Bamboozles cover up overthrows

From the moment the hijackers arrived on U.S. soil, it is well documented that Saudi Intelligence agents, and employees of the Saudi Civil Aviation authority, provided housing, obtained drivers licenses and harbored them. After lying low as a sleeper cell throughout the year 2000, they would be led to intensive flight training in the Arizona desert in December of 2000, which leads to the first plausible explanation of the incredible flying performance demonstrated on 9/11. After submitting an 800-page report to the American public, moderate U.S. Senator Bob Graham of Florida, the co-chairman of the Inquiry, said, “There was a ‘direct line’ between the terrorists and the government of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi government had provided logistical and financial support to at least two of the 9 / 11 hijackers while they lived in Southern California.” – Philip Marshall Big Bamboozle I

As the Obama Sr family prepared for power in Kenya backed by the CIA supporting British colonization ongoing since 1902 Indonesian plans were underway too and they CIA and Madelyn Payne Dunham grandmother of Barrack Obama Jr war CIA operatives part of that planning. Her daughter had with Stanley Armour Dunham (Caught by the CIA for selling Boeing Bomber plans to the Nazis) Stanley Armour Dunham is recorded on the birth certificate in use today as the mother of Barrack Obama Jr. There were more than one birth certificate and the fact that fakes do exist and were planted by British and Australian intelligence agencies do not prove that the conspiracy theory along with the birth certificates are fake, it proves the conspiracy does exist and involved fake birth certificates.

Malcom X under his FBI and CIA backed recruitment planned a Mecca (Saudi Arabia future for himself before he was assassinated. That was yet another possible location for Barrack Husein Obama Jr. to grow up in Malcom X lived and did not talk. Some say the 9/11 attacks were the chickens coming home to roost for the CIA plans with Rockefeller Standard Oil and Nixon plans for Saudi Arabia.

At the center of this planning was Donald Barr and international banks and law firms. BCCI and its ties to international mafia cocaine cartels as use in dirty wars was at the center of what Phillip Marhsall and others like Gene Chip Tatum were writing about.

From Big Bamboozle I Chapter 19 BCCI – The Special Bank

To get a glimpse of the world-wide roots of black operations and their ties of the administrations of the elder Bush and his son to Saudi Arabia and international terrorism, it is helpful to look at the case of the Bank of Credit & Commerce International, or BCC [the operation mechanism of Donald Barr OSS CIA overthrows the same Donald Barr who held an experimatl monkey in the White house just flown in from Los Angeles.]. Time magazine ran a cover story on June 29, 1991, that was so sensational and so profoundly disturbing that no one seemed able to put their arms around it. It, was too bad to be true. Perhaps the mind set was, if we ignored it, it would simply go away. It couldn’t be as bad as all that. Could it? [1 |

Judging from the mild reaction to Time’s revelations, Americans could not believe that there was a new criminal thread within the upper floors of the U.S. government actually cooperating with crooks, terrorists, political con artists and foreign dictators.

Time’s cover story of June 29, 1991, was titled: “The Dirtiest Bank of All.” The entire article is available at Time’s website but for now, here are some excerpts from the article. With the benefit of twenty years of research and fact checks, we can plainly see the footprints of our gang: Bush”, Bandar, Mueller” and the Intelligence Community” as they transport gold, cash and illicit drugs. Guess who was in the Oval Offce•• during this period.

Time’s cover story of June 29, 1991, was titled: “The Dirtiest Bank of All.” The entire article is available at Time’s website but for now, here are some excerpts from the article. With the benefit of twenty years of research and fact checks, we can plainly see the footprints of our gang: Bush”, Bandar, Mueller” and the Intelligence Community” as they transport gold, cash and illicit drugs. Guess who was in the Oval Offce•• during this period.

