Excerpt of Defendent (Edward Donegan to eviction proceedings) and also in full

7) Edward Paul Donegan wishes the Court to recognize his transmission of the death bed statements of Ted Gunderson and Jen Moore of the Stasi “Targeted Victims” targeted by the CIA illegally and presents those death bed statements here was witness statements in summary form.

Using 28 USC 1746 This Document Transmits Two States of violations of 18 USC Section 1111 Murder and in Treason, Assassination, and Silencing of Witnesses

This text transmits two statutory of violations of 18 USC Section 1111 of Chapter 73, Murder and in Treason, Assassination, and Silencing of Witnesses (including by depatterning noise harassment or expressive speech noise harassment including Stalkers in menacing activities.)

Witness-1) The Death Bed statement of former Tracy California police officer Jen Moore trained in psychology and sexual abuse cases investigations and responses as she feared for her post police life while documenting being Stalked as a whistle-blower by the CIA whom she mentions specifically and credibly and others who told her she would be murdered of she talked but continued to do so leaving Death Bed statements on line about Glorian Donegan and Edward Donegan and as she states explicitly that the story of WWII history even going back to Vienna and the CIA following WWI is part of the assassination facilitated infiltration of the US Government by operatives associated with a globalism plan the JFK objected to and this is tied to the Donegan history of 850 N. Randolph Street #221 Arlington Virginia and Glorian Donegan and Edward Paul Donegan’s story.

Screen grabs are included in this filing of Jen Moore talking about and showing partially visible federal records (with federal court stamps) records and history of Glorian Donegan and Edward Paul Donegan’s home and the OSS CIA background story of that, of me and Glorian Donegan, she and possibly I might be Silenced over and she was found dead after an earlier violent physical attack she was hospitalized over threatening her from speaking any further.

Jen Moore asserted she would be and others might be “Silenced” (Silence of the Grave) and I assert she was attempts have been made to afflict such egregious injury to me in my life in Conspiracy Against Rights murder or attempted murder charges and obstruction of justice charges are easily due on any number of statues but probably best fit under Title 18 USC Chapter 73 used with Jen Moore and I facing attempts to Silence us and other witnesses.

Robyn Gritz former FBI has spoken publicly about the assertions of Jen Moore and that the death of Jen Moore should be considered possibly resultant from foul play. Robyn Gritz
Austin, Texas private company executive As seen in: Fox News, NPR, The Hill Covers: Corruption, FBI, DOJ, Human Trafficking, Terrorism, Border Issues, Whistleblowers

While I have never spoken with by any means Robyn Gritz based on what I know of the Donegan family history and my knowledge Jen Moore was silenced over these OSS CIA Vatican World War underground railroad histories I have emailed her on social media to alert to the facts I am presenting corroborating statements from Jen Moore with my public and private records and oral family history backed up by other sources including Jen Moore and Ted Gunderson.

In the Evidence Folders submitted (Groups 1, 2, Witness) the connection between Jen Moore, assertions against the operators of Mac Lamar LLC / Ocean Street Apartments is made. I asserted before my trip to California to leave Texas that in Texas the Mafia was operating with fabricated allegations in mockup apartments and wrote MS Word documents to Fetlife (swingers site) Capitola and Santa Cruz polife agencies and businesses and within those two days I assembled the data between living with William Ruiz in Capitola and Jim Vocelka in Monterey area the fraud continued by my public sharing of docs and data from my social media and MS Word Documents including the data again presented here in the CDROM show locations I am alleged to be act but am not, and this is fraud Jen Moore was empowered with my evidence with, and combined with her own a threat to the operation underway that is Mafia was presented by the assertions of Jen Moore and myself, and the more I pursue that with Mac Lamar LLC the greater the retaliation against me I think showing their sensitivity to illegal operations asserted to be conducted by themselves.

Witness-2) The living statement of Edward Paul Donegan that his is Targeted by illegal programs including a mafia slush fund built on using his own assets for his own destruction, mafia paying themselves to make false allegations against Edward Paul Donegan, and that Edward Paul Donegan can confirm with specifics from Oral history inside the Donegan family I have written about for thirty years or so and talked about during that time frame and by existing photos and the process evidence destruction of other photos created and public records on major events in history tie “Elites” of today’s globalist government to CIA OSS Vatican plans for assassinations and overthrow, the WWII was in part a dispute of British Colonialism versus European Nationalism, and that the Kennedy family while not racist embraced the anti-British colonialism plans, was assassinated and Colonialists then and now tied to the assassination by themselves or groomed for government generations are now silencing witness to the misconduct (murder and assassinations) tied to the Colonialism history.

Witness-3) Edward Donegan transmits via reduction to these notes the death bed statements of Ted Gunderson high ranking FBI agent and confidant of the Kennedy’s and anti racketeering agent joined at the gun holster with Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy fighting against CIA mafia and Ted Gunderson like the Kennedy’s assert a series of murders he was officially assigned to including Marilyn Monroe and JFK were tied to in an international for profit world interest operating inside the CIA and most historians agree to that and Edward Paul Donegan’s story is told through the last 4 SSSN.

FBI official in retirement spoke of Decomposition by GangStalk of the lives of people like himself the Espionage agencies have a vendettaa against. Things go wrong in their lives, accusations plauge them, they get evicted from apartments and canceled on speaking tours or social events. Or have car accidents. Or things like that. Because the police help thjngs like that to happen people Targeted by espionage agencies.

Additionally Ed Donegan asserts as James Paul Donegan stated all of his life a pro British colonialism historical revisionism is deeply rooted in the US fiction entertainment and news companies and these pro globalist factions argue against theories whistle-blowers are offering of promulgating.


Rather than read the existing literature on this matter (YouTube and bitchute videos, conference calls recorded, substantiating books such as The Devils Chessboard and other works or again repeating already cited public records supporting Ed Donegan and Jen Moore’s assertion of the Deep State this document only calls attention to the existing data and and refers the two statements, Jen Moore’s and mine, to some future prosecutor or member of the press.

8) Edward Paul Donegan includes in this updated filing the letter he has written to Tennessee officials asking for assistance of police assisted crime against Edward Paul Donegan and in this letter Edward Paul Donegan (myself) assert Dean Rusk and underground railroads were closely associated with the 1926 home of Glorian Donegan near Davidson College, Dean Rusk was a Rockefeller Foundation internationalist, and many see that connection as well as others I draw to the Kennedy assassination, only one connection of about 6 major total connections Edward Paul Donegan, Jen Moore, and Ted Gunderson asserted, likely not any ever having spoken to each other and likely never aware of each other during their lives.

Singed Electronically using caps EDWARD PAUL DONEGAN 022-46-3233

Espionage and Law Enforcement tip numbers Corpus_Christi PD 1911030057, CIA Submission Reference ID: 9N6HJJMH
Submission Reference ID: C9LFNYWT refereed to also in NSA OSINT OIG tip by Secure Drop

Defendent Ed Donegan responds full text of this ONE document

22EV-0391-JP11 Mac Lamar Management LLC/ Ocean Drive Apartments versus Edward Paul Donegan Edward Paul Donegan files affidavit and CDROM of exhibits in respose to Plaintiff August 31 2022 signed September 7 2022

This is Edward Paul Donegan’s (defendant) response by filing.

2021-FAM-2372-a, file number 0014159369


If you believe the operators of Mac Lamar Manage LLC they are asking I be evicted by the Courts at the behest of neighbors who have alleged a harm from me and perhaps handled behing me back by a Trust Fund conservator paid out for compensation to the alleged victim neighbor as well.

If you believe me you understand by the time of the scheduled hearing I may have already fled corrupt law enforcement operation and hoped for am seeking by now safety in some other state. I consider the least in non performance on the building management side and so corrupt an administration of the premises I have left it and Texas.

Office Mobs are a scheme were coworkers as part of an undercover operation begins smear campaigns in the office place at the water cooler and begin to talk up damaging allegations in cliquish office politics behind a person’s back.

In the apartment building environment and undercover operation has placed false allegations producing neighbors in the vicinity of Edward Paul Donegan and with the assistance of Mac Lamar Manage LL have facilitated the false allegations by illegally using access to Ed Donegans apartment and cutting peepholes or peeping apparatus in his apartment doors or blinds or curtains.

Abuse of Processes is the illegal system of falsify data that will be used in seemingly legitimate process like evictions. It is also called fabricating evidence, fraud on the courts, use of illegal pretexts in Conspiracy Against Rights, and may also constitute welfare fraud and money laundering the person who asserts damage to Ed Donegan does the damage to themselves then attempts to shell game switch the possessor of the liability into Edward Paul Donegan’s identity.

Yet another name for it Obstruction of Justice faking crime scenes or faking criminal or civil allegations against a person or using falisfied information in legal proceedings of any type, and also doing to to harass a writer or litigant who is preparing research or court filings or police reports on others.

