A Royal Interest in the Caribbean Yesterday and Today

During WWII and after James Jesus Angleton was call the Ghost and run a shadow government. He was eventually fired for illegal tactics but part of his strength had been close and even cowboy confederacy with the USA’s closest allies in actions around the world including the Vatican, Great Britain where he was schooled as a child, and the Vatican in Italy where his father was in business and WWII OSS contact with the Vatican before he himself was.

James Jesus Angleton
James Jesus Angleton was born in Boise, Idaho, on 9th December, 1917. His father, Hugh Angleton, was a former cavalry officer who met his wife, a seventeen-year-old Mexican woman, Carmen Mercedes Moreno, while serving in Mexico, under General John J. Pershing.

Hugh Angleton (OSS Officer) was an executive of the National Cash Register Company. (2) Thomas McCoy, a family friend, described him as “a six-foot-four, raw-boned, red-faced farm boy; a broad super-friendly guy, who was the outgoing salesman type and a born trader. He and his son were as different as one can imagine.”

Carmen Mercedes Moreno was a devout Catholic who insisted on giving him the name of Jesus. “As he grew older he became proud of his Mexican background – but, at the beginning, no. He never liked to use his middle name… Who likes to go around with a middle name of Jesus?”

In 1931 Hugh Angleton moved his family to Milan, for business reasons [his cash register company and at that time Hugh Angleton was head of the European business association

Edward Paul Donegan asserts this was all in the ATSUGI plan working with British loyalists still devoted to the role of England following WWII. This is the story of ATSUGI and E. Howard Hunt, Lee Harvey Oswald, and others, and Bermuda Dunes Air Port and Licavoli Ranch in Tuscon Arizona the JKF assasin team operated out of as part of Operation Mongoose. (per Col Prouty)

Much of this had to do with preferences for Great Britain to get colonial control of the America’s back (hopefully not the USA) during the Cold War and land based missle crisis and nuclear capable submarine warefare.

Pictured the land of Cuba could be used for missles or the large land-space of Guatemala. Or the Gulf of Mexico of Caribbean sub bases might be used for missiles.


The region takes its name from that of the Caribs, an ethnic group and many beans, spices, gold, and other treasures were sought from and transported from that area by the East India Tea Company supported by the British as Pirates tried to steal the cargo.

Much of the content here in Pillory drawn from my book THE GREAT TREASON: HIGH AND PETITE TREASON IN THE USA that focuses on the Special Relationship with Great Britain. Ed Donegan asserts through Free Masonry (very capitalistoc) some Winsdor cousins or other Loyalisits cultivated over generations were ready to be PsyOps favorite in lands distant and close the USA that the USA knew nothing about it being a young country with no world seeds planted or wanted.

The Manhattan Project was a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada. From 1942 to 1946, the project was under the direction of Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The nuclear physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer was the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory that designed the bombs. The Army component was designated the Manhattan District, as its first headquarters were in Manhattan New York City

Edward Teller, 1958-1960

The UGM-27 Polaris missile was a two-stage solid-fueled nuclear-armed submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM). As the United States Navy’s first SLBM, it served from 1961 to 1980.

In the mid-1950s the Navy was involved in the Jupiter missile project with the U.S. Army, and had influenced the design by making it squat so it would fit in submarines. However, they had concerns about the use of liquid fuel rockets on board ships, and some consideration was given to a solid fuel version, Jupiter S. In 1956, during an anti-submarine study known as Project Nobska, Edward Teller suggested that very small hydrogen bomb warheads were possible. A crash program to develop a missile suitable for carrying such warheads began as Polaris, launching its first shot less than four years later, in February 1960.

In 1951, after many years of fruitless labor on the “Super“, a breakthrough idea from the Polish émigré mathematician Stanislaw Ulam was seized upon by Teller and developed into the first workable design for a megaton-range hydrogen bomb. This concept, now called “staged implosion” was first proposed in a classified scientific paper, On Heterocatalytic Detonations I. Hydrodynamic Lenses and Radiation Mirrors by Teller and Ulam on March 9, 1951.

