NWC Book Offerings

To: Whom It may concern and for immediate release Press Kit

Subject: The most important Kennedy assassination witness since the very early first ones such as Lee Bowers Junior, Jean Hill, Mary Moorman and for the first time now speaking out.

This is from a witness to (and thus also a vcitim of) the conspiracy that killed jKF, RFK, MLK, and tied to cold war plans the CIA did not want to admit to and Richard Nixon spent (along with the Bush family and othes) spent their lives trying to cover up. By the end of February 2025 I will be dropping this site tied to the name of William Cooper for the site I prefer and also use https://targetedmanhattanprojectvictim.wordpress.com/ and the Press Kit (the mailer and mailer.html) is available for download as always. It was updated 2/5/2025. The press kit contians teaser chapters from the books I havee written and since the epub format uses HTML for chapters the pres kit is also in HMTL.

I was not at Dealey Plaza at least as far as I know (then two years and five days old while at McMartin preschool in that timeframe) and would really doubt it if anyone ever indicated that. My story is not about those events that unfolded at Dealey Plaza and elsewhere but rather the series of still little known and poorly understood and poorly reported history that motivated the events the events at Dealey Plaza and motivated those where there to act as they did assassinating JFK. Like others (some of whom hold hold PhD’s and are respected historians and academics) I believe the CIA plans for Indonesia, Kenya, Cuba, Iran, Guatemala were at issue as DARPA and the DIA and Missle Command feared communist smaller nation satellites too close to the mainland of the key allies of WWII.

A picture from well behind the Book Depository and train tracks. At the far side of tjhe photo from where the photographer (myself Edward Paul Donegan) was is a line of trees, fencing, and semi-solid structures that were at the top of the Grassy Knoll . From there the Grassy Knoll led down to the street where the press, police, photographers, crowds, and the JFK motorcade was.

A picture from well behind the Book Depository and train tracks. At the far side of tjhe photo from where the photographer (myself Edward Paul Donegan) was is a line of trees, fencing, and semi-solid structures that were at the top of the Grassy Knoll . From there the Grassy Knoll led down to the street where the press, police, photographers, crowds, and the JFK motorcade was.

If you are waiting for the declassification process to reveal who killed JFK and why then don’t. The file was never there and if it was it in now long gone. What we do know is the the widely available data diverges (quite often) from the dubious work-product of the Warren Commission.

As I research my family’ history in this I have had to do a great deal of research like this and that research is contained in these books, press-kit, and pampleths.

The Books

The Great Treason: High and Petite Treason in the USA

Cover of Book The Great Treason

Chauncey Marvin Holt gives a deathbed confession he was a Hobo with Charles Harrelson and other CIA operatives organized by William King Harvey and others that assassinated JFK though he asserts some like himself were patsies who did not expect the outcome of JFK being assassinated by the team he was in providing support services to the team.

“Coup d’état (Chauncey Holt) When the shooting started at 12:30, then immediately after the first shot, which was a weak type Of shot, I realized that this was not any simple demonstration. You know, in addition to the shots people were screaming and running in all directions. I didn’t actually see the shooting although I was behind the picket fence within 35 yards Of the motorcade, but I didn’t see it.”

Extensive non-fiction that shows the 100 year history of the espionage covert Special Relationship between England and the USA that led in to the Kennedy Curse and how the Donegan (my own and other families secretly were tied to that history under Hidden Identities and Underground Railroads during several world wars.


Pillory: Tools and Fools of the USA

The Cover of the Book Pillory

I try to write my book but really noxious cabbage hits me on the head from the side as I type. Spectacular Spectacular Spectacular. A spectacle of conflicts. How I am treated as teen-phile is a fight when they deny having treated me as that. The fights that people start with me retaliating for how I appear to be a teen-phile and the fight to write my book as the distraction of how I am being treated calls my attention away from writing. My books document the JFK ties to attacks on me that I am usign for law suite filings, police oversight filings https://www.austintexas.gov/department/office-police-oversight, books on history for, law suits I am writing as part of the fabric of works, etc., I also have provided the materials to the US Marshalls at Corpus Christi court house as to assertions of crimial racketeering and public officials either involved or under threat. Letters to coronors are included, etc.,

Whoever knowingly engages in any conduct and thereby causes bodily injury to another person or damages the tangible property (including the home, its safety, or access to public facilities of office equipment) and office equipment) of another person (or patron of a [public] library), or threatens to do so, with intent to retaliate against any person for- (1)the attendance of a witness or party at an official proceeding, or any testimony given or any record, document, or other object produced by a witness in an official proceeding; or (2)any information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation, supervised release, parole, or release pending judicial proceedings given by a person to a law enforcement officer; or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Title 18 Chapter 73 Obstruction of Justice – Witness suppression. Most have told me what I would be killed over. Every day. They the Cabal know the whole story and are suppressing it. I am being assaulted by a JavaScript methodically running abusive carefully engineered Black Propaganda (smear of a person publicly) fraudulent themes that are an elaborate hoax paraded in public before the public. It has never changed. In substance and processes the criminal intent has been to stop my writing, stop any allies form forming with me, and stop available resources needed to write my book.

I can write five percent of the time I had available in my apartment even stalked when I was in it.

If you want to understand Title 18 Chapter 73 of US Criminal Codes may I recommend to the work of the great Ralph Thomas SILENCED! Strange Deaths Of People Who Knew Too Much About The JFK Assassination: 92 Witnesses, Researchers, CIA Agents, Police Officers, Reporters, Girlfriends Who Just Knew Way Too Much!

My book Pillory (crucifying me on phony allegations) takes the the from of a fictional book as a speculative simulation between the Donegan’s, Kennedy family, and others in Boston and how because of the Donegan factual history in that matter led to a Mockingbird pillory of me by the CIA, FBI, and others when my and other evidence on the JFK and RFK and other murders should not be retaliated against or conspired against by the very agencies this information should be useful to in those agencies and the US sovereign self-interest. In the fictional version RFK escapes assassination and we will learn of the underlying connection between Marilyn Monroe and Dysgraphic Albert Einstein.


Ted L. Gunderson An Edited and Approving Biographical Anthology of his Life and Works

The Cover of the Book Ted L. Gunderson

Ted Gunderson was the right-hand man to RFK fighting the mafia that was run by Vice President Richard Nixon in the 1946 to 1960 years. As the Kennedy’s gained power in the USA and world global dirty business operations subverted the USA and other nations. JFK and RFK attempted to shut down the CIA but it was too globally located to respond to the US Presidency and and held too much allegiance from British trained and supported Espionage in the USA operating as the US Government but through NGOs that again were difficult to control from inside the US Government. It would be comparable to NASA trying to control a long gone satellite past its available connections back to Earth.

A former senior official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation says “rogue” military intelligence and law enforcement units of the federal government oversee a nationwide network of community-based “gang stalking” (harassment, intimidation and domestic terrorism) directed at thousands of U.S. citizens who have been extra judicially targeted as “dissidents” or undesirables.