My response to eviction suit is with Mac Lamar’s desire to evict me probably being and Government desire to evict me as I write about corrupt politicians is turned into the neighbors desire to evict me only after Mac Lamar LLC planted the neighbors to form an outraged mob desiring my eviction.

Affidavit Legends – What Tales or alternatives to the truth the FBI and CIA wish to tell you are true but are not one such Legend defamatory and false is I am photographing illegally, unethically, or covertly, all false independently and together but racially assaulted for sexual misconduct claims in Hoax evenest falsely tied to me.

Legends supported by faked records, staged appearances, and deceitful narrative create Legends, a pseudo truth, a non truth, that will be believed by the public or courts or press including a smear of a person, perhaps because child porn was planted, or because an older alt-right males shouts a racist epithet at the black person who planted it or the cop who planted it and thus the alt-right male is a bit of a Legend to those around him, quite legendary.

In a Conspiracy Against Reputation leading to defamation and incited retaliation towards a smeared person, the very harm Title 18 Chapter 13 is designed to protect against. An ambiguity of events is created in a public settings as to whether I or a Mockery of me also present photographed or wished photographed a minor as a sexual object. If the frame job of me sticks as paid actors surround and stage an incriminating scene I am defamed and perhaps defrauded by the false appearances.

If confronted at the scene of the ambiguity it could be resolved by analyzing events and taking statements. Left ambiguous as to what really happened during the event that later at least two possible construction of events as to who took the picture the balance scale of presumption of innocence of a person in the vicinity with the probably a crime occurred should be an equal balance inviting fair inquiry. Instead in a coordinated way a Dopple likely the very mimic of myself at the scene who did take the picture will confess in the identity of Ed Donegan in a similar apartment to Ed Donegan or with property or location once tied to Ed Donegan. The ambiguous circumstantial evidence Ed Donegan was in the area of the photography along with a confess elsewhere of a Mockery of Ed Donegan ad Ed Donegan improperly adds up to is the sum of the appearance of guilt of Ed Donegan and a confession forged from a mimic of Ed Donegan that confirms the wrong construction of public events and false allegation weighing him down with the appearance of wrongdoing in public and a forged confession distributed behind his back by hostile parties usually misrepresentation of Ed Donegan with a financial or political interest in a an allegation against Ed Donegan succeeding even though it is false.

Mac Lamar using Shills and coordinating similar apartment usage and manufacture of peeping tom apparatus at its property in ways out of the control of Edward Paul Donegan has created the reputation damage in a coordinated way Tittle 18 US Chapter 73 smearing of witnesses was designed to prevent and some people I am accusing of Obstruction of Justice, faking evidence, faking probate cases, using racketeering layers and money laundering or the social and child services operation in Nueces County that have made Mark of me in false can expertly fabricated false allegations only sophisticated and well place covert operators undercover in Landlord positions with access to the properties and units could achieve.

Sometimes the confession of a Mockery of Me forging my confession nearby me close enough to be confused with me (an adjoining apartment and thin walls) has occurred even before the stage ambiguous event in public has occurred but adding the forged confession and visible public ambiguity later will still add up long as reslt of 3 in 1 plus 2 as is necessary to smear me with the false allegation to whoever it is necessary to smear me to a later date to events 1 and 2.

In their case of a blatantly illegal slush fund operation run by the staff of Mac Lamar Manage LLC the appearance is created Ed Donegan has uncured liabilities to his neighbors and is going pay into what is a victims compensation slush fund of benefits to those who with Mac Lamar LLC assistance faked entitlement to the assets and fake consent to the assets seizures and have done so with an illegal politically based Cartel operation who depends on Confidential Informants to created the sufficient layers of deceit to occur in the places of the process of justice as require to obstruct justice and racketeer as if financial securities false, compensated to false claimants, and destruction allegations against Edward Paul Donegan. Thus system is a Protection Racket allowing racially motivated allegation to be made, to be inciting of dispute, and to resolve dispute that children often immigrant children of the neighborhood and property had been harmed by Edward Donegans alleged acts or harmed by Edward Paul Donegans counterclaims and objections to racially motivated hoaxes being staged, hoaxes that Ed Donegan harmed others.

In addition to Ed Donegans here stated claim Mac Lamar Manage LLC, staff and Bird Dogging tenements surrounding hi were defrauding them they were doing to harm the life and reputation of a witness to political misconduct and the fabrication of allegations against Edward Paul DOneagn violates Obstruction of Justice Title 18 USC Chapter 13 in many sections and other fraud and obstruction of justice laws. While she was disavowed by the media Jen MOore spoke of a criminal racket operated in the family courts of Texas tied the betrayal of the wishes of Glorian Donegan and Ed Donegan in their Arlington Virginia home and thier fear of and disgust with crime from immigrant snow I am subjected to. Exposing the evil of trafficking, blackmail, silenced witnesses https://youtu.be/YwABiGXNW9wbut my assertions to the court are independently made and proven independently or her evidence though she was found dead under suspicious circumstances for any whistle blower about Cartels and slush funds.

In addition to her video work not included here are her SMS Texts screenshots are included that show her message the FBI at its very highest levels are creating child porn and using their own children or church taught children to manufacture child porn and it is used from blackmail some in FBI and US DOD reprt being horrified at the program but no one has been able to stop the FBI or churches or Department of Defense from making child porn on DOD computers nor using it in stings for blackmail.

Ed Donegan asserts the child porn is manufactured in the whereabouts or alleged whereabouts of Ed Donegan. In addition to her video work not included here are her SMS Texts screenshots are included that show her message the FBI at its very highest levels are creating child porn and using their own children or church taught children to manufacture child porn and it is used from blackmail some in FBI and US DOD reprt being horrified at the program but no one has been able to stop the FBI or churches or Department of Defense from making child porn on DOD computers nor using it in stings for blackmail. of Ed Donegan but Ed Donegan is wrongly entangled to the operation by frame jobs and an impersonator of Ed Dongean will assert he is Ed Donegan confess to the child porn and pay into a sluch fund using Edward Paul Dongan assets.

In may cases the Bird Doggers have assaulted me both sexually and physically and the safety of the building and community have been compromised by Mac Lamar LLC introducing its own and other criminal Cartel acts meeting the definition of RICO with political participation in legal definitions and in analysis of how the crimes operate on and are a danger to The People.

In politics it is called defining people, creating a label for them, a reputation about them. In my case I was racially and sexually attacked by an illegal operation whose undermining, subverting, my not particularly racially biased perspective (Bell Curve type thinking) into constant racial fighting has resulted from abusive antagonistic treatment of me and damaged my life.

theMedicalState.epub@protonmail.com is the email I registered my account with and is still used by Mac Lamar as my contact email statements are sent, I use in my web interface to pay rent in, see the ledger, maintenance requests etc., and The Medical State is one of two books I have underway that from fiction and non fiction tied highly placed figures both Democrat and Republican of being tied to WWII and Korean War and Cold War CIA programs tied to the Kennedy assassination.

Attacks on my home office, home computer equipment, burglaries, and cuts of utilities to unexplained anomalies have harassed my book writing about powerful figures and reeks if not actually is the type of program ordered from the White House basement for Creamer and Foval to attack Trump supporters or others with “bird doggers” from mental health programs hoping to draw Trump supporters into fights.

The office holders of State positions such as CIA, FBI, POTUS or Congress do not have any write to hamper my book writing. Stasi (decomposition) can harass my home office with loud sounds, tortured cats outside, shrieking children, sexual abusive noises shouted into the apartment, imagery paraded outside my windows of hostile messaging and other forms of Rough Noise and are mere noise, sounds or imagery that meant to stalks and distress.

Neighborhood vigilantes may demand my removal and restitution from me and money and cars to protect women and children from me if they can prove their children were harmed by me and use of Dopples and staging of child porn shoots near me seems to involve me in that.

At one point I sued the DHS FBI in court citing Brown v. Socialist Workers ’74 Campaign Committee a political fiance case. No one wanted to rent to a Socialist political group so the small group was exempted from reporting its expenditure finances and thus no renters of office spaced need fear renting office space to them.

Brown v. Socialist Workers ’74 Campaign Committee, 459 U.S. 87 (1982), the Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment right of association prohibits states from compelling minor political parties to disclose the names of contributors and recipients of disbursements when there is a reasonable probability that those persons will be subject to threats, harassment, or reprisals. https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/124/brown-v-socialist-workers-campaign-committee

Allegations I am Peeping Tom because the Mockery of me is (the Dopple of me, the Mimic of me) gives me the same problem and fights with neighbors Socialism had in 1974 conservative areas.

That activity harasses my home use and the fights of people putting their children outside my window and calling me a pervert is how the latest dispute erupted in a well planned fight that may lead to my eviction.

COINTELRO is the official name given to the endless budget of Abuse of Power, Conspiracy Against Rights, and Obstruction Of Justice denominations are drawn from to protect corrupt FBI agency and its officials.

It is my belief I am on the “hit list” of people who might be able to offer statements about CIA FBI Free Mason MKULTRA and because of that unseen hidden hands of Espionage are imposing unwanted and loosing fights upon my.

