Kings and Queens and An Explanation To All This Things

John Edgar Hoover (January 1, 1895 – May 2, 1972) was an American law-enforcement administrator who served as the final Director of the Bureau of Investigation (BOI) and the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). President Calvin Coolidge first appointed Hoover as director of the BOI, the predecessor to the FBI, in 1924. After 11 years in the post, Hoover became instrumental in founding the FBI in June 1935, where he remained as director for an additional 37 years until his death in May 1972 – serving a total of 48 years leading both the BOI and the FBI and under eight Presidents.

Ed Donegan assert J. Edgar Hoover had three historical periods of British aligned Secret Inteligence Service backed world plans. In the 1920’s he (a Master Free Mason) was part of the plot to get 1925 impregnated Maria Kutschera (Nazi neice and singing coach to Capt Von Trapp and his children he had with Agatha Whitehead). Removing the Nazi unwilling Nazi propogandists from Austria while pregnant by a Windsor into the USA was the first phase. In the Cold War using Marilyn Monroe and Glorian Donegan as 1926 children for MKULTRA including creating Barrack Obama Jr. as a sleeper and the plan involved Malcom X as someone setup by early publicity as a possible father of secret identity Barrack Obama Jr. In the third phase the FBI killed JFK and covered it up on the decades since as the elite like the Bush family and others that were part of the OSS CIA and Vatican activities hid their acts.

J. Edgar Hoover (we must be careful about confusion with Herbert Hoover) became a Master Mason at 26. If we believe his later created 1/1895 guess at his birth that would be about 1921.


Degrees are initiation ceremonies that represent progressive steps to membership in the organization. There are three degrees conferred in the Masonic Lodge: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. They are loosely based upon the journeymen system, which was used to educate medieval stonemasons and craftsmen. In today’s society, the word degree is used by colleges and universities to indicate completion of a course of study. In the lodge, the candidate must demonstrate his knowledge or proficiency of each degree before he can proceed to the next.

It is through these degrees that Masonry passes its teachings and principles from generation to generation. The degree ceremonies are intended to be sources of knowledge, inspiration, and pride for the candidate and the lodge members. Those ceremonies also serve as a shared experience that binds men to a closer brotherhood. A candidate receives the utmost respect during all three ceremonies, and he is never made to feel uncomfortable.

Blake Bowden Administrator Staff Member Sep 20, 2011

J. Edgar Hoover was a devoted Freemason, being raised a Master Mason on November 9, 1920, in Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC, just two months before his 26th birthday. During his 52 years with the Masons, he received many medals, awards and decorations. Eventually in 1955, he was coroneted a Thirty-Third Degree Inspector General Honorary in the Southern Scottish Rite Jurisdiction. He was also awarded the Scottish Rite’s highest recognition, the Grand Cross of Honour, in 1965.[45] Today a J. Edgar Hoover room exists within the House of the Temple. The room contains many of Hoover’s personal papers and records.

Württemberg in the Early 20th Century

It now is part of Germany.

Mary of Tek the wife of King George V and parent of Edward VIII and George VI (Albert of York) was from Württemberg

The gene FOXP2 common in Austria area may have entered the Windsor family through Mary. At the very least the intermarriage and favors among the royals assisting each other was political intermarriage if not at the same time biological intermarriage.

Wallis Simpson, the Nazi minister, the telltale monk and an FBI plot retrieved from and copied or modified to here

When the Duke of York Edward [abdicated 1939] and Duchess of Windsor Wallis SImpson sailed into Palm Beach, Florida, on the SS Berkshire from Nassau on April 18 1941 they were looking forward to enjoying three days of relaxation at the Everglades Club playing golf and drinking and gossiping with American high society.

Little did they know that the previous night instructions had gone out from President Roosevelt to FBI chief J Edgar Hoover to launch what was to be an extraordinary covert intelligence exercise that had to fool both the exiled royals and the US secret service agent who was guarding them.

The exercise was launched after the FBI had been passed intelligence that the duke and duchess were being used by the Nazis to obtain secrets which could wreck the allies’ war effort. The US investigation became even more lurid when FBI agents interviewed a benedictine monk in a Franciscan monastery in the United States; Father Odo had once been the Duke of Wurttemberg, a minor German royal with connections to Queen Mary, the duke’s mother, and her brother, the Duke of Athlone, then governor general of Canada.


Historical Note: King George V was paren to Edward of Wales King Edward VIII who abdicated. Albert of York the younger brother to Edward of Wales then became King Geroge VI taking the name of the father of the brothers. King George V was maried to Mary of Tek that being part of Wurttemberg.

He told them that a prime suspect in the investigation – Joachim von Ribbentrop, then the Nazis’ foreign minister – had been the duchess’s lover when he was ambassador to Britain in 1936. The minister was already thought to have been supplied with information by the duchess during the German invasion of France in 1940. Now it was suggested that there was far closer arrangement.

Father Odo told the agent: “He knew definitely that von Ribbentrop, while in England, sent the then Wallis Simpson 17 carnations every day. The 17 supposedly represented the number of times they had slept together.”

He also revealed that the Duchess of Windsor had told guests at a Paris party that: “The duke is impotent and although he had tried sexual intercourse with numerous women they had been unsuccesful in satisfying his passions.”

He went on: “The duchess in her own inimitable and unique manner has been the only woman who had been able to satisfactorily gratify the duke’s sexual desires.”


The duke was forced into exile after he abdicated as King Edward VIII in 1936. He first went with his lover, formerly the American divorcee Wallis Simpson, to France and was only later exiled again to Bahamas to keep him out of the way.

The key take away from me Edward Paul DOnegan is that these House of Masons feudal history families opposed Nazi German and its anti-monarchism.

In World War I, Carl Alexander Herzog von Württemberg (Father Odo OSB) fought on the Western Front in Italy. He resigned from the army at the rank of captain, following the German Revolution of 1918-1919, and within a few months became a postulant at the Abbey of St. Martin in Beuron. He entered the novitiate in 1920 as “Brother Odo”, taking vows in February 1921. His father succeeded King Wilhelm II, a distant cousin, as head of the House of Württemberg in October of that same year. Brother Odo was ordained a priest in 1926.

Duke Carl Alexander of Württemberg retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Carl Alexander Herzog von Württemberg (Father Odo OSB) (12 March 1896 – 27 December 1964) was a member of the House of Württemberg who became a Benedictine monk.[1] During the Nazi and post-Nazi era, he provided aid to refugees, Jews, and prisoners of war and was reported to Nazi authorities for these activities. He acted as an informant of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and spied on Wallis Simpson, the lover and later wife of the former British king Edward VIII.

Carl was the third son of Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg who was the presumptive King of Württemberg. Albrecht, the Duke and Crown Prince of Württemberg (Albrecht Maria Alexander Philipp Joseph; 23 December 1865 – 31 October 1939) was the last heir presumptive to the Kingdom of Württemberg, a German military commander of World War I, and the head of the House of Württemberg from 1921 to his death.

Duke Albrecht (father of Carl) was born in Vienna as the eldest child of Duke Philipp of Württemberg and his wife Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria



The Bill of Rights is best understood as the enactment of a philosophy of individual natural rights that dominated American political thought in the Eighteenth Century.

Natural rights philosophy emerged in the Seventeenth Century as an explanation of the proper function of government that was in sharp contrast to the philosophy that had prevailed in the Middle Ages.

During that time, Europe was ruled by kings who had acquired power basically by invading countries, defeating the natives in battle, and ruling them by force of arms. Kings soon found propaganda useful in subduing their subjects and there was no shortage of intellectuals who would curry favor with the king by announcing in obscure treatises that kings ruled by divine right and their authority was absolute.

Along about the Seventeenth Century, however, certain authors like John Locke offered an alternative explanation of the basis for political authority. Locke and others less famous argued that individuals possessed certain rights by virtue of their nature as rational human beings. They had the rights to life, liberty and property, for example. To secure these rights, governments were established, whose powers were delegated to them by the people for the limited purposes of maintaining order and protecting natural rights. While governments were to protect rights, these philosophers emphasized that the rights belonged to individuals by nature, and were not granted by the government.

The philosophy of natural rights [and quest for them and for self rule] was a powerful ideological weapon against kings and tyrants during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in England. During that time King Charles I lost his head and later kings lost much of their authority to an elected parliament.

ALbert of York and Edward of Windsor 1926. From Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel


Our History (SIS Beginnings 1909 In the early 1900s, the British government was increasingly concerned about the threat to its Empire posed by Germany’s imperial ambitions. This led to scare stories of German spies and even the Director of Military Operations was convinced that Germany was targeting Britain. These rumours proved to be overblown, but the Prime Minister, Herbert Asquith, reacted to popular concern. He ordered the Committee of Imperial Defence to look into the matter and they established a Secret Service Bureau in July 1909.

Captain Sir Mansfield George Smith-Cumming KCMG CB (1 April 1859[3] – 14 June 1923) was a British naval officer who served as the first chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) and died in office soon before he was to retire.

At the outbreak of WWI he was able to work with Vernon Kell and Sir Basil Thomson of the Special Branch to arrest twenty-two German spies in England. Eleven were executed, as was Sir Roger Casement, found guilty of treason in 1916. During the war, the offices were renamed. The Home Section became MI5 or Security Service, while Cumming’s Foreign Section became MI6 or the Secret Intelligence Service. Agents who worked for MI6 during the war included Augustus Agar, Paul Dukes, John Buchan, Compton Mackenzie and W. Somerset Maugham.

Admiral Sir Hugh Francis Paget Sinclair, KCB (18 August 1873 – 4 November 1939), known as Quex Sinclair, was a British intelligence officer. He was Director of British Naval Intelligence between 1919 and 1921, and he subsequently helped to set up the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, commonly MI6) and GCHQ.

Hugh Slinclair came Director of Naval Intelligence in February 1919 and Chief of the Submarine Service in 1921. He became the second director of SIS in 1923. He was promoted vice-admiral on 3 March 1926 and full admiral on 15 May 1930. Sinclair also founded GC&CS, later to be known as GCHQ in 1919.

Ties to Admiral Halsey and the Queen of Romania at that time

Was it Prince Albert’s out of wedlock births of Norma Jean and Glorian Gainey headed to North Carolina to be born by Maria Kutschera of the Convent?

In the German Language version of her musical based on her notes Maria Kutschera bits and apple ten seconds later slides down a bannister with her legs spread and lands dropping her bible on the floor as she falls in front the Nuns.

The forkhead box protein 2 (FOXP2) was the first gene to be implicated in a developmental disorder of speech and language (Lai et al. 2001). Identified as the “speech and language gene” by Drs Simon Fisher and Anthony Monaco following molecular studies of 15 individuals in the “KE family” [who live in London and match the number of Royals] who suffered from speech-language delays (Hurst et al. 1990), FOXP2 is now known to play an essential role in normal speech development. Located on Chromosome 7 (Fisher et al. 1998; Lai et al. 2000, 2001), FOXP2 is not only implicated in speech-language delays but also has a function in regulating a large number of downstream target genes associated with common forms of language impairment (Vernes et al. 2008).

Fig. I—Rothschild-protégé banker J.P. Morgan became a trustee of Columbia University while William J. Donovan (1903•1907) was being groomed by numerous founders Of the British Pilgrims Society. By 1912, had purchased editorial control of all of America’s major newspapers and in 1913 drove the formation of the Federal Reserve to be controlled by British banks aligned with the Pilgirms Society where Lord Rothchild was a co-founder with J.P. Morgan. L/R: William J. ‘Wild Bill” Donovan, J. Pierpont (“J.P.”) Morgan, Franklin D. Roosevelt, all British Pilgrims Society founding members.

Alleged C.I.A. founder William J. Donovan was a mere stooge for J.P. Morgan, Lord Rothschild and John D. Rockefeller who conspired with Columbia University to groom him (1903-07)

Wild Bill Donovan retrieved from The Spymaster Who Created the OSS and Modern American Espionage and copied or modified to here

By Douglas Waller · 2011

After three years of what amounted to prep school at Niagara, Father Egan convinced Donovan that the legal profession might be his calling (he certainly had the windpipes for the courtroom) and wrote him a glowing recommendation for Columbia College in New York City—which helped get hilu admitted in 1903 despite mediocre grades.

He continued to be an average student at Columbia, but the college gave him the opportunity to widen his intellectual horizon and explore ideas beyond Catholic dogma (though like Donovan, a large majority of his classmates professed to be conservative Republicans). At one point Donovan even questioned whether he wanted to remain in the Catholic Church and started attending services for other denominations and religions, including the Jewish faith, to check them out. He finally decided to stick with Catholicism.

Donovan was handsome, his dark brown hair brushed neatly to the side, his face angular but with soft features that showed manliness yet gentleness, and those captivating blue eyes. Young women found him irresistible and at Columbia Donovan began going out with them, gravitating toward girls with highbrow pedigrees. He dated Mary Harriman, a free spirit who attended nearby Barnard College and whose father was railroad tycoon Edward Henry Harriman. His most serious romance developed with Blanche Lopez, the stunningly beautiful daughter of Spanish aristocrats resettled in New York City, whom Donovan had met at a Catholic church near Columbia.

[Mary Harriman Rumsey (November 17, 1881 – December 18, 1934) was an American social activist and government official. She was the founder of The Junior League for the Promotion of Settlement Movements, later known as the Junior League of the City of New York of the Association of Junior Leagues International Inc, and served as Chair of the Consumer Advisory Board of the National Recovery Administration. Mary was the daughter of railroad magnate E.H. Harriman (Bunny) and sister to W. Averell Harriman, former New York State Governor and United States Diplomat. In 2015 she was posthumously inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame.]

This is very important. It is in The George Bush Unauthorized Biography this period of time is when Geroge H.W. Bush and this very crowd including Averell Harriman are becoming the Military Industrial Complex and will remain so through their lives.

The Truth: C.I.A., NSA, FBI, DoD, DOS, SEC, Judiciary and multinational corporate intelligencers are American stooges controlled by the British Empire [and the Special Relationship.]

Columbia University recruited and groomed William J. Donovan at the inception of the British Pilgrims Society in 1902 to organize American intelligence as a reflected lizard of British intelligence.

Jun. 10, 2021—On Jul. 16, 1902, the British Empire’s top “Empire Builders” formed The British Pilgrims Society at the Carlton Hotel, London. They were Privy Councilors, admirals, generals, spies, virologist (Sir Henry Wellcome), Guglielmo Marconi (wireless), bankers (Lord Rothschild), industrialists, lawyers, aristocrats, politicians, publishers and newspapermen.

CECIL RHODES 5 July 1853 – 26 March 1902)

As in earlier centuries the late 19th Century was built on open colonial conquests by Redcoats or private armies backed by the Crown such as Cecil Rhodes led but the world was rebelling against this style including the Atlantic Revolutions in North America, Francel, and elsewhere and the rise of Natural Law libertarian philosophy of republics.

First Cabalist of British Imperialism. Cecil John Rhodes. was an English mining magnate and politician in southern Africa who served as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896. On 13 March 1888, Rhodes and Rudd launched De Beers Consolidated Mines. He and his British South Africa Company founded the southern African territory of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe and Zambia), which the company named after him in 1895. He also devoted much effort to realising his vision of a Cape to Cairo Railway through British territory. Rhodes set up the Rhodes Scholarship, which is funded by his estate. His monopoly of the world’s diamond supply was sealed in 1890 through a strategic partnership with the London-based Diamond Syndicate. They agreed to control world supply to maintain high prices.[17][page needed][18][page needed] Rhodes supervised the working of his brother’s claim and speculated on his behalf. Among his associates in the early days were John X. Merriman and Charles Rudd. Rudd later became his partner in the De Beers Mining Company and the Niger Oil Company.

Empire Builder Edward VII and his spouse Alexandria of Denmark reign 1901 to 1910

Edward VII (Albert Edward; 9 November 1841 – 6 May 1910) was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India, from 22 January 1901 (following Queen Victoria’s death) until his death in 1910. Formed the Empire Builders.

Two children of them of note here for possible FOXP2. 1) George (son) and Duke of York becomes George V and and marries Mary of Tek. 2) Princess Victoria (daughter) and thus sister of George was essentially home schooled a free spirit and as guarded closely by parents and her brother George V


Columbia University, Pilgrims Society, Carnegie Foundation, J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller devotee and fellow Cabalist

J. PIERPONT MORGAN (1837-1913)

Baron Rothschild UK protégé. Columbia Universtiy trustee. William J. Donovan groomer. Pilgrims Society. Carnegie Foundation. Rockefeller devotee and fellow Cabalist.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt as Lord as Lord of the Admiralty 1913-1920 retrieved from FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History and copied or modified to here

by Joseph Sweeney Fordham University School of Law

[For the purposes of Edward Donegan focus on this article keep in mind the advent of submarine warfare and the Von Trapp story and international law.]

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was a lawyer but not an Admiralty lawyer; nevertheless, his position as Assistant Secretary of the Navy for seven years and five months (during the First World War) made him “Lord of the Admiralty” and director of government policy affecting ocean transport and even military actions. FDR’s service modernized the Navy and provided the experiences and confidence he continued to exude after he was crippled by Polio in 1921.

Our only four-term president guided the nation through its most serious financial collapse (1933-39) and the mightiest of world wars (1941-45). Standard biographies of FDR’ agree on the importance of his Navy years in the development of his administrative and executive skills but none of them provide a close examination of the content and consequences of his maritime decisions. All consistently describe his supreme self-confidence and mistrust of experts as clues to his career in government. Assistant Secretary of the Navy was an office FDR sought for many reasons. His devotion to the Navy was life-long but more important was the fact that his distant relation, Theodore Roosevelt (TR), had held it on his way to the White House. While FDR and his wife called him Uncle Ted, he was truly Eleanor’s uncle but only a fifth cousin, once removed to FDR. Nevertheless, despite their different political parties FDR always admired “Uncle Ted” even though he could not publicly endorse his aggressive foreign policies while part of the Wilson administration, and TR always encouraged FDR’s career.

Theodore Roosevelt came from a New York City branch of the family. TR was an enthusiastic supporter of the Navy and author of The Naval War of 1812, which was published in 1882 shortly after his graduation from Harvard College. TR lectured at the Naval War College while in the Navy Department. As president, TR proudly expanded the Navy and sent the “Great White Fleet” [that also sounds much like the United Fruit Company Tourist ships Great White Fleet] around the world from July 7, 1908 to February 22, 1909 to advertise the United States as a maritime power. Theodore Roosevelt had been Assistant Secretary of the Navy for eleven months at age 40, resigning to become a “Rough Rider” in the 1898 Spanish War.

Both TR and FDR were adherents of the “Big Navy” thinking of Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan, as espoused at the Naval War College, Newport, RI. 4 Mahan’s demands for a one-ocean Navy of overwhelming power, naval bases abroad, larger battleships, and a vigorous merchant marine would greatly influence the “Imperialists” of the Spanish American War in 1898 who added the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and Hawaii to America’s empire. FDR had a brief correspondence with Mahan and was anticipating discussions with him, but Mahan’s sudden death in 1914 eliminated that possibility.

While Admiral Mahan’s theories were viewed with suspicion and hostility by Pacifists and even American senior officers, they were enthusiastically adopted in London, Berlin and Tokyo and pushed to extremes in the construction of giant warships like HMS Dreadnought, which was launched by Great Britain in 1906 with ten monster 12 inch guns and capable of 21 knots. The result was an arms race to build the most expensive and dangerous ships afloat. Those concerned with naval policy were distracted by the arms race even as the nature of naval warfare changed completely with the introduction of the submarine. The First World War would be a war of submarines and their enemies, the destroyers.


FDR AND THE SEA FDR’s middle name, Delano, tied him to a nautical legacy. His mother, Sara Delano (1854-1941), came from a family of New Bedford merchants and ship owners in the China trade to and from Hong Kong that had been a Massachusetts specialty since the beginning of the nineteenth century. Sara’s father, Warren, had recouped family fortunes in the opium trade during our Civil War, then retired from business. He bought Algonac, an estate in New York’s Hudson River Valley where Sara grew up except for two years in Hong Kong (1862-64). At Algonac, she met James Roosevelt, a wealthy widower known to her father from business and social clubs. Despite the difference in their ages (Sara was 26, James was 51) Sara was determined to marry James Roosevelt, ignoring her father’s concerns about the age difference.

FDR’s father, James Roosevelt6 came from a family of Dutch planters (Patroons), the fifth generation descendent of Nicholas Roosevelt (1658-1742) whose father, Claes, came from Holland to America in 1644. James was born on a Hudson River estate, Mount Hope. He was sent to Union College in Schenectady, NY and received his A.B. in 1847. James attended Harvard Law School and received the LL.B. in 1851, then spent two years in a New York City law office before turning to a business career. James was an investor with his father, Isaac (1790-1863) in transport and coal mines (Consolidation Coal Co.), served as Vice President of a canal company (Delaware and Hudson) and President of the Southern Railroad Security Company (a railroad holding company). He acquired the 500 acres of “Springwood” at Hyde Park in 1865.

