The Special Relationship and the Birth of Treason
According to Winston Churchill the Finest Hour of Britain was the Battle of Britain and the USA USAAF role in should be articulated early in this chapter and the related technologies Paul Schrade and others would speak of.
High altitude bombers including with pressurized cockpits were in use in WWII and after the Battle of France was over German bombers and fighters crossed the English Channel with ease.
Super Marine fighters from England like the Spitfire were fighting them off but limited in number and had little advanced warning until ground based radar. When they were airborn the US P-51 planes joining them (on a voluntary basis at first) had a hard time climbing to altitude with the engines they had. It was bad enough the v12s were not supercharged from basic performance standpoint. But the problem was worse at high altitude when air breathing engines lacked the oxygen to develop combustion. Like compressors on Turbojets the superchargers of the Merlin Spitfire by Rolls Royce engines licensed to Packard Motors in Inglewood California helped turn the corner in WWII. My father and my birth are part of that story as was my mother’s hidden identity.
This document The Special Relationship and the Birth of Treason focuses on the Robert F. Kennedy assassination and a story fictionalized in 1957 by Hollywood and the Kennedy’s that had been pushed onto JFK by Averal Harriman, Prescott and George H.W. Bush, Nixon, FOrd, and other Rockefeller Repblicans. In the middle of the story I go into in my books not in this chapter or a pamlet using this chapter is the assasination of jFK in 1963 tied to the CIA creation of the Obama family also tied to JFK and my birth in Inglewood California and the hidden identities tied to that.
Rolls-Royce R retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here
Rolls-Royce R (R27) on display at the London Science Museum. The rectangular red objects are the exhaust ports blanking plates which would be replaced by the exhaust stubs/pipes when fitted to an aircraft or other vehicle
The Rolls-Royce R is a British aero engine that was designed and built specifically for air racing purposes by Rolls-Royce Limited. Nineteen R engines were assembled in a limited production run between 1929 and 1931. Developed from the Rolls-Royce Buzzard, it was a 37-litre (2,240 cu in) capacity, supercharged V-12 capable of producing just under 2,800 horsepower (2,090 kW), and weighed 1,640 pounds (770 kg). Intensive factory testing revealed mechanical failures which were remedied by redesigning the components, greatly improving reliability.
The R was used with great success in the Schneider Trophy seaplane competitions held in England in 1929 and 1931. Shortly after the 1931 competition, an R engine using a special fuel blend powered the winning Supermarine S.6B aircraft to a new airspeed record of over 400 miles per hour (640 km/h). Continuing through the 1930s, both new and used R engines were used to achieve various land and water speed records by such racing personalities as Sir Henry Segrave, Sir Malcolm Campbell and his son Donald, the last record being set in 1939. A final R-powered water speed record attempt by Donald Campbell in 1951 was unsuccessful.
The R was a physically imposing engine designed by a team led by Ernest Hives and including Cyril Lovesey, Arthur Rowledge and Henry Royce. The R shared the Buzzard’s bore, stroke and capacity, and used the same 60-degree V-12 layout. A new single-stage, double-sided supercharger impeller was designed along with revised cylinders and strengthened connecting rods.[6] The wet-liner cylinder blocks,[nb 3] crankcase and propeller reduction gear castings were produced from “R.R 50” aluminium alloy;[7] and because of the short life expectancy of these engines, forged aluminium was used to replace bronze and steel in many parts.
The experience gained by Rolls-Royce and Supermarine designers from the R engine was invaluable in the subsequent development of the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine and the Spitfire. A de-rated R engine, known as the Griffon, was tested in 1933, but it was not directly related to the production Rolls-Royce Griffon of 1939, of the same exact bore/stroke and resultant displacement figures as the “R” design. Three examples of the R engine are on public display in British museums as of 2014. wikipedia
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
TURBOCHARGERS retrieved from and copied or modified to here
Better engine performance at altitude
Critical altitude
Turbochargers increase a piston engine’s critical altitude, which is the maximum altitude at which an engine can maintain its full, rated horsepower. Because the maximum horsepower of a normally aspirated (nonturbocharged) engine is achieved in standard, sea level conditions, sea level is this engine’s critical altitude. However, since most airports are above sea level, normally aspirated engines—which account for the vast majority of piston aircraft engines including those on almost all trainers—don’t produce their full, rated power on takeoff. This is why aircraft performance charts give performance data for various pressure altitudes.
A turbocharger compresses the engine’s intake air to maintain sea-level takeoff manifold pressure and full, rated power up to the engine’s critical altitude. This altitude depends on the individual engine/turbocharger installation. But when the aircraft climbs above its critical altitude, the manifold pressure and resulting power decrease, just as a normally aspirated engine does when climbing away from sea level.
Joseph Kennedy Sr arranged most of the business relationships with England and one of his daughters married Englander Peter Lawford (an actor who was a son of a knighted British officer a Lt. General fighting in India) from England they they live in Santa Monica Near Inglewood all this part of the McMartin Preschool founded then.
Patricia Kennedy met English actor Peter Lawford through her sister Eunice in the 1940s. They met again in 1949, and again in 1953. They courted briefly, and officially announced their engagement in February 1954. They married on April 24, 1954, at St. Thomas More Church in New York City, twelve days before her thirtieth birthday. They settled in Santa Monica, California, and often socialized with actress Judy Garland and her family. Garland gave birth to her son Joseph at the same hospital, and on the same day, Kennedy gave birth to her son Christopher.
Patricia and Peter (who was a member of Frank Sinatra’s “Rat Pack”) held lavish parties at their mansion during the 1950s and early 1960s with guests such as Marilyn Monroe.
Paul Schrade (auto workers union leader) and Inglewood California as RFK stays with John Frankenheimer of Manchurian Candidate. I Edward Paul Donegan assert this ties to my Inglewood P-51 family and birth there and DNA given to MK-ULTRA during atomic testing and DNA is still the issue and where it might be in elite CIA families of the COld War.
In this book inside is item id=”id1450″ href=”RobertKennedyLastDay_B1000.mp4″ media-type=”video/mp4″ and is video taken from the outside of the home and road towards the Amabssasor Hotel. The Manchurian Candidate is a 1962 American neo-noir psychological political thriller film directed and produced by John Frankenheimer
At the outbreak of World War Two, the British aviation industry expanded greatly. There was great need for the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine with shadow factories being established in Crewe, Manchester, and Glasgow. This was not enough to meet increasing demand with the British government looking to expand production using U.S. manufacturers. An agreement was reached between Rolls-Royce and the Packard Motor Car Company in September 1940 to manufacture the Merlin under license, with a $130,000,000 order being placed. The first Packard-built engine, designated V-1650-1, ran in August 1941.
Robert F. Kennedy’s namesake son has uncovered the identity of the slain politician’s true assassin! The National ENQUIRER has learned RFK Jr. has discovered evidence a security guard at Los Angeles’ Ambassador hotel fired the kill shot into the back of his father’s head at point-blank range. RFK Jr. believes Thane Eugene Cesar and his father’s convicted assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, doubled up as a hit squad — and he’s demanding the LAPD open a new probe into the decades-old cover-up.
“Compelling evidence suggests that Cesar murdered my father,” RFK Jr. wrote on Instagram. “Police have never seriously investigated Cesar’s role in my father’s killing.” Read more at:
s the shooting began, security guard Thane Eugene Cesar was standing behind and slightly to the right of Kennedy, in the exact firing position described by the autopsy. Several witnesses observed Cesar drawing his weapon and one witness saw him fire. He was interviewed within hours by the LAPD but they never checked his gun. Cesar claimed he was carrying a .38 caliber revolver that night but he also owned a .22 caliber revolver at the time. Cesar later lied saying he had sold the .22 four months prior to the assassination but the sales receipt proved he actually sold it three months afterwards. He also told the buyer it had been involved in a “police shooting.”
Thane Eugene Cesar held extreme right-wing views, supported George Wallace for President and openly admitted hating the Kennedys. At that time, he was working at Lockheed, home of the U-2 spy plane, with a high-level security clearance from the Department of Defense. A week before the assassination, he took a part-time job working evenings as a security guard for Ace Guard Service. Kennedy was assassinated on Cesar’s second assignment.
Authors David Talbot (“Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years”) and Lisa Pease (“A Lie Too Big to Foil”) hove identified Howard Hughes’ right-hand man, former FBI agent, and the CIA’s Castro assassination plot coordinator, Robert Maheu, as the likely planner of Robert Kennedy’s assassination. Multiple government documents prove that Maheu worked for the CIA in assassination plots and other covert activities in the 1960s. Maheu also admitted to Talbot that he hated the Kennedys.
Maheu’s principal accuser is former top Howard Hughes executive and Maheu associate, John Meier. Meier knew that Thane Eugene Cesar was an employee of Maheu’s private security firm that performed top secret activities for the CIA. Meier also described suspicious conversations he heard between Maheu and Donald Nixon, Richard Nixon’s brother, shortly before and after the assassination and wrote about them in his diary (partially published in Gerald Bellett’s “Age of Secrets”). Hughes had long been a major financial supporter of Richard Nixon and a close collaborator with the CIA. Meier, now 88, has continued to try to get his information about the case out to the public.
NYT – After dropping out of Yale University in his junior year, Mr. Schrade headed to Southern California, where he got a job at North American Aviation, an aerospace company that was later known as North American Rockwell and Rockwell International.
He became a union activist, rising in the ranks of the United Auto Workers to become president of the union local at the Rockwell plant in Los Angeles before moving to Detroit in the mid-1950s as the assistant to Walter Reuther, the union’s president.
