Super Conspiracy The Cover-up of Sonny Bono’s Murder

Super Conspiracy The Cover-up of Sonny Bono’s Murder

Gunderson Composite (Posse) and the cases of Sunny Bono and Michael LeMoyne Kennedy

Michael LeMoyne Kennedy (February 27, 1958 – December 31, 1997) was an American lawyer, businessman, and activist in Massachusetts. He was the sixth of eleven children of Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy. Kennedy also served as the manager of the non-profit organization Citizens Energy. He died in Aspen, Colorado, in 1997 after skiing inadvertently into a tree.

Salvatore Phillip “Sonny” Bono was an American singer, songwriter, actor, and US Representative for Palm Srpings who came to fame in partnership with his second wife, Cher, as the
Died: January 5, 1998, Heavenly Mountain Resort in a skiing accident identical to the Kennedy death. – California Lodge, CA

Chauncy Marvin Holt was confessing on TV to the JFK assassination at that time run by Willaim King Harvey out of the El Mirador Hotel with gun runners for the CIA Chauncey Holt and others from Grace Ranch modigyin and selling B-26s, B-52, fighter planes, light planes, assassination custom gun silencers, military rifles etc., enough to equip groups and brigades of 40 to 50 thousand troops. This was in part time and former entertainer Sonny Bono was Mayor (Palm Springs and its township activities) and where many stars vacationed.

Bono (A friend of British actor Peter Lawford who mentored Arnold Schwarzenegger in London, and a Roman Catholic and enemy of Mafia and drug dealing in hearings in the US House of Representatives) entered politics after experiencing frustration with local government bureaucracy while trying to open a restaurant in Palm Springs, California. He made a successful bid for mayor, and served from 1988 to 1992 A member of the Republican Party, Bono served as the 16th mayor of Palm Springs, California, from 1988 to 1992, and served as the U.S. representative for California’s 44th district from 1995 until his death in 1998.

During the course of running his toy company former record exec Bob Fletcher ended up on a merger with a new partner he knew little about and later found it was a CIA proprietary interest and now he was part of that operation and met General Singlaubm, Gen. Harry C. “Heinie” Aderholt and General Singluab Major General John Kirk Singlaub was a major general in the United States Army, founding member of the Central Intelligence Agency, and a highly decorated officer in the former Office of Strategic Services and others who later he will hear are part of Iran Contra. Fletcher finds out about all the military equipment running and CIA activities earlier than Iran Contra but after Iran Contra he recognizes the nanes and becomes a witness managed through the Christiic Institute.

Bob Fletcher: CIA Bush Drug Ties, Weather Wars, Sonny Bono’s Murder — During these times Fletcher encounters other CIA going back to the Vietnam era (Chauncey Marvin Holt? E. Howard Hunt?) who provide him information on many matters including some video related the the JFK assassination. All of this he is sending to Sunny Bono. The JFK referees as at 19 minutes in.

Spartacus – John K. Singlaub was recruited by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during the Second World War. He was parachuted into Nazi occupied France and helped to organize the French Resistance before the D-Day invasion. Later he was sent to China where he worked with Ray S. Cline, Richard Helms, E. Howard Hunt, Jake Esterline, Mitchell WerBell, Paul Helliwell, Jack Anderson, Robert Emmett Johnson and Lucien Conein. Others working in China at that time included Tommy Corcoran, Whiting Willauer and William Pawley.

Singlaub joined the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and he was sent to Manchuria during the Chinese Civil War. In 1951 he became Deputy Chief of the CIA station in South Korea. Later he moved to Laos where he worked closely with Ted Shackley.

Inside the Shadow Government Paperback

In 1964 Singlaub became chief of Military Assistance Command Studies and Observation Group (MACV-SOG). This was an unconventional warfare task force that oversaw assassination and paramilitary operations throughout Southeast Asia. MACV-SOG now took over Oplan 34-A from the CIA. Ted Shackley, CIA chief in Laos, reported having monthly meetings with Singlaub. According to one report, Singlaub “oversaw political assassinations programs in Laos, Cambodia and Thailand” (Inside the Shadow Government).

