language like “befriend”, “infiltrate”, “mask/mimic”, “ruse”, “set-up”, “disrupt”, “create cognitive stress”, “use deception”, “ruin business relationships”, and “post negative information on appropriate forums” – in a malicious effort to target bloggers, activists, journalists, social event organizers and anyone else deemed to be a ‘emerging leader’ or voice in the public sphere. 9. Psychological Intimidation
Rape is a common practice in torture. It causes much psychological trauma. In the United States methods of rape in their military and CIA secret prisons it is often relabeled. It is commonly done by prods but “rectal rehydration” is the more common misnomer. Often they call it forced feeding through the rectum but it is meant to induce psychological scaring and trauma. Several have died from the technique due to rectal bleeding. In no-touch torture the psychological trauma of simulated rape takes on different forms. Using technique often called EEG-heterodyning the targets will receive molestation effects of their genitals. In men this can be the anus and genitals. Similarly women can be wirelessly raped by the analogous function of perception.
Dietary Manipulation, Forced Weakness and Sickness
The idea behind dietary manipulation is to weaken the target. This is easily done in a physical setting but in no-touch the hunger trigger needs to be suppressed. Sometimes a false correlation between eating food and sickness is induced to make the target believe they are being poisoned. However, poisoning is common in physical renditions too.
Verbal breakdown is most important during interrogations and torture. Obviously speaking the language of the target is necessary. This is why there are interrogators in all languages. Repetition is an important neural linguistic programming interrogation tactic to influence the target mind. During the breakdown process, threats to kill and to torture the target’s family or friends are common. Repetitious questioning and breakdown phrases are automated in both the physical and no-touch versions of torture. An interesting technology that is used for no-touch torture is called chatter bots. Chatter bots, an artificial intelligence program, automate much of the repetition so that the interrogators don’t drive themselves crazy during the neural linguistic torture and programming phases. Let us not forget the Chinese Water Torture, a single drop of water on the forehead of the detainee for months. Repetition is a form of torture.
Sensitization of Pain Impulses
While the reverse can be obtained, optimizing perceived pain and misery is the objective in torture. Each trauma adds to the overall misery throughout life. Optimization of pain has been studied by the military and intelligence agencies. In the past the CIA has used drugs such as LSD to enhance fear and terror in the subject. Other methods such as hypnosis can increase perceived pain and the power of suggestion such as telling the subject his pinky finger is going to be cut off before it is done. In no-touch torture the same psychological manipulations are exerted. Subliminal and overt suggested are often told to the subject before the directed energy or EEG heterodyning pain inductions in order to maximize their effectiveness.
Sensory Overload and Deprivation
Again, this technique of overloading or depriving the human of sensory stimulus is ubiquitous in torture around the world not just in U.S. secret prisons. Torture subjects in the United States have reported the use of repetitive bad music and noise campaigns. An unusual torture technique used in the U.S. secret prisons was of a use of a plastic suit filled with ice while they beat the target. Ultra bright lights for days on end in the prison and hot/cold temperature changes in the environment are frequent. In no-touch torture, the target’s brain is forced to release dopamine which causes pupil dilatation. This acts as a sensory overload. For example the non-lethal microwave weapons research done by a professor in University of Nevada has shown this capability. Body metabolism can be altered with these weapons causing cold and hot flashes. Targets of no-touch torture often hear endless tinnitus.
Sexual Humiliation and Lack of Privacy
Often used in common prisons is a lack of privacy. It is both necessity for security and a form of sexual humiliation. Also in prison many people are raped. No-touch torture offers the same sexual humiliation and lack of privacy by using through wall radar, cameras, and EEG visual cloning to let the target know they are being watched. Degrading comments are often used on the no-touch torture subjects while they are naked or in the bathroom.
Maximum Sensory Pain Techniques
Basic torture involves brutalization, i.e. physical strikes, kicks in the groin, pepper spray or tear gas, etc. Anything that involves maximum pain is the objective. Amazingly, these same basic tortures can be done wirelessly into the human mind. All forms of sickness have been reported without any real illness behind the suffering. All suffering can be entrained into the minds of no-touch torture subjects.
Sleep Deprivation
This is the number one torture method along with the popularity in the press of water boarding. This is done in every country that uses torture. The United States is number one in torture since they are currently the world’s only superpower. A repetitive sleep deprivation cycle is generally done 180 hrs/7.5 days at a time in the physical renditions, or in no-touch torture five days awake and two days of sleep. Sleep deprivation accomplishes the objective of memory loss during interrogation and induces hallucinations which help with the interrogation process. In behavior modification and programming it is necessary too.
Stress Positions
Keeping detainees handcuffed above their head and to walls so that they must stand for days is a common ploy in torture. These types of poses are called stress positions. They can be mimicked in no-touch torture. An example of one such trick requires the target to believe they can deflect radar energy using pots or pans and that it is directional. The target is being given an ample amount of pain until their hands and arms are spread apart holding the pans trying to block the signals. They must maintain that position in order to get any relief from the torture signals. However the stress position itself is physical torture. Often accompanying this technique are voices saying to the target, “You are doing it to yourself.”
This is a topic for a target at the beginning of the trials and programs. Physical break-ins are common even if the target has an alarm system. The NSA has used stalking of foreign officials in the past for economic gain. The FBI does black bag jobs to invade a home without a warrant. The point is to let the target know they are being watched and to increase their paranoia. The NSA easily hacks all computer systems and causes harm to the victim’s intellectual property and their relationships from that endpoint. In the no touch torture false correlations between pain and a neighbor coming home can be induced.
We will finish off this summary of U.S. and its allies’ torture, interrogation, and behavior modification experimentation with ideas of why they are done to the general public and falsely accused detainees. Anyone can be put into these programs. Justice and rule of law does not exist at the highest levels of government. Treaties are worthless because the #1 agreement in the rules of war, a ban against torture, is not obeyed. This creates a more brutal and barbaric society lead by example.
No-touch torture uses the same interrogation tactics as physical interrogations but with some new twists. Techniques such as “Jeff and Mutt” a.k.a. “Good Cop Bad Cop” are used. The bad cop tortures the target and the good cop tries to gain their trust. In mind control, trust games are commonly employed to manipulate the beliefs of the target. Creating hatred of groups through false correlations and deception is a common CIA method of trickery.
In the CIA programs, the target is put through these phases as written in the documentation, “Disorient and confuse the target. Use them for our purposes, and then dispose of them in any way possible.” We can only surmise by our sample set of a thousand people what “dispose” means: prison, suicide, or perhaps a mental hospital. Coercing and torturing people to suicide is very common. Both tactics in physical or no-touch torture involves plausible deniability.
The no-touch interrogations are better than physical rendition techniques for exposing support networks. Traditional NSA tracking of email and phones calls are useful but if the targets are taken into a secret prison they can’t contact their networks. In no-touch torture, the target will contact everyone who might help them. Then those relationships can be destroyed to isolate the target. All these techniques rely on the target having a fear of death and pain.
Deception is very important during interrogation. In physical interrogations the targets are often drugged. This creates the confusion necessary to pull off certain trickery. In terrorist interrogations, for example, the CIA uses fake newspapers to make the target believe whatever event they were suspected of plotting had already happened, obviously looking for a confession. Sometimes the government in charge of the torture is looking for a political gain through a false confession. None-the-less false flag operations are commonly used in both forms of torture and interrogation. The trick is to make the target believe another foreign country is doing it to them. In no-touch torture the trick is to make them believe someone related to them is behind their suffering.
Voice transformation and morphing is an interesting technology also used in both physical and wireless interrogations. It is a form of deception used against a target to trick them into believing that they are speaking to real people that they know. It has been used in war to trick generals. Obviously spoofing email and other identities on internet forums can be used in this manner too.
Finally, the topic of human experimentation for improving weapons, torture, interrogation, and social disruption methods will be breached. Most of the techniques mentioned above work most effectively if the target has no SERE training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) or psychological understanding of the methods to influence the human mind. Unfortunately, every sample point in the world’s society needs to be studied to improve the weapons systems. This is why many random people are put into the torture and mind control experiments. There are some devious uses of a secret army of remote controlled assassins in every country in the world. The samples must include different education, language, culture, and economic factors.
Obviously, silencing dissidents, oppositions of political parties, and whistleblowers are included in the lists of applications. [of no touch harassment] The most disturbing of the trends in torture is testing and improving it. No-touch torture is much more complex than physical torture.
Chapter 18 Overview of Harassment Methods Used By (FBI’s) COINTELPRO, (OPERATION) GLADIO, Covert Community Recruits and Stay Behind (Armies): (OR “Instruction Manual for Community Gang Stalkers”)
ETK Instruction: I have reproduced Dr. Rauni Kilde’s chapter 18 here because it is an instruction manual for community gang stalkers. These same techniques, and perhaps this same manual, were evidently also used in the FBI’s COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence program) and Operation Gladio/Stay Behind Operations in Europe between about 1950 and 1990. They also accurately describe the U.S. Military-Intelligence’s ongoing, global gang stalking operations as documented in “New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control” by Mark M. Rich (2011). All these top-secret operations went on, officially undetected, for decades; Gladio/Stay Behind functioned secretly and illegally throughout Europe for four decades, when it was exposed in 1990 by Italian Prime Minister Andriotti. Shortly thereafter, the European Parliament made a resolution condemning Gladio (see Appendix 1), but acknowledged that it may still be operational!
The remarkable revelation provided here is that modern organized gang stalking operations are identical with, or nearly identical with, those used in the FBI’s secret COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence program) of the 1950s-1970s, the top-secret “Gladio” and other “Stay Behind Army” operations of Europe between 1950 and 1990, and the destabilization and citizen-elimination operations now being carried out in the name of “counter-terrorism” by the U.S. military in approximately 140 of the world’s 195 nations
Q. Mr Donegan you assert your father, mother, Geral Sosbee, and others have been and are subjected to all these Shock attacks? A. Yes.
From late 1959 to early 1962, Murray was responsible for unethical experiments in which he used twenty-two Harvard undergraduates as research subjects.[6] Among other goals, experiments sought to measure individuals’ responses to extreme stress. The unwitting undergraduates were submitted to what Murray called “vehement, sweeping and personally abusive” attacks. Specifically-tailored assaults to their egos, cherished ideas and beliefs were used to cause high levels of stress and distress. The subjects then viewed recorded footage of their reactions to this verbal abuse repeatedly.
Q. Are there reasons the Police have painted you as a pedophile and retard? A. Yes. The protection racket the police operate involve them taking the person they say is me (but an impostor) to undergo sex therapy and sexual interrogation practices watched by police as the Domina studies the tied up person before the police watching from one-way mirrors. I have seen this depicted and heard this described to me but it not me needing that therapy. It is a police detachment that is participating in that operation. THat police detachment also collects payouts to child victims who are not victims and protects glamours females who are glad young children are not being victimized, and that a victimizer of young children could never get past that bedroom door of the glamours lady.
Q. [Interrogagtor takes a moment to adjust his shiny hat] Mr Donegan you assert abuse of children staged events are held and about which we have received more than two dozen reports from you of individual and group acts of perversion SO profound and disgusting that decorum prohibits listing them here.? A. Yes. They are atrocities really, treating children like that. But they assert is is privilege for a loser like me to see, but of course it is also illegal for me to view children like that and I will have to meet payment demands made of me. Q. But you want nothing to do with this? How is this possible? A. By two acts of criminality. THe first is an impostor of me will assert it was my plan all along. The second is those in the conspiracy will do things that support the fraud like thanking me for agreeing to payment demands or helping it look like I am a pervert in need of sex offender arrest or sex offender treatment programs. The entirety of it is fraud but it allows the perception of me to be defined by the activities stage in the fraud.
Q. Are there real sex offenders in this? A. Well that is complex question for a complex criminal scheme. I will say there are real sex addicts in this. The fraudsters hope to win the approval of feminists and high society women by chasing abusers of minors. Trying to stage a phone investigation to get “freebies” from elite women has been part of this. I can take it or leave it. They can not and for many for the first time in their lives they are taking part in a world beyond the jail cells they either guarded or were kept in. That I was in a prison release program let the prison guards afterwards use their flunkies to stage I was still their prisoner and they were on my trail. Prison trustees were used to help stage that. Sequoia Plaza has the mental health services board of directors of the mental health services I was ordered into after release from federal prison and that is where Jen Moore was filming as part of this conspiracy.
Q. Though this is done under color-of-law as law enforcement activities are some or all of the special operators criminal offenders and if so do some or all of the special operators know that? A. Well, you can be (according to my understanding) a criminal, an offender, if you do not have criminal intent. The operation is too big to fail. That is what it was designed to be. THere is so much head count of undercover operators all building towards a deceit in piecemeal fashion, each piece justifying itself or building on the previous piece, it may be hard or even impossible to see the forest from within the trees. As to those who do have criminal intent that is in the abstract with the DCO does.
The Directorate of Operations (DO) is a branch of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that conducts covert operations and collects foreign intelligence. The DO is also known as the National Clandestine Service (NCS). It’s counterpart in military intelligence is the Defense Clandestine Services (DCS.) Consider what “covert” is. It means under some type of cover. A person who is an Agent-In-Place. That AIP might be a bookkeeper cooking the books, a forger, an identity thief, a corrupt security guard, Shills who stage events not happening or alter photos, lie to the police or others, if enough Head Count is In Place (HCIP) to carry they day as the a Legend, a lie being true, the team can in effect vote up a story-line by sheer number of voices contributing enough falisity into the story. Usually it is indirect. The person is not the real person but a fake linked to a real person, a person is the real person but not correctly linked to a crime but wrongly linked by planted evidence. The real person has some item or person as a lie tying the person to what is not true. A group of influencers too numerous to fail.
The Stagecraft” of the team of covert operators mirror very directly the methods of organized crime depending on subterfuge, money laundering, frauds, burglaries, homicides, fraud on the courts, obstruction of justice, witness or evidence tampering, judge shopping, pay-off of public officials or others, deceit, criminal objectives, falsified evidence or records, etc.,
Q. Do you think you were quite exotic to arrive in Nueces County, Texas City of Corpus Christi? A. Yes, and the police seemed to want to use a retarded version of me to receive counseling on how to become who the actual me is .
Q. Huh? A. Yeah. Most of us in the Targeted victims groups say the CIA out of Denver Colorado and financial elites of the NWO have lists of who to sabotage. The smear campaign against me was undermining that I am much more sophisticated than I seem and much more law abiding and supporting than I seem. I believe that hostility towards the USA and police that has burned inner-cities down has resulted from too much excuse making in social justice, and a stronger defense of our system delivering individual results to individuals rather than identical racial group results is more the path. Expecting all testing to match performance levels is the wrong exception and the wrong promised. That failed promise made in sociology can be a precursor to violence rather than preempt it. That I look like and act like a White Supremacist Terrorist is probably a great comfort to the CIA and FBI.
Q. Can you name one of the most important and well known author on that point? A. Mark Rich. Here are several books on the point.
The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against The Civilian Population
Mark provides compelling evidence that wealthy satanist-psychopaths are waging a covert war right in your neighborhoods as they establish a global dictatorship known as the New World Order.
Their potential enemies are placed under constant surveillance by the security forces and attacked with silent and traceless directed-energy weapons that leave no visible injury. These attacks are combined with psychological warfare used to inflict recurrent emotional pain.
Use of Blacklisting is a main tool of destroying lives and credibility often staged compromising appearaces then talking them up behind the vicitims back in the office, etc.,
Job opportunities will be trashed. Most Targeted Individuals are unemployed. Many
would be in the street if it weren’t for parents, siblings, or friends.
Those who are employed are usually mobbed.“Progressive financial impoverishment, [isl brought on by
termination of the individual’s employment, and compounded by
expenses associated with the harassment,” wrote McKinney. Most
of the targeted individuals she was able to observe during her early
investigations were mobbed out of employment by their coworkers.There are blacklists and software packages used to check
these lists for suspected terrorists and threats to national security.
Apparently this is a flourishing business, according to the American
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).Blacklisting has also been used on Russian dissidents. In his
book, The Persecutor, Sergei Kourdakov, a member of the plain-
clothed PeopWs Brigade, declared that once a person was targeted
they could only get the worst jobs, if they were employed at all.1
To accomplish this, the government of the USSR used
something called a workbook, which could advance or destroy
careers. If you were cooperative with the state, your career could be
very successful. If not, you would live in poverty.In East Germany dissidents were blacklisted as well, and
their careers were destroyed. After the wall came down they were
allowed to inspect their files, and learned why they were unable to
get jobs or enter into universities.Targets may regularly experience acts of vandalism. Electronic
equipment may fail or act strangely. People have reported this
happening with electrical systems in their cars, brand new
appliances, TVs, radios, PCs, and other electronic devices.
Ongoing computer problems which do not follow any logical
pattern may also occur. They include hardware and software issues
that span from the file to the internet level.Many times this vandalism is just below what you’d report
to the police. For instance, a small but noticeable portion of your
wall has been chipped off, and a crack has appeared in one of your
windows. This may be restricted to minor vandalism, just to let you
know that you’re under surveillance.However large-scale property damage is also done to homes
and vehicles. Some people have reported that their pets die
suddenly of a mysterious illness. Vandalism and pets being tortured
may also be in retaliation for you taking action to expose them.
“Automobiles are one of the biggest targets,” said Moret.People have reported that tires are slashed, oil is drained, windows
are smashed, electronic components are tampered with, and breaks
and clutches are sabotaged.McKinney wrote: “Vehicles invite peculiarly ferocious
attacks in these harassment campaigns-slashed tires, smashed
windows, oil drainage, oil contamination, destruction of electronic
components and batteries grounded fuel gauges” and “suddenly
failed brakes and clutches,” are common, as are recurrent auto
thefts.According to Moret and McKinney citizens are being used to
conduct staged vehicular accidents. They are deliberately colliding
with the vehicles of targeted individuals. -
Ramblings of a So-Called Paranoid Schizophrenic
In this follow-up to his ground-breaking memoir “Extrajudicial Execution,” Michael Lutterschmidt-who was targeted for surveillance, intimidation, torture and death-presents a series of reflections and theories on subjects ranging from the frightening to the bizarre.
Labeled a paranoid-schizophrenic by professionals attempting to discredit his knowledge of government secrets, the author’s perceptive mind weighs in on the abuses and vagaries of religion; the manipulation of society by unseen forces; the presence of magic in our world; exotic new technologies used to spy on citizens and influence minds; explanations for aliens and other paranormal entities; criminal conspiracies in major organizations; and a host of other issues. These must-read “rambles” will both startle and illuminate anyone with an open mind.
In his own words, this Targeted Individual (TI) exposes his tormented life and the heartless, sadistic and invasive methods used covertly to undermine his credibility, cause illness and excruciating pain, ruin him financially, tear apart his family, drive him mad and lead him to consider suicide. This dramatic and cautionary tale may seem extreme and far-fetched, but thousands of other Targeted Individuals throughout the world are suffering in silence right now. In this candid account, the author describes the psychological, emotional, mental and physical torture that he has endured for over six years, hoping that he will survive long enough to see this book in print.
Rich, Mark M. On Kindle
Lutterschmidt, Michael On Kindle
Q. Uhm. A. Let me just get to it. I have complained for some 40 years perhaps thousands of times a year about this situation and the risks I live with in health, etc., Cops think that is great. I don’t. I have nice little conversations with them like if a bullet hits your skull I hope you remember if you can you had it coming. Don’t plant evidence, child porn, etc., Yet they do. They make a big deal of sticking together. As they did against Serpico. Cops are dangerous. We all should know that. I want ac ton it, I won’t kill a cop. I will explain why others might or should or did.
Vitriolic Embellishments: The system of Gang Stalk (like most frauds or frame jobs) uses team of fraudsters and creates vitriolic embellishments trying to add negativity into (add it to) the positive and normal life such that once toxicity linked improperly as embellishment to the original activity and person is poisoned by the added in toxicity. That embellishment that expresses a negative about a person at library, park, or elsewhere destroys the life of a targeted person, can result in fights with the stalkers, and fights against the stalked person on the basis of the smear.
Poison is an important word. The smear is more than to cause (at least in my case and according to Eric T. Karlson) the targeted individual to be viewed as a threat to the community. A person may not like having who is called (and I emphasized called) a nazi by others may not be liked as an apartment renter but may be permitted to rent an apartment. A Nazi who is a violent threat is going to be denied an on an excuse apartment leases. Same thing with a peeper with a hidden cam at a gym or near children. The goal of the Stalk (parade) is to stage events that label a person in a negative way and also by other means link a person to acts that threaten the gym or other community. Most community groups think because of the gossip or secret grand jury infor they have or deep fake photos that getting rid of a TI is a public good and are proud of doing so.
That is an important point. It is the right of access to an apartment, a car loan, use of a gym or holding job or a community organization that is the real target. What do we do if we think a person has very negative qualities or worse very dangerous qualities? We cut out ties and close our doors to that person to protect ourselves. GangStalks are built on the theory of the smear.
The smear campaign is covert and not only will stalkers refute that they have placed a child in your path or engaged in other hostile harassing they have made sure they have a counter action to prevail against any action you take against the stalker. Counter-actions the Stalkers may use are calling you paranoid or delusional, schizophrenic, intolerant of those different than you, etc.,
Both the original smear and the prevailing counter-attack against the complaint of a Stalked person will likely be the plan of stalkers. The Targeted Individual may be damaged by the appearances paid actors create and even be sued by them or fought by them as they assert the Target is guilty of that same smear or the smear may be used to justify a protection racket, victims fees, legal proceedings in remedy of what was a smear rather than true, etc.,
Revenge Stalks are stalks in that community groups are incited to defraud, sexually or politically or religiously harasser, or by any means make a smeared person uncomfortable and want to leave to avoid abuse. People may be encouraged to defraud, make “mistakes” in accounting or other services or commerce, be noxious to, or otherwise show open hostility to the smeared person.
Q. Mr. Donegan you use and have used for 10 years the allegation of criminal racketeering under color of law. Have you heard recently these illegal programs also called black-budget or black-opps or special-access programs have been deemed illegal and that illegal racketeering methods are part of the covert activities? A. Yes I have. Q. Why had you asserted this earlier and why do still assert this? A. Yes, though the Stalkers increase stalking aggression as I point out their methods and motives that almost or does distract me but that is the point. Abuse from them is Rough Noise, problems of toxicty (call if a fire of danger or threat or intolerability) that emerge when my normal activity in normal context is my writing my book about the situation. It is a fight that tough covertly initiated by stalkers is initiated by stalkers hopig I will be blamed for the fight. The stalker is (whether they know it or not_ are beig directed to stop me from writng a book about government officials and goverment misconduct. That is a Conspiracy Against First Amendment and other rights.
Q. So you assert the contentious distracting and unworkable conditions are unconstitutional but does that make them racketeering? A. According to most Stalk experts there is often a financial component to the parades and surveillance. The surveillance allows for cooption of intellectual property and setting up of roadway illegal conditions such as plants of evidence on the path the traveler of the path is going to be framed for being on the path to. Q. Is that a crime? A. I assert that if the smear of me is used to defraud a trust or conservancy then yes, the identity theft a person in my identity uses to admit to misconduct and stipulate to pay-out-demands using assets belonging to me family are money-laundering, identity theft, extortion of me in that where I go I am blamed and charged for things staged and not of my doing or wishes. The black mail victim who uses my identity is more likely con artist role playing and than a true blackmail victim. In Con Arist language these are Shills, con artists who are in a grift, and Confidence Job of con artists techniques of fraud and defrauding. A. Do you see other violations of racketeering laws other than the financial piece? Yes. the homicide of of one of their own who turned whistle-blower and her name was Jen Moore. I assert all these are aware by felony intent they are in crimes but wish to be.
Q. How can that be? Did you not walk into places like Oil Can Harry’s and say the gay community should know better than this? Yes., but a Payoff Convincer appeals to their self gain motives. They know fraud is illegal but flaunt it because the fight with me is politically important to them and the fraud against me is important to them too. A. How is that? A. The Pay-Off Convincer says he is a white supremacists piece of shit (the words of a Capitola roomate) why not defraud the person by going to glamorous dominatrix using his stolen identity and agree to “findom” demands to pay into a fraud fund? I have been violent attacked on a metro and other locations violent demanding access to my genome saying they need it. Given that they seem me as scum, why not make some money defrauding me? That sounds even better than ignoring me.
Do you believe you and others are actually bullied by this racket hoping a fight breaks out and you can be blamed for it? I have spent most of my life in psych-wards saying I was being stalked while experiencing things like being tied down on medical beds given forcible meds by injection to clear my delusions of being stalked. I have had at least 15,000 intense fights with family members (my mother mostly) about whether street stalkers were attacking me.
Q. Have you seen elsewhere that reporting covert aggression is used to place psychiatric detentions on the “schizophrenic, bipolar fixed delusional, and paranoids?” A. Yes most books now on organized stalking say the defensive sheild of denying being stalkers is actually a weapon in that the lie of the stalker denying stalking is believed and the accuser of the stalker is not. Q. Have you seen this described since? A. Carl Clark of MI5 says D-E-W attacks are used in part to assert that a whistle-blower holds tinfoil on the head delusions and should be confined to a pscychaitric ward without access to news, PCs or the internet, etc. and that often happens to me for years at a time including here in Texas.
Q. Do Stalkers try anything at all to get under you skin to distract you? Yes. Q. Do you have Borderline Personality Disorder and it is difficult to work through and survive rage? A. Yes and I think that is being played to. Q. Have you asked militia groups to stop stalkers? A. They stalker hopes I will try and look like a paranoid as I make claims about the stalkers. Q. Has that happened? A. Perhaps one thousand times. Q. Can you give me an example you documented? A. Yes. At North Beach I complained teens and younger where in parade and illegally in my car, etc., acting like I am inovlved with them. Q. What was the result? A. As other stalk victims have also reported I was blamed for noticing the odd way underage females looked as though I were hunting out a victim.
Q. Mr Donegan are you familiar with the concept of exigent threats and threat mitigation? A. yes. If a cop feels they are in danger they will use force to preempt the danger. Q. Do people mock punch you and act out being your victim and is that a threat to you? A. Yes, but again if I act on that I will be called the aggression and be in a prison as fight starter rather than a free man and a book writer.
Q. Mr. Donegan could you explain the Pay-off Convincer more? A. If and that is a crux of the protection racket, what it turns on, it can be made to look like I have toxic and in-sophisticate access or no access to elite women and I thus bottom feed on helpless Mexican or Texan minors as my lust then (if then scheme) the con artists as remedy for being losers (in my identity) can buy or request access elite woman (far out of their range) to cure the condition of being a loser and I assert losers set this con artist rign up. They wanted to figure out how to live my earlier than Texas life so they pretended to be me and pretended not to know that, then requested lessons for that they asserted I needed.
Cases against a person can be poisoned too. Gang Stalkers bullies fabricating abusive and phony crime scene with evidence plants and false-witnesses, tampering with evidence (by planting evidence and victims, taking phony and impersonated statements, refusing exculpating statements, and misrepresenting events is in law enforcement power and they do so including fraud on the courts including using tampered evidence before magistrates, grand juries, court personnel,, etc., The actions are blatantly illegal, obstruction of justice, conspiracy against rights, motivated by the need of political elites with much to hide, and often formed with the cooperation of racketeering influence officials from small towns or institutions that are either duped or wish to be part of ends-justify-the-means fraud. Another term for it might be COINTELPRO that turns a profit for the racketeering influence criminal organizations operating under color-of=law (a police operations) that is blatantly illegal and continues through the assassination of whistle-blowers and break-ins to home or official offices, or larger acts of terror or fraud.
The KOMPROMAT itself is intended as a poison. It is clear I make positive use of the gym an parks. If a poisonous allegation is added into that (embellishment by Deep Fake) the entire access to the gym or park is harassed.
The protagonist is the character whose fate is most closely followed by the reader or audience, and who is opposed by the antagonist. The antagonist provides obstacles and complications and creates conflicts that test the protagonist, revealing the strengths and weaknesses of the protagonist’s character, and having the protagonist develop as a result. – Wikipedia
Community Stalkers, Gang Stalkers, Shills, and other protagonists are Roadblockers who seek to create hostile, violent, and intolerable unsafe environments. Usually drawn for the lower levels of society they (like library security guards, etc.,) act in the role of Antagonist rather than the Protagonist that would make the library a safe place. Covert abusiveness is their specialty. When I would walk to the bathroom a young gay male (I think) would get directly in the way of the door his lower half in a dress and being in the path of the bathroom door. If a sign blocks a pathway it might be bright yellow and say Caution Slippery Floor or on the other hand someone seeking negative hostile attention might get in the path instead. They are hoping to harass a person and even get fight if they can. They may claim and might even think the labor of their activities are some sort of treatment the victim trying to get to the bathroom needs but that is not true. How a person tries to get to the bathroom getting around the roadblock or complete any other task in the face of covert agression is the hostile environment problem created.
Mr. Geral W. ‘geral’ Sosbee Eligible to Practice in Texas
GERAL SOSBEE Bar Card Number: 18855625 TX License Date: 05/13/1983
Primary Practice Location: PO Box 292 Mission, TX 78573 Elected Magistrate in Texas, Law Professor and form FBI Special Agent in Counter-Espionage in the Cold War specializing in Romanian documents and history.
Romania is part of the history of the Windsor family today. The real life Count Dracula, a fictional character who was based on Vlad Tepes is actually related to King Charles III. Bet only a few people knew that but it’s completely true, the King is actually the great great grandson 16 times removed of Vlad ‘The Impaler’. ary of Teck was from this region and tied to her children one with the gene and one without. Prince Albert of York who had it and Prince Edward of Wales without it. Jen Moore and Ed Donegan say this is tied to eugenics and genetics research and family jewels CIA program of MK-ULTRA and one thousand years of Great Britain.
Supreme Court of the State of New York
(Attorney Registration NO. 4015236) Keith S. Labella has submitted an affidavit dated January I l, 2019, wherein he voluntarily resigns from the New York State Bar. Mr. Labella was admitted to the Bar in the State Of New York at a term Of the Appellate Division Of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department on January 9, 2002.
There are no complaints or charges of professional misconduct pending against him. Mr. Labella presently resides in California, does not practice law in New York, and, under these circumstances, does not wish to pay the biennial registration fee. Upon the papers submitted in support Of the resignation, it is ORDERED that the voluntary resignation of Keith S. Labella is accepted and directed to be filed; and it is further, ORDERED that the name of Keith S. Labella is removed from the roll of attorneys and counselors-at-law in the State of New York, without prejudice to an application for reinstatement; and it is further, ORDERED that pursuant to Judiciary law 90, effective immediately, Keith S. Labella is commanded to desist and refrain from (l) practicing law in any form, either as principal or as agent, clerk, or employee Of another in the State of New York, (2) appearing as an attorney or counselor-at-law before any court, Judge, Justice, board, commission, or other public authority in this State, (3) giving to another an opinion as to the law or its application or any advice in relation thereto in this State, and (4) holding himself out in any way as an attorney and counselor-at-law in the State of New York; and it is further,21 2019
ORDERED that if Keith S. Labella has been issued a secure pass by the Office of Court Administration, it shall be returned forthwith to the issuing agency, SCHEINKMAN, PS, MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.
The types of attacks of which I have experienced 200 to 300 aggravated attacks of in the last 3 years from 2024 have been things like covertly criminal abrogation of my leases (details later) and living homelessness on federals State fo Texas property attacks to prevent my book writing. In the last year I have had to 10 to 15 direct attacks on my head. One example is that sleeping in a tent in Republic Square homeless another homeless person clearly knowing my identity said “you can’t hide from me” getting my attention when he kicked to my skull with his booted foot from outside my tent. Similar threats of that were used in Austin Central Public Library and while attempting to sleep after buying a PC not having had one for 6 months a noise campaign arranged by the Austin police department had a homeless woman in a wheelchair banging a large heavy piece of metal inches from my head for a six hour period as I attempted to sleep and at the same time she was shrieking her lungs out. About this time also about 5 street fights broke out at homeless people directly attacked often prioritizing getting to my laptop bag and trying to destroy it while givng me death threats. More on these will be detailed later.
For a while I was dependent on library computers to upload my press kit. I thought the issue was disk space on my notebook computer and needed the larger memory for the 4 gig zip file operation on desktop PCs. I have found out now I can that press kit operation on my notebook PC if I shorten the paths of the full press kit. One thing the PsyOps workers admit to in documents I have restored is that a reverse-psychology affect is created when battling stalkers. The idea is the complaint a stalk victim makes has the engineered affect of making the stalk victim look bad, not like like a crime reporter. The Stalk victim looks like he notices teens when others don’t, fears illegal immigrants, or the Rainbow Coalition, all of those allegedly entitled to be doing wha they are doing with paranoid or schizophrenic complaints regarding their presence near the Stalk victim.
This books asserts a Deep State in cover-up mode and all this tied to attempt to hide CIA and OSS and Great Britain 007 history that worked together and assassinated the non compliant, JFK and RFK among them.
I Edward Paul Donegan assert first responders in Texas and elsewhere are familiar with what I am writing and thus I have received the same death threats from them Katherine Horton and others have, and that being in custody while in the USA is too unsafe and I have tried to get out of the USA for some 30 years unsuccessfully as I am impersonated by a gullible losers whose actions are tied to me.
I believe the most dangerous threat to the United States of America is the Texas DPS and the DPS Texas Rangers in particular who will not buy Chauncey Holt’s book and ignore E. Howard Hunt confession and allow and watch over death threats to me if I continue my writing.
Rudy2’s Multilingual Blog
The ex-FBI official is Ted Gunderson mentioned earlier in this page and let’s first look at Ted Gunderson’s death.
In his 80s he said the United States Military was in an NWO overthrow plot and using Directed Energy Weapons on citizens, government officials, conducting poisonings, and other targeted killings on behalf of the NWO and he continued these assertions and writings until his death from Cancer, perhaps Cancer Type CIA-Havana Syndrome.
Rudy2: Former FBI official Ted Gunderson died of cancer on July 31, 2011. Was his illness induced by silent electromagnetic assault or by other nefarious means? We will never know – and that’s just the way certain entities want it.
A former senior official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation says “rogue” military intelligence and law enforcement units of the federal government oversee a nationwide network of community-based “gang stalking” harassment, intimidation and domestic terrorism directed at thousands of U.S. citizens who have been extrajudicially targeted as “dissidents” or undesirables.
Ted Gunderson, 82, who has served as the Special Agent in Chargeof the FBI’s Los Angeles, Memphis and Dallas FBI Field Offices, has stated in a series of public speaking appearances that he is now targeted by these same elements, and fears for his life and for the safety of his family. He reports that the windows of his home have been shot out, and he believes he has been poisoned and physically sickened by those seeking to silence him.
“Based on my thirty years’ experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal U.S. government rogue criminal enterprise – military intelligence, probably, tied into CIA and FBI and so forth – that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States” Gunderson stated in an October 2008 speech posted last fall on YouTube, three years before cancer consumed him.
Plaintiff Keith Salvatore Labella brings this pro se action against Defendants Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), Office of Justice Programs (“OJP”), and United States Department of Justice (“DOJ”), pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 et seq. (“FOIA”). Labella seeks declaratory and injunctive relief compelling the FBI to produce certain documents related to “gang stalking” and compelling the OJP to produce certain data related to the Supplemental Victimization Survey to the National Crime Victimization Survey 2006 (“Survey”). Defendants and Labella both move for summary judgment pursuant to Rule 56 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
Labella’s Request
By letter dated January 11,2010, Labella submitted a FOIA request to the FBI seeking thirty-seven categories of documents relating to “the national phenomenon of gang stalking.” (Id. ¶31.) The request defines “gang stalking” as follows:
Setting up a Pile On to a harrassed Person (Targeted Individual)
Gang stalking involves groups of individuals (“gang stalking groups”) operating territorially and nationwide, and, in communication and collusion with each other, to violate the civil rights of, and disrupt, destabilize and finally destroy individuals who are put on a Stalking List for various reasons. The gang stalking groups use both intensive physical and electronic surveillance means to do this .. . including], but not limited to: “street theatre,” in which targets of gang stalking are subjected in public to rudeness, loud speaking and personal references to themselves and their private activities by persons within the gang stalking conspiracy; [and] related “Flashmobbing,” or the coming together of an often large group of individuals in the gang stalking conspiracy to disrupt, intimidate, harass and otherwise confuse a gang stalking victim ….
[Repeat] The gang stalking groups use both intensive physical and electronic surveillance means to do this .. . including], but not limited to: “street theatre,” in which targets of gang stalking are subjected in public to rudeness, loud speaking and personal references to themselves and their private activities by persons within the gang stalking conspiracy;
[Ed Donegan calls these Liographies, blatant provocative dis-truth that do reference in a covert way a real situation from the near or the distant past of a Stalk Victim that is hinted at (through similar but altered names drawn from the real event to hint at the real event for instance) but smear the target of the abuse. The hope is to draw a person into a fight by an unjust act towards the Stalking victim. Similarly being tripped by children, subject to unpleasant smells or atmospheric particulate that trips asthma fits, others bumping into a Stalk victim asserting the bump was accidental when clearly it was not. If the fight breaks out the Stalk victim may land in the hospital and die later (my father) make it home bloody (me several times) or be arrested or placed in a metal ward (me more than 50 times)]
“Victims’ accounts tend to be dismissed since their experiences sound like commonplace occurrences – because that is indeed what they are: strangers who are rude, neighbors who are noisy, businesses which deliver bad service, drivers who cut-off the victim in traffic, pedestrians who bump them as they walk by, etc. These are things which happen to everyone. But for gang stalking victims, these things happen constantly – which
becomes a form of real psychological torture, the intensity of which must be experienced to comprehend.AI Overview (Google) “Pile on” is an informal phrasal verb that has multiple meanings:
To join in criticism.