“If you are explaining you are losing” the political wisdom goes and I am consonantly explaining my racial frustration of the environment that surrounds me.

Welfare Fraud is not only a crime against the People to start with and fraud but has been weaponized in violation of Title 18 USC Chapter 13 (Witness intimation or defamation or obstruction, harassment or murder of witnesses) and the mechanism has been for a layer of Behavioral Health Care providers create a scenario where Mockery of me is caught with pictures of children’s buttocks, illegal exploitation of children by photographing them from a Tree House, but since police detected the crime, the Mocker of Ed Donegan will be confronted by an Dominatrix who will make him confess to the police while she role plays with him, but the role play is being watched by the police from one-way overwatch apartment, who will demand vicitim restitution once the confession to the Domina is overheard by secretly watching police.

Realizing the person in the grasp of the Domina is developmentally retarded the adults call adult entertainer sex workers to teaqch the retarded child abuser about peeoping at adult women models instead.

The welfare fraud and conspiracy peice of this is the Mockery of Ed Donegan is not Ed Donegan or really like Ed Donegan. The satire of him though allows for claims agasint the trust fund behavioral health care fund of Ed DOnegan to pay victims.

If this sounds like politically defaming of Edward Paul Donegan it is and more so than it seems. At one time I had some thirty years ago a Teens at the Beach download from the old internet UUNET and it was a fairly minor passing interest as I was looking at some soft core bikini bar type pictures, in that same download bikini contests etc., Those were the available download of bikini bods at that time. I assert in my book Kamala Harris for political hay attempted to make a big deal out of it, back in 2001 or so, it was not any huge matter. But using a thirty year ago slightly aberrant download of pictures from a newsgroup of them at one time adds enough kernel of truth to future allegations that is the basis for allegations against me not really representative of me, in fact that one onetime download was among others including adult BDSM leather porn.

Stigmatizing me and using a gullible who fits the stigmatization has been successful if it can be made to look like I am the mockery of me, and it is me who is exploiting teens or other minors, and that can be used against me both politically and as a way in welfare fraud to provide adult entertainers as health care to mimics of me nad the resultant information is it seems me rather than a dopple was connected to child abuse events.

The operation of that facilitated by Mallarme for years is “Fencing” creating liabilities to exploited minors by a Mockery of Ed Donegan pay for the mockerery’s liabilities to minors and paying for the mockery’s need for adult sex worker services.

THe first of my books the theGreatTreason.epub is non fiction and talks about the fraudulent past of many politicians and the second book Pillary is semi-fictional talking about how in violation of TItle 18 USC Chapter 73 these frame jobs on me staging emergencies that I have been exploiting minors is a way of pillorying me as people believe the acts of the mockery of me who is in my vicinity as I walk around are the acts of mine or that I endorse his acts when I do not.

Perhaps 80 times in the first book the GreatTreason.epub I document Maclamar misconduct during the writing of my book and why a political interest exists in undermining the book, that political interest acted on by Mac Lamar property managers.

Fact Pattern

Presence of Political Trackers and Mental Health Patients used as bird dogger to surround me.


Washington CNN —

A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced Tuesday that he would be “stepping back” from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump’s campaign rallies and incite violence.

Robert Creamer – husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky – announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O’Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

In the past, O’Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.

Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton’s campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.

“I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election,” Creamer said in a statement. “As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign.”

He confirmed that he was referring to the Clinton campaign, with which he was “fully integrated.”

Creamer added that “contrary to the outrageous claims of the notorious right wing blogger James O’Keefe, we have always adhered to the highest standards of transparency and legality in our work for the DNC.”

Trump super PAC chair: Trump needs ‘a miracle’ to win

He also denied that any of the schemes in the “hypothetical conversations” recorded for the video ever took place.

“We regret the unprofessional and careless hypothetical conversations that were captured on hidden cameras of a regional contractor for our firm, and he is no longer working with us,” he said. “While none of the schemes described in the conversations every took place, these conversations do not at all reflect the values of Democracy Partners.”

Democracy Partners called O’Keefe’s video a “well-funded, systematic spy operation that is the modern day equivalent of the Watergate burglars.”

Creamer told CNN that the national field director of Americans United for Change, Scott Foval, who was also recorded in the video, made false comments that are wrong about inciting violence at the rallies. Foval has since been fired from Americans United for Change, which had a contracting relationship with Democracy Partners.

“I mean, honestly, it’s not hard to get some of these a — to pop off,” Foval purportedly says at one point in the video. “It’s a matter of showing up, to want to get into their rally, in a Planned Parenthood T-shirt. Or ‘Trump is a Nazi,’ you know. You can message to draw them out, and draw them out to punch you.”

Creamer said Foval’s comments were “flat out wrong.” https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/18/politics/project-veritas-action-robert-creamer-donald-trump-rallies


A black male moved into Unit 6 and being evicted the next month if he did not pay rent. I found the notice on his door that he did not use, his family uses the back parkling lot door accessing their minivan and insured he got the notice and handled the matter in time.

Since then when I put my camera from motorcyling a GoPro with my boating equipment shelf in the living room, not on or in operating condition he parades his children near my window or vents not in my control and assert his children are owed restitution from me and acts confrontationally with me, a very large black male who may be activity duty military if the Russians are unlucky. His wife is a mental health patient who scream psychotically as I walk around in my apartment and has shouted that the she is a mental health patient off her meds. It seems he may have been having social services or a friend of his and that person was the mockery of me and restitution of false claims targeting me may now pay his bills for rent.

Group 1 Exhibits show the topic of my book my family the Donegans from Saint Aidans Roman Catholic Church were the Kennedys and Donegans attended but my family left after Catholic Gladio, the Vatican in 1963, adopting papal approval for assassinations of Communist dictators as limited rather than full war and as acts of resistance.

My assertions by book and police reports – Assertion based on the oral and written history of the Donegan family at least 10 family members having contributed to the oral history inside the family. Assertion based on existing consistent data widely available. Barrack Obama Jr was created as part of a CIA plan for the overthrow of Indonesia leading to the death of 1 million Indonesians, and that Kennedy’s and at least 100 others tied to the Kennedy assassination have been killed by a CIA Deep State to conceal the program.

The plan had been backed by the British and George H.W. Bush family under Nixon and Zapata oil, and my family left the church over this. My family was in MKULTRA atomic DNA testing and I assert Rudolph Hess, Werhner Von Brauhn, Sidney Gottlieb used a CIA plan of 1952 to 1972 era to created sleeper agents for the world, that this led to the assassination of JFK and RFK, and cover-ups continue by high ranking CIA families including William J. Burns son of William F. Burns and the military history of a Secret Team of oil barrel politics connected assassins.

In an escalating series of events the wong unit numbering of apartment units and billing addresses, exposed cable TV and ISP and power connectors, and other hazardous situations allowing anything to go wrong with utilities at any time became a problem starting early in Jun and July with TV outages. Then came power outages and lighting outages in the kitchen, and as was common Mac Lamar failed to remediate the unsecured utilities wiring despite my complaints so anyone could assert anyone else created or was responsible for the spaghetti not secured by padlocks or locked telecom doors.

This escalation included during the times I was preparing police complaints about a COINTELPRO smear campaign of me using a dopple of me to do wrong is slush fund built in paying victims who appear to be victims of crime but are not victims of crimes of Ed Donegan use of utilities or premises.

The assertion I make now is the claims and counter claims tied to GangStalk of subversion attaching false allegations to me by the appearances of things placed around or in my apartment, and loss fo power and utilities and destruction of my computer equipment and other harassment has been tied to retaliating against me police and other complaints about COINTELPRO on the premises and break ins to my apartment.

I have tied the local harassment of me at least in my mind as retaliation for my book about the assassination of JFK and my family history of Dorchester Massachusetts connected to it, a Secret Team of high ranking officials hiding their complicity.

Tying me to damaging allegations in violation of Title 18 Chapter 73 is archived by taking things like my kitchen lighting being repaired to someone else s kitchen light repaired and then by conflating events creating a series of events on their units that seem to by service request number tie to my contacts to building management but connect me to others activities wrongly.


6/2/2022. After my internet became spotty about one week prior and then stopped completely at about the time a rain storm hit and after earlier calling Spectrum for not completed trouble shooting at that time I took a quick look on this day 6/2/2022.

It seems the wiring formerly NOT under the building now IS.

This is where the pregnant cat had chosen to hide away and deliver her babies. Note her babies. Since then psychos near me have said that we are having babies together and (presumably) in OUR trust fund, which is not OUR trust fund.

This all seems in furtherance of that in some way though only by statements made by others including those in Apartment 1 making obscure references do I have any real indication they have knowledge of why or what was done in r-routing of MY cable TV and WIFI.

As the case with 1001 N. Water St I had to cut telecom completely the internal wiring and satellite system was problematic and rife with interfering fraud.