In 1966 Ted Shackley was placed in charge of CIA secret war in Laos. He appointed Thomas G. Clines as his deputy. He also took Carl E. Jenkins, David Morales, Rafael Quintero, Felix Rodriguez and Edwin Wilson with him to Laos. According to Joel Bainerman it was at this point that Shackley and his “Secret Team” became involved in the drug trade. They did this via General Vang Pao, the leader of the anti-communist forces in Laos. Vang Pao was a major figure in the opium trade in Laos. To help him Shackley used his CIA officials and assets to sabotage the competitors. Eventually Vang Pao had a monopoly over the heroin trade in Laos. In 1967 Shackley and Clines helped Vang Pao to obtain financial backing to form his own airline, Zieng Khouang Air Transport Company, to transport opium and heroin between Long Tieng and Vientiane. In 1968 Shackley and Clines arranged a meeting in Saigon between Santo Trafficante and Vang Pao to establish a heroin-smuggling operation from Southeast Asia to the United States.

Sunny Bono Sunny situation was during this
period again from from the 80s up through the ’90s and up to the 2000 um I
was involved with many many inquiries that the Senate and the Congress were
carrying out I dealt with Dante Fascel as it related to the old October surprise
inquiries uh I supplied them with material that
Barbara Honegger had given
given me after being unable to do anything I was involved with that in inquiry I was involved with did do a
thing on the JFK murder because I had gotten some actually footage from a
Central Intelligence agent way back in the 80s what was happening my name was
banging around in the corridors of the Congress and the Senate as somebody that
knew this or knew these guys or knew what was going on sure and they wanted to use you as a conduit to put stuff out

because they knew you had the courage to do it and and right and yes that’s right absolutely

This video? or another that became abvailable in 1997. Appendix Documents and Photos has everything Sunny Bono was looking for and its there now buy the book.

Bob Fletcher ran a toy company. CIA front operatives joined in and were doing covert arms deals for things like airplanes and shoulder fired missiles, Angola and other countries involved. Fletcher tries to contact CIA he wants out, can’t get out. Bob Fletcher becomes a Christic Institute witness and a year later finds all the US Generals that were tied up to the deals were the ones of Iran Contra, that story breaking a year later. He also had in the course of developing his story and getting it to Sunny Bono information on the Kennedy Assassination and WACO, Bono having cried over the WACO incident the CIA appears to be involved in per Paul Wilcher and others.

This is what Chauncey Marvin Holt said in 1997 (in on sceen televised statements 8 days before his death providing documents that are in the appendix of his book Se-Potrait. Teh TV News crew were passing them around trying to confirm them. Some were difficult to confirm because Charles Harrelson was in federal penitentiary but other documents were confirmed about Ray Ryan’s El Mirador hotel, Grace Rach Tuscon Arizona they would fly in from to meet in Palm Springs El Mirado to meet with William King Harvey, Sam Giacanca, and others. This is where the preparations were made getting fake documents to Lee Harvey Oswald and JM / Wave operating with Bob Reynolds, Leroy Young, and others including himself (Chauncey Marvin Holt.)

Robert Fletcher owned a toy factory in 1985 and merged with a partner, Gary Best, to expand the business. Later, he found out Best was a high-ranking covert intelligence agent who intended to use the toy company [as made into a CIA US DOD “Proprietary Interest front company] for arms dealing with Iran-Contra, as well as Angola, West Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan. He later testified in the Iran-Contra hearings on the various US Generals he encountered as was made a puppet of, the very figures of Iran Contra as it later broke as a story in the news and political scandal. Bob Fletcher: CIA Bush Drug Ties, Weather Wars, Sonny Bono’s Murder.

The Cover-up of Sonny Bono’s Murder

by DC dave

(report from april 2008)

For Americans, the new revelations can be found buried away—and ignored by “respectable people”—in the U.S. supermarket tabloid, Globe, of April 14, which hit the news racks on April 4.  They were said to have been gathered by investigator Bob Fletcher, 66, who, according to Globe, was connected to the case even before Bono died:It is now news in Australia that new evidence has turned up that suggests that California congressman Sonny Bono was murdered and did not die in a skiing accident as we have been told repeatedly.  Although he was an American whose job was to represent Americans, as far as the mainstream United States press is concerned this news is unworthy of the attention of the people of the United States.