To join a group of people in criticizing someone or something, usually in an unfair way. For example, “After the first few negative reviews, all the other critics started piling on“.
To make something increase quickly.
To cause something to increase rapidly. For example, “I’d given up smoking, but I piled on weight as a result“.
To put a large amount of something on someone or something.
To put a large amount of something on someone or something. For example, “He piled on the gravy“.
To gain a lot of something.
To gain a lot of something. For example, “He piled on the pounds after he got married“.
To express a feeling in a stronger way than is necessary.
To express a feeling in a much stronger way than is necessary. For example, “Don’t pile on the drama!“
As a noun, “pile on” can also mean an argument or attack by a large group of people against one person or a much smaller group. For example, “After his temper tantrum, a pile-on by commentators immediately ensued” – AI Overview
In speech law in the USA today truth is a defense against allegations of defamation. Malice is a legal term which refers to a party’s intention to do injury to another party if the speech is incorrect about a person. The malice of attackers in dis-truth and hostile actions is clear and a provocation often stirring or driving intense emotions. The intense emotions may lie in delusional dupes who think they are attacking a threat to the community or the target of the abuse who knows of the unfairness being heaped on.
Under Occupational Health and Safety laws, individuals are being flagged and placed on community notification lists. This is happening without the targets knowledge. In many countries these community notifications are being used by companies and others to target innocent individuals such as whistle-blowers, the outspoken, etc. In conjunction with these notifications, companies and others are in some cases using a practice that was used in the former soviet union called the psychiatric reprisal. This is used as a means of retaliation, blacklisting, silencing, or controlling members of society. Once on the notification system, warnings about the targets are sent out to every individual the target comes in contact with, thus poisoning their associations, and socially annexing the targeted individual. – What is Gang Stalking a Targeted Individual By Professor Eric Thor Karlstrom, Ph.D
Gang Stalking is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. Once a target is flagged a notification is sent out to the community at large, and the target is followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in.
Labella requested that the FBI search terms such as “targeted individual(s)” (id. ¶ 31 (5)), “publicly funded victims groups” (id. ¶ 31(10)), “informants” (id. ¶ 31(15)), “agents provocateur” (id.), “community stalking” (Id. ¶ 31 (20)), “cause stalking” ( id. ¶ 31 (22)), “school shooting” (id. ¶ 31(25)), and “COINTELPRO” (id. ¶ 31(26)), all as they relate to “gang stalking.”
For the reasons set forth below, Defendants’ motion for summary judgment is GRANTED and Labella’s motion for summary judgment is DENIED.
Mental hygiene is a medical practice that helps people maintain their mental health and well-being. It involves daily activities that can help people:
Prevent negative behaviors Improve emotional stability, Improve quality of life, Build resilience to face challenges, Free the mind of cortisol, the main stress hormone.
Some benefits of practicing mental hygiene include: Improved mood, Better relationships, Deeper concentration, Enhanced creativity, and Greater sense of well-being.
Some ways to practice mental hygiene include: Setting aside 15 minutes of your day, Starting with one activity you do every day, Allowing your mind to fully immerse in the activity, Focusing on every sensation
Experimenting with different activities. – The World Health Organization (WHO) says that mental health is an integral part of health.
Mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being, influencing cognition, perception, and behavior. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is a “state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can contribute to his or her community”.[1] It likewise determines how an individual handles stress, interpersonal relationships, and decision-making.[2] Mental health includes subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, intergenerational dependence, and self-actualization of one’s intellectual and emotional potential, among others.[3]
From the perspectives of positive psychology or holism, mental health may include an individual’s ability to enjoy life and to create a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.[4] Cultural differences, personal philosophy, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories all affect how one defines “mental health”.[5] Some early signs related to mental health difficulties are sleep irritation, lack of energy, lack of appetite, thinking of harming oneself or others, self-isolating (though introversion and isolation aren’t necessarily unhealthy), and frequently zoning out. -Wikipedia.
Calculating discomfort of a Target is used to psychiatric drive a target to create a hygienic (non-hostile) environment including an environment of a normed state rather than a manufactured state. In addition to being unpleasant to a stalked person or arousing fear or anger in the stalked person the Legend the stalkers act out may pose later threats to the stalked person if the Legend is not properly mitigated as a threat.
Ted Gunderson received death threats, threats his daughter would be shot, and other attacks
6230-A Wilshire Blvd., Suite 6
Los Angeles, California 90048
Phone: (337) 344-8876
I, Ted L. Gunderson, hereby swear under the pains and penalties of jury that the following statements are true and correct:
My name is Ted L.. Gunderson. I am the owner and operator of Ted L. Gunderson & Associates, an international security and consulting firm based out of Santa Monica, California. I am currently a licensed private investigator in the state of California. I have performed private Investigation and security work for numerous individuals, companies, and governments worldwide since founding my firm in 1979.
I have worked for, amongst others, F. Lee Bailey, Esq., The California Narcotics Authority by appointment of Governor Jerry Brown, The 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Committee, and The 1979 Pan American Games in San Juan, Puerto Rico by appointment of then U.S, Attorney General Griffin Bell.
[Ted Gunderson narrowly was passed over to be FBI director as in inbound Reagan Bush team preferred Griffin Bell but the respect between the candidates for the top job was mutual.]
Previous to my [Ted Gunderson’s] work as a private investigator I spent nearly three decades in the F.B.I. Between 1951 and 1960 I was an F.B.I. Special Agent. In 1960 I was promoted as a supervisor at F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington, D.C., where I was in charge of Organized Crime and Racketeering investigations covering 26 F.B.I Field Offices nationwide.
[The Anti-Racketeering Anti Hoffa Robert F. Kennedy as Attorney General of the United States of America chose Ted Gunderson to be his right hand man in fighting the mafia. As Bobby Kennedy took the call his brother was assassinated and deceased it was Ted Gunderson in the meeting on the Mafia in his office with him.]
Following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy I was re-assigned to Special [JFK Assasination] Inquiry White House Matters [liason offiical to LBJ] at F.B.I. Headquarters Washignton D.C. Two Years Later.
In 1970 I was promoted to Assistant Special Agent- In-Charge of the F.B.I. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Field Office.
On July 12, 1972 I successfully negotiated with two terrorist hijackers of National Airlines Flight 496 for the release of 119 passengers at Philadelphia International Airport: In 1973 I was promoted to Chief Inspector at F.B.I. Headquarters[appears to be just below Director of the FBI]. Also served as Special Agent-In-Charge of the F.B.I. Memphis and Dallas Field Offices[and continued ever increasing JFK Dealy Plaza material as Warren Commission, etc, unfolded]. I retired from the F.B.I, as Senior Special Agent-In- Charge of the Los Angeles Field Office of the F.B.I. with over 700 F.B.I. employees and a budget of over 22 million dollars in 1979, [perhaps a few cases to supervise].
I have read the Complaint in the current action of Mr. Keith Labella against F.B.I. and D.O.J., It is my professional opinion, based on information, knowledge and belief that the information sought by Mr. Labella in this F.O.I.A suit regarding “gang stalking”, “gang stalking groups” and “gang stalking methods” reasonably describes an ongoing, active, covert nationwide program that is in effect today, and, based on my investigations and experience, has been operational since at least the early 1980’s. Since the 1980°s gang stalking has increased in scope, intensity and sophistication by adapting to new communications and surveillance technology. These programs are using the codenames Echelon Program, Carnivore System, and Tempest Systems.
The Echelon Program is administered by the N.S.A. out of Fort Meade, Maryland, and monitors all email and phone calls in the world. Carnivore System is administered by the N.S.A. out of Fort Meade, Maryland, and can download any computer system without being traced or otherwise known to the owner. Tempest Systems can decipher what is on any computer screen up to a quarter of a mile away.
These programs are negatively impacting thousands of Americans and severely abusing their civil rights on a daily basis.
Based on my investigative work, which includes intelligence from sources such as active and former members of the Intelligence Services (including the FBI, the C.I.A, the N.S.A and Military Intelligence), information from informants active in criminal enterprises, and, victim testimonies, I have come to the conclusion that thousands of victims have been targeted by an illegal government rogue criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day within the U.S. This conspiracy is far too active to be controlled or operated by private enterprise whose goals are achieving financial gain.
These operations require extensive financing with no return on the investment. This program’s operations are financed by illegal black operations, i.e., narcotics, prostitution, child kidnapping (children sell at covert auctions for up to $50,000 per child), human trafficking, gambling and other rackets.)
I have documentation and know that throughout the U.S., operating 24 hours-a-day and 7 days-a-week, there is a Central Command, located within the U.S., with multiple satellite offices, whose administrators can instantly initiate surveillance, phone taps and harassment against any individual in the country.
They have the technology, financing and manpower to dispense illegal surveillance and harassment against anyone at any time, day or might. I have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic, illegal government harassment currently being conducted against thousands of Americans. This makes the F.B.I.’s former COINTELPRO program, which I worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday school program by comparison.
I firmly believe that most individuals working in the F.B I, other intelligence agencies, and the government overall are honest, law-abiding public servants. However, a sophisticated network of rogue operatives has secretly infiltrated the F.B.I,, other intelligence agencies including the C.I.A, and other key government positions.
This rogue element seeks personal power and wealth and considers themselves above the law and the Constitution. They are carrying out the aforementioned surveillance and harassment activities in conjunction with organized crime, the cult movement in America including Satanic cults, other commercial and political interests, and even misguided civic organizations and neighborhood groups.
This illegal surveillance and harassment program is being called gang stalking and organized stalking by the victims targeted by it.
The victims are targeted for a variety of reasons including government and corporate whistle-blowers, parties to financial and employment disputes, parties to marital disputes (usually divorced women), and even jilted paramours. Journalists covering controversial issues, and, even attorneys and private investigators representing unpopular clients or interests, have been targeted by this program.
surreptitious entry into hom
Individuals targeted by this program have been subjected to illegal and unconstitutional phone taps, illegal re-routing of business and private phone calls for purposes of harassment, illegal audio “bugging”, surreptitious entry into home, office, and vehicle, visual surveillance in the home conducted by illegal placement of miniature remote, wireless cameras (often accessible via internet), illegal internet spyware, illegal GPS tracking (often through their own mobile phones), regular fixed and mobile surveillance, mail misdirection, mail theft and tampering, financial and employment sabotage, slander campaigns and community ostracizing , internet disinformation and smear campaigns, poisoning, assaults and murder, illegal set-ups on ding charges and other felony charges, amongst many other civil rights abuses.
In addition to high-ranking members of the F.B.I., other intelligence services, and the government overall, wealthy, powerful members of criminal syndicates, multi-millionaires and the corporate elite are using the government gang stalking program to harass enemies.
They can get a targeted individual harassed for the rest of that individual’s life (individual cases of gang stalking lasting for over a decade are common).
The higher status members of the gang stalking conspiracy initiate the gang stalking and coordinate logistics and funding. Lower echelon government rogue operatives, lower ranking members of the military (in violation of Posse Comitatus), petty criminals and street thugs perform the actual grunt work of daily monitoring and harassment of individuals targeted by the program.
Based on my professional experience, extensive intelligence information and belief, it is my professional opinion that the F.B.I is involved in and has investigative files on the subject of gang stalking, related gang stalking methods, and gang stalking groups in the F.B.I’s vast intelligence files, that are responsive to Mr. Labella’s F.O.ILA. Complaint. Furthermore, I have personally referred numerous victims of gang stalking to the appropriate agents at the F.B.I. for investigation of their cases. I have also furnished the F.B.I. with documentation of an active, international child kidnapping ring probably operated by rogue C.I.A. agents.
The F.B.I has ignored my requests to investigate even though it is their responsibility to investigate kidnappings. I have a contact in Germany who advises me that the C.I.A. has set up secret operations on U.S. military bases for the kidnapping, sale and trafficking of children worldwide. The FBI may be using a unique codename and nomenclature for the gang stalking phenomenon in its records. However, this is a semantic difference, and, in no way changes my professional opinion that the F.B.I. has investigative files on the nationwide phenomenon of gang stalking described in reasonable and specific detail in Mr. Labella’s F.O.L A. Complaint.
These F.B.I. files contain information responsive to Mr. Labella’s F.O.L.A. Complaint regarding the subject of gang stalking. The F.B.I. and other intelligence agencies are administering and covering up the rogue, covert, government criminal enterprise of gang stalking. The gang stalking phenomenon appears in the records of both the F.B.I. and the N.5.A. in their records pertaining to the Echelon Program, Carnivore System, and Tempest Systems.
In addition, the gang stalking phenomenon appears in the records of both the F.B.I. and the N.S.A. in their records pertaining to information collected by Narus systems. Narus is a wholly owned subsidiary of defense contractor Boeing that produces sophisticated, mass surveillance computer systems currently being used by both the F.B.I. and the N.S.A.
Dated this Al day of @nscl. 2011.
Los Angeles, California
Jet A Sonidiosson.
Ted L. Gunderson
of [Edward Paul Donegan]
Document Authentication
8-Digit Code Chosen by the Author: 022463233
022463233.EPD.x represent custom created questionnaire section where x represents a decimal numbering of the that custom section.
(Numbers only. Use the same code for the long form Of the affidavit.)
1, Edward Paul Donegan of the USA currently homeless,
state on oath and say as follows. I make this affidavit based on my own personal knowledge, unless otherwise stated, and that the following facts and matters are accurate to the best of my knowledge.1.1 Age Bracket (60’s.)
Permissions for Use (this is a re-use of an affidavit form)
This affidavit is for the purpose of an international survey of crimes committed by methods typical for the Secret Services, law enforcement, the military and their covert networks. In making this affidavit, I use an affidavit template and the terms as defined in the glossary of the accompanying Explanatory Notes, both published by the Joint Investigation Team US-Europe for Directed Energy Weapons, Military Neuro/Biotechnology and Systemic Corruption: I grant permission to Dr. Katherine Horton, founder and lead investigator of the Joint Investigation Team, to use my affidavit without limitation in support of her court cases. Further, I grant Dr. Katherine Horton and her Joint Investigation Team permission to use my affidavit for the analysis and reporting of the crimes committed against victims. The reports shall not identify me by name. Dr. Katherine Horton and her Joint Investigation Team have permission to publish pages 2-93 of this affidavit in print and online.
Identity Confirmation (Not for Publication) I confirm that the photograph shown here is a true likeness of myself. I also attach a copy of my passport or identity card. This photo and the copy of my passport, identity card are strictly not for publication.
1) Targeting In General. I am working on text form from the JIT Survey Though that survey is over it is a great model. I am putting a statement is as the open-ended invitation is to do so. I have experienced Government covert harassment. The Harassment also called Terror Stalking is more than just fear as the threat types experienced by the Target are real and actionable (should be defended against) but since the aggression is not admitted to by covert actors the defensive reaction is taken as hostility perhaps a hostility towards others based in “terrorism, paranoia, schizophrenic beliefs, etc.:” At minimum the disrupting though covert aggression cause discomfort such as unpleasant or disturbing sensations, in more intense form the covert aggression involves fraud, sexual assault, robbery, break-ins to homes the police orchestrate and will not investigate that result in vandalism or thefts, etc.., and in the most extreme forms the covert aggression involves poisonings, death threats or other threats covertly conveyed, and violence from those the government hides behind but are in fact directing. Many “trained monkey acts” (flying monkeys” abuse a Target because of a smear perpetuated about the Target. The false allegations my be talked-up as rumor mongering, and passed into grand juries, FISA courts, etc., where they seem to gain in legitimacy. Deep fakes, forgeries, and other crimes are part of dirty tricks including railroading in the legal and psychiatric to deny justice and result in wrongful detentions. I am among those who assert radiological attacks and like many others I assert my family is tied to historic and powerful figures in history and the dirty tricks targeting me are launched by high power figures who hope the disruption of me will protect them from the crimes of their past or their family member’s past ever being exposed. Aggravated crimes are most often cases in which result in injury to the victim including other injuries resulting from the initial injury to the victim. These are the crimes I have experienced.
Abuse is Covert thus hard to establish to others that abuse is present especially in any single instance a Target of Abuse (Jen Moore used the term Targeted Victims, Victims of the Targeting program) since a covert reference is made under an excuses, excuses that could hide ambiguous language conveying death threat, sexually, religiously, racially, or socially abusive acts, or acts of fraud, all denied through the excuse if in any single instance the Target of Abuse calls out for scrutiny. The pattern over time is the only way to prove felonious acts of the stalker and remove the excuse of coincidental double meanings; however, since shame investigations and faked motives are part of the stalk, many will not desist from lynch mob abusive treatment the Target of Abuse is covertly receiving.
Abuse is Calibrated and increases as whistle-blowers and others reach publication or research road-marks and open violence at those times becomes more probable. This was the case with Jen More who was telling of my family and was told she would be killed if she spoke and had already been violently attacked several times prior. Within a day of when she said she would make the name of that family of Arlington Virginia pubic she was found dead, just at what she billed “The Great Unveiling.” The truth about Allen Dulles, the CIA, the Vatican, an the Kenned Assassination by world wealth going backed to Albert Pike and robber barons of the 1870’s and William Randolph Hearst and Prescott Bush among the families as Nixon was. “Jun 15, 2018 On my way [on a bus] to deliver the goods, the corruption inside the justice system and courts must stop.” Abuse is Calculated in that the fears of the community (office, gym, political affiliations, dating and relationships) are played to as smear campaigns are designed to act out various abusive allegations. Abuse is Clipping in that as Targets of Abuse succeed in their lives sabotage begins to undermine their successes. Abuse is Congestive in that the sabotage and fights that result with stalker conflicts often (like drugs) lead to jails, institutions, or death as the person who fights a stalker is deemed a social or psychiatric threat to others. Abuse is Credit Robbing as the works of a Target of Abuse victim is often robbed of intellectual or other works.
I assert Ted Gunderson and Geral Sosbee each have connections to my life story and the Romian genetic through Mary of Teck that went into the bastard child hidden identity of my mother, and my family because of cold war history is tied to the Kennedy assassination very closely. My books are under attack as I am when I am writing them on these subjects. Attacks include dangerous encounters on the sidewalks, libraries, etc., and mental health patients, pan handlers, and others are told to crowd my and be aggressive in their actions. While they do not always punch or attack in other ways they sometimes do just as they have broken into my apartment and stolen my book notes upon police instructions to do so.
022463233.EPD.1 Introduction to the person of Edward Paul Donegan
022463233.EPD1.1 Ordinary Person from a family of ordinary people (film reference)
022463233.EPD.1.2 Psychological Profile
022463233.EPD.1.2 Family History
022463233.EPD.1.3 Educational History
022463233.EPD.1.4 Politics
022463233.EPD.1.5 Music and Culture
022463233.EPD.1.6 Institionalizations and life setbacks
022463233.EPD.1.7 Theories of sabotage and motives of the saboteurs.
022463233.EPD.1.8 Projections of Power, Intimidation, Asset Seizures, and Harassment
Well-Known & Low-Tech Crime
2) Classical Crime
Home & Neighbourhood
3) Intrusive Surveillance
4) Neighborhood Terror
5) Landlords/Maintenance Involved
6) Interference w. Post & Deliveries
7) Stalking/Attacks in Restaurants
8) Housebreaking
Outdoors & Travel
9) Stalking & Street Theatre
10) Interference w. Vehicles/Driving
11) Crimes Traveling & Abroad
IT, Companies & Services
12) Computers & Telecom Hacked
13) Banking & Payment Disrupted
14) Financial / Administrative Terror
15) Insurance & Insurance Fraud
16) Companies or Corps. Involved
Business & Wealth
17)Business & Employment
18) Property, Assets & Inheritance
Private & Family Life
19) Leisure Time Sabotaged
20) Private & Family Life Sabotaged
21) Dating Sabotaged
22) Sex Sabotaged or Sexual Assault
23) Marriage/Partnership Sabotaged
24) Family Plan or Birth Sabotaged
25) Children Stalked or Assaulted
26) Forced Changes & Relocation
27) Accidents & Unfortunate Events
Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)
28) Directed Energy Weapon Attacks
29) DEW Attacks in Many Locations
Biowarfare & Neurotechnology
30) Pathogens & Poisons
31) Fungi, Parasites & Morgellons
32) Covert Operations & Invasions
33) Implants, Nanotech & Neurotech
34) Voice-to-Skull
35) Image-to-Skull
36) RNM & Synthetic Telepathy
37) Bio-Robotisation
38) Bio-Robotisation Of Others
Torture, Destruction of Life/Health
39) Torture & Life Destruction
40) Psychological Harm
41) Physical Signs & Symptoms
42) Medical Conditions & Illnesses
43) Medical Tests & Treatments
44) Measurements
Attacks on Others
46) Attacks on Pets
47) Attacks on Family & Friends
48) Accidents & Illness in Others
49) Death & Murder of Others
Generational Targeting
50) Multi-Generational Targeting
51) Historic Childhood Targeting
52) Mind-Control Programming
Service in Military, Intel & Police
53) Service in Military, Intel, Police.
Secret Services & Secret Societies
54) Disruption & Assaults fr. Agents
55) Psychological Operations
56) Signs & Symbolism in Crimes
57) Secret Societies Involved
58) Doctors & Hospitals Involved
59) Psychiatrists & Psychologists.
Education & Care
60) School & Nursery Involved
61) Care Homes Involved
62) University & Research Involved
Police & Military
63) Police & Prisons Involved
64) Military & Intel Involved
65) Journalists & Media Involved
66) Telecom Regulators Involved
67) Charities Involved
68) Official Dishonesty
69) Government & Legislature
70) Lawyers & Courts Involved
Other Issues
71) Other Issues Chosen by Author
Retaliation & Warfare
72) Retaliation for Writing Affidavit
73) Warfare Operations.
Violation of Rights
74) Violation Of Human Rights
75) Violation Of Geneva Conventions
76) Viol. Of European Human Rights
77) Violation of Other Rights
78) Denial of Help
79) Self-Help
80) Costs & Damages Incurred
81) Male Body Diagram of Attack
81) Female Body Diagram of Attack
82) Male Body Diagram of Implants
82) Female Body Diagram Implants
83) Perpetrators (Anonymous)