I will have to try and use Tmobile 5g (I don’t have a cable modem now) if telecom wiring is not reliable and free from acts of fraud.

Pls note because of my politics that are in the law I have often subject to police harassment. Some of has come from the building the FBI resides in at Shoreline Blvd.

IF it were up to me FBI agents in court representing themselves as law enforcement would be prosecuted for making false statements.

THey are an espionage organization under the DNI that specializing in assassinations, take down, political acts, COINTELPRO and other programs and convictions they have participated in should be over turned.


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Conditions for researching and writing my book – Should be normal environmental context
Wiring labeled as “5” has been sent under the building in the rear parking lot area I think to imply I have some peeping tom setup created and that then leading to retaliatory cut of my internet and cable TV feed. The cut of wiring into my home or the theft of my computer and TV equipment by break in OR by attacks of water bombs dropped on my PC from the balcony above (also 1001 N. Water Street) as well as environmental noises such as cars in the parking lot honking horns are tenents shouting at times I go to the Kennedy history of Donegans and JFK in particular do created distraction and obstruction to my book. As with any home and home office the conditions should be secure and I hope resident laws againt vandalism, harrasment, fraud or criminal activity that I have reported are taken seriously, I an in accordance with laws and correct usage of the leased areas. Pictured James Paul Donegan my father and my family are from Dorchester as are the Kennedys and also Marshfield as are some of the Kennedys. Loud noises came from neighbors but I am working through the noise level


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created
Shared with
Edward Donegan
Edward Donegan

Requesting internal and external review of events entangling my reputation and asssets into other’s activities

I have passed several drafts of my letter to the US Secret Service inncludin goni finalized but since then updated. I iwlll be contacting the Secret Service today formally or at least attempting to do so and request Mac Lamar internally review its activities including staff or owners modifying the property to facilitate fraudulent acts. I have submitted earlier docs that the Trust Fund of my family my not be used for others directly or indirectly via fraudulent claims against it when legitimate claims against it do not exist. While this letter (attached) is still somewhat abstract and requests others investigate internally or externally the matter I will also have a formal denying my own liability for damage in the area such as to the wiring – I did not have involvement in that.


I do support if and when it exist in fBI law enforcement and hope for that. In the interim until the FBI cleans house (and Christopher Wrey is tied to my family history and could be issuing illegal orders) the FBI should be presumed to be unreliable unless in any case their is cause to think otherwise.

Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Correct permissions for property managers et al recognized during entry for maintenance

As you know the email I use for MacLamar the MedicalState.epub@protonmail.ch is tied to my book and home office writing my life story that my fathers and mothers participation in atomic testing for the CIA and others led to missues of my genome or ore likely theirs and high power espionage interests have attempted illicit programs hoping to extricate themselves from the situation by fudging outcomes that would be lead to detection of their misdeeds and harrasment of me and my book and life is part of my being suppressed as a credible witness in my statements about those government agencies, thus my concern for my home office and home.

It is my understanding Stagecraft is an espionage system were espionage agencies including the FBI stage certain appearances that if the appearances are believed to have occured on their own my offer evidence to a person with a view of the stage area and events on the stage. How my apartment looks to others including from the outside as observers look at it you might say by reflecting as light back to observers of my home there therefore for reflect on me about how I keep my home and what I use it for. This is a note retrieved from the web about how illegal programs can stage false appearances et including in a person’s home IF the gov needs to hide that it is harrassing the person and doesn’t have real reason to harrass a person.

Called Black Propaganda, smear information, seemingly about a person, not good information about a person, becomes talked about in negative rumors costing the credibilty of a person assering the government has wrong his or her family, or is in some other error. The following excerpt from a Wikipedia entry on the Stasi provides a good description of its strategy and tactics – which were virtually identical to “gang stalking.” By the 1970s, the Stasi had decided that methods of overt persecution which had been employed up to that time, such as arrest and torture, were too crude and obvious.

It was realised that psychological harassment was far less likely to be recognised for what it was, so its victims, and their supporters, were less likely to be provoked into active resistance, given that they would often not be aware of the source of their problems, or even its exact nature. Zersetzung was designed to side-track and “switch off” perceived enemies so that they would lose the will to continue any “inappropriate” activities. Tactics employed under Zersetzung generally involved the disruption of the victim’s private or family life. This often included psychological attacks such as breaking into homes and messing with the contents – moving furniture, altering the timing of an alarm, removing pictures from walls or replacing one variety of tea with another. Other practices included property damage, sabotage of cars, purposely incorrect medical treatment, smear campaigns including sending falsified compromising photos or documents to the victim’s family, denunciation, provocation, psychological warfare, psychological subversion, wiretapping, bugging, mysterious phone calls or unnecessary deliveries, even including sending a vibrator to a target’s wife. Usually victims had no idea the Stasi were responsible. Many thought they were losing their minds, and mental breakdowns and suicide could result. One great advantage of the harassment perpetrated under Zersetzung was that its subtle nature meant that it was able to be denied. That was important given that the GDR was trying to improve its international standing during the 1970s and 80s.


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Lease extension signed, never abrograted, not month to month

Allen we discussed and singed a lease extension. I was NEVER abrogated be my in anyway nor by anyuone with a basis to break a bindig contract on a l lease. I as courtesy have provide others my assertion Mac Lamar has poor and confusing cable wiring as a building mattter I I was concered this affected me. I suggest this is retaliation for my complaint on building conditions and with no housing available have no living family members and in poor health I have called 911. All. have copies of the 1 year leas I signed and has your fingprents you gave me off the copiers. Please withdraw the notice I am no under lease in writing.


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Deniablilty and Liability. Police harassments can be covert, illegal, and is to be avoided
I am the last living Donegan. I do not trust Espionage agencies who view me as a risk. I have some documents I provide openly on COINTELPRO and why I do not with to be its vicim and should not be its victim. Lets keep matters under control and in the realm of law.


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Letter of Demand to Cease and Desist from harassment and intimidation of use of apartment

Letter of Demand to Cease, Continue and recognize Obligations of Debt The letter of Demand is for Mac Lamar Management LLC to recognize the lease beginning execution June 1 2021 and would have expired May 31 2022 but having and being between two parties Mac Lamar Management and Edward Paul Donegan and in advance of expiration in Mac Lamar Offices extend until May 31 2023 by the modification of the original lease. Mac Lamar should decease from falsification of financial records resulting in confusions of assets liabilities, activities, finances, insurance policies and insurance payments of any type from any source including medical or renters or other forms of financial transactions, restitution, or creation of accommodations. Mac Lamar should decease from falsification of building wiring numbering, confused door ore telecommute wiring or building unit addresses for which confusion can arise in nebula of haze or erroneous identifications.

Falsification is wore than omition especially if deceitful intent motivates the confusion. Mac Lamar should recognize its obligation to correct erroneous or confusing accounting when requested to do so. Mac Lamar should decease from use of any Bird Doggers, a tactic used when under cover operations are present, the Confidential Informant harassing or falsifying cases at police behest often an effective way to harass a person if police wish to since Confidential Informants often are under effective control of law enforcement who are operating behind the scenes.

Mac Lamar has represented some law enforcement community connections by their own statements (Alan) and law enforcement presences should protect tenets of law enforcement has any operation under way at all. Mac Lamar should decease from intimidation of use of the apartment in any way such as requesting I return keys and move our or face legal actions. Mac Lamar should consider obligations in matters of break-ins, theft of property, damage to property, etc., including leading into wrongful deaths. I am seeking legal representation to purse the matter of Jen Moore and my brothers death, and several other deaths that may be connected as well to matters of the Trust Fund and undercover operations. Since receiving a notice to turn in my keys I have begun seeking legal representation in the accounting and other matters. I am complying with lease contract obligations and the easement are of my apartment as good community conduct and the same for common area usage and though strewn items from near my apartment exist they are not connected to my apartment or usage of my apartment. The facts I am asserting here including and especially that I am tenant who is to be viewed in good standing and in compliance with an existing lease I make under 28 U.S. Code § 1746 – Unsworn declarations under penalty of per­jury


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Kitchen Light Still not fixed and maintainence should not entangle this matter to other parts of building

INFORMATION DOPPELGANGER (MIMIC) A Doppelgänger or doppelganger is a biologically unrelated look-alike, or a double, of a living person. Dressed as Ed Donegan or confused with Ed Donegan. THe Mimic will created the wrong substantive pretext for a process to be Executed on. Entail: A Stalk Victim engaged in a behavior, say exploitation of another and is entailed with the behavior Entrap : A Stalk Victim is Entrapped in a conduct or behavior; for instance, told as a business oportunity many tens of thousands of dollars paid for any child porn picture created if the stalk victim acts right away before the chance goes away Entangle : Other’s behavior or conduct is in the vicinity of the Stalk Victim and a Mimic’s behavior or deceitful appearances will entangle the Stalk Victim with conduct or appearances contrary to any actual truthfulness regarding the Stalk Victim’s actual activities. Not performing a maintenance request such as broken toilet chain or removal of the ceiling fan at my apartment while laying plastr mix bags at another apartment or arriving at the bathroom of other apartments can entangle my service request with events and activities at other apartments where in truth I am not linked to those other locations. False A does not equal B + C B was the different apartment the service call was complete at, not my apartment. More data on planted evidence and forgeries tying me to other apartments in attachment. I have also reported to CCPD (My sink over flows, I report by inteface, neighbor also ha a sink over flow, three story water fall. Events to be confused with each other thus confusing apartments with each other.

