Donegan and Sosbee and also Gunderson and Labella

Donegan and Sosbee and also Gunderson and Labella and other Deceased from Misconduct and Aggrieved

Predatory Gangstalking is also called “terror stalking”, “gangstalking”, “flash mobbing”, “cause stalking,” “hate stalking,” “multi-stalking (teams of people), “happy slapping,” “workplace bullying, and “covert war.”

The reasons why it is employed?

You found the wrong forum on the internet and saw something you should not have seen; you worked for a company and found out some sensitive information; you got on the wrong side of someone [from an enemy camp of some type]

Techniques used to Silence Citizens, Journalists, Activits, and Others

Contention = Progression – Oppression. Various names exist for creating fights. “Roadblocking” (getting in the way, tripping a person that is walking forward or running forward while saying it was an accident,) Rough Noise (contextual bothersome stimuli that can include contentions and abuse sounds, noises, appearances, etc.,) that are obstacles that might resutl in fights breaking out or allegations of misconduct about others. Often the cover oppressor hopes for a fight or an allegation from a person being tripped up so that person can be treated as the trouble maker when that person was the victim of covert troublemaking.

And it is tied to WWII even WWI ties to England, Royalty, and a Deep State of ultra rich.”

Organized Stalks are run by the US Marshall, FBI, DEA, and other groups (alphabet agencies) who in tandem with high ranking orders work for the National Objectives of various espionage operations. Nominally for the state the fully equipped and trained agencies with state and local support are capable of evidence fabrication, staged appearances, falsified records, and many of the dirtiest tricks of COINTELRPO and CIA capabilities to destroy a persons reputation, life, family, career, credit, etc., as well as place undercover operatives in roles that can get into private homes and offices such as “plumbers” or other workers or place FBI or CIA backed Agents in Place in rental and leasing offices, banks, etc., as required. In addition local neighborhood watch groups can be composed of or include thugs and prison trustees can be used as stoolies for police or police family members sometimes go under cover.

Run out of the Fusion Centers it is widely believed to be out of control abuse of power targeting whistle-blowers and I and others have been subject to egregious injuries from thugs, intimidation, hostile and abusive conditions, and some under cover police abuse have died in psych wards following bullying, batterings, etc., traumatized, injured, and attacked again inside institutions.

As Jen Moore (aka Task Force the group she was on and turned whistle-blower) will say before she was killed some “Targeted Victims” (those subject to illegal abusive black opps operations inside the USA) are law abiding police or others (reporters and oversight committee members or attorneys) who just came to know too mucn and being discredited with evidence plants, etc.,

Jen Moore states the attacks on her and death threats (just as I have received) are tied to the OSS CIA Vatican hidden identity of my family, and the connections of the Donegan to Allan Dulles and the assasinatio of JFK by powerful elites who remain in or have family in government now and wish to cover up the JFK history I am trying to tell but am being harrased while doing and Jen Moore of that same story of my family was found dead.

PAINE: How We Dismantled the FBI In Our Pajamas

While the mainstream media ignored a corrupt FBI & DOJ, Paine and cohorts hammered away and knocked the FBI off its trusted public mantle. Revered FBI leaders were fired. Others quit. FBI officials, targeted by True Pundit’s hard-hitting reporting, are now targets of numerous federal investigations. A fitting irony after the FBI — whom Paine worked for — came into his home with M4 rifles drawn on his young kids and wife. Twice. Then, the FBI went on a rampage to ruin his Fortune 100 career at Citi and even prevented him from attending his mother’s funeral.

Implicated too here are U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller along with former CIA Director John Brennan, among many others. A Criminal conspiracy involving top players in the Deep State, entrenched in one of the greatest public betrayals imaginable.

They tried to silence Paine and ruin him to keep these alarming revelations secret but something went wrong. Paine rose from the ashes of his battered life and tattered financial career and then re-launched his award-winning journalism career. And this time — playing by his own rules — Paine blows the lid off of a massive cover-up that implicates the same D.C. elite who tried to take him down.

Mike “Thomas Paine” Moore’s story is one of personal loss, struggle, payback [through journalism about corrupt officials abusing power] and [and his own] patriotism.

… the FBI — whom Paine worked for — came into his home with M4 rifles drawn on his young kids and wife. Twice. Then, the FBI went on a rampage to ruin his Fortune 100 career at Citi and even prevented him from attending his mother’s funeral.

Jen Moore continued writing about these same CIA and FBI officials the family history story the Mueller, the Barr family, the Bush family, now the Obama Jr family and others and the MKLTRA program now in a Deep State frenzy of espionage assasins cover-up of such scale the cover-up continues to succeed in silencing all reaming witness perhaps down to the last one left, myself and her and now just myself after she was found dead.

Geral Sosbee

For decades I have tried to file reports on this subject and often the fbi prevents me from doing so. For example, the fbi destroys any computer that I buy; so I use the public library. The libraries at Brownsville, Mcallen and Mission, Texas have assisted the fbi in harassing me every time I enter. I notified the city council in Mcallen & Mission, and some of the harassment by staff and security guards stopped. The library at UTHSC, Harlingen Texas, allowed the police there to threaten me and allowed thugs to enter the library to harass me.

Moore worked as a money laundering expertr in banking (as Edward Donegan worked at a National Bank (Wells Fargo) as Network Security all ultimately were privatge in-house bank workers who submitted and coordinated their work with the Secret Service.

That is where the illegal Black Budget (Money laundering and illegal programs) are tried to as the accounts are confused between account holders and protection rackets and other activities are run by special opps for various assignments that can include gun running and drugs and other illegal black opps.

Ted Gunderson, Gene “Chip” Tatum and I Edward Pauld Donegan have written about covert illegal activities and I Ed Donegan fear for my life as Jen Moore did before she was found dead.

The FBI’s Fusion Centers are used by government employees to block any benefit (such as police protection) that I may seek (Ed Donegan reports the same. Police refuse to arrest or prosecute the thug assailants even if those assailants or burglars are at the scene.) I document many such instances online. See my documentation of the MI6/Fusion Center corruption of the UT Police Department (University of Texas?) where police helped send thugs into the library to distract and criminally assault me.

We The first group of us are victimized writers with serious egregious injuries (or deaths) and our writing about the highest level figures of the CIA and FBI and Presidency and the JFK assassination and the CIA Family Jewels program, and their most egregious misconduct including an undercover operation driving me from my home by undercover operatives false allegations and into homeless already after repeated break-ins to my home office and vandalizing and theft of my office equipment. We have discovered misconduct and it goes back to the JFK assassination and the FBI and CIA.

By the way do you remember those statements like can not record or reuse those pro basketball, hockey, or football games with express written consent of the various leauges? It turns out they (and the FBI really mean it. THat is how the raided and got Moore in the Big House far away from his home computer.

Remember “How We Dismantled the FBI In Our Pajamas” though I Edward Paul Donegan wore clothes or a bathrobe at least in my work live studio.

We the second group of us are the victimized witnesses with serious egregious injuries (and deaths) who in the matter of Ed Donegan (a member of the first group) have been witnesses to the attacks on Edward Paul Donegan and then became victimized themselves. One or two or more of this group knew as much or more about y own family’s connection to the Kennedy assassination and I the last living member of my family The first group of and break-ins to mh home and destruction of its property has eliminated most evidence though reconstructions of the evidence’s materiality and history or materials may be possible.

The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is the presidential library and museum of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917–1963), the 35th president of the United States (1961–1963). It is located on Columbia Point in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. – Wikipedia. James Paul Donegan, 86, of Lincoln, Calif., originally from Dorchester, Mass., died Oct. 13, from injuries following an accident. Jim leaves his 2nd wife, Sue Ann of Lincoln; two sons from his first marriage, Thomas of Provincetown, Mass. (now deceased), and Edward Paul Donegan (myself) from police abuse left homeless in a harassment campaign. The campaing targets my books serieson the Kennedy Assassination, Alan Dulles, OSS CIA history, and the Vatican of WWII and leading into the that war and the cold war.

