The Raven is a Mocking Bird Pillorying me

Ted Gunderson right hand man of RFK against the Mafia

Pillory and the mocking visit of the taunting and untruthful Raven as we Gunderson Sosbee Donegan investigate JFK

The Raven” follows an unnamed narrator on a dreary night in December who sits reading “forgotten lore” by the remains of a fire[6] as a way to forget the death of his beloved Lenore. Anythign between and any Lenore is made up but still taunted over as I press the send button trying to get my rekindling of forgotten lore out to the press and law enforcement.

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,

[Of TWA Flight 800 and a flight 553 20 yeas before]

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

“ ’Tis some visiter,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door

Only this, and nothing more.”

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.

Eagerly I wished the morrow; — vainly I had tried to borrow

From my books surcease of sorrow — sorrow for the lost Lenore —

For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore —

Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain

Thrilled me — filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating

“ ’Tis some visiter entreating entrance at my chamber door —

Some late visiter entreating entrance at my chamber door; —

This it is, and nothing more.” [page 144:]

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,

“Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;

But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,

And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,

That I scarce was sure I heard you” — here I opened wide the door; —

Darkness there, and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,

Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;

But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,

And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, “Lenore!”

This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, “Lenore!”

Merely this, and nothing more.

Then into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,

Soon I heard again a tapping somewhat louder than before.

“Surely,” said I, “surely that is something at my window lattice;

Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore —

Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;—

’Tis the wind, and nothing more!”

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,

In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore;

Not the least obeisance made he; not an instant stopped or stayed he;

But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door —

Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door —

Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,

“Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,” I said, “art sure no craven,

Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the Nightly shore —

Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!”

Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”

Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,

Though its answer little meaning — little relevancy bore;

For we cannot help agreeing that no sublunary being

Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door —

Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door,

With such name as “Nevermore.”

But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only

That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.

Nothing farther then he uttered — not a feather then he fluttered —

Till I scarcely more than muttered, “Other friends have flown before —

On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.”

Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”

Wondering at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,

“Doubtless,” said I, “what it utters is its only stock and store,

Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster

Followed fast and followed faster — so, when Hope he would adjure,

Stern Despair returned, instead of the sweet Hope he dared adjure —

That sad answer, “Nevermore!” [page 145:]

But the raven still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling,

Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust, and door;

Then upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking

Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore —

What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore

Meant in croaking “Nevermore.”

This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing

To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom’s core;

This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining

On the cushion’s velvet lining that the lamplight [[lamp-light]] gloated o’er,

But whose velvet violet lining with the lamplight [[lamp-light]] gloating o’er,

She shall press, ah, nevermore!

Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer

Swung by angels whose faint foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.

“Wretch,” I cried, “thy God hath lent thee — by these angels he hath sent

Respite — respite and Nepenthe [[nepenthe]] from thy memories of Lenore!

Let me quaff this kind Nepenthe [[nepenthe]] and forget this lost Lenore!”

Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”

“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil! — prophet still, if bird or devil!

Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,

Desolate, yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted —

On this home by Horror haunted — tell me truly, I implore —

Is there — is there balm in Gilead? — tell me — tell me, I implore!”

Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”

“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil! — prophet still, if bird or devil!

By that Heaven that bends above us — by that God we both adore —

Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,

It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore —

Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore.”

Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”

“Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!” I shrieked, upstarting —

“Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore!

Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!

Leave my loneliness unbroken! — quit the bust above my door!

Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!”

Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”

And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;

And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon that is dreaming,

And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;

And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor

Shall be lifted — nevermore!

Ted Gunderson and Geral Sosbee asserted Stalkers. FOr them I do not know for me I can use a metaphor. A Borderline Personality Disorder person listens to his laundry in the machine churning. The agitor keeps batterating at it tumbling it all around. The strange thing is, it is not even his dirty laundry. IT just a bunch of annoying noise. It seems designed to be something wrong that he senses he should go straighent out, the distorted cocophany.

Former FBI official Ted Gunderson died of cancer on July 31, 2011. Was his illness induced by silent electromagnetic assault or by other nefarious means? We will never know – and that’s just the way certain entities want it.

A former senior official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation says “rogue” military intelligence and law enforcement units of the federal government oversee a nationwide network of community-based “gang stalking” harassment, intimidation and domestic terrorism directed at thousands of U.S. citizens who have been extrajudicially targeted as “dissidents” or undesirables.

Ted Gunderson, 82, who has served as the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles, Memphis and Dallas FBI Field Offices, has stated in a series of public speaking appearances that he is now targeted by these same elements, and fears for his life and for the safety of his family. He reports that the windows of his home have been shot out, and he believes he has been poisoned and physically sickened by those seeking to silence him.

“Based on my thirty years’ experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal U.S. government rogue criminal enterprise – military intelligence, probably, tied into CIA and FBI and so forth – that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States,” Gunderson stated in an October 2008 speech posted last fall on YouTube, three years before cancer consumed him.

The Psychiatric Shock Troops being trained at the FBI DOJ looked through the psychology report just as they had done with Former Green Beret Randy Weaver and others they subjected to stress. “In this case rifle shocks will probably inflict the most trauma. He prosecuted so many mob and lost JFK and RFK, and knows about the other hits like on Marilyn Monroe, Jeffery McDonald’s wife, etc.,

“Mob calling cards to his home, rifle shots, that will shake him. If he is going to come apart, if he is going to get hysterical, this will drive him to it. If we can break his concentration, this can do it and he has to know from the time of the shots he is being watched, can be seen by his stalkers.”

10 units left the room as they went for their equipment lockers and prepared for the 12 hour shift.

“His health is bad, he won’t be a factor for too much longer and the other witnesses are aging and being hit too.”

Mr. Gunderson’s assertion of other connected Mafia violence hired by elite politicians in the oil business, banking, media, or elsewhere.

His death and his claims he was being poisoned occured at the same time I asserted I was being poisoned by radioolical raw source, 2008.

I assert the Rouge Shadow Government attacked us both to cover-up the JIF assasinnation the FBI was tied to when the FBI used Malcom X DNA with GLorian DOnegna DNA.

Murder of Sunny Bono

Ted Gunderson did not believe that Congressman Bono died accidently and the Catholic congressman Bony did attend some Scientology though always asserted he was Roman Catholic and was aslo anti mafia and anti drug dealing introducing

Mc Martin Pre School

The school founded in 1966 in Manhattan Beach Los Angeles California was part of MKULTRA, the Manhattan Project, and studying eugenics and child development by the CIA studying children in that area, area of acting and voice coaching, the speech defect included FOXP2 Syndrome

Jeffery MacDonald

A Catholic Green Beret doctor whose family was killed. He had attended Columbia Presbyterian Medical school and his wife was part of underground eugenics studies whose daughter showed symptoms the CIA Mafia needed to hide.

Marylin Monroe

FOXP2 person tied to others like Joe Dimagio and Albert Einstein and JFK and RFK. She was silenced too by the CIA mafia and again Gunerson knew the Mafia was behind it.

Murder of RFK and JFK

He never doubted these were mafia international black opps assassinations.

His own murder

He asserted he was being poisoned and I believe on many basis. He cited the DOD MKULTRA killing machine being used of GangStalk guerilla warfare inside the USA by the NWO

Sonny Bono and Peter Lawford in Sounds of Silence Cyrano de Bricker Murder on the High Seas

St Josephs or RFK murder scene people ever talk to Sunny Bono?