JUNE 29, 1991

“I could tell you what you want to know, but I must worry about my wife and family — they could be killed.” [Just as Philliip Marhshal and his family was in fact assassinated] — a former top BCCI officer. “We better not talk about this over the phone. We’ve found some bugs in offices that haven’t been put there by law enforcement.” — a Manhattan investigator probing BCCI

—Nothing in the history of modern financial scandals rivals the unfolding saga of the Bank of Credit & Commerce International, the $20 billion rogue empire that regulators in 62 countries shut down early this month in a stunning global sweep.

—Never has a single scandal involved so much money, so many nations or so many prominent people. Superlatives are quickly exhausted: it is the largest corporate criminal enterprise ever, the biggest Ponzi scheme, the most pervasive money-laundering operation and financial supermarket ever created for the likes of Manuel Noriega, Ferdinand Marcos, Saddam Hussein and the Colombian drug barons. BCCI even accomplished a stealth-like invasion of the U.S. banking industry by secretly buying First American Bankshares, a Washington- based holding company, whose chairman is a former U.S. Defense Secretary.

—But BCCI is more than just a criminal bank. Time has pieced together a portrait of a clandestine division of the bank called the “black network,” which functions as a global intelligence operation and a Mafia-like enforcement squad … (which) has used sophisticated spy equipment and techniques, along with bribery, extortion, kidnapping and even, by some accounts, murder. The black network — so named by its own members — stops at almost nothing tofurther the bank’s aims the world over.

—The more conventional departments of BCCI handled such services as laundering money for the drug trade and helping dictators loot their national treasuries. The black network, which is still functioning, operates a lucrative arms-trade business and transports drugs and gold. —According to investigators and participants in those operations, it often works with Western and Middle Eastern intelligence agencies. The strange and still murky ties between BCCI and the intelligence agencies of several countries are so pervasive that even the White House has become entangled.

—The National Security Council used BCCI to funnel money for the Iran-Contra deals, and the CIA maintained accounts in BCCI for covert operations. Moreover, investigators have told Time that the Defense Intelligence Agency has maintained a slush-fund account with BCCI, apparently to pay for clandestine activities.”

—But the CIA may have used BCCI as more than an undercover banker: U.S. agents collaborated with the black network in several operations, according to a BCCI black-network “oficer,” who is now a secret U.S. government witness. Sources have told investigators that BCCI worked closely with Israel’s spy agencies and other Western intelligence groups as well, especially in arms deals. The bank also maintained cozy relationships with international terrorists, say investigators.

—In the U.S. investigators now say openly that the Justice Department has not only reined in its own probe of the bank, but is also part of a concerted campaign to derail any full investigation. Says Robert Morgenthau, the Manhattan district attorney who first launched his investigations into BCCI two years ago: “We have had no cooperation from the Justice Department since we first asked for records in March 1990. Infact, they are impeding our investigation, and Justice Department representatives are asking witnesses not to cooperate with us.

RED FLAG (raised by Phillip Marshall]— The chief of the Justice Department’s white collar crime criminal division under former President Bush was our friend Robert Mueller, who was appointed by President George W. Bush as the director of the FBI on September 4, 2001, one week before 9/11.


Gene “Chip” Tatum a native of St.Petersburg Florida, was a Vietnam Special Forces Air Combat Controller, Defense Intelligence Asset, and US Army special operations pilot flying classified missions during the US invasion of Grenada, Tatum was also involved in the Nixon Administrations relations with China, NASA’s Apollo Program, the Iran-Contra Affair, and several other classified intelligence operations dating through through 1992 . Working directly for the sitting Presidents. From sensitive and highly secret – and hitherto largely unknown – Special Forces covert operations in Cambodia, to wandering CIA asset, through to “black ops” activities in Grenada and Oliver North’s Iran-Contra “Enterprise.” Tatum knows where the skeletons are buried. – Gene “Chip” Tatum author profile ASSASSINATION__NEUTRALISATION

See also Gene “Chip” Tatum

Vietnam Special Forces Air Combat Controller, 25-year CIA deep-cover agent, US Army pilot flying classified missions during the US invasion of Grenada, Iran-Contra pilot flying cocaine shipments labeled as medical supplies, member of the ultra-secret, international #NWO G7-run Pegasus “hit team”,

Tatum has gone into considerable additional detail regarding the role of Pegasus as he knew it.