All of us are subject to break-ins, home loss, computer and book notes theft, criminal harassment under color of law, etc.,

Jen Moore also telling the story of Edward Paul Donegan (myself) and the same story I am telling of these family histories and the legacy of the CIA an FBI events surrounding this history is now deceased found dead in motel room after receiving death threats if she revealed this CIA FBI history.

I am the last living member of the Donegan family of origin and there are no biological members other than me in a Roman Catholic family that was part of WWI history and came from the same small catholic church of the Kennedy’s in Dorchester Massachusetts.

Now from former Adjunct Professional Instructor Geral Sosbee (Attorney and former FBI Special Agent) who is a among us 10 varied victims of police abuse.

Geral Sosbee Viet Nam war veteran, National Defense Service Medal, Combat infantryman badge, Vietnam service medal, Vietnam campaign medal, Sharpshooter 81 millimeter mortarman, Marksman badge.

Texas Tech University, School of Law, Post-Doc

Former Instructor at Amber University and Webster
University, former FBI Special Agent (Counter-Intelligence Unit), Three Letters of Commendation awarded by the Director of the FBI

Doctor of Jurisprudence, former Magistrate judge.

Now from Edward Paul Donegan. The experience of Ted Gunderson (former FBI and Robert F Kennedy right-hand man against the Mafia (Called Murder Inc) that killed JFK also a deceased victim of police abuse. Ed Donegan, and Geral Sosbee are all the same and part of Texas DPS and the FBI working together to silence journalists and even law enforcement who may have learned or witnessed too much about powerful figures and the guilt of those figures and are writing publicly we are being attacked covertly by unsolved break-ins, etc., that are clearly State sponsored.

“FBI and CIA kill and torture innocent civilians worldwide”

“FBI and CIA routinely torture, kill, falsely imprison, or force
suicide upon targeted individuals using electromagnetic weapons for mind control and nervous system manipulation. I witnessed that the FBI and C/A inhumanely and regularly torture the targeted person and also force him/her to live under horrific conditions that could reasonably be expected to lead to
suicide. ” – Former Special Agent Sosbee

Geral W. Sosbee FBI Special Agent 1971 -1978

SA (Special Agent) SOSBEE was assigned to a squad handling Espionage – Foreign Intelligence matters. Because of his language ability, he is primarily concerned with investigations relative to the country of Romania. He handles a sensitive source on a nearly daily basis which requires the use of his language ability. He attended Basic Counter Intelligence school during April and May, 1974. (From Xerox of FBI document Espionage – Foreign Intelligence)

Romania was part of the Windsor Story (King Goerge V) and Imperialism?

Marie of Romania retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Queen Marie on the cover of Time, 4 August 1924

Queen Marie of Romania on the cover of Time, 4 August (that’s 8/4) 1924

Marie of Romania was considered highly attractive in her youth and she had several young men vying for her hand in marriage, however one young man had already stolen her heart – George, Duke of York. Marie had known George for the majority of her life since he was also in the navy and had been a frequent visitor of the family while they were in Malta. George seemed to be just as fond of Marie, and when the prospect of marriage was raised, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VI of England as he marries Queen Victoria) and Queen Victoria heartily approved of the match. Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said of the Alexandra, Princess of Wales and Maria who had a longterm enmity towards each other. When George proposed to Marie, she reluctantly turned him down and hoped they could remain friends. Its complicated, some of these might be the same people, but the Romanian language Sosbee was asked to specialize in by the F.B.I might cover documents from this 1902 to 1910 era of London’ Monarchy.

Marie’s dynastic efforts were viewed by critics as those of a manipulative mother who would sacrifice her children’s happiness in order to fulfil her ambitions; in reality, Marie never forced any of her children to marry.[124] While attending Peter’s baptism, Marie met the Duchess of York, later Queen Elizabeth, by whom she was enchanted.

In 1924, Ferdinand and Marie undertook a diplomatic tour of France, Switzerland, Belgium and the United Kingdom. In England, she was warmly welcomed by George V, who declared that “apart from the common aims, which we pursue, there are other and dear ties between us. Her Majesty the Queen, my dear cousin, is British born.”[126] Similarly, Marie wrote that the day of her arrival in England was “a great day for me, one of emotions, sweet, happy and the same time glorious emotions to come back as Queen to my own country, to be received officially, in all honour and enthusiastically into the bargain – to feel your heart swell with pride and satisfaction, to feel your heart beat and tears start into your eyes, while something gave you a lump into your throat!” These state visits were a symbolic recognition of the prestige Romania had gained after World War I. Whilst visiting Geneva, Marie and Ferdinand became the first royals to enter the newly established headquarters of the League of Nations.

The Maryhill Museum of Art in Maryhill, Washington, was initially designed as a mansion for wealthy businessman Samuel Hill. However, at Loie Fuller’s behest, the building was turned into a museum instead. Hill wished it to be dedicated in 1926, and he conceived it as a monument to peace, to his wife Mary, and to Queen Marie herself. Marie agreed to come to America and witness the dedication, especially as Fuller was an old friend of hers. Fuller quickly put together a committee that supported Marie’s “tour” of America and arrangements were made for her departure.

Marie viewed the tour as an opportunity to “see the country, meet the people and put Romania on the map”.[133] She travelled by ship across the Atlantic Ocean and disembarked in New York, on 18 October 1926, accompanied by Prince Nicholas and Princess Ileana.

Upon her arrival, Marie was welcomed enthusiastically with the “whistle of steamers, roar of guns in white smoke puffs against gray fog, voices cheering in a stinging rain”. She was formally greeted by Jimmy Walker, the Mayor of New York City.

Attempts By Illegal Means to Covertly Discredit, Harass, and Conduct the Sabotage and Subversion of Witnesses, Historians, and Media Figures

Supreme Court of the State of New Vork

(Attorney Registration NO. 4015236) Keith S[alvatore?]. Labella has submitted an affidavit dated January I l, 2019, wherein he voluntarily resigns from the New York State Bar. Mr. Labella was admitted to the Bar in the State Of New York at a term Of the Appellate Division Of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department on January 9, 2002.

There are no complaints or charges of professional misconduct pending against him. Mr. Labella presently resides in California, does not practice law in New York,
and, under these circumstances, does not wish to pay the biennial registration fee.
Upon the papers submitted in support Of the resignation, it is ORDERED that the voluntary resignation of Keith S. Labella is accepted and directed to be filed; and it is further, ORDERED that the name of Keith S. Labella is removed from the roll of attorneys and counselors-at-law in the State of New York, without prejudice to an application for reinstatement; and it is further, ORDERED that pursuant to Judiciary law 90, effective immediately, Keith S. Labella is commanded to desist and refrain from (l) practicing law in any form, either as principal or as agent, clerk, or employee Of another in the State of New York, (2) appearing as an attorney or
counselor-at-law before any court, Judge, Justice, board, commission, or other public authority in this State, (3) giving to another an opinion as to the law or its application or any advice in relation thereto in this State, and (4) holding himself out in any way as an attorney and counselor-at-law in the State of New York; and it is further,21 2019

ORDERED that if Keith S. Labella has been issued a secure pass by the Office of
Court Administration, it shall be returned forthwith to the issuing agency,