1.1 Name
1.2 Sex
1.3 Marital Status
1.4 Children
1.5 Disabilities
1.6 Disabilities due to Targeting
1.7 Ethnicity
1.8 Nationality
1.9 Year Targeting Started
1.10 Targeting Stopped Since It Started
1.11 Targeted in Several Countries
1.12 Country The Targeting Started In
1.13 Targeted in These Countries (List)
1.14 Spouse or Partner is a Victim
1.15 Child or Children are Victims
1.16 Parents or Siblings are Victims
1.17 Other Relatives are Victims
1.18 Friends are Victims
1.19 Community Members are Victims
1.20 Pets or Livestock are Victims
2 Classical Crime (Excluding implants, Nanotech, Directed Energy
2.1 Theft of Valuables or Money
2.2 Burglary with Theft of Valuables
2.3 Vandalism (excluding by Intel)
2.4 Violence or Physical Attacks
2.5 Rape & Attempted Rape
2.6 Kidnapping & Attempted Kidnap
2.7 Human Trafficking (incl. Attempted
2.8 Organ Theft
2.9 Attempted Murder (Non-Covert)
2.10 Other Incidents Of Classical Crime
3 Intrusive Surveillance
3.1 Covert Surveillance (discovered by chance etc.)
3.2 Overt Surveillance (Demonstrative Show)
3.3 Bugging & Surveillance of Home
3.4 Bugging & Surveillance of Office, Work Place
3.5 Bugging & Surveillance Of Car
3.6 Bugging & Surveillance Of Telecommunication
3.7 Bugging & Surveillance Of Medical Care
3.8 Bugging & Surveillance Of Legal Advice
3.9 Bugging & Surveillance Of Sex Life
3.10 Video or Radar Surveillance of Inside of Home
3.11 X-Ray Surveillance of Inside of Home
3.12 Public Distribution of Private Documents
3.13 Public Distribution of Emails
3.14 Public Broadcast Of Phone/Video Call Content
3.15 Public Broadcast Of Surveillance Footage
3.16 Public Broadcast Of Private Life
3.17 Public Broadcast Of Medical/Therapy Sessions
3.18 Public Broadcast Of Footage from Bathroom
3.19 Public Broadcast of Intimate Life and Sex Life
3.20 Commentary by Strangers on Private Info
3.21 Commentary by Strangers on Sex Life
3.22 Surveillance Activity Starts When Leave Home
3.23 Timed or Staged Events, Odd Coincidences
3.24 Surveillance & Monitoring Of Bodily Functions
3.25 Surveillance & Monitoring Of Brain Function
3.26 Interference with or Sabotage Of Private Life
3.27 Interference with or Sabotage of Work Life
3.28 Interference with or Sabotage of Sex Life
3.29 Interference with / Sabotage of Body Function
3.30 Interference With / Sabotage Of Brain Function
4 Neighbours Neighbourhood
4.1 Odd Commentary/Questions from Neighbours
4.2 Odd Behaviour/Timed Meetings w. Neighbours
4.3 Blocking Entrance/Exit/Passage w. Stuff/Cars
4.4 Surveillance/Noise[Harassment by Neighbours
4.5 Aggressive Behaviour, Threats fre Neighbours
4.6 Damage to Property by Neighbours
4.7 Neighbours Trespassing or Housebreaking
4.8 Neighbours Using Children/Youngsters f Abuse
4.9 Overt Admission/Show of Abuse by Neighbour
4.10 Neighbours’ Military/Police/Intel Background
4.11 Directed Energy Attacks from Neighbours
4.12 DEW Attacks from Vehicles or Passers-By
4.13 Abuse Scripts Repeated in the Community
4.14 Neighbourhood Slander Campaigns
4.15 False Allegations to Landlords/Police/Council
4.16 Neighbours Suddenly Getting Odd/New Cars
4.17 Neighbourhood Cars Without Licence Plates
4.18 Other Cars Parked at Neighbours’ Property
4.19 Congregations Of People at Neighbours’ Homes
4.20 Coordinated Action/Swarming by Neighbours
4.21 Unusual Traffic/Passers-By in Neighbourhood
4.22 Unusual Use-Pattern/Shifts in Homes Nearby
4.23 Empty/Unused Homes/Flats/Properties Nearby
4.24 Windows Permanently Shuttered/” Tempested”
4.25 Timed/Odd/Many Cold-Callers Visiting Home
4.26 Street Lighting Turning On/Off as Harassment
4.27 Neighbourhood Weaponisation & War Action
4.28 Neighbours Moving & Perpetrators Moving In
4.29 Neighbours Dying and Perpetrators Moving In
5 Landlords. Street or Building Works. Property Maintenance
5.1 Unusual, Timed or Frequent Building Works
5.2 Unusual DIY or Home Works at Neighbours’
5.3 Unusual Tree-Cutting / Replacement Of Lights
5.4 Burdened With Cost Of Neighbours’ Utilities
5.5 Malicious Alterations to Utility Supplies
5.6 Negligence or Damage in Maintenance Works
5.7 Extreme Charges for Maintenance or Repairs
5.8 Harassment / Undue Complaints by Landlords
5.9 Unjustified Termination of Rental Agreements
5.10 Damage or Misdemeanours by Tenants
5.11 Non-Payment of Rent by Tenants
6 post & Deliveries
6.1 Opened Mail or Packages
6.2 Harassment or Threat Mail or Packages
6.3 Delay or Cancellation of Mail or Packages
6.4 Damage, Theft, Sabotage of Mail or Packages
6.5 Delay, Damage or Theft Of Other Deliveries
7 Restaurants. Cafés. Bars & Other Gastronomy
7.1 Stalking/Harassment in Restaurants, Cafés etc.
7.2 Guests Monitoring or Harassing
7.3 Guests Staging Theatre Events
7.4 Guests Stealing from Bags or Coats
7.5 Waiters or Staff Monitoring or Harassing
7.6 Waiters or Staff Staging Theatre Events
7.7 Waiters or Staff Stealing from Bags or Coats
7.8 Poisoning/Contamination of Food or Drink
7.9 Directed Enerzy Weapon Attacks Inside
8 Housebreaking
,With or Without Property Damage
8.1 Housebreaking for Harassment Only
8.2 Housebreaking With Leaving Foreign Objects
8.3 Housebreaking With Leaving Dead Animals
8.4 Housebreaking With Theft
8.5 Housebreaking with Vandalism or Sabotage
8.6 Theft/Alteration/Damage of Clothes or Shoes
8.7 Housebreaking with Alteration of Fittings
8.8 Housebreaking with Harm to Pets
8.9 Housebreaking Into Garages or Cars at Home
8.10 Damage/Alteration/Sabotage Of Outdoor Area
8.11 Tunnelling or Burrowing Under Property
8.12 Intrusions into Other Personal/Private Areas
8.13 Remote-Control Of Heating for Abuse / Torture
8.14 Remote-Control of Lighting/Electricity/Water
8.15 Planting of False Incriminating Evidence
With Human Harm
8.16 Noise Campaigns from the Street for Stress
8.17 Sleep Deprivation due to Noise or Harassment
8.18 Housebreaking for Terror/Psychological Harm
8.19 Targeted Sabotage to Cause Harm to People
8.20 Pumping Of Noxious Smells / Gasses into Home
8.21 Pumping Of Anaesthetic Gases into Home
8.22 “Missing Time” Period Without Recollection
8.23 Waking Up Unusually Late Without Reason
8.24 Spreading / Smearing of Poisons or Pathogens
8.25 Implanting / Maiming during Housebreaking
8.26 Physical Attacks and Injury in Housebreaking
8.27 Rape during Housebreaking
9 Stalking & Street_Theater
9.1 Stalking, Gang-Stalking, Organised Stalking
9.2 Known or Recognised Stalkers
9.3 VIP Stalkers: Public Officials, Famous People
9.4 Stalking Patrol Outside Home or Property
9.5 Stalkers Appearing as Soon as Leave Home
9.6 Stalkers & Harassment in Shops and Offices
9.7 Stalkers & Harassment in Doctors’ Practices
9.8 Stalkers Quoting/Recording Private Convers.
9.9 Stalkers Accessing or Interfering With Body
9.10 Stalkers Mimicking Private Life, Family etc.
9.11 Stalking Rituals and Harassment Routines
9.12 Elaborate Street Theatre Spectacles
9.13 Stalkers Pointing Phones at Victim
9.14 Stalking/Street Theatre w Children/Youngsters
9.15 Stalking With Bikes or Mopeds
9.16 Stalking With Private or Unmarked Cars
9.17 Stalking w Public Service Vehicles (Police etc.)
9.18 Stalking With Company Vehicles
9.19 Stalking With Helicopters and Planes
9.20 Stalking with Drones
9.21 Physical Attacks / DEW Attacks from Stalkers
9.22 RFID Sniper-Shots / Poison-Darts fr. Stalkers
10 Vehicles Driving10.1 Stalkers Following in Cars
10.2 Swarming by Stalkers in Cars
10.3 Licence Plates / Stickers w. Targeted Messages
Dangerous Driving or Cutting-Up by Stalkers
10.5 Odd Recurring Traffic Behaviour
10.6 Odd or Vexatious Traffic Light Behaviour
10.7 Car Break-Ins & Theft from Vehicles
10.8 Modification, Vandalism, Sabotage of Vehicle
10.9 Hacking/Rem. Control of Sat Navs/Dash Cams
10.10 Hacking / Remote Control of Vehicle
10.11 Attacks Knocking Out or Stopping Vehicles
10.12 Attacks With Visible Lasers while Driving
10.13 Directed Energy Weapon Attack while Driving
10.14 Fake Traffic Fines, Sudden Increase in Fines
10.15 Neurotech-Induced Speeding/Danger. Driving
10.16 Car Accidents in General
10.17 Car Accidents Caused by Attacks or Stalkers
10.18 Problems with Roadside Assistance or Rescue
10.19 Repairs at Car Garages due to Vandalism etc.
10.20 Irregularities or Fraud at Car Repair Garages
10.21 Car Damage/Sabotage at Car Repair Garages
10.22 Fraudulent Bills by Car Repair Garages
11 Travel & Abroad
11.1 Disruption/Sabotage Of Travel Plans/ltinerary
112 Local Public Transport: Stalking, Harassment
11.3 Local Public Transport: DEW / Other Assaults
11.4 Trains/Travel Bus: Stalking & Harassment
11.5 Trains/Travel Bus: DEW or Other Assaults
11.6 Air Planes: Stalking and Harassment
11.7 Air Planes: DEW or Other Assaults
11.8 Ships & Cruises: Stalking and Harassment
11.9 Ships & Cruises: DEW or Other Assaults
11.10 Hotel Rooms: Harassment, Noise Harassment
11.11 Hotel Rooms: Intrusions, Break-Ins, Theft
11.12 Hotel Rooms: DEW or Other Assaults
11.13 Hotel Rooms: Covert Implanting / Operations
11.14 Stalking, Harassment & Assaults Abroad
12 Computers & Telecommunication
12.1 Phone Harassment, Nuisance Calls & Threats
12.2 Sabotage of Phones, Answer Machines & Calls
12.3 Sabotage of Cell Phones, Apps, Cell Calls
12.4 Targeted Draining of Cell Phone Batteries
12.5 Remote-Ctrld Shutdown of Cell/Tab1et/Comp.
12.6 cell Text Messages: Delayed / Failed Delivery
12.7 Cell Txt Messages: Fake Messages, Threats etc
12.8 Hacking / Modification of WLAN Routers
12.9 Fake WLAN Networks / Network Spoofing
12.10 Disruption of Internet Service or Video Calls
12.11 Computers & Accessories: Damage, Sabotage
12.12 Computer Hacking & Forced Remote Access
12.13 Remote Recording Web Cam/Microphone/TV
12.14 Deletion Of Data, Files, Emails, Evidence etc.
12.15 Phishing Emails Trying to Gain Access Details
12.16 Emails: Targeted Spam, Threats, Fake Emails
12.17 Emails: Delayed/Failed Delivery, Interference
12.18 Email Accounts: Hacking/Disruption/Blocking
12.19 Online Accounts:Hacking/Disruption/Blocking
12.20 Stolen Email Accounts or Online Accounts
12.21 Monitoring Of Online Accounts & Theatre Use
12.22 Social Media: Trolling, Harassment, Threats
12.23 Social Media Account Blocked by Provider
12.24 Online Slander Campaigns/Libellous Websites
12.25 Imitation Website Mimicking Own Intel. Prop.
12.26 Public Distribution Online Of Private Details
12.27 Profile Featured on Trafficking/Abuse Website
12.28 Fake / Targeted Online Headlines and Adverts
12.29 Fake / Targeted Messages via Radio or TV
12.30 TV Hacking to Show Private Footage / Threats
13 Banking & Online Banking
13.1 Online Banking: Hacking, Sabotage, Blocking
13.2 Banking Access Codes: Access, Modification
13.3 Bank Accounts: Illegal Access, Theft of Money
13.4 Bank Accounts: Closing & Denial of Service
13.5 Bank/Credit Cards: Theft/lllegal Use/Fraud
13.6 Bank [Credit Cards: Blocking, Access Denial
13.7 Loans & Credit: Loan / Repayment Fraud
13.8 Payment Service Providers Blocking Accounts
13.9 Payment Service Providers: Theft or Fraud
14 Finance
14.1 Fake Bills or Fake Charges
14.2 Trick Contracts, Fraud (excl. Banking above)
14.3 Fake Accusations or Fake Fines
14.4 Fake or Targeted Administrative Procedures
14.5 Fake or Targeted Retrospective/l)ated Actions
14.6 Fake or Targeted Threats Of Court Actions
14.7 Fake or Targeted Court Actions
15 Insurance & Insurance Fraud
15.1 Insurance Refusal, Cancellation, Fee Increases
15.2 Fraudulent Life or Other Insurances
17 Business & Employment
At Work
17.1 Mobbing or Slander at Work
17.2 Surveillance or Harassment at Work
17.3 Colleagues/Bosses Involved in Harassment
17.4 Harassment by Customers/Clients/Suppliers
17.5 Neighbour/Perpetrator Planted at Workplace
17.6 Isolation or Bypassing Of Victim at Work
17.7 Denigrating Work Achievement or Authority
17.8 Overburdening with Work, Extreme Demands
17.9 Fabricated Customer & Other Complaints
17.10 Sabotage of Projects, Employment, Promotion
17.11 Leap-Frogging by Colleagues for Promotions
17.12 Bad Work Condition, Health & Safety Breach
17.13 Intimidation or Threats at Work
17.14 Covert Recordings Of Victim at Work
17.15 Colleagues/Boss Access to Private Victim Info
17.16 Colleagues/Boss Access to Nude Victim Photos
17.17 Colleagues/Boss Access to Synthetic Telepathy
17.18 Poisoning/Contaminat. Of Food/l)rink at Work
17.19 DEW / Neurotech / Implant Torture at Work
17.20 Colleagues or Bosses Involved in Torture
17.21 Other Physical Attacks at Work.
Income, Salary & Holidays
17.22 Discrimination in Pay Relative to Colleagues
17.23 Withholding of Pay & False Pay Accounting
17.24 Refusal to Pay Out or Remunerate Overtime
17.25 Salary Money Used to Pay f. Others’ Damage
17.26 Denial or Sabotage of Work Holidays
17.27 Damage to Career & LOSS Of Income.
Complaints & Complaint Handling
17.28 Withholding Records, CCTV, Other Evidence
17.29 Forbidding Of Meeting Recording for Investig.
17.30 False Allegations, Blow-Up Trivial Complaints
17.31 Fake Investigations, Set-Ups & Cover-Ups
17.32 Whistleblower Retaliation/Complainant Abuse
17.33 Delaying Employment Cases/Giving Evidence
17.34 Abusing Occupational Health f. Fraud,/Smears
17.35 Union/Ombudsman Complicity in Set-Ups etc.
17.36 Union/Tribunal Sabotaging Employment Case.
Leaving or Changing Employment
17.37 Preventing Victim from Leaving Employment
17.38 Promising of Non-Existent Jobs[Employment
17.39 Termination of Job or Business Contracts
17.40 Withholding / Falsifying Work References
17.41 Blacklisting, Sabotage Of Getting Other Work
17.42 Termination Of Subsequent Work Contracts.
Self-Emplovment & Running a Business
17.43 Infiltration / Disruption Of Business Relations
17.44 Fake or Sabotaged Business Events
17.45 Sabotage Of Start-Up Endeavour
17.46 Sabotage Of Advertising/Business Presentation
17.47 Sabotage and Destruction of Customer Base
17.48 Sabotage of Investment, Slander to Investors
17.49 Hiring of Employees by Competitors
17.50 Slander of Victim to Business Partners
17.51 Destruction of Business or Opportunities
17.52 Theft Of Intellectual Property
17.53 Theft Of Business Ideas & Business Plans
17.54 Industrial Espionage
17.55 Copyright Infringement
8 Property. Assets & Inheritance.
Property Assets
18.1 Theft/F raud/Embezzlement of Property/Assets
18.2 Misappropriation of Property, Funds & Assets
18.3 Damaging Value of Property, Funds & Assets
18.4 Forced Sale of Property, Funds & Assets
18.5 Price Deflation during Sale Of Property/Assets
18.6 Infiltration and Sabotage Of Sale Process.
Shares & Investment
18.7 Fraud Related to Shares and Investment
18.8 Misappropriation Of Shares and Investment
18.9 Forced Sale Of Shares
18.10 Issuance Of Non-Existent Shares Off the Books
18.11 Fraudulent Companies Stealing Investment
18.12 Asset-Stripping of Companies Invested In
18.13 Loss of Investment via Company Destruction.
18.14 Not Informed About Existence Of Inheritance
18.15 Damage / Denial / Reduction Of Inheritance
18.16 Damage/Misappropriation Of Ancestors’ Land
18.17 Damage/Misappropr. of Inheritance Property.
Wills & Testaments
18.18 Interference With a Will or Writing Of a Will
18.19 Theft or Disappearance Of a Will / Testament
18.20 Fraudulent Modification Of a Will / Testament
18.21 Theft of Property or Assets Mentioned in Will
18.22 Misinformation fr. Lawyer Administering Will
19 Leisure Times Hobbies, Sport & Clubs
19.1 Destroying Of Leisure & Recuperation
19.2 Timed / Staged Interruptions Of Leisure Time
19.3 Frequency at Which Given Time to Recover
19.4 Suffering Trauma/Harm in Leisure Activities
19.5 Avoid Activities & Sport Due to Harassment
19.6 Avoid Activities & Sport Due to Phys. Attacks
19.7 Avoid Activities/Sport Due to Implant Torture.
Sport & Fitness
19.14 Fitness & Sport: Disruption, Sabotage
19.15 Fitness & Sport: Infiltration, Harassment
19.16 Fitness & Sport: Disrupted by V 2K Terror
19.17 Fitness & Sport: DEW Assaults & Torture
19.18 Fitness & Sport: Assaults w. Bio-Robotisation
19.19 Fitness & Sport: Accident fr. Bio-Robotisation
19.20 Fitness & Sport: Physical Harm from Assaults
19.21 Fitness & Sport: Stopped by Assaults or Harm.
Activities With Others & Clubs
19.22 Activities & Clubs: Stalking & Infiltration
19.23 Activities & Clubs: Harassment by Members
19.24 Activities & Clubs: V 2K Terror by Members
19.25 Activities & Clubs: DEW Torture by Members
19.26 Activities & Clubs: Left Clubs Due to Assaults.
20 Private & Family Life
20.1 Disruption, Sabotage of Private & Family Life
20.2 Voice-to-Skull (V2K) Torture
20.3 Attacksrrorture Disrupting Private/Fam. Life
20.4 Family/Friends Taking Part in Harass./Abuse
20.5 Social Life: Harassment/Disruption/Sabotage
20.6 Social Life: Slander Campaigns
20.7 Odd or Altered Behaviour in Family / Friends
20.8 Personality Changes in Family / Friends
20.9 Harassment & Abuse by Family / Friends
20.10 Infiltration Of Family, Friends or Community
20.11 Interference with or Damage to Relationships
20.12 Isolation from Family and Friends
20.13 Social Network Destroyed, Isolation fr Society.
21 Romantic Interests Dating
21.1 Disruption & Sabotage of Partner Search
21.2 Disruption & Sabotage of Dating
21.3 Attacks on Love Interests / Sexual Partners
21.4 Sex Partner/Love Interest Recruited for Abuse
21.5 Dating Site Infiltration by Agents / Operatives
21.6 Agents/Operatives Pretending a Love Interest
21.7 Honey Traps Planted in the Victim’s Life
21.8 Harm/l)amage by Honey Traps / Love Agents
21.9 Slander by Honey Traps / Love Agents
21.IO Entrapment by Honey Traps / Love Agents
21.11 Exploitation/Harm by Honey Trap/Love Agent
21.12 Sexual Abuse by Honey Traps / Love Agents
21.13 Physical Assault by Honey Traps/Love Agents
20.14 Covert Drugging by Honey Traps/Love Agents
21.15 Murder Attempt by Honey Traps/Love Agents.
22 Sex & Sexual Assault (incl. remote-controlled (RC) with biotech & DEW)
22.1 Sex. Harassm./Humil./Comments on Sex Life
22.2 Sexual Assault & Rape (classical)
22.3 Systematic Long-term Sexual Abuse (classical)
22.4 Sex Trafficking & Sexual Slavery (classical)
22.5 Genital Mutilation / Targeted Venereal Infects
22.6 Interference With Sex Life by Covert Means
22.7 Sexual Harassment / Assaults / Rape (all RC)
22.8 Sex Trafficking & Sexual Slavery (RC)
22.9 Forced Orgasms, Erection, Ejaculation (RC)
22.10 Forced Urination or Defecation (RC)
22.11 MKUltra/Monarch Prog./Satanic Ritual Abuse.
23 Marriage & Partnership
23.1 Interference With & Sabotage Of Married Life
23.2 Stress on Marriage/Partnership by Targeting
23.3 Personality Changes in Partner
23.4 Targeted Break-Up / Destruction of Marriage.
24 Family Planning, Reproduction, Pregnancy & Birth
24.1 Disruption or Sabotage Of Family Planning
24.2 Targeted Attacks to Reproductive Organs
24.3 Forced Removal of Reproductive Organs
21.4 Reproductive Problems / Difficulty Conceiving
24.5 Attacks During Pregnancy and on the Foetus
24.6 Pregnancy: Unusual/Rare Symptoms/lllnesses
24.7 Miscarriages
24.8 Difficult Births & Irregularities During Birth
24.9 Harm to Mother or Child During Birth
24.10 Birth Defects or Disabilities in Children.
25 Children Child Custody
25.1 Odd Behaviour of a Child
25.2 Personality Changes in a Child
25.3 Sleep-Walking of a Child
25.4 Timed/Severe/Devastating Child Illnesses
25.5 Disruption or Sabotage of a Child’s Activities
25.6 Disruption / Sabotage Of Child’s Medical Care
25.7 Harassment, Stalking, Intimidation Of a Child
25.8 Physical Violence Against a Child
25.9 Irradiation or Torture Of a Child
25.10 Implanting Of a Child
25.11 Sexual Harassment, Abuse, Rape of a Child
25.12 Physical Injury or Mutilation of a Child
25.13 Satanic Ritual Abuse of a Child
25.14 Death or Murder of a Child
25.15 Harassment or Abuse Of Disabled Child
25.16 Removal Of the Custody of a Child
25.17 Blocki of Access to a Child / Visitationt
25.18 Taking Of Child into Care, Forced Adoption.
26 Forced Changes, Relocation & House Moves
26.1 Forced Personal Changes Due to Targeting
26.2 Parts Of Home Unusable Due to Attacks
26.3 Forced Change Of Employment
26.4 Forced Fleeing Of Home
26.5 Forced House Moves
26.6 Forced Change of Country or Emigration
26.7 Forced Separation from Spouse
26.8 Forced Separation from Children
26.9 Forced Separation from Support Network.
27 Accidents & uortunate Events
27.1 Strange, Timed or Highly Unlikely Accidents
27.2 Bad or Catastrophic Damage from Accidents
27.3 Bad or Catastrophic Injury from Accidents
27.4 Death from Accidents
27.5 Strange/Timed Accidents fr. Broken Equipm.
27.6 Accidents Due to Sabotaged Equipment
27.7 Accidents that Affected Significant Events
27.8 Accidents Announced by V2K, Threats etc.
27.9 Strange/Unlikely Accidents of Family/Friends
27.10 Many Unusual or Highly Unlikely Events
27.11 Systematic Misfortune in Life
Tripping & Falling, Dropping Items
27.12 Timed or Unusual Tripping or Falling
27.13 Repeated Tripping or Falling
27.14 Timed/UnusuaI Dropping Items Unexpectedly
27.15 Repeated Dropping Of Items Unexpectedly
27.16 Accidents Due to Sudden Muscle Failure
27.17 Muscle Failure in Specific Situations Only
27.18 Falls Due to Broken or Sabotaged Equipment
27.19 Tripping/Falls/Dropping Announced by V2K accidents
27.20 Timed or Unusual Car Accidents
27.21 Car Accidents Due to Sabotage Of Vehicle
27.22 Car Accidents Due to Stalkers or Attackers
27.23 Staged Car Accidents for Entrapment
27.24 Car Accidents Involving Family or Friends
27.25 Car Accidents Announced by V2K or Threats.
28 Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & Radiation
Radioactivity (Ionising Radiation Measured by Geiger Counters)
28. I Attacks With Radioactivity (Geiger Counter)
28.2 Radioactivity Increasing Significantly at Night
28.3 Flashes of High Radioactivity ofSimi1ar Value
28.4 High Radioactivity Lasting 5 Seconds or More.
WI-AN, cell Phones, cell Phone Towers
28.5 Weaponised WLAN & Unusual Signals
28.6 Weaponised Cell Phone Radiation & Signals
28.7 Wea nised Cell Towers, Increased Radiation.
Directed Energy Weapons (Non-lonising Radiation Measured by Electromagnetic Detectors)
28.8 DEW Interference With Electronic Equipment
28.9 DEW Damage/Frying Of Electronic Equipment
28.10 DEW Knocking Out Car or Bringing to a Halt
28.11 Fires Started by Directed Energy Weapons
28.12 Physical Attacks with DEW
28.13 DEW Attacks Inhibiting/Sabotaging Activities
28.14 “Herding” with DEW, Keeping From Areas
28.15 Pain & Torture with DEW and Radiation
28.16 Visible Injuries from DEW Attacks (Burns etc)
28.17 Systematic or Targeted Mutilation With DEW
28.18 DEW Attacks at Night & Sleep Deprivation
28.19 DEW Attacks in Shower, on Toilet, During Sex
28.20 DEW Attacks Of Family, Friends, Community
28.21 DEW Attacks Simultaneously On Others
28.22 DEW Attacks on Pets or Animals
28.23 DEW Damage to Plants Inside / Outside Home
28.24 DEW Damage to Objects, Home or Exterior
28.25 DEW Injuries Requiring Medical Attention
28.26DEW Attacks Resulting in Disabilities.
Pulsed Energy Projectiles (PEP)
28.27 Shot to Body with Pulsed Energy Projectiles
28.28 Audible Impact of Pulsed Energy Projectiles
28.29 Rain-Like Patter Of Pulsed Energy Projectiles
28.30 Light-Flashes Seen With Open or Closed Eyes
28.31 Loud PEP Bangs When Entering a Room.
DEW Psychological Effects
28.32 Anger Fits Due to DEW
28.33 Lethargy or Paralysis due to DEW
28.34 Depression or Suicide Thoughts due to DEW.
DEW Physical Effects – Skin & Tissue
28.35 Skin Tingling or Crawling due to DEW
28.36 Vibrations Of Skin or Tissue due to DEW
28.37 Swelling of Tissue due to DEW
28.38 Dehydration of Tissue due to DEW
28.39 Burning due to DEW Attacks
28.40 Tissue Visibly Cooked from DEW Attacks
28.41 Skin Pigment Changes due to DEW Attacks
28.42 Premature Ageing of Skin from DEW Attacks
28.43 DEW Causing Permanent Scars, Skin Damage.
DEW Physical Effects – Blood & Circulation
28.44 Bruising due to DEW Attacks
28.45 Burst Blood Vessels due to DEW Attacks
28.46 Circulation cut Offby DEW Attacks
28.47 Blood Vessels Damaged / Altered due to DEW.
DEW Physical Effects – Muscles
28.48 Muscle-Twitching or Spasms due to DEW
28.49 Trips & Falls due to DEW or Pulsed Shots
28.50 Muscle Changes / Atrophy due to DEW
28.51 Muscle Tremors / Loss of Muscle Control.
DEW Physical Effects – scalp & Hair
28.52 DEW Burning of scalp
28.53 DEW Targeted Burning Off Hair
28.54 Hair Loss due to DEW, Baldness due to DEW
28.55 Change of Hair Colour/White Patches fr. DEW.
DEW Physical Effects – Ears & Hearing
28.56 DEW Attacks to Ears
28.57 DEW Burning or Pain Torture Of Ear
28.58 Pulsed Shots Into Ears or Onto Outer Ear
28.59 Tissue Damage on Ears from DEW Attacks
28.60 Popping/lmpact Sounds Heard fr. DEW Shots
28.61 Temporary Hearing Loss from DEW Attacks
28.62 Hearing Loss / Deafness from DEW Attacks.
DEW Physical Effects – Eyes & Vision
28.63 DEW Attacks to Eyes
28.64 Twitching rring lingmryness of Eyes fr. DEW
28.65 DEW Burning of Eyes / Pain Torture of Eyes
28.66 Light-Flashes Seen From Pulsed DEW Attacks
28.67 Temporary Reduction/Loss in Vision fr. DEW
28.68 Sight Issues / Eye Damage from DEW Attacks
28.69 Loss of Sight / Blindness from DEW Attacks.
DEW Physical Effects – Nose & Smell
28.70 DEW Attacks to Nose
28.71 Tingling or Twitching Of Nose from DEW
28.72 Running Nose or Forced Sneezing fr. DEW
28.73 DEW Burning or Pain Torture Of Nose
28.74 Pigment Changes on Nose from DEW Attacks
28.75 Nosebleeds from DEW Attacks
28.76 Swelling of Nose / Sinuses from DEW Attacks
28.77 Loss of Sense of Smell due to DEW Attacks.
39 Torture. Systematic Harm & Life Destruction
39.1 Systematic Disruption Of Life & Hounding
39.2 Destruction Of Reputation or Social Standing
39.3 Targeted Destruction Of Career
39.4 Cutting Of Income Sources f. Financial Killing
39.5 Destruction Of Businesses or Self-Employment
39.6 Separation fr. Partner, Marriage Disintegrated
39.7 Separation from Children
39.8 Social Isolation
39.9 Loss of Home or House
39.10 Psychological Warfare, Emotional Torment
39.11 Humiliation and Sexual Humiliation
39.12 Rape
39.13 Torture
39.14 Mutilation and Targeted Destruction Of Health
39.15 Targeted Crippling or Paralysis
39.16 Permanent Injury or Damage to Health
39.17 LOSS Of Limbs
39.18 Neurological Degeneration and Brain Damage
39.19 Murder Of Family, Friends or Colleagues
39.20 Killing of Pets
39.21 Inability to Be Pain Free
39.22 Inability to Feel Safe, Rest and Be At Peace
39.23 Inability to Sleep at Night
39.24 Inability to Enjoy Time with Loved Ones
39.25 Inability to Enjoy Leisure/Weekends/Holidays
39.26 Inability to Participate in Sports Activities
39.27 Inability to Meet Friends and Be Social
39.28 Inability to Move Around and DO Tasks Freely
39.29 Inability to Enjoy Your Life and Live It Freely.
40 Psychological Harm
40.1 Psychological Stress and Aggravation Of Issues
40.2 Mood Swings and Emotional Instability
40.3 Nervousness, Fearfulness, Lack Of Confidence
40.4 Vivid Dreams or Nightmares
40.5 Recurring Thoughts and Memory Flashes
40.6 Compulsive Habits and Obsessiveness
40.7 Change in Behaviour, Personality Changes
40.8 Impatience and Anger Fits
40.9 Fearfulness, Nervousness, Feeling Unsafe
40.10 Aggression and Violent Bouts
40.11 Lethargy or Depression
40.12 Suicidal Thoughts and Suicide Attempts
40.13 Need to Take Psycho-Pharmaceuticals.
46 Attacks on Pets & Animals
46.1 Changed or Odd Behaviour in Pets or Animals
46.2 Unusual Barking at “Nothing”/Cars/Bags etc.
46.3 Out-of-Character Attacks by Pets or Animals
46.4 Signs Of Stress or Distress in Pets or Animals
46.5 Unusual Muscle Fits or Other Fits in Animals
46.6 Unusual Sleep Behaviour or Sleep Deprivation
46.7 Reluctance to Move, Lethargy in Animals
46.8 Timed or Unusual Illness in Pets or Animals
46.9 Death Of Pets or Animals.
47 Attacks and Pressure on Family, Friends & Relevant Others
47.1 Stalking Of Family, Friends or Others
47.2 Intimidation or Targeted Attacks on Them
47.3 Intimidation or Targeted Attacks on Helpers
47.4 Unusual Behaviour in Family, Friends, Others
47.5 Anger Fits or Sudden Depression in These
47.6 Personality Changes in Family/Friends/Others
47.7 DEW Attacks on Family
47.8 DEW Attacks on Friends
47.9 DEW Attacks on Others in the Community
47.10 Implanting Of Family Members
47.11 Implanting Of Friends
47.12 Implanting Of Others in the Community
47.13 V2K Terror of Family Members
47.14 V2K Terror of Friends
47.15 V 2K Terror of Others in the Community
47.16 Active Discouragement from Fam./Friends etc.
47.17 Weaponisation Of Family/F riends w Neurotech
47.18 Bio-Robotisation/Hypnosis Of Family [Friends]
48 Accidents and Illnesses in Family, Friends & Relevant Others
48.1 Accidents/lnjuries of Family, Friends, Others
48.2 Distress or Illness in Family, Friends or Others
48.3 People with Disabilities in Family
48.4 Heart Issues/Attacks in Family/Friends/Others
48.5 Strokes, Aneurysms, Brain Tumours in These
48.6 Cancer in Family, Friends or Others
48.7 Rare or Devastating Illness in These.
49 Death and Murder of Family, Friends Relevant Others
49.1 Suicide Of Family, Friends or Others
49.2 Death Of Family Members or Relatives
49.3 Death of Friends, Helpers or Their Families
49.4 Death of Neighbours or Community Members
49.5 Death of Professionals Contacted for Help
49.6 Death of Other Victims
49.7 Cremations, Forced or Oddly Fast Cremations.
50 Multi-Generational Targeting & Steering of Life
50.1 Long-Term Targeting and Multi-year Torture
50.2 Interference in Life, Steering of Life or Career
50.3 Multi-Generational Targeting of Grandparents
50.4 Multi-Generational Targeting of Parents
50.5 Multi-Generational Targeting of Children.
51 Historic Childhood Targeting
51.1 Unusual Behaviour, Extreme Emotion as Child
51.2 Abusive Parents in Childhood
51.3 Epilepsy or Petit Mal Epilepsy in Childhood
51.4 Hallucinogenics, Unusual Drugs given as Child
51.5 Hospital Stays as a Child
51.6 Sleep-Walking in Childhood
51.7 Dream Manipulation in Childhood
51.8 Disruption or Sabotage of Life in Childhood
51.9 Disruption, Sabotage Of Medical Care as Child
51.IO Bullying in Childhood
51.II Harassment and Stalking in Childhood
51.12 Irradiation and Torture in Childhood
51.13 Implanting in Childhood.
51.14 Physical Injury and Mutilation in Childhood
51.15 Sexual Harassment, Abuse or Rape as a Child
51.16 Satanic Ritual Abuse in Childhood
51.17 VIP Abuse by Public Officials, Famous People.
52 MKUltra, Monarch Programming, Satanic Ritual Abuse & Child Abuse
52.1 Confinement in a Cage as a Young Child
52.2 Electroshocks as a Child
52.3 Systematic Physical Abuse or Torture as Child
52.4 Systematic Sexual Abuse/Humiliation as Child
52.5 Rape or Violent Rape as a Child
52.6 Forced to Watch Torture or Murder of Pet
52.7 Forced to Watch Torture or Murder of a Child
52.8 Horrific Mutilation, “Carving” Mutilation.
Mind-Control Programming
52.9 “Alice in Wonderland” Programming
52.10 “Wizard of Oz” Programming
52.11 “Gem Stones” Programming
52.12 Other Themed Programming f. Mind-Control.
Psychological Effects
52.13 Satanic Rituals, Luciferian Worship as a Child
52.14 Disassociation Issues as a Child or Adult
52.15 Multiple Personalities as a Child or Adult
52.16 Cues Triggering Personality Change or Anger
52.17 Sociopathy or Psychopathy as a Child or Adult
52.18 Unpredictable, Fast or Extreme Mood Swings
52.19 Bio-Polar Disorder, Schizophrenia
52.20 Depression, Manic Depression.
53 Service in Military. Intelligence & Law Enforcement
53.1 Surveill./Harassm/Mobbing/Slander in Service
53.2 Physical or Sexual Abuse, Attacks in Service
53.3 Harassm., Abuse or Attacks in Rehabilitation.
53.4 Whistleblower Retaliation
53.5 Victim of Use of Unusual or Illegal Weapons
53.6 Use Of Unusual or Illegal Weapons on Others
53.7 Witness to Crimes Being Committed
53.8 Serious Injuries or Disabilities from Injuries
53.9 Traumas and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
53.10 Time Spent Unconscious and Time in Hospital
53.11 Consensual Implants
53.12 Misuse of Consensual Implants
53.13 Non-Consensual Implants
53.14 Enhanced Physical Traits/Strength/Endurance
53.15 Enhanced Senses/Reactions/Speed Of Thought
53.16 Feeling or Hearing Others’ Thoughts
53.17 Forced Speech
53.18 Forced Thoughts
53.19 Active Use Of Neurotechnology
53.20 Peers or Superiors Using Hive-Mind for Abuse
53.21 Signed Unknown or Unread Documents
54 Agent Operations Infiltration & Sabotage
54.1 I Harassment and Intimidation by Online Trolls
54.2 Harassment and Intimidation by Stalkers
54.3 Trolls, Agents, Infiltrators Jeering at Victims
54.4 Trolls/Agents Acting with Sadism/Psychopathy
54.5 Fake Personas and People Faking Credentials
54.6 Agents Acting as Doctors or Professionals
54.7 Arranging or Staging Of Events and Incidents
54.8 Disruption from Infiltrators and Saboteurs
54.9 Dis-lnfo Agents Disrupting Finding Help/lnfo
54.10 Active Sabotage Of Getting Help
54.11 Retaliation for Seeking Help or Publicity
54.12 Agents Contacting Helpers to Discourage Help
54.13 Collaborators Harming or Denying Help
54.14 Intimidation, Attacks on Helping Professionals
54.15 Infiltration, Disruption Of Victim Organisation
54.16 Theft, Destruction, Falsification Of Evidence
54.17 Slander and Libel Campaigns
54.18 Intimidation Campaigns
54.19 Hounding With Large Groups Of People
54.20 Dead or Mutilated Animals Left as Threats
54.21 Set-Ups and Entrapment
54.22 Drugging (for Kidnap, Sedation, Truth Drugs)
54.23 Kidnapping and Attempted Kidnapping
54.24 Rape by Agents
54.25 Blackmail
54.26 Death Threats
54.27 Assassination Attempts
54.28 Murder Of Victims, Helpers, Group Leaders
54.29 Recruitment Requests to Join Secret Service.
58 Medical Staff & Hospitals
58.1 Difficulty Finding Doctors or Treatment
58.2 Lying from Doctors or Medical Staff
58.3 Sudden Rejection or Change Of Attitude
58.4 Refusal to Treat Illnesses or Symptoms
58.5 Refuse Accept Fact Of Implants or Morgellons
58.6 Ref. to Treat Morgellons / Nanotech Poisoning
58.7 Refusal to Scan for Implants, Falsified Scans
58.8 Refusal to Remove Implants and Trivialisation
58.9 Mental Health Smears from Doctors
58.10 Cover-Up of DEW/Chips/Neurotech by Doctors
58.11 Misdiagnoses or Inability to Diagnose Disease
58.12 Misinformation from Nurses, Unqualified Staff
58.13 False Drugs or Falsified Medical Records
58.14 Theft Of Blood, Tissue Sample or Lab Tests
58.15 Forced Blood or Tissue Sample Taken
58.16 Forced Procedures, Treatments or Operations
58.17 Severe Side-Effects from Drugs or Treatment
58.18 Malpractice, Abuse, Unnecessary Treatments
58.19 Surgical Error, Irregularities During Surgery
58.20 Attacks and Harm from Doctors, Medical Staff
58.21 Irregularities in Hospitals or in Treatment
58.22 Harassm./Theatre fr. Visitors, Patients, Doctors
58.23 Humiliation in Hospital, Surgery
58.24 Physical/Sexual Abuse in Hospital or by Doctor
58.25 Directed Energy Weapon Attacks in Hospital
58.26 V 2K, Implant or Neurotech Torture in Hospital
58.27 V 2K or Hive-Mind Abuse by Doctors or Staff
58.28 Non-Consensual Implanting in Hospit./Surgery
58.29 Forced or Tricked Into Signing Agreements.
63 Police, Law Enforcement & Prisons
63.1 Irregularities or Lack Of Interest by Police
63.2 Denial Of Assistance and Refusal to Investigate
63.3 Belittling, Mocking and Jeering from Police
63.4 Dishonesty, Lying, Intimidation, Sabotage
63.5 Malicious Smears, Slander or Libel by Police
63.6 Mental Health Smears or Forced Sectioning
63.7 Ignoring, Withholding, Destroying of Evidence
63.8 Fraud or Falsification of Records or Evidence
63.9 Staged Call-Outs, Set-Ups, Entrapment
63.10 Stalking and Street Theatre by Police
63.11 Sudden Frequent Pass-By Of Police Vehicles
63.12 Police Officers Pointing Phones at Victim
63.13 DEW Attacks from Police or Police Vehicles
63.14 Threats and Intimidation by Police
63.15 Vexatious Behaviour, Power Games by Police
63.16 Aggression and Physical Violence by Police
63.17 Sexual Harassment by Police Officers
63.18 Sex Abuse, Attempted Rape, Rape by Police
63.19 DEW, Implant or Neuro Torture in Custody
63.20 V2K or Hive-Mind Abuse by Police
63.21 Solitary Confinement in Prison
63.22 Sexual or Other Humiliation in Prison
63.23 Physical or Sexual Abuse in Prison
63.24 Attempted Rape or Rape in Prison
63.25 Food Contaminated or Poisoned in Prison
63.26 DEW Attacks in Prison
63.27 V 2K, Implant or Neurotech Torture in Prison
63.28 Covert Human Experimentation in Prison
63.29 Prison Refusing Release or Granting Parole.
68 Official Dishonesty, Fraud & Sabotage
68.1 Denial of Assistance by Official
68.2 Ridicule/Belittling/Delaying Tactics by Official
68.3 Sabotage of Process by Official
68.4 Dishonesty or Ignorance Feigned by Official
68.5 Mental Health Smear/Slander/Libel by Official
68.6 Withholding, Falsification Of Facts by Official
68.7 Removal or Destruction Of Evidence by Official
68.8 Fraud and Falsification Of Official Documents
68.9 Destruction or Theft Of Official Documents
68.10 Harassment, Theatre or Abuse by Official
68.11 Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse by Official
68.12 Attempted Rape or Rape by Official
68.13 Participation in Set-Ups, Entrapm. by Official
68.14 DEW, Implant or Neuro Torture by Official
68.15 V2K or Hive-Mind Abuse by Official
68.16 Officials Participating in Human Trafficking
68.17Assassination Attempts Ordered by Officials.
70 Lawyers. Judges & Courts
70.1 Difficulty Getting Lawyer, Refuse to Take Case
70.2 Irregularities or Lack Of Interest by Lawyers
70.3 Sudden Change Of Attitude Of Lawyers
70.4 Lawyer Suddenly Declines Case or Passes Brief
70.5 Forced to Take Court Appointed/Spec. Lawyer
70.6 Masonic or Illuminati Signalling from Lawyer
70.7 Dishonesty, Sabotage, Overcharging f. Services
70.8 Falsification/l)estruction Of Records/Evidence
70.9 Perverting the Course Of Justice by Lawyers
70.10 Sabotaging Of Cases by Lawyers
70.11 Intellectual Prop. Theft, Espionage by Lawyers
70.12 V2K or Hive-Mind Abuse by Lawyers.
Attorney Generals
70.13 Irregularities or Lack of Interest by Att. Gen.
70.14 Refusal to Investigate or Prosecute by Att. Gen.
70.15 Blocking or Sabotage of Cases by Att. Gen.
Judges & Court
70.19 Refusal to Admit Evidence by Judges
70.20 Irregularities and Sabotage by Judges
70.21 Collusion Between Lawyers and Judges
70.22 Delaying of Court Cases to Sabotage Litigant
70.23 Demeaning, Fraudulent, Rejecting Judgements
70.24 Blocking of Appeals by Judges and Courts
70.25 DEW Attacks in Court and Before a Judge.
70.26 V 2K, Implant and Neurotech Torture in Court.
72 Threats & Retaliation for Writing This Affidavit
72.1 Increase in Stalking and Intimidation
72.2 Verbal Threats or Threats Via Voice-to-Skull
72.3 Increase in Implant Torture
72.4 Increase in Directed Weapon Attacks
72.5 Increase in Other Physical Assaults
72.6 Intimidation, Assaults on Witnesses or Experts
72.7 Assassination Attempts
72.8 Attacks on Pets, Family, Friends or Others
72.9 Termination of Job or Rental Contract
72.10 Induced Illnesses, Injuries or Accidents.
73 Warfare Operations
73.1 Psychological Warfare
73.2 Physical Warfare w. Military Equip./Personne
73.3 Guerilla and Civil Warfare
73.4 Destruction of Leadership and Intelligentsia
73.5 Biological Warfare
73.6 Chemical Warfare
73.7 Radioactive Warfare
73.8 Directed Energy and Electromagnetic Warfare
73.9 Financial and Economic Warfare
73.10 Administrative Warfare
73.11 Information Warfare
73.12 Cyber Warfare
73.13 Neuro-Warfare
73.14 Holocaust or Genocide
73.15 Destruction of Ecosystems, Burnt-Earth Ops.
73.16 Destruction Of Social Support Networks
73.17 Rewriting Of History, Falsification Of Records74 Violation of Universal Human Rights (Viol. of R. / VOR.).
74.1 Violation of Freedom and Human Dignity
74.2 Viol. of Rights by Inequality & Discrimination
74.3 Violation of Right to Life, Liberty, Security
74.4 Holding in Slavery or Servitude
74.5 Torture, Cruel or Degrading Treatment
74.6 Viol. Of Recognition as Person before the Law
74.7 Viol. Of Equality/EquaI Protection before Law
74.8 Right to Effective Remedy by Nation. Tribun
74.9 Arbitrary Arrest, Detention or Exile
74.10 Viol. Of Fair, Public Hearing by Tribunal
74.11 Viol. of Right to be Considered Innocent
74.12 Interference w Privacy, Family, Home, Corres
74.13 Attacks upon Honour and Reputation
74.14 Viol. of Freedom of Movement and Residence
74.15 Viol. Of Right to Asylum in other Countries
74.16 Viol. Of Right to Nationality and TO Change It
74.17 Viol. Of R. to Marriage, Family, Its Protection
74.18 VOR. to Own Property, Arbitrary Deprivation
74.19 Viol. of Freedom of Thought and Religion
74.20 Viol. Of Freedom Of Opinion and Information
74.21 Viol. Of R. to Free, Peaceful Assembly & Assoc.
74.22 Viol. Of Right to Participate in GOV. & Election
74.23 Viol. Of R. to Equal Access to Public Service
74.24 Viol. of R. to Social Security
74.25 Viol. of R. to Economic, Social, Cultural Dev.
74.26 VOR. to Work, Its Free Choice, Just Condition
74.27 Viol. of R. to Equal Pay for Equal Work
74.28 VOR. to Just Remuneration. Ensuring Dignity
74.29 Viol. Of R. to Form or Join Trade Unions
74.30 VOR. to Rest, Leisure, Work Limit & Holidays
74.31 VoR. to Food, Clothing, Housing, Medical care
74.32 VoR. to Special care f. Motherhood/Chi1dhood
74.33 Violation Of Right to Education
74.34 VOR to Education to Strengthen Human Rights
74.35 VOR. of Parents to Choose Child’s Education
74.36 Viol. of Right to Participate in Cultural Life
74.37 VOR. to Share in Scientific Advance & Benefits
74.38 VOR. to Protection of Intellectual Property
74.39 VOR Realisation by Social/lnternational Order
74.40 Viol. Of Community Duties for Free & Full Dev.
74.41 Destruction Of Human Rights and Freedoms.
75 Violation of the Geneva Conventions & Crimes Against Humanity
Grave Breaches of Geneva Conventions
75.1 Inhumane or Cruel Treatment
75.2 Torture
75.3 Mutilation
75.4 Wilful Killing
75.5 Biological or Scientific Experiments
75.6 Wilfully Causing Great Suffering
75.7 Causing Serious Injury to Body or Health
75.8 Extensive, Unlawful or Wanton Destruction
75.9 Compelled to Serve in Hostile Armed Forces
75.10 Deprivation Of Right to a Fair & Regular Trial
75.11 Unlawful Deportation or Transfer
75.12 Unlawful Confinement
75.13 Taking Of Hostages.
Other War Crimes
75.14 Attack on Individual Civilians or Population
75.15 Attack on Humanitarian Assistance
75.16 Attack on Non-Defended/Demilitarised Zone
75.17 Bombarding Dwellings by Whatever Means
75.18 Attack on Person Who is Incapable of Fighting
75.19 Attack on Wounded, Sick, Old, Children
75.20 Attack on Mothers and Expectant Mothers
75.21 Attack on Family Life
75.22 Attack on Transport or Care of Wounded/Sick
75.23 Attacking Hospitals With Wounded and Sick
75.24 Viol. Of the Care for the Wounded and Sick
75.25 Wilful Injury to Civilians
75.26 Seriously Endangered Physical/Mental Health
75.27 Killing or Wounding Civilians Treacherously
75.28 Weapons Cause Unnecessary Suffering/lnjury
75.29 Employing Poisons
75.30 U nwarranted Removal Of Tissue or Organs
75.31 Denial Of Medical Care Demanded by Health
75.32 Viol. Personal Dignity, Degrading Treatment
75.33 Indecently Assaulted or Raped
75.34 Forced into Prostitution, Trafficking
75.35 Lack of Protection in the Hands of the Enemy
75.36 Refusal of Protection Against Threat or Insults
75.37 Refusal of Protection Against Public Curiosity
75.38 Refusal to Respect Honour and Family Rights
75.39 Refusal to Respect Religious Practices
75.40 Using Children Under 15 Years in Hostilities
75.41 Protected Civilians Forced to Give Info
75.42 Civilians Punished for Offence Not Committed
75.43 Abolishing Rights in a Court of Law
75.44 Extra-Judicial Sentences and Executions
75.45 Settling of Occupiers Into Conquered Zone.
Crimes Against Humanity
75.46 Murder
75.47 E xtermination
75.48 Enslavement
75.49 Deportation or Forcible Transfer
75.50 Imprisonment, Deprivation Of Physical Liberty
75.51 Torture
75.52 Rape, Sexual Slavery, Enforced Prostitution
75.53 Persecutions Against Any Identifiable Group
75.54 Enforced Disappearances of Persons
75.55 Crime of Apartheid
75.56 Inhumane Acts, Serious Injury to Body / Mind.
76 Violation of the European Convention on Human Rights (Viol. of HR)
76.1 Failure/Refusal to Secure Rights and Freedoms
76.2 Violation of the Human Right to Life
76.3 Violation of the Prohibition of Torture
76.4 Viol. of Prohibition of Slavery[Forced Labour
76.5 Violation of Right to Liberty and Security
76.6 Violation Of Right to a Fair Trial
76.7 Punishments Without Law
76.8 Viol. of HR to Respect for Private/Fami1y Life
76.9 V. Of Freedom of Thought/Conscience/ReIigion
76.10 Viol. Of Freedom Of Expression
76.11 Viol. of Freedom of Assembly and Association
76.12 Violation of Right to Marry
76.13 Violation of Right to an Effective Remedy
76.14 Violation of Prohibition of Discrimination
76.15 Violation Of Prohibition Of Abuse Of Rights
76.16 Violation of Protection of Property
76.17 Violation of Right to Education
76.18 Viol. of Prohibition of Imprisonment for Debt
76.19 Viol. of Freedom of Movement and Residence
76.20 Viol. Of Prohibition Of Expulsion Of Nationals
76.21 Viol. Of Right to Appeal in Criminal Matters
76.22 Denied Compensation f. Wrongful Conviction
76.23 Viol. of Right Not to be Tried/Punished Twice
76.24Violation of Equality Between the Spouses.
