The Nixon Ford Bush Rockefeller wing of the GOP and JFK and RFK were duking it out, with assassinations eliminating JFK and after JFK had fired the Nixon wing, but the Nixon Wing took power and began its purges of that history.
As Jen Moore said Catholics in Action was a name for CIA activities around the world.
Matthew Kevin Gannon was flying home from a hectic temporary duty (TDY) assignment in the Middle East to spend Christmas with his family. He was on the final leg of his journey, a flight from London to NYC. The plane on which he was a passenger was Pan Am Flight 103.
Just a few days before Christmas 1988, terrorists blew up Pan American Flight 103 as it passed over Lockerbie, not long after leaving Heathrow. One of the 259 murdered onboard was Matthew Gannon. The eighth child of devout Catholic parents, Gannon had joined the Central Intelligence Agency in 1977, becoming a skilled operations officer and linguist.
Nearly a year later, in October 1989, many victims’ belongings still lay unclaimed in trailers in Lockerbie. When Gannon’s brother arrived there, he identified his family member’s personal items by spotting a missal in a bag with one of Matthew’s favourite shirts.
Conspiracy theorists have probably already exploited Gannon’s death. It’s difficult to investigate anything about the CIA or the Vatican and not encounter narratives that resemble thriller novels.
But we shouldn’t ignore the topic. The CIA is the best known of the 17 agencies that comprise the American intelligence community. It has earned itself nicknames like “Catholic Intelligence Agency” and “Catholics In Action”. It’s worth exploring why.
Under the media power of William Randolph Heart and with J. Edgar Hoover and Great Britian allegiances Western unity now called the NWO organzied by those like James Jesus Angleton and others at the CIA were a major part of MK-Ultra JFK was trying to take apart after defeating (US Senator) Kennedy defeatued (Vice President) Nixon in 1960. The remnenats of the Nixon MKULTRA Prolaterian Guard deep in the CIA killed JFK. Lt Commnader Nixon of the US Navy got started as a US representative near William Randolph Hearst Castle, actually in Orange County where he was discharged from the US Navy following WWII.
In December 1974, CIA Director William Colby fired Angleton [As JFK had fired Dulles, Bissle Jr., and Charles Cabell] and after the New York Times revealed the then-unknown counterintelligence chief had overseen a massive program to spy on Americans involved in anti-war and black nationalist movements, a violation of the CIA’s charter. Coming four months after the resignation of Richard Nixon, Angleton’s fall was the denouement of the Watergate scandal, propelling Congress to probe the CIA for the first time. A Senate investigation, headed by Sen. Frank Church, exposed a series of other abuses: assassination conspiracies, unauthorized mail opening, collaboration with human rights abusers, infiltration of news organizations, and the MKULTRA mind-control experiments to develop drugs for use in espionage.
The exposure of Angleton’s operations set off a political avalanche that engulfed the agency in 1975 and after. The post-Watergate Congress established the House and Senate intelligence committees to oversee covert operations. The passage of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act required the CIA to obtain warrants to spy on Americans. And for the first time since 1947, the agency’s annual appropriation was slashed. Jefferson Morley
January 1 2018, 9:15 a.m.
HONORABLE MEN My Life in the CIA by William Colby Promptly at eight President Ford showed up. He came from the White House residence along the enclosed porch, passed the Rose Garden and went directly into the Oval Office without seeing us. He was accompanied by two Secret Service men. After a few moments, one of then invited us in.
Ford was seated behind the huge, handsome Presidential desk, looking a bit grim and, as he was to fly to Florida to meet with Sadat later in the morning, he had a thick black briefing book on the Middle East situation in front of him. He set it aside as soon as Nlarsh and I walked in. I had seen the President regularly in the past year, but ours could not in any way be characterized as a personal relationship. Ford, while always cordial, dealt with me in a fairly formal manner. He did not stand up now; we didn’t shake hands. I said “Good morning, Mr. President. Jack said you wanted to see me.”