“Based on my thirty years’ experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal U.S. government rogue criminal enterprise – military intelligence, probably, tied into CIA and FBI and so forth – that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States,” Gunderson stated in an October 2008 speech posted last fall on YouTube.


Written by the Right Hand: The Right Hand Operatives of the Cabal and the Dangerous Job They Undertook of Exposing its Secrets


Many leakers of the secrets of the JFK history have come forward. Deep State Cabal range from Mocking them to assassinating them to denying the truth of revelations but history is being continuously revised as theories Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy are gaining growing support. The patriots fighting against Free Masonry, Vatican history, Knights of Malta, Council on Foreign Relations, British Pilgrim Society all experience media abuse of their theories find any publicity at all but these patriots still speak out at the risk of their lives and leave death-bed statements.

MARY FERRELL FOUNDATION https://www.maryferrell.org/

CIA legend E. Howard Hunt.(img not shown here) In his 2007 book, discussions with his son, and a tape recording, Hunt outlined his “benchwarmer” role in a CIA plot to kill JFK.

Someone would have talked, so the saying goes. But people did talk about their involvement in the JFK assassination–some did so publicly, and some only to intimate associates. So, were at least some of them telling the truth?

Confession of Howard Hunt – CIA master spy and Watergate participant E. Howard Hunt named names to his son Saint John, and created a tape to be released after his death.

[Greatly factually enhancing the on-tape confession of his father St. John Hunt tells the story of the events he witnessed and lived within his family as Watergate occurred, the post WWII era in Japan under spy-masters and E. Averell Harriman, and his mother Dorothy later likely killed by the CIA in the UAL Flight 533 crash. Ed Donegan (myself) uses extensive content from his several published works. – edp]

https://www.amazon.com/Dorothy-Amoral-Dangerous-Woman-Watergates/dp/1634240375 My book tells of the Right Hand operatives of the spooks, hoods, and hidden elites and the children of them. The Burns Family or the Hunt or Donegan family. Generational changes from conspiracy to truth telling.

John Martino’s Confessions – John Martino, who played a post-assassination role in the attempts to pin the murder on Castro, talked to his family and his lawyer about his peripheral involvement in the crime.

David Morales – We Took Care of That SOB – JMWAVE Chief Operations Officer David Morales, aka “El Indio,” told lifelong friend Ruben Carbajal and business partner Robert Walton that “we” had taken care of Kennedy.

Santos Trafficante – It Should Have Been Bobby – “Mob lawyer” Frank Ragano wrote in his book that Santo Trafficante told him that he and Carlos Marcello “should have killed Bobby” instead of JFK.

James Files – Grassy Knoll Shooter? – James Files claims to have fired the fatal head shot from behind the grassy knoll fence.

Chauncey Holt – One of the Tramps? – Chauncey Holt says that he forged Oswald’s “Hidell” ID card, among other activities, and is the oldest of the “three tramps” depicted in photos of Dallas on November 22, 1963. Holt names convicted murderer Charles Harrelson as one of his companions.

The list above is certainly not a complete list of confessions. Also, many other people have alleged involvement with Lee Oswald or some aspect of the JFK assassination story, but not with the murder plot itself.

That many of those figures did kill JFK and others is well documented. What Jen Moore and Ted Gundderson and William Cooper were silenced over is the Deep State CIA that gained and retained power or more likely always held power except from 1961 to 1963. Jen Moore and Ed Donegan continue the work of Ted Gunderson, William Cooper, Phillip Marhsall and others telling the Bush Rockefeller DuPont Rothschild CIA truths to the world and the assasinations that protect the elites.


The Big Bamboozle II: It was the United State of America and its Government that moved not the laws of the USA nor the people of the USA that moved

Cover of Book The Big Bamboozle II

Ed Donegan fuses together Katherine Horton Stop007.org survey, his (my) own life story of attacks on me spanning more than 40 years, and my belief about the “Intelligence Community.” The Cadre of dangerous corrupt mafia dons whole rule the world and the USA with dirty (secretive, quietly conducted) war crimes against populations.

This second edition of the book includes an alteration in the title to it was the USA that moved. A corrupt JFK linked government continues its cover-up by covert agression against many in the USA. Misconduct of government can include ethics, self-enrichment, favortism, to Conspiracy Against Rights to harrass people into other crimes often listed in the ORganized Crime statutues such as break-ins, intimidation, witness assassination, obstruction of justice, money laundering Subersion of the USA and politically connected espionage weaponized of DHS and the military all the way into ethnic crimes, genetics crimes, illegal radiolical attacks and poinsings, and beyond. Understand what (or rather who) our corrupt officials have to fear and the illegal systems used to “silence” whistle-blowers with propoganda techniques that include false-flags, staged events, and other slander and ongoing operations are now the norm for the USA and is shills. Called Community Based Agents recruits carry out staged events and abuse of Targets. Many Targeted Individuals such as myself. Tara Moore of Boston, and others have our neigborhoods taken over and adjoing apartments taken over from where attacks are conducted from.


Books by Edward Paul Donegan

Publication and excerpts of my books series on The Deep State and the CIA Special Relationship with Great Britain

“Probably the most interesting single item seized in the course of Shaw’s arrest was his address book. It offered some insight into his proclivity for developing casual friendships at lofty levels of European aristocracy.

“It is true that such a listing could have represented a preoccupation with the past inasmuch as most of the world is no longer run by nobles.

“However, it is also true that the C.I.A. has a romantic infatuation with fading regimes and that Clay Shaw, with his polished Court of St. James manners, must have been precisely what the Agency needed for assignments involving foreign royalty-such as that in Italy in 1962. – Jim Garrison “On The Trail of the Assassins.

All Above Books By Edward Paul Donegan © All rights reserved 2023

The State

Loyalty to Loyalty is Loyalty. Loyalty to Disloyalty is Disloyalty. Loyal People in Loyal Government is internally consistent. Disloyal People in Disloyal Government is also internally consistent.

CIA and FBI trained snipers like Lee Harvey Oswald and Charles Harrelson and Chauncy Marvin Holt and others who worked for General Edward Lansdale, Charles Cabell of the CIA and USAF, Prouty, and others knew to hide as snipers. The escape routes included the souped up green station wagon they drove from Arizona in with Arizona plates that became trapped after the asssanation, a nearby tied-down nearly small plane pilots like Holt and David Ferrie and Oswald could fly, and the train cars they were caught in by Lee Bowers Jr. who was in the Control Tower observing them. The fencing and trainyard area is where the witnesses ran to as the source of the shots.

The real motives for and real participants in the assassination are spread across Earth. They are in public and private organizations and or of public and private individuals whose own interests led to the assassination. The most center-most family per the USA element is the Donegan family. James and Glorian the parents, Tom and Ned (Ed) the children.