A federal court in New York has ruled that the FBI conducted an adequate search for records pertaining to “gang stalking.” The agency originally provided records from another request it believed were responsive to Keith Labella’s request, but later admitted the records were not responsive and conducted further searches using extensive terms supplied by Labella. The agency found no responsive records and Labella sued. After finding the agency’s search had been adequate, the court examined documents submitted by Labella to show the agency must have responsive records. The court noted that “these documents are neither FBI records nor contain any mention of the FBI, so presumably Labella submits them to suggest that since gang stalking is so pervasive and so well-known to several government agencies, the FBI must have documents responsive to his FOIA request.” The court pointedout that ‘ ‘Labella’s suggestion that, because it is the nation’s leading law enforcement agency, the ‘FBI should be charged with constructive knowledge of gang stalking and presumed to have records thereof,’ shows only that Labella has no evidence at all that the FBI actually possesses records responsive to his request, let alone that the FBI failed to conduct a good-faithand reasonable search of its records. Labella’s proposed ‘presumption’ turns the law on its head; it is the FBIthat is entitled to a presumption of good faith with respect to its affidavit and Labella cannot rebut that presumption by speculating that the FBI simply must have the records he requests because of its stature and resources.” Labella also argued that several articles criticizing the FBI’s FOIA practices raised suspicions. But the court observed that “even if these articles are fully credited, two isolated incidents of the FBI ‘s non-compliance with FOIA does not demonstrate that the FBI failed to conduct a reasonable search or acted in bad faith in this specific instance.” (Keith Salvatore Labella v. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Civil Action NO. I I-CV-0023 (NGG)(LB), U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, Mar. 19)

Truth Out is a web site that like Gene Chip Tatum (quoted below) in his book The Mule: Robert S. Mueller III (available on Kindle and a treasure-chest of National Security relevant informant accuses Mueller of of FBI of contant ilegal activities.)

Robert Swan Mueller III has been the go to man when secrets go awry. Recruited as a CIA asset in Vietnam as an member of the Phoenix Project it was embedded in him that there are No Borders, No Limits, No Restrictions, and No Repercussions. With these standards ingrained in his persona, Mueller became an invaluable asset in protecting what today is called “The Deep State”. When the need arises, invariably the Deep State Handlers call on “The Mule” – Gene Chip Tatum

Mueller was born on August 7, 1944, at Doctors Hospital in the New York City borough of Manhattan, the first child of Alice C. Truesdale (1920–2007)

I Edward Paul Donegan trace my uncle I used to spend my summers with in South Carolina and his Camden S.C. Dupont plant employment to the Truesdeale and Robber Barron CIA activities of the DuPont’s defense contractors. He along with the Burns Family and Barr family and the Bush family are considered Deep State operatives holding law enforcement cover-identities but using those positions to operate illegal programs and recruit others to participate in illegal programs while working in front companies or employees in organizations willing to cooperate. The CIA does not admit to being behind illegal acts and has cover-stories they were not involved. In my case they even publicy conspire to tie their acts of human trafficking to me by public perceptions of staged events, identity theft, and forgeries.

As an Atheist (with some pagan sympathies) I write on (and am discredited about) Born Free, and evolved natural world that Natural Science is trying to understand. While living in Moraga I used to talk about with my mother (collative protein water based DNA formations began as a random occurrence and led to life. How can I have a higher power in AA (1986) and I had this belive in the mid-1970s.

I rejected religion (and thus held sexual liberation and hedonism beliefs) and those beliefs included doing no harm to others as the limit.

Linked In Profile

I viewed Laws as a system of Social Contract (David Enlow taught th first Social Contract as the Covenant) those who have an ethic or national identity forming laws that allow and protect their life-styles and ethics.

I began in 2002 writing on high tech and pluralism hoping those who held religious beliefs that were at odds with some US laws and customs be be in a separate set of laws specific to them rather than just exempt from contradictory laws and electronic groupings identities to achieve this. )Group Object with individuals in the group

I have pointed out that Adam Smith was a Natural Law Philosopher who wished to examine forces operating in systems not yet labeled or clearly seen like the Profit Motive that could be identified through study and considered in scientific systems of politics and philosophy. I contine to write in that area but it is “too close to Nazim” for some and FBI programs tie my to Nazim and in fact some Nazism does fit, bigotry and dislike of Christianity and Feudalism..

Others though hold more “extremist” views than me and others are targeted and discredited. I think I and Labella and Sosbee and Gunderson and Jen Moore and others were subject to surveillance and harassment abuse to discredit us in JFK related matters.

My linked in profile reads “Writer, Natural Law , Epistemic Naturalism d Objectivism as
Progressive (Reason) over Fundamentalism (Scriptures).
Corpus Christi, Texas, United States • Contact info

Labella’s Request

By letter dated January 11,2010, Labella submitted a FOIA request to the FBI seeking thirty-seven categories of documents relating to “the national phenomenon of gang stalking.” (Id. ¶31.) The request defines “gang stalking” as follows:

Gang stalking involves groups of individuals (“gang stalking groups”) operating territorially and nationwide, and, in communication and collusion with each other, to violate the civil rights of, and disrupt, destabilize and finally destroy individuals who are put on a Stalking List for various reasons. The gang stalking groups use both intensive physical and electronic surveillance means to do this .. . including], but not limited to: “street theatre,” in which targets of gang stalking are subjected in public to rudeness, loud speaking and personal references to themselves and their private activities by persons within the gang stalking conspiracy; [and] related “Flashmobbing,” or the coming together of an often large group of individuals in the gang stalking conspiracy to disrupt, intimidate, harass and otherwise confuse a gang stalking victim ….

Labella requested that the FBI search terms such as “targeted individual(s)” (id. ¶ 31 (5)), “publicly funded victims groups” (id. ¶ 31(10)), “informants” (id. ¶ 31(15)), “agents provocateur” (id.), “community stalking” (Id. ¶ 31 (20)), “cause stalking” ( id. ¶ 31 (22)), “school shooting” (id. ¶ 31(25)), and “COINTELPRO” (id. ¶ 31(26)), all as they relate to “gang stalking.”

For the reasons set forth below, Defendants’ motion for summary judgment is GRANTED and Labella’s motion for summary judgment is DENIED.

Some of the extravagance of the text in the claims made and left to us by Labella and Gunderson and others can be explained by 1) The fact that the FBI and CIA really do things that illegal and 2) Often in cases early speculation as to what the documents mean is wide in scope and even wrong. The child trafficking for instance turned out late to be that children being moved around and hidden between diplomats around the world for various reasons from orphanages often got relocation allowances rather than payments being made for rights to raise the child.


6230-A Wilshire Blvd., Suite 6
Los Angeles, California 90048
Phone: (337) 344-8876

I, Ted L. Gunderson, hereby swear under the pains and penalties of jury that the following statements are true and correct:

  1. My name is Ted L.. Gunderson. I am the owner and operator of Ted L. Gunderson & Associates, an international security and consulting firm based out of Santa Monica, California. I am currently a licensed private investigator in the state of California. I have performed private Investigation and security work for numerous individuals, companies, and governments worldwide since founding my firm in 1979.

    I have worked for, among others, F. Lee Bailey, Esq., The California Narcotics Authority by appointment of Governor Jerry Brown, The 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Committee, and The 1979 Pan American Games in San Juan, Puerto Rico by appointment of then U.S, Attorney General Griffin Bell.

    [Ted Gunderson narrowly was passed over to be FBI director as in inbound Reagan Bush team preferred Griffin Bell but the respect between the candidates for the top job was mutual.]

  2. Previous to my [Ted Gunderson’s] work as a private investigator I spent nearly three decades in the F.B.I. Between 1951 and 1960 I was an F.B.I. Special Agent. In 1960 I was promoted as a supervisor at F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington, D.C., where I was in charge of Organized Crime and Racketeering investigations covering 26 F.B.I Field Offices nationwide.