“Yes,” he replied, indicating that I should take a seat in the straight armchair in front of the desk. ‘ ‘We are going to do some reorganizing of the national-security structure. He need not have said another word. From that sentence I realized immediately why I had been summoned: I was about to be fired as the Director of Central Intelligence. Ford did not put it quite so bluntly.
In the time honored political tradition with sticky things of this sort, he said he wanted me to take a new job, as Ambassador to NATO. He then sketched the reorganization-which is to say, the sweeping personnel changes-he had in mind. It was what later was to be dubbed the Halloween Massacre, and it in- eluded the sacking of Jim Schlesinger as Secretary of De- fense and Nelson Rockefeller’s withdrawal as Ford’s run- the straight armchair in front of the desk. “We are going to do some reorganizing of the national-security structure.’
‘Yes,” he replied, indicating that I should take a seat in the straight armchair in front of the desk. “We are going to do some reorganizing of the national-security structure.’ He need not have said another word. From that sentence I realized immediately why I had been summoned: I was about to be fired as the Director of Central Intelligence. [And later found dead accornding to Ted Gunderson and Colby associate John Decamp murdered] HONORABLE MEN My Life in the CIA by William Colby
Master Builders
Cardinal Spellman and my cousin
Paul Baumann
December 26, 2022
I recently spent too many hours plowing through John Cooney’s four-hundred-page 1984 biography, The American Pope: The Life and Times of Francis Cardinal Spellman. Spellman was archbishop of New York from 1939 to 1967. He was notorious for his autocratic style and the power he exerted both inside and outside the Church. He was also known for his political conservatism, rabid anticommunism, American jingoism, unstinting support for the war in Vietnam, love of pomp, and financial acumen. He seems to have been almost a caricature of what Protestants long feared about Catholic clerical authoritarianism.
During his nearly thirty years of near dictatorial rule in New York, the cardinal’s residence became known as “The Powerhouse.” He raised and spent hundreds of millions on new schools, churches, and hospitals. Mayors, governors, senators, and presidents paid homage. Spellman counted J. Edgar Hoover and Roy Cohn as friends and collaborators. He was an outspoken defender of Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s red-baiting, and lent his support to Richard Nixon rather than John F. Kennedy in 1960. Although he was conventionally pious, he seems to have thought of himself more as the chief executive of a multimillion-dollar enterprise than as a spiritual leader. “Few people thought of him as a priest at all,” according to the novelist and critic Wilfrid Sheed. Although Spellman apparently had a softer side in private, “he really was quite the bogeyman in public.”
Spellman, a Massachusetts native and 1916 graduate of Rome’s North American College, had little interest in theology, and resisted Vatican II’s reforms. “I hire theologians,” he once said, dismissively. He campaigned to ban movies, such as Roberto Rossellini’s The Miracle, that he judged blasphemous or obscene. When an article in Commonweal criticized such censorship, Spellman got the author fired from his teaching job at the University of Notre Dame. “Error has no rights” was his firm belief. In 1949 he used seminarians to break a strike by the diocesan’s cemetery workers, falsely claiming their union was infiltrated by Communists. His famous feud with Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, once the most popular priest in America thanks to his TV program Life is Worth Living, was, predictably, about money, not theology. When Spellman lost that battle, he had Sheen exiled from New York City to upstate Rochester.
The liturgist Aidan Kavanagh, OSB, a former teacher of mine, wrote that “when Cardinal Spellman got dressed up to celebrate pontifical High Mass, it was eerily like watching the Infant of Prague come to life, but an Infant with whom it was advisable not to trifle.” Spellman’s visibility and authority was the embodiment of what made the pre–Vatican II Church so compelling for many. “It was discipline,” Kavanagh wrote. “American Catholicism was a bit corrupt, somewhat crazy, and not a little magnificent.” –
I think Hearst and FDR and Halsey in WWI post war years 1925 helped the London elites get the Windsor Kutscherea daughters into the USA and later Joseph Kennedy Sr and Nixon and others in MKULTRA will use these for the next generation of MK-ULTRA as agents of British Influece working secretly as “native” Indonesians, Kenyans, or other nationalities in internationally connected CIA backed early life plants.