For many reason often linked through the Kennedy family my family (from both parents Glorian Dean Rusk connections, James Donegan from WWII history connections those WWII roles tied back to Dorchester Massachusetts and the Roman Catholic Irish Immigrant family living there. But this reached to the Windsor family line and Robber barons in CIA actions around the world. This is important because even when the CIA was operation (as OSS or OPC or other) usually they avoided direct government links and hid behind non government front groups. These front groups could deny working for the USA and they had little responsibility other than tax records to give the US Government records. When they did the records disappeared.

NWCpresskitV1 Press Kit
This large file is over 4 gigabytes and includes digitital copies of war information from WWII and the Korean War that helps set the Cold War stage my family emerged from. That tale of of the JFK assassination, the RFK assassination, and other mysteries go deeper into history and the story of Joseph Kennedy Sr., and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. I beleie the Donegan family is the missing piece of the MK-ULTRA story. THere are some 10 or 15 self contained lins of sections from the main page that tells the overall story. NWCpresskitV1.zip is the file name and unzips to standard HTML and image files with no scripting or anythings like it. Some PDF files are included in the directories that support the content.


The Pamphlets are teasers drawn from the books helping to tell so large a story

Cuba Mafia Pamphlet

Cuba and the Mafia drug dealers and gamblers and smugglers hoping to get Castro out is the best understood and most examined story of the Mafia. Yet these figures overthrew Gautama much earlier and had planned to and did overthrow Indonesia much later than Cuba. The story of these Mobsters is introduced as occurring under Truman as early as 1951 though he said he intended the cloak of information gathering of a CIA more than dagger of wet division, and FDR who regretted it and Eisenhower-Nixon who engaged in world crimes under the espionage capability created by the FDR legislation. Eisenhower also came to warn of the military industrial complex and entities controlled by the CIA and US DOD but Nixon was its biggest advocate.

Marilyn Monroe was killed by drugs administered by thugs. Failure to solve that crime put JFK next in line“. That is text taken from a longer poem written by Bill Truels concluded the most extensive research into the death of Marilyn Monroe available and who had massive insights into the Deep State.

As Greek in Chicago he knew the story of Eugenia “Becca” Pappas Birth: 1944. Illinois, USA. Death: 1962 (aged 17-18). Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA. She had heard and repeated mobsters working for Sam Giancana left Chicago to fly to California to kill Marilyn Monroe. Becca was killed inher car by mobsters shortly thereafter and was found floating in the Chicago river.

Here is the Modus Operandi the mob used on Monroe. Chloral Hydrate and Nembutal were using in combination and delivered rectally. I Edward Paul Donegan suspect this barbiturate death was used as a toxic weapon on Dorothy Kilgallen too. The combination of these drugs act like the three drug protocol of lethal injections that paralyze the muscles of the body and including the heart and lung functions. In the case of Nembutal and Chloral Hydrate seizures and perhaps vomiting would be cause by an overdose except for the seizure suppressant affects of drug combination.


Task 33 With Fallguys Pamphlet

The details story left by Train-yard Hobo and Guatemala overthrow veteran Chauncey Marvin Holt and the assassination of JFK in Coup d’état. The interlocking interwoven and forensically demonstrable confessions of those involved have solved the questions of history and are only now making headway against the lies we live under. This is an old story as history goes and thus is not in the forefront of the pubic mind but “The Men Who Killed Kennedy” remain (or their family members remain) in the forefront of politics, elected, and appointed offices today.


The Assassination of Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack

As George W. Bush and Richard Chenney are leaving office their sleepr agent Barrac Obama Jr. built by the CIA and them is going to take office in early 2009. The killing machine of the CIA goes to work to hide that Obama Jr, a CIA project and that likely George H.W. Bush, Allen Dulles, Dick Chenney and others wer part of killing JFK to keep the plan on track and safe from being revealed to the public.


We Will Write Our Own HIstory Of The Republic

Despite attempts by Austin PD, Texas Department of Public Safety, the Los Angelee PD, Dalls PD, the FBI and CIA to silence truth tellers about these assassinations the truth can not be stopped and is largely out now already. It is gaining strength and the acceptance as Truth finally.


“Robber baron” is a term used frequently in the 19th century during America’s Gilded Age to describe successful industrialists whose business practices were often considered ruthless or unethical. Included in the list of so-called robber barons are Andrew Carnegie, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and John D. Rockefeller. – Investopedia.

J.P Morgan, the Hearst family that backed Nixon and the CIA, DuPonts, and other were close to the overall globalism RFK and RFK was hoping to contain and control CIA allegiance with. The use of mafia was organized through J. Egar Hoover and the FBI, himself an elite Mason and as FBI director with global responsibilities. Also these are called the Boston Brahmins or Eastern Elites or WASP power base.

The Kennedy and Donegan families and anti mafia RFK allowing a country to be bled dry and left in poverty (such as during the Great Potato Famine) was unacceptable foreign policy and JFK was going to end it and end the CIA.

This group of Regime Change killed JFK and then began the Watergate Break-ins and other crimes as the old money systems of backing dictators was continued despite JFK and RFK trying to put the criminals to a stop.

There is extensive corroboration for my story from some now deceased but whose recorded statements are online, in presidential libraries, and in gigabytes of data from others that fits around me story as I was a hand in glove, the glove being the extension of my story as it unfolded into the context I live in. Many of the Super-Conspiracy Theories as as bitterly rejected as they were when Garrison tried to prosecute Clay Shaw and was badly mocked in the press.

The 1962 McMartin “Rosetta Child” or day-care child zero

“There had been efforts to read hieroglyphs before Champollion addressed the task, such as those undertaken by the ninth-century Arab alchemist Abu Bakr Ahmad Ibn Wahshiyah, who successfully deciphered several signs. Yet the finding of the Rosetta Stone and the subsequent wide circulation of reproductions of it and its text led to renewed efforts. With three languages in use and all next to each other and possess in full a complete reading was possible.”

Why my story in that CIA research center was important will show why other children were researched by the CIA as well and why these are the events that led into the 1963 assassination of JFK.

When I was born in 1961 in Inglewood St. Joseph’s Hospital my father was TWA pilot. In my growing up I remember him as 707 captain and later L1011. But his wartime plane was the P-51 by North American Aviation Inglewood and Packard Motors Detroit and Paul Schrade UAW fitting the Detroit engines into it. In 1962 Glorian could not be days alone with two children under 3 years old. I had a rare brain condition make me a behavior problem as well. From 1961 when JFK was in Los Angles with Peter Lawford and Patricia Kennedy when I was born November 18, 1961 then upon turning two years old in November 18, 1963 is tied to JFK decisions on MKULTRA research and the resultant shooting death November 22, 1963 died Parkland Hospital Dallas Texas. Paul Schrade and RFK shootings followed closely after in history and the same untold backstory. My 4 gig press kit telling the story is at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-F9czBKWkt2G1LMfKgcuKaK7jdRwrYrI

The Richard Nixon and Hearst Family anti-communist J.P Morgan Globalism continues to be the ongoing orbit of war criminals and deep state terror downing commercial airliners, bring civil wars, assassinations, and international lawless terror including against the USA.

