Empire (1965 film) by Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol was an American visual artist, film director, producer, and leading figure in the pop art movement. Wikipedia
Born: August 6, 1928, Pittsburgh, PA
Died: February 22, 1987, in a freak accident after routine surgery and a surgical nick, at New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY -
Empire is a 1965 American black-and-white silent art film by Andy Warhol. When projected according to Warhol’s specifications, it consists of08 Hours and 05 (did tbey mean 04) Minutes of slow motion footage of an unchanging view of New York City’s Empire State Building at 33rd and 5th. The film does not have conventional narrative or characters, and largely reduces the experience of cinema to the passing of time.[1] Warhol stated that the purpose of the film was “to see time go by.” Many say it is 8 hour 4 minutes if screened to instructions. August 4 is the British Empire’s Queen Mother’s birthday, and the Empire State Building as the Light in Darkness is the imagery
The British Empire and Agents In Place and Agents of Influence in the Press backing Great Brittain FOXP2 carriers
Partage d’images https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=791292653035890&set=a.463171109181381
Andy Warhol creates a portrait of Debbie Harry using ProPaint on an Amiga 1000 at the 1985 Amiga launch at Lincoln Center, NYCDeborah Ann Harry is an American singer, songwriter and actress, best known as the lead vocalist of the band Blondie. Four of her songs with the band reached No. 1 on the US charts between 1979 and 1981. Born in Miami, Florida, Harry was adopted as an infant and raised in Hawthorne, New Jersey. Wikipedia
Born: July 1, 1945 (age 78 years) -
The site of the Empire State Building, in Midtown South on the west side of Fifth Avenue between West 33rd and 34th Streets, was developed in 1893 as the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. a 33rd Degree Masonic symbols of 5th Column was alleged about the Astor’s plans.
Whether or not it was a Free Masonry (that generally means British but there are French Free Masons as well) the symbolism seems inescapable that Warhol used and Warhol had FOXP2 per his life track and samples of his writing, highly dyslexic looking at first glance but was LONDON KING EDWARD VII London FOXP2 gene.
Astor also setup the Air Force Academy in Colorado and it was tied to The King’s Speech 1925 and joint USA and Great Britain research.
fightingmonarch In 1895, Prince Albert Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was born to Victoria von Teck, Princess of Württemberg, and her husband George V. The German boy who would become George VI was a sickly and fearful child prone to tears.Tesla technology is used extensively against us today, through voice to skull (V2K), image to skull (I2K), and microwave harassment of targeted individuals, and it was used against Prince Albert, later to become King George, when he was little. That’s why he was crying a lot, that’s why he stuttered and stammered, that’s why he used vulgarity, and that’s why he had a bad temper.[one says, I say Borderline Personality Disorder genetic FOXP2 Minimal Brain Disorder] though preparing for Radio and the need for public speaking.]
When Prince Albert was three years old, Nicola Tesla, financed by Illuminist John Jacob Astor IV, set up a station in Colorado Springs, later the home of the Air Force Academy. Through it he would transmit wireless signals from Pike’s Peak to Paris.
The Marilyn Diptych is a silkscreen painting by American pop artist Andy Warhol depicting Marilyn Monroe. The monumental work is one of the artist’s most noted of the movie star. The painting consists of 50 images. Each image of the actress is taken from the single publicity photograph from the film Niagara. Wikipedia
In it Marilyn Monroe secretly has a blue background.
Top 13 Illuminati family’s plus affiliated family’s
The Kennedy Bloodline, The Bundy Bloodline, The Astor Bloodline.
The original founder of the Astor fortune was John Jacob Astor (1763-1884). John Jacob Astor was born in Walldorf, Duchy of Baden (Germany) from a Jewish bloodline. The Jewish origins have been hidden, and quite a number of various ideas of the Astor’s heritage have been put into circulation by the Astors. John Jacob Astor was a butcher in Walldorf. In 1784, he came to America after a stop over in London, England. Although the story is that he came to America penniless–and that may be true–he soon joined the Masonic Lodge, and within 2-3 years had become the Master of the Holland Lodge No. 8 in N.Y. City. (This Holland Lodge is a prominent lodge in that many of its members have good connections to the Illuminati elite. An example of just one Lodge #8 member is Archibald Russell, 1811 – 1871, whose father was President of a real hotbed of Illuminati action for many years: The Royal Society of Edinburgh).