Special Agent In Charge Ted Gunderson was a Model FBI Agent

Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time (Hungarian is in the CIA Masonic Familes watch certain family lines over time, but keep that activity secret. That is also though secret beacuse of the other side of the vase at that level, 33 CIA using these family lines as sleeper agents for Britain if the FOXP2 gene is not detected at birth.

I , Ted L. Gunderson, hereby swear under the pains and penalties of perjury that the following statements are true and correct:

1 . My name is Ted L. Gunderson. I am tire owner and operator of Ted L. Gunderson & Associates, an international security and consulting firm based out of Santa Monica, California. I am currently a licensed private investigator in the state of California. I
have performed private investigation and security work for numerous individuals, companies, and governments worldwide since founding my firm in 1 979. 1 have worked for, amongst others, F. Lee Bailey, Esq., The California Narcotics Authority by appointment of Governor Jerry Brown, The 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Committee, and The 1979 Pan American Games in San Juan, Puerto Rico by appointment of then U.S. Attorney Genera) Griffin Bell.

1960 to 1964 and the Mob

RFK Attorny General January 21, 1961 – September 3, 1964 JFK assasinated November 22 1963

2. Previous to my work as a private investigator I spent nearly three decades in the F.B.L Between 1951 and 1960 I was an F.B.L
Special Agent
. In 1960 I was promoted as a supervisor at F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington, D.C., where I was in charge of Organized Crime and Racketeering investigations covering 26
F.B.L Field Offices nationwide
. Following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, I was re-assigned to Special Inquiry White House Matters at F.BJ. Headquarters, In 1965 I was promoted again to Assistant Special Agent-In-Charge of Internal Security and Anti-Terrorism of the F.BJ. New Haven, Connecticut Field Office. In 1970 I was promoted to Assistant Special Agent- In- Charge of the F.B.I. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Field Office.

On July 12, 1972 1 successfully negotiated with two terrorist hijackers of National Airlines Flight 496 for the release of 1 19
passengers at Philadelphia International Airport. In 1 973 I was promoted to Chief Inspector at F.BJ. Headquarters. T also served as Special Agent-In-Charge of the F.B.L Memphis and Dallas Field Offices. I retired from the F.B X as Senior Special Agent-In- Charge of the Los Angeles Field Office of the F.B.1. with over 700 employees and a budget of over 22 million dollars in 1979. *

Though the Ted Gunderson page here does not appear on I have added that color scheme to match him in his mission and his murder to the mission and murder of Jen Moore both of whom found their life histories on a matter of world events would cross both their public and private sector work.

Although Ted Gunderson died in retirement he was murdered in connection with his government job and the lawfull performance of that office in defense of the United States and NWO victims such as myself.

Born: November 7, 1928, Colorado Springs, CO Died: July 31, 2011

Born November 7, 1928, Colorado Springs, CO, likely knew of or had connections to Missile Command and Cheyenne Mountains, Aurora.

He asserted the FBI CIA and others were poisoning and Gangstalking him.

Since his retirement from the FBI in the 1979, Gunderson has been a Southern California- based private investigator. He is most noted for his defense work on the murder case involving former Army physician Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald.

The ex-FBI official’s comments represent the most compelling testimony to date indicating that “black operations” of the federal government are dedicated to waging a covert war of terror and persecution targeting American citizens.

“Based on my thirty years’ experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal U.S. government rogue criminal enterprise – military intelligence, probably, tied into CIA and FBI and so forth – that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States,” Gunderson stated in an October 2008 speech posted last fall on YouTube.

NOTE: It appears that the link to the Ted Gunderson YouTube video has been sabotaged. Please search “Ted Gunderson” and “YouTube” and look for the link to his speech at the Gulf Symposium. I believe this is more blatantly illegal and malicious interference with telecommunications by operatives of Lockheed Martin, under contract to U.S. Homeland-mil-intel, or another entity representing the agencies, commands and corporations of the U.S. fusion center network.

The CIA has a long history of helping to kill leaders around the world *

According to North Korea’s ministry of state security, the CIA has not abandoned its old ways. In a statement on Friday, it accused that the CIA and South Korea’s intelligence service of being behind an alleged recent an assassination attempt on its leader Kim Jong-un. [Fidel Castro displays murder plot headline
Close but no cigar: how America failed to kill Fidel Castro]

The attempt, according to the ministry, involved “the use of biochemical substances including radioactive substance and nano poisonous substance” and the advantage of this was it “does not require access to the target (as) their lethal results will appear after six or 12 months”.

… the US never totally abandoned the strategy, simply changing the terminology from assassination to targeted killings, from aerial bombing of presidents to drone attacks on alleged terrorist leaders. Aerial bomb attempts on leaders included Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi in 1986, Serbia’s Slobodan Milosevic in 1999 and Iraqi president Saddam Hussein in 2003.

  • “The CIA formed ISIS.” – Wayne Madsen, former Naval Officer and NSA Officer
  • “The CIA is funding ISIS through secret Swiss Bank accounts.” – Dr Scott Bennett, Army Intelligence Officer
  • “There is no al-Qaeda. The so called al-Qaeda that we see are actually with Mossad & CIA …trained mercenary gangs” – Robin Cook, British Foreign Secretary
  • The CIA and FBI “are behind most, if not all terrorism.” – Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief
  • “The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” – William Colby, former CIA Director (Dead under suspicious circumstances trying to out the Family Jewels program)

Free Masons promote political participation

Upon graduating from Georgetown in 1968, Clinton won a Rhodes Scholarship to University College, Oxford, where he initially read for a B.Phil. in philosophy, politics, and economics but transferred to a B.Litt. in politics and, ultimately, a B.Phil. in politics.[20] Clinton did not expect to return for the second year because of the draft and so he switched programs; this type of activity was common among other Rhodes Scholars from his cohort. He had received an offer to study at Yale Law School, Yale University, and so he left early to return to the United States and did not receive a degree from Oxford.

Patomic Fever

Beware catching Potomac FeverRobert UnderwoodFor PDN * carried in USA Today

Potomac Fever is that overwhelming sense of attraction to power by crossing the Potomac River into Washington D.C. It’s that invigorating feeling that you are at the center of power and a potential mover and shaker. You look at the monuments, visit the Capitol Building and go to the museums. You don’t think you are Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan, but you start to think you know them.

Jul 24 1963
Bill Clinton Meets President John F. Kennedy through the American Legion free masons program Boys Nation

Bill Clinton and Cohen were among 100 teenage boys representing their home states in an American Legion program, Boys Nation. They spent a week in Washington visiting with Secretary of State Dean Rusk, holding mock elections, debating issues and passing legislation.

David Dean Rusk (February 9, 1909 – December 20, 1994) was the United States Secretary of State from 1961 to 1969 under presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. He had been a high government official in the 1940s and early 1950s, as well as the head of a leading foundation.

Born to a poor farm family in Cherokee County, Georgia, Secretary of State Dean Rusk graduated from Davidson College and was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, where he immersed himself in English history and customs. After teaching college in California he taught at Mills College he became an army officer in the war against Japan. He served as a staff officer in the China Burma India Theater, becoming a senior aide to Joseph Stilwell, the top American general. As a civilian he became a senior official in 1945 at the State Department, rising to the number three position under Dean Acheson. He became Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs in 1950. In 1952, Rusk left to became president of the Rockefeller Foundation.

Notable Events July 4, 1963 (Thursday)

Constitution of Austria

The Constitution of Austria was amended to ease the 1919 act that had declared that “In the interest of the security of the Republic the former holders of the Crown and other members of the House of Habsburg-Lothringen are banished from the country”, providing an exception for descendants of the former monarchs if they elected to “expressly renounce their membership of this House”.[11]

Birth of Christopher G. Kennedy

Christopher G. Kennedy, U.S. businessman, in Boston, to Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Skakel Kennedy, the eighth of their eleven children

When does the CIA or OSS or big name politicians find themselves with something to hide?