Indirect Rule is a Nobility system Aristocracies of Nation-States use to co-rule the world. One Crown perhaps Great Britain may be the superior crown to Australia and demand Australian satellite actions or Crowns (and Sovereigns of Nation States) may work by treaty.

In the years following WWII many key parts of Great Britain were lost to independence. Guatemala and Indonesia the GI of ATSUGI were the Nixon Hearst Bush family Allen Dulles, James Jesus Angleton, and LBJ families working on the a different program.

Indirect Gruel takes a nation with natural resources like gold and spices in Indonesia and promises the riches to a Banana Republic dictator who will subdue the nation and kill journalists, etc., but under the repressive regime the satellite nation will remain in the column of the world power who covertly installed the repressive dictator.

The proximity of teetering Post WWII Indonesia was as great a concern for Australia is Cuba and Castro were for the USA.

What many do not realize is Peter Lawford led the USAID and Peace Corp effort in the Los Angeles County area out of his mansion. As RFK is shot in that area later the woman in the Polka Dot dress is eager to get to Australia and the police of LAPD are part of the USAID Peace Corp CIA effort and confess to that later.

In WWI the War Industry Board was started to fund business to sell weapons the military. In the Cold War the CIA started businesses like Zapata Oil to be among these cover action companies. Col Prouty when he was providing the CIA assets to attack Cuba with notes Operation Zapata fits Zapata Oil and some of the ships that were requested from Prouty at the Pentagon were to be named the Houston where Zapata Petroleum funded by the CIA was hardhearted and the Barbara the name of George H.W. Bush’s wife.

It was of these orbit of people, Nixon, Twombly of Coca Cola Nixon was on the board of, and others that were the CIA presence assassinating JFK with their E. Howard Hunt and Murder Inc., allies from the train-yard.

The Indonesia piece is part of the CIA Obama family story. There are several fake certificates (people flock to the Hawaii one although the USA Document is a fraud) and run from the equally fake Mombasa Kenya one. I assert the real truth is in Los Angeles county and make the case in this book.

Jen Moore Truther and her correct view of the Donegan family hidden history at the center of world history and disputed history.

  • The start of the story surrounds WWI, Joseph Kennedy Sr., the Vatican, and others (Admiral Halsey) getting a pregnant Maria Kutchera (the showgirl) into the USA to deliver a prince’s (Edward or Albert probably Albert) babies in the USA. Marilyn Monroe was one and hit by the CIA and Glorian Gainey (later Glorian Donegan) was another both born in the USA 1926.
  • The CIA had been at that time using Freud and others studying the gene that ran in Albert but not Edward. Mary of Romania may have been the source of the London Forkhead p2 FOXP2 gene.
  • James Paul Donegan was born an Irish Catholic in Dorchester the Kennedy family area. The Kennedy’s likely got him a key spot flying the p-51. He went on to battle over Europe in WWII and finaly was part of the two atomic bombing wings attacking Japan with strafing to soften the island for the bombing run.
  • Following WWII there were reenactments for Duke Edward and others. Joseph Kennedy Sr was part of Lend Lease, using UAW labor to build the Rolls Royce Merlin two stage supercharged engines for the p-51 made in Inglewood Los Angeles County where I Edward Donnean was born.
  • I Edward Paul Donegan have the gene as my mother did. I was placed in McMartin Preschool 1962 the CIA was known to secretly research children at. Franklin Nebraska was another CIA testing of children site.
  • This was tied to Allen Dulles and the Kennedy Assassination. No one dares utter it but during atomic testing Glorian had given up eggs and they were used in a CIA test child who might be placed in Indonesia. The real parents of Barrack Obama Jr are not as listed, JFK at 1963 was trying to call off that plan but the CIA assassinated JFK to keep the plan underway. The CIA USAID plans for Barrack Obama Jr. were created for Los Angeles County where many of the families lived like Peter Lawford and Patricia Kennedy, the Donegan’s, and some friends of the Donegan’s (Chafins). Ed Donegan asserts a probable but unused SSN of 022-46-3234 for Obama Jr. but that was hidden because of JFK in the area publicly.
  • Donald Barr of the CIA Dirty BCCI crime networks in November 1961 was seen in a Whitehouse photo holding an experimental birth flown from Los Angeles to the Whitehouse. Comically potrayed as a newborn monkey the artwork in the Donald Barr photo showed an Indonesian context for the newborn. At this time a Rockefeller family member exploring Papue New Guinea went missing never to be found.
  • Predatory stalking is now being used against me Edward Donegan to stop my story about these CIA plans in orphanages, etc, from coming out.
  • In videos like Good Versus Evil we must fight on, Turning the Tables on the Stalkers, and others Jen Moore was getting the views from me being sabotaged in my housing in Capitola and Monetery Stay and Play. She and I knew these were dirty trickster frauds of faked evidence, stolen belongings, identity theft, break-ins, etc., to sabotouge me.


The 20th Century Presidencies myst be seen as orbits of the CIA and its activities

In a step to the left the Rockefeller Republicans with the Eastern Establishment “old money” newly acquired fro colonial natural resources riches created moderate globalist left of center future leaders for the 21st Century who would while in power back the US liberalized democracy movements stepping to the right, towards capitalism and away from socialism, inviting the former colonial powers back into independent nations who has gained freedom following the the near total defeat of Great Britain’s colonies in WWII. After the V-2 Rockets and the A Bomb and the H-Bomb and super sonic flight and sea born nuclear missiles very critical of the shore of Australia and the USA.

As the Cold War loomed atomic blasts mushroomed. Like the Guns of August new weapons and thinking were on the horizon.

” The United States tested its first hydrogen bomb, codenamed “Bravo”, on March 1, 1954 on Bikini Atoll: Yield The explosion released 15 megatons of energy, which was more than two and a half times what scientists had expected. This made it the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated by the United States at the time. Effects The explosion created a fireball that was almost 4.5 miles across, and a crater that was 6,500 feet in diameter and 250 feet deep. The mushroom cloud reached a height of 130,000 feet and a diameter of 62 miles in less than 10 minutes. – Google AI overview

And in 1954 under Eisenhower and V.P. Nixon the secret agreements were formed with covert allies. A whole new ere began in rockets, supersonic aircraft, Sputnik, and a new class of atomic bombs.

Guam and the Bikini Atoll that figure into the woman in the pink polka dot dress and the assassination of RFK may figure into this. “Oppenheimer”.

Briefly: Democrat FDR led into and through most all of WWII. Joseph Kennedy Sr also a Democrat was at his side since the closing of WWI and when FDR was undersecretary of the navy needs ships built in Boston for the Atlantic fleets.