Property manager has permission to enter property
No pets on property

Entry notes: As I have stated faxing evidence to create a wronfully based eviction is Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy Against Rights, and possibly in furtherance of other criminal ends. Entering as landlord to engage in criminal acts is Breaking and Entering under Texas law and Common Law.


Power restured to Unit 5, door was open during even for cooling, heard some activity

Usually I pay my bills as I get my check on the 3rd Wedms of each month. I have used Ambit Energy since Alan suggested it and I signed up for it in the Maclamar Corpus Christi office. THat energy bill is due about the 3rd Friday of each month. When the power went of on the 3rd monday of the month I though it must be some non exact overlay between the days and dates of billing. When I paid the bill this 3rd Weds I found the Ambit bill was not even due until about Friday.

They suggested the outside circuit breaker be checked and Unit 5 is exposed and unlocked and actually being trained on these matters (electrical engineering mostly DC circuits focus though) I resent them. All is well for power. On Monday the man from Unit 6 (Crawford Industrial I think, don’t know his name, say a truck) allowed me to use an extension cord for my fridge that night.

The next night Tues night I kept my doors and windows open for breeze. The sound from his apartment competed with my cell phone cell service TV and it was hear a social worker or safety check person seems to have had arrived, as if aberrant conduct (perhaps involving Betamax tapes and Superglue) had been detected and he was provide lessons on goth, makeup wearing or something like that, or at least some person in that apartment was. Normally this is a private matter except for the context at times in other buildings including 1001 N. Water Street and locations outside Texas my name and sorical services account have been used to provide others in my identity services they need or require, in my identity, though I did not need or request such service. Nothing from last night Tues Night had itself any matter that should concern either of us but just a matter of being sensitive to pattern of conduct it does match situations that without any explanation seem to be fraudulent just by the nature of them.


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created
Notice of 8/18/2022

Usolicity by me a representative of Maclamar installed a peep hole in my door I do not want or need. The peep hole faces apartment 5 I have accuse of Gambit/Shill conduct, conduct in which strewn childrens toys and presence allows allegation be made on me, circumstantiall, allowing for pretxt of legal acts against me and this is long term COINTELPRO, FBI activity often used against writers, etc., thus I am in fear or the pretexts being manufactured against me. I had an angry oubtburst upon power being cut to my unit, and was in a state of frustratrion I appologies for. I am tryhing to handle the criminal though state supported conduct of Shills (those operation an impersonation of me) that is a threat to me security by documenting these events to police hoping they will obey the law rather than COINTELPRO against authors of book about the CIA or FBI. I will respone to the actions you take as required but feel you preciptitaed events leaind to both my actions and errors, my actions either unnecssary wasstes of my time or actions in anger I have regreted and appoligized for.

Documentation I assert and conintue to report and devolop utilizing 28 USC 1746 for reports to supverision of trust funds and building management, law enforcement, and the press

I have asserte Racketeering at MacLamar Properties is tied to city, county, and perhaps a Texas or larger mafia activities and the power to my power was cut but tripping usnecured ciricuit breakers as I documented and rerported the criminal acticity to Mac Lamar and trust managers.

Assertions of Fraud and Racketeering submitted Mac Lamar 8/12/22 Friday as power was turned off going into Monday and I was preparing reports to police, trust management and supervisors of Welfare Fraud from Unit 6 occuring before AND DURING power outage.

Postal Address demarcations problem not remediated at Maclamar Managed Building 1513 Ocen Drive.

Demarcation Definition & Meaning – Dictionary.comhttps://www.dictionary.com › browse › demarkation
the determining and marking off of the boundaries of something. separation by distinct boundaries: line of demarcation.

Advancing diabetes will soon cost me my feet unless I can keep the disease progression slowed with diet and excersize. I replaced my broken and much older Charge2 watch with a Versa 3 although I was concerned financially and the purchase left me only $46 to live on (combined checking and savings) for a full week.

An unmarked van and van operator delivered the Amazon.com package for the my address that I had labeled at 1513 Unit 5 by printed out paper with blue masking tape attached to the window. That same delivery driver in the unmarked van went to a building south of 1513 with a printed piece of paper and blue masking tape to a location I can not see from my living room window though I could see him leaving his van to that apartment while sitting on my couch.

In the old mailbox system 1513 and 1511 had separate mailboxes in each respective building. Now apartments 1-8 are in a single outdoor mailbox associated with neither building. Many deliveries including process services, evictions, and other Due Process activities are door service and not to mail boxes.

Mac Lamar to my police complaints have exacerbated the situation at 1001 N. Water Street where residents asserted my apartment a 1X1 was a combined apartment with I believe the 1X1 on the same side of the hall as my apartment but next door to it. It was in that near apartment on the other side of the wall from me I heard an occupant of the apartment confess to being a peeping tom and willing to make restititutio payments rather than face arrest.

As I have copied you on I am attempting an initiation of legal proceedings and investigations of whether the building I am occupying has become a Range Finder Camera, my view accused of being the range finder attached to but discontinuous with a photography system built around it nor next to the Range Finder. This differs from an SLR camera where the range finder and light image inbound to film is the same view system.

At times I have offered to pickup neigbors packages from them when they are laying in the hall such that they are not stolen.

As we potentially move to a process service or apartment inspection environment I think it important the demarcations and labeling of apartments and wiring be correct.

I have expressed concerns blaming me for being a peeping tom may both financially and politically motivated. My book on the CIA FBI NSA Deep State turned to the father of William J. Burns (current CIA director) the day before I received a request to turn in my keys.

I often if not mostly keep my blinds pulled and after years of being institutionalized like a nice outdoor view. Few have trouble knowing my activities. It has also seemed a pattern loud noises from neighbors seem to grow in intensity when I write my book. It probably rises to the level of disturbing the peace but I use my stereo for space opera movies and workout videos so I accept a give and take that neighbors and can and so sometimes hear each other.

August 7, 2022
Edward Paul Donegan

ORDER # 111-6582240-8497064
View order details View invoice
Delivered August 11
Your package was delivered. It was handed directly to a resident.
Fitbit Versa 3 Health & Fitness Smartwatch with GPS, 24/7 Heart Rate, Alexa Built-in, 6+ Days
Battery, Black/Black, One Size (S & L Bands Included)
Fitbit Versa 3 Health & Fitness Smartwatch with GPS, 24/7 Heart Rate, Alexa Built-in, 6+ Days
Battery, Black/Black, One Size (S & L Bands Included)
Return or replace items: Eligible through September 10, 2022

(powwer outage over a few days, usecured cicruit breakers outdoores were flipped then
Power restured to Unit 5, door was open during even for cooling, heard some activity
Usually I pay my bills as I get my check on the 3rd Wedms of each month.

I have used Ambit Energy since Alan suggested it and I signed up for it in the Maclamar Corpus Christi office. THat energy bill is due about the 3rd Friday of each month. When the power went of on the 3rd monday of the month I though it must be some non exact overlay between the days and dates of billing.

When I paid the bill this 3rd Weds I found the Ambit bill was not even due until about Friday. They suggested the outside circuit breaker be checked and Unit 5 is exposed and unlocked and actually being trained on these matters (electrical engineering mostly DC circuits focus though) I resent them. All is well for power.

On Monday the man from Unit 6 (Crawford Industrial I think, don’t know his name, say a truck) allowed me to use an extension cord for my fridge that night. The next night Tues night I kept my doors and windows open for breeze. The sound from his apartment competed with my cell phone cell service TV and it was hear a social worker or safety check person seems to have had arrived, as if aberrant conduct (perhaps involving Betamax tapes and Superglue) had been detected and he was provide lessons on goth, makeup wearing or something like that, or at least some person in that apartment was. Normally this is a private matter except for the context at times in other buildings including 1001 N. Water Street and locations outside Texas my name and sorical services account have been used to provide others in my identity services they need or require, in my identity, though I did not need or request such service. Nothing from last night Tues Night had itself any matter that should concern either of us but just a matter of being sensitive to pattern of conduct it does match situations that without any explanation seem to be fraudulent just by the nature of them.

Property manager does not have permission to enter property
Edward Donegan submitted the request.
Aug 17, 2022, 9:12 AM
No file chosen
Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Tags: (add)
10 minutes ago


Much of this started when I wrote an Open Letter to Secret Service of misconduct to be dated 6/4/2022 and as the drafts from May were pre=distribued wiring problems and cable cuts began to my home office.