77 Violation of Other Rights and Regulations
77.1 Violation of Protection from Harassment Act
77.2 Violation of Employment Rights
77.3 Violation of Health and Safety Regulations.
78 Denial of Help
78.1 Denial Of Help by Spouse or Partner
78.2 Denial Of Help by Family
78.3 Denial Of Help by Friends
78.4 Denial Of Help by Colleagues
78.5 Denial Of Help by Human Rights Charities
78.6 Denial of Help by Social Institutions
78.7 Denial of Help by Church
78.8 Denial of Help by Journalists, Press & Media
78.9 Denial of Help by Professionals & Researchers
78.10 Denial of Help by Doctors and Hospitals
78.11 Denial Of Help by Psychiatrists, Psychologists
78.12 Denial ofHe1p by Police
78.13 Denial Of Help by Counter-Terr-orism &Intel
78.14 Denial Of Help by Military & Military Police
78.15 Denial of Help by Frequency Use Regulators
78.16 Denial of Help by Lawyers
78.17 Denial of Help by Attorney Generals
78.18 Denial Of Help by Courts
78.19 Denial Of Help by Ambassadors
78.20 Denial of Help by Parliam., Senators, Congress
78.21 Denial of Help by EU
78.22 Denial of Help by UN.
of [Edward Paul Donegan]
Document Authentication
8-Digit Code Chosen by the Author: 022463233
(Numbers only. Use the same code for the long form Of the affidavit.)
1, Edward Paul Donegan of the USA currently homeless, state on oath and say as follows. I make this affidavit based on my own personal knowledge, unless otherwise stated, and that the following facts and matters are accurate to the best of my knowledge.1.1 Age Bracket (60’s.)
Theoretical Interrogatory
Q. Mr Donegan when you converted the survey those parts you felt most pertain to your experiences did you intend to provide information about illegal police harassment of you and are you doing so now? A. Yes. Q. Mr Donegan as to the subject matters expressed in the survey have you encountered anything before like the subjects the questionnaire addresses? A. Yes. Twice. The first has been in the course of my own life and experiences over decades. Until shortly before I saw the survey I had only my own reports I had made of these types of activities to reference and my reports independent of other reports were not taken seriously. Q. Who are some of the others you have found made similar accusations to the experiences you also assert? A. Ted Gunderson who investigated the JFK assassination and was tied to both John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy and Geral Sosbee. Q. Do you feel there is connection to you via Geral Sosbee and perhaps to TEd Gunderson and JFK as well. A. Yes. The Romanian language connected Sosbee worked for the FBI on matters in the Romanian language. I believe the speech and language defect that Mary of Teck Romania who introduced a speech and language gene into the Windsor family and Albert of York and also the older brother Edward of Wales are tied to John F. Kennedy and the Kennedy assassination too.
On the matter in he JIT Survey Property, Assets & Inheritance do you believe you and your family have been defrauded, your assets depleted, and you have been driven to homeless to silence you? A. Yes.
Mr Donegan have you recently looked up Opposite, Hypotenuse, and Adjacent on the internet and did it seem familiar to you? A. Yes. In the diagram I saw the Opposite was like a flag pole straight up as a one of three sides of a right angle triangle. 90 degrees from the base of the flagpole (the opposite side) were the Hypotenuse and Adjacent sides, the adjacent being at the right angle to the Opposite side that is straight up and at 90 degrees from that adjacent side.
A right triangle where the politicians are not corrupt and infiltrate the dangerous gangs
Politicians like Robert F. Kennedy give the orders to infiltrate lower level actors of say a corrupt union and then after flipping them or seizing assets move in undercover to the higher up organized crime bosses. Over the course of the operation all sides of the triangle would be turned to blue and the in parts of the triangle protected from crime.
Mr. Donegan are you familiar with the Four Hats story that is real and the Miami Vice TV Series based on that story? Do you a model or metaphor in this? A. Yes, police become adjacent to the criminals by catching them. The police are opposite the the criminals who are the (now) adjacent and the Hypotenuse who are also criminals. The Police seized the now adjacent assets and go undercover to catch the criminals at the Hypotenuse.
Q. Is that what you see here? A. No, but others do. What I see is the Criminals are the Opposite and they seize law abiding Adjacent assets (mine) to pruriently or politically gain access to other non criminals at the Hypotenuse.
Politicians like George H.W. Bush and now William Burns or Christopher Wray or Meyorkas give the orders to infiltrate governments around the world with sleeper agents tied to old wold aristocracy. These old world money are in the USA War Industry Board CIA or military created businesses that the CIA and military conduct illegal acts through the companies being shell companies or loyal to the CIA that created them and are cover assets.
022463233.EPD.1.8 Projections of Power, Intimidation, Asset Seizures, and Harassment
Snipe 1: to shoot at exposed individuals (as of an enemy’s forces) from a usually concealed point of vantage 2: to aim a carping or snide attack
Mr Donegan you assert covert harassment follows the “Sniper” concept and this relates to the covertly achievd deaths of an interconnected group of people. Can you begin your Conspiracy Theory as to this circle of people you name? A. The sniper concept as that having sufficient tools to project both recon and weapons into a location from a remote often open public position but with some camouflage or cover of real role the sniper can surviel into and study or harass a target or even project weaponry in, say am missle strike, bullet or other projectile, a poison introduced into the food of a person not a the dining table but in the kitchen, or other such covert attack. Judge Roll had considered the Marshalls who were surrounding him and unsettling presence and asked they be removed. He was ruling in a case of asset seizures of trust funds or retirement assets (really the later) for foreign economies cases on indirect or circumstantial cases. That ruling fit the type of circumstantial cases being built against me as asset seizure frauds. Veronica Hoffman once helped build a case against me. Veronica Hofmand and Judge Roll died before old age or natural causes would have been the cause of death. Veronica Hoffman is said to have committed suicide in a psych ward. I suspect it was either violence against her or motivated by harassment she could no longer endure.
Q. incessant adjective: continuing or following without interruption : unceasing Do you continue your assertion that coping with incessant bothersome conduct from others including raising you voice in firm clear way or profanity or allegations about others can lead to orders to leave a business or public place, fights, and accusations being delusional? A. Yes and I assert that is the Zersetzung system of an aggressor covertly starting fights that as the agressor will have an alibi for when the bothersome conduct is pointed out by the target of the aggression.
Q. When people Stalk a target from a public location might they parrot, try to bring discomfort to, anger, or threaten the target while denying they are doing so? A. Yes. Q. Does that fit with the allegation of the CIA program Mocking Bird in which critics of the CIA are mocked as delusional, etc.,? Yes.
Google AI Overview
Residential surveillance and espionage can include a variety of activities, such as:
Domestic intelligence operations
The United States has conducted many domestic intelligence operations, such as COINTELPRO, which involved bugging the homes, offices, and vehicles of many citizens.
Home security systems
Home security systems can be used to spy on people. For example, one Trusted Internet blog post described an incident where a home security system’s Network Video Recorder began transferring a 300 GB video file to an unknown person outside of the home.
Security cameras
Hackers can eavesdrop on security cameras, including smartphone cameras, dash cams, and home security cameras. The distance at which someone can eavesdrop depends on the camera, but it can be as close as one foot or as far as 16 feet.
Residential Surveillance at a Designated Place (RSDL)
In China, RSDL is a system that involves the surveillance of individuals in their homes. Well-known victims of RSDL include artist Ai Weiwei, Nobel Peace Prize-winning poet Liu Xiaobo, and Swedish bookseller Gui Minhai.
Surveillance programs
The US government has surveillance programs that use communications technologies, such as the FISA Amendments Act and Executive Order 12,333. The Patriot Act has also made it easier for the government to spy on Americans.- Google AI
Veronica Hoffman seems to have had her space invade by mockers, harasses, stalker timed harassing phone calls that let her know someone was watching her and acting as if ordering her around to do something or not do something by roaring of engines nearby, harrasing phone calls, etc., and she like I had done in Concord, California began disabling or testing computers for hacking devices, odd or planted technologies etc., Even if you were to believe any allegation about me they would not apply to her or most other targeted individuals. I have sent the Los Angeles Coroner data from those close to her that she was acting in way that seemed bipolar or paranoid but I think she was being terror stalked to create a situation she was battling against demons others could not see but she did perceive. Q. How could she perceive she was being stalked in her home but others could not see that? A. the public can not see into a person’s home. The public can not see the link between her actions in her home and public loud noises, etc.,
Q. Did you write within a file GreatTreason/1001nWater.html while in 1001 N. water street the following “I live in discreet non adjoing units which are Quauntum Tunneled incursion system where from close enough to me the borders can be violated in some way for others near me to create blur moving their liabilities to me and my assets to them” and could you explain? A. A Quantum Jump is a jump beteen discreet units such as an ergy level jumping up to higher state and the jump being the measure of a sub-atomic particle. In particle physics this help understand and describe the existance of particles and quantum jumps were noticed and analized. Quantum Tunneling is a concept that a continuous path can be created between discreet boundries and traveled like a tunnel under a wall. I asser this was part of a residential surveillance system that watched my positive actions, anticipated them and before I completed them the stalkers attributed my works as their own. They also imposed what were their liabilities on to me.
Q. Is this part of what is happening in Texas and Austin in official conduct? A. Yes, this is run in part by Austin City Council and out of its building. I was “weird” by their standards of street minsitries and religous band group singing sermons to youth. They decided to Keep Austin Weird by my tastes and aesthetics while acting like I was an in-sophisticate. Texas had a reputation of being a backwards God fearing group of military types and ex-military types of hicks. Q. Do you think that is still trued despite the campaign they have been running? A. Yes. The idea that police can blackmail (including on fake charges or use an impersonator to confess) the right for impregnation on commercial for sale markets against a person’s will is as repugnant as pro life is at times though I am of mixed feelings on abortion rights, I draw the balance against rather than for midterm abortions. In addition I think these street ministers took advance of my trusting brother who went them after his family of origin (mine) rejected his homosexuality. But are these groups proposing to help the disabled, the runaways, those without families preying upon those who turn to them?
Q. Does Urban Alchemy seem one of those groups? A. Yes, while the claim to be worldly elites from the top of the world most have looked out prison slits most of their lives. Much of their branding of themselves has been based on ideas I proposed in my philosophic works like concepts of alchemy. I ordered from the State Dept a passport card to be mailed to the address fo the homeless shelter they run. It has not arrived nor has the birth certificate I sent to the State Dept with my application and I suspect their money launderers and fraudsters now have it and use it for identity theft.
Q. Why would these long term prison inmates do that? Officials and the police and neighborhood watch groups that are part of backward Texas learn to be sophisticates by claiming I am not and then taking and impersonator of me to get sex ed lessons from Glamme Dommes.
A. Continuing with this answer I go to the following survey section.
Torture, Destruction of Life/Health
39) Torture & Life Destruction
40) Psychological Harm
41) Physical Signs & Symptoms
42) Medical Conditions & Illnesses and Attacks on Others
46) Attacks on Pets
I have come back from the grocery store and found a blotch of what seemed cat skin and cat hair glued to my counter near the kitchen door I often left partially open. Later the cat that was sometimes outdoors and sometimes indoors showed up with a area of skin about that size missing and exposed wound where the skin had been. Another time it seemed my cat had been burned by a cigarette. Many other exmaples though less dramatic.
Like most people I hold political opinions and have had engaged in activism, stuff and licks for the Libertarian Party, for Rand Paul’s father (mostly in support and Rand Paul) and for work for Jerry Brown, and variety of other well known parties and candidates. But I have also held strong opinions on matters of race, immigration, social justice, criminal justice, and ethics and society.
Q. Do you Mr. Donegan place some of this into the “accidents” that have happened to you, you unfairly attacked by FBI and others for those views? Q. Yes. Stalkers have concluded the views I hold are not worthy of the intellect that underlies my beliefs, the value of my life experiences, and depth of my support of these positions. They have branded them terrorist and used what they assert is their intellect in the competing Black Live Matter type systems as their own “intellect” when it was coopted from me and my beliefs. I think that has been unfair to me but at the same time predictable to me. I have always said the ethics of racial politics today was mostly fad and tripe and could not survive actual Scientific rigor and that is what I approached the matter with. Allowing the social justice system to break the law against me repeatedly is the dice role that came out the wrong way. Many will find that turn of the dice acceptable if you belive in FBI or CIA or NSA preemption of dangerous politics but I assert that it was more my liability they could exploit much the same way the could exploit that Lee Bowers Jr. was driving alone one night and Karen Silkwood were driving along one night. In those cases or apparent suicides, etc., the outcome was accepted by society but may have been or was a staged accident. I also doubt the “accident” that befell Caitlyn Mahoney was an accident either, nor was the death fo Jen Moore.
The Starbucks murders occurred on July 6, 1997, at a Starbucks store located in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., when three employees were killed.
Mary Caitlin Mahoney. Mahoney’s commitment to social justice prompted her to volunteer for Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign, becoming an intern at the Clinton White House. A university graduate, Mahoney did not aspire to work in politics and applied to Starbucks at 1810 Wisconsin Avenue NW Northwest) in 1995, hoping for HR job in the Baltimore office, but was hired as an assistant manager. She loved her job. The only reminder of her White House past was when Chelsea Clinton ordered a coffee, then realised she had no money on her. Mahoney swiftly smoothed over an awkward situation by paying for the coffee herself.
After participating in her brother’s wedding that summer, Mahoney was looking forward to celebrating her birthday on 22 July.
Her killer took that happiness away from her and her family.
I Edward Paul Donegan believe she was Targeted because she expressed FOXP2 symptoms. She was a gay female social justice activist, like most, no where near my own profile. The profile that can be found in the data is of NWO criminals who have a divserse list of witnesses they need to silence as to genetics and eugenics history and US history.
In this diagram those who know too much are are Letter A could be Dorothy Kilgallen or many others.
Over the course of this operation the Deep State including the Bush Crime Family and big media companies along with the covert CIA backed liberals the CIA created will continue to be crime bossess on world agendas who plant evidence on or assassinate people like Lee Bowers Jr. or others in order to keep the “Corruption Network” in place. The Corruption Network uses drug gangs, mafia, spooks, hoods, and the hidden elite to silence whistle-blowers.
Q. Could you tell us who Prince Edward of Wales and Prince Albert of York were and how this history ties to break-ins to you home and even assassinations?
Edward VIII (Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David; 23 June 1894 28 May 1972), later known as the Duke of Windsor, was King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Empire, and Emperor of India, from 20 January 1936 until his abdication in December of the same year.
Prince Edward of Wales was born during the reign of his great-grandmother Queen Victoria as the eldest child of the Duke and Duchess of York, later King George V and Queen Mary [of Teck, and area of Romania territorial history.]
And Prince Albert of York was his younger brother. For a brief while Prince Edward of Wales the place where Winsor Palace is and the eldest Prince is assigned to was King Edward VIII. He resigned almost immediately and his younger brother Abert o York assumed the throne as King Geroge VI and dispite the FOXP2 gene introduced by the Romanian mother led the fight against Nazi Germany and later died at the end of 1951 early 1952. At this time his daughter Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth II, not Queen Elizeith the Queen Mother born August 4 many decades earlier.
Q. Was Edward of Wales close to the Nazis? A. Yes In fact Marilyn Monroe had a movie that was quite suggestive the Prince and the Showgirl. Several of the movies from the 1960’s and 1970’s and even the 1950’s show the Prince o Wales and Maria Kutschera, niece of Franz Kutchera had an affair and children born in 1926 that were born in the USA at the time Maria Kutschera left the Convent.
Q. Do your books series assert the OSS, CIA, and US Navy, the Vatican, and others assisted Barron Von Trapp get his future wife’s out of wedlock children into the USA, born in the USA in 1926? A. Yes. My mother was born near Davidson College in North Carolina to (it is said) Fetus Gainey in 1926. Marilyn Monroe compared facially to Princess Elizabeth was born in 1926 under uncertain real birth lineage. y assertion is Joseph Kennedy Sr. and FDR had much to do with this and thus this was covertly done in part because these bastard children have a gene similar in ways to ADHD that respond to amphetamines and that was under study during MK-ULTRA. Jen Moore confirms this and my motehr and I carry the gene. Dean Rusk was in Davidson College in that area of North Carolina and I assert working an underground railroad to get these children fro rising Nazism in Austria.
A. In t the one of your books which is called Written By The Right Hand you identify Jen Moore as a whistle-blower to the CIA and its role in the JFK assasination and deep state today. You have a chapter in that book describing the so-called Deep State and assert this was a term used by many familiar with the Deep State. Withouth the longer detail on the history of the terms and Roman emperors could you describe which leakers from the CIA are using that term today and since the Kennedy Assasination?
A. Yes for the record here is some of that information that is in my books as I write as New William Cooper.
New William Cooper
Jim Garrison Writes
Today, we still live with those consequences a continuing and ominous Cold War, a deceptive secret government, a docile press, a pervasive cynicism, and corruption. To bring an end to this era in which the lies of our elected government and the covert operations of our secret government threaten the very survival of our society, we must begin to see the Cold War and our national security in a new light.
Edward Paul Donegan and Jen Moore believe this about something older than the Cold War though something the Cold War flowed out of and even WWII flowed out of.
The USA had a relationship with Leverage Forces the Jedah British Secret Service that could assassinate a few leaders and journalists here and there switching out top level leadership as needed to get a “second opinion” from national sovereigns if they did not like the first one.
These ties go very far back in history and JFK was a threat to that as RFK was.
THe Cold War was a fear of the Hot War that ended WWII and that fear favored leverage cover operators over open combat.
On the Trail of the Assassins (excerots from The Sponsors Chapter)
Whenever you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. – The Sign of Four; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A coup d’etat has been described as “a sudden action by which an individual or group, usually employing limited violence, captures positions of governmental authority without conforming to the formal requirements for changing offceholders, as prescribed by the laws or constitution.” A successful coup requires a number of elements: extensive planning and preparation by the sponsors (those responsible for the coup); the collaboration of the Praetorian Guard*_ (officials whose job is to protect the government, including the President); a diversionary cover-up afterwards; the ratification of the assassination by the new government inheriting power; and the dissemination of disinformation by major elements of the news media. If this concurrence of events has a familiar sound, it is because this is exactly what happened when John Kennedy was murdered.
I do not know precisely when the planning and preparation for the coup began. In a sense, it may have been as early as late 1960 when the C.I.A. prepared a dossier analysis on the President-elect. Such a psychological profile surely would not have contemplated assassination of the President, but its purpose was to help the C.I.A., or some elements within it, further its goal of manipulating foreign policy. It probably was not until later, when Kennedy had veered toward detente and conventional means of controlling policy had failed, that assassination became an option in the minds of some of the C.I.A.’s Cold War establishment.
The sponsors of the assassination also arranged numerous scenes where Lee Oswald was impersonated in hopes of laying a trail of incriminating evidence at his feet. (See Chapter 5.) The most significant of these impersonations occurred in Mexico City in October 1963, when Oswald reportedly contacted the Soviet Embassy and the Cuban consulate, ostensibly to arrange a trip to the Soviet Union. The reason this particular impersonation stands out is that all the “documentation” for it was provided by the C.I.A. This evidence-which included C.I.A. memos, photographs of a man who obviously was not Oswald, and tapes of phone calls to the Soviet Embassy that were not of Oswald’s voice-was insultingly flimsy. To me, this meant that while some elements within the C.I.A. participated in the Oswald impersonation charades and thus were doing the necessary preparatory work of setting up the scapegoat for the assassination, other elements within the Agency remained uninformed about the plot, or indeed might have been trying to discover the truth.
Oswald appears to have been extensively manipulated by the C.I.A. for a long period prior to the assassination and may well have believed that he was working for the government. Oswald was also an F.B.I. confidential informant, a job that provided additional control over him and may have given him a reason to believe he was actually penetrating the plot to assassinate the President. His association with the F.B.I. raises a question.
To what extent did the F.B.I. and the Secret Service cooperate in the pre- assassination planning? It appears to me that neither agency took any discernible positive action prior to the assassination-although there clearly was distinct inactivity when activity was called for. This brings us to the second necessary element for a successful coup: the cooperation of the Praetorian Guard. A coup d’etat needs the support neither of a large number of government offcials nor of a broad base of the population. The managers of the coup may well represent the views of only a tiny minority of the populace, but if they have key elements of the Praetorian Guard on their side, the majority becomes irrelevant.
In the United States, the modern counterparts to the Praetorian Guard are the secret police of the intelligence community, beginning with the smallish, close-at-hand Secret Service and extending on through the F.B.I., the intelligence divisions of various federal departments, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the Central Intelligence Agency. Without key elements of this modern-day Praetorian Guard, a coup d’etat in the United States would be impossible. With them, however, a coup can be unstoppable. The Praetorian Guard is vital to a successful coup because it has the capability of allowing the defensive protection of the leader to vanish at a crucial moment. The removal of the Emperor Caligula in seconds, leaving as the new emperor the stuttering Claudius, was almost casual following the quiet withdrawal of the protection of the guard. And almost equally casual was the removal of President Kennedy in less than six seconds, leaving Lyndon Johnson as the new President.
NWC Response
My Edward Paul Donegan response is 1)that all of what Garrison who was closest to the facts as prosecutor alleged has since been proven true from the deathbed confessions of HOlt, Hunt, and others adn 2) Garrison starts out with a well selected quote that explains why I and other witnesses have been in danger since
On the Trail Chapter 20 The Secret Sponsors
This is the way of all successful coups d’etat. In the early 17th century, Sir John Harington, the English poet, described it in a few lines:
Treason doth never prosper: What’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.
MUCH HAS HAPPENED since Clay Shaw’s trial and my trial. Leading public figures like Lyndon Johnson, Earl Warren, Allen Dulles, Charles Cabell, and Earle Cabell have all died. And important characters in my New Orleans investigation like the virulent anticommunist Guy Banister and his private detective associate Jack Martin have gone unnoticed to their graves.
Others have died in undeniably mysterious circumstances. Lee Oswald’s Dallas friend and baby sitter George de Mohrenschildt was found shot to death, a shotgun nearby, hours after arranging to be interviewed by an investigator from the House Select Committee on Assassinations. The coroner’s verdict was suicide.
David Ferrie, as described in Chapter 11, was discovered dead in his New Orleans apartment with two unsigned suicide notes by his side. The coroner decided that death was due to natural causes. Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig left Dallas and moved to New Orleans as the result of an attempt on his life. He grew homesick for Dallas, however, and moved back. His car was blown up while he was in it, but he survived. Then he was found shot to death at his home. The coroner’s verdict was suicide.
Jack Ruby, having been treated at the Dallas Sheriffs offce for a cold, was sent to the hospital when it got worse. Shortly thereafter it was announced that he had cancer, and shortly after that it was announced that he had died from the cancer.
Lee Harvey Oswald, of course, was shot by Ruby in front of a television audience of millions and a virtual wall of Dallas police offcers. Though there is no mystery about the precise cause of death, Ruby’s stated reason for killing Oswald-to save Mrs. Kennedy the burden of having to attend Oswald’s trial-remains as questionable as ever, particularly in view of Ruby’s ties to organized crime on the one hand, and to the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. on the other.
The beginning of the formal ratification process came when Congress allowed President Johnson, the heir to power, to appoint the Warren Commission, including ex-C.I.A. Director Dulles, to investigate the murder. The Commission’s report, carrying the prestige and credibility of its highly respected chair, put the offcial government stamp of approval on the lone assassin fairy tale. For the government, reluctant to face the pre-assassination involvement of the C.I.A. and the participation of its other intelligence agencies in the cover-up, such a ratification must have seemed the easy way out. For many years afterwards, federal officials did their best to prop up this crumbling edifice as critics tore it apart, leaving almost no one still believing in the lone assassin scenario.
With the murder plainly unsolved, a succession of Presidents and attorneys general, each with the resources of the F.B.I. and the entire federal government at their command, made no effort to get to the truth.
On the contrary, when I attempted a real investigation of the assassination, federal officials sought to suppress the truth. I received no cooperation when I sought to subpoena key witnesses like Allen Dulles. I found crucial federal records destroyed, altered, classified as secret, or sealed by the federal government for 75 years. I found myself denounced by the President, the attorney general, and the Chief Justice. I found my investigation infiltrated and subverted by federal agents. And ultimately I found myself on trial in a trumped-up federal case. That is what happens to you when you do not go along with the new government’s ratification of the coup.
The government’s cover-up and ratification of the assassination have been aided by a flood of disinformation appearing in the major media. Dissemination of disinformation is the last element necessary for a successful coup d’etat, and it also happens to be one of the specialties of the C.I.A. For many years the Agency secretly had on its payroll journalists ostensibly working for the major media but in fact disseminating propaganda for consumption by the American people. It has also subsidized the publication of more than 1,000 books.
[de Mohrenschildt andIon Mihai Pacepa are an interesting matter in regards to Romania.
Ion Mihai Pacepa (
Romanian pronunciation: [iˈon miˈhaj paˈt͡ʃepa]; 28 October 1928 14 February 2021) was a Romanian lieutenant general in the Securitate, the secret police of the Socialist Republic of Romania, who defected to the United States in July 1978 following President Jimmy Carter‘s approval of his request for political asylum. He was the highest-ranking defector from the former Eastern Bloc, and wrote books and articles on the inner workings of communist intelligence services. His best-known works are the books Disinformation and Red Horizons.
At the time of his defection, Pacepa simultaneously had the rank of advisor to President Nicolae Ceaușescu, acting chief of his foreign intelligence service, and a parliamentary undersecretary at Romania’s Ministry of Interior.
Subsequently, he worked with the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in operations against the former Eastern Bloc. The CIA described his cooperation as “an important and unique contribution to the United States”.[3]
Activity in Romanian intelligence
Ion Mihai Pacepa’s father (born in 1893) was raised in Alba Iulia, in the Transylvania region in the north west of Romania, where he worked in his father’s small kitchenware factory. On 1 December 1918, Transylvania united with Romania, and in 1920, Pacepa’s father moved to Bucharest and worked for the local branch of the American car company General Motors.
Born in Bucharest in 1928, Ion Mihai Pacepa studied industrial chemistry at the Politehnica University of Bucharest between 1947 and 1951, but just months before graduation, he was drafted by the Securitate and gained his engineering degree only four years later. He was assigned to the Directorate of Counter-sabotage of the Securitate. In 1955, he was transferred to the Directorate of Foreign Intelligence.[4]
In 1957, Pacepa was appointed head of the Romanian intelligence station in Frankfurt, West Germany, where he served for two years. In October 1959, Minister of the Interior Alexandru Drăghici appointed him as head of Romania’s new industrial espionage department, the S&T (short for Știință și Tehnologie, meaning “science and technology” in Romanian) of Directorate I. He was the head of Romanian industrial espionage, which he managed until he defected in 1978.[4] Pacepa claimed he was involved with the establishment of Romania’s automobile industry,[5] and with the development of its microelectronic, polymer, and antibiotic industries.
From 1972 to 1978, Pacepa was also President Nicolae Ceaușescu‘s adviser for industrial and technological development and the deputy chief of the Romanian foreign intelligence service.
Pacepa defected in July 1978 by walking into the US Embassy in Bonn, West Germany, where he had been sent by Ceaușescu with a message to Chancellor Helmut Schmidt.[6] He was flown secretly to Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, D.C., in a United States military aircraft.[7]
In a letter to his daughter, Dana, published in the French newspaper Le Monde in 1980 and broadcast over and over by Radio Free Europe, Pacepa explained the reason for defecting: “In 1978 I got the order to organize the killing of Noël Bernard, the director of Radio Free Europe’s Romanian program who had infuriated Ceaușescu with his commentaries. It was late July when I got this order, and when I ultimately had to decide between being a good father and being a political criminal. Knowing you, Dana, I was firmly convinced that you would prefer no father to one who was an assassin.”[8]
Noël Bernard died in 1981 of cancer; his wife, Ioana Măgură Bernard , suggested he had been irradiated by the Securitate.[9][10] She also linked Bernard’s death to those of RFE journalists such as Cornel Chiriac (stabbed to death), as well as Emil Georgescu and Vlad Georgescu, both of whom also died of cancer.[9][10] According to Bernard’s wife, Noël’s Securitate file had attached an article from a magazine which talks about Noël undergoing surgery, with a note which argues that the article confirms “the measures undertaken by us are starting to have an effect”.[10] Pacepa later claimed a supposed radiological weapon named Radu was used against dissenters and critics by the Securitate.[11] According to Pacepa, “Radu” was a Romanian name used as a reference to “radiation“, with the intention to lead the target to cancer which would result in death within months after the exposure.[11]
Pacepa’s defection destroyed the intelligence network of communist Romania, and through the revelations of Ceaușescu’s activity, it affected Ceaușescu’s international credibility and respectability. An article published by The American Spectator in 1988 summed up the devastation caused by Pacepa’s “spectacular” defection: “His passage from East to West was a historic event, for so carefully had he prepared, and so thorough was his knowledge of the structure, the methods, the objectives, and the operations of Ceaușescu’s secret service, that within three years the entire organization had been eliminated. Not a single top official was left, not a single major operation was still running. Ceaușescu had a nervous breakdown, and gave orders for Pacepa’s assassination. At least two squads of murderers have come to the United States to try to find him, and just recently one of Pacepa’s former agents – a man who had performed minor miracles in stealing Western technology in Europe at Romanian behest – spent several months on the East Coast, trying to track him down. They didn’t succeed.”[12]
During September 1978, Pacepa received two death sentences from Communist Romania, and Ceaușescu decreed a bounty of US$2 million for his death. Yasser Arafat and Muammar Gaddafi set a further $1 million each.[13] In the 1980s, Romania’s political police enlisted Carlos the Jackal to assassinate Pacepa in the United States in exchange for $1 million.[14] Documents found in the Romanian intelligence archives show that the Securitate had given Carlos a whole arsenal to use in “Operation 363” to assassinate Pacepa in the United States. Included were 37 kg plastic explosive EPP/88, seven submachine guns, one Walther PP pistol serial # 249460 with 1306 bullets, eight Stechkin pistols with 1049 bullets, and five hand grenades UZRG-M.
Carlos was unable to find Pacepa, but on 21 February 1981, he bombed a part of Radio Free Europe‘s headquarters in Munich, which was broadcasting news of Pacepa’s defection.[15][16] Five Romanian diplomats in West Germany, who had helped Carlos the Jackal in this operation, were expelled from the country.[citation needed]
On 7 July 1999, Romania’s Supreme Court Decision No. 41/1999 cancelled Pacepa’s death sentences and ordered for his properties, confiscated by Ceaușescu’s orders, to be returned to him.[citation needed] Romania’s government refused to comply. In December 2004, the new government of Romania restored Pacepa’s rank of general.[citation needed]
According to Michael Ledeen in 2016, the two death sentences remained in effect, and Pacepa “has lived in secret” since his defection.[17] Pacepa died in 2021.
Writings and political views
Pacepa was a columnist for the Internet conservative blog site PJ Media. He also wrote articles for The Wall Street Journal and American conservative publications, such as National Review Online, The Washington Times, the online newspaper FrontPage Magazine, and World Net Daily.
Red Horizons
In 1987, Pacepa wrote a book published in the United States by Regnery Gateway, Red Horizons: Chronicles of a Communist Spy Chief. A Romanian translation of Red Horizons printed in the U.S. was infiltrated into Communist Romania, and a Mao-style pocketbook of Red Horizons was illegally printed in Communist Hungary (now a valuable collector’s item). In 1988, Red Horizons was serialized on Radio Free Europe, arousing “huge interest among Romanians”. According to Radio Romania, “the streets of Romania’s towns were empty” during the RFE serialization of Red Horizons. On 25 December 1989, during the last part of the Romanian Revolution, Ceaușescu and his wife, Elena, were sentenced to death. Pacepa claimed that at the trial most of the accusations came almost word-for-word out of Red Horizons (a second edition, published in March 1990, contained the transcript of Ceauşescu’s trial, which was based on facts presented in Red Horizons).[18] President Ronald Reagan reportedly called “Red Horizons” his “Bible” for dealing with dictators.[19]
On 1 January 1990, the book began being serialized in the new official Romanian newspaper Adevărul (The Truth), which on that day replaced the Communist Scînteia (The Spark). In its lead, Adevărul explained that the book’s serialization by Radio Free Europe had “played an incontestable role” in overthrowing Ceaușescu, according to the text on the back cover of the book’s second edition, published during 1990. Red Horizons was subsequently republished in 29 countries, and it was made into a documentary movie by the Hungarian TV.
During 1993, Pacepa published The Kremlin‘s Legacy. During 1999, he authored the trilogy The Black Book of the Securitate, which has become a bestseller in Romania.[20]
George Sergius de Mohrenschildt (Russian: Георгий Сергеевич де Мореншильд; April 17, 1911 March 29, 1977) was an American petroleum geologist, anti-communist political refugee, professor, and occasional CIA field agent.[1] De Mohrenschildt, who moved to the Dallas area in October 1961, is best known for having befriended Lee Harvey Oswald in the summer of 1962.
De Mohrenschildt’s testimony before the Warren Commission investigating the assassination was one of the longest of any witness.[2][3]
Since his testimony and subsequent death years later, de Mohrenschildt has been a popular figure in conspiracy theories regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy. For example, those who believe that the United States Government was responsible have accused de Mohrenschildt of being Oswald’s CIA handler. On the other hand, Ion Mihai Pacepa, a high level defector from Communist Romania and occasional CIA asset, has alleged that de Mohrenschildt, despite his claims to be a descendant of the Russian nobility and an anti-communist political refugee from the Red Terror, was in reality a KGB First Chief Directorate illegal field agent, who focused on collecting military intelligence and who acted as Oswald’s Soviet intelligence handler.[4][5]
ohn Stockwell retrieved from Spartacus Educational and copied or modified to here
John Stockwell, the son of an engineer was born in the Belgian Congo (Zaire) in 1937. His father, an engineer from Texas, was involved in building a hydroelectric plant for a local mission hospital. His mother managed the only women’s academy in Central Africa.
Stockwell was educated at the Presbyterian school in Lubondai before attending the University of Texas. In an autobiographical article Stockwell claimed that while at university he “never had a conversation with a liberal, much less a radical critic of the system”.
After graduating he joined the U.S. Marine Corps. As a result of his ability to speak the languages of the area (Tshiluba and Swahili), Stockwell was sent to the Congo to deal with the rebellion being led by Patrice Lumumba.
Stockwell spent three years in the marines before working in the ranching and land-clearing business in Texas. This was followed by work in the sales and market analysis branch of the Gates Rubber Company in Denver. Stockwell was inspired by a speech made by John F. Kennedy (“ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”) to join the Central Intelligence Agency.
Assassination of John F. Kennedy Encyclopedia
In 1964 Stockwell voted for Barry Goldwater. As he later explained: “everyone in Texas knew that Lyndon Johnson was corrupt to the core, with mob ties, with murders sometimes associated with his political campaigns”.
Stockwell’s first CIA assignment was in West Africa. His main task was to monitor communist activity in the region. He was later promoted to the position of chief of the CIA base in the Katanga province. Stockwell reported back to Washington that he did not believe that the CIA presence in the Congo was not justified as it was not advancing “US national security interests”.
Stockwell spent six years in Africa before serving in Vietnam. As officer in charge of Tay Ninh Province, he organized covert operations against the National Liberation Front. This resulted in him winning the CIA Medal of Merit. He remained in the country until joining the US flight from Vietnam in April, 1975.
Stockwell now served on a subcommittee of the National Security Council and was appointed as chief of the CIA’s Angola Task Force. Unhappy with the way the CIA was targeting the MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola) and resigned from the organization in December, 1976.