    [The Anti-Racketeering Anti Hoffa Robert F. Kennedy as Attorney General of the United States of America chose Ted Gunderson to be his right hand man in fighting the mafia. As Bobby Kennedy took the call his brother was assassinated and deceased it was Ted Gunderson in the meeting on the Mafia in his office with him.]

    Following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy I was re-assigned to Special [JFK] Inquiry White House Matters at F.B.I. Headquarters. In 1965 I was promoted again to Assistant Special Agent-In-Charge of Internal Security and Anti-Terrorism of the F.B.I. New Haven, Connecticut Field Office.

    In 1970 I was promoted to Assistant Special Agent- In-Charge of the F.B.I. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Field Office.

    On July 12, 1972 I successfully negotiated with two terrorist hijackers of National Airlines Flight 496 for the release of 119 passengers at Philadelphia International Airport: In 1973 I was promoted to Chief Inspector at F.B.I. Headquarters[appears to be just below Director of the FBI]. Also served as Special Agent-In-Charge of the F.B.I. Memphis and Dallas Field Offices[and continued ever increasing JFK Dealy Plaza material as Warren Commission, etc, unfolded]. I retired from the F.B.I, as Senior Special Agent-In- Charge of the Los Angeles Field Office of the F.B.I. with over 700 F.B.I. employees and a budget of over 22 million dollars in 1979, [perhaps a few cases to supervise].

  3. I have read the Complaint in the current action of Mr. Keith Labella against F.B.I. and D.O.J., It is my professional opinion, based on information, knowledge and belief that the information sought by Mr. Labella in this F.O.I.A suit regarding “gang stalking”, “gang stalking groups” and “gang stalking methods” reasonably describes an ongoing, active, covert nationwide program that is in effect today, and, based on my investigations and experience, has been operational since at least the early 1980’s. Since the 1980°s gang stalking has increased in scope, intensity and sophistication by adapting to new communications and surveillance technology. These programs are using the codenames Echelon Program, Carnivore System, and Tempest Systems.

    The Echelon Program is administered by the N.S.A. out of Fort Meade, Maryland, and monitors all email and phone calls in the world. Carnivore System is administered by the N.S.A. out of Fort Meade, Maryland, and can download any computer system without being traced or otherwise known to the owner. Tempest Systems can decipher what is on any computer screen up to a quarter of a mile away.

    These programs are negatively impacting thousands of Americans and severely abusing their civil rights on a daily basis.

  4. Based on my investigative work, which includes intelligence from sources such as active and former members of the Intelligence Services (including the FBI, the C.I.A, the N.S.A and Military Intelligence), information from informants active in criminal enterprises, and, victim testimonies, I have come to the conclusion that thousands of victims have been targeted by an illegal government rogue criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day within the U.S. This conspiracy is far too active to be controlled or operated by private enterprise whose goals are achieving financial gain.

    These operations require extensive financing with no return on the investment. This program’s operations are financed by illegal black operations, i.e., narcotics, prostitution, child kidnapping (children sell at covert auctions for up to $50,000 per child), human trafficking, gambling and other rackets.)

  5. I have documentation and know that throughout the U.S., operating 24 hours-a-day and 7 days-a-week, there is a Central Command, located within the U.S., with multiple satellite offices, whose administrators can instantly initiate surveillance, phone taps and harassment against any individual in the country.

    They have the technology, financing and manpower to dispense illegal surveillance and harassment against anyone at any time, day or might. I have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic, illegal government harassment currently being conducted against thousands of Americans. This makes the F.B.I.’s former COINTELPRO program, which I worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday school program by comparison.

  6. I firmly believe that most individuals working in the F.B I, other intelligence agencies, and the government overall are honest, law-abiding public servants. However, a sophisticated network of rogue operatives has secretly infiltrated the F.B.I,, other intelligence agencies including the C.I.A, and other key government positions.

    This rogue element seeks personal power and wealth and considers themselves above the law and the Constitution. They are carrying out the aforementioned surveillance and harassment activities in conjunction with organized crime, the cult movement in America including Satanic cults, other commercial and political interests, and even misguided civic organizations and neighborhood groups.

    This illegal surveillance and harassment program is being called gang stalking and organized stalking by the victims targeted by it.

    The victims are targeted for a variety of reasons including government and corporate whistle-blowers, parties to financial and employment disputes, parties to marital disputes (usually divorced women), and even jilted paramours. Journalists covering controversial issues, and, even attorneys and private investigators representing unpopular clients or interests, have been targeted by this program.

  7. Individuals targeted by this program have been subjected to illegal and unconstitutional phone taps, illegal re-routing of business and private phone calls for purposes of harassment, illegal audio “bugging”, surreptitious entry into home, office, and vehicle, visual surveillance in the home conducted by illegal placement of miniature remote, wireless cameras (often accessible via internet), illegal internet spyware, illegal GPS tracking (often through their own mobile phones), regular fixed and mobile surveillance, mail misdirection, mail theft and tampering, financial and employment sabotage, slander campaigns and community ostracizing , internet disinformation and smear campaigns, poisoning, assaults and murder, illegal set-ups on ding charges and other felony charges, amongst many other civil rights abuses.

  8. In addition to high-ranking members of the F.B.I., other intelligence services, and the government overall, wealthy, powerful members of criminal syndicates, multi-millionaires and the corporate elite are using the government gang stalking program to harass enemies.

    They can get a targeted individual harassed for the rest of that individual’s life (individual cases of gang stalking lasting for over a decade are common).

    The higher status members of the gang stalking conspiracy initiate the gang stalking and coordinate logistics and funding. Lower echelon government rogue operatives, lower ranking members of the military (in violation of Posse Comitatus), petty criminals and street thugs perform the actual grunt work of daily monitoring and harassment of individuals targeted by the program.

  9. Based on my professional experience, extensive intelligence information and belief, it is my professional opinion that the F.B.I is involved in and has investigative files on the subject of gang
    stalking, related gang stalking methods, and gang stalking groups in the F.B.I’s vast intelligence files, that are responsive to Mr. Labella’s F.O.ILA. Complaint. Furthermore, I have personally referred numerous victims of gang stalking to the appropriate agents at the F.B.I. for investigation of their cases. I have also furnished the F.B.I. with documentation of an active, international child kidnapping ring probably operated by rogue C.I.A. agents.

    The F.B.I has ignored my requests to investigate even though it is their responsibility to investigate kidnappings. I have a contact in Germany who advises me that the C.I.A. has set up secret
    operations on U.S. military bases for the kidnapping, sale and trafficking of children worldwide. The FBI may be using a unique codename and nomenclature for the gang stalking phenomenon in its records. However, this is a semantic difference, and, in no way changes my professional opinion that the F.B.I. has investigative files on the nationwide phenomenon of gang stalking described in reasonable and specific detail in Mr. Labella’s F.O.L A. Complaint.

    These F.B.I. files contain information responsive to Mr. Labella’s F.O.L.A. Complaint regarding the subject of gang stalking. The F.B.I. and other intelligence agencies are administering and covering up the rogue, covert, government criminal enterprise of gang stalking. The gang stalking phenomenon appears in the records of both the F.B.I. and the N.5.A. in their records pertaining to the Echelon Program,
    Carnivore System, and Tempest Systems.

    In addition, the gang stalking phenomenon appears in the records of both the F.B.I. and the N.S.A. in their records pertaining to information collected by Narus systems. Narus is a wholly owned subsidiary of defense contractor Boeing that produces sophisticated, mass surveillance computer systems currently being used by both the F.B.I. and the N.S.A.

Dated this Al day of @nscl. 2011.

Los Angeles, California

Jet A Sonidiosson.