“In a speech to college students in Ohio in 1959, Mr. Schrade pointed to labor’s role in fighting communism and building the American dream: “We have the brains, we have manpower and we have the natural resources and scientific ability to provide ourselves with both plenty and freedom.”
Mr. Reuther, his patron, died in plane carsh in 1970.
Walter Philip Reuther (/ˈruːθər/; September 1, 1907 – May 9, 1970) was an American leader of organized labor and civil rights activist who built the United Automobile Workers (UAW) into one of the most progressive labor unions in American history.[1] He saw labor movements not as narrow special interest groups but as instruments to advance social justice and human rights in democratic societies.[1] He leveraged the UAW’s resources and influence to advocate for workers’ rights, civil rights, women’s rights, universal health care, public education, affordable housing, environmental stewardship and nuclear nonproliferation around the world.[1] He believed in Swedish-style social democracy and societal change through nonviolent civil disobedience.[2][3] He cofounded the AFL-CIO in 1955 with George Meany.[4] He survived two attempted assassinations, including one at home where he was struck by a 12-gauge shotgun blast fired through his kitchen window.[5] He was the fourth and longest serving president of the UAW, serving from 1946 until his death in 1970.[6]
As the leader of five million autoworkers, including retirees and their families,[7] Reuther was influential inside the Democratic Party.[8] Following the Bay of Pigs in 1961, President John F. Kennedy sent Reuther to Cuba to negotiate a prisoner exchange with Fidel Castro.[9] He was instrumental in spearheading the creation of the Peace Corps[10][11][12] and in marshaling support for the Civil Rights Act of 1964,[13][14] the Voting Rights Act of 1965,[15] Medicare and Medicaid,[16] and the Fair Housing Act.[14] He met weekly in 1964 and 1965 with President Lyndon B. Johnson at the White House to discuss policies and legislation for the Great Society and War on Poverty.[17] The Republican Party was wary of Reuther, leading presidential candidate Richard Nixon to say about John F. Kennedy during the 1960 election, “I can think of nothing so detrimental to this nation than for any President to owe his election to, and therefore be a captive of, a political boss like Walter Reuther.”[18] Conservative politician Barry Goldwater declared that Reuther “was more dangerous to our country than Sputnik or anything Soviet Russia might do.”
A powerful ally of Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement,[20] Reuther marched with King in Detroit, Selma,[21] Birmingham,[22] Montgomery,[23] and Jackson.[24][25] When King and others including children were jailed in Birmingham, Alabama, and King authored his famous Letter from Birmingham Jail, Reuther arranged $160,000 for the protestors’ release.[26] He also helped organize and finance the March on Washington on August 28, 1963, delivering remarks from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial shortly before King gave his historic “I Have a Dream” speech on the National Mall.[22][27] An early supporter of Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers, he asked Robert F. Kennedy to visit and support Chavez.[28] He served on the board of directors for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)[29] and was one of the founders of Americans for Democratic Action.[30] A lifetime environmentalist, Reuther played a critical role in funding and organizing the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970.[31] According to Denis Hayes, the principal national organizer of the first Earth Day, “Without the UAW, the first Earth Day would have likely flopped!”[31] –
On May 9, 1970, Walter Reuther, his wife May, architect Oscar Stonorov, Reuther’s bodyguard William Wolfman, pilot George O. Evans and co-pilot Joseph U. Karaffa were killed when their chartered Learjet 23 crashed in flames at 9:33 p.m. Eastern Time. The plane, arriving from Detroit in rain and fog, was on final approach to Pellston Regional Airport in Pellston, Michigan, near the UAW’s recreational and educational facility at Black Lake, Michigan.[153][154] The National Transportation Safety Board discovered that the plane’s altimeter was missing parts, some incorrect parts were installed, and one of its parts had been installed upside down,[155] leading some to speculate that Reuther may have been murdered.[142] Reuther had been subjected earlier to two attempted assassinations and a similar near-crash in a small plane in 1969.
Journalist Michael Parenti wrote, “Reuther’s demise appears as part of a truncation of liberal and radical leadership that included the deaths of four national figures: President John Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Senator Robert Kennedy.”[156]WIkipedia
Packard (Rolls-Royce) Merlin V-1650-7, V-12 Engine of WWII and a Ford Motor Liberty 12 of WWI
V12 Aircraft Engines (various sources)
WWI Aviation – The Liberty L-12 is an American water-cooled 45° V-12 aircraft engine displacing 1,649 cubic inches (27 L) and making 400 hp (300 kW) designed for a high power-to-weight ratio and ease of mass production. It saw wide use in aero applications, and, once marinized, in marine use both in racing and runabout boats.
A single bank 6-cylinder version, the Liberty L-6, and V-8, the Liberty L-8, were derived from the Liberty L-12. It was succeeded by the Packard 1A-2500.
The Packard V-1650 Merlin is a version of the Rolls-Royce Merlin (Birds of Prey Names for British Fighters) Spitfire aircraft engine, produced under license in the United States by the Packard Motor Car Company. The engine was licensed to expand production of the Rolls-Royce Merlin for British use. The engine also filled a gap in the U.S. at a time when similarly powered American-made engines were not available.
The first V-1650s, with a one-stage supercharger, equivalent to the Merlin XX, were used in the P-40F Kittyhawk fighter and in Canadian-built Hawker Hurricanes. Later versions based on the Merlin 60 series included a more advanced two-stage supercharger for improved performance at high altitudes. It found its most notable application in the North American P-51 Mustang fighter, improving the aircraft’s performance so it could escort Allied heavy bombers from Britain to Germany and back.
The first American model was a version of the Mark XX, designated the V-1650-1 by the American military and the Packard Merlin 28 by the British. This engine used a single-stage, two-speed supercharger, the gear changing mechanism of which originally came from a French Farman patent license. The Merlin 28 was used for the Avro Lancaster bomber. The USAAF V-1650-1 version of this engine was used in the Curtiss P-40Fs. The initial Packard modifications to this engine changed the main crankshaft bearings from a copper-lead alloy to a silver-lead combination and featured indium plating. This had been developed by General Motors’ Pontiac Division to prevent corrosion, which was possible with lubricating oils that were used at that time. The bearing coating also improved the break-in (running-in) and load-carrying abilities of the surface.[citation needed]
In answer to a request from the British Air Ministry for a high-altitude Merlin for the pressurised Wellington VI high-altitude bomber, a Rolls-Royce team under the direction of Stanley Hooker developed a Merlin with two-stage supercharging, which became the Merlin 60-series. The first 60-series engine ran in March 1941, and was first flown in July the same year.[4] When only 63 examples of the otherwise-cancelled Wellington VI were produced, these engines were instead introduced on the Spitfire IX as the Merlin 61.
This model was later produced by Packard as the V-1650-3 and became known as the “high altitude” Merlin destined for the P-51, the first two-stage Merlin-Mustang conversion flying with a Merlin 61[5] as the Mustang X in October 1942, the production V-1650-3 engined P-51B (Mustang III) entering service in 1943. The two-speed, two-stage supercharger section of the two-stage Merlins and V-1650-3 featured two separate impellers on the same shaft that were normally driven through a gear train at a ratio of 6.391:1. A hydraulic gear change arrangement of oil-operated clutches could be engaged by an electric solenoid to increase this ratio to 8.095:1 in high speed blower position.[citation needed]
Packard Motors 1942–1945
In 1942, the Packard Motor Car Company converted to 100% war production.[41] During World War II, Packard again built airplane engines, licensing the Merlin engine from Rolls-Royce as the V-1650, which powered the P-51 Mustang fighter, ironically known as the “Cadillac of the Skies” by GIs in WWII.[42][43] Packard also built 1350-, 1400-, and 1500-hp V-12 marine engines for American PT boats (each boat used three) and some of Britain’s patrol boats. Packard ranked 18th among United States corporations in the value of wartime production contracts.[44] The end
Studebaker-Packard retired the Packard marque in 1959. In 1962, “Packard” was dropped off the corporation’s name at a time when it was introducing the all-new Avanti.
By the end of the war in Europe, Packard Motor Car Company had produced over 55,000 combat engines. Sales in 1944 were $455,118,600. By May 6, 1945, Packard had a backlog on war orders of $568,000,000.
Postwar use – In the United States many war surplus engines and airframes were sold relatively cheaply – two of the most popular items were North American P-51 Mustangs and Packard V-1650 Merlin engines, several of which were “souped up” and modified for air racing in the Bendix Trophy, the Cleveland Air Races,[7] and the Thompson Trophy. Many of these engines remain heavily used to this day in Drag Racing, Hydroplane racing, and Land Speed Racing at places like the Bonneville Salt Flats. The Mynarski Lancaster flown by the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, one of only two Lancasters flying in the world, uses four Packard Merlin engines.
Work continues on increasing the power output of the Merlin for the Unlimited Class racers at the Reno Air Races. Innovations, such as the use of Allison V-1710 connecting rods and the replacement of the intercooler with ADI (Anti-Detonation Injection) (50% Distilled Water and 50% Methanol), nearly identical in chemical composition to the Luftwaffe’s wartime MW 50 system, and similar to the water injection system used on Pratt & Whitney engines during World War II, have allowed great increases in power output.[9][10] Many of the fastest Unlimited racers increase Merlin manifold pressures as high as 145 inHg (56.6 psi, 4.8 atm) to obtain up to 2,835 kW (3,800 horsepower), achieving Mustang speeds up to 490 mph.
The P-51H Mustang
by Curtis Fowles, Mustangs Mustangs
In July of 1943, U.S. Army approved a contract with North American Aviation to design and build a lightweight P-51. Designated NA-105, 5 aircraft were to be built and tested. Edgar Schmued, chief of design at NAA, began this design early in 1943. He, in February of 1943, left the U.S. on a two month trip to England. He was to visit the Supermarine factory and the Rolls Royce factory to work on his lightweight project.