James married a distant cousin, Rebecca Howland, in 1853; she died in 1876. James met and married Sara Delano in 1880. (Sara was the same age as James’ son, also James (1854-1927), but known as Rosy). James was devoted to his new family-their only child, Franklin was born January 31, 1882. James did not pursue active business after his new marriage and remained with Sara and FDR in Hyde Park or their annual trips to Europe and Campobell. However, by FDR’s teen age years, James had become an invalid due to heart disease.

By 1913, FDR had crossed the Atlantic forty times (twenty round trips). His mother insisted on an annual trip to visit her sister in Paris and his father took thermal waters at Bad Nauheim. By the time he entered Groton School at age fourteen (1896) he had made sixteen crossings. The result of his ocean, coastal and river experiences made him a vigorous and daring sailor, and a fearless commander always ready to try unconventional procedures and uncharted waters. He read widely about the sea and “Uncle” Ted’s “War of 1812” and tried to persuade his parents that he should go to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, but his father refused to consider any school but Harvard.

The Roosevelt extended family was also involved in trading enterprises requiring water transport. Nicholas Roosevelt, (1767- 1834) a New York City merchant, was known as “Steamboat Roosevelt.” He became an associate of Robert Fulton in Hudson River steamboats in 1809; after more than ten years of his own experiments, he received a United States patent in 1814 for an improved paddle wheel, having operated his steamboat New Orleans from Pittsburgh to New Orleans from 1811. FDR’s paternal great grandfather, John Aspinwall, was from a family of New York ship-owners involved in the California trade-the Pacific Mail Steamship Co., and later the Panama Railroad. (The Atlantic terminal of the Panama Canal, now Colon, was once Aspinwall, and FDR’s last born child was named John Aspinwall Roosevelt (1916)).

William Frederick “Bull” Halsey Jr retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

[Ed Donegan asserts Halsey was called upon to do a favor for Uncle Albert aka Prince Albert to get Maria Kutschera to the USA to secretly give birth to Windsor fathered children. “Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey” is a song by Paul and Linda McCartney from the album Ram. Released in the United States as a single on 2 August 1971,

William Frederick “Bull” Halsey Jr. (October 30, 1882 – August 16, 1959) was an American Navy admiral during World War II. He is one of four officers to have attained the rank of five-star fleet admiral of the United States Navy, the others being William Leahy, Ernest King, and Chester W. Nimitz.

After waiting two years to receive an appointment to the United States Naval Academy, Halsey decided to study medicine at the University of Virginia and then join the Navy as a physician. He chose Virginia because his best friend, Karl Osterhause, was there. While there, Halsey joined the Delta Psi fraternity and was also a member of the secretive Seven Society. (As Frank Wisner was.)

Following graduation he spent his early service years in battleships, and sailed with the main battle fleet aboard the battleship USS Kansas as Teddy Roosevelt’s Great White Fleet circumnavigated the globe from 1907 to 1909.

How did this affect Edward Donegan’s thinking watching some British propaganda filled by Disney shortly after JFK’s death? Mary Poppins I find Disney Propaganda about the Royals and their backers shifting from Military Conquest of Cecil Rhodes (Rhodes marching column into Rhodesia for example) to Financial Offensives (infiltration to gain control of media and corporations) along with Charm Offensives carried out through corporate outreaches and American media building up the British system of Knights and Feudal reigns later a thousand years (M Kingdoms in Roman Numerals – MKULTRA and the Special Relationship between the United Kingdom and USA.

Some background on myself (Edward Paul Donegan) is that I have researched Natural Law Philosophy and The Age of Reason and rise of Western Civilization most of my life including from a Republic of Ireland immigrant family of Boston Massachusetts with deep running contempt for blue-bloods.

I have known that republicanism (hierarchical representative government that functions for very large or small countries alike) including using Federalism that in affect makes small empires from some pluralistic rule as regions self govern within the limits of their own republican nations. This differs from familes of Aristocratic legacy, those with both wealth and title passed among them from generation to generation.

Today though we are not enough aware of it powerful elites continue control of our society with money and influence and illegal and covert anti-democratic mechanisms in a Deep State.

Picture of Lord Governer Barrack Obama Jr ruler of the Principality of the USA in Service to Her or His Majesty of England

Picture of Lord Governer Barrack Obama Jr ruler of the Principality of the USA in Service to Her or His Majesty of England. So say some socialists and leftist like John Pilger and right wingers as well.

Truther Theory per Ed Donegan is that out of wedlock bastard children in Franklin Nebraska, Manhattan Beach City Los Angeles County (Edward Donegan included) Barrack Obama Jr. date back to hidden CIA and MI5 connections from early plans in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War to control “the devil’s chessboard” with manufactured Princes to rule each square on it.

This was mostly an old money and Grand Old Party plan though the Sleepers are false-Democrat Party members and work for the Robber Barron NWO. William Burns is among them.





By 1902, the British Pilgrims had evidently already singled out selected American “Robber barons” that they would recruit to their “Empire Building,” many of whom were in Britain for the delayed coronation of Edward VII following the deaths of Queen Victoria and Cecil John Rhodes—their empire building prime mover. We will discuss their names below.

WANTED: PILGRIMS CEO FOR THE AMERICAN “BRANCH” (Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission [UK, USA, and Japan along with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and others]) Among those Americans was a groom-in-process: Columbia University lawyer named William J. Donovan who would attend Columbia as an undergrad and law student (1903-1907). BRITISH PILGRIMS SOCIETY’S RHODES IMPERATIVE (CA. 1900): TAKE BACK AMERICA

The plan was business On Target with imperial exploitation (hegemony) of lands beyond England and media corporations On Message with friendly propaganda and planted story lines mocking the enemy.

The British Throne Guided Age and forward and introduction to Marilyn Monroe Glorian Donegan Kennedy’s and Bush and Obama JR theory

Queen Victoria Reign 20 June 1837 – 22 January 1901 and who ruled with Cecil Rhodes precedes the events and change in strategy begun in 1902. Victoria married her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, in 1840. Their nine children married into royal and noble families across the continent, earning Victoria the sobriquet “grandmother of Europe”. After Albert’s death in 1861, Victoria plunged into deep mourning and avoided public appearances. As a result of her seclusion, British republicanism temporarily gained strength, but in the latter half of her reign, her popularity recovered. Her Golden and Diamond jubilees were times of public celebration. Victoria died in 1901 at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, at the age of 81. The last British monarch of the House of Hanover, she was succeeded by her son Edward VII of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

Around 1871 with the the pressure force of is made and captured for use motors (motive force) in Steam Engine in trains and boats and metal works massive industrialization took place with Robber Barron financiers directly involved. You don’t have to walk as far or buy a horse. The boat just goes across the water by itself from one location to another- EPD

Queen Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria; 24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901) was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death in 1901. Her reign of 63 years and 216 days, which was longer than any of her predecessors, is known as the Victorian era. It was a period of industrial, political, scientific, and military change within the United Kingdom, and was marked by a great expansion of the British Empire. In 1876, the British Parliament voted to grant her the additional title of Empress of India.

Victoria married her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, in 1840.

In United States history, the Gilded Age is a term coined by Mark Twain and used to refer roughly to the period from 1865 to 1904, which occurred between the Reconstruction Era and the Progressive Era.

The early half of the Gilded Age roughly coincided with the middle portion of the Victorian Era in Britain and the Belle Époque in France.

It was a time of rapid economic growth, especially in the Northern and Western United States. As American wages grew much higher than those in Europe, especially for skilled workers, and industrialization demanded an increasing unskilled labor force, the period saw an influx of millions of European immigrants. Railroads were the major growth industry, with the factory system, mining, and finance increasing in importance. Immigration from Europe and the Eastern United States led to the rapid growth of the West based on farming, ranching, and mining.

The East India Company (EIC)[a] was an English, and later British, joint-stock company founded in 1600 and dissolved in 1874.

The company eventually came to rule large areas of India, exercising military power and assuming administrative functions. Company-ruled areas in India gradually expanded after the Battle of Plassey in 1757 and by 1858 most of modern India, Pakistan and Bangladesh was either ruled by the company or Princely states closely tied to it by treaty. Following the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Government of India Act 1858 led to the British Crown assuming direct control of India in the form of the new British Raj.



Children (Issue) partial list

Mary Poppins or media Reference?

Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Queen Victoria dies 1901. Cecil John Rhodes dies 1902.

Edward VII Reign 22 January 1901 – 6 May 1910–His-Empire-Builders

‘King Edward & His Empire Builders’ © National Portrait Gallery, London published by Rotary Photographic Co Ltd postcard print, circa 1907

Victorian Vinegar days of Cecil Rhodes columns in Rhodesia and elsewhere



Children (Issue) partial list

Mary Poppins or media Reference?

King Edward VII (Albert Edward; 9 November 1841 – 6 May 1910) was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India, from 22 January 1901 until his death in 1910

Alexandra of Denmark (Alexandra Caroline Marie Charlotte Louise Julia; 1 December 1844 – 20 November 1925) was Queen of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Empress of India, from 22 January 1901 to 6 May 1910 as the wife of King-Emperor Edward VII.

George V George was born during the reign of his paternal grandmother, Queen Victoria, as the second son of the Prince and Princess of Wales (later King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra). He was third in the line of succession to the British throne behind his father and his elder brother, Prince Albert Victor. From 1877 to 1892, George served in the Royal Navy, until his elder brother’s unexpected death in January 1892 put him directly in line for the throne. The next year[ in planned royal husbadnry], George married his brother’s [who died unexpectedly] fiancée , Princess Victoria Mary of Teck, and they had six children. When Queen Victoria died in 1901, George’s father ascended the throne as Edward VII, and George was created Prince of Wales. He became king-emperor on his father’s death in 1910. Reign 6 May 1910 – 20 January 1936

Charm Offensive and Honey to catch the flies with. King Edward VII and Empire Builders will invest in and become the equity holder fo world business and media as influences in a colonizing way. [American Intelligencer Media]



Children (Issue) partial list

Mary Poppins or media Reference?

George V Born 3 June 1865 – 20 January 1936

Reign 6 May 1910 – 20 January 1936

Mary of Teck (Victoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes; 26 May 1867 – 24 March 1953) was Queen of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Empress of India, from 6 May 1910 until 20 January 1936 as the wife of King-Emperor George V.

Here it stays weird. Edward VIII (Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David by family is called David. He is formally before being king Prince Edward and Lord Governor of Wales with Wales being the London containing highest priority principality of Great Britain and King Edward VIII until abdicating and being Edward Duke of York.

George VI (Albert Frederick Arthur George is Prince Albert of York the next Principality of Great Britain and thus Prince Albert. To family and as a King he is Gerorge in fact George VI when King.

Edward Prince of Wales King Edward VIII and Prince Albert Prince of York King George VI (after Edward VIII abdicates) dies early 1952

V2K – THE TRUE STORY OF THE KING’S SPEECHDecember 20, 2019 January 3, 2021 fightingmonarch : In 1895, Prince Albert Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was born to Victoria von Teck, Princess of Württemberg, and her husband George V. The German boy who would become George VI was a sickly and fearful child prone to tears.[Borderline Personality Disorder and that kid as child had a similar face to Ed Donegan’s]

Lionel Logue notes there are interior emotions correlations to speech while Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon later was wife of the King is Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother born August 4 demands it is simple bodily speech articulators (or written language bodily error causing Dysgraphia?) and nothing of a personality nature. There known offspring are part of Kingdoms and unknown offspring part of Eugenics studies living under hidden identities and born at the same time as Princess Elizabeth 1926 later Queen II.

Some video links are here from Fighting Monarch about two male children of George V. Those children are George VI and Edward VIII. and also this link is important from

George V Family life 1894 and 1895.

Marie, Queen of Romania (1863-1921) Raised in Coburg, where her father succeeded to the Duchy in 1893, Princess Marie of Edinburgh was seen as a prospective bride by Prince George of Wales, later he was King George V, but she was married instead to Ferdinand I, King of Romania.

King George V and Marie of Romania did have fond feelings at least through their lives. In 1924 Maria of Romania will go to the USA on August 4. In 1925 Prince Albert of York a son of George V will do poorly at the Imperialism speech he was to give. Ed Donegan assert in 1926 Maria Kutschera left the Convent in Austria pregnant and had Marilyn Monroe and Glorian Donegan. Albert of York may have been testing the bloodline in him outside of known family members. I think the Admiral Halsey song told this story of births in the USA a song by Paul McCartney

1924 is the time Admiral Halsey is in Vienna or Germany as an attache and FDR is Undersecretary of the Navy (who could get Halsey a command if he performed a favor for FDR and Joseph Kennedy. Bringing bastard children into the USA was that plan. The Hidden Identities Jen Moore assert to the Donegan family as an Allen Dulles plan that led to the assassination of JFK.

Male Children. Edward VIII (Edward of Wales 23 June 1894 – 28 May 1972) George VI (Albert of York 14 December 1895 – died 6 February 1952)



Children (Issue) partial list

Mary Poppins or media Reference?

Under King George V who was King 1910 to 1936 two males are among his children. Prince of Wales Edward he has little like for and more his favorite Prince Albert of York. He is less flashy than Edward of Wales and his what I Think is FOXP2 speech and grammar and borderline personality defect.

George V with Prince Albert (George VI) and Prince Edward (Edward VIII)

The weeper Prince Albert of York (circled) along with his older brother Edward of Wales. The Weepy child would go on to make a failed speech in 1925.

In 1895, Prince Albert Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was born to Victoria von Teck, Princess of Württemberg, and her husband George V. The German boy who would become George VI was a sickly and fearful child prone to tears. [Volatile emotions either way but the the joy in a male child normed to baseline usaully.] Incidentally, you can see how Queen Elizabeth married her third cousin, Philip Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, on the chart above. Those German-er, I mean English-royals are the product of a breeding program, just like the stuff the Nazis were into.

It is not a matter of blame though George V wife Mary of Tek may have introduced a common Central European gene FOXP2 of concern to the London family. Or even more likely Alexandra of Denmark wife of Edward VII. Or it may have come from any of the German born males. I don’t know and I don’t think they did either.

Albert (younger brother) and Edward are sons of KING GEORGE V who is carrying on plans of Edward VII to charm the world into Colonialism again. Edward is briefly KING EDWARD VIII and abdicates to become Duke of Windsor in 1936 and marries a commoner.

Following the abdication of Edward VIII in 1936 George VI became King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth from 11 December 1936 until his death on 6 February 1952. His daughter Princess Elizibeth becomes QEII and world plans are formed with the USA.

Prince of York Albert becoming King George VI will hold the thrown until his death in 1951.

Wifie is Queen Elizabeth I and daughter is Queen Elizabeth II Princes Elizabeth daughter of the Queen Mother taking the throne herself late 1951 and 1952 in reality. Ed Donegan suspects other children of Albert of York including Glorian Donegan and Marilyn Monroe at least some of possibly many by Maria Kutschera.

Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes -Lyon (Born 4 August 1900 – 30 March 2002) Spouse George VI (who in the Kings Speech helps Prince Albert find a speech coach) ​(m. 1923; died 1952) was Queen Elizabeth I the QUEEN MOTHER of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth from 11 December 1936 to 6 February 1952 as the wife of King George VI. She was concurrently the last Empress of India until the British Raj was dissolved in August 1947. After her husband died, she was officially known as Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother,[2] to avoid confusion with her daughter, Queen Elizabeth II.

Princess Elizabeth a daughter of Elizabeth Bowels-Lyon (QEI)and King George V will become Queen Elizabeth II in 1952. Her mother Elizabeth was Queen by marriage to Albert of York aka George V. Some ascension rule made her Queen upon the death of her father King George V.

Now here is a question. What if the Windsor family who will rule around the world don’t have the name Windsor at all and even more so don’t even get selected and groomed unless they pass a series of tests in Orphanages. Then after that they are called to duty.

I think this was a key element of the Cold War plan for Indonesia in the late 1950’s and in truth far earlier dating back to the 1920’s and Marilyn Monroe.

Ed Donegan asserts this is when a new decoding facility is built in England and the Special Relationship is reborn in the Cold War and ATSUGI gets started by the CIA and BRitish.

From the moment that Rhodes first wanted America back as a British colony, William J. Donovan’s treasonous Pilgrims Society implemented Cecil Rhodes’ imperative to make American British again. It was a central component of Rhodes’ plan to build a new corporatism British federal empire that was shielded from liability for ALL their evil acts by the Monarch’s Bank of England and the Crown Courts hiding in a one square mile named The City of London, also named The City of London Corporation (not to be mistaken for Greater London). and

On 6 May 1910, Edward VII died, and George V became king. He wrote in his diary,

I have lost my best friend and the best of fathers … I never had a [cross] word with him in my life. I am heart-broken and overwhelmed with grief but God will help me in my responsibilities and darling May will be my comfort as she has always been. May God give me strength and guidance in the heavy task which has fallen on me.

George objected to the anti-Catholic wording of the Accession Declaration that he would be required to make at the opening of his first parliament. He made it known that he would refuse to open parliament unless it was changed. As a result, the Accession Declaration Act 1910 shortened the declaration and removed the most offensive phrases.

Albert of York is about 29 or 30 in the mid 1920s and likely to have had trouble in schools requiring many tutors to keep his attention on studying, etc.,

The Theory and which unanswered questions fit facts no one can even believe

Kings and Queens and An Explanation To All This Things

Norma Jean. Brought by Joseph Kennedy Sr. connected to Navy Undersecretary FDR in the 1920s into the USA. Glorian Donegan too, her as Glorian Gainey in Dean Rusk area North Carolina near Davidson College and underground railroads.

Long-term CIA involvement in both their lives even to this day.

John F. Kennedy through Joseph Kennedy became involved in sleepers around the world from the Special Relationship going back to 1902 and 1910 into the WWII and the COld War.

George Herbert Walker Bush, Prescott Bush, and others were part of the special relationship in CIA companies.

The planned with Malcolm X and Norma Jean help creating sleepers of Indonesia (Obama Jr) and maybe Cuba (as Ted Cruz Sr. was anti-communist working with Oswald too. Obama Sr. in Kenya was CIA backed and died suspiciously. So did Malcolm X and Noram Jean who (as with Dr King) knew of the CIA plan until they found out the evils of the CIA plans and activities.

That Ted Gunderson assigned to Marilyn Monroe AND the JFK murders knew something was up and became a target. Sobee maybe ties to this history too. The Donegan’s are victims and how does Keith S. Labella fit this? That is my only unanswered question so far.

In 1919, Edward agreed to be president of the organising committee for the proposed British Empire Exhibition at Wembley Park, Middlesex. He wished the Exhibition to include “a great national sports ground”, and so played a part in the creation of Wembley Stadium. It was his brother Albert of York who in 1925 spoke to widespread criticism.

FDR ties and the Navy

Mother Sara Delano – Delano was described as 5’10” (178 cm),[4] and an intelligent debutante beauty in her youth. She was also known for her sense of purpose that many young women of her age and class lacked at the time. After the death of her husband in 1900, she temporarily moved to Boston, Massachusetts to be close to her son FDR who was then studying at Harvard University.

In the United States, members of the Delano family include U.S. presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Ulysses S. Grant and Calvin Coolidge, astronaut Alan B. Shepard, and writer Laura Ingalls Wilder. Its progenitor is Philippe de Lannoy (1602-1681), a Pilgrim of Walloon descent, who arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts, in the early 1620s. His descendants also include Eustachius De Lannoy (who played an important role in Indian History), Frederic Adrian Delano, Robert Redfield, and Paul Delano. Delano family forebears include the Pilgrims who chartered the Mayflower, seven of its passengers, and three signers of the Mayflower Compact.

After obtaining a law degree from Harvard University, FDR’s father James Roosevelt I joined the law firm of Benjamin D. Silliman, the latter arranging Roosevelt serve on the founding board of directors to the company’s client, the Consolidated Coal Company of Maryland. Doug Wead wrote that Roosevelt applied the skills he learned from watching the growth of this company to his own enterprise.

Jamwe Roosevelt’s business interests were primarily in coal and transportation. He was vice president of the Delaware and Hudson Railway and president of the Southern Railway Security Company.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882, in the Hudson Valley town of Hyde Park, New York, to businessman James Roosevelt I and his second wife, Sara Ann Delano. His parents, who were sixth cousins, came from wealthy, established New York families—the Roosevelts, the Aspinwalls and the Delanos, respectively.

William Henry Aspinwall (December 16, 1807 – January 18, 1875)[1] was a prominent American businessman who was a partner in the merchant firm of Howland & Aspinwall and was a co-founder of both the Pacific Mail Steamship Company and Panama Canal Railway companies which revolutionized the migration of goods and people to the Western coast of the United States.

Aspinwall was descended from, and related to, many prominent American families including the Roosevelts, Howlands, and Aspinwalls, that were heavily involved in the merchant trade business and politics, wielding vast power and ensuring wealth for generations.