6/2/2022. After my internet became spotty about one week prior and then stopped completelyt at about the tiem a rain storm hit and after earlier calling Spectrum for not conmpleted trouble shooting at that time I took a quick look on this day 6/2/2022.

It seems the wiring formerly NOT under the building now IS.

THis is where the pregnant cat had chosen to hide away and deliver her babies. Note her babies. Since then psychos near me have said that we are having babies together and (presumbly) in OUR trust fund, which is not OUR trust fund.

This all seems in furrtherance of that in some way though only by statments made by others including those in Apartment 1 making obscure references do I have any real indication they have knowlege of why or what was done in r-routing of MY cable TV and WIFI.

As the case with 1001 N. Water St I had to cut telecom completelyt the internal wiring and satellite system was problematic and rife with interfering fraud.

I will have to try and use Tmobile 5g (I don’t have a cable modem now) if telcom wiring is not reliable and free from acts of fraud.

Pls note because of my politics that are in the law I have often subject to police harassment. Some of has come from tbe building the FBI resides in at Shoreline Blv.

IF it were up to me FBI agents in court representing themselves as law enforcement would be prosecuted for making false statements.

THey are an epsionage organization under the DNI that specializing in assassinations, take down, political acts, COINTELPRO and other programs and convitions they have participated in should be over turend.

I do support if and when it exist in FBI law enforcement and hope for that. In the interim until the FBI cleans house (and Christopher Wrey is tied to my family history and could be issuing illegal orders) the FBI should be presumed to be unreliable unless in any case their is cause to think otherwise.


Definitions of COINTELRPO Gangs of Bird Dogging Stalker from Eric T. Karlson

“Gang Stalking” is, very likely, a disinformation term created by U.S. intelligence agencies. It refers to the intense, long-term, unconstitutional surveillance and harassment of a person who has been designated as a target by someone associated with America’s security industry.

Such operations have nothing to do with criminal gangs. Official domestic counterintelligence operations of this type are – apparently – perpetrated by federal agents and contractors, sometimes with the support of state and local law enforcement personnel. The goal of such operations – in the parlance of counterintelligence agents – is to “subvert” or “neutralize” an individual deemed to be an enemy (or potential enemy) of clients or members of the security state. Arguably, the most accurate term for this form of harassment would be “counterintelligence stalking.”

Published news reports and other evidence cited on this website seem to suggest that much – but not all – of this stalking is done as part of a national program. News reports indicate that such stalking is also sometimes used unofficially for personal and corporate vendettas by current and former employees of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, including private investigators.

Since counterintelligence stalking goes far beyond surveillance – into the realm of psychological terrorism, it is essentially a form of extrajudicial punishment. As such, the harassment is illegal – even when done by the government. It clearly violates the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, for example – which guarantees the right to a trial. Such operations also violate similar fundamental rights defined by state constitutions, which people on the right of America’s political spectrum claim to respect. Stalking is also specifically prohibited by the criminal codes of every state in America.

Although the term “gang stalking” is intentionally misleading, it does have one merit: it is accurate in the sense that the perpetrators – law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies, and private security thugs – do often function in the manner of criminal gangs. Although they sometimes conduct their operations under the color of law, many of their activities have neither constitutional nor moral legitimacy. That is true of all of the likely major perpetrators of organized stalking in the U.S.: the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. military counterintelligence agencies, state and local Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs), and security contractors. All of those groups – and other federal intelligence agencies, such as the CIA and NSA – have well-documented histories of abusing their powers.


Organized stalking methods were used extensively by communist East Germany’s Stasi (state police) as a means of maintaining political control over its citizens. The Stasi referred to the tactics as “Zersetzung” (German for “decomposition” or “corrosion” – a reference to the intended psychological, social, and financial effects upon the victim).

Although they are illegal in the U.S., the same covert tactics are quietly used by America’s local and federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to suppress dissent, silence whistle-blowers, and get revenge against persons who have angered someone with connections to the public and private agencies involved.

Illegal counterintelligence operations have been perpetrated against Americans by urban police departments in the U.S. since the late 1800s. Traditionally, the groups of mostly-undercover police officers involved are called “red squads,” although the modern official term is “Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs).”

The most well-documented example of such operations was the FBI’s infamous Cointelpro (Counter-Intelligence Programs) under the direction of J. Edgar Hoover. Those operations ran from 1956 until 1971 when they were exposed by political activists who broke into an FBI office and obtained secret documents which they handed over to the press.

Cointelpro’s official goal was to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” individuals and groups deemed to be subversive.


As the U.S. Senate’s investigation of Cointelpro found, tactics used by the FBI included many of the methods associated with gang stalking, such as overt surveillance (stalking for psychological operations purposes). The agency even perpetrated crimes such as blackmail and assassinations.

Organized stalking methods include warrantless electronic surveillance, slander, blacklisting, and a variety of psychological operations. The latter presumably exploit findings from studies such as the notorious MK Ultra experiments conducted on American and Canadian citizens by the CIA, as well as the aforementioned psychological torture tactics refined by the Stasi. In fact, as explained in the overview below, former CIA analyst and expert on the history of U.S. spying, George O’Toole wrote about a connection between the CIA and the aforementioned LEIUs.

An organized stalking victim is systematically isolated and harassed in a manner intended to cause sustained emotional torment while creating the least-possible amount of evidence of stalking that would be visible to others. The process is sometimes referred to as “no-touch torture.” Methods are specifically chosen for their lack of easily-captured objective evidence. Perpetrators use common annoyances such as constant noise by neighbors or rude comments and abusive behavior by strangers, but on a frequent ongoing long-term basis. The cumulative effects of relentless exposure to such tactics can amount to psychological torture for the victim.

Accomplices – such as neighbors, co-workers, and even friends or relatives of the victim in some cases – are recruited to participate (often unwittingly) by counterintelligence personnel using various means, such as by telling them that the target is a potential threat or that the target is the subject of an “investigation.”

A whole set of psychological operations are perpetrated against targeted individuals. These methods, described in detail in the overview below, include such things as threats, slander, vandalism, abusive phone calls, computer hacking, tormenting the victim with noise, and “mobbing” (orchestrated verbal harassment by strangers, neighbors, or co-workers).

Accounts by numerous victims of organized stalking share common specific details – suggesting that the perpetrators are following a well-tested and standardized playbook of methods that have proven to be easily kept off of the radar of potential witnesses and the mainstream news media.

A book published in 2014, L.A. Secret Police, exposed such spying in Los Angeles and explained how it was kept out of the news. Police Chief Daryl Gates apparently used threats and blackmail to scare city council members and the Los Angeles Times away from digging into his activities.

Here is an excerpt from a description of the book:

“L.A. cops ruined lives and reputations, inflicted mindless brutality, committed murder and engaged in massive cover-ups. In Los Angeles, police corruption was much more than unmarked envelopes stuffed with cash. It was a total corruption of power. For decades LAPD engaged in massive illegal spying and lied about it. Its spying targets included politicians, movie stars, professional athletes, news reporters and anyone wielding power or those of interest to Daryl Gates.”

An apparent case of organized stalking by federal agents which did appear in the news during that era was the high-profile case of a cancer research scientist named Arnold Lockshin, who fled with his family to the Soviet Union in 1986 and was granted political asylum.

In 2004 the PBS news program NOW and Newsweek magazine both reported that the Pentagon had quietly resumed its practice of domestic spying, and suggested that “something like Cointelpro may again be at hand.” Spying on civilians by the U.S. Army was one of the scandals which led to the famous Church Committee investigations by Congress in the mid-1970s.

In October 2004 the U.K newspaper The Sunday Times published an article about the use of Stasi-type psychological operations to punish whistle-blowers by MI5 – an intelligence agency with close ties to the U.S. intelligence community.

In December 2005 National Book Award winner Gloria Naylor, wrote a semi-autobiographical book in which she described her experiences as a target of organized stalking. The book’s title, 1996, was the year it became apparent to Naylor that she was being stalked. Apparently, her harassment began after she had a minor dispute with a neighbor whose brother worked for the National Security Agency (NSA).

The Globe and Mail, a national newspaper in Canada, reported in May 2006 that the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) used organized stalking techniques (referred to as “Diffuse and Disrupt” tactics) against terrorism suspects for whom they lacked sufficient evidence to prosecute.

A cover article in The Washington Post Magazine in January 2007 by a journalist familiar with military policies and weapon systems portrayed self-proclaimed victims of gang stalking as intelligent and credible, and suggested that claims about exotic non-lethal weapons being used by the U.S. government to harass targeted individuals were plausible.

Former CIA division chief Melvin Goodman was quoted in a June 2008 article by Jeremy Scahill in The Nation (America’s oldest continuously-published weekly magazine) on the vast private contractor element of the intelligence-security community:

“My major concern is the lack of accountability, the lack of responsibility. The entire industry is essentially out of control. It’s outrageous.”