Rolls Royce had designed a new version of the Merlin, the RM.14.SM, which was proposed to increase the manifold pressure to 120 (from 67 max) and thus improve horsepower to 2,200. Schmued was very eager to use this powerplant. The new Merlin was not heavier than the earlier models. Schmued visited with the engineers at Rolls Royce and they answered his many questions. Schmued left the Rolls Royce factory very satisfied with their cooperation.
Brittish fighters were lighter than U.S. fighters. Schmued ask for detailed weight statements from Supermarine on the Spitfire. Schmued wanted to know why the Spitfires were so much lighter than the P-51. Supermairne did not have such data on the Spitfire, so they started weighing all the parts they could get a hold of and made a report for Schmued. The Brittish had design standards that were not as strict in some areas of design as the U.S. Landing gear, angle of attack and side engine design loads were higher in the U.S.
When Schmued returned, they began a new design of the P-51 Mustang that used Brittish design loads. They shaved weight on any part that could yield. They were able to reduce the empty weight of the P-51 by 600 pounds. This would translate into more performance.
The lightweight prototypes were designated XP-51F, XP-51G and XP-51J. After testing of these prototypes, the production version, NA-126 P-51H, was closest to the XP-51F. The project began in April of 1944 and the contract for 1,000 P-51Hs was approved on June 30, 1944.
The H model was a completely new design. Yes it looks like a P-51, but you can tell there is something not the same. I remember as a teenager when I saw my first P-51H in person. I asked my dad, “that’s a Mustang … isn’t it?” as I looked at it and tilted my head slightly. He looked and my uncle looked, and then they paused and decided that yes it was a mustang and it must be the later H model (they were seldom stumped when I asked them aircraft ID questions).
Almost all the parts from the D line were not usable in the P-51H. This was the first production P-51 with a complete overhaul. The wing did not have that famous leading edge kink in it. The landing gear was visibly smaller. The profile shows new lines with a taller tail (later versions). The fuselage was a bit more slender and the length was increased to 33.33 feet. The wingspan stayed the same. The belly scoop inlet profile was not angled any longer but was now square again like the first P-51s. The chin scoop for the engine was decreased in size.
The wheels now had disk brakes. The oil cooler was moved from inside the belly scoop to in front of the oil tank ahead of the firewall. This eliminated the oil lines that ran from the engine to the old location in the scoop. The oil was now cooled by a heat exhanger mounted next to the engine intercooler.
The engine mounts were incorporated into the structural engine cradle, thus saving weight. The engine would not be the newer RS.14.SM Merlin as in some of the lightweight prototypes. The Rolls Royce Merlin V-1650-9 was chosen. Take-off horsepower was actually down from the -7 series to 1,380. But, the new -9 Merlin used water/alcohol injection and was able to up the war emergency power to 2,200 at 10,200 feet. This was the fastest production P-51 clocking 487 mph at 25,000 feet.
The propeller of the P-51H was the Aeroproducts 11’1″ 4-blade Unimatic otherwise know as the “H prop”. This prop is even lighter than the K model Aeroproducts but it looks much different. The blades are wider and keep approx. the same width almost the whole blade. The tips are rounded.
Armament was the same as in the P-51D. Removable ammo boxes and a redesign of the ammo doors were added. This saved time reloading and must have eased up on the laminar flow killing scratches and scuffs on the wings. The earlier models had to be loaded by hand out of portable ammo boxes. The top surfaces of the wings were taking a huge beating and disrupting the true laminar flow of the wing surface. I honestly doubt the crews in the field either knew or cared much about that.
Fuel in the fuselage tank was decreased to 55 gallons max. The fuselage skins were lighter and thinner, made from a new alloy. The cockpit panel was improved and simplified. The canopy was redesigned and the “hump” moved further forward. The pilot sat higher for a better angle using the gunsight.
The first P-51H flew on Feb 3, 1945 with Bob Chilton at the controls. This P-51H-1NA, 44-64160 was wrecked three days later when the prop failed. The USAAF flew test flights on P-51H 44-64161 from Apr 4-14, 1945 by pilot Major J. D. Onerem. Production continued and 221 P-51Hs were delivered by July 30 and 370 by VJ Day in early September.
Contrary to what many believe, the P-51H did not start out as “the tall tail Mustang”. The first 20 P-51H-1NA were built with the lower D model height tail. These units were later retrofitted with the taller tail. The taller tail and smaller fuselage fuel tank of 55 gallons, rid the P-51 of the annoying directional stability problem.
Production was cut short by the end of the war. All P-51H versions were built at Inglewood, Ca. The Dallas, Tx version of the P-51H, NA-129 P-51L with the newest Merlin, the V-1650-11, would not finish any models. The last P-51 off the Texas production line was an NA-124 order which included the newer P-51M which was an improved P-51D-30 with the V-1650-9A Merlin and a Hamilton Standard Prop. The -9A Merlin did not have water injection. One production M model was completed. The 63 partially built units were scrapped.
The last P-15H-10NA rolled out of the Inglewood factory in November of 1945. In all, a total of 555 P-51H models were completed: 20 P-51H-1NA, 280 P-51H-5NA and 255 P-51H-10NA were finished and accepted in the USAAF.
Even though some units in the pacific received the P-51H before VJ Day, they did not see any action. Ironically, when the start of the the Korea War broke out, the earlier version of the P-51, the P-51D was chosen to do the fighting, not the P-51H. In the years to follow, the H was used in many Air National Guard units around the U.S.
Only 5 P-51Hs survived, 2 are display quality only, 2 are airworthy and the last is in restoration to be airworthy. One of the XP-51G prototypes does exist and is in a long term restoration with John Morgan in California. This G model was saved by chance and fast action while on its way to the scrapper.
The Tempest a play by Shaekesphere set on a boat in a storm that is part of European Colonial battles among themselves and the lands they intend to rule. It is not part of how US Citizens think but is part of English literature and those like Lynn Cheney. Cheney received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature with highest honors from Colorado College. She continued her education with a Master of Arts degree from the University of Colorado Boulder, and a PhD in 19th-century British literature from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.[4][5] Her dissertation was entitled “Matthew Arnold’s Possible Perfection: A Study of the Kantian Strain in Arnold’s Poetry”.[5]
Ed Donegan (I) assert we the USA were not aware of scheming of old money and old european power to act coveretlty.
The Temptest retrieved from J and copied or modified to here
The Tempest is a play by William Shakespeare, probably written in 1610-1611, and thought to be one of the last plays that he wrote alone. After the first scene, which takes place on a ship at sea during a tempest, the rest of the story is set on a remote island, where Prospero, a complex and contradictory character, lives with his daughter Miranda, and his two servants: Caliban, a savage monster figure, and Ariel, an airy spirit. The play contains music and songs that evoke the spirit of enchantment on the island. It explores many themes, including magic, betrayal, revenge, and family. -Wikipedia
Alonso, King of Naples.
Sebastian, his brother.
Prospero, the right Duke of Milan.
Antonio, his brother, the usurping Duke of Milan.
Ferdinand, son to the King of Naples.
Gonzalo, an honest old Counsellor.
Caliban, a savage and deformed Slave.
Colonization – Theme Analysis
During the time when The Tempest was written and first performed, both Shakespeare and his audiences would have been very interested in the efforts of English and other European settlers to colonize distant lands around the globe. The Tempest explores the complex and problematic relationship between the European colonizer and the native colonized peoples through the relationship between Prospero and Caliban. Prospero views Caliban as a lesser being than himself. As such, Prospero believes that Caliban should be grateful to him for educating Caliban and lifting him out of “savagery.” It simply does not occur to Prospero that he has stolen rulership of the island from Caliban, because Prospero can’t imagine Caliban as being fit to rule anything. In contrast, Caliban soon realizes that Prospero views him as a second-class citizen fit only to serve and that by giving up his rulership of the island in return for his education, he has allowed himself to be robbed. As a result, Caliban turns bitter and violent, which only reinforces Prospero’s view of him as a “savage.” Shakespeare uses Prospero and Caliban’s relationship to show how the misunderstandings between the colonizer and the colonized lead to hatred and conflict, with each side thinking that the other is at fault.
In addition to the relationship between the colonizer and colonized, The Tempest also explores the fears and opportunities that colonization creates. Exposure to new and different peoples leads to racism and intolerance, as seen when Sebastian criticizes Alonso for allowing his daughter to marry an African. Exploration and colonization led directly to slavery and the conquering of native peoples.
The War State by Micheal Swanson
The War State: The Cold War Origins Of The Military-Industrial Complex And The Power Elite, 1945-1963 retrieved from and copied or modified to here
An important read cover-to-cover because the USA teamed with British Colonialsim when the Nazis (though defeated) had freed many colonial ruled nations world-wide
Once the war ended, both the United States and Soviet Union spent the next several years consolidating their respective positions. Stalin created a Warsaw Pact empire in the nations it occupied in Eastern Europe, while the United States became fearful that the devastation and economic collapse that existed throughout Europe immediately after World War Il could serve as a breeding ground for communism. American leaders saw the Great Depression bring fascism to Italy and Germany and could easily imagine how similar economic hardships could cause Western Europe to go red unless they did something about it.
Out of such worries sprang the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and covert operations funding anticommunist political parties in Greece and Italy. George Kennan’s containment policy laid out the rationale for these policies and explained their purpose – basically to consolidate the position of the United States and its “free world” allies in Western Europe and prevent the Soviet Union from spreading its empire.