William Henry Aspinwall was born on December 16, 1807, in Manhattan, New York. He was the third of seven children born to John Aspinwall (1774-1847) and Susan Howland (1779-1852). His father, who traveled extensively,[4] was associated with the dry goods merchant firm of Gilbert & Aspinwall His younger sister, Mary Rebecca Aspinwall (1809-1886) was married to Isaac Roosevelt, the grandfather of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. His maternal aunt, Harriet Howland, was the third wife of Isaac’s father, New York State Assemblyman James Roosevelt.

FDR’s father, James, graduated from Harvard Law School in 1851 but chose not to practice law after receiving an inheritance from his grandfather.

A member of the Delano family and Roosevelt family, after attending university, Roosevelt began to practice law in New York City. He was elected a member of the New York State Senate from 1911 to 1913 and was then the assistant secretary of the Navy under President Woodrow Wilson during World War I. FDR In office as March 17, 1913 – August 26, 1920 Undersecretary of the Navy. The Delano family patriarch, Philip Delano, traveled to the New World on the Fortune in 1621, and the Delanos thrived as merchants and shipbuilders in Massachusetts.

Portraits of Presidents
  1. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. 26th President of the United States often referred to as Teddy in office September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1909.

    In 1908, FDR took a job with the prestigious law firm of Carter Ledyard & Milburn, working in the firm’s admiralty law division and in FDR Assistant Secretary of the Navy (old job of Teddy Rosevelt) FDR Undersecratary of Navy office March 17, 1913 – August 26, 1920.

  2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt , commonly known as FDR died in office in 1945 just asn then Atomic Bomb was about to be dropped. 32nd President of the United States In office March 4, 1933 – April 12, 1945 He was succeeded by Truman also a Democrat.

  3. Lee Harveyu Oswald How Lee Harvey Oswald is a Closer Cousin to Teddy Roosevelt than FDR Posted by HISTORYMONOCLE on APRIL 14, 2016

Teddy Roosevelt President of the New York City Board of Police Commissioners In office May 6, 1895 – April 19, 1897. 5th Assistant Secretary of the Navy In office April 19, 1897 – May 10, 1898 by President William McKinley. 25th Vice President of the United States under McKinley. In office March 4, 1901 – September 14, 1901. 26th President of the United States In office September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1909 following assaination of McKinley.

FDR entered Columbia Law School in 1904 but dropped out in 1907 after passing the New York Bar Examination.[26][b] In 1908, he took a job with the prestigious law firm of Carter Ledyard & Milburn, working in the firm’s admiralty law division.[28]

In 1900 FDR’s father dies. In 1901 President William McKinney is shot (and dies) at the Pan American Conference and Teddy Roosevelt his V.P becomes President of the USA.

FDR graduated from Harvard in three years in 1903 with an A.B. in history. He remained there for a fourth year, taking graduate courses.

FDR entered Columbia Law School in 1904 but dropped out in 1907 after passing the New York Bar Examination. In 1908, he took a job with the prestigious law firm of Carter Ledyard & Milburn, working in the firm’s admiralty law division.

FDR Assistant Secretary of the Navy In office March 17, 1913 – August 26, 1920, Member of the New York State Senate from the 26th district In office January 1, 1911 – March 17, 1913

During his second year of college, Roosevelt met and proposed to Boston heiress Alice Sohier, who turned him down. Franklin then began courting his childhood acquaintance and fifth cousin once removed, Eleanor Roosevelt, a niece of Theodore Roosevelt. In 1903, Franklin proposed to Eleanor. Following resistance from Roosevelt’s mother, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were married on March 17, 1905. Eleanor’s father, Elliott, was deceased; Theodore, who was then president, gave away the bride.

Despite sharing the same surname, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt are not really that closely related. Many of you may know that FDR’s wife, Eleanor, was both a Roosevelt by birth and the niece of Teddy Roosevelt. When FDR and Eleanor married, Teddy Roosevelt said something to the effect, “It’s a good thing to keep the name in the family!” What some of you may not know is that JFK’s presumed killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, is actually more closely related to TR than cousin FDR is to the older president.

This may perplex some, partially because the Marxist Oswald is a Southerner and TR is identified with New York. What a lot people don’t know is that TR’s mother was born in Georgia from a leading Georgian family: the Bullochs. Archibald Bulloch, the great-grandfather of TR’s mom, was a governor of Georgia. From his mother’s side, TR is the great-great grandson of Joseph Oswald of Georgia, who died about 1785. This is the common ancestor of TR (and Eleanor) and Lee Harvey Oswald. TR and Eleanor came from a daughter of Joseph Oswald, while Lee Harvey Oswald came from a son, Thomas Hepworth Oswald.

While TR is the 2x great grandson of Joseph Oswald, Lee Harvey Oswald is the 3x great grandchild of Joseph Oswald. This makes them 3rd cousins, 1 time removed.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882, in the Hudson Valley town of Hyde Park, New York, to businessman James Roosevelt I and his second wife, Sara Ann Delano. His parents, who were sixth cousins,[3] came from wealthy, established New York families—the Roosevelts, the Aspinwalls and the Delanos, respectively.

Early life and marriage


As a child, Roosevelt learned to ride, shoot, and sail, and play polo, tennis, and golf.[10][11] Frequent trips to Europe—beginning at age two and from age seven to fifteen—helped Roosevelt become conversant in German and French. Except for attending public school in Germany at age nine,[12] Roosevelt was homeschooled by tutors until age 14. He then attended Groton School, an Episcopal boarding school in Groton, Massachusetts.

Roosevelt’s father died in 1900, causing him great distress.[22] The following year, Roosevelt’s fifth cousin Theodore Roosevelt became President of the United States. Theodore’s vigorous leadership style and reforming zeal made him Franklin’s role model and hero.[23] He graduated from Harvard in three years in 1903 with an A.B. in history.[24] He remained there for a fourth year, taking graduate courses.[25]

Roosevelt entered Columbia Law School in 1904 but dropped out in 1907 after passing the New York Bar Examination.[26][b] In 1908, he took a job with the prestigious law firm of Carter Ledyard & Milburn, working in the firm’s admiralty law division.[28]

In the summer of 1902, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt encountered her father’s fifth cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, on a train to Tivoli, New York. The two began a secret correspondence and romance, and became engaged on November 22, 1903. Franklin’s mother, Sara Ann Delano, opposed the union and made him promise that the engagement would not be officially announced for a year.

“I know what pain I must have caused you,” while in West Virginia FDR wrote to his mother of his decision. However, he added, “I know my own mind, and known it for a long time, and know that I could never think otherwise.” Sara took her son on a Caribbean cruise in 1904, hoping that a separation would squelch the romance, but Franklin remained determined. The wedding date was set to accommodate President Theodore Roosevelt, who was scheduled to be in New York City for the St. Patrick’s Day parade, and who agreed to give the bride away.

Frank Gardiner Wisner retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Frank Wisner was educated at the University of Virginia, where he received both a B.A. and a LL.B. degree.[1] He was also tapped for the Seven Society.[2] After graduating from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1934,[3] Wisner began working as a Wall Street lawyer for Carter, Ledyard & Milburn.

Navy and OSS career- In 1941, six months before the attack on Pearl Harbor, he enlisted in the United States Navy. He worked in the Navy’s censor’s office until he managed to transfer to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1943. He was first stationed in Cairo where he spent an uneventful year. After Cairo (from June 15, 1944) he spent three months in OSS Istanbul, Turkey, as head of SI (Secret Intelligence) branch. On August 29, 1944, Lt. Comdr. Wisner and 21 OSS agents landed in Romania,[5] where he became head of OSS Bucharest.

Wisner arrived just as Romania joined the Allies and declared war on the Axis. His first task was to oversee the return of over 1,000 American airmen who had been shot down in missions against Romanian oilfields. The POWs were returned by the Fifteenth Air Force via the Popești-Leordeni Airfield during Operation Reunion.[8] Over 50 B-17 Flying Fortress airplanes flew out the prisoners between 31 August and 3 September. In all, some 1,127 American POWs were transported.

Immediately after the arrival of Major Robert Bishop (September 9, 1944) as head of X-2 (Counter Espionage) branch in Bucharest, Wisner started the search for German records. With the help of Romanian Intelligence, they manage to obtain tons of records, including SD files, 200 rolls of German film and a large amount of Soviet information. During that time, Wisner and Bishop discovered and penetrated a Soviet intelligence service named GUGBEZ. Wisner left Bucharest Romania in the last week of January 1945.

In March 1945, Wisner was transferred to Wiesbaden, Germany. In 1945-1946, he returned to law practice at Carter, Ledyard & Milbrun.

Wisner was recruited in 1947 by Dean Acheson to join the State Department to become the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas. On June 18, 1948, the United States National Security Council approved NSC 10/2 which created the Office of Special Projects.[12] On September 1, 1948, the office was formally established, although it was renamed to the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) for obfuscation purposes.[13] Wisner was chosen to lead the OPC in the capacity of Assistant Director for Policy Coordination (ADPC).[14] The OPC initially received services from the CIA but was accountable to the State Department.[15]

According to its secret charter, the OPC’s responsibilities include “propaganda, economic warfare, preventive direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage, demolition and evacuation procedures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world.

During the early 1950s, Wisner was the subject of FBI inquiries in connection with his wartime work in Romania, including the claim that he had an affair with Tanda Caradja, daughter of Romanian princess Catherine Caradja during the war; Caradja was alleged in FBI reports to be a Soviet agent. However, Wisner was cleared of all suspicions by the CIA Office of Security.

On August 23, 1951, Wisner succeeded Allen W. Dulles and became the second Deputy Director of Plans, with Richard Helms as his chief of operations. In this position, he was instrumental in supporting pro-American forces that toppled Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran in 1953[citation needed] and Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in Guatemala in 1954.

Wisner worked closely with Kim Philby, the British agent who was also a Soviet spy.

Wisner was also deeply involved in establishing the Lockheed U-2 spy plane program run by Richard M. Bissell Jr.

Wisner suffered a serious breakdown in September 1958. He was diagnosed as manic depressive and received electroshock therapy. Bissell replaced Wisner as Deputy Director of Plans. After a lengthy recovery, Wisner became chief of the CIA’s London Station.

In 1961, Wisner was ordered to organize CIA activities in British Guiana.

In 1962, Wisner retired from the CIA.[citation needed]

British Guiana
1831-1966 is a country in South America south of Venezuela along the eastard opening mouth of the Caribbean.
Motto: Damus petimusque vicissim (Latin)
“We give and take in return”
Anthem: God Save the King (1831-1837; 1901-1952)
God Save the Queen (1837-1901; 1952-1966)

Duration: 1 minute and 4 seconds.
Status British colony
Capital Georgetown
Common languages Official
Vernacular language
Guyanese Creole

Government Colony
• 1831-1837
William IV
• 1837-1901
• 1901-1910
Edward VII
• 1910-1936
George V
• 1936
Edward VIII
• 1936-1952
George VI
• 1952-1966
Elizabeth II
Legislature Legislative council
Historical era New Imperialism
• Single colony
21 July 1831
• New constitution
• Independence
26 May 1966
1924[1] 231,800 km2 (89,500 sq mi)
• 1924[1]
Currency Spanish dollar (to 1876)
British Guiana dollar (to 1940s)
British West Indies dollar (1949-65)
East Caribbean dollar (1965-66)
ISO 3166 code GY

Preceded by

Succeeded by
Gran Colombia
Today part of Guyana

Carter Ledyard & Milburn retrieved from and copied or modified to here

A Brief History (including FDR and Frank Wisner)

James C. Carter pcitured from Collection Harvard Club of New York City

The founding partners were distinguished attorneys with well-known clients who made valuable contributions to the profession and the City of New York. James C. Carter argued three dozen cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and was a member of the legal team that successfully sued the politician William “Boss” Tweed for corruption and graft. He was called “possibly the most famous lawyer in the country” and “perhaps the most respected appellate advocate in the nation” at the turn of the 20th century. Lewis Cass Ledyard was personal counsel to J.P. Morgan and a founder and President of the New York Public Library, and John G. Milburn was a law clerk to Grover Cleveland and Supreme Court counsel for John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil.

Since 1904, when Carter Ledyard & Milburn had only five lawyers, the firm has steadily built its practice. Today, the firm has about 100 lawyers spanning a broad range of practice areas, including many facets of litigation, corporate law, trusts & estates, real estate, intellectual property, tax law and non-profit/tax-exempt organizations. A full list of the firm’s practice areas is available here.

In addition to its founding partners, Carter Ledyard & Milburn boasts many notable alumni, including: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (32nd President of the United States), Edmund L. Baylies (a well-known New York lawyer and philanthropist), John Teele Pratt (a corporate attorney, philanthropist, financier and music impresario), Devereux Milburn (an accomplished attorney who won ground-breaking cases before the U.S. Supreme Court involving the rules for class action lawsuits and the contract clause of the U.S. Constitution as well as one of the best polo players America has produced), Grenville Clark (a Nobel Peace Prize nominee and co-author of the book “World Peace Through World Law”), William Harding Jackson (National Security Advisor to President Dwight D. Eisenhower), Frank Wisner (Head of the Office of Strategic Services operations in Southeastern Europe at the end of World War II and 2nd Deputy Director of Plans in charge of covert paramilitary and counterintelligence operations for the CIA under President Truman), Peter H. Dominick (U.S. Senator for the State of Colorado), Renato Beghe (U.S. Tax Court Judge, appointed by President George H.W. Bush), John M. Walker, Jr. (Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, appointed by President George H.W. Bush) and Margo K. Brodie (U.S. District Court Chief Judge for the Eastern District of New York, appointed by President Barack Obama and the first Afro-Caribbean-born federal judge in the United States).

The Great Treason X, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

This book

Views: 158

Read the Writing on the Wall to Learn of 33rd Degree Free Masons Deep State

Aldous Huxley’s profoundly important classic of world literature, Brave New World is a searching vision of an unequal, technologically-advanced future where humans are genetically bred, socially indoctrinated, and pharmaceutically anesthetized to passively uphold an authoritarian ruling order–all at the cost of our freedom, full humanity, and perhaps also our souls. “A genius [who] who spent his life decrying the onward march of the Machine” (The New Yorker), Huxley was a man of incomparable talents: equally an artist, a spiritual seeker, and one of history’s keenest observers of human nature and civilization. Brave New World, his masterpiece, has enthralled and terrified millions of readers, and retains its urgent relevance to this day as both a warning to be heeded as we head into tomorrow and as thought-provoking, satisfying work of literature. Written in the shadow of the rise of fascism during the 1930s, Brave New Worldd likewise speaks to a 21st-century world dominated by mass-entertainment, technology, medicine and pharmaceuticals, the arts of persuasion, and the hidden influence of elites.//With the serteam engine and electricity what could be built? Aldous Huxley

On his deathbed, unable to speak owing to advanced laryngeal cancer, Huxley made a written request to his wife Laura for “LSD, 100 µg, intramuscular.” According to her account of his death[88] in This Timeless Moment, she obliged with an injection at 11:20 a.m. and a second dose an hour later; Huxley died aged 69, at 5:20 p.m. PST on 22 November 1963 the same day JFK was assassinated.

Brave New World retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

“World bankers, by pulling a few simple levers that control the flow of money, can make or break entire economies.

Huxley endorsed training in general semantics and “the nonverbal world of culturally uncontaminated consciousness,” writing that “We must learn how to be mentally silent, we must cultivate the art of pure receptivity…. [T]he individual must learn to decondition himself, must be able to cut holes in the fence of verbalized symbols that hems him in.

General semantics is concerned with how events translate to perceptions, how they are further modified by the names and labels we apply to them, and how we might gain a measure of control over our own cognitive, emotional, and behavioral responses.

[Ed Donegan uses the following term for these semantics NIA. The Name of a thing, Information about a thing, and then who it is Applied.

Star Wars the movie brand builds up special forces leverage operators. The informatio is they keep the peace. The application is we should have special operators control the world covertly and feel good about that in real life.

On 21 October 1949, Huxley wrote to George Orwell, author of Nineteen Eighty-Four, congratulating him on “how fine and how profoundly important the book is”. In his letter, he predicted:

“Within the next generation I believe that the world’s leaders will discover that infant conditioning and narcohypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience.”

By controlling press releases of economic strategies that shape national trends, the power elite are able to not only tighten their stranglehold on this nation’s economic structure, but can extend that control world wide.

Those possessing such power would logically want to remain in the background, invisible to the average citizen.” Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley

Huxley in 1954 Born Aldous Leonard Huxley 26 July 1894 Godalming, Surrey, England Died 22 November 1963 (aged 69) Los Angeles County, California, United States Resting place Compton, Surrey Education Eton College Alma mater Balliol College, Oxford Occupations Writerphilosopher Notable work Brave New WorldIslandPoint Counter PointThe Doors of PerceptionThe Perennial PhilosophyThe Devils of Loudun

Aldous Leonard Huxley (/ˈɔːldəs/ AWL-dəs; 26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963) was an English writer and philosopher. His bibliography spans nearly 50 books, including novels and non-fiction works, as well as essays, narratives, and poems.

Born into the prominent Huxley family, he graduated from Balliol College, Oxford, with an undergraduate degree in English literature. Early in his career, he published short stories and poetry and edited the literary magazine Oxford Poetry, before going on to publish travel writing, satire, and screenplays. He spent the latter part of his life in the United States, living in Los Angeles from 1937 until his death. By the end of his life, Huxley was widely acknowledged as one of the foremost intellectuals of his time. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature nine times, and was elected Companion of Literature by the Royal Society of Literature in 1962.

Huxley was a pacifist. He grew interested in philosophical mysticism, as well as universalism, addressing these subjects in his works such as The Perennial Philosophy, which illustrates commonalities between Western and Eastern mysticism, and The Doors of Perception, which interprets his own psychedelic experience with mescaline. In his most famous novel Brave New World and his final novel Island, he presented his visions of dystopia and utopia, respectively.

His mother died in 1908, when he was 14 (his father later remarried). He contracted the eye disease Keratitis punctata in 1911; this “left [him] practically blind for two to three years” and “ended his early dreams of becoming a doctor”. In October 1913, Huxley entered Balliol College, Oxford, where he studied English literature. He volunteered for the British Army in January 1916, for the Great War; however, he was rejected on health grounds, being half-blind in one eye. His eyesight later partly recovered. He edited Oxford Poetry in 1916, and in June of that year graduated BA with first class honours. His brother Julian wrote:

I believe his blindness was a blessing in disguise. For one thing, it put paid to his idea of taking up medicine as a career … His uniqueness lay in his universalism. He was able to take all knowledge for his province.

Huxley also worked for a time during the 1920s at Brunner and Mond, an advanced chemical plant in Billingham in County Durham, northeast England. According to an introduction to his science fiction novel Brave New World (1932), the experience he had there of “an ordered universe in a world of planless incoherence” was an important source for the novel.[citation needed]

Who is Behind WikiLeaks?by Michel Chossudovsky
December 13, 2010

from GlobalResearch Website and

“World bankers, by pulling a few simple levers that control the flow of money, can make or break entire economies.

By controlling press releases of economic strategies that shape national trends, the power elite are able to not only tighten their stranglehold on this nation’s economic structure, but can extend that control world wide.

Those possessing such power would logically want to remain in the background, invisible to the average citizen.” Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley

Huxley in 1954
Born Aldous Leonard Huxley
26 July 1894
Godalming, Surrey, England
Died 22 November 1963 (aged 69)
Los Angeles County, California, United States
Resting place Compton, Surrey
Education Eton College
Alma mater Balliol College, Oxford
Notable work
Brave New WorldIslandPoint Counter PointThe Doors of PerceptionThe Perennial PhilosophyThe Devils of Loudun

Aldous Leonard Huxley (/ˈɔːldəs/ AWL-dəs; 26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963) was an English writer and philosopher.[1][2][3][4] His bibliography spans nearly 50 books,[5][6] including novels and non-fiction works, as well as essays, narratives, and poems.

Born into the prominent Huxley family, he graduated from Balliol College, Oxford, with an undergraduate degree in English literature. Early in his career, he published short stories and poetry and edited the literary magazine Oxford Poetry, before going on to publish travel writing, satire, and screenplays. He spent the latter part of his life in the United States, living in Los Angeles from 1937 until his death.[7] By the end of his life, Huxley was widely acknowledged as one of the foremost intellectuals of his time.[8] He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature nine times,[9] and was elected Companion of Literature by the Royal Society of Literature in 1962.

Huxley was a pacifist.[11] He grew interested in philosophical mysticism,[11][12][13] as well as universalism,[11][14] addressing these subjects in his works such as The Perennial Philosophy, which illustrates commonalities between Western and Eastern mysticism, and The Doors of Perception, which interprets his own psychedelic experience with mescaline. In his most famous novel Brave New World and his final novel Island, he presented his visions of dystopia and utopia, respectively.