Ted L. Gunderson


Mr Labella did not get the COINTELPRO documents of the community-stalking system of user of intermediaries that smear and create sham allegations and purport to be part of sham investigations the sole purpose of which is to bully people with abusive lies in the workplace, streets, libraries, etc., but the well known system of police sent thugs hiding police involvement is well known in various circles and internal documents available describe it this way.:

Predatory Gangstalking is also called “terror stalking”, “gangstalking”, “flash mobbing”, “cause stalking,” “hate stalking,” “multi-stalking (teams of people), “happy slapping,” “workplace bullying, and “covert war.”

The reasons why it is employed?

You found the wrong forum on the internet and saw something you should not have seen; you worked for a company and found out some sensitive information; you got on the wrong side of someone [from an enemy camp of some type]

COINTELPRO – political assassinations through publicly committed hate crime.

Here are some of the tactics used by CointelPro, most of which I have experienced. This occurs in broad daylight, inside the prison system, inside the ABA, inside psychiatric hospitals. These covert operations I and those I know have been subjected to will be described in my later false arrests and detentions.

“According to Brian Glick, in War at Home, COINTELPRO used a broad array of methods, including:”

  1. Infiltration:

    Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents.

  2. Psychological Warfare From the Outside:

    The FBI and police used myriad other “dirty tricks” to undermine progressive movements. They planted false media stories and published bogus leaflets and other publications in the name of targeted groups. They forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls. They spread misinformation about meetings and events, set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents, and manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials and others to cause trouble for activists.

  3. Harassment Through the Legal System:

    The FBI and police abused the legal system to harass dissidents and make them appear to be criminals. Officers of the law gave perjured testimony and presented fabricated evidence as a pretext for false arrests and wrongful imprisonment. They discriminatorily enforced tax laws and other government regulations and used conspicuous surveillance, ‘investigative’ interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to intimidate activists and silence their supporters.

  4. Extralegal Force and Violence:

    The FBI and police threatened, instigated, and themselves conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object was to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements. In the case of radical Black and Puerto Rican activists (and later Native Americans), these attacks—including political assassinations-were so extensive, vicious, and calculated that they can accurately be termed a form of official ‘terrorism.’”.The FBI also conducted “black bag jobs”, warrantless surreptitious entries, against the targeted groups and their members.
    Source: COINTELPRO – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From its inception, the FBI has operated on the doctrine that the “preliminary stages of organization and preparation” must be frustrated, well before there is any clear and present danger of “revolutionary radicalism.”

At its most extreme dimension, political dissidents have been eliminated outright or sent to prison for the rest of their lives. There are quite a number of individuals who have been handled in that fashion. Many more, however, were “neutralized” by intimidation, harassment, discrediting, snitch jacketing, a whole assortment of authoritarian and illegal tactics.

More from former fBI agent Geral Sosbee (whistle-blower like fomer Tracy PD Jen Moore deceased) and Sosbee alslo being GangStalked and attempts to seek remedy and document it

[Note that Ed Donegan (myself) and High Tech Silicon Valley associate Tom Dunham worked in high tech security and with federal agencies like the Secret Service in banking and security matters in my case Office of the Comptroller of the Currency overseeing a 1.7 billion dollar financial mass of assets accounted for on the server computers I was involved in security at my job at Wells Fargo San Francisco data center and team lead security specialist for the corporation.

Geral Sosbee – [T]he FBI often vandalizes my car and my home; regularly the fbi sends men and women to assault and battery me to add stress and to provoke me. I have never been accused of a crime and the only defense I have is to write reports such as this one. A few individuals anonymously express support for me and I am heartened thereby.

I believe that the USA is in serious peril due to the evil activities of the fbi and due to the corruption of Congress and the Courts. The fbi controls federal judges en queue, especially federal magistrate judges who apparently authorize fbi to torture and kill this activist (as they did Jen Moore).

Thank you kindly.


Sosbee, Ted Gunderson, Ed Donegan and Keith Labella have reported be attacked by thugs from street gangs sent by the FBI etc., as a nearly regular matter. In addition each of us have reported specialized dangerous weapons ranging from D-E-W and trace evidence and contemporaneous reports early than news reports of Havana Syndrome exist and there is extensive corroboration inside and outside the agencies with easily available corroboration of at least the well place agency whistle-blowers.

All of these accounts (or most of them) were independent with no knowledge or communication among the parties at any time with some exception that Ted Gunderson former FBI became aware of Labella’s court filings and provided and affidavit to the courts and others of the truth of the complaints.

Various Excerpts from the compilation of Gunderson affidavits and clippings TECHNIQUES USED

Image American Free Press Masthead

trheateing phone calls recived by Gunderson

bullethole in home window

American Free Press publishes picture of a bullet hole in the window of Ted Gunderson’s daughter in one photo. Ted Gunderson was working for American Free Press among other interests and he received threats he or his daughter would be killed if he continued to speak out.

Police report copy of his assertions. Many other police reports he made and logs he made are scanned and persevered.

Edward Paul Donegan has experienced all of this as well as did Jen Moore.

Ted Gunderson

“If anything happens to me, my family, or my close associates- including my attorney (former Nebraska State Senator, John DeCamp), Susan Ford, or other individuals within my informational network, the names of the leaders of the cult/drug network and additional information concerning their activities will be released to the public.”


… Who Document Illegal Unlawful activity
(murder, kidnapping and more) of a covert
underground criminal enterprise operating
at the highest levels of our Government.

Ted is from the old FBI, not the new FBI.

By Ted L. Gunderson
FBI Senior Special Agent
In Charge (Retired)

Senior Special Agent in Charge (Ret.)
Federal Bureau of Investigation Lic. # 12878 P.O. Box 18000-259
Las Vegas, NV 83114

President George W. Bush Apri 23, 2003
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Bush

On April 3, 2003, I found an intruder (biker type- wearing a head bandana, leather Jacket, and chains attached to his belt) in the basement of the apartment complex where I am presently staying in Los Angeles. After seeing me, he bolted through the front door of the building and disappeared. I filed a police report. [am making this incident a matter of record with a number of government agencies and the news media because this appears to be yet another surveillance of me.

Since retiring as the Senior Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Los Angeles Division in 1979, I have publicly exposed pedophilia, murder, child kidnapping, and other nefarious criminal activity on the part of individuals both in and out of government circles; much of which has been covered up or ignored by those responsible for investigating these allegations.

In the past, there have been attempts to frame me for alleged criminal activity, individuals have been ‘planted’ on me and there have been attempts on my life. More recently, I have been the target of a disinformation/smear campaign spearheaded by an FBI informant. In addition, I have been the victim of periodic surveillances, illegal entries into my home and vehicle, and illegal telephone taps (I have proof.)

I [Ted Gunderson elderly FBI retiree] am making the April 3, 2003 surveillance incident a matter of record as I have no intention of becoming another ‘victim’ such as Bill Colby (former CIA Director) or Dan Casolaro (journalist) Both men were murdered in spite of the “official” reports that state otherwise.



On this 27th day of February, 2007, appeared before me Geral W. Sosbee, an individual known personally to me to be the person who affixed his signature to this document below and who, being by me first duly sworn on his oath, deposed and said: “My name is Geral W. Sosbee; I am over the age of 18 years. I am fully competent in all manner to make this affidavit. The information contained in this affidavit is within my personal knowledge, and is true and correct. I am referred to below as Affiant.