A newspaper article in the Verona-Cedar Grove Times in March 2009 titled “Stalker Claims Unsettle Police” described how a self-proclaimed target of gang stalking had been distributing flyers in his former neighborhood in Verona, New Jersey, warning about organized stalking of targeted individuals. The flyers stated: “Their intention is to murder their target without getting their hands dirty. It’s the perfect hate crime.”

In November 2013, a TV and radio broadcast of Democracy Now! featured an interview with the director of the Center for Corporate Policy in which he discussed the shadowy industry of spies employed by major U.S. corporations to conduct secret – and often illegal – counterintelligence operations against critics of those corporations.

Articles published by CBS, the Daily Mail, RT, Tech Dirt, and Courthouse News Service in December 2013 reported that a U.S. government contractor filed a lawsuit against multiple federal agencies for gang stalking him (the complaint refers to gang stalking as such). The plaintiff claims he was subjected to constant surveillance – including inside his residence and his vehicle – and constant psychological harassment from co-workers and strangers.

An article in The New Yorker in February 2014 gave a detailed account of an organized stalking campaign by a large corporation. Research biologist Tyrone Hayes discovered some disturbing effects from a pesticide made by the agribusiness corporation Syngenta. When he refused to keep quiet about it, the corporation’s goon squad began slandering him to discredit him. They also stalked him, hacked his emails, and threatened him for more than a decade.

A report on the ABC News TV program 20/20 – and an article in the Daily Mail – in May 2014 chronicled the ordeal of a couple in Hubbard, Ohio who were systematically harassed for 7 years in a vengeance campaign orchestrated by the town’s fire chief. Apparently, the fire chief was angry at the couple because of a real estate dispute, so he enlisted the help of other firefighters, police officers, and local residents to perpetrate a campaign of constant vehicle horn honking outside the couple’s home. The harassment – which the couple thoroughly documented on video – resulted in legal claims which were still pending at the time of the news reports.


As I Edward Paul Donegan have attempted to write my books my PC has been destroyed twice from water drops or theft, and while writing horns honk and bird-dogger neighbors bang on the walls so hard the very sturdy walls shake and wall hangings fall to the floor and shouting into my apartment occurs at loud volume often abusive and targeted speech directed through the walls to me harassing me and threatening me.


Numerous job listings by intelligence/security contractor corporations for “surveillance role players” with active security clearances and training in counterintelligence (links and details in the overview below) strongly suggest that federal law enforcement agencies have largely outsourced these operations – which would be consistent with other security programs. A June 10, 2013 article in USA Today noted that about 1.4 million Americans had top-secret security clearances.

Federal and local law enforcement agencies also make extensive use of criminal informants (who are in large supply in America, with its extraordinary per capita incarceration rate). It would be natural for such informants to be used in a counterintelligence program. Indeed, the original Cointelpro was found by the U.S. Senate’s Church Committee investigations to have delegated some activities to organized crime groups. First-hand accounts of self-proclaimed victims of gang stalking support this assumption: by their appearance and behavior, many street-level perpetrators appear to possibly be ex-convicts.

Regardless of the exact nature of organized stalking in the U.S., any national counterintelligence program would require at least passive acquiescence by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) – just like the first version of Cointelpro did. U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy approved some of the original Cointelpro operations. Because of the critical role of the DOJ in allowing organized stalking to occur, I devote an entire section of this overview to that agency.

Target Selection

Gang stalking apparently targets American citizens deemed to be dissidents or whistle-blowers (and perhaps potential dissidents and whistle-blowers), although others might be targeted for other reasons – such as for experimental or training purposes. For perspective, it should be remembered that for two decades the CIA performed secret illegal experiments on U.S. and Canadian citizens (the infamous MK Ultra program). Those experiments included physical and psychological torture.

A lot of accounts by self-proclaimed targets of gang stalking suggest that people are often subjected to severe long-term harassment simply because they crossed someone connected with the agencies and security firms which perpetrate such operations.

An example of that type of abuse occurred in April 2012, when USA Today reported that one of its reporters and an editor were slandered by a secret disinformation campaign waged by an intelligence contractor firm to discredit them because the newspaper had investigated and reported on that contractor. The company involved conducted propaganda campaigns for the U.S. military. Similarly, in August 2013 it was reported that at least a dozen National Security Agency (NSA) employees had used their surveillance system access to spy on their current and former spouses and partners.


Impossible Mission Teams – Bailing Out Politicians With GangStalk undercover Harassment of Journalists and Others with Subversion and Sabotage teams.. Such teams utilize smear, black bag jobs planting porn or peeping apparatus, accidental collisions or causing cancer or dangerous conditions, etc.,

GangStalk Impossible Mission Teams operating inside the USA described by Jen Moore, Ted Gunderson (STasi in the USA) and Edward Paul Donegan and asserted in this court to Mac Lamar Manage LLC.


Art and Life and the CIA system of Bissle Jr. Goerge H.W. Bush, Donald Barr, Alan Dulles, John Foster Dulles, Earle Cabell, and others including Richard Nixon 1946-1960 as MKULTRA COINTELRPO. https://missionimpossiblefanon.fandom.com/wiki/Impossible_Missions_Force

Founded in 1945 after World War II, the IMF bears the brunt of today’s international attacks, now focused on concealed entry [into a home or office] and [then comitt] espionage. The missions keep getting harder and harder – but so do the agents.

The IMF operates primarily by executing confidence tricks on its mission targets, sometimes with the aid of high-tech gadgetry. The agents are able to deceive their targets into cooperating with them without detecting a set-up until the mission is accomplished; by that time, the IMF personnel have already vanished from the scene.

In a worst-case scenario during such undercover missions in which their presence becomes known, the IMF can become subject to disavowal under order from the President’s failsafe initiative, “Ghost Protocol”. With this initiative in place, the IMF is rendered defunct, and any and all agents in the field are hereby unable to access specific safehouses or extraction points in their specific location.

The IMF operated primarily by using confidence tricks, infiltration, and high technology devices on its targets. The agents of the IMF were able to deceive their targets into cooperating with them without detecting any kind of deception until the “impossible mission” was carried out. By that time, the IMF team members had all vanished from the scene and/or left the target country. In some cases, especially involving organized crime, the mission targets were actually killed as a direct result of the IMF’s work, though never actually by any IMF agents themselves.

The organization’s job was to infiltrate secure installations, seize critical intelligence, destroy dangerous data or equipment, and neutralize the enemy as needed, without leaving a trace. The IMF is different than most intelligence organizations in that, once their orders have been given, there are no required procedures for the fulfillment of the mission.

The IMF agents were anonymously sent on covert missions to tackle the dangerous world of counter-terrorism, espionage, political subversion, international crime, and American organized crime. Their international missions tended to undermine communist governments, dictatorships, and other opponents of democracy. The TV series never directly specified exactly who oversaw the IMF, though it was some agency of the United States government. All of the team members were Americans. They acted under nonofficial cover status, and if they were ever caught or killed, “the Secretary” (presumably the U.S. Secretary of State) would “disavow” any knowledge of their actions.

In secret tape messages issued to the team leaders, references were made to “the Secretary,” and whenever these were foreign operations, this Secretary is understood to be the Secretary of State, as stated above. The IMF team leader was also given the option to reject a mission which he did not find to be suitable, or if he believed that it was truly impossible to accomplish.


CIA Gang Stalks Jen Moore, Edward Paul Donegan, and Ted Gunderson assert all three of us (only me living) that this is CIA history of the JFK assassination.

Everette Howard Hunt Jr. (October 9, 1918 – January 23, 2007) was an American intelligence officer and author. From 1949 to 1970, Hunt served as an officer in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), particularly in the United States involvement in regime change in Latin America including the 1954 Guatemalan coup d’état and the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion. Along with G. Gordon Liddy, Frank Sturgis, and others, Hunt was one of the Nixon administration “plumbers”, a team of operatives charged with identifying government sources of national security information “leaks” to outside parties. Hunt and Liddy plotted the Watergate burglaries and other clandestine operations for the Nixon administration. In the ensuing Watergate scandal, Hunt was convicted of burglary, conspiracy, and wiretapping, eventually serving 33 months in prison. After release, Hunt lived in Mexico and then Florida until his death.

It is hotly and dishonestly debated as to whether the Impossible Mission Force Ethan Hunt is based on Everette Howard Hunt Jr.

Former CIA operative Peter Earnest commented on how authentic the movies are, and stated, “Certainly we have designed operations to, let’s say, break into a place and acquire something, but that requires an enormous amount of planning and a drawn-out process and, of course, it’s government—you’re getting approvals as you go along.” On top of that, his colleague echoed his opinion and said that the movies are slightly more adrenaline-inducing than the real cases they have worked on. https://thecinemaholic.com/is-ethan-hunt-based-on-a-real-person/


Edward Paul Donegan requests of the Court in 2021-FAM-2372-a, file number 0014159369

1) Recognize the Terms of Art in law of fraud, racketeering, Conspiracy Against Rights, Criminal Harassment Under Color of Law, breaking-and-entering under Texas law, breach of contract by Mac Lamar Manage LLC in its fostering of hostile and racketeering neighbors and grounds staff.