English Heritage blue plaque at 16 Bracknell Gardens, Hampstead, London, commemorating Aldous, his brother Julian, and his father Leonard
Huxley was born in Godalming, Surrey, England, in 1894.[15] He was the third son of the writer and schoolmaster Leonard Huxley, who edited The Cornhill Magazine,[16] and his first wife, Julia Arnold, who founded Prior’s Field School. Julia was the niece of poet and critic Matthew Arnold and the sister of Mrs. Humphry Ward. Julia named him Aldous after a character in one of her sister’s novels.[17] Aldous was the grandson of Thomas Henry Huxley, the zoologist, agnostic, and controversialist who had often been called “Darwin’s Bulldog”. His brother Julian Huxley and half-brother Andrew Huxley also became outstanding biologists. Aldous had another brother, Noel Trevenen Huxley (1889–1914), who took his own life after a period of clinical depression.[18]

As a child, Huxley’s nickname was “Ogie”, short for “Ogre”.[19] He was described by his brother, Julian, as someone who frequently [contemplated] the strangeness of things”.[19] According to his cousin and contemporary Gervas Huxley, he had an early interest in drawing.[19]

Huxley’s education began in his father’s well-equipped botanical laboratory, after which he enrolled at Hillside School near Godalming.[20][21] He was taught there by his own mother for several years until she became terminally ill. After Hillside he went on to Eton College. His mother died in 1908, when he was 14 (his father later remarried). He contracted the eye disease Keratitis punctata in 1911; this “left [him] practically blind for two to three years”[22] and “ended his early dreams of becoming a doctor”.[23] In October 1913, Huxley entered Balliol College, Oxford, where he studied English literature.[24] He volunteered for the British Army in January 1916, for the Great War; however, he was rejected on health grounds, being half-blind in one eye.[24] His eyesight later partly recovered. He edited Oxford Poetry in 1916, and in June of that year graduated BA with first class honours.[24] His brother Julian wrote:

I believe his blindness was a blessing in disguise. For one thing, it put paid to his idea of taking up medicine as a career … His uniqueness lay in his universalism. He was able to take all knowledge for his province.[25]

Following his years at Balliol, Huxley, being financially indebted to his father, decided to find employment. He taught French for a year at Eton College, where Eric Blair (who was to take the pen name George Orwell) and Steven Runciman were among his pupils. He was mainly remembered as being an incompetent schoolmaster unable to keep order in class. Nevertheless, Blair and others spoke highly of his excellent command of language.[26]

Huxley also worked for a time during the 1920s at Brunner and Mond, an advanced chemical plant in Billingham in County Durham, northeast England. According to an introduction to his science fiction novel Brave New World (1932), the experience he had there of “an ordered universe in a world of planless incoherence” was an important source for the novel.[citation needed]

Rumor Has It… 2005 PG-13 1h 37m Sarah Huttinger is a woman who learns that her family was the inspiration for the book and film “The Graduate” — and that she just might be the offspring of the well-documented event.

I think there are movies and movie lines that depict the MKULTRA stories including OBamas,. Donegans, British Empire of a thousand years, etc., and Jet Pilot of Col Shannon is one, Rocky Horror PIcture Show of Joseph Kennedy Sr story line making the creature at Peter Lawford house Los Angeles.

In Avatar at 32 minutes 30 seconds we start seeing a great midichlorian like interconnectedness.

What do the floating jellyfish mean in Avatar?

Known to the Na’vi as atokirina, the Woodsprites are seeds from the Tree of Souls. The Na’vi revere the woodsprites and consider them bearers of omens and signs of sanctity. While woodsprites have the appearance of Earth jellyfish, they float in the wind similar to dandelion seeds.

At one hour, a finest hour, an airbattle begins to change and an allegiance forms to defend the planet and its Great Tree.

This theme repeats in much Science Fiction and matches Great Britian’s theory of a Thousand (M) years of Kingdom (K) preserved by its aristocracy.

What are Roman numerals? Roman numerals are the symbols used in a system of numerical notation based on the ancient Roman system. The symbols are I, V, X, L, C, D, and M, standing respectively for 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, and 1,000.

C is 100, M is 1,000. 33rd is the highest Mason,.

Salvation Army has frozen some DNA during testing work

Is Austin Powers International Man of Mystery and Goldmember Virtuecon likely DuPont Desilu have frozen semen from outside Las Vegas. It turns out to be Austin Mojo and will be trafficked by Salvation Army and Fez Mustafaa.

33 minutes 53 seconds in Goldmember USA and England meet as a match, at Finest Hour 509th arrives on Tokyo Island of Dr Evil to defeat him.

Cable News helps steal Austin Powers Mojo, Fat Bastard seems to be Donald Barr bag pipe player who hates Jimmy Son and will eat him.

At 33′53″ Austin Powers Gold Member England-USA match made. 33’ Star Trek Into Darkness Division 31 aka 13. Missiles are Eugenics Torpedoes. War is inevitable. Unless Special Division can act secretly between powers.

Frau Greta Farbissina is a fictional character played by Mindy Sterling in the Austin Powers film series.[1][2] Farbissina is a German attack and defence specialist and the founder of “the militant wing of the Salvation Army”. She is also Dr. Evil’s henchwoman and tries to help in his schemes to terrorize and take over the world. She has a heavy German accent and is well known for a running gag in which she shouts her orders needlessly loud and screeching, often startling Dr. Evil. For her performances, Sterling was nominated for Favorite Supporting Actress in a Comedy at the BMI Film & TV Awards.

Mustafa (Will Ferrell) is an Arab (either Egyptian or Lebanese) or Turkish henchman of Dr. Evil, appearing in the first and second movies. He is apparently Dr. Evil’s weapons designer as he took credit for constructing the cryogenic chamber which was used to freeze Dr. Evil and the trap fire pit Which was used to kill a few of Dr. Evil’s henchmen (including Mustafa himself).

Mustafa may fit Malcom X and the Fez. As an advocate for Mecca and a Muslim he is used by the Salvation radicals but then killed in a Brazen Bull burning him in a pit of his own design.

Character Analysis Starbuck

The first mate is the only man aboard the Pequod who resists Ahab’s plan to devote the ship’s mission to hunting and killing the White Whale. Starbuck contrasts with Ahab in his spirit and manner. Where Ahab is bombastic, outrageous, and monomaniac, Starbuck is prudent, calm, and reasonable. But he lacks Ahab’s power. The chief mate argues that the ship’s mission, as prescribed by the owners, is to harvest as much whale oil as possible and return home safely, showing a profit. He feels it is “blasphemous” to be enraged by a dumb object of nature such as a whale, and he realizes that the lives of all aboard are at serious risk. At one point (Chapter 123), Starbuck even considers shooting the captain to end the madness. Ultimately, however, Starbuck acquiesces. He concedes that he is no match for the enormity of the charismatic captain’s spirit. Even though he is certain that Ahab is mad, Starbuck cannot take the action necessary to stop him. Perhaps he is too moral to kill or feels bound to a higher duty. At any rate, the first mate obeys orders. As a character, he changes only because he submits to Ahab.

Our Heritage

Our story begins in 1971 along the cobblestone streets of Seattle’s historic Pike Place Market. It was here where Starbucks opened its first store, offering fresh-roasted coffee beans, tea and spices from around the world for our customers to take home. Our name was inspired by the classic tale, “Moby-Dick,” evoking the seafaring tradition of the early coffee traders.

Ten years later, a young New Yorker named Howard Schultz would walk through these doors and become captivated with Starbucks coffee from his first sip. After joining the company in 1982, a different cobblestone road would lead him to another discovery. It was on a trip to Milan in 1983 that Howard first experienced Italy’s coffeehouses, and he returned to Seattle inspired to bring the warmth and artistry of its coffee culture to Starbucks. By 1987, we swapped our brown aprons for green ones and embarked on our next chapter as a coffeehouse.

Starbucks would soon expand to Chicago and Vancouver, Canada and then on to California, Washington, D.C. and New York. By 1996, we would cross the Pacific to open our first store in Japan, followed by Europe in 1998 and China in 1999. Over the next two decades, we would grow to welcome millions of customers each week and become a part of the fabric of tens of thousands of neighborhoods all around the world. In everything we do, we are always dedicated to Our Mission: With every cup, with every conversation, with every community – we nurture the limitless possibilities of human connection.

Howard D. Schultz (born July 19, 1953)[2] is an American businessman and author who served as the chairman and chief executive officer of Starbucks from 1986 to 2000, from 2008 to 2017, and as interim CEO from 2022 to 2023. Schultz also owned the Seattle SuperSonics basketball team from 2001 to 2006.

Schultz began working at Starbucks in 1982. He later left and opened Il Giornale, a specialty coffeeshop that merged with Starbucks during the late 1980s. Under Schultz, the company established a large network of stores which has influenced coffee culture in Seattle, the U.S., and internationally. Following large-scale distribution deals Starbucks became the largest coffee-house chain in the world. Schultz took the company public in 1992 and used a $271 million valuation to double their store count in a series of highly publicized coffee wars. He stepped down as CEO in 2000, succeeded by Orin Smith.

During the 2008 financial crisis, Schultz returned as chief executive. Succeeding Jim Donald, Schultz led a mass firing of executives and employees and shuttered hundreds of stores. He orchestrated multiple acquisitions of American and Chinese beverage companies, introduced a national loyalty program, and enforced fair trade standards. His aggressive expansion in Chinese markets has been credited[by whom?] with reconciling the country’s tea-culture with coffee consumption in China. Schultz was succeeded by Kevin Johnson as CEO in April 2017 and Myron Ullman as chairman in June 2018.

Schultz has written four books on business. He is an outspoken neoliberal. Schultz publicly considered a candidacy in the 2012, 2016, and 2020 U.S. presidential elections as an independent candidate. He declined to join all three contests. His positions on domestic politics are socially liberal and fiscally moderate. In foreign policy, he is seen as a “liberal hawk”, favoring American-led international affairs and neoliberalism. Schultz was named the 209th-richest person in the U.S. by Forbes with a net worth of $4.3 billion (October 2020). Schultz started the Schultz Family Foundation to help military veterans and fight youth unemployment.

On March 16, 2022, Starbucks announced that CEO Kevin Johnson was retiring, and that Howard Schultz would take over as interim CEO until Laxman Narasimhan took over as CEO in April 2023. On March 20, 2023, Schultz announced that he would be stepping down early from the position.

Virtucon retrieved from and copied or modified to here

In 1967, Virtucon Industries was founded by Number Two. Even though it got a rocky start as a small business, it eventually gained enough funding and corporate power.

The company started as a volatile chemicals manufacturing company. In 1982, the company switched to the communications industry, buying and building more than 38 cable company subsidiaries. By 1997, the conglomerate has grown into several different industries, such as shipping in Texas, a steel mill in Cleveland, oil refineries in Seattle, and a factory in Chicago that produced miniature models of factories. In the first two films, the corporation is a front for Dr. Evil’s many schemes. However, because of its resources and influence, the police are left with little-to-nothing against Dr. Evil.

The company helps fund and supply Dr. Evil’s empire to take over the world. In the second Austin Powers film, Virtucon builds a time machine for Dr. Evil to transport to 1969 (at the time, Virtucon would still be in its growing years).

In Austin Powers in Goldmember, the company is not mentioned or referenced at all. It is possible that Scott took over the company after his father and Number Two become good.

Virtucon’s Project Vulcan

One side of the chart is labeled “Secret Projects.” Under that we see “Human Organ Trafficking”, “Salvation Army”, “Carrot Top Movie”, Cable News and in CLOSE-UP&emdash; “Project Vulcan.”

Virtucon exisst at a restricted area looks like atomic blast area of Las Vegas.

Possible Virtuecom

Monsanto retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

In 1901 Monsanto was founded in St. Louis, Missouri, as a chemical company.[18] The founder was John Francis Queeny, who at age 42 was a 30‑year veteran of the nascent pharmaceutical industry.[19] He funded the firm with his own money and capital from a soft drink distributor. He used for the company name, the maiden name of his wife, Olga Méndez Monsanto, who was a scioness of the Sephardic Jewish Monsanto family.[20] The company’s first products were commodity food additives, such as the artificial sweetener saccharin, caffeine and vanillin.

Monsanto expanded to Europe in 1919 in a partnership with Graesser’s Chemical Works at Cefn Mawr, Wales. The venture produced vanillin, aspirin and its raw ingredient salicylic acid, and later rubber processing chemicals. In the 1920s, Monsanto expanded into basic industrial chemicals such as sulfuric acid and PCBs. Queeny’s son Edgar Monsanto Queeny took over the company in 1928. In 1926 the company founded and incorporated a town called Monsanto in Illinois (now known as Sauget). It was formed to provide minimal regulation and low taxes for Monsanto plants at a time when local jurisdictions had most of the responsibility for environmental rules. It was renamed in honor of Leo Sauget, its first village president.

In 1935, Monsanto bought the Swann Chemical Company in Anniston, Alabama, and thereby entered the business of producing PCBs.

In 1936, Monsanto acquired Thomas & Hochwalt Laboratories in Dayton, Ohio, to acquire the expertise of Charles Allen Thomas and Carroll A. Hochwalt. The acquisition became Monsanto’s Central Research Department.[30]: 340-341 Thomas spent the rest of his career at Monsanto, serving as President (1951-1960) and Board Chair (1960-1965). He retired in 1970.[31] In 1943, Thomas was called to a meeting in Washington, D.C., with Leslie Groves, commander of the Manhattan Project, and James Conant, president of Harvard University and chairman of the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC).

They urged Thomas to become co-director of the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos with Robert Oppenheimer, but Thomas was reluctant to leave Dayton and Monsanto.[32] He joined the NDRC, and Monsanto’s Central Research Department began to conduct related research.[33]: vii To that end, Monsanto operated the Dayton Project, and later Mound Laboratories, and assisted in the development of the first nuclear weapons.


In 1946, Monsanto developed and marketed “All” laundry detergent, which they sold to Lever Brothers in 1957.[34] In 1947, its styrene factory was destroyed in the Texas City Disaster.[35] In 1949, Monsanto acquired American Viscose Corporation from Courtaulds. In 1954, Monsanto partnered with German chemical giant Bayer to form Mobay and market polyurethanes in the United States.

Monsanto began manufacturing DDT in 1944, along with some 15 other companies. This insecticide was critical to the fight against malaria-transmitting mosquitoes. Due to DDT’s toxicity, it was banned in the United States in 1972.

In 1977, Monsanto stopped producing PCBs; Congress banned PCB production two years later.

1960s and 1970s

In the mid‑1960s, William Standish Knowles and his team invented a way to selectively synthesize enantiomers via asymmetric hydrogenation. This was the first method for the catalytic production of pure chiral compounds.[39] Knowles’ team designed the “first industrial process to chirally synthesize an important compound”-L‑dopa, which is used to treat Parkinson’s disease.[40] In 2001, Knowles and Ryōji Noyori won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In the mid-1960s, chemists at Monsanto developed the Monsanto process for making acetic acid, which until 2000 was the most widely used production method. In 1964, Monsanto chemists invented AstroTurf (initially ChemGrass).

In the 1960s and 1970s, Monsanto was a producer of Agent Orange for United States Armed Forces operations in Vietnam, and settled out of court in a lawsuit brought by veterans in 1984.[42]: 6 In 1968, it became the first company to start mass production of (visible) light-emitting diodes (LEDs), using gallium arsenide phosphide. From 1968 to 1970, sales doubled every few months. Their products (discrete LEDs and seven-segment numeric displays) became industry standards. The primary markets then were electronic calculators, digital watches and digital clocks.[43] Monsanto became a pioneer of optoelectronics in the 1970s.

Between 1968 and 1974, the company sponsored the PGA Tour event in Pensacola, Florida, which was renamed the Monsanto Open.

In 1974, Harvard University and Monsanto signed a 10-year research grant to support the cancer research of Judah Folkman, which became the largest such arrangement ever made; medical inventions arising from that research were the first for which Harvard allowed its faculty to submit patent application.

Mary Popins

During this book I will cite major media as being the proponents and historians of the Deep State with slightly fictionalized accounts of world history told as Space Opera, light hearted musicals, or other works.

Those who are insiders enough recognize the story lines and names, and I Edward Donegan am one such person.

Elsewhere I go into Mary Poppins in detail which is very important to free masons and free masons murders and the Bush family treason.

The story line of this book is that in 1902 King Edward VII showed Minimal Brain Dysfunction now called FOXP2 London KE Family language gene defect, grammar and spelling, ADHD, and some fine motor control likely tied to ADHD.

Following the Atalanta Revolutions of France and the USA and other nations Great Britain was in decline exactly as it faced radio and the speech defect.

Mary of Teck was Queen of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Empress of India, from 6 May 1910 until 29 January 1936 was bred into the England’s royal family and she added a spoon full of sugar to what had been heavy handed British rule.

George Walker Bush is the product of two family traditions, the Bushes and the Walkers including Bert Walker at the beginning of the 20th Century. On one side is the familiar patriarch Prescott Bush (1895-1972), the decorous Republican senator from Connecticut, the New England WASP, the pennant-waving Yale man. On the other side of his father’s family stands a lesser-known patriarch, George Herbert Walker (1875-1953), the St. Louis buccaneer and raucous playboy.

In 1910 the British were concerned of the ebb of Great Britian by rebellions coming from India, Ireland, earlier the USA, and elsewhere.

The Special Relationship between the families of Great Britain really includes the Bush family. Though set in 1910s King Edward VII King George V Bert Walker Mary Teck time of England and banking, the movie was filmed in 1964 and contains 1964 descendants references.

A George Banks who seems to be George H.W. Bush and tied to Constable H 43 is part of a “Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” which corresponds to Common friendly and Mary Teck. I also add that this relationship includes expanding the royal family line for Great Britain and also expanding the gene pool of the Royal Families with breading sleeper agents for the 21st Century JFK objected to but 1963 CIA George H.W. Bush, James Angleton, and others like Donald Barr wanted. It is Mary “pop ins” to commoner homes that is part of the new charm and lighter touch of rule.

Glorian Donegan was part of that gene pool having been out of wedlock Windsors fooling around and this is how my life ties to the JFK assassination, a witness as to why the Free Mason Deep State and anti communists killed JFK over illegal DNA experiments Donegan family included.

Looking behind the veil of Metaphors, fiction, and science fiction
A veil is an article of clothing or hanging cloth that is intended to cover some part of the head or face, or an object of some significance. From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Perhaps veiled truths?

Fay Grim Movie


Fay Grim is a single Mom from Woodside, Queens, New York, manically preoccupied with raising her 14 year old son, Ned, so he won’t grow up to be like his father. His father, Henry, is missing. Seven years earlier, he accidentally killed a vicious neighbor and fled- never to be seen or heard from again.

The Avant Gaurd artist DJ Mendel and Mark Cuban

The Avant Gaurd artist DJ Mendel and Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

4 Billion dollars net woth, owner of Dallas Mavericks

On July 7, 1982, Cuban moved to Dallas, Texas, where he first found work as a bartender for a Greenville Avenue bar called Elan[28][29] and then as a salesperson for Your Business Software, one of the earliest PC software retailers in Dallas.[30] He was fired less than a year later, after meeting with a client to procure new business instead of opening the store.

Cuban started his own company, MicroSolutions, with help from his previous customers from Your Business Software. MicroSolutions was initially a system integrator and software reseller. The company was an early proponent of technologies such as Carbon Copy, Lotus Notes, and CompuServe.[32] One of the company’s largest clients was Perot Systems.

The company grew to more than $30 million in revenue, and in 1990, Cuban sold MicroSolutions to CompuServe-then a subsidiary of H&R Block-for $6 million.[24] He made approximately $2 million after taxes on the deal.

Audionet and

In 1995, Cuban and fellow Indiana University alumnus Todd Wagner joined Audionet (founded in 1989 by Chris Jaeb who retained 10% of the company), combining their mutual interest in Indiana Hoosier college basketball and webcasting.[36] With a single server and an ISDN line, Audionet became in 1998. By 1999, had grown to 330 employees and $13.5 million in revenue for the second quarter. In 1999, helped launch the first live-streamed Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.[39] That year, during the dot com boom, was acquired by Yahoo! for $5.7 billion in Yahoo! (Kevin Edwards tied to it) stock.

in detail

Semaphore (“apparatus for signalling,” from Greek sema “sign, signal” and phoros “bearer”) is the use of an apparatus to create a visual signal transmitted over distance. A semaphore can be performed with devices including: fire, lights, flags, sunlight and moving arms. Semaphores can be used for telegraphy when arranged in visually connected networks, or for traffic signalling such as in railway systems, or traffic lights in cities. RGw whole of the signal is the Object to the Subject Traffic signaling a stop based on the presdate of the color of the signal
Meta data which is abstract through neutral signa such as Widgets or other fictionalizations but represent the data of a Semaphore pair of subjet predact object. One or more element of SPO abstracted as something else.