Tatum believes Pegasus was established during the Eisenhower years as a secret group inside the CIA to spy on that agency on behalf of the President. At some point – believed to be after the assassination of President Kennedy – Pegasus went AWOL from direct US Government control and came under the direction of an international Board of Directors which Tatum alleges now includes George Bush and Henry Kissinger

The directors of Pegasus meet once a year in secret conclave following G7 meetings.

The group has “representation” from a number of intelligence agencies throughout the world. Included are the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) as well as agents from British, Israeli, Turkish and Danish Intelligence plus “others who performed various functions for Pegasus”.

Tatum [tried for Treason] declares he will not,

“participate in assassinations of any sort, character assassinations or anything, of American citizens”.

Tatum goes on to explain that back in 1994, in a telephone conference call involving Oliver North, Felix Rodríguez and the late William Colby of the CIA, he was warned to turn over incriminating documents and tapes he had accumulated for his “retirement”.

]William Colby who died alone along the Patomic was going to out the Family Jewels program of the CIA run by his CIA predacessor, George H.W. Bush.]

He wryly observes that had he done so, he would probably have been quickly “terminated” in an “extreme” way – a specialty of the Pegasus team of which he was once a member.

Joining the Air Force in February 1970, he went through Army jump school, escape and evasion training, jungle training, sea survival school and diving school and was assigned along with six others as “Combat Controllers” (the USAF equivalent of Special Forces), receiving his distinctive Special Forces burgundy-colored beret.

From there he was assigned to Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, and then on to Fort Bragg, North Carolina – home of the “Green Berets” – for training in C4 plastic explosives, mines, nuclear, biological and chemical warfare, plus indoctrination in electronic and psychological operations.

Posted to South-East Asia as Airman First Class (A1C) in December 1970, he was assigned as a radio operator on a Forward Air Control (FAC) aircraft attached to Task Force Alpha at Nakhon Phanom, Thailand. In short order he was recruited (an involuntary “volunteer”) to “Team Red Rock”. The team was composed of eight US Army Green Berets, three US Navy SEALs and two “cowboys” – a euphemism for CIA paramilitary specialists.

During February 1985, Tatum was piloting “Dustoff” (Medevac) flights for the US Army’s 3/498th Medical Company, stationed at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Two flight crews, including Tatum’s, were transferred to Palmerola Air Base, Honduras. Each flight consisted of a pilot, copilot, medic and crew chief.

Once familiarized, they assumed the Medevac mission for Joint Task Force Bravo. Previously, in 1984, Tatum infiltrated the 3/498th on the instructions of Lt Col. Oliver North who had established contact under the code-name “Jake” (North had “control” of the 160th air wing and was also deeply involved with the tactical planning of “black ops” missions in the Grenada invasion).

On 15 February 1985, during a flight to La Ceiba, Honduras, he was instructed to contact his local “handler”, Major Felix Rodríguez – later to prove a major figure in the Iran-Contra investigation. Rodríguez informed Tatum that in addition to his Army “Medevac” duties he was to support covert “Pegasus” missions.

NSDD-138 was the formation of the Operations Sub-Group (OSG). The Sub-Group was a select NSC-DoD-CIA-FBI-foreign intelligence agency which operated so as to bypass the regular operations of intelligence/military/law-enforcement agencies. OSG was formed in February 1986.

Using the private sector clause, Don Gregg, VP Bush’s National Security Advisor, included a representative from British Intelligence and Israeli Intelligence. To date I have called this group ‘Pegasus‘ in an attempt not to divulge its true identity until I was on safe ground. Although most of the missions performed by OSG-2 are classified, the existence of the organization is now declassified.”