It is my theory in writing this book and analyzing the attacks on me including Directed Energy Weapons (Dirty bombs by source materials exposure or directed energy from source materials ) and other harassment of me.

It is my theory Colin and Alma Powell were part of this as were the Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush bush family members, co-ordinating CIA backed oil, defense, and business ventures around the world and using American Legion and other ex military for hits to support doing business in places hostile to US businesses.

Google knowledge panel retrieved from link and copied or modified to here

Colin Luther Powell is an American politician, diplomat and retired four-star general who served as the 65th United States Secretary of State from 2001 to 2005. Powell was the first African-American Secretary of State.

Born: April 5, 1937 Harlem, New York, NY

This included grooming leaders for Indonesian ques like Barrack Obama and also assignations of unfriendly sovereign, this was Project Pegasus in which Columbia University Manhattan New York on the Columbia river planned out Barrack Obama’s career, back by republican Colin Powell.

In the 2008 time frame Barrack Obama was coming to power, probably backed by the Bush family, and it was similar to the Business Plot, but continued as Operation 40 with long term groomed leaders groomed as “the families” of elite societies and government secret programs.

February 18 dog whistle Jean name

Dear Ms. Taitz.

I have been monitoring your efforts at a distance reference the eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as POTUS. I see that you are now filing suit reference his many SSNs.

I have a copy of Obama’s selective service card with the SSN affixed. I, as a small business owner have access to the Social Security Number Verification System. As a result, I checked the SSNVS for the SSN Obama used for registering with Selective Service. The SSNVS search resulted in a report sheet that states that number Obama used to register for Selective Service was never issued.

Let me be direct i have not agreed with many of your tactics in this endeavor. However, I have continued to follow your efforts to see where there may be synergy and this is one.

Therefore if you think the documents will be helpful, please let me know and I will send you the PDF files for both the Selective Service Card and the SSNVS report that states that SSN was never issued.


Greg Hollister

Gregory S. Hollister, Colonel, USAF, Retired, President, Hollister Enterprises, LLC2

A Colorado Springs “birther,” retired Air Force Col. Gregory Hollister, has Internet blogs abuzz with what may be an illegal foray into an online Social Security data base and how he obtained a copy of President Barack Obama’s draft registration from 1980.

“Col. Greg Hollister, USAF (Ret.) contacted the Selective Service, falsely impersonated President Obama, improperly registered his own address as President Obama’s address, and by this false impersonation and identity theft he managed to obtain a duplicate registration acknowledgement card with President Obama’s Selective Service information on it,” a blogger posted on last week. “This may violate several federal criminal statutes, and apparently caused the federal record of President Obama’s address with the Selective Service to be altered to show that he lives in Colorado Springs, CO.” *

Greg Hollister: Conceived and led test and evaluation effort to augment the Air Force Satellite Control Network with commercial services. Direct interface with SMC, HQ AFSPC and 50th Space Wing. Authored paper projecting the military space market and Co-authored paper projecting the military and commercial space markets.

United States Air Force Academy, Degree Name BS Degrees Field Of Study Management and Economics Activities and Societies: Intramural boxing, football, soccer, water polo, basketball BS Management/BS Economics

United States Air Force Academy Developing leaders of character for the nation’s Air and Space Forces

Cheyene Mountains and NORAD

In 2008 my father had cancer in his groin entering his lymph nodes, Gunderson said he was poisoned, my mother Glorian in odd and suspicious reported events had ovary surgery, and Brittany Spears got gangstalked and held incompetent Feb 20 and in that time Briana took over the song Umbrella and it referenced the Rockefeller and MKULTRA like program to bring up the economies of g5 countries.

I think this all ties to brain research and picking and chosing future leaders, and hiding those with similar brain genes from the success which would otherwise identify them.

MEMPHIS, Tenn . – The son of former FBI special agent Ted Gunderson, who was head of the bureau’s office in Memphis during a long career, says his father has died at the age of 82.

Greg Gunderson tells The Associated Press that his father died of cancer July 31 [a few days shout of August 4 2011] at his home in Memphis. Gunderson said his father worked on high-profile cases such as the death of Marilyn Monroe, the assassination of President John Kennedy, and

He would also as an FBI and also as a private attorney upon retirement work on numerous cases including the JFK assassination, Mc Martin child abuse case of Manhattan Beach, California, with odd CIA activities testing children in odd secret ways in carefully hidden testing areas.

I think these were were sleeper agenst were tested by people like Donald Barr and Sidney Gotlieb and Obama was among the various child developement studies going on at Manhattan Beach California

Also in Colorado Springs NORAD NORCOM home of Ted Gunderson

Jerome Archibald Gunderson [Father of Ted Gunderson] BIRTH Jun 16 1898 South Dakota, USA DEATH Aug 3 1951 (aged 53)

At Any Price movie person caught in farming web while racing cars?

Jerome A. “Jerry” Gunderson, 54, former owner of the Motor Parts company in Lincoln, died Wednesday morning in St. Paul, Minn.
After living in Lincoln for about six years, Gunderson was transferred by the Ramco company to Madison, Wis., where he lived for over a year prior to his death. He had previously lived in Iowa City, Ia., Kansas City, Denver, and Colorado Springs. He was a native of South Dakota.

He was a member of the First Presbyterian church and Elks while in Lincoln. Funeral services will be held here.

He is survived by his wife, Blanche; a daughter, Joan, and a son, Ted. Another son, Jerry, Jr., was killed during World War II in the European theater. He was in the Army Air Corps.

The Lincoln Star, Lincoln, NE, Thur, Aug 2, 1951

The Lincoln Star, Lincoln, NE, Sat, Aug 4, 1951 Contributor: Kathy Monical (49101662)

USNORTHCOM’s specific mission:

United States Northern Command Defends Our Homeland – Deters, detects, and defeats threats to the United States, conducts security cooperation activities with allies and partners, and supports civil authorities.

USNORTHCOM’s AOR includes air, land and sea approaches and encompasses the continental United States, Alaska, Canada, Mexico and the surrounding water out to approximately 500 nautical miles. It also includes the Gulf of Mexico, the Straits of Florida, portions of the Caribbean region to include The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The commander of USNORTHCOM is responsible for theater security cooperation with Canada, Mexico, and The Bahamas.


North American Aerospace Defense Command F-22 fighter aircraft, supported by KC-135 air refuelers, intercepted three groups of two Tu-142 Russian maritime patrol aircraft that entered the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone late last night.

NORAD employs a layered defense network of radars, satellites, and fighter aircraft to identify aircraft and determine the appropriate response. The identification and monitoring of aircraft entering a US or Canadian ADIZ demonstrates how NORAD executes its aerospace warning and aerospace control missions for the United States and Canada.

“Our northern approaches have had an increase in foreign military activity as our competitors continue to expand their military presence and probe our defenses,” said General Glen D. VanHerck, commander of NORAD. “This year, we’ve conducted more than a dozen intercepts, the most in recent years. The importance of our continued efforts to project air defense operations in and through the north has never been more apparent.”

Operation NOBLE EAGLE is the name given to all air sovereignty and air defense missions in North America. NORAD is a binational command focused on the defense of both the U.S. and Canada, the response to potential aerospace threats does not distinguish between the two nations, and draws on forces from both countries.

June 22, 2011. Number. 458. Captured. James Joseph “Whitey” Bulger Jr. later silenced by mob hit to keep him from talking.