I have been asserting George H.W. Bush and others have used private thugs to help his escape of guilt in MKULTRA and he is using NWO allies and illegal genetic engineering of Sleepers and Moles for England including his own family he needs to escape detection of.

Like with violence against the Kurds illegal acts are now waged against out of wedlock family lines tied to FOXP2 genes in various High Offices of certain nations including Germany and England. The violence against FOXP2 is denied and other acts of terror are denied but the war is by non uniformed often child soldiers as either shields for the Bush family or child warriors for the Bush family where Bush means the larger LBJ conspiracy while George H.W. Bush and Donald Barr and Arnold Schwarzenegger ran things.

This story line is in the move Fay Grimm (2007) and is likely promoted by Kamala Harris.

Zone 804 West German Peter Shilling in 1983-1984 Cold War Berlin

a voice from somewhere in the night
across a million miles of light
a tranquil region reaching out from space
looking for higher forms of life
the ship from somewhere still unknown
sees how desperate we have grown
bearing gifts it hesitates behind the moon
never been so far away from home
calling Earth and still no one has heard
the simple message of it’s words
from the zone 804
in peace not war
we come to restore
your planet
curious childrean watch the sky
parents call them back inside
while leaders argue over what to use
silos are open standing by
calling Earth and still no one has heard
the simple message of it’s words
from the zone 804
in peace not war
we come to restore
your planet
from the zone 804
in peace not war
we come to restore
your planet
from the zone 804
in peace not war
we come to restore
your planet
from the zone 804
in peace not war
we come to restore
your lost planet

Terra Titanic, Major Tom, also Berlin, City of Lights, Cold War, Checkpoint Charlie Berlin

Byte Swapping, Byte Order Mark retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

In computing, endianness is the order or sequence of bytes of a word of digital data in computer memory.

Microsoft compilers[9] and interpreters, and many pieces of software on Microsoft Windows such as Notepad treat the BOM as a required magic number rather than use heuristics. These tools add a BOM when saving text as UTF-8, and cannot interpret UTF-8 unless the BOM is present or the file contains only ASCII. Windows PowerShell (up to 5.1) will add a BOM when it saves UTF-8 XML documents. However, PowerShell Core 6 has added a -Encoding switch on some cmdlets called utf8NoBOM so that document can be saved without BOM. Google Docs also adds a BOM when converting a document to a plain text file for download.

The left-to-right mark (LRM) is a control character (an invisible formatting character) used in computerized typesetting (including word processing in a program like Microsoft Word) of text that contains a mixture of left-to-right text (such as English or Russian) and right-to-left text (such as Arabic, Persian or Hebrew). It is used to set the way adjacent characters are grouped with respect to text direction.

byte endianness

asked Nov 19, 2017 at 21:47 *

I’m trying to figure out a way to create a little endian/big endian conversion for 64 bit integers (uint64_t) and while I find a lot of answers online as to how to do it, none of them explain what exactly is going on. For example, to get the nth byte of the integer I found this response:

int x = (number >> (8*n)) & 0xff;

Even though I understand the bit shifting component (shifting 8n digits to the right) I don’t see where the & and 0xff come in, and what they mean aside from & is a bitwise AND operator.

So, how would this sort of logic apply to a big-endian/little-endian byte swapping method for 64 bit integers?

Thank you in advance. c

Coach 30044 silver badges1414 bronze badges 1

Endianness does not involve bit swapping, but only byte swapping. From big to little endianess, you have to reverse the whole bytes making up the data word, leave the bits alone –


Nov 19, 2017 at 21:49 & 0xff and similar masks off the 8 bits that need to be shifted (or were shifted) to the opposite endian byte. Usually the result will be ORred with the target value. –

Weather Vane Nov 19, 2017 at 21:50

It might be easiest to think of an analogy with decimal numbers:

Take the number 308. It has three digits, ‘3’, ‘0’, and ‘8’. By convention, digits to the left are more significant than digits to the right. But the convention could just as easily have been the other way…the digits could’ve been written in reverse order (e.g., 803).

Why is this relevant? Consider a hexadecimal representation of a number on a computer: 0xabcd0123. In a mathematically rigorous sense, one can view this number as 4 radix-256 digits. (i.e., 0xab, 0xcd, 0x01, 0x23). So, endianness is about the convention by which these radix-256 digits are ordered when written into memory.

Steganography retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Steganography (/ˌstɛɡəˈnɒɡrəfi/ (About this soundlisten) STEG-ə-NOG-rə-fee) is the practice of concealing a message within another message or a physical object. In computing/electronic contexts, a computer file, message, image, or video is concealed within another file, message, image, or video. The word steganography comes from Greek steganographia, which combines the words steganós (στεγανός), meaning “covered or concealed”, and -graphia (γραφή) meaning “writing”.

The first recorded use of the term was in 1499 by Johannes Trithemius in his Steganographia, a treatise on cryptography and steganography, disguised as a book on magic. Generally, the hidden messages appear to be (or to be part of) something else: images, articles, shopping lists, or some other cover text. For example, the hidden message may be in invisible ink between the visible lines of a private letter. Some implementations of steganography that lack a shared secret are forms of security through obscurity, and key-dependent steganographic schemes adhere to Kerckhoffs’s principle.

The advantage of steganography over cryptography alone is that the intended secret message does not attract attention to itself as an object of scrutiny. Plainly visible encrypted messages, no matter how unbreakable they are, arouse interest and may in themselves be incriminating in countries in which encryption is illegal.

Whereas cryptography is the practice of protecting the contents of a message alone, steganography is concerned with concealing the fact that a secret message is being sent and its contents.

It is my belief that I have been able to achieve SIGNINT of foreign power terrorist mafia body because they used Virtually private communications in plane view, hiding in plaine view, and if the they cyphers are broken then their communications detected in OSINT turn into SIGINT as the intercepted clear text is unpacked from the publicly available cyphertext.

Steganography includes the concealment of information within computer files. In digital steganography, electronic communications may include steganographic coding inside of a transport layer, such as a document file, image file, program, or protocol. Media files are ideal for steganographic transmission because of their large size. For example, a sender might start with an innocuous image file and adjust the color of every hundredth pixel to correspond to a letter in the alphabet. The change is so subtle that someone who is not specifically looking for it is unlikely to notice the change.

An example here is a skeleton hard to detect in normal view but can be seen by still frame and magnification of high res image.

The movie appears British propaganda and has shapes looking like England subsuming Ireland.

Thematicly some children play. One kid, smart, has a 49ers hat on. His dumber larger friend Ozzie has something wrong with his brain and is being made fun of behind his back.

Citizens and non-citizens

The eight men involved in the case were Ernest Peter Burger, George John Dasch, Herbert Hans Haupt, Heinrich Heinck, Edward Kerling, Herman Neubauer, Richard Quirin and Werner Thiel. Burger and Haupt were U.S. citizens. (317 U.S. 1)

Beligerant Acts

the law of war draws a distinction between the armed forces and the peaceful populations of belligerent nations and also between those who are lawful and unlawful combatants. Lawful combatants are subject to capture and detention as prisoners of war by opposing military forces. Unlawful combatants are likewise subject to capture and detention, but in addition they are subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals for acts which render their belligerency unlawful. The spy who secretly and without uniform passes the military lines of a belligerent in time of war, seeking to gather military information and communicate it to the enemy, or an enemy combatant who without uniform comes secretly through the lines for the purpose of waging war by destruction of life or property, are familiar examples of belligerents who are generally deemed not to be entitled to the status of prisoners of war, but to be offenders against the law of war subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals.

Guerilla Acts include D-E-W, assasinations, etc., conducted under-cover from illegal black budgets including US Citizens at infiltrators into US Government who facilitate the the Guerilla Acts enabling them.

Upon landing, Dasch and Burger turned themselves in to the Federal Bureau of Investigation with some difficulty, since the FBI did not believe them immediately. They convinced the FBI that they were telling the truth and the remaining six were taken into custody in New York and Chicago, Illinois by FBI agents. The FBI had no leads until Dasch gave his exaggerated and romanticized version in Washington, D.C.

Military tribunalOn July 2, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Proclamation 2561 establishing a military tribunal to prosecute the Germans.[2][3] Placed before a seven-member military commission, the Germans were charged with:

  • violating the law of war;
  • violating Article 81 of the Articles of War, defining the offense of corresponding with or giving intelligence to the enemy;
  • violating Article 82 of the Articles of War, defining the offense of spying;
  • conspiracy to commit the offenses alleged in the first three charges.
  • violating the law of war;
  • violating Article 81 of the Articles of War, defining the offense of corresponding with or giving intelligence to the enemy;
  • violating Article 82 of the Articles of War, defining the offense of spying;
  • conspiracy to commit the offenses alleged in the first three charges.

From July 8 to August 1, 1942, [and likelyh withy British Intelligence assisting] the trial took place in Assembly Hall #1 on the fifth floor of the Department of Justice building in Washington D.C. On August 3, 1942, two days after the trial ended, all eight were found guilty and sentenced to death. Roosevelt later commuted the death sentence of Dasch to 30 years in prison and the sentence of Burger to life in prison, as they had both confessed and assisted in capturing the others. Indeed, it was Dasch who approached the FBI, offering to turn the men in, which he then did. Burger was part of the plot to turn on the others and cooperated with the FBI extensively. The remaining six were executed in the electric chair on the third floor of the District of Columbia jail on August 8 and buried in a potter’s field called Blue Plains in the Anacostia area of Washington.

In 1948, Dasch and Burger were released by President Harry S. Truman and deported to the American Zone of occupied Germany. Dasch spent the remaining years of his life trying to return to the U.S. One time, a visa application was sent to J. Edgar Hoover by the State Department on Dasch’s behalf. Hoover stated that the idea of giving Dasch a visa was “outrageous” and promptly denied it. Dasch died – still in Germany – in 1992.

Throughout the trial, Roosevelt’s decision of creating a military tribunal to prosecute the Germans was challenged by Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Royall, who was appointed to defend the Germans. Royall said that Roosevelt had no right to create a military tribunal to try his clients, citing Ex parte Milligan (1866), a case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could not establish military tribunals to try civilians in areas where civilian courts were functioning, even during wartime.

On July 31, the Supreme Court unanimously denied Royall’s appeal, writing, “The military commission was lawfully constituted … petitioners are held in lawful custody for trial before the military commission and have not shown cause for being discharged by writ of habeas corpus.”

Subliminal Messaging: Are You Sensitive?

… Read the writing on the wall … a hyperlink to the Youtube published video
Dramatic Reading

Deckard : Enhance 224 to 176. Enhance. Stop. Move in. Stop.

Deckard : Pull out, track right. Stop.[writing is visible] Center and pull back. Stop. [arm and door are visible]

Track 45 right. Stop. Center and stop. Enhance 34 to 36.

[dresser top is visible] Deckard : Pan right or-and pull back. Stop. mirror is visible] Deckard : Enhance 34 to 46.

[blurred white object in mirror becomes visible] Deckard : Pull back. Wait a minute. Go right. Stop. [Zhora’s arm becomes visible] Deckard : Enhance 57 to 19. Track 45 left. Stop. [Zhora is visible] Deckard : Enhance 15 to 23. [marks on Zhora’s face become visible] Deckard : Gimme a hard copy right there.

Are you a Sensitive? What if I show you a copy of this film I was in at my Birthday Party? And pause it?
Subliminal stimuli
Subliminal stimuli (the prefix sub- literally means “below” or “less than”) are any sensory stimuli below an individual’s threshold for conscious perception, in contrast to supraliminal stimuli (above threshold). A 2012 review of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies showed that subliminal stimuli activate specific regions of the brain despite participants’ unawareness. Visual stimuli may be quickly flashed before an individual can process them, or flashed and then masked to interrupt processing. Audio stimuli may be played below audible volumes or masked by other stimuli. From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Do you own a copy of the movie print? Perhaps an actress (FOXP2 Syndrome tends to run in Woman most – The Witch Mother) has a copy of a film she can run more slowly than it was in the theaters. At what point is a message availble to a person blinfolded by not seeing the correct names given for a person or the face of a person but is a character in a movie? What’s my line game with movies in slo-mo or for those who have enough history knowledge to decode it.
Who is the real character represented by Col. Jim Shannon in the movie Jet Pilot?Who are the real characters surrounding Maria Von Trapp in the Sound of Music? Who is Father Franz?

Who is Captain Cooper in the TV show House M.D. The Right Stuff? Could it be Charles “Pete” Conrad Jr. (June 2, 1930July 8, 1999) ? Doctors will keep the audience guessing but write works of art in which metaphors characters are used much like for JFK as dead patient in Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time or who is that son of King Edward in Knights Tale, or Girl Interrupted? Or the Playboy story, or many other stories

Brittany Anne Murphy-Monjack was an American actress and singer. Born in Atlanta, Murphy moved to Los Angeles as a teenager and pursued a career in acting. Her breakthrough role was as Tai Frasier in Clueless, followed by supporting roles in independent films such as Freeway and Bongwater. Wikipedia Born: November 10, 1977, Atlanta, GA where Lady Bird Johson’s Ladies Gardening Society Ornothology (Bird Eggs) seems to have been based.

Tai (Brittany Murphy) is a transfer student who arrives at Bronson Alcott High and instantly stands out due to her differences in appearance and attitude to the other students. Much of the film centers on Cher’s “project” to make Tai attractive and popular, and, after this fails, her subsequent realization that it is Tai’s personal substance that is important rather than her looks or popularity. And from the looks of it, she has dark wavy red hair and dark eyes. Before popularity, she wore plain shirts and baggy jeans, but when popular, she started wearing cute and trendy clothes and makeup.

A closer look at the Latent Image shows a operation only a Galactic Alien could have done in 1961, IVF into a Surrogate and a baby resulting

Voyager Latent Image retrieved from Memory Alpha fandom and copied or modified to here

Latent Image

One patient will survive the brain surgery. Is Obama Jr or JFK or Ed Donegan any of the metaphors? Is a Twin Study underway of Brain Genes?

Seven discovers that The Doctor’s memory files from Stardate 50979 are still available, but that The Doctor’s program has been rewritten to deny him access to them. She restores them, but The Doctor experiences them out of order. He remembers going to the unknown ensign’s birthday party, going on the shuttle mission with her and Kim and being attacked by an unknown species, and performing surgery on them with Tom Paris in sickbay (not necessarily in that order).

The Doctor meets with Janeway and Tuvok in the briefing room. Janeway doesn’t recognize the species that attacked the shuttle crew, and Seven says that they are unknown to the Borg. Tuvok suggests that the images have been manipulated, but The Doctor thinks that there was an attack on Voyager by the unknown species, all of the crew’s memories of it were erased,

Latent Image (Star Trek: Voyager) retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

The episodes typically focus on problems encountered by its crew. In this case ships holographic A.I. medical program, called “The Doctor” and played by actor Robert Picardo, finds something amiss in his programming memory. In the typical style of the Star Trek franchise, the story uses science fiction to explore the philosophical issues, in this case, of medical ethics, decision making, and human rights.

During a routine medical examination, the Doctor discovers evidence that Ensign Harry Kim has undergone complex brain surgery within the last two years which only the Doctor could have performed. Having no memory of the procedure, the Doctor attempts to reconstruct the missing time period and discovers that certain files in his memory were deleted.

The Doctor eventually discovers that Captain Janeway and the crew conspired to eliminate files concerning a traumatic event that caused a holographic equivalent of a psychotic break. After an attack during an away mission, the Doctor could only treat one of two equally critically injured patients – Ensign Jetal and Ensign Harry Kim. The Doctor saved Harry; Jetal died on the operating table. As time passed, the Doctor was overpowered by guilt … [Was one patient Barrack Obama Jr who will bring peace and the other JFK who will tear apart the Western Hemisphee into war?”]

This episode originally aired on UPN on January 20, 1999.

In the final scene, the Doctor reads from La Vita Nuova. The words differ from the actual poem to make them more applicable to the story and give a more profound sense of closure: “In that book, which is my memory, on the first page of the chapter that is the day when I first met you appear the words, ‘here begins a new life’“.

In Nanny state themes Illuminati use a command decision had to be made by Janeway and the crew to remove the memory files of the Doctor because ethical inconsistencies were causing him conflicts which overwhelmed him.

Latent Image 50979. Does the military know in 1995 or so John F. Kennedy Aircraft Carrier is going to be 79?

A newspaper looks like a fertilized embryo and unusual code with little explanation forms a Mirage only visible on close examination. Not a hallucination mere latent information. Could person divine MORE into o r d then E R reversing two digit byte and character order? Seffif?

Flip latent mirage into extent code

February 20, 1961

JFK met with the Secretary General of the Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) Thorkil Kristensen at around 11 18 61-more in the Oval Office.

Donald Barr holds Experimental Monkey in White House November 23 1961, Cipher for black experiment in mixed race.

Latent: (of a quality or state) existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed. “discovering her latent talent for diplomacy” – Oxford Languages

Good Sam in Texas Baptist Church.

Friday, November 17, 1961 Sam – JFK was in Texas to attend the funeral and graveside services for legendary Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn. The service was held at the First Baptist Church in Bonham, Texas just outide Dallas.

Jeri Ryan tied to Obama Jr. becoming Senator from Illinois

Jeri Lynn Ryan (born Jeri Lynn Zimmermann; February 22, 1968)
Jeri Lynn Zimmermann February 22, 1968 Munich, West Germany (now Germany)

Lieutenant Thomas Eugene “Tom” Paris is a fictional character in the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager and is portrayed by Robert Duncan McNeill Robert Duncan McNeill (born November 9, 1964.

Joanna Cassidy (born Joanna Virginia Caskey, August 2, 1945) is an American actress. She is known for her roles as the replicant Zhora Salome in Blade Runner was considered for the role of Janeway.

A character from Earth was abducted to meet Aliens and assimilated into them, sort of like Gary 7 i Assignment Earth Further Reading

Ronnie Cooke
Set in Boston, the series centers on Winslow High School (similar to Sir With Love setting,) a fictional public high school in the Boston Public Schools district. Its slogan was “Every day is a fight. For respect. For dignity. For sanity.
David E. Kelley
David Edward Kelley (born April 4, 1956) is an American television writer, producer, and former attorney, known as the creator of Doogie Howser, M.D., Picket Fences, Chicago Hope, The Practice, Ally McBeal, Boston Public, Boston Legal, Harry’s Law, Goliath, Big Little Lies, Mr. Mercedes, Big Sky, and Nine Perfect Strangers as well as several films.
Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine (born Annika Hansen) is a fictional character introduced in the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager. Portrayed by Jeri Ryan, she is a former Borg drone who joins the crew of the Federation starship Voyager.Annika Hansen was born in 2350 on stardate 25479 at the Federation Tendara colony as the only daughter of eccentric exobiologists Magnus and Erin Hansen. They made their preparations and, on stardate 32611, with Annika in tow, they set off. They made a stop at the Drexler outpost in the Omega sector reference Dr Janos Drexler in Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time
Anton Drexler
Anton Drexler (13 June 1884 – 24 February 1942) was a German far-right political agitator for the Völkisch movement in the 1920s. He founded the pan-German and anti-Semitic German Workers’ Party (DAP), the antecedent of the Nazi Party (NSDAP). Drexler mentored his successor in the NSDAP, Adolf Hitler, during his early years in politics.

Ryan was born Jeri Lynn Zimmermann on February 22, 1968, in Munich, West Germany, the daughter of Gerhard Florian “Jerry” Zimmermann, a master sergeant in the U.S. Army, and his wife Sharon, a social worker. She has one older brother, Mark. Ryan grew up on Army posts in Kansas, Maryland, Hawaii, Georgia and Texas.

When she was 11, her father retired from the Army and the family settled in Paducah, Kentucky. She graduated from Lone Oak High School in 1986 (as a National Merit Scholar), and then attended Northwestern University, where she was a member of the Alpha Phi sorority. She graduated from Northwestern in 1990 with a Bachelor’s degree in Theatre.

In 1989, Ryan was chosen as Miss Illinois. She competed in the Miss America 1990 pageant, where she finished as third runner-up, winning the preliminary swimsuit competition and singing “On My Own” from Les Misérables for her talent.

Voyager season 5 episode 4 In The Flesh 7 of 9 laments Mutual Assured Destruction thinking on Earth lead to 600 million deaths in WWIII Earth. Mirrors Jodie Foster God of Carnage. Species 08 4 72 remains a threat of flesh creatures.

[Space Relations by Donald Barr was released in 1973.] the records of MKULTRA were destroyed in 1972 at the CIAs request after the death of J Edger Hoover.]

Because most of the MKULTRA records were deliberately destroyed in 1972 by order of the Director at that time, Richard Helms, it is impossible to have a complete understanding of the more than 150 individually funded research projects sponsored by MKULTRA and related CIA programs.