In fact, Tatum has now revealed the existence of three OSGs.

OSG-1 was headed by Ted Shackley and was “our anti-narcotics group”.4 OSG-2 was the anti-terrorism group and OSG-3 was “our ‘alignment’ group”. Tatum was originally posted to OSG-2 which was commanded by Col. Oliver North. The third group, OSG-3, was commanded by Richard Secord.

Following the exposure of Oliver North’s role in Contragate in 1987, North resigned as head of OSG-2 and his spot was taken over by Secord. Tatum moved up to command OSG-3 at the same time.

All three OSGs answered to those individuals who sat on the TIWG.

Behold the Pale Horse Pegasuas and the assaintions overthrow world control William Cooper and Gene “Chip” Tatusm and Phillip Marshall wrote about.


General Colin Powell

General Colin Powell represented the Department of Defense

This book alleges Colin Powell along with Alma Powerll killed JFK and others to keep a Leaderhsip program of mixed rece and planted cuiltivated leaders around the world to change the world and now assasinating to coverup the assasinations.

William Casey

William “Bill” Casey represented the CIA and later wished to out the Family Jewels Program

via The Intercept

WHEN PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN named a veteran U.S. spy and covert operator, William Casey, to be his CIA director, Joe Biden waged a one-senator campaign to show that Casey was unfit to serve in the post. During the Senate Intelligence Committee hearings on Casey’s nomination, Biden grilled Casey in what some fellow lawmakers described as a virtual “filibuster” to delay sending his nomination to the floor. Biden believed that Casey was not being direct in answering questions about covert CIA activity inside the U.S. and would not convincingly commit to following oversight laws passed in the aftermath of the Nixon presidency.

President Ronald Reagan, accompanied by CIA Director William Casey, waves to CIA employees after signing a bill prohibiting exposure of the identities of CIA agents on June 23, 1982.

Donald Gregg

Donald Gregg represented the National Security Council

Donald Phinney Gregg (born December 5, 1927) is a retired American politician, CIA employee, and U.S. Ambassador to South Korea. Gregg worked for the Central Intelligence Agency for 31 years, from 1951 to 1982. He was a National Security Council advisor (1979-1982) and National Security Advisor to U.S. Vice President George H. W. Bush (1982-1989), United States Ambassador to Korea (1989-1993), and the chairman of the board of The Korea Society (until 2009), where he called for greater engagement with North Korea.

After graduating from high school, Gregg enlisted in the military in 1945 and received training as a cryptanalyst, but did not finish in time to be posted overseas.[2] He then attended Williams College, in Williamstown, Massachusetts, from 1947 to 1951, majoring in philosophy.[2] Here he was recruited by the CIA.

Gregg’s father was Abel J. Gregg of Washington, the National Secretary of boys’ work of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA). His wife was Margaret Curry. Their daughter Lucy Steuart Gregg married the writer Christopher Buckley, the son of conservative journalist and author William F. Buckley Jr.[3][4]

The Dirty Secrets of George Bush – VP of Illegal Operations retrieved from Rolling Stone and copied or modified to here


During the most violent years of the war in Nicaragua, a retired CIA agent – a man of many talents and pseudonyms whose given name is Felix Rodriguez – was the logistics officer for airlifts of weapons and supplies from the Ilopango air base, in El Salvador, to the jungle hide-outs of the Nicaraguan rebels known as contras. On October 5th, 1986, one of Rodriguez’s cargo planes, a Southern Air Transport C-123K, loaded with 10,000 pounds of ammunition, failed to return from a scheduled drop in Nicaragua. Fearing the worst, Rodriguez made a series of phone calls to Washington that evening. What was unusual was that Rodriguez did not notify anyone at the Defense Department or the CIA but rather attempted to get word about the missing plane to Donald Gregg, the national-security adviser for Vice President George Bush.