The United States came out of the war from a position of great power over the Soviet Union. While the United States had the atomic bomb, it would take the Russians several years to develop one. Stalin tried to blockade Berlin from June 1948 to May 1949 in an attempt to starve out West Berlin and prevent the United States from revitalizing West Germany, but he failed. This defeat essentially marked the successful containment of the Soviet Union after which the Russians failed to expand their empire in any meaningful way. In fact, they had trouble holding on to what they had and eventually lost everything in 1989.
Although the United States successfully contained the Soviet Union in 1949, the Cold War went on for fifty more years and morphed from a Cold War in Europe designed to contain Soviet expansion into a global Cold War to manage the world. In 1949, the Soviet Union successfully exploded an atornic bomb – an act that changed the face of war forever. The fact that the two nations had atomic bombs made it so that conventional war between great powers was now obsolete. That meant the Cold War became a series of “limited” wars in places such as Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan, and an imperial “covert” war for control of various “third world” nations throughout the world.

Who has got the Captain’s Chair and should we be worried? Images from the first three generations of Star Trek. This melody is from one of my favourite episodes from Next Generation: “The Inner Light”. I also loved the later episode “Lessons” which featured this tune in another rather moving context – Captain Picard on his Ressikan flute and Commander Nella Daren on roll-up piano.
It was later orchestrated for the 30th anniversary of Star Trek, and that is the work featured here. As an aside, I’m reminded of a similar melody: “The Skye Boat Song”, better-known as “Over the sea to Skye” (old Scottish song).
In some of the Enterprise images I was influenced by Stanley Kubrick’s balletic spacecraft sequences in his film “2001”. I was stunned by what he did in the late 1960’s in terms of imagery, and I remain so today, notwithstanding advances in technology.
I hope you enjoy, and please forgive my partial treatment of the Star Trek characters – just my take in the context of this music.
Update: courtesy of informed comments here, the composer of this piece is Jay Chattaway.
This recording is available in the US here: The Best Of Star Trek: 30th Anniversary Special! Original TV Soundtrack Enhanced CD, Enhanced Star Trek (Related Recordings) Format: Audio CD
Scope Creep and Public Corruption Lead to JFK’s 1963 War
Scope Creep and Public Corruption Lead to JFK’s 1963 shooting War [ongoing] against the FBI, CIA, US DOD and related agencies of the Deep State.
More book authors and historians are comeing to this perspective as well
Intelligence Agencies including IC relationships and ownership of Defense Industrial companies and even media companies (for PsyOps Propoganda purposes) because a corrupt power in themselves.
Riddled with vice and prostitution, gun and drug running, assasionations and mafia, a bacterial filth of sewage of a society emerged.
Timothy McVeigh has been the only true victor in the fight. The Consolidation of Power the worlds most dangerous criminals have achievbed in US Government have created drug addicted tatoo covered psychpathos of Gang Stalking criminals using poisonings and mafia thugs to bulldoze the rule of law, journalism, and patriotism in the USA.
The origins of the Scope Creep and Special Relationship with England began from 1902 to 1932 and with the New Deal began to become more easily hidden and more dangerous.
FDR was a key player in this along with the Dulles brothers. Today I believe in killing police officers and fire as acts of war against them. Nothing will ever change my mind on that and I have held that opinion openly for at least 20 years and repeatedly stated it in court I think every time I have been to court.
The Cabal has consolidated power including control of the media establishment.
It is my belief that the government simple is armed while I am not and has public cooperation and I do not, and like with Ghandi I have to find the power of non-violence and like glider rather than a powred plane, try to float on the air rather than push my way through, being areodynamic, my argument supporting me.
I resent the US disinterest in the death of Jen More and Ted Gunderson. I belive no duty exists greater than killing polce and fire and EMS. I am glad to see growing Targeted Individual groups able to explain what the threat is – and how the threat dressess, what uniforms they wear and how they use illegal tactics.
Commentary by Edward Donegan from available sources
Majestic 12 was probably 12 members of the Windsor family in 1946 and the amazing Rolls Royce plane engines, British aviation, RADAR of Dover, etc.,
Prince Philip will marry the daughter of the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother Elizabeth married to speech Defect Prince Albert of Wales. Younger brother of Edward of Wales who abdicated. Princess Elizabeth daughter of Albert of York King George VI will marry Philip her Consort and become Queen Elizabeth II in 1952
George V Mary of Tek Romania QE Queen Mother
Born: June 3, 1865, Marlborough House, London, United Kingdom
Children Edward VIII of Wales and Prince Abert of York. Upon Edward VIII abdicating, Albert of York dispiate his Minimal Brain Disfucntion becomes King Geroge VI, dying in 1952. His wife helped along since 1925, and is the Queen Mother.
George VI
Princess Elizabeth QEII and Prince Phillip
In 1946 1947 they engage and marry, the Crown Jewels program is begun as Engalnd and USA have been working on the Manhattan Projec during the war and continue a Special Relationship afterwards, Subversion teams moving out of wedlock (since 1902 and 1926) biological bastard children become sleepers and agents of influence worldwide.
Secretly Norma Jean and Glorian Donegan and likely Julie Andrews. At least two by Maria Kutschera and in the USA North Carolina Born.
Coupling FOXP2 Minimal Brain Dysfuction Lineage
In 1939, King George VI (aka Prince Albert of York, Younger brother of abdicated Edward of Wales, Albert the Kings Speech Defect of 1925_ and Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother his speech defect advocate toured the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth.
During the 1939 visit, the Queen and Lord Louis Mountbatten asked his nephew Philip to escort the royal couple’s daughters, Elizabeth and Margaret, who were Philip’s third cousins through Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and second cousins once removed through King Christian IX of Denmark.[37] Princess Elizabeth future Queen Elizibeth, fell in love with Philip, and they began to exchange letters when she was 13.
Eventually, in the summer of 1946, Philip asked George VI (Prince Albert of Wales now King)for his daughter’s hand in marriage. The King granted his request, provided that any formal engagement be delayed until Elizabeth’s 21st birthday the following April. By March 1947, Philip had adopted the surname Mountbatten from his mother’s family and had stopped using his Greek and Danish royal titles upon becoming a naturalised British subject. The engagement was announced to the public on 9 July 1947.
Now a very powerful Free Mason is wife of Queen Elizabeth II who will gain power and gain MKULTRA in 1952 as all sorts of things happen.
Later Coooper will say and it is documented and fits DiVinci codes Eisenbower will sign on likely with Robert Mahue of TWA and other Free Mason in Aerospace for technology sharing, etc.,
retrieved from and copied or modified to here
UFO Scholarly Debate, Investigation and the Oppenheimer-Einstein Report June 1947
Considering the above, it therefore seems sensible that UFOs should be the subject of scholarly debate and scientific investigation. Instead, what we see today is an internet full of fake images, hoax videos, sensational Hollywood movies and misinformation that makes it virtually impossible for a legitimate researcher to separate fact from the very large haystack of fiction.
It also appears that our governments are not exactly forthcoming when it comes to offering information about their own research on the matter. We only need to look at the CIA announcement in August 2013 that Area 51 does exist, despite decades of denying its existence while brandishing anyone who dared to suggest it as a mere conspiracy theorist. Fortunately, there do exist some scientifically-driven organizations, such as SETI and MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), which take an objective approach to the study of UFOs.
Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer in 1947. (James Vaughan / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
This brings us to an unclassified top secret document written by Robert Oppenheimer, an American theoretical physicist, and Albert Einstein , a German theoretical physicist. Together they wrote a joint report entitled “[Special Classified] Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies [Windsor Palace and Free Masons]”.
[The text of the letter suggests what Linda Newkirk, ally of George Bush said when she discussed Spiritual Code a she refers to DNA, that if it were spread aroun the world a as British Biocolonies and similarly minded group may emerge who would accept colonialism as part of a secretie world family. This may be differing both bilogially can culturally from nativism that may have differing evolutionary innate psychology in reactions to foreign peoples, recognition of foreign peoples, or social conduct in territorialism.]
The six-page document is the first archival evidence to use the phrase “Extraterrestrial Biological Entities” or EBEs. Dated June 1947, the Oppenheimer-Einstein report states that the presence of unidentified spacecraft is accepted as de facto by the military.
The Oppenheimer-Einstein report deals with issues related to UFOs and extraterrestrials: Where extra-terrestrials may come from, what the law say about it, what we should do in the event of colonization and/or integration of peoples, and why they are here. The document suggests that in the event that EBE’s desire to settle here on earth there will be “profound change in traditional concepts” of law and the possible need for a new “Law Among Planetary Peoples.”
Section of the 1947 Oppenheimer and Einstein report. ( Public domain )
The Importance of the Oppenheimer-Einstein Report for UFO Scholarship
This document is important for two reasons. The first reason is that it addresses the possibility of life on other planets in a very logical and coherent way, before exploring what such a realization would mean. It also raises questions about why, if respected scientists such as Oppenheimer and Einstein are able to approach the subject in an academic way, are we unable to engage in such sensible discussion today?
The analysis presented by Oppenheimer and Einstein indicates that “disclosure” of extraterrestrial existence could cause irreversible damage to society. This raises the possibility that our governments today may already know of extraterrestrial existence but have considered the same issues raised by Oppenheimer and Einstein and ruled against public disclosure.
If humanity were told that that intelligent extraterrestrial beings not only exist but have been visiting our planets for thousands of years, what would happen. Could it be that confronted with such evidence would cause social upheaval in the domains of religion, society, law, and finance? If not addressed properly, could this cause chaos on planet Earth?