Three months later Stockwell published an open letter to CIA Director Stansfield Turner in the Washington Post. He claimed that 98% of CIA operations in the field were “fabrications but were papered over and promoted by aware case officers because of the numbers game”. This resulted in Turner initiating a “house-cleaning of the clandestine services”.
Stockwell has written two books on the CIA: In Search of Enemies (1978) and The Praetorian Guard: The US Role in the New World Order (1991). He has also made several lecture tours where he has spoken on CIA covert operations.
By John Simkin ( © September 1997 (updated January 2020).
▲ Main Article ▲ Primary and Secondary Sources (1) John Stockwell, open letter to Stansfield Turner (10th April, 1977)
– End of answer.
Q. Mr Donegan do you recognize anything in the quotation from Jim Garrison about his experiences and do you relate it to any of your experiences? Do you care to put a name to it? A. Yes. Subversion. Again it goes to indirect attacks at someone. If you can’t defend Clay Shaw or his allies that were former FBI agents working to overthrow Castro like Guy Bannister why not go after the prosecutor with damning allegations about his character? It was exactly what was done to Jim Garrison and it is done to me with phony bullying allegations I secretly bottom feed photographing the helpless victims of any community I am in. And the name for it is “subversion.” If you can not defeat something like an army why not defeat something the army of an enemy needs; for instance a bridge or supply line, or even the support of the people the Army is tyring to defend and is funded by. That is the kind of things PsyOps does. Here is a quote from Mr. Garrison I find familiar to me in that the FBI, CIA, NSA or others will not help research and confirm my family story but will subvert me bullying me into fights over phoney allegations about me.
[From Mr Garrison in his own book] With the murder plainly unsolved, a succession of Presidents and attorneys general, each with the resources of the F.B.I. and the entire federal government at their command, made no effort to get to the truth.
On the contrary, when I attempted a real investigation of the assassination, federal officials sought to suppress the truth. I received no cooperation when I sought to subpoena key witnesses like Allen Dulles. I found crucial federal records destroyed, altered, classified as secret, or sealed by the federal government for 75 years. I found myself denounced by the President, the attorney general, and the Chief Justice. I found my investigation infiltrated and subverted by federal agents. And ultimately I found myself on trial in a trumped-up federal case. That is what happens to you when you do not go along with the new government’s ratification of the coup. [Ed Garrison Quote]
Mr. Donegan you said there were TWO locations you had found corroboration of you own reports. If the first corroboration of the JIT Survey matters are others reporting identical abuse that you have reported what is the second corroboration? A. The US Senate Torture Report where CIA misconduct has been studied and what I have reported for decades is also listed in that report. Q. Did you make your assertions of large scale misconduct as described by these others before learning of the corroborating reports? A. Yes. The only reports I had ever heard before similar to these or including these were those made by Karen Silkwood.
Q. Mr Donegan you assert now that lingering questions as to whether Uniated Airlines flight 553 and Transworld Airways flight 800 can now be answered in balance towards the conspiracy theory rather than a answer not involving a conspriacy. Why do you assert that? A. Several reasons. One is that the death of Dorothy Hunt who was (per St. John Hunt) divorcing E. Howard Hunt helped Nixon survive an emerging scandal and that was tied to Murder Inc., in latin American and the Caribbean that now has been admited to by the US Government and officials of that era. Next I assert that based on new research into the facts and increasingly available online information that is more available than it was in 1996, and that information included information on Patty Hearst, Brigid Berlin, and the knowledge of the Heast Family in those Nixon plans E Howard Hunt had been involved in. Jed Johson was killed on TWa 800 and that history was central to understanding CIA history.
Finally in yet another unheard of thing I had asserted to a former roommate who had rented me a room in San Francisco California that if I boarded a plane to Arlington VA to live with my mother the pane would be shot down. I couldn’t believe I heard that nor could the many others I told about what I had heard. Since then I have found the connection between the Hunt family and the Donegan family related to those other air disasters. One possibility is that since I had overheard that conversation and reported it a staged aircraft disaster after that would have been too suspicious.
Q. At that time were you concerned high level military involvement was occuring and did you becoe concerned of satellite radiation, etc., A. Yes and today I a still uncertain as to which conspiracy theories have a basis for truth.
Q. Is there anything you wish to add to the Karen Silkwood case that you have researched and mentioned? A. Yes. I asserted not only was I radiologialy attacked those who did so were bragging about doing so. If they had not I might not (except for a few other reasons) believed it so. Yet since then others have reported these kinds of attacks. I do note that Karen Silkwood may have had the FOP2 gene and the company she worked for that was a nuclear power company had been represented by the law firm of William Barr just as William Barr had worked for a law firm that defended BCCI “the worlds dirtiest bank” according to headlines. I also believe Caitlin Mahoney had carried this FOXP2 gene.
Q. Mr Donegan have you researched illegal “Color o Law activity by the FBI and aligned law enforcement agencies and those cooperating with them? A. Yes. I have read The War At Home by Brian Glick and have PDF copies I have researched in detail including many of its footnote related materials and wikipedia and other entries on the stories and anecdotes told in the book. I have a copy I am hoping to provide as a gift to some Russian library or another if they wish it. I have subjected to this treatment as my family has. In fact to pick a fight with you the FBI Psychiatric Shock Troops love to harass you over something deeply personal to you and do thins like killing a pet or insulting your family. I am always terrified something about me (and I have many liabilities) was used to start a fight with my father before he died of a head injury. I know how the FBI, CIA, and others operate and I am not a fan. It Jen Moore’s assertion and my own illegal human trafficking is occuring including bio matter and bio rights that is both clearly illegal, clearly money laundering, and clearly an illegal operation that is tied to murders and assassinations in complex politically directed illegal operations.
Q. Do you believe a Color of Law (backed by high ranking officials in use of law enforcement in the conduct as law enforcement activity) illegal activity is udnerway? A. Yes. There (the illegal operation and those participating in it are knowingly on some cases possibly unknowingly engaging in illegal activities without admitting to the illegalities. Illegalities include forcing meanings into my actions that do not exist and relying on deceitful ambiguity to commit money-laundering, fraud and other serious crimes. Some have admitted the illegality others have not. Most feel they have so much high ranking support for the operation no one will interfere with it and it can for and ends-justify-the means rational for illegal conduct.
Q. In what ways do you assert you are being bullied by covert and illegal activities. A. When I order say; for instance, a small fries at counter a teen girl with a t shirt barely reaching the bottom of her hips will appear and fraudsters act out that my secret order for a child to exploitative view has been fulfilled. I believe that type o allegation is something the FBI and others have done before, smearing a person with that type of allegation, and that they are doing it again.
Q. Mr Donegan you have stated the following:
Vitriolic Embellishments: The system of Gang Stalk (like most frauds or frame jobs) uses team of fraudsters and creates vitriolic embellishments trying to add negativity into (add it to) the positive and normal life such that once toxicity linked improperly as embellishment to the original activity and person is poisoned by the added in toxicity. That embellishment that expresses a negative about a person at library, park, or elsewhere destroys the life of a targeted person, can result in fights with the stalkers, and fights against the stalked person on the basis of the smear. Poison is an important word. Cases against a person can be poisoned too. Gang Stalkers bullies fabricating abusive and phony crime scene with evidence plants and false-witnesses, tampering with evidence (by planting evidence and victims, taking phony and impersonated statements, refusing exculpating statements, and misrepresenting events is in law enforcement power and they do so including fraud on the courts including using tampered evidence before magistrates, grand juries, court personnel,, etc., The actions are blatantly illegal, obstruction of justice, conspiracy against rights, motivated by the need of political elites with much to hide, and often formed with the cooperation of racketeering influence officials from small towns or institutions that are either duped or wish to be part of ends-justify-the-means fraud. Another term for it might be COINTELPRO that turns a profit for the racketeering influence criminal organizations operating under color-of=law (a police operations) that is blatantly illegal and continues through the assassination of whistle-blowers and break-ins to home or official offices, or larger acts of terror or fraud.
Mr. Donegan are you familiar with the use of dictionaries? A. [gulp} No. Q. Mr. Donegan would would you like to try your hand at a few definitions? A. Sure. Q. What would these words mean to you? Pretense, Alibi, Con Job, Shill, Fabrication, Self-interest? Money-Laundering, Identity Theft. Organized Crime as operates in Criminal Syndicalism? Q. Yes. A Pretense is something done while pretending something that is not true. A homeless person in a library says “I am going to kill you dirty white peice of shit” Comments of that type I often think are directed at me but coaches of the homelss teach them to use the pretense they were on a Bluetooth telephone call, they were speaking to somebody next them, etc., The pretense they had directed the comment that is clearly illegal at me has the alibi they had meant the comment for someone else. Criminal Syndicalism is high level officials using Color of Law (police, fire, medical, government employees, and Confidential Informants) in operations that are in fact frauds hoping to achieve criminal ends. Often these are defrauding and smearing a person and that is clearly police abuse and it is often directed at those elite espionage officials fear.
Q. Can you name some organizations you think are part of Criminal Syndicalism? A. Yes. Urban Alchemy is facing a racketeering, violence, and money-laundering law suit now. The allegation made inn that law suit match my own independent experiences with them. The claim to sell me child porn and claim they wil send beautiful elite white models to learn about those “white parts” (by that meaning developed breasts, buttocks, hips, etc.,) since I am a loser and retarded. They have failed to deliver items I ordered from and threatened to tackle me as I showed the shipping record the property was delivered to them. I find them too dangerous to be near though it is my official address while homeless. In addition to that the lawsuit claims the skid row state prison release persons operating the organization hires exclusively life long prison population and I have heard from others and directly taht often they are one or two-times murders, etc, The Ambassadors program of trustees that work in downtown Austin as trustees who clean and keep the peace have similar records. Social Services in most US cities are tightly integrated into their operations and engage in politician motivated operations. The ARC of Northern Virginia and Mark Gonzales of Nueces County and some homeless shelters and religious groups seem to be in the criminal syndicate the police help stage the evidence the financial component thrives on, planted evidence that smears my use of parks, libraries, and apartments.
Q. Can you speak to Brian Glick allegations about the FBI that match the CIA operations worldwide and roles in infilratting some political movements while disrupting other? Can you name some people tied to this criminal activity run by the FBI? A. Yes. The story of Bobby Courtney of Nueces County fits this. Bobby Courtney was as disbaled and overweight person with retarded intellect and part of church services social care going to sermans and feeds for the homeless. He was taken to strip clubs by this syndicate who asked to ask adult strippers to show him what “boobies” felt like and to take some time touching them, him not knowing about adult “boobies.” He informed me as we talked about him using suggestiveness to act like me (in the market to buy a car, etc.,) and what he had been doing. He told me this was run by the Mexican Mafia groups organized by the Corpus Christi Police and District attorney. Q. What becaome of Bobby Courtney? I had bought a car and rented an apartment at Casa Linda South Staples and while I had a home and car and limited contact with him others were using my identity to get boobies, buttocks, domina instruction, and metrosexual and Goth lessons from adult entertainers who provided the sex ed to the FBI and Corpus Christi police escorted dopple of me. I called this Weekend at Bernies. The Police were smearing me as a pedophile and at the same time taking a dopple of me to learn about bondage, discipline, knot tying, etc., and every skid row Mexican drug addict in tweny miles had their rope-kit bondage kit at hand. Q. What happened after you bought your car? A. I decided to leave the State of Texas and rented in both Capitola California and Montery area California. Both leases were sabotaged behind the scenes. Q. Did you hear what happened to Bobby Courtney after you lef? He was found near dead from a violent beating. He had lived for a while but was essentially fataly injured and died shortly after being hospilized. I knew violent and espionage backed gangs were in this and was warning the police but they refused my input or police reports on this. One person was Casper a violent thug threatening to cap me the white-boy when had no idea who he was. Tom Dunham and I have found weird superhero names like Casper and other TV show names are used by the gangstalkers. Jimmy had similar role making me look retarded and a peeper with fake doll eyes and he was found dead at about the same time. Jen Moore died during this period as well whistle-blower I think ARC of Northern Virginia role in sabotaging my housing contracts assisting the falsified claims and claim processioning.
Q. Does this fit earlier smear campaign then deaths? Yes of Veronic Hoffman who changed what I was into then later was found dead after allowing an impersonation of me. Q. Could you be the suspect in any of this? A. No. With Veronica Hoffman I was in federal custody on a misdemeanor charge of annoying phone calls to a Freedom of Information Act officer. In the case of Bobby Courtney and Jimmy I was in California when they died. On the other hand when I was in Texas an impersonator of me was caught on my birthday at massage parlor tied to the mafia in San Francisco California.
Q. Have you seen and heard the impersonator of you? A. Many times in apartments near mine and that erson using my identity. I have seen what appears to be a federal court sketch artist proceeding of Mark Gonzales looking on through a one way windows at high priced models caching the enslaved (slave collar) naked Ed Donegan and he confesses to the domina but is filmed and recorded by the police or security officers (usually with visible erections) and this occurred with Corpus Christ PD too as they went to Los Angeles to meet and work with Los Angeles dominas there using my identity to pay out from. Q. Have you and others been collecting extensive evidence on turning the tables on these frauds? Yes and as I began to public to the police and others is when Jen Moore who also was collecting it was found dead.
Q. Have you heard them (the stalkers) use the term illegal in their actions? Yes, in fact saying that they were extorting “illegal animal husbandry” in that sperm was demanded in retaliation for the vitriolic smear fabricated against me. Q? Is this in drawing some have released with Mark Gonzales? A. Yes. Q. Have you see or heard the same thing in other places? A. Yes, hundreds of not thousands of times. One of the most obvious is the Beaker license plate jeep at ARC of Northern Virgina references the depicted payout from the domina “into the beaker.” These are in my books, videos, etc.,
Q. You have described Roadblocking as Gang Members getting in the way of activities. Are there terms for this in various fields? Yes. In High Tech describes DDOS. Distributed Denial of Service uses a flood of requests for a limited resource making the resource unavailable. Surgical Attacks make a service like a televised game or shopping for an item at the store impossible because people step in the way of it. Sabotage includes theft of office equipment and break-ins, death threats, evictions, and cuts of wiring to building, destruction of office equipment in a locked apartment (it can be done) to buildings, and terminations of leases on fabrications, all of which I have experienced. The operatives often have the sophistication or resources or techniques of the Watergate Breakin that rented an apartment next the area that was targeted for a break in and fake IDs that allowed for access even when the burglars had their actual IDs with them, one at least dropping or being caught with it at the crime scene.
Q. Would you describe in your mind the difference between and advisory about a person and a smear? A. Yes, most know I prefer adult women, sophistication, and I am adult myself seeking partnership in this. The smear is opposite this, but the Protection Racket funds itself on the smear because it is the smear of me that creates the harm the protection racket pretends to remediate. Shills are those who act under-cover to perform these illegal activities.
Mr. Donegan before we begin specific sections could we begin with the topic of MK-ULTRA that some have called No Touch Torture. Do you feel you have experienced that? A. Yes and in fact it has led to jails and institutionalization of me. When I have reported abusive conduct of Stalkers who to me are clearly on some weird mission surrounding me and referencing things about my life often in a distorted way those I report stalking do don’t understand that these stalkers by eye contact, facial expressions clearly directed at me, and by the types of actions and when they are undertaking actions I can tell of if others can not that my life is under harassment. When I try to write books, etc., the music becomes louder and often to set to music I don’t like. Often a patter of songs may be a playlist that has some weird clown like distorted mirror on the subject of my life while distorting it. It a form of vauge pestering.
Q. If this is pestering are you sure it is hostile? A. Yes, the people making pestering actions clearly mean it in hostile ways distorting the positive part of my life they are referencing. I have specifics of that for later but I can tell you that they behavior is vague but hostile and insulting.
Q. In what ways do you think people want to annoy you? A. They say things like Merry Christmas and when you sneeze they say God Bless You. (Mr. Donegan becomes uncomfortable and begins to go into a cold sweat. “When will they realize the Earth revolves around the Sun?” he wonders”
Q. Mr Donegan, trying to keep to serious answers can you explain what you believe or what is believed to be a Gang Stalk, or what also has been called a “fixers” or “plumbers” operation to stop leaks about government officials? A. Yes, to be dead on balls accurate a team of people sufficiently re-enforcing each other all under cover and with enough backing, resources, and planning can get away with even the most illegal acts even with the public watching. One example was the team of fixers who broke into the Waterate offices but because an ID card from the Whitehosue was dropped the operation and its funding was traced back to the Whitehouse. Q. Dead on balls accurate? A. Yes, its an industry term.
Q. Do you assert that type of illegal operation is underway now? A. Yes, and per information from Jen Moore and other sources it may be tied to Rod Rosenstein, Eric Holder, and Machen Jr., who have faced scrutiny in the press for an operation of questionable legality designed to stop leaks of. Q. Do you recognize his name other than Jen Moore disusing him and Noonan I think his sister or wife? I recall when I was prosecuted by the National Institute of Health aka Health and Human Services (formerly as part of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare) for accusing FBI NY Criminal Division of both stalking me and coopting materials from me (at that time the location of Christopher Asher Wray (born December 17, 1966) or sometime near that time-frame. It was Rosenstein list as the US Attorney with an Assistant US Attorney from the state of Maryland in court room proceedings. I was suspicious of presidential level involvement at that time, was accusing Barrack Obama Jr. and others of misconduct at that time, and Obama Jr. during that time was sworn into office just as I was being released from a psych hold. The National Institute of Health is on US Navy property in Bethesda and includes the US Deptartment of Defense Public Health Service Commissioned COrp, the military officers (courtesty ranks) of non-combatant US Naval officers. Q. Was part of that psychiatric hold studying your racial views as a matter of psychology? A. Yes though I have asserted I have a logical scientific approach to race and evolution not widely accepted but backed by available scientific evidence relied up by other outlying opinions in the debate as well.
Q. So Mr Donegan you assert there are some heavy-weight players tied to legal matters you have been involve in? A. Yes, though not from anything I have done. I have asserted I worked in High Tech, quite lucky to do so. I was in the High Tech area of Silicon Valley at the time I flunked out of colledge, and made it into the same jobs as some or most with computer science degrees. This was with support from my family including my mother and father socially and financaily as I lived at home and worked in voc rehab to get those skills, working had to make up for learning problems I had. I lived at home some of this time, and at other times, including with my mother at the home in Arlington Virginia. I suspect what has brought heavy-weight political interests into my family history was both the story of my mother and the story of my father, and like the Hunt family, each had extraordinary backgrounds that though covert brought them together to meet each others. That was the unusual piece of all this story. Q. Who was the FBI Director during that arrest and investigation? A. Robert Mueller III who Gene “Chip” Tatum (later found dead) and I assert is part of the CIA and tied to robber baron families like the DuPont, Trusdale, and other families. DState Analytics has even more detail on that which I quote them of.
Q. Have you recently made up a witticisms about Gang Stalks? A. Yes, if I may. “If enough criminals are in an area committing a crime against a person and denying the crime has occurred is the victim of the crime actually a victim of their crime?” That is what the Gang STalk does as local business are taken over like property management, delivery drivers or others are recruited to work with the cover operation, etc.,
Q. At several points in your story you left for your old life (Bondage A GoGo) back in California. What happened? A. Wherever I went there were not adult women including at Stay and Play adult bed and breakfast. The landlord Jim Volcelka faked my identity and used it to try to buy rifles on the internet, size 13 combat boots, etc.., I tried to confirm several times and think I did he did not wear size 13 though I did. He allso only had teenage girls there seemingly at times underage giggling snot extensively out their noses. This matched what happeend in Capitola California. Q. Can you explain? A. Jim Vocelcka wanted $600 a month for the one beddroom of a like minded person like me to rent a room, and I like Mark Gonazles was a motorcyclist and only then a motorcvylist no car. Jim Voekcla turned to the black history of Oakland CA and outlaw bikers, etc., and began to assert I only had an interest in teens he was placing there. On the way several things happened. Since he did not take ATM or Tap and Pay I used a cash withdrawal at Wells Fargo. Several times I was using cash and giggling teen girls in hiked up simple white ovesized gym shorts pulled up so far 30 percent of their buttocks were below the gym shorts giglle as they walked near me and hispanics or blacks giglled this was what the money was far and this INCLUDED inside the Wells Fargo. I attempted in both cases to alert thier fraud units repeatedly impersoonate of me including with Well Fargo domain email addresses were faking being me but I was told basicely sine they had pedohile on the loose (who they tracked) they could not speak to me or allow me to submit information to them. Q. Was that the only cash withdrawal? A. No about the same time in California I went to Gold caberete. I had earlier tried to see Mistress Anna SF I have seen in about 2009. She would be about 10 years older by this time and was about 25 or 30 I think when I saw he that earlier time in Washington D.C. , As I was withdwaring the cash and apointment made she cancelled the seesion after bing approached by others saying she had a “pipe burst” in her apartment and thus had to cancell with me. Similar with Mistress Ultra Voolette of Georgia. Thus known dominas dropped scheduled essions and teens were replave near me. Q. Did you attempt to report this? A. Often for instance I tried to call the FBI from Stay and Play and Jim Volceka shouted NOOO and bumpted into me and the phone. Mutliple times the phone was kicked out of my hand or a person forced a fight with me about the moment I had completed dialing the polie and was attacke by knife or other means, or load and serious destractions occured.
Q. Do you think you are a psychotic and do you experience thoughts of harming yourselves and others? A. There is no question I can lose my temper and do so in a way that is a psychotic episode of clinically ineffective behavior. I also think in reference to the JIT Survey I am being emotionally programmed as the CIA under James Jesus Angleton asserted can be done to an individual. I am the victim of racially charged street theater. I no time of my life can I ever think of anything like an event like this occurring yet it is scripted out constantly. Some racial group often immigrant or non-white sell me the sight of underage girls. Similarly they make a point to show they and thus perhaps me can follow white adult women around who have more form. The latter part works well for me and I did not need to be taught that but the stalk of white women is odd. It is exploitative as to time, place, and manner, trying to use the fact that gym clothes tend to be more unbinding of motion thus cut differently than clothes not designed for exercise. This insults me as a loser hoping for a peep in all the wrong places and all the wrong times. It also make me feel the people suggesting I am buying the sight of these people from my enemies. It seems to engender in me animus towards those staging those appearances about me.
Q. In what ways do you feel this may have created traumatized sensibilities in you? A. I no longer trust police and feel they use this allegation against me in a predatory way. That will come up in different section but I am surprised Mark Gonzales and police and fire can engage in a protection racket that I assert uses baseless allegations in a distracting fight regarding fraudulent images portrayed of me to become the diversion of my time and resources from the more important work I am trying to engage in, and that it is intentional this other matter of baseless allegations and smear campaign is intended to hinder me.
Q. In the survey one section is do you the person responding to the survey feels romantic relations with others are being interfered with? Do you believe this is so and are you trying to date Dominatrices? A. No, not since Eisana Eiger. I started a relationship of sorts with her as a submissive and not in an exclusive way of any kind. I simply didn’t have enough time with her, became unfulfilled, and frustrated with the situation and uncertainty in relationships doesn’t work for the volatile emotional type as I learned. I did have friendships with many dominas and enjoyed that. When at Bikini’s Sports Bar watching football in Austin Texas I was surrounded by some type of cover operators who were saying (while playing to a dominatrix mindset) why not leave the bad boy who acts badly hoping for punishment for being a bother alone in the corner and play with others? Of course dominas do think that, that idea was being played to, but the image they were portraying to dominas of me was very unfair to me and who I really am. Q. If you weren’t looking to date dominas how does that hurt you? A. Well in several ways. First is that friendship with dominas and mutual respect is part of being connected to the scene, its activities, and events. Being vetted is important, and having good contact, well known, and a good experience and knowledge level is important. Having all that sabotaged to scene leaders means not getting vetted housing with scene members in shared rentals, friendships in the scene, etc.,
Q. Stop 007 org web page has the web page title Fighting Secret Service Criminality and the US Senate Torture Report on CIA Misconduct clearly references the US Secret Service or impersonators of them according to you Mr. Donegan. Are there corroborating history you are your family could be connected with any of this. Anything in your family story or your life history (other than mental health history) that would lead you to think you are connected to world history and these organizations? A. Jen Moore who was telling the Donegan story did. She had the files and also talked about Gang Stalkers using dirty tricks, death threats, and other techniques including plausibly denied murders to stop the truth of Allen Dulles, the CIA, and JFK assassination from becoming known. My family WAS in very secretive activity. My father was a RECON pilot who flew missions in WWII to find targets that people like MacNamara would use to destroy the industrial bases of Nazi Germany. My family was from Boston and my family both my father James and his brother Robert appeared part of the Manhattan Project and the dropping of the two atomic bombs in Japan. In the first and second air wings (attack wings) my father appears to have been prepping pilots of planes like his for the strafing runs on Japan that would weaken defenses as the bombers began to arrive. He was at the atomic blast testing that detonated the first bomb before the other two were dropped in combat.
Q. Is that all that leads you and Jen Moore to think this is JFK and world history connected? A. No. My father served in ATSUGI or a base like it and I believe this as in that 1951 to 1954 time-frame E. Howard Hunt was there in CIA operations with Prouty. Col Flecther Prouty was a longtime friend of my father and mother and I knew him as a child in Boston Massachusetts. He has written on the CIA role in the Kennedy assassination as E. Howard Hunt has, St. John Hunt has, Jen Moore has, Ted Gunderson has too. Ted Gunderson also connected these events to Mc Martin Preschool I went to in 1962 and Franklin Nebraska that William Colby and his CIA assistant John DeCamp believed were CIA activities tied into genetics, bastard children with hidden identities, and covert world programs. Though some of these figures look bad in the press asserting satanic networks in fact they ALSO assert the various cult gangs are state-sponsored and assassinate on commands of elite higher up NWO orders just as JFK was assassinated in that way. Gene “Chip” Tatum shared these beliefs including about the Mueller family tied to Trusdale, DuPont, and other robber barron connections that pull CIA operational strings.
Q. Mr Donegan you quote Ted Gunderson, John DeCamp, William Colby, and Keith Labella and Jen Moore all who have CIA contacts (except possibly Keth Labella?) and would like to explain a quote offered in this statement that is used from Ted Gunderson and Geral Sosbee both?
Sosbee on the topic and others as well. The “Family Jewels” is the name of a set of reports detailing illegal, inappropriate and otherwise sensitive activities conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency from 1959 to 1973. William Colby, the CIA director who received the reports, dubbed them the “skeletons in the CIA’s closet”.[1] Most of the documents were released on June 25, 2007, after more than three decades of secrecy. The non-governmental National Security Archive filed a request for the documents under the Freedom of Information Act fifteen years before their release. – Wikipedia
Based on my professional experience, extensive intelligence information and belief, it is my professional opinion that the F.B.I is involved in and has investigative files on the subject of gang stalking, related gang stalking methods, and gang stalking groups in the F.B.I’s vast intelligence files, that are responsive to Mr. Labella’s F.O.ILA. Complaint. Furthermore, I have personally referred numerous victims of gang stalking to the appropriate agents at the F.B.I. for investigation of their cases. I have also furnished the F.B.I. with documentation of an active, international child kidnapping ring probably operated by rogue C.I.A. agent. -Gunderson
: one having exceptional qualities or potential but lacking refinement or polish according to Ed Donegan and Jen Moore partially discovered by others before their deaths was the Family Jewels Program. Windsor Bastard Children not elite educated though with great potential would be kidnapped” after meeting with George H.W. Bush and others and groomed for leadership around the world. One liability in the program for Great Britain was that some of these bastard children had the school problem of ADHD, Dyslexia, etc., and those with the FOXP2 gene were a reputation threat to the Royal family. On the other hand those not showing signs could become, at very early ages, placed into political families around the world and become secretive aristocracy with international backing including assassinations to further their careers if their paths were blocked. This was the Finders program.
A. Do you believe Colette Kathryn Stevenson MacDonald (26) Kimberley Kathryn MacDonald (5) Kristen Jean MacDonald (2) Unborn child Date February 17, 1970 Location(s) Fort Bragg, North Carolina, U.S. were Diamonds in the Rough showing FOXP2 signs and killed by drug gangs organized by those like Micheal Aquino of the Finders program to locate children with special skills and on behalf of the Defense Intelligence Agency “Kidnap them and sell them into slavery in foreign political families?” A. Yes, but these diamonds were not suitable to be polished and showed minimal brain dysfunction. Q. Do you believe Marilyn Monroe as as Diamond in the Rough? A. Yes. And she was going to disclose that.
Q. In your family oral and life history is there supporting information? Yes. JFK was in the vicinity of my birth, there is a White House item in a picture that matches a rare Donegan family book case item, and it seems a CIA program about eugenics and world leaders in a conference call JFK had with Thorkil Kristensen about the time I would have been fertilized possibly by IVF in an experiment or several experiments tied to atomic testing, DNA and tracking DNA defects across generations of people. That picture showed Donald Barr of the OSS and CIA (also the father of William Barr) holding an experimental monkey delivered by an air force pilot a few days after my birth i Los Angeles County where I lived in Manhattan Beach City near city of Santa Monica. My birth was in Inglewood and that is where Packard Motors representatives fitted the Packard Merlin (Rolls Royce design) inot the North American Aviation P-51 fighter. The P-51 was an excellent fighter at low altitude but without the superchargers (much like turbofans of jet engines) could not get enough oxygen for fuel combustion at the altitudes bombers flew at, bombers hoping to avoid ground based anti-aircraft systems. This is has led me to Birther theory that the atomic testing, DNA testing and studies that were part of the Manhattan Project may have (as Jen Moore has suggested) included eugenics and genetics testing in the Los Angeles County area hospitals and Franklin Nebraska Boystown. The CIA is believed to have had connections to the Obama family long before Barrack Obama was born and I am pretty sure this goes to some false birth certificates left around the world son in MK-ULTRA he may have been groomed by the CIA as a potential second generation public figure if his parents were public figures or he was adopted into families selected by the CIA at a young age. Q. Is this and an item also found in that picture of Donald Barr familiar with an item in your home and the oral and written history of your family? A. Yes. I had or rather we the Donegan’s had on the bookshelp a copy of a farce of a Rodin sculpture The Thinker in this case the Thinker was a monkey (much like what Donald Barr was holding in that same photo) contemplated his origins on a stack of books about Darwin.
Q. Does the research you place on the Press Kit CDROM go into more detail on this? A. Yes. Thorkil Kristenson and others wanted to improve (by that they meant the quality and orientation of leadership) in poorly developed nations like Indonesia to prosper under US agricultural and other types of aid packages as well as have covertly supported Western leaning leaders and that the CIA hoped for a political future in Indonesia. My CDROM shows the Indochina area was of great importantance to Australia in particular and LBJ, Nixon, and others including PRescot Bush and the Hearst publishing empire supported plans in that area. Col Prouty has writtin on the palns, the firing of Frank Wisner and the CIA plans under Nixon and Eisenhower going back to 1958 and even before. Dr Greg Ppoulgrain (with forward from Oliver Stone) and Lisa Peace who has written on the RFK assassination and worked with James DiDeuginio, Oliver Stone, and others, also point out Indonesia was a focul point under MK-ULTRA and the Kennedy plans for a sovereign and independent Indonesia may have been the underlying dispute leading to the JFK assassination.
Q. What did LBJ believe when he was near death? A. Well of course that veried since he was near death since about 1955 when he had a heart attack and did not run for president in 1968 with continuing heart and smoking problems. ohnson recorded an hour-long television interview with newsman Walter Cronkite at his ranch on January 12, 1973, in which he discussed his legacy, particularly about the civil rights movement. He was still smoking heavily, and told Cronkite that it was better for his heart “to smoke than to be nervous”.
On December 8, 1972 UAL flight 553 crashed with Dorothy Hunt.
In April 1972, Johnson had another major heart attack while visiting his daughter, Lynda, in Virginia. “I’m hurting real bad”,[338] he confided to friends. The chest pains returned nearly every afternoon - jolting pains that left him frightened and breathless.
At approximately 3:40 P.M. Central on January 22, 1973, Johnson suffered his final heart attack in his bedroom. He managed to telephone the Secret Service agents on the ranch, who found him still holding the telephone receiver, unconscious and “appear[ing] to be dead”.
Like Chauncey Marvin Holt with about a week of his death he believed that Lee Harvey Oswald had not acted alone and was tied to the Murder Inc, operation he and Vice President Nixon had run in the Caribbean. And it turns out LBJ was right. That very crowd of Chauncey Holt, Jack youngblood, Charles Harreslson, the Cabell brothers, William King Harvey, and others including General Landsdale did kill JFK together. What Chauncy Holt regrets is that the CIA killed LHO to make a patsy out of him and hide that he was part of the CIA while under-cover as a Communist Sympathizer.
Q. Do you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald at his death was trying to call Raleigh North Carolina and Army Intelligence that cleared the Kutschera family several times to enter the USA and thus as there were Nazis in North Carolina? A. Yes and I believe that was the Dean Rusk and Glorian Donegan story of underground railroad helped by Jospeh Kennedy Sr. and Dean Rusk. Q. Do most confessions of most people who were part of events seem to confirm every peice of this now? A. Yes. The evidence has long been here, but without the sort of story the painting tells the pieces could not be put together. Now that a picture of that history unfolding is told in text here in my books all the puzzle pieces now can pictorially be placed together. Q. Could you be wrong about this Mr. Donegan? A. Yes and I am quite concerned about that. But I more concerned harassment of think I am correct about this and they fear that truth.
Dispite the official accounts being frauds is the truth coming out anyway? A. Yes and I call myself a movement writing asserting the truth of a Deep State and say we (thousands of not millions) of writers now are telling the story of the mafia, the CIA, Latin America, JFK and more. We are gaing in strength since the days of Mark Lane, Gary Shaw, and many others in large part because of the depositions they took on their own, the evidence the preserved and archived, and the stories told by people like Col Fletcher Prouty.
Did Jen Moore assert at the time of death about to reveal your name as the person who with his mother lived at the location she was filming also assert the Vatican, OSS, and CIA had been involved in these MK-ULtra activities in orphanages and pres-schools? A. Yes.
Q. Do you assert covert programs have wrongfully blacklisted you in other areas such as employment or housing? A. Both. I don’t have any intention of asking a police officer or sheriff or anyone else IF I should rent an apartment or buy a home. But reators and apartment managers do ask the police before an agreement is signed, at least in a way. The previous fights the police picked with me show up as misdemeanors or being kicked out of coffe shops or evicted by landlords and sheriffs. But what is not seen is that undercover operations staged egregiously false allegations I used my apartment as peeping tom hut to over look children in parks, common area play areas, etc., and those smears even pursued in the court against my trust fund left a devastating record that when presented to renters, sellers, or leasing agents will result in my app being denied. The same has been true with jobs. Some of it is my fault, some of it is theirs, but they can turn the difference from an app that would have passed to one that will be denied and do that quite easily. Apartments I have moved into had the neighbors changed out to petty criminals who made the apartment crime dens mostly blaming me to the police I was the criminal and that seems to be just what the police placed them there to do. I think all of these techniques were used on my father and other too per their reports to me of odd conduct from neighbors, harassing phone calls, etc.,
Q. Do you assert this is a Modus Operandi of high level policing programs ordered from the Whitehouse or similar levels? A. Yes. My brother was politically connected to those levels of government and others have written books about this like MarK Ritch about how fixers for high power criminals misuse law enforcement for vendettas against whistle-blowers. Mostly police would NOT go along with a simple campaign of harassing a writer, but a smear campaign the writer is into child porn, etc., will get the police in compliance with the Code Red type operations. Cathy Meadows has written Hi Mom I Am A Targeted Individual. The dirty tricks described have been described (again) by people in my life who have witnessed the smear campaigns, identity theft, etc., One is Tom Dunham. He and I have large amounts of proof a dopple of me and sometimes a dopple of him are leaving a trail of bad behavior that is out of character for either of us but complicating our lives as the smear campaign has been designed to do. That evidence is in my books and data archives.
Q. Who do you believe is responsible for the death of JFK, RFK, illegal activities in the USA, and the greatest failure in law enforcement in criminal history? A. The Texas DPS Rangers and all elements of DPS. The Texas Rangers were unofficially created by Stephen F. Austin in a call-to-arms written in 1823.
The Texas Ranger Division, also known as the Texas Rangers and also known as Diablos Tejanos (Spanish for ‘Texan Devils’),[4] is an investigative law enforcement agency with statewide jurisdiction in the U.S. state of Texas, based in the capital city Austin. In the time since its creation, the Texas Rangers have investigated crimes ranging from murder to political corruption, acted in riot control and as detectives, protected the governor of Texas, tracked down fugitives, served as a security force at important state locations, including the Alamo, and functioned as a paramilitary force at the service of both the Republic (1836 1846) and the State of Texas.
Q. Did E. Howard Hunt along with Charles Harrelson confess to the murder of JFK in Dallas? Yes, and many others as well. Q. Do you think the DPS Rangers and most law enforcement agencies are cowards based on your experience? A. Yes. Q.) Mr Donegan do you believe that like E. Howard Hunt and Lois Gibson you can confirm a George H.W. Bush plot to assassinate JFK? A. No. Q. Mr Donegan did you not asser the Hunt family and the Donegan family are tied together in Cold War history and Lee Harvey Oswald at ATSUGI and RFK at Inglewood California the area RFK was exectuted by assasins in? A. Yes, but I can only explain WHY the Oil and Robber Barrons shot JFK. That is not the same thing. On the other balance scale plate the why not only helps answer as to they did it also answers perhaps 100 more deaths than simply JFK. It was that same missing reason explain JFK and RFK that explains far more world history and connected politicians like LBJ and the Bush family.