The Mule: Robert S. Mueller III

Robert Swan Mueller III has been the go to man when secrets go awry. Recruited as a CIA asset in Vietnam as an member of the Phoenix Project it was embedded in him that there are No Borders, No Limits, No Restrictions, and No Repercussions. With these standards ingrained in his persona, Mueller became an invaluable asset in protecting what today is called “The Deep State”. Teamed with William Barr the duo was incredibly effective in blocking investigations, erasing and fabricating both evidence, and witnesses. When the need arises, invariably the Deep State Handlers call on “The Mule”

Operation Redrock – Nixon’s Darkest Secret

Hard put to find a way out of Vietnam, Nixon and his advisers devised an operation designed to involve the Cambodian Military into assisting the South Vietnamese. Unfortunately for the Special Operations unit tasked with the mission, they were not designated to return. Read about this False Flag one way Operation deep into Cambodia.

EL VIR: Genesis of a New World Order (Spanish Edition)

atum, a former US intelligence officer, brings a stark reality to the fore with this shocking new revelation.With careful planning and huge financial investment, the Global Board of Directors chaired by Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates has shut down the economy. global and has caused harm to countless people, turning a Corona Virus into a totally unjustified pandemic crisis. The purpose of the engineered viral crisis is to collapse the world’s economies, normalize authoritarianism, and advance the elites’ goal of a global government. Participating individuals and companies were assigned tasks following the pronouncement of what has been described as a deadly novel coronavirus. and highly infectious, COVID-19, the corporate media has created a state of panic. There has been enormous pressure on governments to “act.” Scientists’ protests that the danger is exaggerated resulted in the disappearance or death of these scientists and doctors. Economies have come to their knees Riots have broken out in prisons Protests are raging around the world Most citizens are so afraid of catching a cold that they don’t even think to question the dangers or draconian measures. If the population is so compliant now, will they notice if rights and freedoms are not fully restored, or will they oppose it if lockdowns become common practice? Perhaps the most worrying and smartest aspect of the epidemic is that it provides an excuse to close important avenues of dissent. The corporate media are, of course, anyway, but parliaments have been extended, public meetings are forbidden, leaflets are unlikely to be tolerated. Anyone who tries to organize a public protest is likely to be arrested. Economies have suffered greatly. The small business model is practically destroyed. The companies will declare bankruptcy. Protests will break out across the world. Riots will end in deaths in prisons. The “Think Tanks” will make the decision that viruses are here to stay and the human susceptibility factor will have a great weight in the decisions made for the future reconstruction of economies and companies. As in other crises, the use of automation will experience exponential growth that will replace the vulnerable human factor. Citizens will become more dependent on the government. VIR The Genesis of a New World Order

Ted Gunderson Radio Interviews with Gene Chip Tatum
by Ted Gunderson

Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0Creative Commons Licensepublicdomain
Topics Chip Tatum, Ted Gunderson
Former FBI chief Ted Gunderson interviews with Gene Chip Tatum on the Gunderson Intelligence Report. Chip Tatum is a black ops/cia deep undercover operative that had been with the company for 25 years. He came forward with incriminating evidence towards high government officials, such as:

Ollie North
George H.W. Bush
Ronald Reagan

This information was published in the Tatum Chronicles. Chip disappeared shortly after this set of interviews with Ted Gunderson in the winter of 1997. Later his tortured body washed ashore in 2007 off the coast of Panama.
Addeddate 2011-08-09 03:56:29
External_metadata_update 2019-04-10T04:11:56Z
Identifier TedGundersonRadioInterviewsWithGeneChipTatum

Offline Illumination

Wanted: Gen-X Chumps, I Mean, Spooks

Including a Review of Rodney Stich’s

by Uri Dowbenko

In case you missed it, the CIA is trolling for fresh blood.

Yes, the US Central Intelligence Agency — that fun-loving, drug-dealing,
government-subverting dinosaur of a bureaucracy — is running ads for new recruits.