Congressman Nixon in 1946 and the Marshall plan helped start this and V.P. Nixon was a part of as the head of the National Security Council. Hearst backed that, JFK did not, at least after the Bay of Pigs.
William Randolph Hearst’s grandaughter and Richard E. Berlin’s daughter Brigid Berlin have internal family access to the workings of Richard Nixon, the London elites including King Edward VIII, the plans of LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover. E. Howard Hunt’s wife will die on UAL 553. Jed Johsnon will die on TWA 800. The two daughters Brigid and Patty will work under Warhol and Jed Johnson on Interview Magazine in the early 1970’s and be close friends. Richard Berlin had been the President of Hearst Newspapers since 1942 and Hearst having chosen him as successor turn over his newspapers to Chairman of the Board Richard Berlin upoon death in 1951 as Princes Elizabeth was becoming QEII and the CIA and British inteligence were working together out of ATSUGI.
William R. Hearst, Jr. Oral History Interview – JFK#1, 03/25/1971
The overlord of San Simieon Hearst Castle was closely connected to the British and Hearst’s many London freinds (likely the Walker of Herbert Walker Bush family too) and in this be befreined Jospeh Kennedy Sr. Although Joseph Kennedy Sr. would arrange with FDR and Hearst an FDR presidency that was only upon FDR working so closely with the Great Britain in WWI. In later years Hearst would denounce FDR as a form of Communism even worse than communism and stay close to his friends like King Edward VIII, other British, Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover (the Master Freemason at 26 years old) and other elites.
On TWA 800 the fuel gauge system (Fuel Quantity Information System) gave a “crazy” reading that was probably unexpected fuel level dropping. The CIA and FBI asserted the fuel gauge wires shorted, giving an incorrect reading and than the arc ignited the tank. My theory is the dealy before take-off allowed a leak to be created carborating dumped fuel into the air around the wing and one of the engines. This cloud of combustible gas was ignited by a counter-mearurs flare launched into the gas that were deployed by what appeared to be an Orian P-3 plan using flare counter-measures. Some thought it was a missle but it was a flare according to exptert observers.
OESTERLE : Your recollection of the Kennedy family goes back beyond John F. Kennedy.
Yes, indeed, our families were friends for what must
be going back fifty years now——perhaps more. I remember
Rose Kennedy (wife of Joseph Kennedy Sr.) telling me that she met Mom shortly after she was married [to Joseph Kennedy Sr. of Harvard and Boston politics] (at which time I think had at least two Of the five Of us boys) and they became friends right away and have remained so ever since.
For own part, I met Joe Sr. with father in California
and then here back East too. They both had movie interests and had many friends in Also, they had a sort Of ration society going. Pop always regarded Joe as being very knowledgeable about money matters, and I know he consulted him frequently when our show got in trouble in the late 30′ s.
OESTERLE: Wnen was your first contact with the younger generation?
Hearst : first contact with the younger generation wag with young Joe about the middle 30’s. We met here in Hew York, and I asked him to stop off that summer when he said he and a friend planned to be traveling out in California. I think they were both either seniors at Harvard or just out. Anyway, they were both couple o? healthy, husky, handsome young fellows, and they visited us up at a place my grandmother originally had on the
McCLoud River at the foot, of Mt Shasta. I remember it principally because the river there is really just melted snow and literally as cold as ice. Ever since my brothers and I could remember, we were warned to stay out of it, as it wac so cold you could get a numb feeling in your fingers just by sticking them in the water for a minute. This didn’t seem to faze these two, because the next thing I knew, they had swum across it.