Since the confessions of E. Howard Hunt, Chauncey Marvin Holt book in 2014 with an appendix full of complete documentation, the Lois Gibson interviews on Chauncey Holt have the Texas DPS made any moves in this direction of pursuing these leads. A. No. They continue make death threats against me often using FIRE, EMS, and Highway Patrol, and refuse to stop break-ins to my home, etc.,
A. Can you go into the issue of actual cowardice? A. Yes. This goes to several locations including Corpus Christi Texas and TJ. Henry Law. Police were lined up with erections waiting there for high priced leggy models led into through the freight elevator as the police giggles and touched themselves. I pointed out this was racketeering fraud and the District Attorney was pointed out by assets used by those mobsters and had Mexican Mafia involvement in the money laundering that was and is passing large bills paper money between homeless persons. Q. Did you repeatedly give this information to all law enforcement that is was fraud ? A. Yes, and at the union hall for police sheriffs made it clear I was way in the wrong place and get that CDROM away from them.
Q. Was this in the context of other information and events that were inherited from California and Virginia? A. Yes. These relate to Concord and Martinez California. There were two sketchy persons name Jesse and Chad. These two were fairly close and I knew a little about but not much. Several times in our lives we crossed paths. My loss.
Q. Mr Donegan you and others have spoken of Zersetzung as the German word for Gang Stalk and that the covert system allows for detaining in prison or psychiatric wards law abiding people under excuses that are created. Can you explain Covert Aggression and responding to it? A. Yes. This came up once in a psychiatric evaluation for competency I once underwent in FMC Butner FEderal Medical Complex. They evaluation asks those in the legal system about to decide on plea bargains, to excerzie right to trial etc., if they understand the consequences or procedures of these types of decisions.
Q. What was one of those questions? A. If a person enters into a plea agreement can it be overturned? Q. What is or was the answer. A. I stated as a routie matter the purpose of plea agreements is that both parties compromise on a stipulation from the defended if accepted and a sentencing recommendation from the prosecution that meets the desired outcomes from both sides of the case within the boundaries of each parties decision choices. As a routing matter once agreed to it can not be overturned for a number of reasons one being the statement of fact having been given to the courts as agreed to, the proffer of an admission of guilt actually made to the court. The second reason is the agreements are designed to reduce expenditures and time on a case and allowing the case to be appealed defeats that purpose. Q. Did you say you were aware as a normal every day citizen news items about overturning a plea deal? A. I stated as the routine matter and what my answer was (the plea agreement could not be overturned) but that in very rare cases such as with a US Senator it may be found that a plea agreement reached and agreed to at a particular time was so unjust the Manifest Injustice standard is reached. Things that create a Manifest Injustice need to be remediated. The Gang Stalk is so abusive it creates a Manifest Injustice the Stalk victim especially and often only in areas so important to the Stalk victim they have no choice to fight the injustice. Q. Can that be dangerous for a stalk victim to do? A. Yes. the Stalk victim has a hard time proving unjust treatment of them was directed at them. The Stalk party will often use names that are bizarre and thus when a Stalk victim reports Stalk behavior to the police the Stalk victim not only sounds paranoid but schizophrenic as the Stalk victim uses the bizarre names used by the Stalkers.
manifest injustice noun : an outcome in a case that is plainly and obviously unjust. acceptance of an involuntary guilty plea constitutes manifest injustice.
In impersonator of me is used to fake a confession of me of what is staged that I have done but have not done. The stipulation is used in asset siezures. Everything about it is fraud. Do all or some parties know it is fraud? At least some do know as I know the person tracked down and forced into confessing (to the protection racket faking that I am a threat) is not me nor is that person like me. In a recent visit to Target near the Austin Central Police Station a loser being chased by security was near teen girls bragging no one could catch a person like him and that would be able to get away with it again, of course laughing in the face of the Target security services. When this loser gets caught by security that loser will meet a high priced adult entertainer and learn about adult women ot teens.
Q. Mr Donegan have you heard Al Capone was brought done on a technicality, that technicality being tax fraud. What do you now think of that? A. I have learned that was no technicality. It was the destruction of the alibis he had created for concealing illegal liquor operations. Organized Crime wants to profit from illegal actions but launders criminal activity into fake legitimate activity and moves illegal profits around in shell games and racketeering influence organizations sham transactions in such a way the fact illegal activities are under way and the profit of those illegal activities are lining the profits of the Racketeering Influenced Criminal Organization is what tearing down the alibies as to how the money was earned was good police work. In my case similar RICO is being used to defraud me.
AQ. Are the acts of fraud so sophisticated and highly placed public officials including accounting agencies, courts, health-care organizations, or others are knowingly or unknowingly part of that fabric of fraud? A. Yes.
Q. Have peole demanded sperm bank rights from you and attacked you or given you death threats if you would not comply even though the claimant had no right to such a claim? A. Yes. Q. Who may be involved? It appears Nueces County officials of Texas, Austin County officials of Texas, Arlington County Services of Virginia and ARC of Nova Norther Virginia as involved in that fraud I document in my books. Jen Moore was part of that fabric and found out she was in a fraud run under color of law. As she reported that fraud and the family history of the Donegan family she received death threats and was found dead. Her allegations included money laundering, identity theft, blackmail and extortion, separate crimes but both present, and tied to treason against the USA and a cover-up dating back to Allen Dulles and the CIA.
Q. Could you tell more about Glorian Donegan your mother who you assert was brought to the USA in sorts in the manner that Maria Kutschera arrived in the USA pregnat to give birth after having lef the convent in Salzburg Austia?
A. She was oddly close to Dean Rusk then at Davdison College in North Carlina, my mothers place of birth at that time. He would later work for the Rockefeller Fund in the 1950’s and replace John Folster Dulles as Secretary of State. She also had Borderline Personality Disorder and the FOXP2 symptoms. Dry throat leading to chocking and vomiting that I had too and had an upper GI. I finally found drinking water works and the swallowing mechanism did not hold food and distend in herniating way.
As a child Dot Dew and her and the Gandy’s tried to figure out why I Ed Donegan was so volatile (Borderilne Personality Disorder) as a child. They thought it was a milk allergy. All through and up to 1979 or so they were pursuing endocrinologist and metabolic or hormone problems, and this she thought intertwined with alcoholism and sugar. She also had Borderline Personality Disorder and the FOXP2 symptoms. Dry throat leading to chocking and vomiting that I had too and had an upper GI. I finally found drinking water works and the swallowing mechanism did not hold food and distend in herniating way.
King George VI, Price Albert of York, would make the speech in 1925 and later become king of England and Great Brittian after his older Brother Edward Prince of Wales and for one year King Edward VIII was crowned King only to step down for close ties to Nazi Germany. I am told I had a grandfather I thought or Ireland a former king who stepped down and I was nameed after and I believe that was King Edward the VIII and in a gene that shows in half of family members Edward VIII did not show it, his younger brother did. Tom Donegan did not show it, Ed Donegan (me) and his mother did including the swallowing trouble which is from dry throat. Like my mother most of my life I have had dry throat and swalling problems and medical tests like Upper GI Radiology in Contra Costa County California showing testing for that. Drinking fluid is the test and I was able to do that O.K. but not dry food without water at the same time.
Minimal Brain Dysfunction Research on behalf of Great Brittain (Monarch)
A series of cognitive defects which can offset a polished appearance such as poor speech making or poor conversational skills, bad handwriting, medical problems like swalling or poor academic perfromance and non completio nof military or civilliam academics
Dyslexic looking writing (Paperclip)
Bad spelling, grammer, the writing output looks like what a Dyslexic reads into his or her brain. Drops in grammar in writing, left out conjugations or words or letters, clipping as though a smooth dial is at some peg and stopped a needle from moving or trucated its movement
excessive talking. (ADHD Chatter)
Talking excesivley often losing focus or attention on the other speaker in a conversation, jumping around and interupting, being unable to wait their turn.
Dysphagia (artichoke)
Dysphagia is the medical term for swallowing difficulties.
Some people with dysphagia have problems swallowing certain foods or liquids, while others can’t swallow at all. Other signs of dysphagia include: coughing or choking when eating or drinking. bringing food back up, sometimes through the nose. -
acting without thinking
Prone to at first emotional irregulation in early life, often aging and muturing eventually into a charismatic humorous slight of situations that cam be broached with a laugh off but also that disregard for the tradional path a form of non focus to the regimented situation, someonewaht insubordiant and informal
Contextual Emotional Distress
Normal Contextual Emotional Distress. While not a psychiatric symptom it is a synthesized cognitive result. “You aren’t paranoid if they really are out to get you.” By (deniably) creating alarm in the Stalked person the stalk person’s alarm is therefore considered biological rather than contextual. At the same time a person is reactionary to the environmental stressors they are reacting to it also manufactures an animal model as to how nationalists may respond to assault as for instance Adolph Hitler did.
Q. You also assert before reports of Havana Syndrome became public you were a victim of it. Are there any records? A. When I asserted it in 2009 I had only heard of Silkwood. When I asserted it in 2009 I was hospitalized as mentally ill having made the assertion but I did have redness of the skin that was said to be differing skin condition (Eczema that causes red swollen skin) not radiation burns. I had ringing of the ears at that time, etc., Since that time high level security personnel have been reporting it and though I am not my family’s covert background was. The burns affected much my body including the hips and lower body but chest and hands and face also.
Once slammed in disability services as a person like me has had done to him those disability services are able to encourage others to reject his accusations of fraud and also at the same time be the party defrauding him, in this case me, using racketeering and money laundering set up at minimum by ARC of NOVA, it sees Arington Coutry mental health services at Sequoia Plazae, and high level white house contacts Tom Donegan, Creamer and Foval, Democracy Partners, and others were involved with and those other partners may have been religious groups.
Jen Moore asserted Mental Health Services (who have a function under US Public Health Services mental health) studying psychology and participating in officially directed PsyOps. You and Jen Moore assert this advanced warfare system uses thugs ans streat people, prison snitches, neighborhood watch, etc., for politically directed harassment and sabotage of people in the USA. They are parts of Gang Stalks. Mr Donegan what name would you and Jen Moore use for the the role of mental health patients? A. Mufflers. In an internal combustion car the high pressure gasses leaving the cylinder make a noise sound heading into the exhaust system. I will say here that could be analogous to me speaking in a public area or in a meeting or writing on my computer when some kind of sound of my interference distortion or hindrance will begin. A homeless person next to me will start shouting, assets of the FBI or CIA or police may use their family members like a child to mock me at the time I am writing acting like my gym bag or backpack has a camera they are acting out to, the music will be turned up reall loud. It is like baffles are starting to shut down what I am doing, distracting it, harassing my usage of my time and space to write, being frustrating mockers of me, etc.,
I will just supply some copied text here. Sound Absorbing Materials.
Since the muffler on a car offers a noise-deadening feature, there needs to be a component that allows it to provide this feature. The internal components of a car muffler consist of sound-absorbing material, often made of fiberglass. Perforated Tubings The perforated tubings help to guide and shape the exhaust bases as they pass and filter through other tubes and compartments. The perforation in these tubes lows for easy flow of the gases, contributing to the noise silencing and back pressure regulation Baffles The baffles are internal partitions within the muffler that alter the direction of the flow of exhaust bases. The primary role of this component is to aid backpressure regulation and modulate noise created by these gasses.
In a noise campaign as it is called rough noise, or noise attacks (or even physical attaks) occur from Agents in Place who are stalking a person and working to silence that person. That can include cooping the voice of the Stalk victim by copying the work of the stalk victim, deflating the value,, worth, and notice of the stalk victim and the stalk victim’s voice.
Q. Are there other dirty tricks? A. Yes, using stolen property of a Stalk victim (or propersty donated to charity after a move from one apartment to another, etc., or similar items) to link a Stalk victim to events elsewhere, or planting of incriminating items on the person (baggage, laundry, common grounds area) of the Stalked area. Undercover operative in DMV, Apartment Manager, restaurant mangers, etc., can deep fake records, appearances, dialogue, etc.,
Q. Mr Donegan you spoke of having some liabilities. Have your even been invited to a Barely Legal party of any type such as was depicted in the film Pretty Baby, or other such event? Have you ever configured your autodownloader is the internet newsgroup days to download teens in bikinis? A. No. Q. Mr Donegan you have said you will swear to telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Do you remember that? A. Yes. So let me tell the whole truth. I was never invited to a Pretty Baby Party. I was invited to a birthday party and found it was for an underage girl. I and a friend of mine took appropriate action. I did set an autodowloader to download large amounts of porn when I did not intend to leave my apartment while using amphetamines. In those downloads I included teen bikini but to say that was my preference rather than bikini in general would be misleading. It is also true at most times of my life I have found beach-wear attractive and have YouTube Playlist probably going back to around that time of adult women in bikini and wet t-shirt contests, body sculpting appreciate in fitness, etc.., That is nothing but the truth about any of this.
Q. Could you tell me more about that party that turned out to be for an underage girl? A. Yes. I was throwing parties on a regular basis in my home in Contra Costa County as a person I knew was in San Francisco. He and I both had parties coming up. I accepted his invite to his part but only found out what was happening when I got there. In between the invitation and arriving at his party he had asked if he could bring an underage girl to my party and I had answered no. I checked all IDs at there door and there were never any exceptions. Before my party occurred he had been arrested for what had happened at his party.
Q. Why would sometime try to exploit these events to distort your character or totally invent a gym fitness clothing exploitation interest? A. I believe the goal is to gain a position of power by a hostile allegation against me and also to encourage ostracizing and black-listing of me as COINTELRPO.
Q. For this record would you provide that press kit intro now where this data and supporting data is assembled. A. Yes.
A. I also wish to enter into the record Geral Sosbee the Romania history and linguist and Ted Gunderson statements to the US courts on the Family Jewels program and the harassment of them by the FBI and CIA.
Gunderson And Sosbee Docs On MKULTRA CIA COINTELPRO
Former FBI agent Geral Sosbee was used in FBI Counter-Intelligence specializing in Romanian matters selected for that work because of his Romanian language skills, Romania part of the CIA Family Jewels history and Mary of Tek Romanian. Romanian As a minority language it is spoken by stable communities in the countries surrounding Romania (Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia and Ukraine), and by the large Romanian diaspora.
CIA’s “Family Jewels” Now Public
The “Family Jewels” is the name of a set of reports detailing illegal, inappropriate and otherwise sensitive activities conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency from 1959 to 1973. William Colby, the CIA director who received the reports, dubbed them the “skeletons in the CIA’s closet”.[1] Most of the documents were released on June 25, 2007, after more than three decades of secrecy. The non-governmental National Security Archive filed a request for the documents under the Freedom of Information Act fifteen years before their release. – Wikipedia
William Colby and his wife sometimes under the name of Susan Ford had planned to reveal the program as the continuous revelations and cover-up attempts grew out of control. Ed Donegan assert in 1958 they began testing IVFs to create all-sperm-bank “donor” babies to the CIA using hidden identity donor parents given halfhearted foster parents and Barrack Obama Jr a few years later is one of them.
The Windsor family interested in studying their eugenics asked Glorian Donegan (living under an assumed identity tied to Maria Kutchera and Prince ALbert) was a DNA donor.
On this 27th day of February, 2007, appeared before me Geral W. Sosbee, an individual known personally to me to be the person who affixed his signature to this document below and who, being by me first duly sworn on his oath, deposed and said: “My name is Geral W. Sosbee; I am over the age of 18 years. I am fully competent in all manner to make this affidavit. The information contained in this affidavit is within my personal knowledge, and is true and correct. I am referred to below as Affiant.
I have documented by direct and incontrovertible evidence and personal testimony the criminal activities of dozens (or perhaps hundreds) of agents, operatives and handlers of the FBI and the CIA of the United States of America, including, but not limited to the following:
A. Obstruction of Justice, Suppression of Evidence, Perjury, Fabrication of Evidence, Criminal Conspiracy, Conspiracy to Violate and the Violation of Civil Rights, Attempted Extortion, Attempted Blackmail, False Arrest, False Imprisonment, Fraud Burglary, Robbery, Felonious Assault and Battery, Destruction of Personal Property, Petty Theft, Theft of and Tampering with U.S. Mail and a variety of other high crimes and misdemeanors as further described in paragraph “B” below.
B. Abuse of civil process, home and car invasions facilitated by physical and wireless electronic surveillance in home and car and further enhanced by the use of a tracking device implanted in the person of the human experimentee, the Affiant; the surveillance of Affiant is ineffect as this affidavit is written and has been in effect twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, without cessation and without interruption for well over nine years world wide; all such invasive surveillance is accompanied by various terrorist acts against the Affiant as further described in paragraph “C” below.
C. Repeated assault and battery on the person of the Affiant by street thugs and by the use of high technology authorized by the United States Government under a program known as Non-consensual Cover Research and Human Experimentation; in this program the FBI and the CIA perform a wide variety of terrorist assaults on the Affiant; one such assault is accomplished by the injection (or placing) into the Affiant various chemicals, bacterial and viral infections; concomitant with the chemical and biological assaults the FBI and the CIA activate against the Affiant advanced Remote Electronic Human Behavior Influence Technology including psychoelectronic and directed energy assaults sometimes coordinated with fraudulently conceived and illegally carried out (with local police authorities world wide) attempted criminal sting operations designed to lead to the imprisonment or death of the Affiant; also in conjunction with such hi- tech experimentations the Affiant is subjected to FBI and CIA psychological operations (including conditioned response and operant conditioning techniques) which are all designed to cause the Affiant to have a nervous breakdown, physical collapse or to otherwise seek final exit from the torturous campaign, the effects of which are often viewed in real time by the FBI and CIA tormentors who actually watch on computer screens the Affiant react to the injurious and painful dirty tricks and provocations described herein; all such treasonous, inhumane and covert operations are carried out with the full support of all government entities at every level of society as further explained in paragraph “D” below.
D. All three branches of the United States Government (and segments of the community at large) are compliant with the mandates of FBI and CIA terrorist assaults as described above and all government officials at the local, state and federal levels pretend that no such criminal activity as described in the instant affidavit may occur; thus, to date the Congress of the United States, the entire Judiciary and each and every employee of the Executive branch of the government of the United States of America may directly or indirectly support the terrorist activities of the FBI and the CIA as set forth herein and as further amplified in paragraph “E” below.
E. I hereby incorporate by reference into this affidavit and thereby make a part herein as though fully reproduced herein for all purposes the contents of my website (and related links and statements by Affiant therein) located at; this incorporation includes all statements, documents and other corroborating evidence provided, obtained or authorized by Affiant, including all updates by Affiant at and any other internet site to date.
I hereby further certify and affirm under penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States and the laws of the state of Texas that all statements, including those incorporated by reference and made a part herein for all purposes as though fully reproduced herein are true and correct and that all documents (including those incorporated by reference) are true and correct copies of originals and that they are what they purport to be to the best of my knowledge and ability.
Further, Affiant sayeth Naught.”
Notary Seal
Sylvia A. Lopez
My Commission Expires October 10, 2007 _______________________
Geral W. Sosbee
Sworn to and subscribed before me on the 27th day of February, 2007, to witness which I place my hand and official seal of office.
Notary Seal
Sylvia A. Lopez
My Commission Expires
October 10, 2007 _________________________
Sylvia A. Lopez, Notary Public
In and for Cameron County,
When George H.W. Bush became CIA Director in 1976, Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others, several of whom were likely involved with the Bay of Pigs/John F. Kennedy assassination, and numerous southeast Asian operations, from the Phoenix Program to Golden Triangle narco-trafficking.
Barr stonewalled and destroyed the Church Committee investigations into CIA abuses.
Chapter 18 Overview of Harassment Methods Used By (FBI’s) COINTELPRO, (OPERATION) GLADIO, Covert Community Recruits and Stay Behind (Armies): (OR “Instruction Manual for Community Gang Stalkers”)
From Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde’s “Bright Light on Black Shadows”
ETK Instruction: I have reproduced Dr. Rauni Kilde’s chapter 18 here because it is an instruction manual for community gang stalkers. These same techniques, and perhaps this same manual, were evidently also used in the FBI’s COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence program) and Operation Gladio/Stay Behind Operations in Europe between about 1950 and 1990. They also accurately describe the U.S. Military-Intelligence’s ongoing, global gang stalking operations as documented in “New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control” by Mark M. Rich (2011). All these top-secret operations went on, officially undetected, for decades; Gladio/Stay Behind functioned secretly and illegally throughout Europe for four decades, when it was exposed in 1990 by Italian Prime Minister Andriotti. Shortly thereafter, the European Parliament made a resolution condemning Gladio (see Appendix 1), but acknowledged that it may still be operational!
I Edward Paul Donegan assert the long term connections between the CIA under Donald Barr, William Barr, the Bush family, and many others including Eric Holder in a strange fit to the situation have international cartel connections that have used Mexican Mafia, Italian mafia and their subcontractors Murder Inc., who used the Jewish Mafia also called the Kosher Mafia Jack Rubenstein came from and the Meyers Seigal Mob for CIA dirty work including as mercenary soldiers and that included Charles Harrelson a cohort of Chauncey Marin Holt the accountant for Meyers Lanksy and his cocain, gambling, casino, and entertainment tourism into Cuba under Batista.
William Barr has been a core part of the financial cover-ups and money laundering in these networks Special Activities pilots like Barry Seal, Phillip Marshall, Gene “Chip” Tatum, and others flew “for the government” on during these operations. It was Chauncey Marvin Holt among these pilots after he was discharged from the US Army Air Corps for throwing a punch at a drill sergeant whon in Holt’s telling had it coming. Since discharge files of former FBI, former military, former academia, and other trained but jobless professionals are recruited by the CIA many of them became Foreign Intelligence operatives. In the USA I Edward Paul Donegan have noticed as others have large foreign national involvement. Pakistan, Mexican nationals openly bragging about it, Bangladeshi, possibly Egyptian or Saudi roles., etc., This was in one of my earlier law suites Declaration of Foreign Involvement. Such entanglements make tracing the programs in the USA very difficult since the shots may be called in the USA or its allies but documents and financial trails are obfuscated accross a variets of nations, NGO’s, and fully private entities that are not under the jurisdiction of the Freeedom of Information Act so it is hard to follow the money. This William Barr and others tied to “the world’s dirtiest bank” BCCI and other similar national embarrassments.
Rudy2’s Multilingual Blog
The ex-FBI official is Ted Gunderson mentioned earlier in this page and let’s first look at Ted Gunderson’s death.
In his 80s he said the United States Military was in an NWO overthrow plot and using Directed Energy Weapons on citizens, government officials, conducting poisonings, and other targeted killings on behalf of the NWO and he continued these assertions and writings until his death from Cancer, perhaps Cancer Type CIA-Havana Syndrome.
Rudy2: Former FBI official Ted Gunderson died of cancer on July 31, 2011. Was his illness induced by silent electromagnetic assault or by other nefarious means? We will never know – and that’s just the way certain entities want it.
A former senior official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation says “rogue” military intelligence and law enforcement units of the federal government oversee a nationwide network of community-based “gang stalking” harassment, intimidation and domestic terrorism directed at thousands of U.S. citizens who have been extrajudicially targeted as “dissidents” or undesirables.
Ted Gunderson, 82, who has served as the Special Agent in Chargeof the FBI’s Los Angeles, Memphis and Dallas FBI Field Offices, has stated in a series of public speaking appearances that he is now targeted by these same elements, and fears for his life and for the safety of his family. He reports that the windows of his home have been shot out, and he believes he has been poisoned and physically sickened by those seeking to silence him.
“Based on my thirty years’ experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal U.S. government rogue criminal enterprise – military intelligence, probably, tied into CIA and FBI and so forth – that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States,” Gunderson stated in an October 2008 speech posted last fall on YouTube, three years before cancer consumed him.
Q. Mr. Donegan you assert as a pattern of sophisticated police attacks your rental records were falsified and altered by the management office, you were linked to apartments you had nothing to do with, neighbors from disability programs were moved in and normal neighbors were moved out, and these harrassning neigbors and management company were covertly working for the city and county. Do you have another example of this and was using fake names etc, part of the Stalking conduct of the renter? A. Yes, and that is the story of Tara Moore and I do not know what is now happening but I have a letter from and attorney who once represented her. I include it in my books and provide it here for the record.
Tara’s Story is Ed’s Story is Ted’s Story
The Numbers are astronomical, the decades and daily attacks of system of petty theives and petty people operationg in effect under color of law as State assets to sabotage and harrass my life
Much of my life if not all of my adult life has been exhausted trying to cope with covert government harassment. The sophisticated methods use fabrications, staged and deceitful optics acted out in public, coordinated lying and conspiracy against rights via dirty tricks.
The smear campaigns that include break-ins to plant evidence rather than retrieve it and shills moved in to adjoining apartments as real neighbors are moved out create a marionette string operated hecklers and provocateurs moving in and outnumbering a victim both numerically and how well placed the under-cover operation is in the support it has.
If the real life Tara Moore is still alive (and she feared for her life) her experiences here recited by her lawyer show the same system of attack she experience that I have experienced. That attack being the kind of false allegations of sexual misconduct made predatorially rather than factually.
An anology in fiction. Law And Order Special Victims Unit – Taken Episode aired Dec 15, 2000 Plot Summary: When a young female reports a brutal rape during a hotel’s grand opening, the police investigates the details of the attack to pin down their suspect, who has a prior conviction for statutory rape. Director Michael Fields Writers Dick Wolf, Dawn DeNoon, Lisa Marie Petersen, Stars Christopher Meloni, Mariska Hargitay, Richard Belzer
The “special victim” is a former underage girl rapist and himself under age. At his age 17 a con team (grifters) know his background and fake a Deep Pockets civil complaint against the hotel employing him at very low wages, the brand new well financed hotel will have to pay-out because it carelessly hired him. With the detectives on the case they find the female victim was a fake, the team creating the compliant a con artist team. Stabler and his partner plead the grifters to a minor or civil charge and the grifters agree. Then Stabler and his partner arrest the grifters on serious charges right in front of the judge for felony involvement in his wrongful death in custody, attacked as a sex offender after the sex offender allegations made it around as romours during detention. After the KOMPROMAT is placed the lynch mobs are stoked by police.
I Edward Paul Donegan have been black-listed from housing and other resources as police harassment (motivated by undermining me and my book writing) as a smear campaign plants seeming children victims of me and while illegally in my apartment in my absence cutting peep holes in the drapes facing out into the yards or parks, etc.,
Fabricated allegations also drive attacks on me.
In this book I Edward Paul Donegan and Ted Gunderson and Jen Moore have been harassed, poisoned, and threatened over my families history and this includes McMartin School and Franklin Nebraska, the CIA at ATSUGI, the Cold War, and the Kennedy and Donegan family interlinked from Boston to Patrica and Peter Lawford in Los Angeles County.
Ted Gunderson and Jen Moore both asserted illgal stalker teams gave death threats, deadly assaults, and attacks up to and including poisoning in order to silence their stories they assert tie to JFK.
I am being pilloried over sexual interest in minors buttocks and cut-off I street solicitation and exploitation of others I do not have but why?
No Ordinary Stalking
Organized stalking is carried out by an enthusiastic and structured group that has cruel intentions: stalk, harass, injure, financially ruin, and mentally crumple human prey until incapacitation occurs. What sets this crime apart is that innocents are picked off the street. There is no getting away from the stalkers and no getting away from the unusual technology that is used to take over someone’s life.
“For the first couple of months,” says June, “I thought it was a sick game. Now that I’ve been tormented for years, well, it’s clear that organized stalking is a sophisticated crime that follows a step-by-step process to leave the victim as bare and isolated as the dead tree on the cover. He or she may still be standing, but that’s about it.
“I’ll sum it up this way. Veiled intimidation ensures that targeted individuals are viewed by the public as free people, which they are not. They are playthings to their controllers. Hostages in plain sight. Victims are quite literally owned yet have limited chance of rescue because their desperate circumstances are misunderstood.
Some die from the violence. Some die from suicide. And the rest merely exist.”
Organized Stalking is worldwide and is called gang stalking in some areas. The electronic harassment that accompanies organized stalking is also known as covert harassment.
At least 30k attacks on me since 1992 in public and private and no less than 100 open death threat to me in the last 10 years as I try to write. Most attacks undermining anywhere I write my books or have a home office, eroding use of office. It is the Jean Hill last witness story 1000 times over.
The purpose of destroying lives with cover criminal harassment using techniques all the way up to radiologically and other poisonings is the eliminate any martyrdom of fame; simply humiliate a person in society as pedophile, schizophrenic, any form of loser, homeless person, psych ward escapee, and insure over time the smear is effective enough to ensure person behind a dumpster is run of the mill street person, not someone the most elite in society are terrified of.
No Ordinary Stalking
Organized stalking is carried out by an enthusiastic and structured group that has cruel intentions: stalk, harass, injure, financially ruin, and mentally crumple human prey until incapacitation occurs. What sets this crime apart is that innocents are picked off the street. There is no getting away from the stalkers and no getting away from the unusual technology that is used to take over someone’s life.
“For the first couple of months,” says June, “I thought it was a sick game. Now that I’ve been tormented for years, well, it’s clear that organized stalking is a sophisticated crime that follows a step-by-step process to leave the victim as bare and isolated as the dead tree on the cover. He or she may still be standing, but that’s about it.
“I’ll sum it up this way. Veiled intimidation ensures that targeted individuals are viewed by the public as free people, which they are not. They are playthings to their controllers. Hostages in plain sight. Victims are quite literally owned yet have limited chance of rescue because their desperate circumstances are misunderstood.
Some die from the violence. Some die from suicide. And the rest merely exist.”
Organized Stalking is worldwide and is called gang stalking in some areas. The electronic harassment that accompanies organized stalking is also known as covert harassment.
I have likened the entire plan to have landlords others drive me out because I am a peeper (when I am not but the Gangsalk manufactures this) and leaving me in skid row homeless shelters under black and white assault and loss of all belongings over and over again to the Law and Order Special Victims Unit episode Taken.
Gaslighting has repeatedly left me homeless unhealthy with little communications or hygeine or privacy and under attack by skid row thugs as a bag man in 100 degree heat. All allegations are in some way false and on fabrications of appearances and not reality.
It is exactly the acts of people like Jim Vocelka who take the deal to evict me, profit from it, or help others too, then leave me in homeless shelters where I am said to be there out of mental incompetence needing Social Services representation.
Jim Volcelka intentionally and knowingly engaged in coached fraudulent acts to make me seem intellectually retarded thus needing conservancy as well as faked allegations the layer of conservancy would then pay out as claims though the claims were staged frauds.
“Gaslighting” is the act of moving things around in home when the person is not there such as the location of furniture, etc.,
Stalking a person is most distressing when the Stalker proves to the Stalked person the Stalker has gained access to details of their life, home, etc.,
Gas lighting got its name when a husband in a movie toyed with the mind of his wife saying the gas was off but then in an out of place way lit a gas lamp that should not have worked.
Coming home as I repeatedly did to find my underwear gone, altered, left outdoors, my drapes cut with peepholes, damaged items not damaged when I left, etc., were a particular subset of Gaslighting, staging fraudulent appearances that will both defame and injure me and my reputation but give others a pretext for retaliation against me for what was staged in the Gaslighting.
That first veiled aggression is creating a phony allegation or the visual support for a phony allegation that then opens the door literally for a retaliation over the phony allegation.
Tara Moore harassed by the GOP mayor and owner of her building is from Weymouth the Town of Presidents. There are 8.67 miles from Weymouth to Dorchester in northwest direction and 12 miles (19.31 kilometers) by car, following the MA 3 route. Dorchester is where my father Jim Donegan was born and the Kennedy’s are from, all part of Cape Cod area South Boston, Columbia Point out into Cape Cod, the Brookline area of town, etc,
Abigail Adams was from there, the Kennedy’s, long history going back to he Boston Tea Party and fighting of the British and Boston Harbor.
As she was violently stalked and attacked in here bathroom through the walls and vets as she showered, used the toilet, etc., same with me) she wondered how insensitive to the important history this could happen in this area, police misconduct. I wondered in astonishment in Washington D.C. area Arlington County Bolston Stop WMATA incredibly KOMPROMAT hate crime could be successfully conducted out in the open.
Excuse me it is Quincy as I look at her tweets. Quincy, MA Called the “City of Presidents” and “Birthplace of the American Dream”, Quincy is the birthplace of the second and sixth U.S. Presidents, John Adams and his son, John Quincy Adams. Rich in historic treasures, Quincy’s impressive past remains vibrant today as the city lays claim to an exciting future.
Broken hearted Tara Moore this could be happening. “Was haunted, harassed and stalked out of here to her 68 BEALE STREET QUINCY MASSACHUSETTS USA IN THE CITY OF PRESIDENTS~ TJM or America💔…🤍💙” 9:51 PM · Dec 2, 2021
These Stalks were not in spite of the importance of the area, but because of them and the histories.
In my last few days of MacLamar property 1001 N. Water St. I spent nights with kitchen knives with me, my mattress pulled to the center of the apartment, the far side of the room from the windows, and furniture arranged to slow intruder entrance into the apartment.
Police assisted break-ins and other threats were a constant as hostile “snicth” neighbors of street gangs were moved next to me.
This is the life of Ted Gunderson whose daughter was shot at through her window after Ted Gunderson had received threats to that affect in advance and later as well. The bullet-hole was photographed and document and Ted was no slouch in being able to collect and research the evidence.
Tar Moore was agoraphobic, a fear of being outside and even being in fear of being in her apartment. We shared that in common and talked on Twitter about Stalkers and the Government operating through landlord office fronts.
Here is what a lawyer responding to her situation had to say, and at least in my case there was a 25 year plus at least history of every place I lived in custody of or out being exactly the same.
When some people go to bed they feel safe, alone, or with their partner. I don’t think I have sensed tat in 25 years and I am not meant to, the stalkers are out their and on a mission to prove that to me at all times.
Robert L. Hedlund (born July 12, 1961) is an American businessman and politician serving as the mayor of Weymouth, Massachusetts. He was formerly a member of the Massachusetts Senate representing the Plymouth and Norfolk District.
Robert Montgomery Thomas (Mr.)
848 Washington Street
Weymouth. MA 02189 -1525
781 – 335 -1796 BobMontgomeryThomas@gmaiLcom
May 30, 2017
James D. Baldassini, Esq.
Baldassini and Baldassini
59 Winter Street
Weymouth, MA 02188-0002
Re: Tara Moore, 275 Lake Street, Unit 3,
Weymoutl, MA 02189, Docket # 1756SU000273
Dear Attomey Baldassini
I recently made the acquaintance of Tara Moore, supra, and all I can say is that I was astonished by the story she told me about her landlord/tenant relationship with your client Robert L. Hedlund, of 54 Longwood Road, Weymouth, who is also the current mayor of Weymouth. Mr. Hedlund is the registered owner of a corporation known as HWO, LLC (aka Hediund World Order, LLC), which limited liability corporation owns the subject property.
I am going to cut right to the chase by saying 1): that I find it incredulous that a seasoned attorney like you would participate in what amounts to taking advantage of a disabled woman (diagnosed with Panic Disorder, without Agoraphobia), who is also a recovering addict and who was not advised by or apprised of her rights to counsel in her dealings with you or your cfient, and 2): having seen pictures of the living conditions she has had to endure in her tenancy would be indicative of what a Weymouth slumlord would likely provide to his or her tenants. That the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) participates in the tenant’s lease by almost $1 ,200 a month and has done little, if anything, to order your client to correct the glaring deficiencies over a long period of time is astonishing as well probably criminal at least in my mind.
From what I can see your client has also engaged in a pattern of harassment, violating MGL c. 264, S 34A (a) and prowling, the prowling incident admitted on his TV show, “Ask the Mayor” on April 6, 2017. If you would like I will provide you with the time stamp information from the show.
I am enclosing herewith a contact sheet with pictures of the premises Ms. Moore leases from your client. The term utterly disgusting really does not fit its description. That you, client and the BHA could care less is appalling and the eviction notice you sent her, without being represented by counsel, has damaged her chances of finding an apartment or condo for her her daughter.
She has already been denied by Weymouth Place: recommended by your client .
That Ms. Moore and her daughter would have to live on the street is apparently not your issue.
Without further ado I am going to print seven copies of the contact sheet: one for you; one for your client; one for the BHA; one for the local Board of Health; one for Judge Coven; one for the Governors Opioid Task Force and one for District Attorney Michael Morrissey to see what they think about the situation and your ruthless representation for an obvious slumlord.
cc: Robert L. Hedlund; Cheryl Hill, BHA; Daniel McCormickt Weymouth BOH; Hon Judge Mark S Coven, Quincy District Court; Governor Charles D. Baker; Dist Atty. Michael Morrissey Disabled Persons Protection Commission, the Patriot Ledger; Boston Globe and Boston Herald’
Dr Katherine Horton is a Revealor
Dr Horton has observed varioius things in common Stalk victims have experienced and so have I. I look forward to working with her list for a while in addition to my own.