The ad, in the employment section of the Wall Street Journal (September 7, 1999),
features a photo of a smug-looking thirty-something woman with her chin in hand,
and the preposterous headline — “Do you have what it takes? Integrity. Intellect.
Common Sense. Patriotism. Courage.”

Sadly there was no mention of the applicant’s ability to actively participate in, or at
least look the other way, when confronted with state-sanctioned terrorism,like
illegal drug smuggling or money laundering.

Sponsored by the CIA Directorate of Operations, Clandestine Service, the ad says
you can’t be older than 35 to enter the trainee program. In other words, the ad copy
is aimed directly at people who may be unaware of the Agency’s bloody and treacherous history.

“For the extraordinary individual who wants more than just a job, this is a unique
career, a way of life that will challenge the deepest resources of your intelligence,
self-reliance and responsibility,” the pitch continues.

“It demands an adventurous spirit, a forceful personality, superior intellectual
ability, toughness of mind, and a high degree of personal integrity, courage and love
of country.”

Give that copywriter a raise. With outrageous lies like these, Gen-Xers could sign
up for the Gambino family with a clear conscience.

Then there’s the close — “You will need to deal with fast-moving, ambiguous and
unstructured situations that will test your resourcefulness to the utmost.”

“Patriotic” CIA Drug Smuggling

Ambiguous? Ask CIA operative Oliver North, aka John Cathey. He could lie to
Congress with a straight face.

When veteran FBI Special Agent Richard M. Taus uncovered and reported
evidence of CIA drug trafficking by a group called the “K-Team,” he was set-up and
sent to prison on phony charges.

“The K-Team had a front operation with the patriotic sounding name National
Freedom Institute and called its operation the ‘Enterprise,’ the same that repeatedly
surfaced in the Iran Contra congressional hearings,” writes Rodney Stich in his
ground-breaking book Defrauding America.

Taus discovered that that K-Team was a CIA operation, engaged in drug trafficking,
the looting of savings and loans, and other activities related to what later became
known as Irangate and Iraqgate.

Another of Stich’s sources, Gene “Chip” Tatum confirmed these allegations. He
was the helicopter pilot who actually ferried CIA operatives Oliver North, Felix
Rodriguez, aka Max Gomez, and William Barr — CIA’s Southern Air Transport
attorney and later US President George Bush’s Attorney General — in Central

Tatum describes one meeting to “determine where over $100 million in drug
money disappeared on the three routes from Panama to Colorado, Ohio and
Arkansas. This theft was financially draining the operation known as the
‘Enterprise’… The first call was made by Fernandez to Oliver North, informing
North that ‘the money loss was occurring on the Panama to Arkansas route, and
that means either Seal, Clinton or Noriega.'”

Imagine — the late CIA drug transport pilot Barry Seal, former Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, as well as Panama’s General Noriega were all suspected of skimming George Bush’s cocaine profits.

“Fifteen minutes later the portable phone rang and Vice President George Bush
was on the line talking to William Barr,” writes Stich. “Barr said at one point,
referring to the missing funds, ‘I would propose that no one source would be bold
enough to siphon out that much money, but it is more plausible that each are
siphoning a portion causing a drastic loss.'”

Tatum said that Barr then dialed another number immediately reaching Governor
Clinton. Barr explained the missing money problem to Clinton, explaining that
over $100 million of the Enterprise monies had disappeared, and warning that the
matter must be resolved or “it could lead to big problems.”

The problems were evidently ironed out. Bill Clinton became president, one of the
CIA’s “few groomed men,” who was promised his position on the “short list” for
the job, according to Terry Reed and John Cummings, authors of Compromised.

In another instance, Tatum described “flying the group to Santa Ana, Honduras
meeting with Enrique Bermudez and other Contra leaders and visiting a cocaine
processing facility. Tatum described the strong smell of jet fuel and acetone and the
large fuel pods that had the tops stripped off them and in which were fuel and
leaves,” writes Stich.