US investigating possible mysterious directed energy attack near White House last year retrieved from and copied or modified to here originally by By Katie Bo Williams and Jeremy Herb, CNN | Updated – Apr. 29, 2021

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Federal agencies are investigating at least two possible incidents on U.S. soil [including inside United States FMC Butner prison facility I should not have been under arrest and held in] , including one near the White House in November of last year, that appear similar to mysterious, invisible attacks that have led to debilitating symptoms for dozens of U.S. personnel abroad.

Multiple sources familiar with the matter tell CNN that while the Pentagon and other agencies probing the matter have reached no clear conclusions on what happened, the fact that such an attack might have taken place so close to the White House is particularly alarming.

Defense officials briefed lawmakers on the Senate and House Armed Services Committees on the matter earlier this month, including on the incident near the White House. That incident, which occurred near the Ellipse, the large oval lawn on the south side of the White House, sickened one National Security Council official, according to multiple current and former U.S. officials and sources familiar with the matter.

In a separate 2019 episode, a White House official reported a similar attack while walking her dog in a Virginia suburb just outside Washington, GQ reported last year.

Those sickened reported similar symptoms to CIA and State Department personnel impacted overseas, and officials quickly began to investigate the incident as a possible “Havana syndrome” attack. That name refers to unexplained symptoms that U.S. personnel in Cuba began experiencing in late 2016 – a varying set of complaints that includes ear-popping, vertigo, pounding headaches and nausea, sometimes accompanied by an unidentified “piercing directional noise.”

Rumors have long swirled around Washington about similar incidents within the United States. While the recent episodes around Washington appear similar to the previous apparent attacks affecting diplomats, CIA officers and other U.S. personnel serving in Cuba, Russia and China, investigators have not determined whether the puzzling incidents at home are connected to those that have occurred abroad or who may be behind them, sources tell CNN.

Miller said he began to see reports of these mysterious symptoms as a higher priority in December, after interviewing an alleged victim with extensive combat experience.

“When this officer came in and I knew his background and he explained in an extraordinarily detailed but more military-style that I could understand, I was like this is actually for real,” Miller said. “This kid had been in combat a bunch and he knew.”

The CIA began its task force in December 2020, and expanded its efforts under new Director William Burns, who vowed during his confirmation hearings to review the evidence on the alleged [FBI, CIA, and US Military] attacks on CIA personnel overseas [possibly in conjuction with US Dept of State security actors], which have long been publicly reported. The State Department named a senior official to lead the department’s response to the “Havana syndrome” attacks in March.

The Defense Department’s effort is thought to be among the most robust, potentially explaining why a defense official, rather than the intelligence community or the FBI, briefed lawmakers on the incident at the Ellipse, even though it took place on U.S. soil.

[a] Syria episode highlights the difficulties that U.S. officials face in trying to pin down what is and isn’t an attack. The symptoms often vary, and officials still have no clear sense of how the unknown adversary is doing what it’s doing. At least one former U.S. official with knowledge of the matter said that investigators still haven’t completely ruled out the possibility that the symptoms are caused by some kind of naturally occurring phenomenon rather than a weapon.


Happy “Official” Birthday Queen Elizabeth II! (Her “real” birthday is April 21.) The Queen of Hollywood met the Queen of England on October 29, 1956 while attending the Royal Command Performance of the film Battle of the River Plate

Glorian Donegan also born in 1926.

Google knowledge panel retrieved from Marilyn Monroe
American actress
and copied or modified to here

Marilyn Monroe was an American actress, model, and singer. Famous for playing comedic “blonde bombshell” characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and early 1960s and was emblematic of the era’s sexual revolution.

Born: June 1, 1926, Los Angeles, CA Died: August 4, 1962, Brentwood, Los Angeles, CA

D State Aanlytis

GIbbson Island *

Our interest in Gibson Island started when a crowd-sourced effort noted that Robert S. Mueller III was a Summer resident, as was his father (the “2nd”) and grandfather (the “1st”.)

Since our first look almost four years ago, we have discovered a plethora of “coup-plotters”, “eugenics-promoters”, “false-flag fellows”, “assassination planners”, “cold-war conspirators” and other nefarious characters made their Summer home on Gibson Island or were members of the Gibson Island Club. [Guarded and gated Gibson Island only has about 150 homes now, and had only about 50 through the early 1960s, so we feel comfortable assuming most everybody knew each other.

If the “Deep State” was in the form of an international corporation’s organizational chart, quite a few of Gibson Island’s residents would be represented as Deep State board members, owners, or have “C” Suite positions in the “Deep State Parent Co.”

What’s In A Name? Or a calander date? Nov 18 Dec 13 Aug 4 and 1926
Name Interesting Element Possible Meaning Interesting Dates
Queen Mother, mother of Elizabeth II Born Aug 4
Jean Paul “Gene” Ludwig BIRTH 17 Feb 1890 France DEATH 19 Jun 1981

Jean Paul “Gene” Ludwig BIRTH 17 Feb 1890 France DEATH 19 Jun 1981 (aged 91) San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County, California, USA
BURIAL Arroyo Grande Cemetery Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, California, USA PLOT Section G/H MEMORIAL ID 74135189 ·

Audubon Invasion? Jean was born in France in 1890, emigrated to the United States in 1924, and was assigned SSN 042-68-4425 in or about March, 1977 1977 Arnold in Streets of San Francisco, 1924 Wembley time frame, 1890 gene appears Barrack Obama something in 1977
Queen Elizabeth II Queen of Diamonds, Family Jewels, Manchurian Candidate in the USA she controls with the CIA and DARPA BMarries Prince Phillip November 18

Lael or Gael what will be needed?

Lael Brainard

The daughter of an American diplomat, Brainard was born in Hamburg and spent her childhood in West Germany and Poland as a daughter of the U.S. foreign-service officer and diplomat. Her father Alfred Brainard, grew up in West Germany and later Poland in the period before the Revolutions of 1989 and the Fall of the Berlin Wall. She graduated from Wesleyan University in 1983 and received a PhD from Harvard University in 1989 as a National Science Foundation Fellow. She was a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for six years before joining the Clinton administration as an economic advisor in 1997. She then worked as a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution from 2001 to 2009.

Brainard was nominated by Barack Obama to serve as the Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs at the Department of the Treasury on March 23, 2009.[2] She was confirmed to the position by a 78-19 vote in the U.S. Senate on April 20, 2010, and was sworn in on the same day.[3] She tendered her position on November 8, 2013, amid indicators in the professional community that she would be a viable nomination to the Fed board.

Following the resignation of Elizabeth Ashburn Duke, Brainard was nominated to the Fed board on January 13, 2014, alongside Stanley Fischer and Jerome Powell. She was confirmed by a 61-31 vote in the U.S. Senate on June 12, 2014;[5] her 14-year term began four days later when she was sworn in by Fed chair Janet Yellen.[6] She now serves as administrative governor and chair of four committees: Financial Stability; Federal Reserve Bank Affairs; Consumer and Community Affairs; and Payments, Clearing and Settlements.

(born January 1, 1962) is an American economist who has served on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors since 2014. She previously served as the United States Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from 2010 to 2013.