Democrat Truman replaces FDR in the closing days of WWII following the death of FDR and some maneuverings. During this time Richard Nixon is an anti-communist US Representative from Los Angeles. Upon the 1952 election General Eisenhower the Republican with V.P. Nixon take office until in 1960 JFK defeats VP Nixon for the presidency. Nixon in the Congress had created the CIA and CIA plans for the world that were carried out under the National Security Council he had headed as VP that oversaw regime change, assassination, and covert intervention in foreign affairs. In his resignation General (ret) Eisenhower warns the public of the post WWII mil industrial complex. Following the assassination of JFK FDR states he regrets a CIA with cloak and dagger. During the time JFK was president and before under VP Nixon Ed Donegan asserts George H.W. Bush, Prescott Bush, LBJ, and others were in robber Barron corporate and CIA actions around the world oil included. Ed Donegan asserts Barrack Obama Jr was a planned CIA deep state projec and many others were too. Hillary gets blamed for most of this but oil and the Rockefeller’s work out of Little ROck and they are GOP.

I am one of those types Ralph Thomas of Austin Texas or Richard Richard Belzer of acting and Skyhorse Publishing and Joan Mellon fame write about though I am not known yet that have information about the Kennedy Assassination but the destruction of my life by sham allegations and investigations and defrauding and harassing me has limited the generation and reach of my speech. I have a story to tell though.

Edward Paul Donegan
Subject: Emerging history of the Kennedy assassination and I believe a Donegan family tie to them.

I have experienced stimulus-respose type bullying desgined to lead me into fights and my agressors to claims against me. The covert aggression system is not only common to FBI COINTELPRO practices it also matches the rare form of programming (Complex PTSD by reptitive stimuli) that Sirhan Sirhan was exposed to, the Tsarnev’s were, and perhaps Timothy McVieigh had been. Patsies are easily manufactured as they are led into loosing fights. Ted Gunderson, Jen Moore, John DeCamp, and William Colby and I assert these are part of the family jewels program of the CIA, are tied to the Kennedy assassination and much more.

Most of this is detailed in a rhetorical interogative found elsewhere in this presss release itself drawn from my books.

Marshfield is a town in Plymouth County, Massachusetts.

Visit the John F. Kennedy Hyannis Museum to learn about the legacy of President Kennedy and his deep connection to Cape Cod where he enjoyed special days with family and friends. The Cape was the one place he could relax and feel at home, even while bearing the weight of the world. Learn why Hyannis Port was considered the “heart and home” of the Kennedys. Step into the unforgettable Summer White House days of the 1960’s when a beloved President and his family brought joy and hope to a nation. https://seeplymouth.com/listing/john-f-kennedy-hyannis-museum/

The and Nixon Rockefeller ties to the Kennnedy assination and the Donegans. Inglewood, Los Angeles County, home of the P-51 is central and the missing piece to this story. So is the history of Robert F. Kennedy a former DOJ employee then a Counsel to the Senator Committee on Labor Rackets and Organized Crime or said another way which was the usual the Get Hoffa Squad. Republican supported corrupted management backed unions and those same unions used muscle against strike lines and that included Ford Motors employee a relative of Chauncey Marvin Holt and this plan of the Red Scare about labor movements overlapped internationally to as the USA suppressed independence movements and socialists governments at the very time Great Britain had lost its colonies as WWII was being fought.

The “Get Hoffa” squad was a group of investigators and prosecutors led by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in the 1960s. The squad was part of Kennedy’s efforts to combat organized crime. -Google AI Overview.

The Nixon and big business ties into Organized Crime, Labor Rackets, Drug Dealing, Casinos, and Tiger Team assasinations covert operations is the the larger umbrella story of which that is a part. Prescottt Bush, George H.W. Bush, Richard Nixon, the Rockefeller’s, George Hearst and William Randolph Hearst were big business world venture’s whose interest in finding oil the Rockefeller’s had developed a technique to refine, gold or diamonds that could be dug or transported by industrial means missing in the 2nd and 3rd world, and tourism and world tavel on the Great White Fleet tourist boats leaving form Louisiana into the Banana Republics were the plantation-like super-rich of globalism.

A smaller piece of this story is that Richard Nixon got caught (partially and increasingly after his death) using the Watergate Break-in to conceal a group of CIA mobsters and operatives having killed JFK and the unions and independent-nations backing Kennedy family and the Kennedy family also backed real unions of mobsters in the union business. THe larger piece too big for today’s press corps or too true for today’s press corps is the Richard Nixon may have been a middle man at most, towards the top but not at the top. The real power behind the scenes were W. Averell Harriman, the Marshall Plan and the OSS as a post-WWII CIA, and FBI espionage aroun the world. The highest ranking of all may have been George H.W. Bush clearly implicated in the assassination of JFK and later (in my own telling) assassination of RFK because of the union labor that built the Packard Moter Merlin P-51 engine for North America Aviation. Why can not such a story make it into the press? First of all the Donegan family piece of this (and I am the last Donegan) has been missing and second of all is that the Bush plan had according to plan backed a series of highly likable democrat party agents of influence today that along with moderate republicans control elected and appointed offices and would be executed for treason IF the truth came out. Today these officials use ongoing mob violence in illegal racketeering and harrassment operations against a large number of US Citizens and I an one of them. Attempts to stop my story have been obvious to me and numerous but excuse have be fabricated and spread about me making the illegal covert assaults on me seem a public good of getting the bad-guy out of town for the public good. These are called Gang Stalks or smear campaigns of faked public appearances and rumors about a person circulated at times even use in grand juries in faked testimony or the testimony of a dupe.

Journalist John Pilger spoke of Barrack Obama Jr. as the Mancurian Candidate whose role he was groomed for was to be a CIA controlled and back influencer for CIA plans around the world destroying, undermining, or eroding independent nation’s attempt to self govern in their own rather than imperialism interests.

The events surrounding Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s death I have a missing piece to explain but also an analysis of sufficient applicability even without my part of the story not provided still explains the situation well and perhaps even better since events unfamiliar to the listener are not present. Who is familiar to the listener of this story is Don Nixon who while RFK was staying with John Frankenheimer tried to get RFK to the Palm Springs and Nevada test grounds area. Don Nixon the brother of Richard Nixon knew of the Manchurian Candidate plot line my family is a part of and part of the reason JFK was assassinated in the dispute of Nixon’s policies. Ties to Mahue and Hughes and the CIA?

https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/sep-keyword/sam-houston-johnson/ Numver 5. Donald Nixon, Richard’s brother, had dreams of becoming a fast-food king. In 1957, with his hamburger stand in trouble, Donald borrowed $200,000 to shore up his business. The lender was Howard Hughes, a major defense contractor. Richard Nixon had trouble convincing anyone that he, then vice-president, had not traded favors with Hughes for the loan. During the Watergate investigation, investigators learned that Donald had been a conduit for illegal campaign contributions to Richard. Yet Richard didn’t trust his brother and ordered the Secret Service to monitor Donald’s phone calls. https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/sep-keyword/sam-houston-johnson/ Donald Anthony Nixon (born December 12, 1945) is an American businessman. He is the nephew of former President Richard Nixon and the son of Richard Nixon’s brother Donald Nixon and Clara Jane Lemke. Francis Donald Nixon (November 23, 1914 June 27, 1987) was a younger brother of U.S. President Richard Nixon

Nixon and “philanthropic” robber baron families included experts like Thorkil Kristenseon. Thorkil Kristensen. 1st Secretary-General of the OECD. In office 30 September 1961 30 September 1969. who felt and struggling third world need better leaders and as the labor leaders of these nations were being suppressed Agents of Influence placed by the OSS and CIA into families around the globe were CIA aspirations to have aristocratic or politically based family members who would receive covert aid in the political or military quest for the power in the nations they were placed in, and when in power, ally with Western nations.