This is the same American press, of course, that never breathed the slightest hint of suspicion that there might have been foul play involved when the experienced skier Bono was reported to have slammed into a tree at the Heavenly Ski resort in Nevada on January 5, 1998.

There were no witnesses, the autopsy report was not released to the public, and Bono had shown himself to be something of a thorn in the side of official Washington, which is probably all the more reason for the lapdogs who call themselves journalists to have dummied up.

He also feels partially responsible for what happened to the California congressman.

Before Bono’s death, Fletcher had been probing the activities of high ranking U.S. military and government officials he claims were raking in millions from arms and drug deals in Central America and Southeast Asia.

He says he sent his shocking findings of corruption, including videotaped evidence, to Bono.

“I later received a call from an assistant in his offices to tell me Sonny had seen my full report and was absolutely livid about the level of corruption I made him aware of,” Fletcher tells GLOBE.

“He was going to make it his No. 1 priority when Congress resumed after the Christmas and New Year break.  He was going to go after the biggest names.Image result for sonny bono

“Just 10 days later, I received a call that he was dead.  I’d heard it was suspected his offices had been bugged.  Tragically, that must have been the case.  There’s no doubt in my mind Sonny was murdered by someone who needed to silence him.”

The new evidence is the long-suppressed autopsy report, itself, which Fletcher obtained and furnished to Globe.

After reviewing the shocking secret documents, former FBI agent Ted Gunderson tells GLOBE: “The official version of Sonny Bono’s death is hogwash. It’s nonsense for anyone to now try to suggest that Bono died after crashing into a tree.

An example of the CIA Secret Documents Gunderson may have looked at made available by Chaucney Marvin Holt in 1997 Sonny Bono may have seen

New in 1997

There’s zero evidence in this autopsy report or any of these official documents to show such an accident happened.  Instead, there’s powerful proof he was assassinated.  “This was an evil plot that was carried out to almost perfection by ruthless assassins.”

Even though two of the online Australian newspapers attribute their article to “staff writers,” it’s the same short article in The Australian, Mercury (The Voice of Tasmania), and The Daily Telegraph (first two links now dead), beginning:

SONNY Bono, former husband and singing partner of superstar Cher, was clubbed to death by hitmen on the orders of drug and weapons dealers who feared he was going to expose them, a former FBI agent claims.

Former FBI agent Ted Gunderson – 11/07/1928 – 07/31/2011

Ted Gunderson, now a private investigator, has told the US Globe tabloid that Bono, who served as mayor of Palm Springs for four years, did not die after hitting a tree on a Nevada ski slope in January 1998 as everyone believed.

So identical, are they, in fact, that all three of them have the first sentence in bold.  Continuing in the brief, rather sketchy article, they say:

Bono, an experienced skier, was ambushed on the slopes by hired hitmen, who beat him to death and then staged a tree collision, Mr. Gunderson said.

He called for authorities to dig up Bono’s remains and open a homicide investigation.

His claims have reportedly been backed by top forensics experts who fear Nevada authorities were too quick to call the death a skiing accident.

The Australian papers, it should also be noted, leave the impression that Gunderson is the prime mover in this investigation while only mentioning Fletcher at the end of their article as follows:

Investigator Bob Fletcher had also confessed he sent evidence of a 10-year study that linked top US government officials to arms and weapons dealers to Bono less than a month before his death, the Globe reported.

“(Bono) was going to make it his No.1 priority… There’s no doubt in my mind Sonny was murdered by someone who needed him silenced,” Mr Fletcher told the paper.

In an email to me on May 13, 2008, Mr. Fletcher was emphatic that Gunderson “has had absolutely nothing to do with this investigation.”

(The foregoing section, starting with “The Australian papers…,” was added on May 13.)