2) Recognize the fraud initiate in the child courts as under Texas Law Improper Commitment, a false attested set of facts for a jury or magistrate or Justice of the Peace to act on the the Mac Lamar Manmage LLC fabrication of the false allegations to harass Ed Donegan exercising his leased home and home office apartment rights.

3)Recognize the less than artful response by Edward Paul Donegan to the conditions and the threats manufactured by Mac Lamar’s fabrication of evidence and harassment to be in a pattern of better crafted responses in writing that had been ignored by Mac Lamar even as the hazard of living conditions grew to an emergency state of now power, lights, utilities, refrigeration, etc., as the open exposed system of unsecured utilities failed an a loiterer was in the vicinity of the unsecured tripped circuit breaker near the parking lot area.

4) Recognize that the falsified allegations against Edward Paul Donegan as a fabricated pretext to harass and leave Edward Donegan without his apartment home or home office is harassment in retaliation to Edward Paul Donegan;s use of his home and home office to assert in police and other filings that Mac Malamar Manage LLC and other undercover operators (they have admitted being in some undercover unit, not identified specifically) are retaliating and hindering Ed Donegan in his home and home office and even political base of operations, and his standing in the community as false allegations are propagated in social and leasing and media competition for reach of voice and opportunities.

5) Recognize the police in Corpus Christi have falsified records related to the computer thefts from Ed Donegan’s homes and thefts from his homes, and that Ed Donegan sees this as Interstate issue of both law (Federal Questions) and Diversity of Persons and upon the child courts issue being quashed as fraudulent harassment in violation of Federal law then Edward Paul Donegan has a preference for Tennessee to joining in allegations with deceased Ted Gunderson that Impossible Mission Teams, a STASI of Subversion, harassed both of us and in response to the the same matter, a group of assassinations and murders tied to JFK history.

6) A thirty day continuance to find an attorney and familiarize the fact pattern to him or her such that the issues can be addressed artfully.


7) Edward Paul Donegan wishes the Court to recognize his transmission of the death bed statements of Ted Gunderson and Jen Moore of the Stasi “Targeted Victims” targeted by the CIA illegally and presents those death bed statements here was witness statements in summary form.

Using 28 USC 1746 This Document Transmits Two States of violations of 18 USC Section 1111 Murder and in Treason, Assassination, and Silencing of Witnesses

This text transmits two statutory of violations of 18 USC Section 1111 of Chapter 73, Murder and in Treason, Assassination, and Silencing of Witnesses (including by depatterning noise harassment or expressive speech noise harassment including Stalkers in menacing activities.)

Witness-1) The Death Bed statement of former Tracy California police officer Jen Moore trained in psychology and sexual abuse cases investigations and responses as she feared for her post police life while documenting being Stalked as a whistle-blower by the CIA whom she mentions specifically and credibly and others who told her she would be murdered of she talked but continued to do so leaving Death Bed statements on line about Glorian Donegan and Edward Donegan and as she states explicitly that the story of WWII history even going back to Vienna and the CIA following WWI is part of the assassination facilitated infiltration of the US Government by operatives associated with a globalism plan the JFK objected to and this is tied to the Donegan history of 850 N. Randolph Street #221 Arlington Virginia and Glorian Donegan and Edward Paul Donegan’s story.

Screen grabs are included in this filing of Jen Moore talking about and showing partially visible federal records (with federal court stamps) records and history of Glorian Donegan and Edward Paul Donegan’s home and the OSS CIA background story of that, of me and Glorian Donegan, she and possibly I might be Silenced over and she was found dead after an earlier violent physical attack she was hospitalized over threatening her from speaking any further.

Jen Moore asserted she would be and others might be “Silenced” (Silence of the Grave) and I assert she was attempts have been made to afflict such egregious injury to me in my life in Conspiracy Against Rights murder or attempted murder charges and obstruction of justice charges are easily due on any number of statues but probably best fit under Title 18 USC Chapter 73 used with Jen Moore and I facing attempts to Silence us and other witnesses.

Robyn Gritz former FBI has spoken publicly about the assertions of Jen Moore and that the death of Jen Moore should be considered possibly resultant from foul play. Robyn Gritz
Austin, Texas private company executive As seen in: Fox News, NPR, The Hill Covers: Corruption, FBI, DOJ, Human Trafficking, Terrorism, Border Issues, Whistleblowers

While I have never spoken with by any means Robyn Gritz based on what I know of the Donegan family history and my knowledge Jen Moore was silenced over these OSS CIA Vatican World War underground railroad histories I have emailed her on social media to alert to the facts I am presenting corroborating statements from Jen Moore with my public and private records and oral family history backed up by other sources including Jen Moore and Ted Gunderson.

In the Evidence Folders submitted (Groups 1, 2, Witness) the connection between Jen Moore, assertions against the operators of Mac Lamar LLC / Ocean Street Apartments is made. I asserted before my trip to California to leave Texas that in Texas the Mafia was operating with fabricated allegations in mockup apartments and wrote MS Word documents to Fetlife (swingers site) Capitola and Santa Cruz polife agencies and businesses and within those two days I assembled the data between living with William Ruiz in Capitola and Jim Vocelka in Monterey area the fraud continued by my public sharing of docs and data from my social media and MS Word Documents including the data again presented here in the CDROM show locations I am alleged to be act but am not, and this is fraud Jen Moore was empowered with my evidence with, and combined with her own a threat to the operation underway that is Mafia was presented by the assertions of Jen Moore and myself, and the more I pursue that with Mac Lamar LLC the greater the retaliation against me I think showing their sensitivity to illegal operations asserted to be conducted by themselves.

Witness-2) The living statement of Edward Paul Donegan that his is Targeted by illegal programs including a mafia slush fund built on using his own assets for his own destruction, mafia paying themselves to make false allegations against Edward Paul Donegan, and that Edward Paul Donegan can confirm with specifics from Oral history inside the Donegan family I have written about for thirty years or so and talked about during that time frame and by existing photos and the process evidence destruction of other photos created and public records on major events in history tie “Elites” of today’s globalist government to CIA OSS Vatican plans for assassinations and overthrow, the WWII was in part a dispute of British Colonialism versus European Nationalism, and that the Kennedy family while not racist embraced the anti-British colonialism plans, was assassinated and Colonialists then and now tied to the assassination by themselves or groomed for government generations are now silencing witness to the misconduct (murder and assassinations) tied to the Colonialism history.

Witness-3) Edward Donegan transmits via reduction to these notes the death bed statements of Ted Gunderson high ranking FBI agent and confidant of the Kennedy’s and anti racketeering agent joined at the gun holster with Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy fighting against CIA mafia and Ted Gunderson like the Kennedy’s assert a series of murders he was officially assigned to including Marilyn Monroe and JFK were tied to in an international for profit world interest operating inside the CIA and most historians agree to that and Edward Paul Donegan’s story is told through the last 4 SSSN.

FBI official in retirement spoke of Decomposition by GangStalk of the lives of people like himself the Espionage agencies have a vendettaa against. Things go wrong in their lives, accusations plauge them, they get evicted from apartments and canceled on speaking tours or social events. Or have car accidents. Or things like that. Because the police help thjngs like that to happen people Targeted by espionage agencies.

Additionally Ed Donegan asserts as James Paul Donegan stated all of his life a pro British colonialism historical revisionism is deeply rooted in the US fiction entertainment and news companies and these pro globalist factions argue against theories whistle-blowers are offering of promulgating.


Rather than read the existing literature on this matter (YouTube and bitchute videos, conference calls recorded, substantiating books such as The Devils Chessboard and other works or again repeating already cited public records supporting Ed Donegan and Jen Moore’s assertion of the Deep State this document only calls attention to the existing data and and refers the two statements, Jen Moore’s and mine, to some future prosecutor or member of the press.

8) Edward Paul Donegan includes in this updated filing the letter he has written to Tennessee officials asking for assistance of police assisted crime against Edward Paul Donegan and in this letter Edward Paul Donegan (myself) assert Dean Rusk and underground railroads were closely associated with the 1926 home of Glorian Donegan near Davidson College, Dean Rusk was a Rockefeller Foundation internationalist, and many see that connection as well as others I draw to the Kennedy assassination, only one connection of about 6 major total connections Edward Paul Donegan, Jen Moore, and Ted Gunderson asserted, likely not any ever having spoken to each other and likely never aware of each other during their lives.

Singed Electronically using caps EDWARD PAUL DONEGAN 022-46-3233

Espionage and Law Enforcement tip numbers Corpus_Christi PD 1911030057, CIA Submission Reference ID: 9N6HJJMH
Submission Reference ID: C9LFNYWT refereed to also in NSA OSINT OIG tip by Secure Drop

Singed Edward Paul Donegan 0/1/2022


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