I guess the fact that they were swimming like blazes the whole time kept them a little warme than test finger I mentioned above. But the fact is that they did it only once and allowed as how it, was pretty darr cold all right.
Again cluing the war, Joe and I met frequently in London. I was a war correspondent and he was attached to the Coastal Command of the Royal Air Force. We knew the sane people and traveled with the same bunch over there–EngLishmen and their wives and girls.
That would be about Later on, Kick, his sister, came over. I believe she was attached to the Red Cross. She was very popular and lovely, and after the war married a titled Englishman and was killed in an airplane crash.
That, as I recall, was after Joe was killed. He had finished his tour with Coastal Command. There was a bit of wstery attached to his death at first, but I made a point of finding out how it happened. information was to the effect that he had volunteere to dive a big B-211 bomber into a VI or 2 site on the French or Dutch
coast, and somehow or other got caught or tangled up and never managed to free himself of the plane and went right into the ground with It. It was certainly a job over and beyond the call of duty, although I don’t think he got the Congressional Medal for it. I was unable to write about it because it was censored at the time. The
fact was the whole “exercise” was very hush-hush.
OESTERLE : When did you first get to Imow JFK?
I didn’t really get to know Jack or the rest of the family until after the war. I met them all about the same time, Jack and Bobby and Pat and Jean end Teddy were playing their favorite gene of touch football on the of the Kenned place at Palm Beach–I skipped one, I’m afraid, Eunice. She and my wife, Austine, had been friends in Washington, and I think I must have met her during the war in Washington. Anyway, to get baek to
Jack, he, at that time, was, I think, in rather ill health. He was—— unlike the rest of the family–on the frail side, and first recollection of him was, I think, spending a good deal of time in bed at Palm Beach writing that great book of his, Profiles In Courage.
Incidentally, he had written something for us after he was dis- charged from the navy, I think, and returned from the Pacific. Tie was in London and wrote, of my father. I remember, too, that, he predicted that Winston Churchill would be thrown out, by the British voters and the Labor Party would come in. That the British would do this to their World War II hero sounded so improbable that, i believe he came in for a bit of criticism and sarcasm–but that’s the way things turned out just, the same. I didn’t meet jack during that period, as I was recalled in the spring of by my father, and before I could fully recoup from the effects of some blood poisoning T had acquired over there, President Roosevelt died, our troops were daily moving closer to Berlin, and the first thing I knew the show was over.
I remember seeing Jack again, covering the beginning of the United Nations in San Francisco later that year—— I don’t remember when he was elected to Congress, but I remember that he and Dick Nixon were congressmen at the same time, both about the same age, and both friends of my wife and mine. It is not clear in mind whether Day came while the United Nations were in San Francisco, but I think it did, and I know that Jack and my wife, Austine, whom he had beaued around a little before we were married, and I knocked around San Francisco generally with some girl friend of Jack’ s. He was very popular and very handsome and very high-spirited and very much sought after by the girls, I can tell you that.
OESTERLE: Did you support him when he ran for the presidency?
It was because o? knowing him in the role of a young man, unmarried, and full of beans that I guess I did not support, him when he ran for the presidency. I just didn’t think he had enough experience in life to qualify for the job. On the other hand, Dick Nixon had been vice president for eight years and had just that experience. Besides, I felt that as the Democrats had been in before Ike for twenty years, the Republicans would do for another four years at least-—so I editorially supported Dick.
Jack, the president, never once in any way mentioned it in a critical way. Our friendship went on just as closely as ever, I remember one time visiting him in the White House with Frank Conniff, who was a close friend of mine and a close friend of his. Ile had been a suitor for the hand of Pat Kennedy during the Korean War— and we sat chewing the fat for the better part of a half an hour.