JOANNE ELEGANT WED; She Is Bride Upstate of Lieut Alfred P. Brainard, Army [SIGINT] Special to The New York Times. Sept. 2, 1956

Brainard, January 1, Wesleyan University in 1983, West German 1962 Intel Community, Diplomacy
Leslianne Shedd Shedd Ann and “Shedd” Anne, Princess Royal is the second child and only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Shedd could be those not officially from Windsor family but known of out of wedlock Born in 1968, Died Nov 24
Gene “Chip” Tatum The name Gene Born into and describes Project Pegasus special forces work, Colin Powell, Oli North, and related assasinations programs

Eve Meyer (born Evelyn Eugene Turner died)

Robina van Lanschot refused to reboard and was sole survivor of KLM. *

The pilot of Flight 4805 was Jacob van Zanten, one of KLM’s most experienced flyers. But on March 27, 1977, senior the pilot who had logged more than 11,000 hours in the cockpit made a mistake that still baffles aviation experts today.

Girls named Eugene Evelyn Eugene Turner December 13, 1928 – March 27, 1977)[1] was an American pin-up model, motion picture actress, and film producer. Much of her work was done in conjunction with sexploitation filmmaker Russ Meyer, to whom she was married from 1952 to 1969. She was killed in the Tenerife airport disaster in 1977. Near April 1 Canary Islands (Africa 543 people dead as

KLM plane rams a Pan Am plane

Sounds like Kamikaze. KLM Plane and Pan Am plane diverted to Spanish Kingdom airport. Pan Am and KLM plane stuck for long hours no cell phones, too packed for passengers to have room for terminal, effectively incommunicado. No center lights on runways, they are out. System is plane in front taxiing goes to top or runwway turns around and takes off. KLM turns itself into a bomb, turns on a path towards Pan Am behind it and 9/11 style collides. KLM had extra fuel, all killed. Cuba born US NTSB investigator unwelcome but respected by King of Spain local airport inspector also born in Cuba *.

DAC member profile: The Netherlands


Albert Plesman was born as the son of an egg trader from The Hague. In 1915 he joined the mobilized Dutch airforce as a professional officer, at the time still called the “militaire luchtvaartafdeling” (military aviation department), in Soesterberg. After World War I, in which the Netherlands remained neutral, he started the organization of ELTA, the “Eerste Luchtverkeer Tentoonstelling Amsterdam” (First Aviation Exhibition Amsterdam), held from 1 Augus till 14 September 1919. For that occasion enormous halls (hangars) were built. Right after the exhibition these were used by Anthony Fokker, for his new company Nederlandse Vliegtuigenfabriek (Dutch Aircraft Factory), subsequently the Fokker airplane factory.

All these activities led to the establishment of the Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM), of which Plesman became director, and which he made a flourishing company. After World War II Plesman was appointed president-director of KLM. After the recovery from the war the company became a renowned airline company under his leadership. On 25 February 1946, KLM had the first airline flights from continental Europe to the USA.

The Royal Military Academy (Dutch: Koninklijke Militaire Academie or KMA) is the service academy for the Dutch Army, the Dutch Air Force, and the Royal Marechaussee. Located in Breda, the Netherlands, the KMA has trained future officers since 1828

. Netherlands Member of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) since 1961

Julian Assange Many Julius Julian Julius or July names Born July 3 1971 Mitochondra wiped by xray tube turned his hair white. NSA GCHQ faked case prisoner
Norma Jean Normal Genes Born in 1926, perhaps Three Tramps, Glorian, Victoria Windsor, or Dick Windsor, or others. Born 1926, died August 4
Kristen Jean MacDonald Like Norma Jean, killed by CIA, mitochondria stolen from investigation. Investigage by Ted Gunderson, killed by the CIA. Clone of Windsor Kutscheras Feb 17 Chicago and Columbia University, died Fort Bragg NC
Chelsea Victoria Clinton (born February 27, 1980)
Robert Swan Mueller III Swan (bird – ornathology and eggs, III 3rd grandson or grandaughter) Mueller was born on August 7, 1944, at Doctors Hospital in the New York City borough of Manhattan,[10][11] the first child of Alice C. Truesdale (1920-2007) and Robert Swan Mueller, Jr. (1916-2007). His father was an executive with DuPont who had served as a Navy officer in the Atlantic and Mediterranean theaters during World War II.[12] His father majored in psychology at Princeton University and played varsity lacrosse, both of which he followed August 7, 1944 in the birthday week of August 4 A graduate of Princeton University and New York University, Mueller served as a Marine Corps officer during the Vietnam War, receiving a Bronze Star for heroism and a Purple Heart. He subsequently attended the University of Virginia School of Law. Mueller is a registered Republican in Washington, D.C., and was appointed and reappointed to Senate-confirmed positions by presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama

Singer from Italy Sonny “Jean” Bono was born in Detroit

Died of massive head injury skiing, said to have hit a tree

Bono was born in Detroit to Santo Bono (born in Montelepre, Palermo, Italy) and Zena “Jean” Bono (née DiMercurio).

The accident occurred when Bono left his family to ski alone on the afternoon of January 5 1998. He was reported missing several hours later, and his body was found that evening. Police said Bono had skied into a wooded area and hit a tree; the cause of death was massive head injuries.

Bono decided early in life to become part of the music business, and began writing songs as a teenager.[5] “Koko Joe”, a song he wrote at age 16, was recorded by Don and Dewey in 1958, and later covered by several other artists including The Righteous Brothers.[6] Bono attended Inglewood High School, but did not graduate, opting to drop out so he could begin to pursue a career as a songwriter and performer.

Bono was married four times. He married his first wife, Donna Rankin, on November 3, 1954. Their daughter Christine (“Christy”) was born on June 24, [not July 4] 1958. They divorced in 1962.

Britney Spears


(btw whattup with Born Nov 17 1992)

Organized Stalk melts her down it appears THEN new Hostile Trust roadblocks her to Under My Umbrella and is rewritten to Rihanna
Barbadian singer Rockefeller and OECD work


Umbrella Intended for Brittany Spears but re-written and Given to Riahna by Brittany Spears Trust Fund managers

“No clouds in my stones
Let it rain, I hydroplane in the bank
Coming down like the Dow Jones
When the clouds come, we gone, we Roc-A-Fella
We fly higher than weather, in G5’s or better
You know me (You know me)
In anticipation for precipitation, stack chips for the rainy day
Jay-Rain Man is back
With Little Miss Sunshine, Rihanna, where you at?”

Group of Five From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia * The Group of Five (G5) encompasses five nations which have joined together for an active role in the rapidly evolving international order. Individually and as a group, the G5 nations work to promote dialogue and understanding between developing and developed countries. The G5 seek to find common solutions to global challenges.[1] In the 21st century, the G5 were understood to be the five largest emerging economies, and these are:[2]

  • Brazil
  • China
  • India
  • Mexico
  • South Africa

Man with the Umbrella and JFK murder? Three Tramps?

Feb 20, 2007 committed to psych ward, attacks on Ed Donegan and Gunderson, Rihanna
Barbadian singer Born: February 20, 1988 takes over song written for spears and rewritten for Rihanna about OECD work
Brittany Murphy Brittany Girl Interrupted movie, Borderline Personality Disorder, suspicious death maybe poisoned Born Nov 10 1977 Atlanta Georgia, Died: December 20, 2009,
Glorian Donegan Ann Princess like Anne Feb 20 Nov 18 Dec 13 1926 Secret Identity my family lilkely promised to keep for me, Edward Donegan’s safety in return
Brit Hume American journalist Brit graduated

St. Albans School (STA)

is an independent college preparatory day and boarding school for boys in grades 4-12, located in Washington, D.C.[2] The school is named after Saint Alban, traditionally regarded as the first British martyr. Founded in 1909 St. Albans had the 11th-highest success rate in placing graduates at 10 selective universities.