Interestingly, Yahoo also picked up the story, but it is Yahoo for the United Kingdom and Ireland and Yahoo for Australia (both links now dead).  It would appear that Yahoo is as compliant toward corrupt American authorities as it is toward their counterparts in China.

The Autopsy

How compelling is the new evidence?  The five-page autopsy report prepared by Dr. David E. Palosaari, official pathologist for Washoe County at the time, concluded that the death was caused by “craniocerebral injuries due to blunt force trauma (skiing accident).”

But Globe reports further:

Other injuries detailed in the document included a black eye, swollen lips, bloody nose, bruised jaw, and two upper teeth knocked out, all on the right side of the head.

But the pathologist also noted a series of small fractures in a “central depressed region” on the right side of Bono’s skull and found “some of the fractured bone pieces have a curved configuration.”

Fletcher consulted a panel of experts and performed a re-creation to determine how these wounds were caused.

He concludes the depressed area was due to blows from a rounded-edged weapon wielded by a man taller than the 5-foot-nine, 165-pound politician and the killer was left-handed since the wounds are on the right side of Bono’s face and head.  He also believes there was a second man who held Bono from behind.

Fletcher thinks the murder weapon was a pistol, but other experts tell GLOBE that a gun barrel would have left distinguishable marks.

“Sonny was ambushed and viciously battered to death with a billy club or similar weapon,” ex-FBI man Gunderson says.  “The killers staged the crime scene and made it look like a tragic ski-accident.”

Image result for sonny bono

Fletcher insists the lack of damage to the back of Bono’s brain, known as “contra-coup” injuries, is proof that he was beaten to death.  He says people who hit objects face-first normally have brain injuries caused when the organ rebounds off the back of their skull.  And other physical evidence doesn’t add up, either, he says.

Strangely for what was called a ski accident, Bono had no smashed ribs, broken knees, neck trauma–or hand injuries that would have come from trying to ward off a collision with a tree, Fletcher says.  And signs that he actually hit the tree–including bark impressions on his face and plant debris on his clothes–are also missing, the investigator says.

And his ski goggles weren’t smashed as they likely would have been in a collision, according to the expert.

Fletcher also notes the back of Bono’s clothes were [sic] soaked with blood–but he had no back wounds.  “The blood must have come from someone else, perhaps when Sonny valiantly fought back and hit one of his assailants,” he declares.

The autopsy also mentions a small L-shaped tear on the back of Bono’s black and purple Fila ski jacket.  Fletcher says the tear is a likely result of a struggle.  And Gunderson believes the new evidence gathered by Fletcher raises the specter of murder and warrants a new investigation.

Fletcher believes that Bono’s wife when they became famous together, Cher, will call for a new investigation when she learns of these new revelations.

Little hope is held out, apparently, that she will be joined by Mary Bono, Sonny’s wife at the time of his death.  Mary, who succeeded Sonny in the Congress and has remarried, has suggested publicly that his errant skiing was caused by Sonny having taken too many prescription painkillers.  But that suggestion had already been contradicted by a previously-released toxicology report, said Globe.  Their marriage, which was Sonny’s fourth, was said to have been troubled at the time of his death.

Sonny’s mother, Jean, on the other hand, believed all along that he was murdered.  She died in 2005, but not before demanding “a much more thorough investigation” into his death, according to Globe.

A Waco Connection?

Gunderson agrees with Fletcher that the 62-year-old Bono was likely to have been killed because of what he might uncover, or had already uncovered, about illegal drug and arms dealing by high-level government officials.  But there are other possibilities.  When Janet Reno testified before Congress about the final, fatal assault on the Branch Davidians at Waco, Bono was relentless in his questioning about the professed use of CS gas on the confined men, women, and children:

Representative Sonny Bono (R-CA), a member of the full House Crime Committee, was concerned that Ms. Reno had not conducted a more exhaustive study of CS before making a decision. He challenged her claim that she had done all she could to investigate the attributes and hazards of the substance, noting that the U.S. Army Chemical Research and Development Center had confirmed that it knew of no laboratory studies of CS in which the subjects were children. He pointed out that Army databases “contain virtually every study on CS that has ever been conducted by any government or private facility in the world,” and stated that he found it “difficult to understand how, after extensive, exhaustive research you failed to uncover the following information that I uncovered in just one day: a report contained in the Journal of the American Medical Association, dated August 4, 1989, that states, I quote, ‘Inhalation and toxicology studies at high levels of CS exposure have demonstrated its ability to cause chemical pneumonitis and fatal pulmonary edema.’ According to an ear, nose, and throat surgeon that I talked to, pulmonary edema is caused when the mucous membrane is irritated, it secretes mucous which in children and infants plugs up the bronchi. They thus drown in their own saliva and mucous. As soon as the child breathes the fumes, the process begins. Soon after that, the child has little lungs left to breathe, and dies. I find it impossible to believe that with the most powerful law firm in the country, the Department of Justice, at your disposal you could not find this information out, that I found out in one day with two staff members …. So I am sorry to say, Madam Attorney General, that I think you failed there.” He concluded with the observation that, in his opinion, “it is the responsibility of the Attorney General in cases like this to research every bit of evidence, and if there is counter evidence, then the error should be on the side of the children.”  Robert W. Lee, “Waco Whitewash.”

What we see here on display is an independence of mind that is both refreshing and dangerous for an American member of Congress.  Perhaps Bono looked even further into the Waco outrage and found the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum, which concludes that the whole episode was even more vicious and barbaric than almost anyone suspects.  Then again, any member of Congress looking seriously into high level corruption finds himself in what the military calls a “target-rich environment,” so who knows what got him killed?  The best comparisons that can be made are to the less well-known investigators Paul Wilcher or Danny Casolaro, or perhaps to another California Congressman, Leo Ryan.

The Tabloid Cover-up Operation

One can hardly argue that the (((American press))) has really done the proper job of a free press in a free society because these new revelations have, at least, been published by Globe.  Rather, the opposite is more nearly the case.  There is hardly any better way to discredit a serious story than to have it published in a tabloid, and only in a tabloid.  This Globe story is quite similar to the National Enquirer story about the dubious “suicide” of Enron executive, Cliff Baxter, or the Star story about the George W. Bush-led fraternity at Yale branding pledges with hot coat hangers.  It is well sourced and documented.  One can bet that Bob Fletcher made a serious effort to get the story covered by “more respectable” news outlets, but was rebuffed.  The same “respectable” news organs are now continuing to cover up for the (((controlling criminal elite))) by blacking out what Globe has published.

What is really impressive is how thoroughgoing and monolithic the whole operation is.  The country is full of reporters who buy groceries in supermarkets just as I do.  One would think that one of them, in one corner or other of this vast country, would spot the Sonny Bono article, would recognize the importance of the story, and would be able to prevail upon his or her editor to follow up on it.  But it hasn’t happened yet.  For now it’s much bigger news in Australia than it is here, and the odds are very long that not one peep about these Sonny Bono autopsy revelations will be heard anywhere from the American mainstream press.

The same sort of blackout occurred when the former lead investigator for Kenneth Starr, Miquel Rodriguez, spilled the beans about the cover-up of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent Foster’s murder, and it happened when the official investigation of the “suicide” of America’s first defense secretary, James Forrestal, was made public, and it will occur again.

David Martin, April 6, 2008

Links checked Nov. 22, 2010

Note.  Bob Fletcher’s investigative reports are available at P.O. Box 216, Bayview, Idaho 83803, email  The writer of the Globe article is Bob Burns, email

source – 

extra note – there never was a re investigation opened into Sonny’s death. Cher is a part jew skank who just doesn’t want the trouble. I can’t really blame the stupid skank. I would also like to point out that Sonny and Cher did have a daughter together named Chastity, who has now become a transgender man and goes by the name of Chaz. Sick !

I blame Cher for bad parenting, not Sonny, who was a decent and honorable man. One more thing, Cher said she would leave the United States if Trump won presidency but still hasn’t left America ! Hypocritical bitch. Rest in peace Sonny.

see also –
Murder on the ski slopes: The mysterious death of Sonny Bono

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