Dr. Sidney Gottlieb approved of an MKULTRA subproject on LSD in this June 9, 1953 letter. Enlarge Dr. Sidney Gottlieb approved of an MKULTRA subproject on LSD in this June 9, 1953 letter. Experiments were often conducted without the subjects’ knowledge or consent.

The foreign policy of the Ronald Reagan administration from 1981 to 1989 was characterized by a strategy of “peace through strength.” Critics label Reagan’s policies as aggressive, imperialistic, and “warmongering”; however, these policies were supported by leading American conservatives who argued they were necessary to protect U.S. security interests.

Ryan’s character and the Hologram Doctor’s note such philosophies have resulted in millions of war deaths.

Reagan escalated the Cold War during his presidency, accelerating a reversal from the policy of détente that began in 1979, following the Soviet war in Afghanistan. Reagan ordered a massive buildup of the United States Armed Forces and implemented new policies toward the Soviet Union. He revived the B-1 Lancer program that had been canceled by the Carter administration, and began producing the MX missile. In response to Soviet deployment of the SS-20, Reagan oversaw the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO’s) deployment of the Pershing missile in West Germany. Reagan’s Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War – Lumen Learning *






USS Enterprise (CVN-65)
USS Enterprise (CVN-65), formerly CVA(N)-65, is a decommissioned[14] United States Navy aircraft carrier. She was the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and the eighth United States naval vessel to bear the name. Like her predecessor of World War II fame, she is nicknamed “Big E”. At 1,123 feet (342 m),[6][7] she is the longest naval vessel ever built.In November 1965, the Enterprise was transferred to the Seventh Fleet, home-ported at NAS Alameda, California.

In 1958, Enterprise’s keel was laid at Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company in Shipway 11. On 24 September 1960, the ship was launched, sponsored by Mrs. W. B. Franke, wife of the former Secretary of the Navy. On 25 November 1961, Enterprise was commissioned, with Captain Vincent P. de Poix, formerly of Fighting Squadron 6 on her predecessor, in command. On 12 January 1962, the ship made her maiden voyage starting an extensive shakedown cruise and a lengthy series of tests and training exercises designed to determine the full capabilities of the nuclear powered super carrier. On 20 February 1962, Enterprise was a tracking and measuring station for the flight of Friendship 7, the Project Mercury space capsule in which Lieutenant Colonel John H. Glenn, Jr. made the first American orbital spaceflight. Enterprise completed shakedown activities at Naval Station Norfolk on 5 April 1961.

Sea Vixens of 893 NAS operating from Enterprise in 1962.

In October 1962, Enterprise was dispatched to her first international crisis. Following revelations that the Soviet Union was constructing nuclear missile launch sites on Cuba, President John F. Kennedy ordered the United States Department of Defense to conduct a large-scale buildup. Among the preparations, the U.S. Atlantic Fleet readied large numbers of its ships. On 22 October, President Kennedy ordered a naval and air “quarantine” (blockade) on shipment of offensive military equipment to Cuba, and demanded the Soviets dismantle the missile sites there. Five Second Fleet carriers participated in the blockade-Enterprise (as part of Task Force 135), Independence, Essex, Lake Champlain, and Randolph, backed by shore-based aircraft. By 28 October, the crisis was averted, after the United States secretly agreed to remove nuclear missiles from Italy and Turkey.

The name has been adopted by the future Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN-80).

In May 2006, Enterprise departed for a six-month deployment, operating in the 6th, 5th and 7th Fleet areas in a world-tour, supporting Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom, and visiting ports in Dubai, Hong Kong, and crossing the line. She returned to Norfolk on 18 November 2006.

In the real world, and being the sole member of the Enterprise-class aircraft carrier, Enterprise was nicknamed “the Starship,” after her fictional namesake. She was in commission from 1961 to 2012.

Memory Alpha Fandom *

In April 1983, the Enterprise, half a mile from shore after a 14-month, 46,000-mile cruise, ran aground in San Francisco Bay; George Takei was aboard the ship during this incident.

In 1993 and 1994, the Star Trek Association of Towson, a fan club in Towson, Maryland, sponsored “The Big E Con,” a convention held while the ship was at its home port of Norfolk, Virginia. The events featured tours of the ship and appearances by Star Trek notables. The fan club also donated Star Trek memorabilia for display in the ship’s recreation room.

USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67)
USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) (formerly CVA-67) is the only ship of her class (a variant of the Kitty Hawk class of aircraft carrier) and the last conventionally powered carrier built for the United States Navy.[4] The ship was named after the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, and was nicknamed “Big John”. John F. Kennedy was originally designated a CVA (fixed wing attack carrier); however, the designation was changed to CV.After nearly 40 years of service in the United States Navy, John F. Kennedy was officially decommissioned on 1 August 2007. She is berthed at the NAVSEA Inactive Ships On-site Maintenance facility in Philadelphia, formerly the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, and, until late 2017, was available for donation as a museum and memorial to a qualified organization. In late 2017, the Navy revoked her “donation hold” status and designated her for dismantling.

COULTER’S “GUILTY” GETS IT RIGHT ON JACK RYAN retrieved from Illinois Review and copied or modified to here


Chapter 5 of her best-selling “Guilty” reviews how Obama and his political brain David Axelrod used the Chicago Tribune to dig into his opponents’ tawdry and embarrassing divorce and child custody records in order to win both of that year’s elections.

Coulter gets it right on Republican Jack Ryan, how the Chicago Tribune-contrived “sex-less” scandal and weak-spined Republicans who refused to support him destroyed Illinois’ only realistic chance of keeping Obama within the state’s borders in 2006.


Jodie Foster Observations background

Father was in the Airforce and mother a producer in hollywood=classic judaeo-masonic mind control applied. Further went to Yale, a major programming/elite institution. On top of that was involved in film in a sexual way at a very young age, most likely this had already happened off camera as hollywood kids are not kids they are initiated into sex at a very early age. Worked on Disney projects aka judaeo- masonic mkultra/monarch training. Played a prostitute in taxi driver at 12 years old, classic indication of involvement with judaeo-masonic mafia. Was allegedly the cause of a presidential assassination attempt by Hinkley, however Hinkley had many ties into the judaeo-masonic occult state and this was most likely in jealousy of Reagans likely sexual relationship with a young programmed multiple Foster. Hinkley was most likely a programmed multiple as well like many high level judaeo-masons so he could have been under orders to attempt the assassination only. This could have been a warning to Reagan by his superior in judaeo-masonry, George Bush. Bush was the real president during the whole Reagan adminstration. Reagan was just an actor who read speeches etc

Travis Bickle a Taxi Driver in the Jodie Foster Robert DiNero movie is living alone, is a 26-year-old honorably discharged U.S. Marine and Vietnam War veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and living in isolation in New York City. Travis takes a job as a night shift taxi driver to cope with his chronic insomnia. He frequents the porn theaters on 42nd Street and keeps a diary in which he consciously attempts to include aphorisms, such as “you’re only as healthy as you feel.”

Travis becomes infatuated with Betsy, a campaign volunteer for senator and presidential candidate Charles Palantine. After watching her interact with fellow worker Tom through her window, Travis enters to volunteer as a pretext to talk to her, then takes her out for coffee. Betsy agrees to go on another date with him, during which he takes her to see a pornographic film; a disgusted Betsy leaves. Travis attempts to reconcile with her, to no avail. Enraged, he storms into the campaign office where she works and berates her before he is ordered to leave by Tom.

Reagan was also a part of the judaeo-masonic hollywood community and most likely had met Foster there at a young age. Most higher level judaeo-masons are in fact pedophiles/pederasts and the Hollywood community is a sex cult and the propaganda wing of the judaeo-masonic led occult world state. Foster would later go on to star in the MKULTRA/monarch movie “Silence of the Lambs” which has a title that refers to the muzzling of Christians by satanic cults through the use of cover “serial killers”, a term invented and pusehd by the FBI, which are only chosen from the cult to be the fall guy. Serial killers do not exist, evidence of David Mcgowans “Programmed to Kill” book et al. Foster most likely a programmed multiple child and running hypnocourier missions to politicians etc with sexual services as a trigger.

Foster denied being homosexual/bisexual for a long time until her brother wrote a biography alleging that and also that their mother was a bisexual, most likely her father was also a bisexual as that’s common practice among higher level Judaeo-Masons especially in the military wing. Foster was a star in Maverick where she played a two faced woman who used her full womanly endowments as a way to get what she wanted, indicative of her real role in elite hypnocourier and sex kitten programming.

Figure 1 Aboard the illuminati kingpins jet, with panguitch, UT coordinates, she’s always watched.


Foster further starred in Contact, another pre-conditioning movie about “alien” life and contact with humans. This is not possible in reality as the Earth is flat and no manmade object goes over 250 or so miles up. The sun is around 4000 miles up and 32 miles in diam. this is true of the moon as well. It’s not possible to go to the moon, there is no free fall, rockets do not work in a vacuum etc etc etc The “alien” psyop is a mkultra/monarch occult state project to further the “space” age nonsense delusion.

The technology will most likely be fully in place and ready sometime soon if not already to pull this bamboozle. Numerous examples of Foster movies with judaeo-masonic imagery, moths, checkerboard pattern, space, aliens, serial killers, two faced(maverick), sci-fi psyop. Science Fiction is only a psy-op it is not real in most ways especially as it relates to space nonsense. In Contact Foster “listens” to the random noise and gets a signal, this is not unlike real life implants to programmed multiples hidden in pop culture, they can be activated and given instruction via implants, FOster most likely gets this in real life. Typical “order out of chaos” 33rd deg scotch rite scamming. THEY create the chaos and come along with the order, their order, to the confused and scared masses. Classic pavlov on a large scale.


Globe programming throughout but that’s been in almost all judaeo-masonic controlled media from the beginning. When the signal is sent to programmed multiple will respond, Foster is one of those. A signal could easily be faked by the judaeo-masons in various militaries to be an “alien” signal detected by “scientists” aka priests of public ignorance. This whole “alien” psyop has been seeded in propagandaf’entertainment”) since Jules Verne. Mathematics worship pushed, it’s not any sort of reality or test of reality, the point is its “universal” language aka New World Order “language” of the high priests of “reality”.

Figure 2 The judaeo-masonic obelisk ever present. This “joker” is probably one user and handler among many of this programmed multiple personality kitten.

Anyways getting back to Contact it’s amazing that the initial image sent by the “aliens” is a picture of Adolf Hitler, a very hight initiate and patron saint of judaeo-masonic satanism. That tells us a lot. Grouping together the alien psyop and naziism is pretty apt, both are the products of satanism and are hallmarks of the satanic world which the highest elites in judaeo-masonry practice. They will always put out clues to the what’s really going on, it’s almost like satan is both required to and wants to, it’s a good recruiting tool as in most people admire success even in nefarious activities.

It makes satanism take on an entertainment aspect most people get fascinated with, snake fascinated, curiousity killed the cat fascinated. Foster gets schooled by her “sponsor” a high level judaeo-mason on the goose chase she’s on, her sponsor is most likely a real character in the elite that is Fosters owner on an occult level, she was most likely programmed to his specifications and is her owner and handler. This is not unlike Bob Hope and Brice Taylor as described in her book “thanks for the memories” about being a mind controlled slave. Anyways getting back to the movie Foster plays herself really, a dorothy in Oz being led around according to the judaeo-masonic occult state satanic plan. Movies like this show how this can and might be faked by the propaganda machine as well, can’t tell the fake news stories in the movie from teh fake ones in the real world. That’s on purpose of course, in the real world they tell us more about their shenanigans than in the news world nonsense. We see the largest satanic obelisk in the world in this movie as well, the Washington monument. The District of Columbia is an NWO area for the leveling of the world by the Judaeo-masonic satanists. It’s a proxy for the higher level satanists in Britain and Europe.

Figure 3 Always watched, globe earth/space opera programming as well.

Anyways in Contact further the “bad” guy is a protestant fundamentalist preacher, thus equating the Christians with the bad guys, typical judaeo-masonic subliminal messaging.

In fact I wouldn’t doubt that Foster herself is a crypto-pharisee she certainly has all the marks of it, a homosexual sodomite from a satanic family background who is a hollywood star, a programmed multiple who can mostl likely perform the most deadly missions for the judaeo-masonic satanists, you can’t get much more satanic. The story is going most likely how it would in the real life scam, the pharisees and freemason servants would HAVE to have some cooked up tragedy so they can escape the difficulties of faking ever more fantastic frauds. In the film the “terrorist” is from Panguitch, UT which is shown in the Illuminati Kingpins, Hadden, aircraft earlier as the longitude and lattitude of his plane. Obviously the subtext here is that the kingpin sed a programmed multiple, the “terrorist” as a way to destroy the first “machine” which the aliens sent plans for so the one built by his company in Japan could be used in this farce, ensuring more profits for this evil elite satanist. Demons and their followers have no loyalties to one another, they will and do fight amongst themselves and satan loves it. Another aspect of this Japan machine is the railroading of internationalists for sovereign countries, in the satanic NWO there are no countries only districts, sectors in their satanic UN map with 33 districts. The USA as a wholly judaeo- masonic battering ram, most likely the final one among others like the USSR, Nazi Germany, Red China, the satanic EU, Napoleonic Europe etc.

Figure 4 The judaeo-masonic trestle board chekerboard floor, a calling card. The programmed multiple in her fantasy world of computers, also a depiction of the programming environment mengele mkultra monarch.

Getting back to Contact Foster further goes through another guided trance state in a programming environment which she has been through probably since childhood among the occult community. This programming session takes place in “space” travel while she’s strapped into a seat, classic imagery of mkultra monarch tbmc. Remember that this is all presented as something “wonderful” and magical but in fact it’s backed up as the absence of terrible satanic rituals, drugs, torture, hypnosis and more of the most excruciatingly painful pavlovian anchors imaginable. If she does NOT behave and go with the flow she will be triggered to relive absract past tortures and will most likely receive fresh tortures to help her remember. Foster is like Candy Jones, Marilyn Monroe, Brice Taylor, Elvis, and many many more living inside a satanic matrix but also taking part in it and continuing it through movies, use of her fortune to back satanic organizations and movements, examples set, hypnocourier beta sex kitten missions for those above her in satanism and other ways. Programmed multiples are not innocent. The satanic imagery continues in her alien encounter dream. Another thing is that the cast is full of hollywood douchebags like James Woods, Mcaunahey, Rob Lowe, Angela Bassett, Tom Skerritt etc. Figure 5 More obelisk imagery, this is a judaeo-masonic farce, a talisman of deception and slavery.

Figure 6 This is a theme in modem society, we live in a judaeo-masonic matrix.

After the programming session Foster’s character is probed to see that she never denies the reality of the what the programmers want her to believe happened, in effect they are verifying that their control is so effective that 2+2 can equal 5 if the programmers say it does. She is further tested to make sure she bleats the sayings of a communist pharisee known as Einstein whose work is nothing but drivel that’s never been verified true or used in any meaningful way. The story gets even more bizarre that the new world religion, actually satanism, is pushed by Foster’s character, she is a high priestess of judaeo- masonry and it’s false science dictatorship. It also illustrates that even in the movies the judaeo-masons bicker amongst themselves as evidenced by James Woods character the Secretary of WAR (“Defense”) denigrating the illuminati kingpin hadden as perpertrating a cunning plan, a conspiracy, for this japan machine.

The SOW has been and is always now either a pharisee or a freemason makes no difference which one. So he’s attacking a kingpin in his own cabal as a tool for confusion and deceit for his own gain, sop. Another note being we frequently see the huge District of Columbia Obelisk in these later scenes. This being one of the most ubiquitous symbols and signs of judaeo-masonic trickery and subterfuge.

In the end we see Foster indoctrinating children into her satanic beliefs and life, her Quixhotic journey in circles, the mind control and delusion spread like a virus for future lost souls.

Another spreader of this virus Carl Sagan is who the film is dedicated to, of course this is based on his novel of the same name. Pretty sad movie really, lies and falsehoods are taken as truth in the “space” age of satan. Never forget that the bottom line is to corrupt peoples spiritual perception, physical control is only a symptom of that. The denial of the Jesus Christ as the Messiah and the Holy Trinity is their primary goal, even unto subverting from within the Church so that Christianity is associated with mayhem and confusion which the elite Pharisees manage through their financial control and other forms of control like blackmail etc It’s the same as it was at the crucifixion, the mobs still are led around by the elite pharisees and their proxies aka pilates and roman soldiers. They’ve already lost, but think they are and have won like they think they won at the crucifixion, as their master satan thought so too.

A safe harbor is a legal provision in a statute or regulation that provides protection from a legal liability or other penalty when certain conditions are met. –

Chapter 17 the Attempted Coup D’Etat of March 30, 1981

Webster G Tarpley *

Chase Untermeyer of Bush’s staff, who had been with him throughout the day, put in that in his recollection Bush had not been told the assailant’s name through the time that Bush reached the Naval Observatory in Washington on his way to the White House.

On April 1, 1981, the Rocky Mountain News of Denver carried an account of a press conference given the previous day in Denver by Neil Bush. During most of the day on March 31, Neil Bush had refused to answer phone calls from the media, referring them to the vice presidential press office in Washington. But then he appeared in front of the Amoco Building at East 17th Avenue and Broadway in Denver, saying that he was willing to meet the media once, but then wanted to “leave it at that.” As it turned out, his wishes were to be scrupulously respected, at least until the Silverado Savings and Loan scandal got out of hand some years later.

The Rocky Mountain News article signed by Charles Roos carried Neil Bush’s confirmation that if the assassination had not happened, Scott Hinckley would have been present at a dinner party at Neil Bush’s home that very same night. According to Neil, Scott Hinckley had come to the home of Neil and Sharon Bush on January 23, 1981 to be present along with about 30 other guests at a surprise birthday party for Neil, who had turned 26 one day earlier. Scott Hinckley had come “through a close friend who brought him,” according to this version, and this same close female friend was scheduled to come to dinner along with Scott Hinckley on that last night of March, 1981.

“My wife set up a surprise party for me, and it truly was a surprise, and it was an honor for me at that time to meet Scott Hinckley,” said Neil Bush to reporters. “He is a good and decent man. I have no regrets whatsoever in saying Scott Hinckley can be considered a friend of mine. To have had one meeting doesn’t make the best of friends, but I have no regrets in saying I do know him.”

Repudiation of a person’s own statements under the alibi they were a fictional work only or really meant something else can offer a criminal safe harbor to communicate illegal plans and operations. Cryptography is another way to avoid detention of illegal communications.

Symbolic Communications in representational language including encrypted language.

Ex parte Quirin, 317 U.S. 1 (1942), is a case of the United States Supreme Court during … instructed in the use of explosives and in methods of secret writing.

I accuse the Illuminati including Donald Barr of using cyperhtext, secret writing, in the creation of cypher figures in “space” (abstract representations in Cypher, or representational system of

semaphores retrieved from link and copied or modified to here

A semaphore is a gadget used for conveying signals. Semaphores have either lights or mechanical arms that move.The word semaphore is related to a Greek word meaning “signal,” and that’s exactly the purpose of semaphores: they give signals. The place you’re most likely to have seen a semaphore is a railroad crossing: the gadget with moving arms is a semaphore. Some semaphores have mechanical arms, while others just use lights to communicate. A semaphore system can also use flags. In all cases, semaphores give visual signals that communicate something important, especially to people traveling.
In this book The Medical State I say literary characters and literary tales are devices, semaphores of telling real stories through semaphores which substitute for the real people but are comparable and in places like outer space where the events are fictional and do not involve real acts or real law enforcement in the cypher representation of the stories thus become “safe” communication.

and use that system for espionage communications.

I had something from Linda Newkirk a few years back, not really her or perhaps at least via her and her blog of the Criminal Syndicate’s Shadow Government’s activities in which she described a system of writing openly as Illuminati (them making symbols of recognition to each other in the light from a candle to hand silhouettes to the wall) and then using “two barks and a half a bark” from a dog that no one would ever figure out and thus they could keep the military of the USA and others from finding out the code, I think is the CIA Diagraph of February 20 in more or less analog form, locations in movies at 33 minutes, or references to 33 miles about Earth , or 2 hours and 20 minutes, etc., DNA tied to that date.

As for fictional work by Donald Barr and others I assert literary fiction is used as escapisim from non fiction writing thus stripping the actionabilty from the criminal liability of the figures involved as well as striping away the liability of the person writing about real events who then denies to most that the events were in fact real.

Neil Bush and the Hinckleys

Scott Hinckley, the brother of John Hinckley Jr., who is charged with shooting President Reagan and three others, was to have been a dinner guest Tuesday night at the home of Neil Bush, son of Vice President George Bush, The Houston Post has learned.

John Warnock Hinckley Jr. was born in Ardmore, Oklahoma, and moved with his wealthy family to Dallas, Texas at the age of four.

His father was John Warnock Hinckley (JUNE 6, 1925 January 29, 2008), chairman and president of the Vanderbilt Energy Corporation. His mother was Jo Ann Hinckley (née Moore; December 7, 1925 July 30, 2021).