Sotts Heritage, British Military, Sandhurst Military namesake of Sandy Hume? Sandy Hume dead Feb 22 1998 in Maryland as Malia Ann Obama born born July 4 1998
Edward Donegan Edward (Ned) I have been told I was a grandson of an abdicated King, likely King Edward VIII with same FOXP2 gene Feb 20 Nov 18 birth Nov 19 Birth Certificate Dec 13 Glorian Donegan birthday
Malcom X and also his Shabazz and Little named relatives arrested or dead at anums X of XY, Y is Glorian Donegan, FBI selected GLorian and Malcom X Shabazz and Little other Malcom X family names, changed at time FBI recruited him. Malcom X wrote FBI I think and FBI had a file on him, FBI might have decided he could be used as an asset inside the system for a long term goal Feb 20 April 1962 dates all over the place in his magazine, dead on February 20 France
Barrack Obama Jr Named changed from BHO for some possible reason Wears Aristocrats clothing on November 19 portrait possible connected by painter to Bone Marrow and medicine I think Feb 20 Nov 18 Dec 13, claim is Aug 4 birth, Life Magazine 1961 Aug, 3 mos shift from Feb 2(0) marriage conception in Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham
Antony Blinken

Is son of Jewish Poles. Consider Manchurian Candidate 1962 and Mossad, England assassinate JFK

DOJ Biden Kamala Harris appointee uses ABLinken (Abe Lincoln) as band name)

Blinken was born on April 16, 1962, in Yonkers, New York, to Jewish parents, Judith (Frehm) and Donald M. Blinken, the former United States Ambassador to Hungary.[ Born: April 1 6 (16), 1962 (age 59 years), Yonkers, NY
Tom Cruise Cruise Missiles In the movie Minority Report and keeping or destroying files about what might happen in future crimes. Born July 4 1962, year of movie Manchurian Candidate 1962, Independence Day it seems, but in Minority Report, Precogs like William Barr were destroying some file about the future, but keeping them elsehwere at 58 minutes during Blue Hydrangea genetics horticulture. At 1:23 the wonderfull thing it is to be a Precog and stop conventional policing needs, perhaps a Precog is a sort of Princedom
Victoia Windsor Victoria and Windsor Ancestry researcher working with Micheal Hastings on Colubia University (MKULTRA) connected history of the 44th President, Project Pegasus
Victorias Secret Victoria and Secret Ghislaine Maxwell 25 December 1961 British Socialite tied to Epstien Brain Foundation research, yacht with large Rear End is yacht the Lady Ghislaine awaiting Suicide in federal detention facility. Beware the Quad of August
Jeffrey Eugenides Eugenics, Jeffries Tube? Wrote “The Bastar” and possible as The Bastard Children. Plot for move The Switch is when semen used wrongly, the personality of the born reveals true genetic origins by personality characteristics, behavioral observations
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (POTUS) was born November 20, 1942,[1] at St. Mary’s Hospital in Scranton, Pennsylvania,[2] to Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Biden (née Finnegan) and Joseph Robinette Biden Sr.[3][ Birds and Eggs?Audobon? Eugenia “Jean” Biden? Neilia Hunter Biden (July 28, 1942 – December 18, 1972) was an American teacher and the first wife of Joe Biden, the 46th and current president of the United States. She died in a car crash in 1972 along with her one-year-old daughter, Naomi. Her two sons, Beau and Hunter, were critically injured but survived the wreck. Born November 20, 1942, first wife and other die in car crash Dec 18 1972
Jonestown Common generic name for US citizens The settlement became internationally known when, on November 18, 1978, a total of 918[1][2] people died, invstigated as CIA race research site for new peace outlook November 18
Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Eugenia Long term Eugenics twins studies, POTUS Biden mother
Three Tramps Some reference to the Kings Daghters?
Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette (French: [kɔ.lɛt]; 28 January 1873 – 3 August 1954), known mononymously as Colette, was a French author and woman of letters. She was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948 and was also known as a mime, actress, and journalist. Colette is best remembered for her 1944 novella Gigi, which was the basis for the 1958 film and the 1973 stage production of the same name. Colette as a girl’s name is pronounced ko-LET. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Colette is “people of victory”.
Colette MacDonald (née StevensonO) wife of Dr .Jeffery McDonald who attended Columbia University Presbyterian Medical Colette married, not Penny Wells Colette as a girl’s name is pronounced ko-LET. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Colette is “people of victory”.
Roger Eugene Ailes May 15, 1940 May 18, 2017

He married his third wife Elizabeth Tilson (born 1960) on February 14, 1998

Novermber 18th termination deal reached

Head injury

Thomas Crane Wales (2006 anonymous confession of murder, 2006-2007 time frame after 2001 murder) Crane (Bird)(Crane Group, CIA) Prince of Wales King Edward VIII (Not York) Queen Ann Seattle, “gidgt or “gadget?” On August 3, 2001, Wales’s office filed a response to Anderson’s lawsuit in federal district court. “ Cloning research associated date An AUSA who could go after the mafia cartel, unless they contract kill him, from near the Las Vegas Proving Grounds,
The “Gadget” was the implosion plutonium device detonated in the Trinity Test in July 1945. Manhattan Project scientists had to overcome difficult scientific and engineering challenges to design and build the Gadget.
Wilbur Crane Eveland was an intelligence agent known for his work with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the Middle East. He was born on July 1, 1918, in Spokane, Washington Crane, July 4, CIA Overthrows, Indonesia, Obama, 1962 Aug 4 Creates Obama for Suherto Group to overthrow indonesia

In 1940, Eveland joined the United States Army, where in January 1941 he was recruited as an agent for the Corps of Intelligence Police, later known as the Counter Intelligence Corps.

From 1959 to 1961 (MENA AIrport established), Eveland was on CIA assignment to Rome, Italy, under cover as a Vinnell Corporation engineering company executive in charge of petroleum related construction, maintenance, and training projects in the Middle East and Africa. In 1962, he resigned from the CIA to become the vice president of Vinnell, although he was retained as an unpaid consultant to the CIA to maintain his security clearances. In the 1970s, Eveland worked as a consultant for various companies in the petroleum industry.

In 1986 Eveland sued (was at odds with) the later existing CIA and its director at the time, William J. Casey over the conduct of the United States Government and its policies in the Middle East. Others named in the suit included Richard Helms, William E. Colby, Kermit Roosevelt Sr., Archibald B. Roosevelt, Henry Kissinger, Robert McFarlane, James J. Angleton and George P. Shultz. The suit was dismissed in April 1988.

What is the meaning of name Britney?

Google People Also Ask panel retrieved from link and copied or modified to here

What is the meaning of the name Britney? The name Britney is primarily a female name of English origin that means From Great Britain. Britney Spears, singer.

Britney’s father Jamie filed court documents on Tuesday, June 29, asking Judge Brenda Penny to open an investigation into the “serious allegations” raised by his daughter in court. Britney claimed at last week’s hearing, among other things, that she was forced to go on tour; put on lithium medication that she didn’t want to be on and which left her impaired and scared; and taken away to a facility where she felt she “couldn’t walk out the front door.” Spears said she felt like she had her personal liberty taken away and wanted her IUD removed so that she could have more children, but was not permitted to do so.

In his court documents, Jamie now says he wants to find out whether Britney’s claims are accurate. He told the court that he has “worked tirelessly to manage and protect” his daughter and her estate since he was appointed her conservator in 2008. Now, he believes “it is important for the integrity of the conservatorships and in the best interest of Ms. Spears for the court to order an investigation into the issues and claims” raised by Britney. If her claims are true, then “corrective action must be taken,” and if not, then the conservatorship “can continue its course,” according to his legal petition filed.