It was this battle between Nixonian dirty tricks of illegal actions of subversion and overthrows funded by robber-barons world planning versus more openly democratic and independence from Great Britain Kennedy family that was where the USA fell to Treason. The globalists in the Special Relationship and CIA connections around the world built by James Jesus Angleton and careful grooming of the media supported cover treason against a large number of governments including Cuba, Indonesia, Iran, and in Latin America. This machine overlapping with Nixon’s effort in the USA against organized labor is the Great Treason in the USA, one of the many nations that fell to covert warfare.

My family (and I am the last living on and my life at great risk now) was close to Col Fletcher Prouty and that history. Here is a Prouty book. This book includes the battle to control Indonesia and Barrack Obama Sr. and Jr. (and other family) as CIA covert planning and other conspiracy theories too such as this was the Manchurian Candidate story line RFK was discussing with the movie producer in his Los Angeles home at the time of his campaign trail death.

The Secret Team, L. Fletcher Prouty’s expose´ of the CIA’s brutal methods of maintaining national security during the Cold War, was first published in the 1970s. However, virtually all copies of the book disappeared upon distribution, having been purchased en-mass by shady “private buyers.” Prouty’s topics include:

  • President Kennedy tried to control the CIA.
  • The nature of clandestine operations.
  • The Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report in action
  • Defense, containment, and anti-communism
  • Khrushchev’s Challenge: the U-2 dilemma
  • From the Bay of Pigs to Dallas.
  • And much more!

This is the Donegan family story and the continuing cover-up of the JFK assassination. Mailer.html is the start file. The entire version 1 press kit that is 4 gigabytes in size might be available for download at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-F9czBKWkt2G1LMfKgcuKaK7jdRwrYrI. The download contains two important and full length archived movies. One is the Battle of Britain made in 1969. The air defense of England is represented and in history from their the Royal Air-force with the US Army 8th Air Force continues over Europe to defeat the Nazi war machine. Another movie is Jet Pilot 1957 in which John Wayne plays a Cold War pilot and shows a Russian defector the secrets of Fighter Control Radio and RADAR and how it allowed strategic ground-command of fights changing WWII.

This all ties to Paul Schrade and JFK and RFK and Joseph Kennedy Sr. Kennedy Sr upon return to the USA enlisted Packard Motors to build the Rolls Royce Merlin engine used in the Spitfire and other planes turning the history of WWII with that mass production capability.

The 1950’s (even 1949) as Micheal Swanson of The War State notes was Vice President Nixon of the World Wide Meddling Program (WWMP) and the 1960’s resistance to it inside the USA, and the 1970’s was the cover-ups including Watergate, the downing of UAL 553, and TWA 800. You might note that TWA 800 went down in 1996 but it was carrying Jed Johnson. With Patty Hears and Brigid Berlin at Interviews Magazine the truth of MK-UTTRA was being revealed by those from the family members tied to it. Flight UAL 553 was likely destroyed as an act of treason as well. Doroth Hunt and others were killed on that flight.

Much of this history I and Jen Moore and others write about goes back to the Kings Speech in 1925 and FDR and others in the time of the events surrounding WWI. During that time and leading into WWII a favor was done for Edward and Albert. Bastard children were moved into the USA. Later these bastard children wanted to study a quirk gene would have offspring born under real names or under covert hidden identity names. Some of those latter births have grown into positions of power around the world, covertly as planned and now this is covered up successfully after JFK was stopped from revealing key parts of the plan. Hearst, the Windsors, Nixon, and many others did know. Others who knew were Robert Mahue and Howard Hughes and the activities surround the Desert Inn near where surplus planes were modified for covert roles around the world by the CIA and US DDO.

We are the Right Hand of the history of the United States of America and global operations with Great Britain or Children of the Right Hand. St John Hunt the child of E. Howard Hunt. Dorothy Kilgallen. Dorothy Mae Kilgallen (July 3, 1913 – November 8, 1965) was an American columnist, journalist, and television game show panelist. After spending two semesters at the College of New Rochelle, she started her career shortly before her 18th birthday as a reporter for the Hearst Corporation’s New York Evening Journal. In 1938, she began her newspaper column “The Voice of Broadway”, which was eventually syndicated to more than 140 papers. In 1950, she became a regular panelist on the television game show What’s My Line?, continuing in the role until her death.

Kilgallen’s columns featured mostly show-business news and gossip, but also ventured into other topics, such as politics and organized crime. She wrote front-page articles for multiple newspapers on the Sam Sheppard trial and, years later, events related to the John F. Kennedy assassination, such as testimony by Jack Ruby.

James L. Kilgallen, one of the nation’s best-known newspaper reporters in a career that spanned three-quarters of a century, died Tuesday night at the Mary Manning Walsh Home in Manhattan, which he had entered earlier this month. He was 94 years old. Mr. Kilgallen, who was at International News Service for 38 years, was once described by Damon Runyon as ”an editor’s dream of a reporter.” Mr. Kilgallen joined International News Service in 1920, and went on to cover major stories of the period, including the Lindbergh baby kidnapping case and the German surrender at Rheims, France, in World War II. – New York Times

US Senator George Hearst is important and mabye central to this entire story. He moved to California to confirm the existance of gold in California mountians and in the 1860’s and 1870’s era was part of J.P Morgan’s conquest of the world by hegemonic business frequently under control of or similar to the law firms Allen Dulles would serve on also a CIA Director.

Bridid Berlin daughter of Heart CEO and manager Richard Berlin and Patty Hearst daughter of Wiliam Randolph Hearst Jr. are part of the story as is Richard Nixon who as a Congressmen in California close to the William Randolph Hearst San Simeon Castle and post WWII 1949 Marshall plan to regain control of nation-states who gained independence following the withdrawal of Japanese or German forces are part of the story and Hearst may have been the rich friend who gave no money to Nixon (the Checkers the dog speech) but gave influential help to Congressman Nixon aspirations to the Vice Presidency and if Hearst Communications had its way President Richard Nixonn up the defeat or John F. Kennedy (much less Great Britain minded than Hearst or JP Morgan or Dulles) would have come to power.

The programs Nixon as US Congressman and post WWII planning and creation of the CIA out of the OSS and Marshal Plan and passage of the Mutual Defense act recommitting the allies of WWII to a common defense turned into Vice President Nixon as the head of the National Security Council planning out CIA activities around the world that come under scrutiny in the 1970’s as the New York Times and Congress revisit CIA activities and attempt political oversight.