“Tatum repeated what Oliver North said, ‘One more year of this and we’ll all

The hubris of these criminals is unbelievable. And Oliver North, of course has still not retired.

“North added, ‘If we can keep those Arkansas hicks in line, that is,” referring to
Barry Seal and Governor Clinton… As Tatum listened to these conversations he
remembered the army officer’s remarks, ‘Tell no one. There’s no one big enough in
your chain of command.'”

No kidding. Hearing Oliver North talk about the involvement of George Bush and
Bill Clinton in drug smuggling, Tatum wisely followed the advice.

“Courageous” CIA Money Laundering

Or you could ask Ronald Rewald, an international wheeler-dealer who thought he
had it made. Hobnobbing with the world’s movers and shakers, Rewald was living
the lifestyle of the rich and famous. He had a $2 million estate in Hawaii, a
chauffeured limo took him to work everyday, and he even played polo with the
Sultan of Brunei, the richest man in the world.

The subject of another book by Rodney Stich called Disavow, Rewald had a dark
secret. He was just a front man for the CIA, an informant since college when he
began spying on “subversive” organizations like the SDS (Students for a Democratic
Society) during the late 1960’s and 70’s.

Later as chairman of BBRDW — Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald Dillingham and Wong
— a Hawaii-based CIA front masquerading as a worldwide investment company,
Rewald thought he had nothing to fear. But then came the setup and the fall. Today
after spending ten years in prison as the fall guy for the CIA, Rewald is reportedly
still in denial.

According to Stich, BBRDW was a CIA proprietary, a company wholly owned by
CIA operatives, started, operated and funded by the CIA in 1979 using many of the
same high level people that had staffed Nugan Hand Bank.

Nugan Hand was the infamous Australia-based money laundry used by CIA to
disburse Southeast Asian drug revenues.

In a chapter of Defrauding America, Stich writes that “the CIA used BBRDW as an
international investment company cover with 120 employees staffing offices in 16
countries including Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, New Zealand, Singapore,
London, Paris, Stockholm, Brazil and Chile. CIA personnel opened and operated
these far flung offices.”

When his cover was blown by a Honolulu reporter, Rewald never saw it coming.
Since he’d been working for the CIA since his college days, he just naturally
assumed that the CIA takes care of its own. Rewald was wrong.

“Disavowed” by the way, means “once your cover is blown, pal, you’re on your

The book Disavow by Rodney Stich and T. Conan Russell should be required
reading for anyone who’s even thinking about working for the so-called
“intelligence” agencies — CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, ONI, etc.

Just as there is no honor among thieves, there is even less among “spooks” — the
double-dealing spies of the world.

Disavow deals with global realpolitik and the important business of state —
making drug deals, laundering money, buying elections — the professional expertise
for which the CIA is absolutely unparalleled anywhere on earth.

Ronald Rewald found out the hard way. If he ever writes his autobiography, he
should call it, “I Was a Chump for the CIA.”

In this context, the brazen affront of the CIA’s Wall Street Journal ad is absolutely

“The CIA is an equal opportunity employer and a drug-free work force,” the ad
continues lying. “We represent America and we want to be representative of

By the way, whistleblower and former FBI agent Richard M. Taus is still incarcerated, a political prisoner of the CIA’s treachery and phony war on drugs.

(Letters of condolence can be sent to Richard Taus, 91A1040, LH, Clinton Correctional Faciltity, P.O. Box 2001, Dannemora, New York 12929.)

Uri Dowbenko is CEO of New Improved Entertainment Corp. He can be reached by
e-mail at

Previous Offline Illumination


The Great Treason: High and Petite Treason in the USA

Written by the Right Hand: The Right Hand Operatives of the Cabal and the Dangerous Job They Undertook of Exposing its Secrets

Ted L. Gunderson: An Edited and Approving Biographical Anthology of his Life and Works

Pillory: Tools and Fools of the USA

X THE BIG BAMBOOZLE II: The continuation of forbidden stories

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