John Warnock “Jack” Hinckley Sr.
BIRTH 6 Jun 1925 Tryon, Gaston County, North Carolina, USA DEATH 29 Jan 2008 (aged 82) Williamsburg, Williamsburg City, Virginia, USA BURIAL Williamsburg Presbyterian Church Columbarium Williamsburg, Williamsburg City, Virginia, USA MEMORIAL ID 24280258 · View Source

Gaston County is included in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Jack was married for 61 years to his college sweetheart, Jo Ann Moore from Oklahoma City, Okla. They have three children and four grandchildren: son, Scott Hinckley and his wife, Christa, from Irving, Texas, and their children, Christa Keel Hinckley and Spencer Hinckley; daughter, Diane Sims and her husband, Stephen, from Dallas, Texas, and their children, Christopher Sims and wife, Sheaffer, and Stephanie Sims; and son, John Hinckley Jr. of Washington, D.C., who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan.

His wife JoAnn Moore (Lane) was given to the world on April 8th, 1938 in Texanna, Oklahoma and went into the arms of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on October 5, 2009. She was a loving Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Sister, Aunt and Friend. She will be remembered for her selfless ways, homemade rolls and fudge. She will be missed beyond words and forever in our hearts. She was preceded in death by her parents, Lonnie and Cara Lane; brother, Harold Lane and sister, Caroline Fox. She is survived by her siblings, Bobby Gene Lane of Checotah, OK, Elizabeth Personnett of Checotah, OK, Lonnie Lane Jr. of Wichita, KS, James Lane of Blanchard, OK and Don Lane of Checotah, OK. Her four children are David Lane and his wife, Bonnie, Teresa Ramos, Jimmy Moore and his wife, Sheila and Emma Compton and her husband, Chris. She has ten grandchildren, Ricky, Eric, Rolando and Lance Ramos, Brittany, Gabrielle, Tori, Christopher and Claire Compton and Jerry Lane; four great-grandchildren, Alexis Ramos, Lucas Compton, Drake Ramos and Dayanerah, as well as, a number of nieces and nephews and many friends. Service 10:00 A.M. Friday Arrow Heights Baptist Church, 101st & Elm, Broken Arrow, OK with graveside service at 2:00 P.M. Friday in Triplett Cemetery in Texanna, OK near Checotah, OK. Ninde Brookside Chapel 918-742-5556.

According to the article, Neil Bush had admitted on Monday, March 30 that he was personally acquainted with Scott Hinckley, having met with him on one occasion in the recent past. Neil Bush also stated that he knew the Hinckley family, and referred to large monetary contributions made by the Hinckleys to the Bush 1980 presidential campaign. Neil Bush and Scott Hinckley both lived in Denver at this time. Scott Hinckley was the vice president of Vanderbilt Energy Corporation, and Neil Bush was employed as a land man for Standard Oil of Indiana. John W. Hinckley Jr., the would-be assassin, lived on and off with his parents in Evergreen, Colorado, not far from Denver.

Neil Bush was reached for comment on Monday, March 30, and was asked if, in addition to Scott Hinckley, he also knew John W. Hinckley Jr., the would-be killer. “I have no idea,” said Neil Bush. “I don’t recognize any pictures of him. I just wish I could see a better picture of him.”

Sharon Bush, Neil’s wife, was also asked about her acquaintance with the Hinckley family. “I don’t even know the brother,” she replied, suggesting that Scott Hinckley was coming to dinner as the date of a woman whom Sharon did know. “From what I know and have heard, they [the Hinckleys] are a very nice family…and have given a lot of money to the Bush campaign. I understand he [John W. Hinckley Jr.] was just the renegade brother in the family. They must feel awful.”

Rosetta Stone of the cover-up of a truth

To understand both Jen Moore and Franz Kutschera look at the character Max Detweiler of the 1960 Julie Andrew musical. He is actually rich Austrian theater owning family Kutscheras who are the early proponents of NAZI Germany. He uses his theaters to put on shows using the Whitehead Von Trapp children. At least for a short while Maria Kustschera ward of Franz Kutschera is a part of of it. Henriech Himmler is also involved. Maria Kutschera and George Ritter Von Trapp leave Austria with 7 children and likely pregnant with three children she hoped would be in a marriage with the Windsors, thougth the Windsors urged a marriage to Captain Von Trapp instead.

A Brady Bunch or Courtship of Eddie’s Father like two families
Windsors and MARIA Kutschera GOERGE RItter Von Trapp and Agetha Whitehead North Carolina Hollwywood
Marylin Monroe Glorian )nee Gainey) Donegan Harold Gainey 7 children including Leisle Harold and Glorian Marilin Monroe
There are 10 children in all of Maria Kutschera and Georte RItter Von Trapp
Father of Marilin unknown Jim Donegan and Glorian Donegan
Ed Donegan and Tom Donegan

Why not try Malcom X and Glorian Gainey and get Malcolm X Ranz Kutschera Windsor Obama?

Cast of Sound of Music and how the stories change the truth with fictionolizations in the US versions

Johanna Kutschera Likely deceased mother of Maria Kutscheras
Johanna Kutschera BIRTH unknown DEATH 7 Mar 1927 (husband also dies) BURIAL Friedhof Südwest Vienna, Wien Stadt, Vienna (Wien),leaving Austrian orphans raised by [abusive?] Uncle Franz the singing propaganda masterMaria August Kutschera will name one of her daughters after her mother.
Maria Augusta Kutschera raised by Uncle Franz (Julie Andrews and Carrie Underwood)
Baroness Maria Augusta von Trapp DHS (née Kutschera; 26 January 1905 28 March 1987) was the stepmother and matriarch of the Trapp Family Singers.[4][5] She wrote The Story of the Trapp Family Singers, which was published in 1949 and was the inspiration for the 1956 West German film The Trapp Family, which in turn inspired the 1959 Broadway musical The Sound of Music and its 1965 film version.
Max Detweiler.
An altered identity covering the real identity, Max is in charge of Propaganda for the NAZI Party and sees Germany taking Austria and assisting in that proccess. Max mocks Von Trapp as an English Monarchist or German Monarchist and urged Captain Von Trapp (ret.) to join the Nazi party., He Maries Maris Kutschera, Max’s neince in reality, and leaves for England as Germany moves in on Austria.
Franz Mathias Wasner (December 28, 1905 June 21, 1992) was an Austrian Roman Catholic priest, the director and conductor of the Trapp Family Singers, and a missionary. In the quasi-fictionalized stage and screen musical The Sound of Music, he is represented by the character Max Detweiler.
Father Franz priest who singing coached the Von Trapps into singing was also a lie. Arthur and Franz Kutschera (Nazi propogandists of theaters and the Berlin 1936 stage show Olympics and Nazi SS general) wre the family of Maria Austria Kutschera who married Whitehead Torpedo widower Captain Von Trapp
Uncle Franz adopts niece Maria
Franz Kutschera Born: February 22, 1904, Oberwaltersdorf, Austria was an Austrian Nazi politician and government official. He held numerous political and military positions with the Nazi Party and the Schutzstaffel both before and after the German Anschluss of Austria in 1938. During World War II he served with the SS in France, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. WikipediaHermann Kutschera (April 27, 1903 November 4, 1991) was an Austrian architect. He was born in Vienna. In 1936 he won a gold medal in the art competitions of the Olympic Games for his “Sprungschanze mit Stadion” (“Skiing Stadium”).[1]

In the graphic below a play by Arthur Kutschera with Johannes Von Trapp mocks gay Windsors and loss of the throne (King Edward II)

It was a significant part of the Von Trapp Singers story that they were fleeing Franz Kutschera but that was whitewashed from the story so the singers and relatives of the singers in future generations could dissavow thaat family line as biological relatives.

1944: Franz Kutschera, by underground justice retrieved from underground justice and copied or modified to here

We enter ambiguous territory for this here site here, for Kutschera’s punishment, while delivered by ambush, was decreed by a court the illicit (to Germany) “Special Courts” of the Polish government in exile. Needless to say, the defendant was judged in absentia.

Such courts asserted the legitimate governance of an occupied nation but they had to shift for themselves when it came to enforcing their underground writ. An orchestrated commando hit, uncontroversially titled Operation Kutschera, was required for this one since the SS chief wasn’t a fellow that an opportunistic assassin could just catch with his guard down in some cafe. Instead, Poland’s internal Home Army units under the command of Emil Fieldorf put a 12-person team on the job.

On the morning of February 12, 1944, Kutschera’s “executioners” blocked with another car the limousine carrying the doomed SS-man to work. In an instant three men, codenamed “Lot” (Bronislaw Pietraszewicz), “Kruszynka” (Zdzislaw Poradzki) and “Mis” (Michael Issajewicz), sprang onto the street brandishing submachine guns and efficiently slaughtered Kutschera and his driver. Meanwhile, other members of the team swooped in with getaway vehicles and covering fire for the resulting shootout with surprised German guards. Though all escaped the scene, Lot and another team member both succumbed hours later to their wounds; two additional members of the backup group were trapped escaping across the Kierbedz Bridge and died hurling themselves into the Vistula under a rain of German bullets.

The Reich paid Kutschera tribute in his customary coinage with the mass execution of 300 civilian hostages the next day, but the memory of this dagger to the throat of a national enemy has lived in glory for Poles ever since.

The Black Strawhats reject the Kutsscheras

The Salvation Army Mission Statement *

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Saint Joan of the Stockyards (German: Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe) [utilizing Franz Kutschera and the Von Trapp Singers] is a play written by the German modernist playwright Bertolt Brecht between 1929 and 1931, after the success of his musical The Threepenny Opera and during the period of his radical experimental work with the Lehrstücke. It is based on the musical that he co-authored with Elisabeth Hauptmann, Happy End (1929). In this version of the story of Joan of Arc, Brecht transforms her into “Joan Dark”, a member of the “Black Straw Hats” (a Salvation Army-like group) in 20th-century Chicago. The play charts Joan’s battle with Pierpont (Perhaps Pier DuPont) Mauler, the unctuous owner of a meat-packing plant. Like her predecessor, Joan is a doomed woman, a martyr and (initially, at least) an innocent in a world of strike-breakers, fat cats, and penniless workers. Like many of Brecht’s plays it is laced with humor and songs as part.

Pierre Samuel du Pont was an American entrepreneur, businessman, philanthropist and member of the prominent du Pont family. He was president of DuPont from 1915 to 1919, and served on its board of directors until 1940. Born: January 15, 1870, Wilmington, DE Died: April 4, 1954, Kennett Square, PA Wikipedia

Maria was asked to teach one of the seven children (Maria Franziska) of widowed naval commander Georg von Trapp in 1926, while she was still a schoolteacher at the abbey.[7][10] His wife, Agathe Whitehead, had died in 1922 from scarlet fever.[11] Eventually, Maria began to look after the other children (Rupert, Agathe, Werner, Hedwig, Johanna and Martina), as well.

Maria Agatha Franziska Gobertina von Trapp (28 September 1914 18 February 2014) was the second-oldest daughter of Georg von Trapp and his first wife, Agathe Whitehead von Trapp.[1][2] She was a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives inspired the musical and film The Sound of Music. She was portrayed by Heather Menzies as the character “Louisa”. She died at age 99, and was the last surviving sibling portrayed in the film.

Her siblings were Rupert von Trapp (19111992), Agathe von Trapp (19132010), Werner von Trapp (19152007), Hedwig von Trapp (19171972), Johanna von Trapp (19191994), and Martina von Trapp (19211951). Along with her six siblings, father, and stepmother, Maria Augusta von Trapp, she was part of the Trapp Family Singers, who inspired the 1959 Broadway musical and the 1965 Academy Award-winning Best Picture The Sound of Music. Von Trapp sang second soprano in the choir, together with her sister Martina von Trapp. The family fled Austria after the German annexation of Austria, fearing reprisals resulting from declining to sing at Hitler’s birthday party and Georg von Trapp’s refusal to accept a commission in Nazi Germany’s Kriegsmarine.

Born 1905

Genesis : The playwrites result is the drama 1929 / 30 during the Great Depression . The location is the Union Stock Yards , the slaughterhouses of Chicago . With the drama, Brecht takes up various of his own preparatory work and suggestions from the extensive literature on Joan of Arc and the Salvation Army. In particular, parallels to the work of George Bernard Shaw can be seen . His drama Major Barbara (premiered in 1905) [3] is also about the disillusionment of a member of the Salvation Army. In his play St. Johanna (premiered in 1923) Shaw (like Brecht) “grounds” the Johanna figure idealized by Schiller.

Preliminary work Brecht and Elisabeth Hauptmann Brecht and Elisabeth Hauptmann have been intensively involved with the Salvation Army since 1927 . They wanted to know how the organization came into being, how it was structured, how it worked. To do this, they attended meetings of the Salvation Army and they evaluated publications of the Salvation Army. [4] The book “Figures” by Paul Wiegler , [5] which contains criticism of the Salvation Army’s financial conduct as well as a chapter on Joan of Arc , offered concrete links.

Brecht’s dramatic fragments Jae Fleischhacker in Chicago [7] and The Bread Shop [8] already contain essential motifs from Johanna. So it says in the “bread shop” of the Salvation Army ..

1890 – 1927

Hermann Joseph Muller (December 21, 1890 – April 5, 1967) was an American geneticist, educator, and Nobel laureate best known for his work on the physiological and genetic effects of radiation (mutagenesis), as well as his outspoken political beliefs.[2] Muller frequently warned of long-term dangers of radioactive fallout from nuclear war and nuclear testing, which resulted in greater public scrutiny of these practices.

Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald Kennedy (July 22, 1890 – January 22, 1995) was an American philanthropist, socialite, and a member of the Kennedy family. She was deeply embedded in the “lace curtain” Irish Catholic community in Boston, where her father John F. Fitzgerald was mayor. Kennedy was the wife of businessman and investor Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., who was United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom, formally known as Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s in the UK. Their nine children included President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and longtime Senator Ted Kennedy. In 1951 she was ennobled by Pope Pius XII, becoming the sixth American woman to be granted the rank of Papal countess.[1]

During the 1890s the gene seems to have entered the Windsor line through a known woman referenced by Mellville and her descendents in aristocracy seemed to be either selected as non defective or killed.

Franz Kutschera may have lost is sister to assasination and later his daughter Maria to defection to the English Monarcy following the events of 1925.

Future leaders OR surviving FOXP2 families after the British Monarchy of assassinations of family members?

Assasination victims – The Kennedy’s. The Donegans. The Kutscheras. The Swartzenegers though for whatever reason stuck with the British.

Wemberly Park Gene
Shows it Does Not show it
Prince Albert of York later King George VI Prince Edward of Wales later King Edward VIII closer to Nazis than Prince Albert
Johanna Kutschera BIRTH unknown DEATH 7 Mar 1927 (husband also dies) BURIAL Friedhof Südwest Vienna Franz Kutschera was an Austrian Nazi politician Born: February 22, 1904, Oberwaltersdorf, Austria adopts Maria, teaches singing as therapy
Maria Kutscherea shows gene Singing Kutscheara children meets the Whitehead Von Trapp family in Austria
Glorian Donegan and Harold Donegan Others in North Carolina more presentable for singing
Ed Donegan Tom Donegan
Arnold Schwarzenegger Meinhard Schwarzenegger
Unless connected, Targeted CIA backed Rise to Power
Ed Donegan Barrack Obama Jr.
Neilia and Amy Biden (bird egg references in family line)

The Legal Consequences of Using Real People in Fiction retrieved from and copied or modified to here

Despite the breathing space the First Amendment affords writers, not all libel-in-fiction lawsuits are resolved in favor of the author or their publisher partner. For example, in 2009, in the “Red Hat Club” case, the plaintiff was awarded $100,000 in damages by a Georgia court for a fictional portrayal modeled on her. The “original” claimed that her fictional counterpart, falsely depicted in the bestselling novel as a sexually promiscuous alcoholic who drank on the job, defamed her. From a libel defense perspective, this drawn-from-life portrayal failed, in part, because the author included personal characteristics that made the plaintiff recognizable, and mixed them with other traits that were false and defamatory, but, still believable.

Now back to your question. Are you sure you never identify the real person who inspired your main character? Aside from his name, can he be identified from his ethnicity, appearance, historical or other details found in your book, so that someone who knew him (or knew of him), could identify him as a character in your book? While you may not identify your ex-friend by name, if you haven’t completely disguised him, the potential for trouble exists. Is your friend a public official or public figure? If so, he has another hurdle to jump. Unless he can prove by clear and convincing evidence that what you wrote was deliberately or recklessly false, there’s a good chance – but no guarantee – you’ll be excused from liability under what’s known as the “Actual Malice Standard.”

Merely changing the name of your friend isn’t enough. You might consider transforming him beyond recognition. Why? Courts consider plausibility. A broadly drawn caricature of your friend, which is difficult to reconcile with your ex-friend, can be an effective device to stave off a libel lawsuit. For example, Kim Pring, a former Ms. Wyoming, sued Penthouse over an article that described Ms. Pring’s ability to cause men to levitate by performing oral sex. Initially, the Federal District Court found for Miss Pring, awarding her $26.5 million in damages. On appeal, however, the Court of Appeals reversed the decision; holding that no reasonable person could believe that was described was actual facts. Be outrageous. Embrace tastelessness – if done properly it can take the chill out of free speech. [Note the italicized “if”]. If done improperly, and the hypothetical reasonable reader thinks your failed parody conveys actual facts, the First Amendment may not be available to you. “Obvious cues,” like levitation or time travel can help telegraph what is First Amendment protected fiction from fact. When it doubt, have the book vetted by a publishing attorney.

Here’s a run-down of a few techniques that can minimize the chance of getting sued for libel in fiction: (a) disclaim; (b) disassociate the doppelgänger from its real-life counterpart; (c) depict but do not disparage; and/or (d) wait for the real-life person to die before publishing your novel or story. Important! With regard to option (d), revenge is best served cold at your publication party – preferably with a Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, or Gewurztraminer.

Disclaimers, while helpful, are by nature, self-serving. While a disclaimer cannot insulate you or your publisher from a libel suit, it may support the defense that identification with the real person in your novel is unreasonable. The words “A Novel” in the subtitle of your book is considered by some attorneys to be the best form of disclaimer. In addition, a full disclaimer should appear on the reverse title page of your novel, or skillfully integrated into the introduction or preface of your book.

Change the physical characteristics of your main character enough to disguise his identity. The risk of being sued is further reduced if your main character is treated as a likable character rather than a vicious and unscrupulous evildoer. While it is very tempting to retaliate against those who have inspired us (or harmed us), if your protagonist isn’t likable, it is even more important to disguise his identity.

Create a Frankenstein monster. Combine or clone several people’s physical traits and biographical facts, so no single person’s actual DNA appears in your book. If the work is not “of or concerning” an identifiable person, you have a complete defense to a libel lawsuit based on fictionalization. Speaking of Frankenstein, the dead cannot be defamed. As such, they make terrible plaintiffs – but excellent targets for vengeful authors. Why? Under U.S. libel law, if the original is dead, s/he can’t sue for libel. If this last suggestion gives you an additional reason to outlive your literary prey, consider it my gift to you. And remember, he who laughs last, laughs best.

Criminal syndicalism retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Criminal syndicalism has been defined as a doctrine of criminal acts for political, industrial, and social change. These criminal acts include advocation of crime, sabotage, violence, and other unlawful methods of terrorism.[1] Criminal syndicalism laws were enacted to oppose economic radicalism.[2]

Idaho legislation defines it as, “the doctrine which advocates crime, sabotage, violence, or other unlawful methods of terrorism as a means of accomplishing industrial or political reform”

The Syndicate in this book The Medical State alledges a free wheeling and dealing CIA mafia cartel which uses human trafficking in volunatary and non voluntary celebrity genome which is used in Indian like efficiency. The best of experimentation is used on themselves and they will groom secret inter blue blood families especially in Kingdoms and while doing so, out of public view, washout the laundry of genetic variety which is being bred out or fails to keep up the good reputation of the Cabal.


Over time the Great Families will use their interconnections to remain a select bred group while bolstering each other in wolrd politics based on what in 21st Century parlance might be termed the Queen Elizibeth II COalition.

Key terms in criminal syndicalism statutes had vague definitions.

Criminal syndicalism became a matter of public attention during and after the World War I period, and has been used to stymie the efforts of radical labor movements

During the 1910s, the public was hostile towards leftist ideologies and deemed social radicalism un-American. Government officials on the state and federal level ordered arrests, imprisonments and killings of people who challenged industrial capitalism or made militant demands under the pre-existing economic structure.

By the year 1933, over 700 convictions of criminal syndicalism were made.[3] Organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union believe laws on criminal syndicalism were aimed to punish doctrines or memberships in unions.