I Ed Donegan come from a family tied to these events and though not a child of Col Fletcher Prouty or families (the Donegan’s and Prouty’s) ere very close even though I was a small child.

Both TWA flight 800 with Jed Johnson and UAL flight 553 appear to be sabotaged flights as the CIA history under Nixon and MK-ULTRA backed by industrialists like Hearst began to come out.

One thing to know about Edward VIII who will figure into this story is the world is easily deceived. Portrayed officially as a hasbeen with no loyalty to or from the Windsor family he was in fact what the US has used in creating Flag Officers. Nobles may serve as King, as Lord Governors of parts of Great Britain or its holdings like India, or in battle may carry their coats of arms as military commanders as US Flag Officers do for instance and Admiral and his or her flag displayed on the carrier of the carrier strike group the carrier is heading.

Duke Edward led the Battle of France for Great Britain until France fell. After the war he was reassigned to Bermuda seeming isolated and holding golf matches for the rich and famous but secretly working with the CIA, Bermuda Dunes airport, and efforts in the Caribbean with Nixon and Chauncey Marvin Holt, Col Prouty, and others.

Dorothy Kilgallen will have key pieces of this story that tie into he Donegan family and bastard Windsor children used in colonies under faked names, and that too is part of the story.

If you know who Col Fletcher Prouty was the USAAF liaison between the Joint Chiefs an the CIA assassinations team (and I knew him as a fried of our Donegan family as a child) you might have read JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy. Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, the former CIA operative known as “X,” offers a history-shaking perspective on the assassination of president John F. Kennedy. His theories were the basis for Oliver Stone’s controversial movie JFK.

In 1949 China fell to Mao. The USSR was according to The Long Telegram not God fearing nor did the believe in free markets. The Iron Curtain in Europe and the Americas was a foot as was the Bamboo Curtain in the Indochina area. Australia and the USA were a threat from the V2 and even worse.

Dorthy Wetzle was wokring in China for the Treasury Department and barely made it out by train with a last hope of a small gun she had with her just in case but was not stopped by anyone. After that she met E. Howard Hunt who was working for the CIA as sh was reassigned to work under E. Averall Harriman on post WWII Office of Policy Coordination OSS CIA operations as the agency names and progression went Dorothy Wetzel was born in Ohio on 1st April, 1920. She became an employee for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) after the Second World War and was stationed in Shanghai, China, where she met her future husband, E. Howard Hunt. – Spartacus Educational.

In 1949 Col. Prouty will arrive in Japan and James Paul Donegan who was part of the P-51 detail for the first and second bomb drops also flew from Japan during the Korean War and against the Soviets airspace as an interceptor jet pilot later.

As Jen Moore will explain this is not a Cold War or WWII story. WWII and the Cold War are part of the James and Glorian Donegan story concealed until now. The British Empire wanted the Pacific and Americas back though they had lost most all of the globe during WWWII. Rising labor unions and workers parties were threat to getting the Pacific Islands or other nations back. Nixon and the Republicans planned dirty tricks. JFK planned economic aid packages and peacekeeping. Those all met together in USAID, the Peace Corp, and other programs but the balance between an open had helping feed and a knife in the back of WETDIVISION into an independence leaning president or press corp member would tilt the tide. The Boston Elite chose the British way, not the Kennedy and Constitutional way. That is where the treason against the USA emerges as we in what turned out be a Eugenics scheme backed secretive out of wedlock bastard children of the Windsors around the world to lead CIA backed governments around the world.

Below is a large map picture of China and Russia (formerly USSR. E. Howard Hunt was quick into post WWII anti-communism of the USSR. At the same time his new wife who was a US Treasury Agent in China was fleeing the 1949 Chairman Mao takover of China. They would meet through Averell Harriman and the CIA.

China and Russia are both located in Asia, but Russia spans two continents:. China is entirely located in Asia. Lower Eastern Russia is a transcontinental country, with the majority of its landmass in Asia and a smaller portion in Eastern Europe. The Ural Mountains generally mark the division between the European and Asian parts of Russia.

Visually it is one continent with the former USSR stacked on top China under it. To the West of the USSR was Western Europe and to the East and South of China was Indochina with the peninsula like reach of India under China. These were to the CIA according to Prouty the Iron Curtain of Europe an the Bamboo Curtain of Asia to contain China especially via India the Crown resource in the area and Australia,

The Books

The Great Treason: High and Petite Treason in the USA

Cover of Book The Great Treason

Chauncey Marvin Holt gives a deathbed confession he was a Hobo with Charles Harrelson and other CIA operatives organized by William King Harvey and others that assassinated JFK though he asserts some like himself were patsies who did not expect the outcome of JFK being assassinated by the team he was in providing support services to the team.

“Coup d’état (Chauncey Holt) When the shooting started at 12:30, then immediately after the first shot, which was a weak type Of shot, I realized that this was not any simple demonstration. You know, in addition to the shots people were screaming and running in all directions. I didn’t actually see the shooting although I was behind the picket fence within 35 yards Of the motorcade, but I didn’t see it.”

Extensive non-fiction that shows the 100 year history of the espionage covert Special Relationship between England and the USA that led in to the Kennedy Curse and how the Donegan (my own and other families secretly were tied to that history under Hidden Identities and Underground Railroads during several world wars.


Pillory: Tools and Fools of the USA

The Cover of the Book Pillory

I try to write my book but really noxious cabbage hits me on the head from the side as I type. Spectacular Spectacular Spectacular. A spectacle of conflicts. How I am treated as teen-phile is a fight when they deny having treated me as that. The fights that people start with me retaliating for how I appear to be a teen-phile and the fight to write my book as the distraction of how I am being treated calls my attention away from writing. My books document the JFK ties to attacks on me that I am usign for law suite filings, police oversight filings https://www.austintexas.gov/department/office-police-oversight, books on history for, law suits I am writing as part of the fabric of works, etc., I also have provided the materials to the US Marshalls at Corpus Christi court house as to assertions of crimial racketeering and public officials either involved or under threat. Letters to coronors are included, etc.,

Whoever knowingly engages in any conduct and thereby causes bodily injury to another person or damages the tangible property (including the home, its safety, or access to public facilities of office equipment) and office equipment) of another person (or patron of a [public] library), or threatens to do so, with intent to retaliate against any person for- (1)the attendance of a witness or party at an official proceeding, or any testimony given or any record, document, or other object produced by a witness in an official proceeding; or (2)any information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation, supervised release, parole, or release pending judicial proceedings given by a person to a law enforcement officer; or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Title 18 Chapter 73 Obstruction of Justice – Witness suppression. Most have told me what I would be killed over. Every day. They the Cabal know the whole story and are suppressing it. I am being assaulted by a JavaScript methodically running abusive carefully engineered Black Propaganda (smear of a person publicly) fraudulent themes that are an elaborate hoax paraded in public before the public. It has never changed. In substance and processes the criminal intent has been to stop my writing, stop any allies form forming with me, and stop available resources needed to write my book.