I made the following faux pas as we were leaving: I said to this slim young friend of mine something to the effect that he was doing very well, that it was a mean job, that people would criticize him no matter what; he did and not to let that get, him down and, as parting words, used the expression, “Keep up the good work, kid. This was immediately followed by ” goodbyes” and t’ see you later” etc., ana when we got outside, Frank said, “That, beats everything. I’ll bet that, is the first time a president has been told to ‘ ‘keep up the good work, kid..
I said, of course, I didn’t realize I had said it. But, on second thought, I guess I had–and Frank was positive of it. The point of it was Jack with his good manners and in the light of our relationship didn’t bat an eye, or if he did get a laugh out of it, he was polite enough to wait until we got out of that big oval room of the president.
OESTERLE: Did your papers support him?
Our papers supported Jack in just, about everything he did, including the showdown over Cuba. I an sorry, and I guess he would be too if he were alive, that we did not devise a way of giving the abortive attempt of the Cuban Nationalists to overcome Castro, sufficient air and naval support to insure their getting a foothold on the island. i think that was all they wanted–expecting as they did the native population to rise against Castro.
Whether they would have done so is obviously hypothetical or academic or whatever you say when nobody can tell for sure. Unquestionably he did the right thing in facing up to and forcing Khrushchev to back down, and i think also that he did the right thing in helping the Cuban exiles in the first place. His mistake was not helping them enough. I know a lot of Latin Americans who say just that–that if we were to become involved at all, we should have seen it through.
The Donegan Family Bio and Hunt Family Bio are the answers the NTSB Sought
This link to a Google Drive file share should work and download a zip file of this and the most complete collection of FBI, NTSB, FAA, witness, investigator, and Donegan family data ever amassed all of which is consisent with the conspiracy theory offered here by several people myself included.
A story-line of history once well known and in major media has been silenced sine then. One place among many you might find it is in the Paul McCartney song Uncle Albert [of York King George VI] / Admiral Halsey about a secretive birth or births in the USA for the Windsor family. Edward of York and Albert of York story-line of getting pregnant Maria Kutchera to the USA temporarily after she leaves an Austrian convent pregnant (by her own story in her autobiography telling too.) Norma Jean, Glorian Donegan, and Joseph Kennedy Sr. were all part of that story as was Undersecretary of the Navy Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The Beatles had just broken up over John Lennon’s and Yoko Ono’ complaints with US/GB imperialism around the world.
1951 was a key time for the OSS CIA to go into action as they converted Grace Ranch from mob gambling into a CIA backed air base that would work on CIA overthrow projects around the world run by the CIA at Asia Tokyo Soviet Union Guatemala Indonesia station known by its acronym ATSUGI. China had fallen to Communism and Japan was thus threatened as was the entire Red pacific rim from the bottom of China to the top of Soviet Union and all pacific islands.
It is little difficult to figure it all out based on casual comments but San Simeon William Randolph Heart daughter Patty Hearst and New York Richard E. Berlin daughter Brigid Berlin of Hearst Publishing learned of MK-ULTRA imperialism
Presumably Richard E. Berlin and his family as President of Hearst Newspapers would take time at the Hearst Castle if an extra room might be avaialable at that time. ANd who else might be there?
Patty Hears Brigid Berlin at Hearst Castle
Posted on July 29, 2024 by Edward Donegan
Brigid Emmett Berlin (September 6, 1939 – July 17, 2020) was an American artist and Warhol superstar . September 6, 1939 to December 1, 1952 (randomly chosen). 13 years old 2 mos.
So right around the time of the Korean War she is old enough to get a sense of what these figures are talking about. Nixon, Duke of Windsor, J. Edgar Hoover, etc., In addition to taking the calls and social affaris at Hearst Castle (still active but no new construction) or even more likely at the home of her father in New York where he also might entertain D.C. guests. She (Brigid Berlin) is a part of the mixers and also collecting letters between these figures and her parents, important cold war information.