Stop 007 – Fighting Secret Service Criminality
Like Kathy Meadows, Mark Rich, and others she has documented high ranking espionage sabotuer teams menacing people’s lives.
Dr. Katherine Horton
Below is a summary of Dr. Horton’s work and its sabotage by Secret Service networks. The links here are to pages with the respective evidence documents.
Dr. Horton’s qualifications (documents) |
Dr. Horton’s court case (documents) |
High Energy Physics
Dr Katherine Horton in an Oxford-educated particle physicist and systems analyst with a Master of Physics (1st class) and doctorate in particle physics, both from the University of Oxford.
She worked as a high energy physicists on the particle collider at the German Electronsynchrotron DESY in Hamburg, Germany, and on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva Switzerland. She taught nuclear physics and particle physics at Hertford College, University of Oxford, and conducted admissions interviews for undergraduate physics at St Hilda’s College, Oxford.
Physics of Complex Human Systems
At Oxford, Dr. Horton worked as a research fellow at St John’s College, a position that allowed her to expand her research from particle physics into medical physics and the physics of complex human systems. As part of the latter, she conducted systems analysis research of the English legal system, economies, the financial system, currencies, as well as white collar crime and organised crime.
Growing up in Communism with Secret Service Criminality
Dr. Horton’s first experience of Secret Services and their boundless criminality was in Communist Romania, where she was born to Hungarian-German parents. Growing up as a young child, she experienced the non-stop terrorism of her family by the Romanian Secret Services Securitate, an organisation known for its brutality and uneducated idiocy. Dr. Horton’s family were a prime target of the Secret Service thugs as they were highly educated and refused to take part in the snitching and informant criminality that was used by the mob networks of the Secret Services to take over the society in Romania.
British Secret Service Criminality
After fleeing Communist Romania with her parents, Dr. Horton grew up in Germany where she excelled at school, skipping year 9 on merit and coming top of her year in the German Abitur. Based on her school results and high aptitude for maths and physics, Dr. Horton was accepted for a place at the University of Oxford where she completed her undergraduate and doctorate before becoming a research fellow, as mentioned above.
It was during her first week as an undergraduate at Oxford, that Dr. Horton witnessed the very same tactics used on her that the Securitate had used on her family during Communist times. A group of older men began to stalk her to lectures in the morning and were waiting for her at various points on the way upon her return to the College. They repeatedly took photographs of her and made their stalking and harassment as overt as possible.
At the time, Dr. Horton ignored the spectacle as life in a foreign country and keeping up with studies at an elite university was overwhelming enough. The stalking and harassment by older men continued intermittently throughout her undergraduate degree, but it wasn’t until a decade later that it exploded into a high-intensity terror campaign by British Secret Services.
In November 2011, as Dr. Horton was attending a High Court case in London as part of her systems analysis research into the English legal system, MI5 openly stalked her home from court and placed a thug to wait for her outside her home every morning to follow her to the train station. This overt Secret Service terror campaign, that began with MI5 in 2011 has not stopped to this day and has followed Dr. Horton abroad to all European countries through the terror networks of MI6. So at the time of writing, Dr. Horton has been stalked and harassed by MI5 and MI6 for almost two decades.
What began as overt surveillance became intrusive harassment, overt stalking, physical mutilation and sex trafficking by a group of British men mostly in their 50-70s after the end of the court case. Eventually, it morphed into open, rampant criminality by people connected to the Secret Services and the police. Dr. Horton suffered a Stasi-style break-in, sex stalking by those perverts in Oxford and wherever she went, regular street theatre and harassment by strangers. One of the barristers from the court case, Jonathan Sumption, began to stalk her as part of this criminal network and took prominent part in her abuse.
During this period he also became a judge of the UK Supreme Court and acquired the courtesy title of Lord Sumption. Due to the timing of his promotion, which saw him leap-frog the entire English judiciary by becoming a Supreme Court Judge without ever having served as a judge in England, and the sexual nature of the abuse that Dr. Horton suffered and continues to suffer, it appears likely that Lord Sumption’s abuse of her is for the accumulation of a control file that a lot of establishment figures need to have to be promoted up in the cartel world of the ruling establishment.
The violations of the members of this criminal network grew ever more sadistic and brutal with time. They followed her across Europe, subverted her medical care and eventually escalated into systematic physical mutilation of her with Directed Energy Weapons. These assaults that started overtly in 2011 have not abated to this day.
Start-Up, Finance, Consulting
After leaving academia and returning to Germany, where she had grown up, Dr. Horton set out to launch a company. Her endeavour was sabotaged and destroyed by MI6 and German Intel BND with the methods of Zersetzung, which had been developed by the East German Stasi. The criminals from BND also began to openly assault Dr. Horton physically, including launching an attack from a helicopter on her as she was standing on her rooftop terrace in Munich-Solln and a similar attack on her in bed at night that was launched from a neighbour working for BND.
After having to abort the company due to the incessant Secret Service terror, Dr. Horton worked briefly for an asset management firm in Switzerland, a job she obtained by predicting the unprecedented money printing of the European Central Bank. Dr. Horton was forced to leave the job because she began to fear for her life when MI6 and BND increased their intimidation campaign using collaborating criminals from Swiss Intel NDB.
The subsequent attempt to launch a consultancy in Switzerland, was brutally squashed when Swiss Intel NDB began to machine-gun Dr. Horton with Directed Energy Weapons around the clock in January 2016.
More on Dr. Horton’s qualifications |
Investigating Secret Service Terror
With the explosion of the Secret Service terror campaigns into non-stop mutilation with Directed Energy Weapons, life became impossible for Dr. Horton as she found herself assaulted 24/7 in a torture program that had her death as its goal. The continuous assaults during the day exploded at night when she was lying defenceless in bed.
She made several reports to the local police in Unterengstringen (Zurich) and to the German Federal Police Agency, Bundeskriminalamt. However, it became clear that they were involved in the criminality as they refused to take action. So Dr. Horton was forced to take up the investigation herself full time.
After extensive online research and after flying to London to attend the High Court case of Philip Kerr v MI5 and speaking to the business man Philip Kerr and his partner after the hearing, Dr. Horton discovered that her case and that of Philip Kerr were almost identical.
Dr. Horton realised that during her time at the University of Oxford, she had become the victim of criminal operations by MI5, which used her in non-consensual human experimentation and covert sex trafficking. Upon this realisation, she took MI6 (called Secret Inteligence Service SIS these days), MI5 and GCHQ to court but was thwarted by the defendants who sabotaged her case in every possible way, including a death threat on the way to court in London that MI6 executed with an assassination attempt 3 days later in Switzerland. In the end, the court case was “terminated” and attempts were made to make it disappear off the record.
After this experience, Dr. Horton tried to withdraw but the attacks only escalated further until it became clear that they would not stop until the Secret Services would have succeeded in murdering Dr. Horton.
In an attempt to understand what was happening, Dr. Horton travelled to Manchester to attend the court case of Dr. Stephen Frost v MoD at the end of October 2016. There, Dr. Horton was brutally assaulted in the hotel room with Directed Energy Weapons. Upon reporting the assault to police the Greater Manchester Police lied to Dr. Horton and sent her back to her hotel room promising to send a police officer to the scene. There, MI5 waited until they expected her to have gone to bed and then staged criminal intimidation theatre by faking the call out of a “mental health ambulance” (no such thing existence in the UK) and pretended to try to section Dr. Horton.
After this experience, Dr. Horton went public on the Richie Allen Show about the Directed Energy Weapon assaults on her by the Secret Services. Through this publicity, she was put into contact with several other women, including Karen Melton-Stewart, who had worked almost 30 years for the NSA and had become a whistleblower about internal corruption. Through the exchange it became clear that the Secret Service criminality was identical between the US and Europe and there were indications that it was founded on a global genocide programs run by the Secret Services worldwide for “population control” and “sustainability”.
In May 2017, through the work of the Joint Investigation Team, Dr. Horton discovered that she had been covertly implanted with military bio-technology and neurotechnology and used as a torture and mutilation slave for almost two decades.
Court Case against MI6, MI5 and GCHQ
In spring 2016, when the physical attacks with Directed Energy Weapons on her became insane, Dr. Horton fled to London and was desperately seeking an emergency injunction from the London High Court against British Intelligence. Her court case
Dr Katherine Horton v SIS, MI5, GCHQ [2016] EWHC 2095 (QB)
was violently sabotaged by British Secret Services who committed every imaginable criminal act to stop her litigation and disappear it off the record:
- The court case was not listed on the day as it should have been.
- The High Court did not give the case a case number. (This is why the first two transcripts to do not appear with a case number).
- The transcripts of the hearing were falsified by British Intel to remove questions by the judge and Dr. Horton’s answer.
- British Intel’s barrister openly lied to the court.
- Dr. Horton received a death threat on the way to the first hearing and survived an assassination attempt 3 days later. The number 3 (and the number 7) is often used as cartel-signalling by Intel.
- At the 3rd hearing Judge Holgate terminated the case as “frivolous or vexatious” and used the pretext that it was not even a case to start with because, allegedly, it didn’t contain a claim. The reason for the lack of claim was that none of Dr. Horton’s court documents had the title “Particulars of Claim”. This judgement went against the previous two High Court judges, Justice Spencer and Justice Edis, who did not have a problem recognising the content of the claim. It also went against the rule that when litigants are forced to represent themselves more attention has to be given to content than form by the judge. This rule was confirmed to Dr. Horton by an internationally known war crimes judge.
More on Dr. Horton’s court case |
Death Threat and MI6 Assassination Attempt
In retaliation just for daring to approach the High Court, Dr. Horton received a death threat from MI6 who were reading her email live and listening to all her phone conversations and knew that she was travelling to London to go to the High Court. An MI6 agent approached her in gas-lighting theatre on her way from Heathrow airport to her hotel after midnight, and after involving her in small talk said out of the blue “there is crime in every country, in some it is just well hidden”; he repeated that sentence and after a meaningful pause he asked “Did they kill Diana?”, making a reference to Princess Diana and her death that pointed to MI6 as her killers. The implication was that if MI6 was willing to murder a Princess, they would just as easily murder Dr. Horton.
Straight after the first hearing of her court litigation, MI6 stalked Dr. Horton demonstratively all the way back to her hotel. There, the attackers waited until she came out of her shower wrapped in a towel before assaulting her with intense machine-gunning from Directed Energy Weapons into the back of her head so that she collapsed from pain. The emphasis on nudity and humiliation in Secret Service attacks is a recurring theme in the victim cases and appears to result from mental illness, sexual depravity and sadistic psychopathy that is rampant in Western Secret Services and the military. The attackers repeated the attack a second time when Dr. Horton’s husband arrived back at the hotel as she stood up to tell him what had happened. She collapsed again in pain in front of her husband from the agonisingly painful machine-gunning.
Three days later, Dr. Horton and her husband survived an assassination attempt on the Swiss motorway as Dr. Horton, the driver of the car, was machine-gunned in the head as from a car in front as they were travelling at 100km/h through a tunnel. Had Dr. Horton lost consciousness during the attack as intended, she and her husband would have crashed in the tunnel and likely died in an accident reminiscent of the death of Princess Diana.
Satanic Symbolism & Continued Attacks
On the day of the attack, a life-size black plastic goat was placed by Ms. Nitschke a neighbour of Dr. Horton on a flat roof of a neighbouring property in a prominent place that could be seen from almost every room of Dr. Horton’s home. Comparison with other victim cases identifies this as a Satanic symbol of death that the Secret Services like to harass their victims with. Subsequently, the mutilation of Dr. Horton with Directed Energy Weapons became even more psychopathic.
The Joint Investigation Team
As a result of having been let down by all law enforcement agencies in 3 countries and having come across so many victim reports that it became clear that there were larger genocide programs in action in Europe and the US, Dr. Horton linked up with 4 other high-profile women who were victim of these attacks and founded the Joint Investigation Team US-Europe looking into Directed Energy Weapons, military neuro/biotechnology and systemic corruption.
The Joint Investigation Team (JIT) publishes a weekly public interest broadcast where they report about the ongoing investigation and the crimes committed by the Secret Services and the military, called the Techno Crime Fighters’ Forum which is broadcast Thursday’s at 11am-1pm ET / 4-6pm UK time / 5-7pm CET.
Dr. Horton also publishes a German video series with her JIT colleague Melanie Vritschan called Techno-Kriminalermittler
The Assaults & Mutilation
Sine 2011, Dr. Horton has been stalked and harassed continuously. Her private life has been under intrusive and overt surveillance and interference. All her communications (voice, phone, email etc.) have been intercepted and sometimes overtly acted upon by agents. Furthermore:
The Directed Energy Weapons assaults are incredibly brutal and occur continuously every minute of every hour of the day and night. The attacks ramp up at night when Dr. Horton is lying stationary and defenceless.
Havanah Syndrome, Radio gear, and who knows or can guess what else
Directed Energy Weapons
The microwave beams from Directed Energy Weapons with which Secret Services target their victims, which number in the hundreds of thousands, are invisible, penetrate walls and are so intense that it hurts. Imagine putting your hand in your microwave; then focus that into a beam and aim it at your face.
to Ask A Librarian Dallas re ATX Library from Ed Donegan
Road Blocking (denial of access to public accommodations including housing, library, etc.,) also called Blacklisting uses Smear (based on Dopples, Forgeries, exaggerations, imposed intensive poloarizing fights and conflicts to create a negative impression of a person Police can used behind the scenes (mobbing the executive office areas hidden from the public) to suborn organizations to view a person on the FBI Security Index (aka Blacklist) as a threat who should be removed on any excuse.
Geral Sosbee and others will explain harassment of citizens with staged abusive conspiring to antagonize and fight with a person, though the politically infiltrated organization will deny conspiring against the patron of housing, library, or recreation facilities.
Business, NGOs, and private corporations are told in a smear campaign an Enemy of The State STRIKE THAT an Enemy of the Public is about to approach.
From: EdwardDoneganAuthor
To: askalibrarian©
CC applications©
I assert long ago I was attacked radiolocally and have experience food poisonings (food products visible treated with syringe injections, etc., and live the life former FBI Special Agent (Counter-Espionage Bureau) Geral Sosbee described in his affidavit and similar affidavit of Ted Gunderson assert of having “people planted on him” paid actors used in long term smear campaigns and harassment and illegal FBI CIA activities.
I Edward Donegan have had knives and other weapons pulled on me in the library and outside threatening me when I use various names of public officials in my books. One of my books corrects the record on Ted Gunderson and cuts through the misunderstandings and smears.
I am on my way to Dallas and hope not to have this occur there.
Techniques used to Silence Citizens, Journalists, Activits, and Others
Contention = Progression – Oppression. Various names exist for creating fights. “Roadblocking” (getting in the way, tripping a person that is walking forward or running forward while saying it was an accident,) Rough Noise (contextual bothersome stimuli that can include contentions and abuse sounds, noises, appearances, etc.,) that are obstacles that might resutl in fights breaking out or allegations of misconduct about others. Often the cover oppressor hopes for a fight or an allegation from a person being tripped up so that person can be treated as the trouble maker when that person was the victim of covert troublemaking.
And it is tied to WWII even WWI ties to England, Royalty, and a Deep State of ultra rich.
Organized Stalks are run by the US Marshall, FBI, DEA, and other groups (alphabet agencies) who in tandem with high ranking orders work for the National Objectives of various espionage operations. Nominally for the state the fully equipped and trained agencies with state and local support are capable of evidence fabrication, staged appearances, falsified records, and many of the dirtiest tricks of COINTELRPO and CIA capabilities to destroy a persons reputation, life, family, career, credit, etc., as well as place undercover operatives in roles that can get into private homes and offices such as “plumbers” or other workers or place FBI or CIA backed Agents in Place in rental and leasing offices, banks, etc., as required. In addition local neighborhood watch groups can be composed of or include thugs and prison trustees can be used as stoolies for police or police family members sometimes go under cover.
Run out of the Fusion Centers it is widely believed to be out of control abuse of power targeting whistle-blowers and I and others have been subject to egregious injuries from thugs, intimidation, hostile and abusive conditions, and some under cover police abuse have died in psych wards following bullying, batterings, etc., traumatized, injured, and attacked again inside institutions.
As Jen Moore (aka Task Force the group she was on and turned whistle-blower) will say before she was killed some “Targeted Victims” (those subject to illegal abusive black opps operations inside the USA) are law abiding police or others (reporters and oversight committee members or attorneys) who just came to know too mucn and being discredited with evidence plants, etc.,
Jen Moore states the attacks on her and death threats (just as I have received) are tied to the OSS CIA Vatican hidden identity of my family, and the connections of the Donegan to Allan Dulles and the assassinations of JFK by powerful elites who remain in or have family in government now and wish to cover up the JFK history I am trying to tell but am being harrased while doing and Jen Moore of that same story of my family was found dead.
PAINE: How We Dismantled the FBI In Our Pajamas
While the mainstream media ignored a corrupt FBI & DOJ, Paine and cohorts hammered away and knocked the FBI off its trusted public mantle. Revered FBI leaders were fired. Others quit. FBI officials, targeted by True Pundit’s hard-hitting reporting, are now targets of numerous federal investigations. A fitting irony after the FBI — whom Paine worked for — came into his home with M4 rifles drawn on his young kids and wife. Twice. Then, the FBI went on a rampage to ruin his Fortune 100 career at Citi and even prevented him from attending his mother’s funeral.
Implicated too here are U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller along with former CIA Director John Brennan, among many others. A Criminal conspiracy involving top players in the Deep State, entrenched in one of the greatest public betrayals imaginable.
They tried to silence Paine and ruin him to keep these alarming revelations secret but something went wrong. Paine rose from the ashes of his battered life and tattered financial career and then re-launched his award-winning journalism career. And this time — playing by his own rules — Paine blows the lid off of a massive cover-up that implicates the same D.C. elite who tried to take him down.
Mike “Thomas Paine” Moore’s story is one of personal loss, struggle, payback [through journalism about corrupt officials abusing power] and [and his own] patriotism.
… the FBI — whom Paine worked for — came into his home with M4 rifles drawn on his young kids and wife. Twice. Then, the FBI went on a rampage to ruin his Fortune 100 career at Citi and even prevented him from attending his mother’s funeral.
Jen Moore continued writing about these same CIA and FBI officials the family history story the Mueller, the Barr family, the Bush family, now the Obama Jr family and others and the MKLTRA program now in a Deep State frenzy of espionage assasins cover-up of such scale the cover-up continues to succeed in silencing all reaming witness perhaps down to the last one left, myself and her and now just myself after she was found dead.
Geral Sosbee
“FBI and CIA kill and torture innocent civilians worldwide”
“FBI and CIA routinely torture, kill, falsely imprison, or force suicide upon targeted individuals using electromagnetic weapons for mind control and nervous system manipulation. I witnessed that the FBI and C/A inhumanely and regularly torture the targeted person and also force him/her to live under horrific conditions that could reasonably be expected to lead to suicide. ” – Former Special Agent Sosbee
Geral W. Sosbee FBI Special Agent 1971 -1978
SA (Special Agent) SOSBEE was assigned to a squad handling Espionage – Foreign Intelligence matters. Because of his language ability, he is primarily concerned with investigations relative to the country of Romania. He handles a sensitive source on a nearly daily basis which requires the use of his language ability. He attended Basic Counter Intelligence school during April and May, 1974. (From Xerox of FBI document Espionage – Foreign Intelligence)
For decades I have tried to file reports on this subject and often the fbi prevents me from doing so. For example, the fbi destroys any computer that I buy; so I use the public library. The libraries at Brownsville, Mcallen and Mission, Texas have assisted the fbi in harassing me every time I enter. I notified the city council in Mcallen & Mission, and some of the harassment by staff and security guards stopped. The library at UTHSC, Harlingen Texas, allowed the police there to threaten me and allowed thugs to enter the library to harass me.
Moore worked as a money laundering expertr in banking (as Edward Donegan worked at a National Bank (Wells Fargo) as Network Security all ultimately were privatge in-house bank workers who submitted and coordinated their work with the Secret Service.
That is where the illegal Black Budget (Money laundering and illegal programs) are tried to as the accounts are confused between account holders and protection rackets and other activities are run by special opps for various assignments that can include gun running and drugs and other illegal black opps.
Ted Gunderson, Gene “Chip” Tatum and I Edward Pauld Donegan have written about covert illegal activities and I Ed Donegan fear for my life as Jen Moore did before she was found dead.
The FBI’s Fusion Centers are used by government employees to block any benefit (such as police protection) that I may seek (Ed Donegan reports the same. Police refuse to arrest or prosecute the thug assailants even if those assailants or burglars are at the scene.) I document many such instances online. See my documentation of the MI6/Fusion Center corruption of the UT Police Department (University of Texas?) where police helped send thugs into the library to distract and criminally assault me.
We The first group of us are victimized writers with serious egregious injuries (or deaths) and our writing about the highest level figures of the CIA and FBI and Presidency and the JFK assassination and the CIA Family Jewels program, and their most egregious misconduct including an undercover operation driving me from my home by undercover operatives false allegations and into homeless already after repeated break-ins to my home office and vandalizing and theft of my office equipment. We have discovered misconduct and it goes back to the JFK assassination and the FBI and CIA.
By the way do you remember those statements like can not record or reuse those pro basketball, hockey, or football games with express written consent of the various leauges? It turns out they (and the FBI really mean it. THat is how the raided and got Moore in the Big House far away from his home computer.
Remember “How We Dismantled the FBI In Our Pajamas” though I Edward Paul Donegan wore clothes or a bathrobe at least in my work live studio.
We the second group of us are the victimized witnesses with serious egregious injuries (and deaths) who in the matter of Ed Donegan (a member of the first group) have been witnesses to the attacks on Edward Paul Donegan and then became victimized themselves. One or two or more of this group knew as much or more about y own family’s connection to the Kennedy assassination and I the last living member of my family The first group of and break-ins to mh home and destruction of its property has eliminated most evidence though reconstructions of the evidence’s materiality and history or materials may be possible.
The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is the presidential library and museum of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963), the 35th president of the United States (1961-1963). It is located on Columbia Point in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. – Wikipedia. James Paul Donegan, 86, of Lincoln, Calif., originally from Dorchester, Mass., died Oct. 13, from injuries following an accident. Jim leaves his 2nd wife, Sue Ann of Lincoln; two sons from his first marriage, Thomas of Provincetown, Mass. (now deceased), and Edward Paul Donegan (myself) from police abuse left homeless in a harassment campaign. The campaing targets my books serieson the Kennedy Assassination, Alan Dulles, OSS CIA history, and the Vatican of WWII and leading into the that war and the cold war.
All of us are subject to break-ins, home loss, computer and book notes theft, criminal harassment under color of law, etc.,
Jen Moore also telling the story of Edward Paul Donegan (myself) and the same story I am telling of these family histories and the legacy of the CIA an FBI events surrounding this history is now deceased found dead in motel room after receiving death threats if she revealed this CIA FBI history.
I am the last living member of the Donegan family of origin and there are no biological members other than me in a Roman Catholic family that was part of WWI history and came from the same small catholic church of the Kennedy’s in Dorchester Massachusetts.
Now from former Adjunct Professional Instructor Geral Sosbee (Attorney and former FBI Special Agent) who is a among us 10 varied victims of police abuse.
Geral Sosbee Viet Nam war veteran, National Defense Service Medal, Combat infantryman badge, Vietnam service medal, Vietnam campaign medal, Sharpshooter 81 millimeter mortarman, Marksman badge.
Texas Tech University, School of Law, Post-Doc
Former Instructor at Amber University and Webster University, former FBI Special Agent (Counter-Intelligence Unit), Three Letters of Commendation awarded by the Director of the FBI
Doctor of Jurisprudence, former Magistrate judge.
Now from Edward Paul Donegan. The experience of Ted Gunderson (former FBI and Robert F Kennedy right-hand man against the Mafia (Called Murder Inc) that killed JFK also a deceased victim of police abuse. Ed Donegan, and Geral Sosbee are all the same and part of Texas DPS and the FBI working together to silence journalists and even law enforcement who may have learned or witnessed too much about powerful figures and the guilt of those figures and are writing publicly we are being attacked covertly by unsolved break-ins, etc., that are clearly State sponsored.
“FBI and CIA kill and torture innocent civilians worldwide”
“FBI and CIA routinely torture, kill, falsely imprison, or force suicide upon targeted individuals using electromagnetic weapons for mind control and nervous system manipulation. I witnessed that the FBI and C/A inhumanely and regularly torture the targeted person and also force him/her to live under horrific conditions that could reasonably be expected to lead to suicide. ” – Former Special Agent Sosbee
Geral W. Sosbee FBI Special Agent 1971 -1978
SA (Special Agent) SOSBEE was assigned to a squad handling Espionage – Foreign Intelligence matters. Because of his language ability, he is primarily concerned with investigations relative to the country of Romania. He handles a sensitive source on a nearly daily basis which requires the use of his language ability. He attended Basic Counter Intelligence school during April and May, 1974. (From Xerox of FBI document Espionage – Foreign Intelligence)
Various Excerpts from the compilation of Gunderson affidavits and clippings TECHNIQUES USED TO SILENCE CRITICS
… Who Document Illegal Unlawful activity (murder, kidnapping and more) of a covert underground criminal enterprise operating at the highest levels of our Government.
Ted is from the old FBI, not the new FBI.
By Ted L. Gunderson
FBI Senior Special Agent
In Charge (Retired)
Senior Special Agent in Charge (Ret.)
Federal Bureau of Investigation Lic. # 12878 P.O. Box 18000-259
Las Vegas, NV 83114
President George W. Bush Apri 23, 2003
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Bush
On April 3, 2003, I found an intruder (biker type- wearing a head bandana, leather Jacket, and chains attached to his belt) in the basement of the apartment complex where I am presently staying in Los Angeles. After seeing me, he bolted through the front door of the building and disappeared. I filed a police report. [am making this incident a matter of record with a number of government agencies and the news media because this appears to be yet another surveillance of me.
Since retiring as the Senior Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Los Angeles Division in 1979, T have publicly exposed pedophilia, murder, child kidnapping, and other nefarious criminal activity on the part of individuals both in and out of government circles; much of which has been covered up or ignored by those responsible for investigating these allegations.
In the past, there have been attempts to frame me for alleged criminal activity, individuals have been ‘planted’ on me and there have been attempts on my life. More recently, I have been the target of a disinformation/smear campaign spearheaded by an FBI informant. In addition, I have been the victim of periodic surveillances, illegal entries into my home and vehicle, and illegal telephone taps (I have proof.)
My most noted investigations, which I am sure are the reasons for this harassment, include documentation that the FBI furnished the ingredients for the bomb in the February 1993 World Trade Center bombing (NY Times Oct. 28, 1993), a cover-up of the Oklahoma City bombing in April 1995 ( at least eleven other persons involved besides Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols), and most recently, documentation that the FBI bad advance knowledge of the 9-11 terrorist attacks and failed to take appropriate preventative action.
I compiled a 24-page report concerning the FBI’s pre-knowledge of the 9-11 attacks in January of 2003 and I distributed to more than 200 members of the Legislative and Executive Branches of the U.S. government (including U.S Attorney General John Ashcroft and Secretary of State Colin Powell) and Mr. Lee Hamilton, co-chair of the recently formed 9-11 Presidential Committee to investigate the attacks.
I told Mr. Hamilton that my source, Mr. Michael Riconosciuto, possessed important, critical, and timely information about terrorist activity in the United States and that he should be debriefed immediately. Thus far, Mr. Riconoscito has not been interviewed and I have been ignored.
I [Ted Gunderson elderly FBI retiree] am making the April 3, 2003 surveillance incident a matter of record as I have no intention of becoming another ‘victim’ such as Bill Colby (former CIA Director) or Dan Casolaro (journalist) Both men were murdered in spite of the “official” reports that state otherwise.
These measures include identifying and exposing individuals in the satanic cult drug network operating within the United States, with ties to top level officials – including politicians, judges, law enforcement, U.S. intelligence agents, and professional business men and women.
If anything happens to me, my family, or my close associates- including my attorney (former Nebraska State Senator, John DeCamp), Susan Ford, or other individuals within my informational network, the names of the leaders of the cult/drug network and additional information concerning their activities will be released to the public.
Regarding Mr. Coby, he did not drown and he did not commit suicide- he was murdered, shot in the head. [later elsewhere Gunderson and others assert Ice bullet and or cow head impact devices.]
A weave of data from Ed Donegan and Ted Gunderson confirmed by Jen Moore
Ted Gunderson asserts of shots fired at his family, being poised by FBI higher-ups, violent thugs in concert with police conducting thug attacks, etc.,
Individuals targeted by this program have been subjected to illegal and unconstitutional phone taps, illegal re-routing of business and private phone calls for purposes of harassment, illegal audio “bugging”, surreptitious entry into home, office, and vehicle, visual surveillance in the home conducted by illegal placement of miniature remote, wireless cameras (often accessible via internet), illegal internet spyware, illegal GPS tracking (often through their own mobile phones), regular fixed and mobile surveillance, mail misdirection, mail theft and tampering, financial and employment sabotage, slander campaigns and community ostracizing, internet disinformation and smear campaigns, poisoning, assaults and murder, illegal set-ups on pending charges and other felony charges, amongst many other civil rights abuses.
In addition to high-ranking members of the F.B.I., other intelligence services, and the government overall, wealthy, powerful members of criminal syndicates, multi-millionaires and the corporate elite are using the government gang stalking program to harass enemies.
They can get a targeted individual harassed for the rest of that individual’s life (individual cases of gang stalking lasting for over a decade are common).
The higher status members of the gang stalking conspiracy initiate the gang stalking and coordinate logistics and funding. Lower echelon government rogue operatives, lower ranking members of the military (in violation of Posse Comitatus), petty criminals and street thugs perform the actual grunt work of daily monitoring and harassment of individuals targeted by the program.
Ed Donegan and Jen Moore assert the same
“According to Brian Glick, in War at Home, COINTELPRO used a broad array of methods [under-cover across locations of a police harassment victim, including:”
- Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents.
- Psychological Warfare From the Outside: The FBI and police used myriad other “dirty tricks” to undermine progressive movements. They planted false media stories and published bogus leaflets and other publications in the name of targeted groups. They forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls. They spread misinformation about meetings and events, set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents, and manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials and others to cause trouble for activists.
- Harassment Through the Legal System: The FBI and police abused the legal system to harass dissidents and make them appear to be criminals. Officers of the law gave perjured testimony and presented fabricated evidence as a pretext for false arrests and wrongful imprisonment. They discriminatorily enforced tax laws and other government regulations and used conspicuous surveillance, ‘investigative’ interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to intimidate activists and silence their supporters [and silence or discredit critics of FBI and CIA officials].
- Extralegal Force and Violence: The FBI and police threatened, instigated, and themselves conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object was to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements.
[All of which Jen Moore and Edwward Donegan have suffered and reported, now Jen Moore deceased.]
In the case of radical Black and Puerto Rican activists (and later Native Americans), these attacks-including political assassinations-were so extensive, vicious, and calculated that they can accurately be termed a form of official ‘terrorism.’”.The FBI also conducted “black bag jobs” [break-ins or illeal access to home or office to plant or steal of vandalize or search], warrantless surreptitious entries, against the targeted groups and their members. Source: COINTELPRO – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From its inception, the FBI has operated on the doctrine that the “preliminary stages of organization and preparation” must be frustrated, well before there is any clear and present danger of “revolutionary radicalism.”
At its most extreme dimension, political dissidents have been eliminated outright or sent to prison for the rest of their lives. There are quite a number of individuals who have been handled in that fashion. Many more, however, were “neutralized” by intimidation, harassment, discrediting, snitch jacketing, a whole assortment of authoritarian and illegal tactics.
[“Snitch jacketing is a Lockstep of tracker snitches following, harassing, lying about, being a nearby to the victim system of police harassment or police abuse through the use of snitches as proxies.]
I have subjected to COINTELRPO for decades, that tweet from Tom Dunham 8 years ago and hundreds of openly FBI acts since then and fifteen years before it now leave the question “why?”
Three Witnesses
Tom Dunham Ed Donegan and Jen Moore assert a fake teen call girl ring is operating but only to frame us. Jen Moore asserts the operations pays fake allegations made against Ed Donegan Glorian Donegan when a Gullible confesses (in the identity of Ed Donegan) to harming minors, then, after law enforcement confrontation, the adult sex worker gives lessons in adult sexual anatomy. A smear campaign in offices and elsewhere uses Tom Dunham and my own identity as the perp.
Around the time a woman was breaking into my apartment, various allusions to this event were made at SelectQuote Insurance.
The method of entry suggests theatrics were planned from the get go. The keys left hanging on my window didn’t open anything, but were probably there to suggest that they opened my door. The woman probably had a master key, but conceivably could have picked the lock while pretending to use the keys as well.
I was given a fake rock for hiding keys while on the job at SelectQuote around this time. Just out of the blue. I was also warned to change my locks before my then estranged wife got back into town. Which was exactly when the break-in took place.
From SelectQuote to my Neighborhood – SelectQuote Review
Note that someone Tom Dunham is around makes a statement to Tom Dunham implicating Tom Dunham in the fake set of keys likely for a young call girl. At BAL statements are made to and around me trying to implicate me yet I am trying to document all this and report it. Tom Dunham and I are being framed by the police. Note also possible land-lord involvement.
The fake keys drop outside Anonymous Unit 2 of Casa Linda in a blue paint paint can in a building far away from mine but a person says to me are the keys ready for me as if I had anything to do with it, I did not..
Keith Labella (Gunderson affidavit in support of)
[Keith Labella (©PeaceFrog01) / Twitter Twitter › peacefrog01 Keith Labella’s Tweets … New transcripts show that James Comey’s FBI sought dirt on the Trump Campaign less than TWO WEEKS before the 2016 election. The … ACCOUNT SUSPENDED]
Sexually Abusive Rough Noise to Disrupt and Confuse and to incite conflict and blow-back
Tactics used by Charivari (Rough Music) Gang Stalkers
Tactics of Predatory Gangstalking include highly coordinated surveillance (hidden cameras, conversation bugging in private aswell as public), harassment, and psychological, psychosocial, financial, and sometimes physical assaults on an individual by a large group of people who are often strangers to the targeted individual.
Anchoring, Baiting, and Manufacting False Narratives attached to objects or events
Anchoring is a technique employed by stalkers to implant a false motivation or reason behind the stalking, preventing the victim from discovering the truth. In more sinister examples, Anchoring involves the implantation of evidence to persuade the victim some other group or organization is responsible for the abuse.
Baiting such as provoking conflict by manufacture of condition in some way or another hostile and in need of being corrected, even by initiating crime hoping for a fight the victim of the fight was led into as a trap
The term “Baiting” is a stalking tactic used to lure a victim into environments, or situations, which cause further problems to the victim. Often “Baiting” involves tricking a victim into committing a crime or unknowingly engaging in an illegal activity such as assault. They trick the victim into thinking an innocent bystander is the culprit of their harassment and try to compel the victim into assaulting the person.
Brighting is a term jokingly referred to by stalkers to indicate the practice of repetitive flashing of a car’s high-beam headlights. The victim is usually followed and may be “flashed” from either a “tail-gating” vehicle or a passing or on-coming one. “Brighting” also occurs when bright lights are flashed into a victim’s home-windows. The conduct of flashing lights is out of any normal conduct, a flashign light is strong stimuli and when the out of place conduct comes from unidentified strangers it should be worrisome Electronic Harassment
Electronic Harassment icluding susiciously timed and interupting inbound phone o rother inbound activity such as engine overtaching or horns honking in the area or skiddign of cars is the use of technological devices to spy on or cause harm to targeted victims. For example, exposure to a high magnetic field has been shown to induce hallucinations in humans while exposure to intense microwave radiation induces psychotic episodes and causes brain damage.
A frequent form of Electronic Harassment involves beaming a low frequency “hum” or “tone” into a victim’s home or general area. Over time, the exposure causes the victim to lose sleep, become agitated, and suffer the effects of prolonged stress. Such tactics are also being used in cases of hostage situations as well as covert government operations. These forms of magnetic fields can be caused by technological or preternatural means.
The term Ghosting refers to the practice of rearranging, or moving, of a victim’s home furniture, lawn decorations, desk decorations at work, etc. The purpose of Ghosting is to make a victim question his or her sanity. Ghosting is also designed to make other’s question the sanity of the victim, especially if the victim attempts to complain of the abuse. Coincides with evidence plants as Black Bag Jobs to damage and disparage or malign a persons home by home invasion. During surveillance or recon of a home works in progress can be stolen and used by other including literary works.
Mocking, Mimicry and mimicry in furtherance of Identity Theft and Psychological Harassment about whether a person is or isn’t a stalker engaging in mimicry
Mimicry is a specialized form of harassment in which the stalkers publicly imitate every movement made by the victim. This shows an aspect of the trickster. It is a manifestation of the true source of the stalking.