I can write five percent of the time I had available in my apartment even stalked when I was in it.

If you want to understand Title 18 Chapter 73 of US Criminal Codes may I recommend to the work of the great Ralph Thomas SILENCED! Strange Deaths Of People Who Knew Too Much About The JFK Assassination: 92 Witnesses, Researchers, CIA Agents, Police Officers, Reporters, Girlfriends Who Just Knew Way Too Much!
My book Pillory (crucifying me on phony allegations) takes the the from of a fictional book as a speculative simulation between the Donegan’s, Kennedy family, and others in Boston and how because of the Donegan factual history in that matter led to a Mockingbird pillory of me by the CIA, FBI, and others when my and other evidence on the JFK and RFK and other murders should not be retaliated against or conspired against by the very agencies this information should be useful to in those agencies and the US sovereign self-interest. In the fictional version RFK escapes assassination and we will learn of the underlying connection between Marilyn Monroe and Dysgraphic Albert Einstein.


Ted L. Gunderson An Edited and Approving Biographical Anthology of his Life and Works

The Cover of the Book Ted L. Gunderson

Ted Gunderson was the right-hand man to RFK fighting the mafia that was run by Vice President Richard Nixon in the 1946 to 1960 years. As the Kennedy’s gained power in the USA and world global dirty business operations subverted the USA and other nations. JFK and RFK attempted to shut down the CIA but it was too globally located to respond to the US Presidency and and held too much allegiance from British trained and supported Espionage in the USA operating as the US Government but through NGOs that again were difficult to control from inside the US Government. It would be comparable to NASA trying to control a long gone satellite past its available connections back to Earth.
A former senior official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation says “rogue” military intelligence and law enforcement units of the federal government oversee a nationwide network of community-based “gang stalking” (harassment, intimidation and domestic terrorism) directed at thousands of U.S. citizens who have been extra judicially targeted as “dissidents” or undesirables.

“Based on my thirty years’ experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal U.S. government rogue criminal enterprise – military intelligence, probably, tied into CIA and FBI and so forth – that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States,” Gunderson stated in an October 2008 speech posted last fall on YouTube.


Written by the Right Hand: The Right Hand Operatives of the Cabal and the Dangerous Job They Undertook of Exposing its Secrets


Many leakers of the secrets of the JFK history have come forward. Deep State Cabal range from Mocking them to assassinating them to denying the truth of revelations but history is being continuously revised as theories Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy are gaining growing support. The patriots fighting against Free Masonry, Vatican history, Knights of Malta, Council on Foreign Relations, British Pilgrim Society all experience media abuse of their theories find any publicity at all but these patriots still speak out at the risk of their lives and leave death-bed statements.

MARY FERRELL FOUNDATION https://www.maryferrell.org/

CIA legend E. Howard Hunt.(img not shown here) In his 2007 book, discussions with his son, and a tape recording, Hunt outlined his “benchwarmer” role in a CIA plot to kill JFK.

Someone would have talked, so the saying goes. But people did talk about their involvement in the JFK assassination–some did so publicly, and some only to intimate associates. So, were at least some of them telling the truth?

Confession of Howard Hunt – CIA master spy and Watergate participant E. Howard Hunt named names to his son Saint John, and created a tape to be released after his death.

[Greatly factually enhancing the on-tape confession of his father St. John Hunt tells the story of the events he witnessed and lived within his family as Watergate occurred, the post WWII era in Japan under spy-masters and E. Averell Harriman, and his mother Dorothy later likely killed by the CIA in the UAL Flight 533 crash. Ed Donegan (myself) uses extensive content from his several published works. – edp]

https://www.amazon.com/Dorothy-Amoral-Dangerous-Woman-Watergates/dp/1634240375 My book tells of the Right Hand operatives of the spooks, hoods, and hidden elites and the children of them. The Burns Family or the Hunt or Donegan family. Generational changes from conspiracy to truth telling.

John Martino’s Confessions – John Martino, who played a post-assassination role in the attempts to pin the murder on Castro, talked to his family and his lawyer about his peripheral involvement in the crime.

David Morales – We Took Care of That SOB – JMWAVE Chief Operations Officer David Morales, aka “El Indio,” told lifelong friend Ruben Carbajal and business partner Robert Walton that “we” had taken care of Kennedy.

Santos Trafficante – It Should Have Been Bobby – “Mob lawyer” Frank Ragano wrote in his book that Santo Trafficante told him that he and Carlos Marcello “should have killed Bobby” instead of JFK.

James Files – Grassy Knoll Shooter? – James Files claims to have fired the fatal head shot from behind the grassy knoll fence.

Chauncey Holt – One of the Tramps? – Chauncey Holt says that he forged Oswald’s “Hidell” ID card, among other activities, and is the oldest of the “three tramps” depicted in photos of Dallas on November 22, 1963. Holt names convicted murderer Charles Harrelson as one of his companions.

The list above is certainly not a complete list of confessions. Also, many other people have alleged involvement with Lee Oswald or some aspect of the JFK assassination story, but not with the murder plot itself.

That many of those figures did kill JFK and others is well documented. What Jen Moore and Ted Gundderson and William Cooper were silenced over is the Deep State CIA that gained and retained power or more likely always held power except from 1961 to 1963. Jen Moore and Ed Donegan continue the work of Ted Gunderson, William Cooper, Phillip Marhsall and others telling the Bush Rockefeller DuPont Rothschild CIA truths to the world and the assasinations that protect the elites.


The Big Bamboozle II: Death to the fascist insect that preys upon the life of the people!

Cover of Book The Big Bamboozle II

Ed Donegan fuses together Katherine Horton Stop007.org survey, his (my) own life story of attacks on me spanning more than 40 years, and my belief about the “Intelligence Community.” The Cadre of dangerous corrupt mafia dons whole rule the world and the USA with dirty (secretive, quietly conducted) war crimes against populations.


Publication and excerpts of my books series on The Deep State and the CIA Special Relationship with Great Britain
“Probably the most interesting single item seized in the course of Shaw’s arrest was his address book. It offered some insight into his proclivity for developing casual friendships at lofty levels of European aristocracy.

“It is true that such a listing could have represented a preoccupation with the past inasmuch as most of the world is no longer run by nobles.

“However, it is also true that the C.I.A. has a romantic infatuation with fading regimes and that Clay Shaw, with his polished Court of St. James manners, must have been precisely what the Agency needed for assignments involving foreign royalty-such as that in Italy in 1962. – Jim Garrison “On The Trail of the Assasins.


All Above Books By Edward Paul Donegan © All rights reserved 2023

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The State
Loyalty to Loyalty is Loyalty. Loyalty to Disloyalty is Disloyalty. Loyal People in Loyal Government is internally consistent. Disloyal People in Disloyal Government is also internally consistent.

… … February 20, November 18, December 13, April 1, June 4, July 6, August 4 … …


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