There are many questions that still need answers. The document suggests that EBEs could be more intelligent and technologically advanced than us, and asks why, if this were the case, they come to Earth in the first place? Would it be to conquer and inhabit Earth, to peacefully cooperate with humans, or to study us in the same way that we study any new species that we encounter? The document considers, if their civilization is more advanced than ours, how could a co-occupation of Earth be feasible?
Portion of the Oppenheimer and Einstein report, penned in 1947. ( Public domain )
Enrico Fermi looks out his Columbia University New York City window to Manhattan Islenad and decides on the name Manhattan Project as he looks at the beach of the island. Columbia University the US Contractor on atomic pile research, and mostly a British institution, will team with Harvard. This will be the Special Relationship. There is one more. Yale is working on Cryptography along with Bletchley Park and linguists. The British and Americans will decide there is lots on the table to share, including language and grammar around the world. They British and the US including psycho-metrics and understanding and manipulation leaders and populations are part of PsyOps.
Rejoin the USA and England across the pond and work together in the world. Welcome to Majic 12 and the agreements with 33 Aliens the Windsors and Scottish Rites from all of Europe and the USA.
In 1946 it is decided that future wars can be averted by surgical strikes at communist leaders and movements, pre-empting rising communist states. Further; the long term strategy of the British of crippling enemies economically will help subue them as nations as was done with Republic of Ireland and the sqaulid populations that worked the lands. This scheme embraced by Rockefeller, Kissinger, and others. Harvard and the Atomic Bomb For 70 years, the light a Harvard president helped ignite has continued to burn. Entire movements have sprung to extinguish it, as have generations of academics; neither have succeeded.
A cosmic phenomena like an eclipse.”
Maybe there would be no atomic bomb. That, at least, was the hope of James Bryant Conant, 23rd president of Harvard, as he set out to write an informal secret history of the bomb in 1943. That document, “A History of the Development of an Atomic Bomb,” was never published. Declassified in 1960, a copy exists on microfilm in the basement of Lamont Library.
“Everyone concerned with the project would feel greatly relieved and thoroughly delighted if something would develop to prove the impossibility of such an atomic explosive,” Conant, a former assistant managing editor of The Crimson, wrote.
In the early years of the Second World War, Conant chaired the S-1 Executive Committee, the branch of the Office of Scientific Research and Development tasked with overseeing nuclear weapons research. After S-1 transferred its jurisdiction to the Army, and focus shifted from research to development, Conant became a scientific advisor to the Manhattan Project and a member of the Military Policy Committee. Besides overseeing progress, Conant was responsible for recruiting top scientific talent to the burgeoning Project, whose cardinal aim was to produce an atomic bomb. One of the scientists he brought in was J. Robert Oppenheimer ’26.
But by the time Conant – a member of the class of 1914 – started writing his informal history, he had vacillated between skepticism, dread, and conviction for years.
Conant’s first consideration was the War. He was an ardent nationalist and a hawk. His vision of the future involved the United States “armed to the teeth, belligerent and running the world,” as he wrote in his diary in June 1940. He had been an advocate for U.S. intervention in the Second World War at a time when isolationism was still the reigning precept guiding the American public. In a speech to Harvard students in the fall of 1940, Conant argued “war is not the worst possibility we face; the worst is the complete triumph of totalitarianism.”
The possibility of nuclear weapons, and the possibility that Germany would achieve them before the United States, exacerbated Conant’s anxiety about the war. Conant did not initially want an atomic bomb, and he doubted scientists could make one. But if there had to be one, he felt that the U.S. should get there first.
“The enormity of the light quite stunned me.”
Conant was also worried about what the success or failure of the Manhattan Project would augur for higher education. Conant’s vision of the postwar American golden age was a meritocratic one, with higher education at its core. What Conant realized was that his and his colleagues’ entrenchment in the project tied their fates directly to the bomb. Physicist Arthur Compton later wrote that “[a]s president of Harvard University, [Conant’s] word was representative of American scientific scholarship. To guess wrong could mean incalculable damage to the nation’s respect for its men of learning.”
Witnesses to the Trinity test, the inaugural atomic bomb experiment in 1945 portrayed in “Oppenheimer,” described the billowing blast in various ways. It was said to resemble a chimney, a parasol, a raspberry and – shades of science fiction – a “convoluting brain.” The physicist Enrico Fermi and others likened the furiously rising cloud in the New Mexico desert to a mushroom, and that became the shape now inextricably associated with nuclear explosions.
‘Oppenheimer’ film highlights Columbia Physics’ Manhattan Project Legacy [headline from movie review]
The Manhattan Project was a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada. From 1942 to 1946, the project was under the direction of Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The nuclear physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer was the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory that designed the bombs. The Army component was designated the Manhattan District, as its first headquarters were in Manhattan New York City
The discovery of nuclear fission by German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in 1938, and its theoretical explanation by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch, made the development of an atomic bomb a theoretical possibility. There were fears that a German atomic bomb project would develop one first, especially among scientists who were refugees from Nazi Germany and other fascist countries.
In August 1939, Hungarian-born physicists Leo Szilard and Eugene Wigner drafted the Einstein-Szilard letter, which warned of the potential development of “extremely powerful bombs of a new type”. It urged the United States to take steps to acquire stockpiles of uranium ore and accelerate the research of Enrico Fermi and others into nuclear chain reactions.
They had it signed by Albert Einstein and delivered to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt called on Lyman Briggs of the National Bureau of Standards to head the Advisory Committee on Uranium to investigate the issues raised by the letter. Briggs held a meeting on 21 October 1939, which was attended by Szilárd, Wigner and Edward Teller. The committee reported back to Roosevelt in November that uranium “would provide a possible source of bombs with a destructiveness vastly greater than anything now known.”
The S-1 Committee
By the time Bush received the MAUD Committee Report, the administrative structure of U.S. uranium research had drastically changed. On June 28, 1941, just days after the German army invaded the Soviet Union, President Roosevelt established the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), with Bush at its head. The NDRC, now led by James Conant, was reorganized as an advisory body to the OSRD. The Uranium Committee became the OSRD Section on Uranium, or the S-1 Committee Vannevar Bush
The MAUD Committee Report was the proof that Bush and Conant had been waiting for, and they quickly moved to verify its results. With the help of a committee from the National Academy of Sciences led by Arthur Compton and including Enrico Fermi, Leo Szilard, and Eugene Wigner, they were able to confirm by early December that a bomb could theoretically be built for wartime use. After the attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, large scale work on the bomb project was a foregone conclusion.
The S-1 Committee formally held its first meeting on December 18, 1941, signaling an official shift from the research phase of the project. As Conant noted, “the atmosphere was charged with excitement – the country had been at war nine days, an expansion of the S-1 program was now an accomplished matter. Enthusiasm and optimism reigned” (Rhodes 398). The meeting also marked the beginning of wartime secrecy for the project, as the committee established a basic code for its notes: plutonium was “copper”, U-235 “magnesium,” and uranium “tube alloy” (a reference to the code name for the British Atomic Bomb Project).
Nevertheless, as the project progressed from research to development, Bush and Conant realized that the S-1 Committee did not have the resources for full-scale construction. They eventually opted to turn to the Army for support, leading to the establishment of the Manhattan Engineer District under the command of General Leslie Groves. Atomic Heritage Foundation
Image: Enrico Fermi, John R. Dunning, and Dana P. Mitchell in front of the cyclotron in the basement of Pupin Hall at Columbia University, 1940
A cyclotron is a type of (cirucluar reather than linear) particle accelerator invented by Ernest Lawrence in 1929-1930 at the University of California, Berkeley, and patented in 1932. A cyclotron accelerates charged particles outwards from the center of a flat cylindrical vacuum chamber along a spiral path. Wikipedia Ed Donegan went to Head Royce near Lawerence livermore lab as part of Head Roys and family acivities visited and played on the outdoor Cyclotron James Donegan explained by a physics fan and student.
King George II of England granted a royal charter to create King’s College in 1754. From its first class of eight students, the institution educated the leaders of colonial society as well as some who had major roles in establishing the nation. Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and Robert Livingston were among some of King College’s first students and trustees.
After an eight-year hiatus due to the American Revolution, the institution was renamed Columbia College in 1784 in patriotic reference to explorer Christopher Columbus; 112 years later, Columbia College would become Columbia University. Today, it’s the oldest institution of higher education in New York state and the fifth oldest nationwide.
It remains tied to British history and uses a Crown and Square and Compass as logo, these themselves part of Washington D.C. history and two squares drafting tools making the original shape of Washington D.C., District of Columbia.
While Columbia Physics worked on the atomic bomb Princeton and Yale worked on linguistics and cryptography. at least as major vectors, participation was widespread.
In February 1940, the U.S. Navy awarded Columbia University $6,000 in funding, most of which Enrico Fermi and Szilard spent on purchasing graphite. A team of Columbia professors including Fermi, Szilard, Eugene T. Booth and John Dunning created the first nuclear fission reaction in the Americas, verifying the work of Hahn and Strassmann. The same team subsequently built a series of prototype nuclear reactors (or “piles” as Fermi called them) in Pupin Hall at Columbia, but were not yet able to achieve a chain reaction. The Advisory Committee on Uranium became the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) on Uranium when that organization was formed on 27 June 1940.
Briggs proposed spending $167,000 on research into uranium, particularly the uranium-235 isotope, and plutonium, which was discovered in 1940 at the University of California. On 28 June 1941, Roosevelt signed Executive Order 8807, which created the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), with Vannevar Bush as its director. The office was empowered to engage in large engineering projects in addition to research.
The NDRC Committee on Uranium became the S-1 Section of the OSRD; the word “uranium” was dropped for security reasons.