In 1975, Brigid Berlin began work as a permanent employee for Andy Warhol’s Interview magazine, a position that she held until well after Warhol’s death. Berlin transcribed interviews as well as knitted under the desk. Patricia Hearst (a close friend of Berlin who began work at Interview in 1988) observed “On my first day at work, I noticed two small pugs who seemed to have the run of the castle. They belonged to a woman who sat behind the front desk every day from 9:00 to 5:00, but who never seemed to answer the phone. Instead, she compulsively knitted, ate bags of candy and tended lovingly to the dogs.” [If I am following this right this is Patty Hearst describing the Hearst Castle with Brigid Berlin taking the phone calls as an employee of Hearst Communications.]
Interview Magazine Andy Warhol period –
Bob Colacello was a film student at Columbia University in 1970 when he got a call from someone at Interview while he was having dinner at his parents’ house in suburban Long Island. While Interview magazine now features fashion, artists, celebrities, and creative collaborators, in the beginning, it was merely a film critique spread. Colacello subsequently began writing film reviews and essays for Interview. After about six months, Colacello was promoted to editor of the magazine, at a salary of $50 a week. (He also received course credits, as he was still working on his master’s degree at Columbia). Colacello brought in his friend and classmate Glenn O’Brien as an assistant. Colacello’s first issue featured film 1940s-era stills of actress Rita Hayworth on the cover and on every page. The idea came from Warhol collaborator and filmmaker Paul Morrissey, who told Colacello, “Just put one on every page and it’ll be funny.”
Bob Colacello (born May 8, 1947) is an American writer. He began his career writing for The Village Voice before becoming editor-in-chief of pop artist Andy Warhol’s Interview magazine from 1971 to 1983.[1] As part of Warhol’s entourage, they collaborated on the books The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (1975) and Exposures (1979). Colacello has been a contributing editor for Vanity Fair since 1984 and has been a special correspondent since 1993.
life and career Robert Colaciello was born to John and Libby Colaciello in Bensonhurst, New York on May 8, 1947.[3] He and his two sisters, Barbara and Suzanne, were raised in Plainview, Long Island.[4] He graduated from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in 1969, and also has an MFA degree in film criticism from Columbia University Graduate School of the Arts.
Colacello began his writing career around 1969, when he began publishing film reviews in the Village Voice weekly.[6] As a graduate student in the Film department at Columbia University in New York, his first publications doubled as his class essays and homework assignments.
The Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) is the school of international relations at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. It grants degrees at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
Patricia Campbell Hearst (born February 20, 1954) is a member of the Hearst family and granddaughter of American publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst. She first became known for the events following her 1974 kidnapping by the Symbionese Liberation Army. She was found and arrested 19 months after being abducted, by which time she was a fugitive wanted for serious crimes committed with members of the group. She was held in custody, and there was speculation before trial that her family’s resources would enable her to avoid time in prison.
At her trial, the prosecution suggested that Hearst had joined the Symbionese Liberation Army of her own volition. However, she testified that she had been raped and threatened with death while held captive. In 1976, she was convicted for the crime of bank robbery and sentenced to 35 years in prison, later reduced to seven years. Her sentence was commuted by President Jimmy Carter, and she was later pardoned by President Bill Clinton.
At 23 in 1964 she joins up with Andy Warhol. After several years as a reluctant debutante and a failed marriage, Brigid Berlin met Andy Warhol in 1964 and quickly became a central member of his entourage. After moving to Hotel Chelsea, she took on the nickname Brigid Polk because of her habit of giving out ‘pokes’, injections of Vitamin B and amphetamines. These injections were readily available through the many ‘Doctor Feelgoods’ in New York and perfectly legal
In 1919 he joined the Hearst Corporation, where he stayed until his retirement in 1973. In 1941 William Randolph Hearst personally chose him as successor to his role.[1] In 1942 Berlin became president of the company and after Hearst’s death in 1951 he became chief executive officer.