I have documented by direct and incontrovertible evidence and personal testimony the criminal activities of dozens (or perhaps hundreds) of agents, operatives and handlers of the FBI and the CIA of the United States of America, including, but not limited to the following:

A. Obstruction of Justice, Suppression of Evidence, Perjury, Fabrication of Evidence, Criminal Conspiracy, Conspiracy to Violate and the Violation of Civil Rights, Attempted Extortion, Attempted Blackmail, False Arrest, False Imprisonment, Fraud Burglary, Robbery, Felonious Assault and Battery, Destruction of Personal Property, Petty Theft, Theft of and Tampering with U.S. Mail and a variety of other high crimes and misdemeanors as further described in paragraph “B” below.

B. Abuse of civil process, home and car invasions facilitated by physical and wireless electronic surveillance in home and car and further enhanced by the use of a tracking device implanted in the person of the human experimentee, the Affiant; the surveillance of Affiant is ineffect as this affidavit is written and has been in effect twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, without cessation and without interruption for well over nine years world wide; all such invasive surveillance is accompanied by various terrorist acts against the Affiant as further described in paragraph “C” below.

C. Repeated assault and battery on the person of the Affiant by street thugs and by the use of high technology authorized by the United States Government …

Prior to my (Edward Paul Donegan) becoming homeless following retaliation against my complaints and accusations at 1001 North Water Street Corpus Christi I (or rather my office equipment) suffered a string of attacks conduct by shill” neighbors placed by the police (replacing the original neighbors) and acting on police orders with police protection of them. The attacks including water poured from above on the computer on my fourth floor balcony from the fifth floor destroyed a computer beyond any recoverability. Following that I moved as depicted here to just inside the window of that same balcony but again on this fourth floor location a water drop came through the ceiling so intense it left an inch of water standing but I was able to protect my PC using plastic on top and random positions. Finally I moved into an all cement broom closet with a padlock I attached offering a key and the location of a hidden key on the top of the door frame. At the time of the theft I was watching some recreational horror films AND the Kings Speech about the WWII history of the Windsors and the probables they had been having during a key era tied to my book and the Special Relationship that has existed. FBI Direct Wray was on the cover of the book at that time accusing him of being a Deep State official.

Although I had no such ability to lock the PC at my new location of 1513 I bought a small .79 x 5.12 x 3.15 inches of all electronic comments no larger than the ports it had or the palm of my hand and I could plug in keyboards, mice, and my flat-screen to it. Since I could take it with me easily in my jacket pocket or sleep with it under my bed breaking in to steal the other computer would offer a thief no advantage. The PC was very old and bough refurbished and I was not dependent on it.

The shill neighbors from the old location and other shill neighbors attacked at 1513 in other ways cooperating with the landlord and police as instructed including faking records, facts of fights, allegations against me, rental records, and so on until I was evicted over fighting and even the small PC was not usable homeless as I have been for a year since, it had no keyboard or screen.

Tom Dunham who is a surving victims of extensive illegal operations, break-ins, smear campaigns, and the ruin of his familyl and vocation and of San Francisco and I have encountered the same pattern of sham investigation sham allegation smear campaign and often times it has intertwined himself and I and itself.

First of all what is an Organized Stalk undercover police operation on a large scale?

Operatives of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and high ranking politicians the Secret Service and other groups use (while acting in secret) organized thugs, homeless people, dupes they recruit while running sham investivations of journlists, etc., to interfere with the lives and in some cases end the lives of dissidents and whistle-blowers while pretending no role at all.

Articles published by CBS, the Daily Mail, RT, Tech Dirt, and Courthouse News Service in December 2013 reported that a U.S. government contractor filed a lawsuit against multiple federal agencies for gang stalking him (the complaint refers to gang stalking as such). The plaintiff claims he was subjected to constant surveillance – including inside his residence and his vehicle – and constant psychological harassment from co-workers and strangers.

The Globe and Mail, a national newspaper in Canada, reported in May 2006 that the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) used organized stalking techniques (referred to as “Diffuse and Disrupt” tactics) against terrorism suspects for whom they lacked sufficient evidence to prosecute.

A cover article in The Washington Post Magazine in January 2007 by a journalist familiar with military policies and weapon systems portrayed self-proclaimed victims of gang stalking as intelligent and credible, and suggested that claims about exotic non-lethal weapons being used by the U.S. government to harass targeted individuals were plausible.

Former CIA division chief Melvin Goodman was quoted in a June 2008 article by Jeremy Scahill in The Nation (America’s oldest continuously-published weekly magazine) on the vast private contractor element of the intelligence-security community:

“My major concern is the lack of accountability, the lack of responsibility. The entire industry is essentially out of control. It’s outrageous.”

Gang stalking apparently targets American citizens deemed to be dissidents or whistle-blowers (and perhaps potential dissidents and whistle-blowers), although others might be targeted for other reasons – such as for experimental or training purposes. For perspective, it should be remembered that for two decades the CIA performed secret illegal experiments on U.S. and Canadian citizens (the infamous MK Ultra program). Those experiments included physical and psychological torture.

A newspaper article in the Verona-Cedar Grove Times in March 2009 titled “Stalker Claims Unsettle Police” described how a self-proclaimed target of gang stalking had been distributing fliers in his former neighborhood in Verona, New Jersey, warning about organized stalking of targeted individuals. The fliers stated: “Their intention is to murder their target without getting their hands dirty. It’s the perfect hate crime.

In November 2013, a TV and radio broadcast of Democracy Now! featured an interview with the director of the Center for Corporate Policy in which he discussed the shadowy industry of spies employed by major U.S. corporations to conduct secret – and often illegal – counterintelligence operations against critics of those corporations.

Articles published by CBS, the Daily Mail, RT, Tech Dirt, and Courthouse News Service in December 2013 reported that a U.S. government contractor filed a lawsuit against multiple federal agencies for gang stalking him (the complaint refers to gang stalking as such). The plaintiff claims he was subjected to constant surveillance – including inside his residence and his vehicle – and constant psychological harassment from co-workers and strangers.


Zersetzung is a psychological warfare tactic
developed by the East German Stasi Secret
Police to nuetralize dissidents quietly without
kidnapping and murdering them like the Gestapo.

It means disruption because it disrupts every part
of you’re life and gaslights you so you go crazy
yourself with no touch torture leaving no
and evidence.

The CIA and FBI used Zersetzung small scale with DEWs from 1971-2001 and organized community vigilante groups and extremist groups and first responders based on vicious smear campaigns according to CIA whistleblower Carl Clark and Jesus Mendoza who filed 3 lawsuits in Texas and lost.

The CIA runs electronic harassment, Noise Campaigns of harassing, threatening, and veiled threat or veiled other harassment noxiusness to a stalk victim as the FBI runs gang-stalking and Fusion Centers that sychronize everything.

They (under cover operatives posing in various positions) give perjured testimony in court, makes false dossiers or dossiers composed of false reports that are resultant from Subornation of Perjury, and disseminate the smear using their partnerships (in crime) as flying monkeys (dupes believing the smear, shown faked evidence that then attack a smear victim) along with the smear campaign as part of it gaslight (break in to homes to fake evidence that will be shown to others), harass, backstab, conspire against normal civil activities such as credit, home buying, leases sanctity of the home, etc.,

Private Investigator David Lawson infiltrated gangstalking groups in the US and Canada for 10 years. After 911, the government calls it counter-terrorism and the watch-list is a sham to hide the targeted individual program.

The FBI Fusion Centers, FISA, watch-list, counter accusing its victims as being paranoid, using DSM 5 saying it is schizophrenia to accuse US Espionage of illegal and covert acts and puts out disinformation about those it is harassing to discredit them.

At 82 Ted Gunderson was afraid his own FBI could and would kill him and despite his often quite public outcry he never found any safety for himself or for his daughter be he did leave an extensive records of his complaints about be a subject of Gang Stalking that does include poisonings and other covert techniques.