Beyond being the driving force for the successful testing of the first hydrogen bomb, he advanced the concept of the submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), which eventually led to the warhead prototypes for the Polaris SLBM.

The Teller–Ulam design is a technical concept behind modern thermonuclear weapons, also known as hydrogen bombs. The design – the details of which are military secrets and known to only a handful of major nations – is believed to be used in virtually all modern nuclear weapons that make up the arsenals of the major nuclear powers.

The idea of using the energy from a fission device to begin a fusion reaction was first proposed by the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi to his colleague Edward Teller in the fall of 1941 during what would soon become the Manhattan Project.

For the remainder of the war the effort was focused on first developing fission weapons. Nevertheless, Teller continued to pursue the “Super”, to the point of neglecting work assigned to him for the fission weapon at the secret Los Alamos lab where he worked. (Much of the work Teller declined to do was given instead to Klaus Fuchs, who was later discovered to be a spy for the Soviet Union.[1]: 430 ) Teller was given some resources with which to study the “Super”, and contacted his friend Maria Göppert-Mayer to help with laborious calculations relating to opacity. The “Super”, however, proved elusive, and the calculations were incredibly difficult to perform, especially since there was no existing way to run small-scale tests of the principles involved (in comparison, the properties of fission could be more easily probed with cyclotrons, newly created nuclear reactors, and various other tests).

Even though they had witnessed the Trinity test, after the atomic bombings of Japan scientists at Los Alamos were surprised by how devastating the effects of the weapon had been.

Edward Teller founded the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (now named the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, LLNL), and proceeded to put the laboratory on the path to national security prominence.

Edward Teller’s tenure as the Director of LLL was from 1958 to the mid-1960’s.

The discovery of nuclear fission by German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in 1938, and its theoretical explanation by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch, made the development of an atomic bomb a theoretical possibility. There were fears that a German atomic bomb project would develop one first, especially among scientists who were refugees from Nazi Germany and other fascist countries.

In August 1939, Hungarian-born physicists Leo Szilard and Eugene Wigner drafted the Einstein–Szilard letter, which warned of the potential development of “extremely powerful bombs of a new type”. It urged the United States to take steps to acquire stockpiles of uranium ore and accelerate the research of Enrico Fermi and others into nuclear chain reactions.

They had it signed by Albert Einstein and delivered to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt called on Lyman Briggs of the National Bureau of Standards to head the Advisory Committee on Uranium to investigate the issues raised by the letter. Briggs held a meeting on 21 October 1939, which was attended by Szilárd, Wigner and Edward Teller. The committee reported back to Roosevelt in November that uranium “would provide a possible source of bombs with a destructiveness vastly greater than anything now known.”

Harvard University joins the Bomb Program with Jospeph Kennedy likely watching and aware

The S-1 Committee

By the time Bush received the MAUD Committee Report, the administrative structure of U.S. uranium research had drastically changed. On June 28, 1941, just days after the German army invaded the Soviet Union, President Roosevelt established the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), with Bush at its head. The NDRC, now led by James Conant, was reorganized as an advisory body to the OSRD. The Uranium Committee became the OSRD Section on Uranium, or the S-1 Committee Vannevar Bush

To review this work and the general theory of fission reactions, Oppenheimer and Fermi convened meetings at the University of Chicago in June and at the University of California in July 1942 with theoretical physicists Hans Bethe, John Van Vleck, Edward Teller, Emil Konopinski, Robert Serber, Stan Frankel, and Eldred C. (Carlyle) Nelson, the latter three former students of Oppenheimer, and experimental physicists Emilio Segrè, Felix Bloch, Franco Rasetti, John Henry Manley, and Edwin McMillan. They tentatively confirmed that a fission bomb was theoretically possible.