By the late 1930s the Great Depression and Hearst’s profligacy had brought him to the brink of financial ruin. Debts totaled $126 million. He was compelled to cede financial control of the Hearst Corporation, newspapers and radio stations were sold, and much of his art collection was dispersed in a series of sales, often for considerably less than he had paid. Hearst railed against his losses, and the perceived incompetence of the sales agents, Parish-Watson & Co.: “they greatly cheapened them and us, (he) advertises like a bargain basement sale. I am heartbroken”.[85] Construction at Hearst Castle virtually ceased. After Pearl Harbor the castle was closed up and Hearst and Davies moved to Wyntoon which was perceived to be less vulnerable to enemy attack.
They returned in 1945 and construction on a limited scale recommenced, finally ending in 1947.
In early May of that year, with his health declining, Hearst and Davies left the castle for the last time. The pair settled in at 1007 North Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills. Hearst died in 1951, his death abruptly severing him from Davies, who was excluded from the funeral by Hearst’s family – “For thirty-two years I had him, and they leave me with his empty room”. In 1950 Julia Morgan closed her San Francisco office after a career of forty-two years. Ill health circumscribed her retirement and she died, a virtual recluse, in early 1957.
In 1958 the Hearst Corporation donated Hearst Castle, its gardens, and many of its contents, to the state of California.
No while the daughter of Berlin she did not take phone calls till working for Interview it looks like As a child she answered calls for her parents but not as an employee.
Richard E. Berlin retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here
In 1942 Berlin became president of the Hearst Newspapers and after Hearst’s death in 1951 he became chief executive officer.
Berlin’s daughter was Warhol superstar Brigid Berlin. He was also the godfather of writer A.J. Cronin’s youngest son.
In his early career Berlin directed advertising for The Smart Set and McClure’s magazines.[1] In 1919 he joined the Hearst Corporation, where he stayed until his retirement in 1973.[1] In 1941 William Randolph Hearst personally chose him as successor to his role.[1] In 1942 Berlin became president of the company and after Hearst’s death in 1951 he became chief executive officer.[1]
William Randolph Hearst, Jr. claimed in 1991 that Berlin had suffered from Alzheimer’s disease starting in the mid-1960s and that caused him to shut down several Hearst newspapers without just cause.[2]
In the years leading into WWII it was easy for Republican Party leaders like William Donovan and Democrat leaders like FDR and former foes USA and Great Britain to unite. In the Cold War and fight against labor unions, the war between Norther Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and religious conflicts that alliance fell apart and the Republican Party with its control of the CIA won its CIA backed power struggle with independent nations leaning JFK and RFK. While Democrat Party presidents have emerged they have retained the globalists agenda that has not seen opposition since the death of RFK.
It is thought Nixon had much to do with the cover-up of the JFK assassination and that included the Watergate Break-in and the downing of UAL 553 and TWA fits into that story-line by re-evaluation of the crash details and a crash victim.
Sherman Skolnick who was confined to a wheelchair because of Polio will claim Franklin Delano Roosevelt (former Undersecretary of the Navy) had betrayed us all, all of the USA in the Special Relationship with Great Britain and that this led into Coca-Cola’s Phillip Twombly and the CIA, and the downing of UAL 553. That same propaganda run by William Randolph Hearst and Walt Disney also helped propel FDR and FDR’s loyal and capable assistant into high offices leading into WWII, and the Special Relationship key operatives were J. Edgar Hoover, Entrepid, and Wild Bill Donovan with Richard Nixon, the Bush family, and LBJ in close world planning tow.
X The Great Treason: High and Petite Treason in the USA
Written by the Right Hand: The Right Hand Operatives of the Cabal and the Dangerous Job They Undertook of Exposing its Secrets
Ted L. Gunderson: An Edited and Approving Biographical Anthology of his Life and Works
Pillory: Tools and Fools of the USA
THE BIG BAMBOOZLE II: The continuation of forbidden stories
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