By 1788, Astor was a master of masonic lodge#8. This is rather interesting considering Astor could not speak Englishwhen he arrived in America, and supposedly was very poor. John Jacob Astor was always very famous for being coldhearted, anti-social, “a man who didn’t have charm, wit or grace.” (This quote comes even from a relative of the DuPont family who wrote a sympathetic Biography entitled The Astor Family.) If this man lacked social graces and was so cold, and was so poor during his first years in the U.S., why did he rise to such prominence in Freemasonry? Certainly not because of his social graces. For instance, one time later in life at a meal given for elites, when his hands got dirty at the table he reached over and used the shirt of the man beside him to wipe his hands. The original financial break came by carrying out a series of shady and crooked real estate deals in the N.Y. city area.
The next breakcame when two men who are now known to have been in the Illuminati gave John Jacob Astor a special government privilege. The two men were Pres. Jefferson and Secretary Gallatin–both Illuminati members. The United States government had placed an embargo on all U.S. ships from sailing with goods in 1807. But Astor got special permission from these two men for his ship to sail with its cargo. His ship sailed and made close to a $200,000 profit in that day’s money. Astor strangely profited greatly from the War of 1812, which crippled almost all the other American shippers. Astor also worked together with George Clinton, another member of the Illuminati, on land deals. Even at that period in history, British intelligence worked for the Committee of 300 and for the Thirteen Top Families, it is interesting then, that John Coleman who had access as an intelligence agent to secret documents, discovered that the original John Jacob Astor was also a British secret agent. The Thirteen Families have very intimate roles with the American and British intelligence cults.
Prior to 1817, John Jacob Astorentered into the fur trade and remained the biggest player in the fur tradeuntil he got out of it in 1834. Over the years, he had managed to build up a monopoly. How he managed to push everyone else out is a good question.
Bear in mind, white people had been trapping furs in the New World for several centuries, and the Indians for who knows how long. Then this guy Astor comes along and in a few years totally owns the whole industry! Again this could only have happened, because the occult power of this Astor family gave them the right. Obviously, others in the Committee of 300 had to step aside, if his position in the hierarchy had not given Astor the right, believe me the other families that originally controlled the fur trade would have gotten rid of Astor. One result of his fur company, was that Astoria, OR was created. Today, perhaps in honor of the family that originally took interest in it, Astoria is a real hot-bed for the secret Satanic covens in Oregon. John Jacob Astor did have a few helpful connections. Three of his relatives were captains on clipper ships. He had connections in London to the Backhouse family. He married a Todd, a family frequently associated with Satanism. His wife, a Todd, was also connected to the influential Brevoort family. And finally for some reason, John Jacob Astor was also on good relations with the politicians of the day, perhaps because most of them were Freemasons too.
End https://prezi.com/pelqk-5-g2s3/top-13-illuminati-familys-plus-affiliated-familys/
Trans World Airlines Flight 800 (TWA800) was a Boeing 747-100 that exploded and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near East Moriches, New York, on July 17, 1996, at about 8:31 pm
The FBI CIA November 18 cover up of the downing of TWA Flight 800 preempting the correct jurisdictions investigating the air disaster, showing CIA simulations the public did NOT see what they thought they saw, a missile. (tied in this book to killing certain passengers).
Jed Johnson (December 30, 1948 – July 17, 1996) was an American interior designer and film director. Initially hired by Andy Warhol to sweep floors at The Factory, he subsequently moved in with Warhol, and was his boyfriend for twelve years. As a passenger in the first class cabin, he was killed when TWA Flight 800 came down shortly after takeoff in 1996
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