In June 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Office of Scientific Research and Development under the leadership of Vannevar Bush (OSRD), at it incorporated the NDRC, now under James B. Conant. The Uranium Committee became the Uranium Section of the OSRD, which was soon renamed the S-1 Section for security reasons.
In Britain, Frisch and Rudolf Peierls at the University of Birmingham had made a breakthrough investigating the critical mass of uranium-235 in June 1939. Their calculations indicated that it was within an order of magnitude of 10 kilograms (22 lb), which was small enough to be carried by a bomber of the day. Their March 1940 Frisch-Peierls memorandum initiated the British atomic bomb project and its MAUD Committee, which unanimously recommended pursuing the development of an atomic bomb.
In July 1940, Britain had offered to give the United States access to its scientific research, and the Tizard Mission’s John Cockcroft briefed American scientists on British developments. He discovered that the American project was smaller than the British, and not as far advanced.
As part of the scientific exchange, the MAUD Committee’s findings were conveyed to the United States. One of its members, the Australian physicist Mark Oliphant, flew to the United States in late August 1941 and discovered that data provided by the MAUD Committee had not reached key American physicists. Oliphant then set out to find out why the committee’s findings were apparently being ignored. He met with the Uranium Committee and visited Berkeley, California, where he spoke persuasively to Ernest O. Lawrence. Lawrence was sufficiently impressed to commence his own research into uranium. He in turn spoke to James B. Conant, Arthur H. Compton and George B. Pegram. Oliphant’s mission was therefore a success; key American physicists were now aware of the potential power of an atomic bomb.
On 9 October 1941, President Roosevelt approved the atomic program after he convened a meeting with Vannevar Bush and Vice President Henry A. Wallace. To control the program, he created a Top Policy Group consisting of himself – although he never attended a meeting – Wallace, Bush, Conant, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, and the Chief of Staff of the Army, General George C. Marshall. Roosevelt chose the Army to run the project rather than the Navy, because the Army had more experience with management of large-scale construction projects. He also agreed to coordinate the effort with that of the British, and on 11 October he sent a message to Prime Minister Winston Churchill, suggesting that they correspond on atomic matters.
image March 1940 meeting at Berkeley, California: Ernest O. Lawrence, Arthur H. Compton, Vannevar Bush, James B. Conant, Karl T. Compton, and Alfred L. Loomis
The S-1 Committee held its meeting on 18 December 1941 “pervaded by an atmosphere of enthusiasm and urgency”[21] in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent United States declaration of war upon Japan and then on Germany.[22] Work was proceeding on three different techniques for isotope separation to separate uranium-235 from the more abundant uranium-238. Lawrence and his team at the University of California investigated electromagnetic separation, while Eger Murphree and Jesse Wakefield Beams’s team looked into gaseous diffusion at Columbia University, and Philip Abelson directed research into thermal diffusion at the Carnegie Institution of Washington and later the Naval Research Laboratory.[23] Murphree was also the head of an unsuccessful separation project using gas centrifuges.
Meanwhile, there were two lines of research into nuclear reactor technology, with Harold Urey continuing research into heavy water at Columbia, while Arthur Compton brought the scientists working under his supervision from Columbia, California and Princeton University to join his team at the University of Chicago, where he organized the Metallurgical Laboratory in early 1942 to study plutonium and reactors using graphite as a neutron moderator.[25] Briggs, Compton, Lawrence, Murphree, and Urey met on 23 May 1942, to finalize the S-1 Committee recommendations, which called for all five technologies to be pursued. This was approved by Bush, Conant, and Brigadier General Wilhelm D. Styer, the chief of staff of Major General Brehon B. Somervell’s Services of Supply, who had been designated the Army’s representative on nuclear matters.
Bush and Conant then took the recommendation to the Top Policy Group with a budget proposal for $54 million for construction by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, $31 million for research and development by OSRD and $5 million for contingencies in fiscal year 1943. The Top Policy Group sent it on 17 June 1942, to the President, who approved it by writing “OK FDR” on the document.
Bomb design concepts
A series of doodles
Different fission bomb assembly methods explored during the July 1942 conference Compton asked theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer of the University of California to take over research into fast neutron calculations – the key to calculations of critical mass and weapon detonation – from Gregory Breit, who had quit on 18 May 1942 because of concerns over lax operational security.[26] John H. Manley, a physicist at the Metallurgical Laboratory, was assigned to assist Oppenheimer by contacting and coordinating experimental physics groups scattered across the country.[27] Oppenheimer and Robert Serber of the University of Illinois examined the problems of neutron diffusion – how neutrons moved in a nuclear chain reaction – and hydrodynamics – how the explosion produced by a chain reaction might behave.
To review this work and the general theory of fission reactions, Oppenheimer and Fermi convened meetings at the University of Chicago in June and at the University of California in July 1942 with theoretical physicists Hans Bethe, John Van Vleck, Edward Teller, Emil Konopinski, Robert Serber, Stan Frankel, and Eldred C. (Carlyle) Nelson, the latter three former students of Oppenheimer, and experimental physicists Emilio Segrè, Felix Bloch, Franco Rasetti, John Henry Manley, and Edwin McMillan. They tentatively confirmed that a fission bomb was theoretically possible.
Leslie Groves retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here
Leslie Richard Groves Jr. (17 August 1896 – 13 July 1970) was a United States Army Corps of Engineers officer who oversaw the construction of the Pentagon and directed the Manhattan Project, a top secret research project that developed the atomic bomb during World War II.
The son of a U.S. Army chaplain, Groves lived at various Army posts during his childhood. In 1918, he graduated fourth in his class at the United States Military Academy at West Point and was commissioned into the United States Army Corps of Engineers. In 1929, he went to Nicaragua as part of an expedition to conduct a survey for the Inter-Oceanic Nicaragua Canal. Following the 1931 earthquake, Groves took over Managua’s water supply system, for which he was awarded the Nicaraguan Presidential Medal of Merit. He attended the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, in 1935 and 1936, and the Army War College in 1938 and 1939, after which he was posted to the War Department General Staff. Groves developed “a reputation as a doer, a driver, and a stickler for duty”.[1] In 1940 he became special assistant for construction to the Quartermaster General, tasked with inspecting construction sites and checking on their progress. In August 1941, he was appointed to create the gigantic office complex for the War Department’s 40,000 staff that would ultimately become the Pentagon.
In September 1942, Groves took charge of the Manhattan Project. He was involved in most aspects of the atomic bomb’s development: he participated in the selection of sites for research and production at Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Los Alamos, New Mexico; and Hanford, Washington. He directed the enormous construction effort, made critical decisions on the various methods of isotope separation, acquired raw materials, directed the collection of military intelligence on the German nuclear energy project and helped select the cities in Japan that were chosen as targets. Groves wrapped the Manhattan Project in security, but spies working within the project were able to pass some of its most important secrets to the Soviet Union.
After the war, Groves remained in charge of the Manhattan Project until responsibility for nuclear weapons production was handed over to the United States Atomic Energy Commission in 1947. He then headed the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, which had been created to control the military aspects of nuclear weapons. He was given a dressing down by the Chief of Staff of the Army, General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, on the basis of various complaints, and told that he would never be appointed Chief of Engineers. Three days later, Groves announced his intention to leave the Army. He was promoted to lieutenant general just before his retirement on 29 February 1948 in recognition of his leadership of the bomb program. By a special Act of Congress, his date of rank was backdated to 16 July 1945, the date of the Trinity nuclear test. He went on to become a vice-president at Sperry Rand.

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Chapter 6
The Assassinations of Robert Kennedy
and Dr. Martin Luther King and Lyndon B. Johnson’s Withdrawal in 1968
The Power Control Group faced several dangers in 1968. While President Johnson had cooperated fully with their desires in Viet Nam and in other parts of the world, he had not met their requirements in other areas. He had gone too far in appeasing the blacks and had shown some signs of giving in to the young people in America in early 1968. Through threats to expose his role in covering up the truth about the JFK assassination or personal threats to the safety of his family, the Group forced his withdrawal from the 1968 election race. Their plan now was to install Richard Nixon as president at all costs.
Robert Kennedy and Dr. King posed real threats to this plan. Dr. King was beginning a movement in the direction of a coalition with Malcom X followers and other black militant groups. He was speaking out against the Viet Nam war. His influence might help defeat Nixon at the polls. So the Power Control Group created an environment in which he could be assassinated by his arch enemies.
After Ray was identified and arrested in London, Hoover and the Justice Department had to manufacture some evidence to get Ray back to the U.S. They had no qualms about bribing one witness, Charlie Stevens, to do this. They forced him to say he had seen Ray. Then a new problem arose. Ray began telling the truth to his lawyer and a writer, William Bradford Huie. He almost 9/19/23, 11:04 AM Chapter 6, The Assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King and LyndoB. Johnson’s Withdrawal in 1968, revealed Frenchy’s true identity. The Power Control Group, led by J. Edgar Hoover, solved this problem by getting rid of Ray’s lawyer, Arthur Hanes, and they hired Percy Foreman to keep Ray quiet. They also were forced to pay off or frighten off author Huie who had by then become convinced Ray was telling him the truth. Huie had found several witnesses who had seen Ray and Frenchy together.