Now it comes to explaining 1952, the Berlin Wall, the Cold War, the H Bomb, and many other activities. As the face-off with the surviving Super Powers of WWII took place along the East and West Germany in Europe the satellites were important from an Aerospace perspective at least, and submarine bases, etc., as Dr Edward Teller father of the Atomic Bomb or H Bomb legend goes speculated submaries could carry a one megaton device and the total power of these weapons already astronomical was expanding beyond what Earth could survive.

A Cold war is preferable and on the remote I(from the United States in most ways) Island of Japan at Atsugi Air base and civilian airports under Col. Fletcher Prouty’s command and with Jim Donegan there fighting in the Korean War and being a RECON pilot along with Lee Harvey Oswald tracking enemy craft and their own in the Polar Route area from Russia and the Troops and Armed Divisions route from China and Russia into Korea was the Russians were moving into during the Korean War in 1952.

The USA and Great Britain had shared colonial interest in the Caribean and was tied into the assassination of JFK. Indonesia and Guatemala were in the MKULTRA plans too. British and Spanish navies operated all along the coasts and inland of the Americas creating and holding colonies with CIA and British cooperation.

retrieved from https://www.navylookout.com/in-focus-the-royal-navy-presence-in-the-caribbean/ and copied or modified to here


Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Montserrat and the Turks & Caicos Islands are the six overseas territories in the region under the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the UK. (Note: Bermuda is outside the Caribbean region). Although seen by many as a ‘remnant of empire’ these islands are self-governed but rely to the UK for defence, foreign policy and assistance in many matters. Since 2002 their populations have full British citizenship and the presence of RN vessels is a reassuring sight for communities that have virtually no military capability and are vulnerable to natural disasters. There also Commonwealth states of Antigua & Barbuda, Belize, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and Trinidad & Tobago in the region which welcome occasional RN visitor.

Bermuda was a lynch pin in British superiority and supremacy on the Atlantic in both World Wars, and only faded from importance to the Royal Navy as a result of US alliance under the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, as the Cold War saw the Royal Navy drastically reduced and re-focused on operations in the region of Europe, while naval control of the western Atlantic was effectively ceded to the US Navy. The Royal Naval base in Bermuda was not established in 1951. In 1951, the drydock facilities for repair and refit were removed from what ’til that point had been a Royal Naval dockyard, but it remained a base for the America and West Indies Station. The position of Commander-in-Chief America and West Indies, to which SNOWI was originally subordinate, was abolished in 1956. Bermuda remained as the base for Royal Naval vessels stationed in the Western North Atlantic and West Indies, but the size and number of those vessels steadily diminished, ’til at some point in the 1970s they were replaced with the West Indies Guradship, which only passed through Bermuda on its way to take up station and again on its return to Britain each year. HMS Malabar, the remnant of the Royal Naval Dockyard, operated until 1995 as HM Naval Base Bermuda, but had no vessels based at it.

The Royal Navy during the American Revolution


At the outbreak of the American Revolution in 1775, the British navy was the largest and most experienced navy in the world, and it was essential to the survival of the British empire. At the start of the American Revolution, the Royal Navy numbered over 250 vessels of all sizes. These ranged from massive ships-of-the-line to tiny sloops and coastal vessels. By the end of the war that number would nearly double as the navy expanded to meet the threat posed by other European powers fighting alongside the Americans. The navy served as Britain’s “wooden walls,” protecting the home islands from invasion by much larger continental powers. Britain also relied on her navy to defend trade flowing in from her far-flung colonies. During the American Revolution, the navy played a critical role in supporting the Army’s attempts to crush the American rebellion, allowing the army to strike anywhere along the coast. In the later years of the war, the navy would be crucial in holding off the French, Spanish, and Dutch as the war spread across the globe. https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/royal-navy-during-american-revolution