Noise Campaign
A Noise Campaign is an orchestrated effort to produce stress in a victim through prolonged exposure to significant noise levels. A Noise Campaign can range from multiple neighbors routinely playing loud music, individual stalkers with air-horns or fireworks, or organized “repair work” that involves a high level of noise or Rough Noise, annoying noise and as loud stimuli
Sensitization is a psychological term referring to the forced association between a stimuli and a corresponding reaction. Stalkers use Sensitization to psychologically abuse a victim. For example, if a stalker constantly harasses a victim while wearing a blue baseball cap, then overtime the victim will begin to believe anyone wearing a blue baseball cap is a stalker and is coming to harass. Sensitization undoubtedly creates an extreme level of fear in a victim, in direct fulfillment of the intentions of the stalkers.
Mobbing including mobbs planting evidence and bearing false witness at the scene and talkign up falsified events elswhere later such as wheres a Stalk Victim is headed to.
Mobbing is a term that describes “Group Bullying”. Of itself, Mobbing is not equated with gang stalking. However, Mobbing may be a tactic used by the perpetrators of gang Stalking.
“Flash mobbing” is an event occurring when a targeted individual is spotted in society. Their photo and location is immediately and simultaneously sent out by cell phone text messages and Internet email to all gangstalkers within a certain radius. All gangstalkers then suddenly descend upon the target as a mob.
Street Theater
Street Theater is a term used to describe the odd-actions and behaviors that stalkers do in public, in an attempt to rile the victim.Such behavior often borders on the extremely bizarre and is aimed at a blurring of the boundaries between reality and fantasy in the minds of the victims.
Examples of Street Theater: Baiting, Brighting, Color Harassment, Convey, Directed Conversation, Ghosting, Mimicry, Noise Campaigns, etc.
Variations of Gang Stalking Gas-Lighting
The term Gas-Lighting originates from the 1944 film Gaslight. In the movie, the character of Gregory Anton, played by actor Charles Boyer, attempts to drive the character Pauline, played by actress Ingrid Bergman, insane. The phrase Gas-Lighting has come to mean similar actions and behavior, as used in the film, against a victim. “The White Glove treatment”
“The White Glove Treatment” is slang for Gang Stalking as jokingly referred to by the Masons who either participate in, or know of its usage against so-called “Enemies of Freemasonry”.
[Note: The phrase “The White Glove Treatment” is not limited to Freemasonry, as members of similar groups and organizations often practice Gang Stalking.)
Ritual Gangstalking
Reportedly performed by cults and secret organizations such as Satanists, secret orders of free masons, some voodoo /obeah practitioners and Scientologists as a means of control or for punishment. “Ritual abuse” is incorporated into “ritual gangstalking” patterns in this case.
A situation where an individual is identified to be a target through Internet participation and their personal identity is determined. Cybergangstalkers pierce the electronic veil and are able to enter into the real life of a person, creating all forms of harassment, theft, psychological operations including slander and libel, and able to commit crimes against the targeted individual.
I will cover more information about this subject and other related topics in future articles. If you or someone you know are victims of gangstalking or any other form of malevolent harassment, feel free to contact us. We are here to help.
Roman [Founder/Demonologist of S.I.S.]
Using Environmental Stress to induce conflict or self harm, no touch stress infliction – Espionage agencies discredit those who have information compromising to high levels of authority rouge units
Neuropsychological & Electronic No-Touch Torture Report by Dr. Robert Duncan (used on targeted citizens here in the U.S.) SERE training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) MAR 30 2015
The Executive Summary: Neuropsychological and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report Based on “The Torture Memos” and the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Declassified “Torture Report”
Perspectives on Enhanced Interrogation Techniques Project Proposals for Google Summer of Code 2015 By Robert Duncan, A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D.
“The United States is number one in torture since they are currently the world’s only superpower.” 04/2015
Torture is a horrific topic and most minds will turn away from it because it can’t be comprehended that humans can be motivated, or computer programs can be run to do this to other sentient beings. Just when we believed we were becoming more civilized as a culture, the technology for torture has advanced more than a hundred fold in recent decades.
This summary will get into ‘the minds of the dishonorable monsters’ of the psychology of torture. Those like Dick Cheney who helped authorize it under certain administrations and regimes of the U.S. government which have been proven to be criminal under U.S. law, treaties, and the International Criminal Court. There are many people involved in the conspiracy and cover-up including General Hayden.
The full report discloses the spectrum of techniques of interrogation and torture used by the U.S. and its allies. The United States government will officially deny the claims of this “no-touch torture report” but in time it will stand firm.
The technologies used are still classified as state secrets and will not be discussed in this summary. The torture methods have been leaked through thousands of American citizens who have survived the no-touch torture programs. The research and testimony has been accumulated since 2002 and merely used as examples but the names of the victims are withheld.
This report will not use skewed, misleading language such as “enhanced interrogation” to describe the torture techniques. Why torture? The CIA claims it works. The assumption is that it works to gain actionable intelligence. Torture is often used for revenge, punishment, interrogation, and behavior modification. In other terms torture is used to remove the continuity of thought to confuse the target to reveal information, erase brain patterns such as values and beliefs, or to break down the human spirit to make them submit and obey their handlers. The downside of torture is that the countries that do it lose “moral soft power” in world politics. Without due process, over 25% of those reported in the Senate Torture Report were declared innocent. Blowback is always a repercussion of torture. Torture often takes a long time to affect the target from months to years. Torture has shown to be unreliable except for getting false confessions and bad information but the U.S. and its allies are improving on their tactics and techniques.
The purpose of this report is to draw the parallels between physical torture techniques and no-touch torture methods used in secret by governments who possess the technologies that still go on today. This is a brief summary of offensive psychological and information warfare methods using traditional methods and modern cybernetic techniques while exploring hyper-game theory to walk the target to the desired path: leak intelligence, commit assassinations, or change beliefs.
Numerated Torture Methods for Interrogation and Behavior Modification (A comparison between physical and no-touch torture tactics)
Induction of Depressive/Manic states
The idea is to shake up the emotional states of the target because different information can be accessed at each state. Making the target feel despair and helplessness is the objective. This cycle of hope building and then breaking is done in many ways. The techniques between the physical methods and the no-touch technological methods are similar. Speech is very important during this process of emotional manipulation. Such examples are, “We have imprisoned you without due processes or hope of it. You are indefinitely detained.” Hope building examples include, “Sorry. We have mistaken you for someone else. You will be compensated for false imprisonment and torture.” The main difference between the cybernetic technology and physical is that emotional state clusters can be entrained into the target mind which speeds up the process. The communication is done differently but perceived as human speech. In the no-touch torture methods it is helpful if the target is labeled with mental illness that is being created for discrediting purposes so as not to draw human rights groups’ attention.
Memory Erasure
The military and CIA have been researching memory erasing drugs for half a century. The focus of this summary report is on interrogation. Memory erasure is an important technique during interrogation. It is used in combination with sleep deprivation. There are many drugs that have been developed for physical memory erasure. One such interrogation method requires acquiring information from the target while on these drugs and recording the subject. After a sleeping cycle, the interrogator claims that the target has confessed. Of course the target remembers nothing of their conversation. The interrogator will play samples of the subject’s conversation back to them making the subject believe that the interrogator knows more than they do. Similar techniques are used in the wireless, no-touch torture and interrogation programs. The cybernetic methods of memory erasure have additional purposes. The memory erasure can be used on the cybernetic target to make the target believe people have broken in and moved their belongings. While physical black bag jobs do occur, it is a way to make the target more paranoid.
Electricity and Shocks
Pain and fear of death are common tactics during interrogation. Shocking by electricity is a traditional method of torture and exposed in the CIA’s secret prisons. Shocking the testicles and nipples are the most common due to their sensitivity. Interestingly, the thousand of interviews of no-touch torture involves “stings” and “shocks” to various parts of their bodies over long durations.
Fear and Terror
There are many techniques to induce extreme fear in the target. In physical renditions dogs, power drills, guns, insects, mutilation, blow torches, water boarding, suffocation, mock burials, and mock executions are just a few the United States government have used. Remember that many targets of torture die from the physical effects. It is torture to death.
Let us compare the no-touch torture methods used to inflict the same terror and mental anguish. In several of these techniques the target needs to hear their handler’s voice. This report does not describe the technologies used to broadcast voices to the target at a distance. While the subject can be broadcast mental images to their mind using hypnosis and other suggestions as well as visual entrainments, the more invasive controls of the brain manipulation technologies can be used to entrained the brain’s autonomic nervous systems such as not breathing causing the target to not be able to sleep from fear of suffocation equivalent to water boarding. The neural linguistic programming can add fears such as heart attack, stroke, and cancer threats. Even motor cortex mapping can cause twitches in any part of the body. One example used a swift neck movement with a voice transmission, “We are trying to break your neck.” Directed energy effects such as Active Denial System can make the target feel that they are on fire indefinitely without the target dying from burns. Maximum pain and torture weapons have been evolving. Every drug effect can be artificially induced into the target mind including those of poisons.
Imprisonment and Isolation
Isolation is commonly used as punishment in prisons. Many whistleblowers like Bradley Manning suffer this condition. In soft interrogation it is used to get the target to talk to their interrogator since humans have the need for companionship. In no-touch torture the target is driven from their friends and family using different techniques in order to isolate them so that the electronic mind control has more effect on their psyche. Like in Guantanamo, the target becomes isolated losing their job and medical care. Part of the method involves slander in their community. They end up on the most part in poverty and paranoid about doctors and other people from false correlations that are purposefully induced into their lives. Isolation is also a form of sensory deprivation which will be discussed later. Days and weeks lose their meaning.
Sexually Disturbing Tailored Pornography
The Summary of the Senate Torture Report disclosed the disgusting revelations that in the secret torture prisons the targets were forced to perform homosexual acts on each other against their will and religion in order not to be beaten or killed. This is a common break down tactic of belief systems and the human will. In no-touch torture the techniques are more psychologically specialized for each target. Most common examples include homosexual targets that are forced with voices that are derogatory to their lifestyle and similar mental images. Almost all targets are forced to view child pornography in their minds. And vice versa is true, that heterosexual targets are forced to view homosexual sexual acts like in the secret U.S. torture prisons.
Also mentioned in the declassified report on torture was mutilation of the human. Cutting the naked target’s penis and scrotum, pulling nails or teeth is common. In no-touch torture mutilation is done by trickery. Let us look at a couple examples. There have been several targets who believed that the microwave hearing effect and other voice induction methods were done by microchips implanted in their teeth or ears. They had all their teeth pulled because they believed it was a technology called bone conductance. Others have poked out their ear drums in the belief they had micro implants in their ears. There are many more examples of trickery used to make the targets mutilate themselves.
Personal and Spiritual Defamation
In physical torture the CIA and other groups use propaganda and defamation of character for those they oppose. For detainees they try to disenfranchise the target from their religion. They will defecate on their Bible or Koran for example. They might say, “Why is your God not saving you?” In no touch torture and behavior modification they might try to make an atheist believe in god. It is just a mechanism to alter belief systems for control and experimentation. Perhaps the target may wish to confess their secrets to a “voice of god weapon”. Information warfare covers the gamut of electronic communication as well. The government training exercise uses language like “befriend”, “infiltrate”, “mask/mimic”, “ruse”, “set-up”, “disrupt”, “create cognitive stress”, “use deception”, “ruin business relationships”, and “post negative information on appropriate forums” – in a malicious effort to target bloggers, activists, journalists, social event organizers and anyone else deemed to be a ‘emerging leader’ or voice in the public sphere. 9. Psychological Intimidation
Rape is a common practice in torture. It causes much psychological trauma. In the United States methods of rape in their military and CIA secret prisons it is often relabeled. It is commonly done by prods but “rectal rehydration” is the more common misnomer. Often they call it forced feeding through the rectum but it is meant to induce psychological scaring and trauma. Several have died from the technique due to rectal bleeding. In no-touch torture the psychological trauma of simulated rape takes on different forms. Using technique often called EEG-heterodyning the targets will receive molestation effects of their genitals. In men this can be the anus and genitals. Similarly women can be wirelessly raped by the analogous function of perception.
Dietary Manipulation, Forced Weakness and Sickness
The idea behind dietary manipulation is to weaken the target. This is easily done in a physical setting but in no-touch the hunger trigger needs to be suppressed. Sometimes a false correlation between eating food and sickness is induced to make the target believe they are being poisoned. However, poisoning is common in physical renditions too.
Verbal breakdown is most important during interrogations and torture. Obviously speaking the language of the target is necessary. This is why there are interrogators in all languages. Repetition is an important neural linguistic programming interrogation tactic to influence the target mind. During the breakdown process, threats to kill and to torture the target’s family or friends are common. Repetitious questioning and breakdown phrases are automated in both the physical and no-touch versions of torture. An interesting technology that is used for no-touch torture is called chatter bots. Chatter bots, an artificial intelligence program, automate much of the repetition so that the interrogators don’t drive themselves crazy during the neural linguistic torture and programming phases. Let us not forget the Chinese Water Torture, a single drop of water on the forehead of the detainee for months. Repetition is a form of torture.
Sensitization of Pain Impulses
While the reverse can be obtained, optimizing perceived pain and misery is the objective in torture. Each trauma adds to the overall misery throughout life. Optimization of pain has been studied by the military and intelligence agencies. In the past the CIA has used drugs such as LSD to enhance fear and terror in the subject. Other methods such as hypnosis can increase perceived pain and the power of suggestion such as telling the subject his pinky finger is going to be cut off before it is done. In no-touch torture the same psychological manipulations are exerted. Subliminal and overt suggested are often told to the subject before the directed energy or EEG heterodyning pain inductions in order to maximize their effectiveness.
Sensory Overload and Deprivation
Again, this technique of overloading or depriving the human of sensory stimulus is ubiquitous in torture around the world not just in U.S. secret prisons. Torture subjects in the United States have reported the use of repetitive bad music and noise campaigns. An unusual torture technique used in the U.S. secret prisons was of a use of a plastic suit filled with ice while they beat the target. Ultra bright lights for days on end in the prison and hot/cold temperature changes in the environment are frequent. In no-touch torture, the target’s brain is forced to release dopamine which causes pupil dilatation. This acts as a sensory overload. For example the non-lethal microwave weapons research done by a professor in University of Nevada has shown this capability. Body metabolism can be altered with these weapons causing cold and hot flashes. Targets of no-touch torture often hear endless tinnitus.
Sexual Humiliation and Lack of Privacy
Often used in common prisons is a lack of privacy. It is both necessity for security and a form of sexual humiliation. Also in prison many people are raped. No-touch torture offers the same sexual humiliation and lack of privacy by using through wall radar, cameras, and EEG visual cloning to let the target know they are being watched. Degrading comments are often used on the no-touch torture subjects while they are naked or in the bathroom.
Maximum Sensory Pain Techniques
Basic torture involves brutalization, i.e. physical strikes, kicks in the groin, pepper spray or tear gas, etc. Anything that involves maximum pain is the objective. Amazingly, these same basic tortures can be done wirelessly into the human mind. All forms of sickness have been reported without any real illness behind the suffering. All suffering can be entrained into the minds of no-touch torture subjects.
Sleep Deprivation
This is the number one torture method along with the popularity in the press of water boarding. This is done in every country that uses torture. The United States is number one in torture since they are currently the world’s only superpower. A repetitive sleep deprivation cycle is generally done 180 hrs/7.5 days at a time in the physical renditions, or in no-touch torture five days awake and two days of sleep. Sleep deprivation accomplishes the objective of memory loss during interrogation and induces hallucinations which help with the interrogation process. In behavior modification and programming it is necessary too.
Stress Positions
Keeping detainees handcuffed above their head and to walls so that they must stand for days is a common ploy in torture. These types of poses are called stress positions. They can be mimicked in no-touch torture. An example of one such trick requires the target to believe they can deflect radar energy using pots or pans and that it is directional. The target is being given an ample amount of pain until their hands and arms are spread apart holding the pans trying to block the signals. They must maintain that position in order to get any relief from the torture signals. However the stress position itself is physical torture. Often accompanying this technique are voices saying to the target, “You are doing it to yourself.”
This is a topic for a target at the beginning of the trials and programs. Physical break-ins are common even if the target has an alarm system. The NSA has used stalking of foreign officials in the past for economic gain. The FBI does black bag jobs to invade a home without a warrant. The point is to let the target know they are being watched and to increase their paranoia. The NSA easily hacks all computer systems and causes harm to the victim’s intellectual property and their relationships from that endpoint. In the no touch torture false correlations between pain and a neighbor coming home can be induced.
We will finish off this summary of U.S. and its allies’ torture, interrogation, and behavior modification experimentation with ideas of why they are done to the general public and falsely accused detainees. Anyone can be put into these programs. Justice and rule of law does not exist at the highest levels of government. Treaties are worthless because the #1 agreement in the rules of war, a ban against torture, is not obeyed. This creates a more brutal and barbaric society lead by example.
No-touch torture uses the same interrogation tactics as physical interrogations but with some new twists. Techniques such as “Jeff and Mutt” a.k.a. “Good Cop Bad Cop” are used. The bad cop tortures the target and the good cop tries to gain their trust. In mind control, trust games are commonly employed to manipulate the beliefs of the target. Creating hatred of groups through false correlations and deception is a common CIA method of trickery.
In the CIA programs, the target is put through these phases as written in the documentation, “Disorient and confuse the target. Use them for our purposes, and then dispose of them in any way possible.” We can only surmise by our sample set of a thousand people what “dispose” means: prison, suicide, or perhaps a mental hospital. Coercing and torturing people to suicide is very common. Both tactics in physical or no-touch torture involves plausible deniability.
022463233.EPD.1 Introduction to the person of Edward Paul Donegan
022463233.EPD1.1 Ordinary Person from a family of ordinary people (film reference) If you saw the movie Ordinary People with Mary Tyler Moore you might hae a glimpse of my family of origin in Moraga California and the pain of a secret of sorts inside the household, at least one and perhaps two or three over which fights and troubling emotions occured. To begin with and the real issue of that actual time in question 1974 to 1982 was that I was a failure in school. Private school an elite private school Head Royce was tried but with everyone’s help and much forgiveness for my errors and troubles that was just enough for me to graduate witih about a C- average but get into University of ORegon I also flunked out of and in such as haze I doubt I even knew what my classes were or if I registered for them.
I would find 20 years later I had a form of ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Borderline Personality Disorder that fits into the profile of FOXP2 Minimal Brain Disorder something that I was diagnosed with as a child in Mc Martin Preschhool about 1962. The neigbohood was well-to-do with with high level corporate executives of large corporations in secluded expenisve homes near the Oakalnd San Franisco area but in commuting range on the east side not the west side of the East Bay Hills. Oakland and Berkeley were to the West side of of those rolling hills and that is were I went to Head Royce School and played at the Lawrence Livermore Lab Museum.
022463233.EPD.1.2 Psychological Profile
022463233.EPD.1.2 Family History
My father was born a Roman Catholic to Irish immigrants. 1923 Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. Dorchester is where the Kennedy family is from and the Prouty’s (Col Fletcher Prouty) were friedns and I think the Kenney family too though the Kennedy family as benefactors as my granfather on my father’s side had his accounting business wiped out and died in poverty after working in a Herscheys chocalate factory as a janitor. My father joined the US Army Air Force as WWII came and becamej a P-51 pilot and as child we lived near the plant Inglewood California Los Angeles County. After the Korean War my father joined TWA as a pilot and our family travelled the world and its history, architecture, art, and this synergies with Hummanities classes in Head Royce School.
022463233.EPD.1.3 Educational History
Following the flunk-outs from school I lived at home for a while in Alcoholics Anonymous and NA and during that entered high tech vocational training and then worked in High Tech. This led to some fairly fast career growth since I was in the high tech book area and the Regional Occupational Therapy program for the unemployed targeted training for high tech as a regional interests in developing labor pools.
022463233.EPD.1.4 Politics
022463233.EPD.1.5 Music and Culture
I have feared tyranny seeing the castles, dungeons, wars depicted in art such as Third of May and other works, seen immense representations of European achievements, and appreciated the USA as being home after long travel and being back to familiar territory again. While I have disliked Fuedalism I have recently wondered if the unwritten constitution of Great Britain may be superior to the badly written laws of the USA that created the CIA, Department of Defense, etc., that became nests of corruption and illegal covert activities. I have doubts about racial theory and the equality of the black race but that is less rare in the USA than is often spoken and I have suggested curtailing immigration. Some call me a Nazi. I call myself pragmatic and a liberal using free speech to debate my position. As for some of those who have attacked me I assert it is them who are not the liberals but they claim they are. The represent (groups like ANTIFA) more of a Hobesian form of brute violence not necessarily to overthrow but to heckle enough to get an unfair payout to them and their causes. That is more anarchy than libralism.
022463233.EPD.1.6 Institionalizations and life setbacks
022463233.EPD.1.7 Theories of sabotage and motives of the saboteurs.
Gang stalking apparently targets American citizens deemed to be dissidents or whistle-blowers (and perhaps potential dissidents and whistle-blowers), although others might be targeted for other reasons – such as for experimental or training purposes. For perspective, it should be remembered that for two decades the CIA performed secret illegal experiments on U.S. and Canadian citizens (the infamous MK Ultra program). Those experiments included physical and psychological torture. What is Gang Stalking a Targeted Individual By Professor Eric Thor Karlstrom, Ph.D
I Edward Paul Donegan assert attemmpts are being made on my life and my temper is being played to by those who wish me to be in a losing fight that they willl say I started. In this way they are not to blame for me in jail or in morgue without a computer or wifi to use.
Tactics Which Create Minimal Evidence – Subversion tactics used by the FBI include many tactics from the original version of Cointelpro, and some which were futher refined by East Germany’s Stasi. For the most part, the tactics are all chosen because they are known to be effective forms of “no-5/18/23, 1:04 PM Appendix 20. What is Predatory COINTELPRO Eric Karlson. I Ed Donegan assert a plan to take what is mine by first surveiling and studying it (intellectual content, aestheics and art) and coopting it. Predators are most successful when they are not followers or co-members of a movement but rather its leaders and developers. My gym routines and music are among the coopted. I have heard there is a place called Black Widow Gym in Austin, Texas. The operator was homeless but found a new life in running gyms. She or others if they are her mimicked my gym theories and routines (I shared openly) would probably be seen alone in their success with few competitors.
Foundation Communities Board of Directors
Executive Committee Chair – Keith Winkeler, VP of Engineering, Dell Technologies Vice Chair – June Davis, Community Volunteer, Founder Treasurer – Philip Salem – Commercial Real Estate Secretary – Debbie Childers – Accountant, retired Members Carl Bryan Case – Attorney Julie Nelson – Attorney, Pharmacist, Educator Randy Teich – Consultant, Self-employed Robert Davis – Attorney, Retired Advisory Council Kirk Bohls – Sports Columnist, Austin American-Statesman Patrick Durbin – Founder of Planview Stuart Hentschel – Controller, CMIT Solutions Ron Oliveira – Oliveira Public Communications Olin Clemons – Retired Lyn Loeffler – Educator, UTeach Liberal Arts is one organization that is participating in the operation.
Texas itself and homeless work and workers is another theory of mine. At places like Foundation for the Homeless where Randy and Pasteur Kathy minister from bible readings and sermons it sounds empty compared to what I research and write about. I think they wanted “up their game” too into 21st Century movement culture. Witch poking me was important to them trying to develop a peer relationship with sophisticated underground culture. An elemnt of that has been those who want to make Princess and Queens mostly non whites with crowns tattooed all over. This group seems to be Black Hebrew Israelite who belie the white man stole their King’s DNA when slavery was practiced. Southern Baptist Ministries, Prison Ministries, Veterans groups, have had similar needs to gain sophistication. Asserting they were in skid row clubs running those clubs secretly became the Legend they created for themselves as newbies as doubies, dubious backstory scene legends. These groups seem to defraud me, run a protection racket for a scene they were not a part of, and enter the scene as criminals leapfrogging and committing crimes against Veronica Hoffman Jewish and homeless activist, Tom Dunham mild mannered elite computer and mechanical engineer, and myself.
The true motive for the attack on my is the one that led to downing UAL553, TWA800, and other notorious historical major crimes. I think my story is feared and my life defrauded and sabotaged.
If you criticize a comedian, you will likely become the target of a joke. Similarly, when a reporter and editor at USA Today investigated and reported on the U.S. propaganda industry in 2012, they were anonymously slandered by those same contractors“. – Eric Karlson
To: Whom It may concern and for immediate release Press Kit
The protection racket helps the sham reach the glamm in nightlife by 1) Comercializing the whole thing beyond a mere lap dance or fantasy session into assets and asset seizures and adult sex workers managment and usage. In the methods of using services for hire in racketeering inside that system of “everything is porn and we are paying for porn” the protection racket across all its functions including sex education and victims funds and patrolling funds creates a platform for the sham to be peers of the glamm. I am not suggesting a quality difference in a PFC coming back from three years of deployment and having just learned avionics or fed other soldiers when they made it back to base after a mission and a dominatrix in either balance, just that in dating and fast line of the night, its a meet market and that starts another story.
When I got to Corpus Christi I spoke of Richard Gere looking out the blinds, naked, the blinds creating silhouettes on him as he explained he was able to pleasure a woman in need of that for years and he felt good about it. He also lived on sundecks with bikini clad hot bod sophisticates and some scum, possible Dept of Corrections, Sheriffs, Marshall, or others thought a protection racket protecting those dominas sounded just right.
Edward Paul Donegan Subject: Emerging history of the Kennedy assassination and I believe a Donegan family tie to them and Nixon Rockefeller ties to them. Inglewood home of the P-51 is central and the missing piece to this story. So is the history of Robert F. Kennedy a former DOJ employee then a Counsel to the Senator Committee on Labor Rackets and Organized Crime or said another way which was the usual the Get Hoffa Committee. Republican supported Unions used muscle against strike lines and that included Ford Motors employee a relative of Chauncey Marvin Holt and this plan of the Red Scare about labor movements overlapped internationally to as the USA suppressed independence movements and socialists governments at the very time Great Britain had lost its colonies as WWII was being fought.
The events surrounding Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s death I have a missing piece to explain but also an analysis of sufficient applicability even without my part of the story not provided still explains the situation well and perhaps even better since events unfamiliar to the listener are not present. Who is familiar to the listener of this story is Don Nixon who while RFK was staying with John Frankenheimer tried to get RFK to the Palm Springs and Nevada test grounds area. Don Nixon the brother of Richard Nixon knew of the Manchurian Candidate plot line my family is a part of and part of the reason JFK was assassinated in the dispute of Nixon’s policies. Ties to Mahue and Hughes and the CIA? Numver 5. Donald Nixon, Richard’s brother, had dreams of becoming a fast-food king. In 1957, with his hamburger stand in trouble, Donald borrowed $200,000 to shore up his business. The lender was Howard Hughes, a major defense contractor. Richard Nixon had trouble convincing anyone that he, then vice-president, had not traded favors with Hughes for the loan. During the Watergate investigation, investigators learned that Donald had been a conduit for illegal campaign contributions to Richard. Yet Richard didn’t trust his brother and ordered the Secret Service to monitor Donald’s phone calls. Donald Anthony Nixon (born December 12, 1945) is an American businessman. He is the nephew of former President Richard Nixon and the son of Richard Nixon’s brother Donald Nixon and Clara Jane Lemke. Francis Donald Nixon (November 23, 1914 June 27, 1987) was a younger brother of U.S. President Richard Nixon
Nixon and “philanthropic” robber baron families included experts like Thorkil Kristenseon. Thorkil Kristensen. 1st Secretary-General of the OECD. In office 30 September 1961 30 September 1969. who felt and struggling third world need better leaders and as the labor leaders of these nations were being suppressed Agents of Influence placed by the OSS and CIA into families around the globe were CIA aspirations to have aristocratic or politically based family members who would recieve covert aid in the political or military quest for the power in the nations they were placed in, and when in power, ally with Western nations.
It was this battle between Nixonian dirty tricks of illegal actions of subversion and overthrows funded by robber-barons world planning versus more openly democratic and independence from Great Britain Kennedy family that was where the USA fell to Treason. The globalists in the Special Relationship and CIA connections around the world built by James Jesus Angleton and careful grooming of the media supported cover treason against a large number of governments including Cuba, Indonesia, Iran, and in Latin America. This machine overlapping with Nixon’s effort in the USA against organized labor is the Great Treason in the USA, one of the many nations that fell to covert warfare.
My family (and I am the last living on and my life at great risk now) was close to Col Fletcher Prouty and that history. Here is a Prouty book. This book includes the battle to contorl Indonesia and Barrack Obama Sr. and Jr. (and other family) as CIA covert planning and other conspiracty theories too such as this was the Manchurian Candidate story line RFK was discussing with the movie producer in his Los Angeles home at the time of his campaign trail death.
The Secret Team, L. Fletcher Prouty’s expose´ of the CIA’s brutal methods of maintaining national security during the Cold War, was first published in the 1970s. However, virtually all copies of the book disappeared upon distribution, having been purchased en masse by shady “private buyers.” Prouty’s topics include:
President Kennedy tried to control the CIA.
The nature of clandestine operations.
The Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report in action
Defense, containment, and anti-communism
Khrushchev’s Challenge: the U-2 dilemma
From the Bay of Pigs to Dallas.
And much more!
This is the Donegan family story and the continuing cover-up of the JFK assasination. Mailer.html is the start file. The entire version 1 press kit that is 4 gigabytes in size might be available for download at The download contains two important and full length archived movies. One is the Battle of Britain made in 1969. The air defense of England is represented and in history from their the Royal Air-force with the US Army 8th Air Force continues over Europe to defeat the Nazi war machine. Another movie is Jet Pilot 1957 in which John Wayne plays a Cold War pilot and shows a Russian defector the secrets of Fighter Control Radio and RADAR and how it allowed strategic ground-command of fights changing WWII.
This all ties to Paul Schrade and JFK and RFK and Joseph Kennedy Sr. Kennedy Sr upon return to the USA enlisted Packard Motors to build the Rolls Royce Merlin engine used in the Spitfire and other planes turning the history of WWII with that mass production capability.
The 1950’s (even 1949) as Micheal Swanson of The War State notes was Vice President Nixon of the World Wide Meddling Program (WWMP) and the 1960’s resistance to it inside the USA, and the 1970’s was the cover-ups including Watergate, the downing of UAL 553, and TWA 800. You might note that TWA 800 went down in 1996 but it was carrying Jed Johnson. With Patty Hears and Brigid Berlin at Interviews Magazine the truth of MK-UTTRA was being revealed by those from the family members tied to it. Flight UAL 553 was likely destroyed as an act of treason as well. Doroth Hunt and others were killed on that flight.
Much of this history I and Jen Moore and others write about goes back to the Kings Speech in 1925 and FDR and others in the time of the events surrounding WWI. During that time and leading into WWII a favor was done for Edward and Albert. Bastard children were moved into the USA. Later these bastard children wanted to study a quirk gene would have offspring born under real names or under covert hidden identity names. Some of those latter births have grown into positions of power around the world, covertly as planned and now this is covered up successfully after JFK was stopped from revealing key parts of the plan. Hearst, the Windsors, Nixon, and many others did know. Others who knew were Robert Mahue and Howard Hughes and the activities surround the Desert Inn near where surplus planes were modified for covert roles around the world by the CIA and US DDO.
We are the Right Hand of the history of the United States of America and global operations with Great Britain or Children of the Right Hand. St John Hunt the child of E. Howard Hunt. Dorothy Kilgallen. Dorothy Mae Kilgallen (July 3, 1913 – November 8, 1965) was an American columnist, journalist, and television game show panelist. After spending two semesters at the College of New Rochelle, she started her career shortly before her 18th birthday as a reporter for the Hearst Corporation’s New York Evening Journal. In 1938, she began her newspaper column “The Voice of Broadway”, which was eventually syndicated to more than 140 papers. In 1950, she became a regular panelist on the television game show What’s My Line?, continuing in the role until her death.
Kilgallen’s columns featured mostly show-business news and gossip, but also ventured into other topics, such as politics and organized crime. She wrote front-page articles for multiple newspapers on the Sam Sheppard trial and, years later, events related to the John F. Kennedy assassination, such as testimony by Jack Ruby.
James L. Kilgallen, one of the nation’s best-known newspaper reporters in a career that spanned three-quarters of a century, died Tuesday night at the Mary Manning Walsh Home in Manhattan, which he had entered earlier this month. He was 94 years old. Mr. Kilgallen, who was at International News Service for 38 years, was once described by Damon Runyon as ”an editor’s dream of a reporter.” Mr. Kilgallen joined International News Service in 1920, and went on to cover major stories of the period, including the Lindbergh baby kidnapping case and the German surrender at Rheims, France, in World War II. – New York Times
US Senator George Hearst is important and mabye central to this entire story. He moved to California to confirm the existance of gold in California mountians and in the 1860’s and 1870’s era was part of J.P Morgan’s conquest of the world by hegemonic business frequently under control of or similar to the law firms Allen Dulles would serve on also a CIA Director.
Bridid Berlin daughter of Heart CEO and manager Richard Berlin and Patty Hearst daughter of Wiliam Randolph Hearst Jr. are part of the story as is Richard Nixon who as a Congressmen in California close to the William Randolph Hearst San Simeon Castle and post WWII 1949 Marshall plan to regain control of nation-states who gained independence following the withdrawal of Japanese or German forces are part of the story and Hearst may have been the rich friend who gave no money to Nixon (the Checkers the dog speech) but gave influential help to Congressman Nixon aspirations to the Vice Presidency and if Hearst Communications had its way President Richard Nixonn up the defeat or John F. Kennedy (much less Great Britain minded than Hearst or JP Morgan or Dulles) would have come to power.
The programs Nixon as US Congressman and post WWII planning and creation of the CIA out of the OSS and Marshal Plan and passage of the Mutual Defense act recommitting the allies of WWII to a common defense turned into Vice President Nixon as the head of the National Security Council planning out CIA activities around the world that come under scrutiny in the 1970’s as the New York Times and Congress revisit CIA activities and attempt political oversight.
I Ed Donegan come from a family tied to these events and though not a child of Col Fletcher Prouty or families (the Donegan’s and Prouty’s) ere very close even though I was a small child.
Both TWA flight 800 with Jed Johnson and UAL flight 553 appear to be sabotaged flights as the CIA history under Nixon and MK-ULTRA backed by industrialists like Hearst began to come out.
One thing to know about Edward VIII who will figure into this story is the world is easily decieved. Portrayed officially as a has been with no loyalty to or from the Windsor family he was in fact what the US has used in creating Flag Officers. Nobles may serve as King, as Lord Governors of parts of Great Britain or its holdings like India, or in battle may carry their coats of arms as military commanders as US Flag Officers do for instance and Admiral and his or her flag displayed on the carrier of the carrier strike group the carrier is heading.
Duke Edward led the Battle of France for Great Britain until France fell. After the war he was reassigned to Bermuda seeming isolated and holding golf matches for the rich and famous but secretly working with the CIA, Bermuda Dunes airport, and efforts in the Caribbean with Nixon and Chauncey Marvin Holt, Col Prouty, and others.
Dorothy Kilgallen will have key pieces of this story that tie into he Donegan family and bastard Windsor children used in colonies under faked names, and that too is part of the story.
If you know who Col Fletcher Prouty was the USAAF liaison between the Joint Chiefs an the CIA assassinations team (and I knew him as a fried of our Donegan family as a child) you might have read JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy. Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, the former CIA operative known as “X,” offers a history-shaking perspective on the assassination of president John F. Kennedy. His theories were the basis for Oliver Stone’s controversial movie JFK.
In 1949 China fell to Mao. The USSR was according to The Long Telegram not God fearing nor did the believe in free markets. The Iron Curtain in Europe and the Americas was a foot as was the Bamboo Curtain in the Indochina area. Australia and the USA were a threat from the V2 and even worse.
Dorthy Wetzle was working in China for the Treasury Department and barely made it out by train with a last hope of a small gun she had with her just in case but was not stopped by anyone. After that she met E. Howard Hunt who was working for the CIA as sh was reassigned to work under E. Averall Harriman on post WWII Office of Policy Coordination OSS CIA operations as the agency names and progression went Dorothy Wetzel was born in Ohio on 1st April, 1920. She became an employee for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) after the Second World War and was stationed in Shanghai, China, where she met her future husband, E. Howard Hunt. – Spartacus Educational.
In 1949 Col. Prouty will arrive in Japan and James Paul Donegan who was part of the P-51 detail for the first and second bomb drops also flew from Japan during the Korean War and against the Soviets airspace as an interceptor jet pilot later.
As Jen Moore will explain this is not a Cold War or WWII story. WWII and the Cold War are part of the James and Glorian Donegan story concealed until now. The British Empire wanted the Pacific and Americas back though they had lost most all of the globe during WWWII. Rising labor unions and workers parties were threat to getting the Pacific Islands or other nations back. Nixon and the Republicans planned dirty tricks. JFK planned economic aid packages and peacekeeping. Those all met together in USAID, the Peace Corp, and other programs but the balance between an open had helping feed and a knife in the back of WETDIVISION into an independence leaning president or press corp member would tilt the tide. The Boston Elite chose the British way, not the Kennedy and Constitutional way. That is where the treason against the USA emerges as we in what turned out be a Eugenics scheme backed secretive out of wedlock bastard children of the Windsors around the world to lead CIA backed governments around the world.
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