The group got Foreman to talk Ray into pleading guilty and Huie to retract his conspiracy talk and publish an article and a book claiming Ray was the lone assassin. Ever since Ray was put away for 99 years, the FBI and the Power Control Group have been hard at work covering up the truth, bribing or influencing judges who have heard Ray’s appeals for a trial, publishing disinformation like Gerold Franck’s book, An American Assassin, suppressing evidence, and placing key witnesses in psychiatric wards. It is still going on. They have killed at least one reporter — Louis Lomax — who was getting too close to the truth. The local D.A., Phil Canale, was brought into the conspiracy along with Percy Foreman, Judge Battle, Fred Vinson (who extradited Ray, using Stevens’ false affidavit), and local authorities who committed Grace Walden Stevens to a mental institution because she knew Charlie had been dead drunk and saw nothing.
The mechanics of the assassination are as follows: Youngblood and Frenchy recruited Ray in Montreal for smuggling drugs into the U.S. from Mexico and Canada. They recruited him in the assassination plan in such a way as to make him believe they were smuggling guns to Cuba.
Frenchy (Ray knew him as Raoul) set up Ray as a patsy by planting evidence with Ray’s prints on it near the fake firing point. He persuaded Ray to rent a room opposite Dr. King’s motel, to buy a rifle with telescopic sight, and a white Mustang, and park the Mustang outside the rooming house to wait for Frenchy to come out. Youngblood stationed himself on a grassy knoll beneath the rooming house where Frenchy was located. When King came out on his balcony, Youngblood killed him with one shot fired at an upward angle. Frenchy ran from his perch overlooking King’s balcony. He made plenty of noise to attract attention, and dropped a bag full of items with Ray’s prints on them in front of an amusement parlor next door to the rooming house.
Frenchy must have had some anxious moments then because Ray had driven the Mustang to a gas station a few blocks away to have a low tire pumped up. Three witnesses remember his being there. When Ray returned, not yet knowing what had happened, Frenchy told him to drive away toward the edge of town where Frenchy got out of the back seat. Ray drove on to Atlanta with the intention of meeting Frenchy there.
Meanwhile, Youngblood mingled with the crowd under King’s balcony and then faded away. A false trail was created by another member of the team who drove away in a second white Mustang and then created a fake auto chase on the police band radio. Youngblood was tracked down by various reporters in early 1976 and began negotiating to tell his story for a very high price. Meanwhile, judge after judge and court after court keep turning down Bernard Fensterwald and James Cesar, Ray’s new lawyers, who appealed for a new trial.
All of the information above has been reported with factual evidence backing it up in several articles, one book, and at Ray’s legal hearing for a new trial in Memphis in 1975.[2] After Dr. King was eliminated, the Power Control Group faced a much greater threat. Robert Kennedy began his quest for the presidency. There was little doubt in the minds of anyone in the Group that Kennedy would be nominated as Democratic candidate at the convention, and would have a very good chance of defeating Richard Nixon. This would be a near certainty if Eugene McCarthy decided to drop out and support Senator Kennedy. Robert Kennedy represented a double threat to the Group in that he would undoubtedly expose them after becoming president and seize control.
The plan they adopted was again to create an environment in which it would be easy for an enemy like the Minutemen or the Mafia or certain local hate groups in California to assassinate RFK and get away with it by setting up another patsy. Available at the time was a CIA agent planted inside the Los Angeles police department. Strong influence was brought to bear on chief of police, Ed Davis, to remove all official protection for Senator Kennedy in the Ambassador Hotel.
Arrangements were made for the Ace Guard Service to supply three extreme right wing, militant guards at the hotel to guard the Senator after his victory speech. One of these was Thane Eugene Cesar, a known Kennedy hater and friend of a group of Southern California Minutemen. He was 9/19/23, 11:04 AM Chapter 6, The Assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King and Lyndon B. Johnson’s Withdrawal in 1968, also almost certainly a CIA contract agent or “blind” assassin. At the same time another group was recruited to hypnotize Sirhan Sirhan and to program him for firing some shots in Robert Kennedy’s direction.
Two hypnotists and at least three other people were involved in the framing of Sirhan. Cesar killed Robert Kennedy from behind while Sirhan was firing under hypnosis from in front of the Senator. His programmed signal was given by a girl in a polka dot dress and another young Arabic man with them in the pantry.
After the crime, the FBI, the CIA agent (Manny Pena), the District Attorney’s office (Evelle Younger and Joseph Busch) and the Los Angeles Police Department (Ed Davis, Robert Houghton and others), knowing the truth, all teamed up to suppress all other evidence except that which was aimed at framing Sirhan. The Power Control Group has since wielded its influence to keep the RFK case under wraps. They pushed legislation through the California legislature to lock up the evidence. They put Thomas Noguchi, the L.A. County Coroner who wouldn’t keep quiet about the autopsy evidence which proved conspiracy, in an insane asylum. They arranged for the FBI report on the assassination to be classified and locked up. They killed at least one person who knew what had happened. They controlled the media on the subject, especially the Los Angeles Times through its owner, Norman Chandler, and his friend Evelle Younger, who became California State Attorney General.
After Al Lowenstein, Jerry Brown, Paul Schrade, Vincent Bugliosi, Robert Vaughn, Tom Bradley and others began to try to expose the truth, the Group fought back by setting up their own expert ballistics panel and buying or frightening them into distorting the evidence proving there were two guns fired. The Group is certainly not through yet. More planted disinformation can be expected and more bribing of judges and expert witnesses. There may be more killings. Cesar’s life and the lives of the two hypnotists won’t be worth much if they ever start talking.
Pillory epub
As the shooting began, security guard Thane Eugene Cesar was standing behind and slightly to the right of Kennedy, in the exact firing position described by the autopsy. Several witnesses observed Cesar drawing his weapon and one witness saw him fire. He was interviewed within hours by the LAPD but they never checked his gun. Cesar claimed he was carrying a .38 caliber revolver that night but he also owned a .22 caliber revolver at the time. Cesar later lied saying he had sold the .22 four months prior to the assassination but the sales receipt proved he actually sold it three months afterwards. He also told the buyer it had been involved in a “police shooting.”
Thane Eugene Cesar held extreme right-wing views, supported George Wallace for President and openly admitted hating the Kennedys. At that time, he was working at Lockheed, home of the U-2 spy plane, with a high-level security clearance from the Department of Defense. A week before the assassination, he took a part-time job working evenings as a security guard for Ace Guard Service. Kennedy was assassinated on Cesar’s second assignment.
Ed remained interested in Archery most of his young life being on a team in Higschool and having Greek statue interests in concepts of internal and exeternal life and the body. Though he (I) used weighted points I kept strictly to practice ranges.
The assassination
The assassination of Robert Kennedy seemed, at first blush, to leave little room for mystery. Everyone near Kennedy saw Sirhan Sirhan firing towards him. But for those watching closely, and for those who would later wonder if there was more to the story, there was abundant reason to look beyond first appearances.
Just after midnight on June 5th, 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, after Senator Kennedy had won the California Democratic primary and thanked his assembled supporters, assistant maitre d’ Karl Uecker led him through a dimly lit kitchen pantry en route to a press conference. Thane Eugene Cesar, a security guard hired for the night, followed Kennedy closely behind, holding the senator’s right elbow and appearing to guide him.
As Kennedy stopped at the edge of a steam table to shake hands with kitchen workers, a 24-year-old Palestinian Christian, Sirhan Sirhan (who had moved to the LA area as a child}, began firing at Kennedy from several feet in front of him. After two shots, Uecker grabbed Sirhan’s arm and, with the help of others, pushed him down onto the steam table, pinning his gun hand. Though his hand was pinned down and pointed away from Kennedy, Sirhan continued firing wildly injuring five bystanders. According to the eyewitness testimony, Sirhan’s gun always remained one and a half to five feet in front of the senator while the coroner’s report determined Kennedy was hit three times from behind, with the fatal shot to the back of his head at point blank range of l to 3 inches. He died 26 hours later.[1]
autopsy indicates a second gunman
According to respected LA County Coroner Dr. Thomas Noguchi, who performed the official autopsy, the three bullets that entered Kennedy’s body were fired from behind him at close range. The fatal shot, Noguchi concluded, was fired from approximately one to three inches behind Kennedy’s right ear, penetrating his brain. Two other bullets entered his right armpit and a fourth went through the shoulder pad of his jacket.[2]
Paul Schrade, a United Auto Workers Union executive, walking behind Kennedy, was struck by a different bullet altogether. Witnesses saw Schrade fall before the senator did, suggesting Schrade was hit by the first shot from Sirhan’s gun.[3] Noguchi later stated that he believed the fifth shot killed Kennedy. Since Uecker had grabbed Sirhan’s firing hand after the second shot and, with help from others, pinned his arm to a table in front of Kennedy, Sirhan could not have fired the fifth and fatal shot from behind at point blank range.
In the 1970s, Schrade, along with actor Robert Vaughan and former Congressman, Allard Lowenstein, requested that the LAPD and California courts reopen the case. They were repeatedly denied. Now, at the age of 96, Schrade has long ago forgiven Sirhan for shooting him and has made it his life’s work to seek parole for Sirhan and to reopen the case to determine RFK’s actual killer. He is supported by attorney Denise Bohdan whose father, Fernando Faura, was a journalist at the Ambassador Hotel that night. Faura uncovered significant evidence indicating an accomplice with Sirhan who was never investigated by the authorities. In fact, witnesses to the accomplice were browbeaten by the LAPD investigator to change their accounts.
Reacting to the news of Cesar’s death, Robert Kennedy’s son, RFK Jr., revealed he “hod plans to meet Thane Eugene Cesar in the Philippines until he demanded $25,000 through his agent Don Moldea … ,” adding that “Compelling evidence suggests that Cesar murdered my father… Police hove never seriously investigated Cesar’s role in my father’s killing.”9
bullet count proves multiple gunman
In addition to the three gunshots hitting Kennedy from behind and a fourth bullet that passed through his coat, five other people were shot and injured, totaling nine shots. Sirhan’s .22 caliber gun only held eight bullets so another person would have had to be shooting as well. Within hours, FBI agent William Bailey found two additional bullets lodged in the pantry door frame, increasing the bullet count to 11.[4] Police and FBI photographs showing two more bullet holes in the pantry door divider and another hole in the jamb of a backstage door suggested four more shots may have been fired.[5] Additionally, two witnesses reported hearing at least 12 shots.