Wright said it has always been Montgomery’s mission to “assist and encourage Britney in her path to no longer needing a conservatorship of the person.” The statement also notes that there is nothing standing in the way of Britney’s right to marriage or to have children, and that Montgomery is standing by ready to assist her with either: “Britney’s choice to marry and to start a family have never been impacted by the conservatorship while Ms. Montgomery has been the conservator of the person.”

A Bipolar desire to have a child *

Jodi [a conservator seemingly approved of by Spears though at odds with Jamie] filed her docs on Wednesday, claiming that she has been receiving threats of violence and death since Britney’s explosive court statement in June. In the docs, Jodi asked for 24/7 security to be paid for by the estate, and claimed that Jamie was OK with such a request.

Per the most recent docs, though, while Jamie “is very concerned” about the “dangerous rhetoric” and “increasing number of threatening communications and social media posts” directed at people involved in Britney’s case, he “objects to Ms. Montgomery’s request for 24/7 live security services for herself at a cost of over $50,000 per month to the Conservatorship Estate for an indefinite period of time.”

The docs allege that Jodi “has not provided sufficient detail, specific facts, or special circumstances to justify such an expense,” additionally claiming that she “improperly and inexplicably seeks to shift the burden of ensuring her safety” to Jamie.

In the docs, Jamie’s lawyers note that Jodi is not the only person involved in the case who has received such threats, pointing to Jamie himself and Britney’s former court-appointed lawyer, Sam Ingham, as others who have experienced similar things.

LESLIANNE SHEDD, 1968-1996 Leslianne Shedd, who fulfilled a lifelong ambition to work in foreign service by joining the U.S. State Department right after graduating from the Jackson School of International Studies, died Nov. 24, 1996, in the crash of a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines jet, which fell into the Indian Ocean off the Comoros Islands

From: @EddoneganB to: @britneyspears via Twitter

if this can be done you and Jamie study #gangstalking #OrganizedStalks #TargetedIndividuals and how things vaguely but menacingly out of the ordinary are paid actors who do cause a sense of concern in the stalked person. Others activities distort viewer perceptions

@britneyspears @sftomdunham
NOT CRAZY, NOT SEEING THINGS, rather experiencing out of place things by hostile parties goading, stalking, harrassing, menacing you you, even knowing things they shouldn’t or woudln’t know, and TAUNTING that!

Lawford Shrivers Connection

Google knowledge panel retrieved from Sargent Shriver
Former United States Ambassador to France
and copied or modified to here

Robert Sargent Shriver Jr. was an American diplomat, politician and activist. As the husband of Eunice Kennedy Shriver, he was part of the Kennedy family. Wikipedia
Born: November 9, 1915, Westminster, MD Died: January 18, 2011, Bethesda, MD

Shriver was the driving force behind the creation of the Peace Corps, and founded the Job Corps, Head Start, VISTA (With the Herman Edward Butt family), Upward Bound, and other programs

RD.COM True Stories Bombshell: Documents Throw New Light on Marilyn Monroe’s Death

Monroe was drawn to powerful men and keenly interested in politics. She had had an on-off dalliance with John Kennedy since before his election in 1960 and met Robert just before her 1962 Mexico trip, at the Santa Monica home of the brothers’ sister Pat and her actor husband Peter Lawford. Knowing Robert would be present, she brought with her a prepared list of political talking points, which they discussed at length. “Bobby was enthralled,” recalled guest Joan Braden

These little-known facts will change your perspective [on the FBI CIA murder of Marilyn Monroe in 1962].

July of 1962 was a tense time for the United States and the entire world, a period of perilous confrontation between the West and Communist nations. The Soviet Union declared that it would defend China against any attacker. Americans had begun to die in Vietnam. And in tests that month, the U.S. detonated a series of advanced nuclear bombs.

July of 1962 was a tense time for the United States and the entire world, a period of perilous confrontation between the West and Communist nations. The Soviet Union declared that it would defend China against any attacker. Americans had begun to die in Vietnam. And in tests that month, the U.S. detonated a series of advanced nuclear bombs.

On July 26 an official of the FBI’s Domestic Intelligence Division – the counterespionage department – filed a cryptic note at headquarters in Washington based on reports from agents in Mexico City: “Info received from informants [names deleted] advised Marilyn Monroe attended a luncheon at the residence of Peter Lawford with President Kennedy. Informants characterized Monroe’s views as positively and concisely leftist.”

JFK at Lawfords Shrivers Peace Corps VISTA Schwartzeneger family, 2 year anum until JFK dead, and Marylin Monroe was poltically active with Lawfords Srivers, Sargent Shriver, Peace Corp and VISTA Program. Also my bith Edward Paul Donegan to James and Glorian Donegan and I think Barrack Obama Jr. too, the exprimental money Donald Barr is holding in a white house photo three days later.

Happy Birthday Mr. President

The performance at JFK’s 45 birthday was one of Marilyn Monroe’s last major public appearances before her death less than three months later on August 4, 1962. First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, who rarely attended Democratic Party events, spent the day at the Loudon Hunt Horse Show with her children, John and Caroline.

The song contained a reference to siezure of US Steel perhaps Youngstown and what was sized from the Stanley Armour Dunham when he was caught steeling Boeing B-29 plans in WWII in hopes of getting them to Nazi Germany, caught by Madelyn Lee Payne CIA agent who “married” Stanley Armour Dunham for a few fake childbirth years, Stanely Ann Dunham the daughter in debt.

From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

On July 26 an official of the FBI’s Domestic Intelligence Division – the counterespionage department – filed a cryptic note at headquarters in Washington based on reports from agents in Mexico City: “Info received from informants [names deleted] advised Marilyn Monroe attended a luncheon at the residence of Peter Lawford with President Kennedy. Informants characterized Monroe’s views as positively and concisely leftist.”

This strange document and others filed under Marilyn Monroe – Security Matter – C (the “C” stood for Communist) were to be withheld by the U.S. government for more than 40 years. Behind them lies a disquieting story that began five months earlier in an exotic foreign city.

Marilyn Monroe in a possible hit-job done by Behavioral Healthcare was placed in an institution and treated as though she were insane as she looked around and said there was NO REASON for her to be there and she was unlike other people in the institution, a regular event for me Edward Paul Donegan, at least 20 Psych Ward hit jobs on me setup by Gangstalk and systems of railroading, and I think Brittany Spears and Justina Pellatier too.

JFK Photo ARCHIVES MAN (Donald Barr) WITH A RESEARCH MONKEY AT A WHITE HOUSE BIRTHDAY PARTY 11/22/1861 back fro Inglewood California Nov 19 1961

Another thing JFK may have disliked about the CIA FBI is their killing of Marylin Monroe because she knew about this little scene above in Santa Monica JFK also knew about.

Joseph Gargan retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Joe Gargan.jpg First Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts

Joseph F. Gargan Jr. (February 16, 1930 – December 12, 2017) was an American lawyer and a nephew of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. He was one of only two men, along with Paul Markham, in whom Ted Kennedy chose to confide immediately after the Chappaquiddick automobile accident which killed Mary Jo Kopechne. Orphaned at the age of sixteen, Gargan spent two consecutive summers with the Kennedys, and being closer in age to Ted than the other Kennedy brothers were, developed a close relationship with his cousin Ted. Gargan was the campaign chairman for Robert F. Kennedy’s 1968 presidential campaign.

Elsewhere in this book


Quote retrieved from and copied or modified to here

Ark Of Covenant (Creationism, not Evolution) Found

You will never hear about one the most important discoveries of all time from the satanically controlled Illuminati media, so here it is on one of the Lord’s websites.