I [Ted Gunderson} have documentation and know that throughout the U.S., operating 24 hours-a-day and 7 days-a-week, there is a Central Command, located within the U.S., with multiple satellite offices, whose administrators can instantly initiate surveillance, phone taps and harassment against any individual in the country.

They have the technology, financing and manpower to dispense illegal surveillance and harassment against anyone at any time, day or might. I have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic, illegal government harassment currently being conducted against thousands of Americans. This makes the F.B.I.’s former COINTELPRO program, which I worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday school program by comparison.

I firmly believe that most individuals working in the F.B I, other intelligence agencies, and the government overall are honest, law-abiding public servants. However, a sophisticated network of rogue operatives has secretly infiltrated the F.B.I,, other intelligence agencies including the C.I.A, and other key government positions.

They have the technology, financing and manpower to dispense illegal surveillance and harassment against anyone at any time, day or might. I have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic, illegal government harassment currently being conducted against thousands of Americans. This makes the F.B.I.’s former COINTELPRO program, which I worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday school program by comparison.

I firmly believe that most individuals working in the F.B I, other intelligence agencies, and the government overall are honest, law-abiding public servants. However, a sophisticated network of rogue operatives has secretly infiltrated the F.B.I,, other intelligence agencies including the C.I.A, and other key government positions.

This illegal surveillance and harassment program is being called gang stalking and organized stalking by the victims targeted by it.

The victims are targeted for a variety of reasons including government and corporate whistle blowers, parties to financial and employment disputes, parties to marital disputes (usually divorced women), and even jilted paramours. Journalists covering controversial issues, and, even attorneys and private investigators representing unpopular clients or interests, have been targeted by this program.

In addition to high-ranking members of the F.B.I., other intelligence services, and the government overall, wealthy, powerful members of criminal syndicates, multi-millionaires and the corporate elite are using the government gang stalking program to harass enemies.

They can get a targeted individual harassed for the rest of that individual’s life (individual cases of gang stalking lasting for over a decade are common).

The higher status members of the gang stalking conspiracy initiate the gang stalking and coordinate logistics and funding. Lower echelon government rogue operatives, lower ranking members of the military (in violation of Posse Comitatus), petty criminals and street thugs perform the actual grunt work of daily monitoring and harassment of individuals targeted by the program.

These F.B.I. files contain information responsive to Mr. Labella’s F.O.L.A. Complaint regarding the
subject of gang stalking. The F.B.I. and other intelligence agencies are administering and covering up the rogue, covert, government criminal enterprise of gang stalking.

We all four have proof none of us yet have acted together. In my case I bring additonal witness specific to these events of harrasment of me also attesting to the exact same fact pattern.

Attempts to do this using Street People etc to create a flair-up fight with the Chaff takes the writer off target from documenting CIA and FBI wrongs.

Called Street Theater (or Rough Music or “loud” conduct that is noxious and abusive) of “parades” of people (Stalkers) various thugs, assailants, antagonists, etc., can become a distressing bother to a person being stalked. IT is also called Terror Stalking and other names.

Charivari alternatively spelled shivaree or chivaree and also called a skimmington) was a European and North American folk custom designed to shame a member of the community, in which a mock parade was staged through the settlement accompanied by a discordant mock serenade. Since the crowd aimed to make as much noise as possible by beating on pots and pans or anything that came to hand these parades are often referred to as rough music.

Parades were of three types. In the first, and generally most violent form, a wrongdoer or wrongdoers might be dragged from their home or place of work and paraded by force through a community. In the process they were subject to the derision of the crowd, they might be pelted and frequently a victim or victims were dunked at the end of the proceedings.

Not fighting with the Parade of Stalkers is meant to be a challenge but the parade will stick together and counter-attack if it is itself attacked.

Chaff and that is what Stalkers are to whistle-blowers (a countermeasuren designed to entangle the whistleblower’s activities and attention) is a radar countermeasure in which aircraft or other targets spread a cloud of small, thin pieces of aluminum, metallized glass fibre or plastic, which either appears as a cluster of primary targets on radar screens or swamps the screen with multiple returns, in order to confuse and distract (the wepaon system from its real target it has locked onto). – Wikipeida.

The Stasi used operational psychology and its extensive network of between 170,000 and over 500,000 informal collaborators (inoffizielle Mitarbeiter) to launch personalized psychological attacks against targets to damage their mental health and lower chances of a “hostile action” against the state. Among the collaborators were youths as young as 14 years of age.

Security forces lacking a case against a dissident before stalking may be able to bring a paraonioa case or fisticuffs case against a dissedent as they attempt to ward off or nuetralized Stalkers and the misdeeds of the stalkers.

Mark Rich writes Tactics Part I Introduction of his book The Hidden Evil and the Financial Elites (of global power) It has been said that when you’re first targeted, they hit you hard in multiple directions. Presumably, this is done so you’ll collapse after experiencing recurrent emotional violence, which is compounded after realizing that all normal support structures have been removed.

[Others have written on large scale Stalks of writers, whistleblowers, and others elite leaders are attempting to discredit and interfere with those who are a threat to them by smear campaigns, evidence plants, and use of thug intermediaries for break-ins and violent attacks drawn from prison trustees or neighborhood watch programs using often local gang members from bad neighborhoods or prison release systems or recruited from mental health patients rosters.]

People tend to associate the word harassment with acts of temporary aggravation. Therefore, it may not be the proper word to describe the never-ending acts of covert violence inflicted upon targeted people, which amounts to torture and murder.

[Smear campaigns such as the one I Edward Paul Donegan experienced include the appearance I like both teen and tot females, am a fetishist for buttocks who will follow any woman in tights and it is staged by people around me in public places that this is true as people walk in front of me. I can not get a job or an apartment and live homeless as the KOMPROMAT (compromising staged materials) are shown around behind my back in all areas of life.]

Some of the tactics used are borderline-subliminal, which is why they are so difficult to detect, explain, and defend against.

[The system of rumor mongering or seemingly randon break-ins to home office or attack by thugs or street people go unsolved and even orchestrated by COINTELPRO operatives. Gang Stalks base their strategy by working behind a Targeted person’s back spreading dis-truth for the purpose of inciting social and business sabotage of a person targeted by COINTELPRO and the whispers are kept away from the person being smeared thus the clique tries to escape a true discussion of the facts and hide behind coy oblique attitudes. Nomitive is relating to or denoting. Oblique is any case other than the nominative. Those who are hostile and part of a smear campaign will show disdain but stop short of exposing to scrutiny the [false] reason the rental app, job app, etc., is being turned down.]

It is my goal (Mark Rich)to make the unconscious, conscious. [and the Covert illegal acts Overt acts of Conspiracy Against Rights]

The Hidden Evil’s (my Mark Rich’s book) genesis is obviously derived from known tactics such as: perpetual bogus investigations, surveillance, rumor campaigns, noise, thefts, break-ins, staged accidents, framings, sabotage and vandalism, communications interference, blacklisting, citizen informants for gang stalking, poisoning, drugging, incarceration, and directed-energy weapons.

[I Edward Paul Donegan have also been evicted or banned from many locations (and sometimes battered) after and undercover operation very covertly picked a fight with me, denied doing so, and that covert group had their own allies surrounding the seen asserting I was initiating the fight in a mob may. Called the Office Mob a group working together will gang stalk a person working together but doing so covertly as a secretive clique.]

It is a historical fact that the US Government has officially targeted its civilian population on multiple occasions. Programs
such as MKULTRA and Cointelpro can’t be denied.

“The methods reportedly employed in these harassment campaigns,” explained
McKinney, “bear a striking resemblance to those attributed to [what is a dark web of very powerful and influentual figures who have the espionage and political office holding positions to order illegal acts often against whistle-blowers]

(Mark Rich continues in his book)

If policies are set at the top by the controlling elite, then it’s understandable how destructive ones which appear to be positive can be filtered down to local and state governments.