In 2005, an expert audio engineer, Philip Van Praag, laboriously examined a sound recording of the shooting and made several important discoveries. There were 13 “shot sounds,” with two instances of “double shots” (shots fired so closely together, they could not have come from the same gun). He also determined that five of the shots were fired from the opposite direction of Sirhan’s eight shots, indicating that they were fired from behind Kennedy.[6]
the suspicious security guard
As the shooting began, security guard Thane Eugene Cesar was standing behind and slightly to the right of Kennedy, in the exact firing position described by the autopsy. Several witnesses observed Cesar drawing his weapon and one witness saw him fire. He was interviewed within hours by the LAPD but they never checked his gun. Cesar claimed he was carrying a .38 caliber revolver that night but he also owned a .22 caliber revolver at the time. Cesar later lied saying he had sold the .22 four months prior to the assassination but the sales receipt proved he actually sold it three months afterwards. He also told the buyer it had been involved in a “police shooting.”
Thane Eugene Cesar held extreme right-wing views, supported George Wallace for President and openly admitted hating the Kennedys. At that time, he was working at Lockheed, home of the U-2 spy plane, with a high-level security clearance from the Department of Defense. A week before the assassination, he took a part-time job working evenings as a security guard for Ace Guard Service. Kennedy was assassinated on Cesar’s second assignment.
Given this incriminating information, Cesar remains a key suspect as a second gunman. Dan Moldea, the author of a book presenting Sirhan as a lone assassin, claims Cesar passed a polygraph test that proved his innocence.[7] However, Moldea has never been willing to release the results of that test, calling into question its existence and, if so, its actual results. Announcing Cesar’s death in 2019 in the Philippines on Facebook, Moldea disclosed he was the godfather to Cesar’s son, handled his media inquiries and held his Power of Attorney.[8]
Reacting to the news of Cesar’s death, Robert Kennedy’s son, RFK Jr., revealed he “had plans to meet Thane Eugene Cesar in the Philippines until he demanded $25,000 through his agent Dan Moldea … ,” adding that “Compelling evidence suggests that Cesar murdered my father … Police have never seriously investigated Cesar’s role in my father’s killing.”[9]
These sessions also produced new evidence of “range mode” programming possibly used to set up Sirhan as a distraction in the pantry, while a second gunman fired the fatal shot from an inch behind Kennedy’s right ear. After Brown identified physical and verbal cues, on three occasions, Sirhan assumed a firing stance, entered “range mode” and fired at imagined targets, as Brown believes he did on the night of the assassination. Brown also believes Sirhan was conditioned to forget his actions and connections to others involved while in this dissociated state. He believes the girl in the polka dress, who was seen with Sirhan and later running away from the crime scene, gave Sirhan the cues to enter “range mode” and fire involuntarily at Kennedy, with no conscious intent to kill him.21
a possible high-level consiirator
Authors David Talbot (“Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years”) and Lisa Pease (“A Lie Too Big to Foil”) hove identified Howard Hughes’ right-hand man, former FBI agent, and the CIA’s Castro assassination plot coordinator, Robert Maheu, as the likely planner of Robert Kennedy’s assassination. Multiple government documents prove that Maheu worked for the CIA in assassination plots and other covert activities in the 1960s. Maheu also admitted to Talbot that he hated the Kennedys.
Maheu’s principal accuser is former top Howard Hughes executive and Maheu associate, John Meier. Meier knew that Thane Eugene Cesar was an employee of Maheu’s private security firm that performed top secret activities for the CIA. Meier also described suspicious conversations he heard between Maheu and Donald Nixon, Richard Nixon’s brother, shortly before and after the assassination and wrote about them in his diary (partially published in Gerald Bellett’s “Age of Secrets”). Hughes had long been a major financial supporter of Richard Nixon and a close collaborator with the CIA. Meier, now 88, has continued to try to get his information about the case out to the public.
These sessions also produced new evidence of “range mode” programming possibly used to set up Sirhan as a distraction in the pantry, while a second gunman fired the fatal shot from an inch behind Kennedy’s right ear. After Brown identified physical and verbal cues, on three occasions, Sirhan assumed a firing stance, entered “range mode” and fired at imagined targets, as Brown believes he did on the night of the assassination. Brown also believes Sirhan was conditioned to forget his actions and connections to others involved while in this dissociated state. He believes the girl in the polka dress, who was seen with Sirhan and later running away from the crime scene, gave Sirhan the cues to enter “range mode” and fire involuntarily at Kennedy, with no conscious intent to kill him.21
sirhan’s alleged motive
Sirhan was arrested with a newspaper clipping in his pocket criticizing Kennedy’s campaign pledge to sell jet bombers to Israel to replenish jets lost in the Arab-Israeli War the year before. A notebook found in his bedroom contained repetitions of the phrase “RFK must die … RFK must be assassinated by June 5 ’68,” the first anniversary of the Arab-Israeli War.
At trial, the strange “automatic writing” in Sirhan’s notebooks was cited as evidence of the cold, callous, premeditated nature of the crime but Sirhan claims he has no memory of writing in the notebooks nor of the shooting itself. And it hos never been explained how it was possible for Sirhan to have written the most incriminating page on Moy 18th, two days before Kennedy made his first campaign speech promising bombers to Israel. [11]
“sirhan’s confession”
Supporters of the lone assassin story point to Sirhan’s “confession” in which he stated “I killed Robert Kennedy willfully, premeditatively, with 20 years of malice aforethought.” Sirhan’s claim that he had been planning the RFK killing since the age of four was ridiculous and nobody in court took his outburst seriously.
The outburst came after days of pleading with the Judge to fire his attorney due to the dismal defense he was being provided. Yet, the “confession” has been taken out of context and used against him ever since.[12]
the cover-up
Sirhan’s lead attorney Grant Cooper (who had the threat of an indictment hanging over him for lying about the source of stolen grand jury transcripts in another case} never raised any of the obvious discrepancies at trial. Cooper accepted that his client was guilty but mounted a defense of “diminished capacity” claiming he was in a dissociated state and not fully responsible for his actions. The jury did not accept that theory and Sirhan was convicted of murder and he has remained in prison ever since.[13]
There were serious concerns about LAPD criminalist DeWayne Wolfer’s work on other cases and the L.A. District Attorney failed to conduct an independent evaluation of the firearms evidence, despite an offer from the L.A. Sheriff’s Office to do so.[14] Wolfer mis-labelled and mis-represented the bullet and gun evidence to the Grand Jury at trial, such that at no time was the bullet recovered from Kennedy’s neck ever matched to Sirhan’s gun. The test bullets he presented were not from Sirhan’s gun, but from a wholly different gun taken from an LAPD evidence locker. He also lied in a subsequent investigation in the 1970s to cover his tracks which became evident when the records of his daily logs and other LAPD and trial items became available in the 1980s.
The LAPD also destroyed crucial evidence including photos seized at the scene, door frames and ceiling panels with bullet holes and suppressed their files on the case for 20 years.[15]
Witnesses who gave accounts conflicting with the official story of Sirhan as a lone assassin were either given coercive polygraph examinations by LAPD Sergeant Enrique Hernandez or their testimony was ignored. In audiotapes of these sessions, Hernandez is heard browbeating witnesses into retracting their statements.[16]
Researchers later discovered that the two LAPD officers in charge of the investigation were connected with the CIA. The LAPD were working closely with the CIA on their Operation Chaos program in the late l960’s using domestic surveillance, agent provocateurs and other tools to target anti-war and civil rights activists. The two men in day-to-day control of the LAPD investigation, Enrique Hernandez and Manuel Pena, had both trained police officers in South America for the CIA-connected Office of Public Safety.[17] Pena signed off on every report and decided which leads to follow and who to interview. According to FBI agent Roger La Jeunesse, Pena had performed assignments for the CIA for a decade.[18]
[1] Shone O’Sullivan, Who Killed Bobby? The Unsolved Murder of Robert F. Kennedy {Skyhorse Publishing, 2018), 7-11, 64-5.
[2] L.A. Coun1y Coroner’s Autopsy Report
[3] O’Sullivan {2018), 66
[4] Dan Moldea, 87; O’Sullivan (2018), 335-8
[5] Photo Set: RFK Grand Jury Request Exhibits
[6] Declaration of Philip van Praag, 14 November 2011 and RFK Must Die Epilogue {2008)
[7] Ibid., 23, 283-299, 303, 312
[8] Moldeo post on Facebook, September 11, 2019:
[9] RFK Jr. post on lnslogrom, September 11, 2019:
[10] CIA may have used contractor who inspired ‘Mission: Impossible’ to kill RFK, new book alleges,” The Washington Post, 9 February 2019: Pease, “A Lie Too Big to Fail,”S June 2019
[11] O’Sullivan (2018), 93-S
[12] Ibid., 265
[13] Ibid., 176, 237-8, 268-77, 316-7
[14] Ibid., 457-8
[15] O’Sullivan (2018), 122-8, 132-5, 364-8
[16] Ibid., 122-128, 132-6, 369-71
[17] Ibid., 363
[18] Bill Turner and Jonn Chris1ian, The Assassina1ion of Robert! Kennedy (Carroll and Graf, second edi1ion, 2006), 64-66
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