A very devoted man of God from America by the name of Ron Wyatt has discovered the location of the Ark Of The Covenant. Mr Wyatt not only discovered the location of the Ark, he was allowed to remove the two stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments, the by the four angels guarding the Ark since the time it was hidden.

Incredibly Mr Wyatt was divinely inspired to find the Ark right where the prophet Jeremiah hid it, 600 years before the Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ! He found it approximately 20 feet directly below the exact location where Jesus was crucified! At the moment that Jesus died on the Cross there was an earthquake that split the ground open and the blood from our Saviour ran down through the crack and landed directly on the Mercy Seat of the Ark Of The Covenant!

Be sure to pay close attention at the 32 minute mark in the video where Ron recounts a visitation from the Lord while he was in Jerusalem. The Lord told Ron He was on His way from South Africa to the New Jerusalem. The works of Revelation 12 began in South Africa when the Lord gave the tiny Manchild of Revelation 12 to Linda! The tiny baby of light went right into Linda’s body at the time and became a part of her.

The Lord has made it clear on the main page of this website near the end of the ‘Wise Virgins’ prophecies, that the New Jerusalem, and the heavenly city of Light mentioned in the Book of Revelation, is going to be located in America, in Mayflower Arkansas (ARK), and not in in Israel!

I first met Ron Wyatt in 1984, when I heard him speak at a church in Nashville. He was such a humble man in every presentation he gave, always desiring to lead people to the Lord. That afternoon he had some specimens from the Red Sea Crossing and Noah’s Ark for us to look at after the program. When leaving the program he shook my hand at the door. I was truly touched by his sincerity, honesty and Holy example. I felt like I would like to do something to help him out someday, but at the time I did not have the funds to do so.

Later, in 1989, I heard him speak in Hendersonville, North Carolina at a Church. The pastor there had roomed with Ron at Highland Academy as a teenager, and had arranged for Ron to speak Friday night, then for church, and in the afternoon for a question and answer period (you can hear this session under our Watch Videos page).

Your web host, Kevin Fisher, with Ron Wyatt in 1997, Nashville, Tennessee.

Ron was the most humble, God-fearing man I have ever met. He was not interested in fame or fortune. He was only interested in doing the Lord’s will. He made great money as a nurse anesthetist, but gave most of it to this work, including traveling overseas 130 times. When he would run out of money overseas, he would head back to his job and earn more money to fund his work for the Lord. He lived in a duplex in Nashville during most of his work, desiring to spend his money working for the Lord, instead of on a beautiful home. In 1977, when the Lord was showing Ron that He had a job for him to do, Ron sold his farm and used that money for this work. He did not have health or life insurance, as he would give the money he would spent on insurance premiums to the Lord’s work.

When brother Ron was with us, he would always stress the necessity of becoming a follower of Jesus and obeying His Commandments. He was a devout student of the Bible, while retaining an extremely humble attitude. Sadly, Ron died in 1999. His death was noted in The Tennessean on August 5, 1999. World Net Daily interviewed him when he was on his deathbed, and he confirmed that he had in fact found the ark of the Covenant, as noted in this article:

Ron was on the level of a High Priest in my opinion. He was not a prophet, but a Holy man who devoted his life to the Lord.

Just as Jesus was not understood, was ridiculed, persecuted and attacked by critics, so was Ron. Only a few could understand that Jesus was the Messiah in his day. Only a few today can see that Ron was a faithful follower of the Lord. Miracles after miracles were found in Ron’s life, all evidence of the Lord working with him.

It was only the High Priest that went into the Most Holy Place once each year to sprinkle blood on the Ark of the Covenant. So in our day it was only Ron Wyatt who entered the Most Holy Place, that cave, to take a sample of the blood of the Messiah and have it analyzed for the world to see the lab report when the Ten Commandments come out of the cave, along with the video of him removing the Commandments from the ark. There was never a second witness that went into the Most Holy Place in Moses’ day. The people believed the man that was proven to be a man of the Lord.

My name is ____________ and I am from Germany. I recently watched the movie “The File Exodus” in which archeologists talked about the route that Moses and his people took from Egypt to their promised land.

Ark Of Covenant Found retrieved from and copied or modified to here

Ark Of Covenant Found

You will never hear about one the most important discoveries of all time from the satanically controlled Illuminati media, so here it is on one of the Lord’s websites.

A very devoted man of God from America by the name of Ron Wyatt has discovered the location of the Ark Of The Covenant. Mr Wyatt not only discovered the location of the Ark, he was allowed to remove the two stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments, the by the four angels guarding the Ark since the time it was hidden.

Incredibly Mr Wyatt was divinely inspired to find the Ark right where the prophet Jeremiah hid it, 600 years before the Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ! He found it approximately 20 feet directly below the exact location where Jesus was crucified! At the moment that Jesus died on the Cross there was an earthquake that split the ground open and the blood from our Saviour ran down through the crack and landed directly on the Mercy Seat of the Ark Of The Covenant!

Be sure to pay close attention at the 32 minute mark in the video where Ron recounts a visitation from the Lord while he was in Jerusalem. The Lord told Ron He was on His way from South Africa to the New Jerusalem. The works of Revelation 12 began in South Africa when the Lord gave the tiny Manchild of Revelation 12 to Linda! The tiny baby of light went right into Linda’s body at the time and became a part of her.

The Lord has made it clear on the main page of this website near the end of the ‘Wise Virgins’ prophecies, that the New Jerusalem, and the heavenly city of Light mentioned in the Book of Revelation, is going to be located in America, in Mayflower Arkansas (ARK), and not in in Israel!


Coming out of Africa, through the European Illuminati, a subject of the Queen of England, backed by the Vatican, empowered through the Israeli Mossad, Communist/Marxist groomed!




Philip Haney retrieved from Dark to Light and copied or modified to here

Philip was missing since February 19 2020. He was found deceased on February 22nd, in San Francisco, California (map). The body was located near his car, with a gunshot wound in the chest.

People close to him say he would never have committed suicide. He had several projects about to come out exposing Obama. Additionally, he was about to be married, and release a new book.

Haney was allegedly about to return to the DHS to help Trump drain the swamp. He had information on roughly 36 different Islamic groups operating in America. The files he was working on also included information regarding Benghazi.

There are conflicting stories however. Mainstream media is calling it a suicide, while other news outlets think he was murdered. A lot of the details are still hidden as the case is under investigation, and I will add more updates when more information is available.

Philip Haney was found deceased on February 22, 2020, he was 67 years old (a hit men speciality). He was a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in November of 2002. Haney was also co-author for the book “See Something, Say Nothing”, which focused on the United States government submitting to Jihad.

While in the DHS, he was identifying individuals connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, Tablighi Jamaat, and other Islamic terrorist groups working in the United States.

In 2009, Barack Obama ordered the DHS to delete the entire registry of these individuals connected to terrorist groups. The first information purge deleted over 800 profiles.

Philip stated that they could have possibly prevented the terror attacks in San Bernadino, the Pulse Night Club in Florida, and the Boston Bombings. Obama also used the Arizona Mafia, a group of Democrats, to stack 26 politicians into the DHS. Some of these officials are members of NXIVM. The Arizona Mafia is now running interference in the Jeffrey Epstein case. (Will link the “Arizona Mafia”entry here when complete)

[Probably Veterans On Patrol, RICO based group]

Jen Moore described a person being stalked in Truckee and I thinkg it was my father and this guy knew of the situation.

This book

Pillory epub

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