Marrs explained: “If the top leadership of government and business is controlled … then the activities of subservient agencies and divisions must be of little consequence. Government bureaucrats—honest and well-intentioned workers for the most part—simply follow orders and policies set by superiors.”

Former FBI Agent Dan Smoot acknowledged this covert power structure in his 1962 book, The Invisible Government, when he wrote: “Somewhere at the top of the pyramid in the Invisible Government are a few sinister people.” The Invisible Government that Smoot refers to uses the groups previously mentioned to carry out its policies.

According to authors Jim Marrs [who has written extensively on the JFK assasination and who book becane the bais of the movie JKF) and Ross, these organizations directly or indirectly control local, state, and federal law enforcement, as well as the courts, federal agencies, the UN, and NATO.

“The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and a few others—numbering less than a dozen leaders of international finance are the real power behind the visible thrones of world government,” added Professor Marrs. “No major policy is formulated without their input; no major plan of action is implemented without their specific ‘go’ signal.”

I Edward Paul Donegan assert Criminal Harassment of me in a long running matter that is also tied to criminal harassment and “black” activities of illegal programs that have already assassinated journalists not relate and related to my book series; one person Jen Moore who along with myself and Tom Dunham had proof of a smear campaign of me and attacks upon me as an author trying to silence both her and myself about the world of Allen Dulles and how MKUTLRA story including the Donegan family (mine) is related to the Kennedy family assassination in 1963.

Exhibits: id1009 Tom Dunham of San Francisco spots Sock Puppet of Ed Donegan promoting false image, negative image, of Ed Donegan. Ed Donegan is mentally retarded and wants to harm children. “The writer impersonating Ed Donegan appears to have done so to discourage protecting kids. Selectquote …”

The US Dept of Justice throwing me in pscch ward over my accusations about the NIH and FBI over a grant is what my first book since that arrest was about US V EPD. Later it became US v. EPD II. In its latest form it is The Great Treason. Since US v EPD II this has been a core part of my writing about FBI harassment of me and railroading of me and illegal treatment of me.

While Secret Service employees have worked in pscyh wards and FBI offices that have coopted my works will sabotaging me at the same time. Most of my work is work they want but don’t want to admit I generated.

Rudy2’s Multilingual Blog


The ex-FBI official is Ted Gunderson mentioned earlier in this page and let’s first look at Ted Gunderson’s death.

In his 80s he said the United States Military was in an NWO overthrow plot and using Directed Energy Weapons on citizens, government officials, conducting poisonings, and other targeted killings on behalf of the NWO and he continued these assertions and writings until his death from Cancer, perhaps Cancer Type CIA-Havana Syndrome.

Rudy2: Former FBI official Ted Gunderson died of cancer on July 31, 2011. Was his illness induced by silent electromagnetic assault or by other nefarious means? We will never know – and that’s just the way certain entities want it.

A former senior official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation says “rogue” military intelligence and law enforcement units of the federal government oversee a nationwide network of community-based “gang stalking” harassment, intimidation and domestic terrorism directed at thousands of U.S. citizens who have been extrajudicially targeted as “dissidents” or undesirables.

Ted Gunderson, 82, who has served as the Special Agent in Chargeof the FBI’s Los Angeles, Memphis and Dallas FBI Field Offices, has stated in a series of public speaking appearances that he is now targeted by these same elements, and fears for his life and for the safety of his family. He reports that the windows of his home have been shot out, and he believes he has been poisoned and physically sickened by those seeking to silence him.

“Based on my thirty years’ experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal U.S. government rogue criminal enterprise – military intelligence, probably, tied into CIA and FBI and so forth – that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States,” Gunderson stated in an October 2008 speech posted last fall on YouTube, three years before cancer consumed him.

I and others have written about the FBI, CIA, NSA, and high ranking figures while simultaneously being attacked by a variety of illegal means often trying to covertly trip us up on some way while appearing not to do so.

Among the Ted Guderson works I admire and empathize with was his article on the FBI and CIA techniques used to covertly sabotage journalists who write about these figures and agencies including death threats from gunshots through office windows, thugs giving threats, or thug attacks upon the authors of such works.

In addition to the names of my books and the poltical figures named in them are the cover images with these figures on the cover and my assertions the are engaged in agregiouis conspiracy against my rights, thke First Amendment, and the Republic of the USA as well.

As an example of a public figure I have included in my books and approaced the FBI in person about is Vince Stewart

I and Jen Moore and others asserted a conspiracy run out of the DIA and realted to the firing of General Flynn from Trump’s cabinent by Mike Pence who I also consider a Globalist NWO Deep Stater.

Stewart was born in Kingston, Jamaica, on May 11, 1958. He attended Kingston College before immigrating to the United States in 1971 at age 13. He received his undergraduate degree in history in 1981 from Western Illinois University and was commissioned into the United States Marine Corps that same year.

Jamaica slowly gained increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom. In 1958 it became a province in the Federation of the West Indies, a federation of several of Britain’s Caribbean colonies.

Membership of the Federation proved to be divisive, however, and a referendum on the issue saw a slight majority voting to leave. After leaving the Federation, Jamaica attained full independence on 6 August 1962.

The new state retained, however, its membership in the Commonwealth of Nations (with the British monarch QEII as Head of State) and adopted a Westminster-style parliamentary system. Bustamante, at the age of 78, became the country’s first prime minister. Sir William Alexander Clarke Bustamante ONH GBE PC (born William Alexander Clarke; 24 February 1884 – 6 August 1977) was a Jamaican politician and labour leader, who, in 1962, became the first prime minister of Jamaica.

Most of my books focus on Government figures (JFK, RFK, Ted Gunderson, Jen Moore, William Cooper, William Colby, and others) who were victims of Government corruption and I as they write about that very same government.

Jen Moore asserted as I do that an illegal scheme smear me when a retarded and depraved version of myself using my identity “goes on the record” confession to horrific character attributes and actions quite tearfully.

Harassment by Entrapment (forcing conflicts in manipulated contentious environments)

I have stated the development of allegations regarding me were baseless but seized upon by those using theatrics.

Since my ankle would never go into a bear trap because I am not a bear the bear trap is instead moved around me leg. Staging events in places I am (and combing that with forged confessions) entraps me into seeming activities I am not guilty of.

Harassment by Bullying

Kicking sand in a person’s face may not be random. The Bully my kick in a particular direction pushing the victim towards the water or elsewhere, in the case of the library, towards the exit as the substance and process of activities turn into conflicts blamed on the bullying victim.

Harassment by Retaliation (from Positions of Power)

Who should have been fired in the dispute? Anita Hill for being paranoid about a covert reference being made OR Clarence Thomas for an Time Place Manner inappropriate reference?

Was an oral sex reference covertly being made by Clarence Thomas (who Ed Donegan appreciates the Jurisprudence of and does suspect some judicial tempermanet issues in that area.)

ELVING: Hill was a law professor who had worked for Thomas years earlier at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. She testified that Thomas, as her boss, repeatedly tried to date her and subjected her to extensive unwanted conversations about sex and pornography. Some listeners may find the next recording offensive.


ANITA HILL: The incident involved his going to his desk – getting up from a work table, going to his desk, looking at this can and saying, who put pubic hair on my Coke?

JOE BIDEN: Was anyone else in his office at the time?


ELVING: Senator Joe Biden of Delaware was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in October of 1991, and he questioned Hill about her encounters

Forcing the victim of bullying to ward off the bully invites retaliation. A bully who who claims someone else s bar-stool is there own challenges for a fight over it. A person being a pest to another can claim the pestered person is intolerant or paranoid.

The Great Treason X, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

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