JFK Assassination Board 🇺🇲 🌎

OTD In 1975: The CIA’s retired Western Hemisphere Chief J. C. King believes he can put to rest, once and for all, the question of WH authorization. King has an office at CIA HQ, which has been provided for him since his retirement. In this office is a … https://twitter.com/BoardJfk/status/1743314428555116845

Joseph Caldwell King retrieved from Spartacus Educational and copied or modified to here

In 1947 King joined the Central Intelligence Agency. Eventually he became chief of CIA’s Western Hemisphere Division. On 11th December, 1959, King sent a confidential memorandum to Allen W. Dulles, the director of the CIA. King argued that in Cuba there existed a “far-left dictatorship, which if allowed to remain will encourage similar actions against U.S. holdings in other Latin American countries.”

King worked for Johnson and Johnson in South America before joining the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (OCIAA). He was stationed in Argentina from 1941 to 1945, where he was engaged in feeding deceptive information to Japanese agents. For his service in 1943 to 1946 as a military attaché in Argentina, Lt. Col. King was awarded the Legion of Merit.

As a result of this memorandum Dulles established Operation 40. It obtained this name because originally there were 40 agents involved in the operation. Later this was expanded to 70 agents. The group was presided over by Richard Nixon. Tracy Barnes became operating officer of what was also called the Cuban Task Force. The first meeting chaired by Barnes took place in his office on 18th January, 1960, and was attended by David Atlee Phillips, E. Howard Hunt, Jack Esterline, and Frank Bender.

According to Fabian Escalante, a senior officer of the Cuban Department of State Security (G-2), in 1960 Richard Nixon recruited an “important group of businessmen headed by George Bush (Snr.) and Jack Crichton, both Texas oilmen, to gather the necessary funds for the operation”. This suggests that Operation 40 agents were involved in freelance work.

It is known that at this time that George Bush and Jack Crichton were involved in covert right-wing activities. In 1990 Common Cause Magazine argued that: “The CIA put millionaire and agent George Bush in charge of recruiting exiled Cubans for the CIA’s invading army; Bush was working with another Texan oil magnate, Jack Crichton, who helped him in terms of the invasion.” This story was linked to the release of “a memorandum in that context addressed to FBI chief J. Edward Hoover and signed November 1963, which reads: Mr. George Bush of the CIA”

King officially retired from the CIA in 1967 but soon came back as a CIA consultant. He was CEO of the Amazon Natural Drug Company, known as a front for the CIA. his wife fits name of Rosecurians Frances Anne King (Babbitt) born 13 Dec 1925

Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Nelson Rockefeller, Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (1940)

http://newwilliamcooperpatrioticsovereignpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/624px-OCIAA-Nelson-Rockefeller.jpg Nelson Rockefeller, Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (1940)

The Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, later known as the Office for Inter-American Affairs, was a United States agency promoting inter-American cooperation (Pan-Americanism) during the 1940s, especially in commercial and economic areas. It was started in August 1940 as OCCCRBAR (Office for Coordination of Commercial and Cultural Relations between the American Republics) with Nelson Rockefeller as its head, appointed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The Office of Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs in the Executive Office of the President was formally established and enacted by US Executive Order 8840 on July 30, 1941 by President Roosevelt who named Nelson Rockefeller as the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (CIAA).

The agency’s function was to counter Italian and German propaganda in the region. The FBI trained the secret police of friendly nations. German sales to military forces was displaced by American aid. Pro-German newspapers and radio stations were blacklisted. Government censorship was encouraged, while the Latin America was blanketed with pro-American propaganda. The OCIAA grew to be a large Federal agency with a budget of $38 million and 1,500 employees by 1943. 1942.

It was later renamed the Office of Inter-American Affairs (OIAA) with slightly changed powers by Executive order 9532 on March 23, 1945.

The Great Treason, Pillory X, Ted Gunderson Bio, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government https://newwilliamcooperpatrioticsovereignpress.com/a-royal-interest-in-the-caribbean-yesterday-and-today/

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