Industrial Workers of the World

Criminal syndicalism laws were enacted to combat the efforts of radical labor unions. The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) is one such union in particular.[5][6] Defining the labor efforts as criminal allowed for the government to stop the Wobblies’ activities and the labor problem of World War I and post World War I altogether. Senator W.G. Walker of Idaho, the nation’s first state to enact a criminal syndicalism law, introduced the criminal syndicalism legislation to the Senate with an anti-IWW speech.

The IWW’s confrontational rhetoric factored into public concerns.[7] The organization used “sabotages” and military tactics in its invocation of social change.[7] The public assumed the IWW promoted violence and destruction of properties even though the IWW did not share these intentions.[7] The IWW’s later attempts at reducing enforcement efforts through distancing itself from this doctrine were unsuccessful.

The IWW’s opposition to United States’ involvement in World War I was in contrast of public sentiment, leading to an unfavorable public opinion towards the organization.

Patriotic societies alleged that German gold financed IWW operations, and that the organization received support from hostile nations.

The red scare exacerbated public distrust and fear against all radical leftist organizations, including the IWW.[11] Strikes (involving over 4 million workers) across the nation increased negative sentiments against these organizations.[12] Various bombings and bombing plots attributed to radical leftists caused the public to view radical leftist organizations as threats to state security.

While repressions against the IWW through government actions and vigilantism were rampant, the public continued to perceive efforts to suppress the organization as insufficient.

he defense by the IWW’s General Defense Committee in the case of Fiske v. Kansas resulted in a critically important 1924 Supreme Court ruling which led to the decline of criminal syndicalism laws as a factor in legislative anti-union initiatives.

A famous legal case was Whitney v. California in which a school in Oakland taught that capitalist countries exploited the worker and social change in the political system could alter the lwas of the USA to work as a socialist collective. Although prosecuted Justices Brandeis and Holmes noted they school had the free speech rights of the United States constitution and Due Process protections of their rights under the US Constitution such that California being Government was not allowed to punish the private speech which established the right of lawful speech and the protections of the US Constitution applicable to all entities of government actors including state governments.

It was precisely this Red Scare which led to cases like Thomas v. Collins, labor speech rights, which J Edgar Hoover and CIA directors feared were subvering the USA to the Communist threat and Justice Felix Frankfurter was one who agreed with Brandies and Homes on these matters, opposing the far right judges at the time.

The Piers DuPont family, Joseph Kennedy Sr, Whitehead/ VOntrapp, George Prescot and other Bush (vanderr something) were huge DOD Contractor millionaires, and the SCOTUS of 1900 – 1950 (jews mostly) were breaking up the Textile child labor exploiters, railroad workers exploiters, rail road overcharging, etc., Anti war pampleteering allowed too, which was likely a problem for lovely little war supporters.

The Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) was an agency of the United States federal government created to coordinate scientific research for military purposes during World War II. Arrangements were made for its creation during May 1941, and it was created formally by Executive Order 8807 on June 28, 1941. It superseded the work of the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), was given almost unlimited access to funding and resources, and was directed by Vannevar Bush, who reported only to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

These were large grants for Kellog Corp, DuPont Corp, universities, and more.

Ghosting War Criminals 33s Psychiatry refuses to recognize, they are not there

Movie: Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time . Invocations: Screen message time 0:46 10:15 am. Nazis convicted at Nuremburg 10/15/1946 and hanged 10/16/1946.

Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time (Hungarian: Felkészülés meghatározatlan ideig tartó együttlétre) is a 2020 Hungarian drama film directed by Lili Horvát. It was selected as the Hungarian entry for the Best International Feature Film at the 93rd Academy Awards, but it was not nominated.

The film dealt with a patient who could have spinal damage or a brain nerve damage. In JFKs case a stimulant used with ADHD was tried.

A neck and possible GI or nerves problem including Minimal Brain Dysfunction could parallel JFK. 1944 he undergoes spine surgery. 19 years later possible brain exam autopsy. Movie refernce to 19 or 20 years later again working on case.

John F. Kennedy’s Chronic Back Pain Conflicts Revealed retrieved from and copied or modified to here

What treatments did Kennedy receive that were considered modern at the time? Dr. Pait: The treatment that John F. Kennedy received was considered modern for its time. Given his prominent status, he had access to the best hospitals and physicians.

Despite being advised by the Mayo Clinic surgeons (Rochester, MN) not to undergo spine surgery, on June 23, 1944 he underwent surgery at the New England Baptist Hospital (Boston, MA) by a Lahey Clinic neurosurgeon. Like many people today, Kennedy had to weigh his options, including, the risks and benefits of surgery. Young Jack Kennedy’s father, Joseph Kennedy Sr, a former U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom, told the Lahey Clinic doctors, including Frank Lahey, something had to be done!

Jack Kennedy’s pain became intractable, prompting him to undergo surgical intervention. Kennedy underwent an L4-L5 laminotomy and L5-S1 discectomy. Unfortunately, the surgical benefits were short-lived and disappointing. His spine demons continued their mischief.

During Kennedy’s time as a Senator, he required near-constant use of crutches. He sought care at the Hospital for Special Surgery (New York, NY) where he received implantation of a metal plate (called a Wilson plate) that was attached along the spinous processes of his vertebrae (the knob-shaped projections on the back of each bone in the spine) in his low back and down onto his sacrum (the triangular bone at the end of the spine). This is an example of early use of instrumentation and spinal fusion.

Unfortunately, the surgery led to infection and removal of the metal implant. Just as today, infections sometimes happen even in the best of hands. Years later, Kennedy developed another spinal infection requiring surgery.

Later in life, Kennedy was treated by the notable physician Janet Travell, MD, who developed a technique for trigger point injections using procaine (an anesthetic that numbs the area and reduces pain). Dr. Travell became the first female White House physician. These trigger point injections and a muscle-strengthening program led to a period of improvement in Kennedy’s back pain and functioning.

Later in 1960, campaigning for the presidency took its toll on Kennedy. At this time, he met with Max Jacobson, MD, also known as Dr. Feelgood, who injected him on many occasions with a concoction that included amphetamines. In fact, Dr. Jacobson injected Kennedy before the first presidential debate with Richard Nixon. Amphetamines have many side effects, including mood swings and impaired judgement, that some believe may have affected Kennedy’s performance at the debate. However, physically, he looked much better than Nixon, which was important for this first ever televised presidential debate.

Natasa Stork the woman returning to Vienna may be Janet G. Travell who treated JFK and thought Brain Nerve not degenerated discs

  • GOd of Carnage: Yasmin Reza’s father was a Russian-born Bukharan Jewish engineer, businessman, and pianist and her mother was a Jewish Hungarian violinist from Budapest. During the Nazi occupation, her father was deported from Nice to Drancy internment camp. At the beginning of her career, Reza acted in several new plays as well as in plays by Molière and Marivaux.
  • December 12, 2012 Story behind the JFK Santa Monica photo. Eva Ban husband Alexander Ban wed Eva Charlotte Boross (born November 18 1919, He married Agnes Edith Juhász (born 11/18/1909 in Budapest, Hungary)
  • Sidney Gottlieb (August 3, 1918 – March 7, 1999) CIA Speech Biologist and TSS OSS Assasinations. Gottlieb was born to Hungarian Jewish immigrant parents Fanny and Louis Gottlieb in the Bronx on August 3, 1918. A stutterer since childhood, he earned a master’s degree in speech therapy from San Jose State University after retiring from the CIA. He was born with a club foot, which got him rejected from military service in World War II but did not prevent his pursuit of folk dancing, a lifelong passion. Was he the 4f Jewish non entrant into WWII who could make Captain America super soldiers by serum?
  • Goerge Soros
  • Many others and it seems the speech research was based in Budapest per the film Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time with Natasha Stork which seems to have recently deceased JFK as the post mortem patient.
EFP (European Film Promotion) *
Natasa Stork, Hungary

Natasa Stork, born in Budapest, has spent her acting career with one foot firmly placed in the theater world and one in film. After completing her studies at the University of Theatre and Film in 2008, she joined the Hungarian National Theatre Company. During her two years with the classical theater company, she continued to act in independent, experimental work both on stage and screen. In 2010, Natasa was granted a one-year EU Scholarship to study dance in Amsterdam, another of her passions. She followed this up with performances on stage for innovative companies such as Krétako¨r led by Árpád Schilling and Kornél Mundruczó’s Proton Theater as well as in international theater projects including ONE LAND MANY FACES (Carreau Du Tample, Paris, 2015), THE IMPOSSIBLE VASTNESS (Hamburg, 2017), and DIE UNSCHEINBAREN (Luzerner Theater, Luzern, 2019). Parrallel to her on-going theatre work, Natasa was cast in HEAVENLY SHIFT (by Márk Bodzsár, 2013) which was awarded Best Film at the International Film Festival Porto and in 2014, in WHITE GOD (by Kornél Mundruczó) which won the main prize in Un Certain Regard that same year. In 2020, she was cast in her first leading role in a feature film, Lili Horvát’s PREPARATIONS TO BE TOGETHER FOR AN UNKNOWN PERIOD OF TIME. The film has won top awards at several international film festivals and her performance received Best Actress awards at the Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, the Les Arcs Film Festival and the Valladolid International Film Festival.

Janet G. Travell retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Janet Graeme Travell (December 17, 1901 – August 1, 1997) was an American physician and medical researcher.
. President John F. Kennedy’s Physician Dr. Janet G. Travell Briefs the Press

She was born in 1901 to John Willard and Janet Eliza (Davidson) Travell. Heavily influenced by her father’s profession of physician, Travell made the decision to pursue a career in the medical field. In June 1929, in New York City, Janet married John William Gordon Powell, who was an investment counselor. They had two daughters-Janet and Virginia. At the age of 95, Travell died of heart failure at her home in Northampton, Massachusetts.

She is remembered as President John F. Kennedy’s personal physician and a researcher of the concept of trigger points as a cause of musculoskeletal referred pain.

Fleur-de-lis Fleur de lis French Saints New Orleans I conflate with the song Beethoven – Für Elise . Do others?

“Für Elise” just means “For Elise” in German.

Well that’s the official story…look into who this Elise was. Very unconclusive. Could have easily been referring to the fleur de lis. Which holds great meaning to the natural world *.

Liberty Bridge Budapest connects the Castles of Budha and Eastern Budapest area.

Dr of Psychiatry disavows knowing his former patient, now a ghost, and writes book on it at presser November 20 2019. Looks like some other numerology in there.

Its 38 point 2 degrees. BARONESS AND THE BUTLER, THE (1938) – (MOVIE CLIP) THE RESULTS FROM BUDAPEST As Hungary’s Prime Minister (Henry Stephenson) dines with his wife (Helen Westley), son-in-law (Joseph Schildkraut) and daughter (Annabella), butler Johann (William Powell) has a secret revealed, in The Baroness And The Butler, 1938.

Helen is the mother of the protagonist of the movie, the female unwelcome to return to Bhudapst and is a ghost to others. She is in apartment 109. She is concerned the kids will be sold off.

At 42 minutes in the book I don’t know if that has meaning Dr Janos Drexler recieving compliments on his literature but factual book explains about ghosting and as a Doctor he must be abstract rather than too factual for privacy reasons (about Presidents of the USA?). Further Reading

At 1 hour, its finest hour, lots of talk of wanting more 604s (music) for the lady, I think June 4 commonwealths for England.

At 1 hour 3 minutes these numerals. 0620 382 6683 California SSN block 620? Kansas Home Renovators?

At 1 hour the woman from the too harsh analytical side of Liberty Bridge will agree to join the other side and help. Perhaps all will help in selecting targets for bombing inside Central Europe far from view of Windsor Castle.

The vestibulocochlear nerve (auditory vestibular nerve), known as the eighth cranial nerve, transmits sound and equilibrium (balance) information from the inner ear to the brain. Through olivocochlear fibers of Nerve VII, it also transmits motor and modulatory information from the superior olivary complex in the brainstem to the cochlea. From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The front cover is a daytime shot, while the back cover was taken at night. Amongst the tenants who can be seen through the die-cut windows are JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, astronaut Neil Armstrong, Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra, King Kong, the Virgin Mary, Judy Garland and the main cast of The Wizard of Oz, members of Led Zeppelin in drag, their infamous manager Peter Grant, body builder Charles Atlas, the Queen and Laurel & Hardy. The inner sleeve could be combined in a number of ways to make different covers, and there was an inner sleeve designed by Mike Doud with all the song titles that saw the title written out on closed window shades:

A few looks deeper into these figures

Elizabeth Taylor
Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor DBE (February 27, 1932 – March 23, 2011) was a British-American actress. She began her career as a child actress in the early 1940s and was one of the most popular stars of classical Hollywood cinema in the 1950s. She then became the highest paid movie star in the 1960s, remaining a well-known public figure for the rest of her life. In 1999, the American Film Institute named her the seventh-greatest female screen legend of Classic Hollywood cinema. Born in London to socially prominent American parents, Taylor moved with her family to Los Angeles in 1939.During the production of the film Cleopatra in 1961, Taylor and co-star Richard Burton began an extramarital affair, which caused a scandal.

Cleopatra was Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, and its last active ruler. A member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, she was a descendant of its founder Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian Greek general and companion of Alexander the Great.

King Kong
King Kong is a fictional giant monster resembling a gorilla, who has appeared in various media since 1933. He has been dubbed The Eighth Wonder of the World, a phrase commonly used within the films. His first appearance was in the novelization of the 1933 film King Kong from RKO Pictures, with the film premiering a little over two months later. Upon its initial release and subsequent re-releases, the film received universal acclaim.The King Kong character was conceived and created by American filmmaker Merian C. Cooper. In the original film, the character’s name is Kong, a name given to him by the inhabitants of the fictional “Skull Island” in the Indian Ocean, where Kong lives along with other oversized animals, such as plesiosaurs, pterosaurs and various dinosaurs. An American film crew, led by Carl Denham, captures Kong and takes him to New York City to be exhibited as the “Eighth Wonder of the World”.

Kong escapes and climbs the Empire State Building, only to fall from the skyscraper after being attacked by airplanes with guns. Denham comments “it wasn’t the airplanes, It was beauty killed the beast”, for he climbs the building in the first place only in an attempt to protect Ann Darrow, an actress originally kidnapped by the natives of the island and offered up to Kong as a sacrifice (in the 1976 remake, her character is named “Dwan”).

Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face And stars fill my dream I’m a traveler of both time and space To be where I have been To sit with elders of the gentle race This world has seldom seen They talk of days for which they sit and wait All will be revealed Talk in song from tongues of lilting grace Sounds caress my ear And not a word I heard could I relate The story was quite clear Oh, baby, I been blind Oh, yeah, mama, there ain’t no denyin’ Oh, ooh yes, I been blind Mama, mama, ain’t no denyin’, no denyin’ All I see turns to brown As the sun burns the ground And my eyes fill with sand As I scan this wasted land Try to find, try to find the way I feel Oh, pilot of the storm who leaves no trace Like sorts inside a dream Leave the path that led me to that place Yellow desert stream My shangri la beneath the summer moon I will return again As the dust that floats high in June We’re moving through Kashmir

Bedtime for Bonzo 1951
Bedtime for Bonzo is a 1951 American comedy film directed by Fred de Cordova, starring Ronald Reagan, Diana Lynn, and Peggy as Bonzo.[4] It revolves around the attempts of the central character, psychology professor Peter Boyd (Reagan), to teach human morals to a chimpanzee, hoping to solve the “Nature versus Nurture” question. He hires a woman, Jane Linden (Lynn), to pose as the chimpanzee’s mother while he plays father to it, and uses 1950s-era child rearing techniques.

Bigelow soon developed the script with husband James Cameron, and filming took place four years later.

Point Break retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Story by Rick King W. Peter Iliff Produced by Peter Abrams Robert L. Levy

Former Ohio State quarterback and rookie FBI agent Johnny Utah (Mormons?)(Keanu Reeves) assists experienced agent Angelo Pappas (Gary Busey) in investigating a string of bank robberies by the “Ex-Presidents”: a gang of robbers who wear rubber masks of Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon and Lyndon B. Johnson.

  • Bodhi ‘Bodhisattva:Bodhi (Patrick Swayze): the charismatic leader of a gang of surfers and Bank Robbers certain ex-Presidents
  • FBI Agent Johnny Utah and FBI Agent Angelo Pappas: Keanu Reeves and Gary Busey
  • Tyler Ann Endicott: Lori Petty
  • Surfer Gang operationg as endless summer bank robbers out of LA at times : Ensemble cast

Rather than robbing the vault, they only demand the cash the tellers have in their drawers, and are gone within ninety seconds.

Point Break is the outer point of a land mass a wave approaches and begins to curl at.

Bohdi forsees something big happening in a point every 50 years and expects a Coming of some type, some wave.

Their paths (bank robber Bohdi and and FBI Agent Utah cross through Tyler. Wax is detected forensically from the bank robberies and swim trunks tan lines lead to a surfers culture infiltration. While buying Sex Wax and a surf board Utah meets Tyler. Oddly a Lori Petti similar child is working the store selling the surf equipment and what does a 50 year outlook hold, into the 21st Century?

Johny Utah tracks Bodhi to Bells Beach in Victoria Australia (a Commonwealth) where a record storm is producing lethal waves. This is an event Bodhi had talked about experiencing, calling it the [prophesied] “50-Year Storm”.


  • 33 Minutes : Robbers/Surfers confront Cop who wandered in for the waves. Do locales cite their sovereignty over their land? Nope, skip that, juts “fuck up” cop
  • Finest Hour : Ghost Riders. Ghosts are surfering, riding their boards as etheral music play Tyler tell Johny it looks like he has just seen a ghost.
  • Bohdi “We have been able to hit 30 banks in 3 years and they have not been able to touch us.” Does that make more sense in 1991 as 30 years from 1961 and 3 DNA Banks?

Bodhisattva might be taken for several figures, Jim Jones Disciples of Christ or Adolph Hitler seer-visionary Savitri Devi Born as Maximiani Julia Portas.

“Savitri Devi: The mystical fascist being resurrected by the alt-right – BBC”

Portas studied philosophy and chemistry, earning two master’s degrees and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Lyon.[3] She next traveled to Greece, and surveyed the legendary ruins. Here, she became familiar with Heinrich Schliemann’s discovery of swastikas in Anatolia. Her conclusion was that Ancient Greeks were Aryan in origin. Her first two books were her doctoral dissertations: Essai-critique sur Théophile Kaïris (Critical Essay on Theophilos Kairis) (Lyon: Maximine Portas, 1935) and La simplicité mathématique (Mathematical Simplicity) (Lyon: Maximine Portas, 1935).

Savitri Devi Mukherji[a] (born Maximiani Julia Portas, French: [ pɔʁ.tɑ]; 30 September 1905 – 22 October 1982) was a French-born Greek fascist, Nazi sympathizer, and spy who served the Axis powers by committing acts of espionage against the Allied forces in India. She was later a leading member of the Neo-Nazi underground during the 1960s.

Savitri was a proponent of a synthesis of Hinduism and Nazism, proclaiming Adolf Hitler to have been an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu.[5] She depicted Hitler as a sacrifice for humanity that would lead to the end of the worst World Age, the Kali Yuga, which she believed was induced by the Jews, whom she saw as the powers of evil.

Her writings have influenced neo-Nazism and Nazi occultism. Rejecting Judaism and Christianity, she believed in a form of pantheistic monism; a single cosmos of nature composed of divine energy-matter.[7] Within neo-Nazism, she promoted occultism, ecology,[8] and the New Age movement, and more contemporaneously, she has influenced the alt-right.[9] She also influenced the Chilean diplomat Miguel Serrano. In 1982, Franco Freda published a German translation of her work Gold in the Furnace, and the fourth volume of his annual review, Risguardo (1980-), was devoted to Savitri Devi as the “missionary of Aryan Paganism”.

Rick King is an American director and screenwriter notable for co-writing the story to the 1991 film Point Break[1][2] and its 2015 remake

Amazon’s Still Selling Lots of Nazi Books retrieved from the Daily Beast and copied or modified to heresophisticated fascists will enjoy the many books by the French New Right, a major influence on America’s alt right. Guillaume Faye’s author page features not only his books but also direct links to the website of Arktos, his publisher, which the SPLC describes as “one of the foremost publishers of identitarian literature.” This isn’t an isolated example; other author pages link to Arktos and similar sites like American Renaissance.

The French New Right influenced Richard Spencer in particular, and Amazon continues to sell at least one of his books, The Uprooting of European Identity.

Authors named in past exposés remain on the platform. While some of white nationalist Greg Johnson’s books were removed after ProPublica reported on the “unprecedented access to a mass audience” Amazon has provided white supremacists, his White Identity Politics is still available.

Antifascist researcher Shane Burley describes the book as Johnson’s attempt to synthesize “his key white nationalist ideas into an easily digestible, yet incredibly sanitized, form.” The description to another Johnson book cuts to the chase about how it “offers a basic introduction to White Nationalism.”

This book

Views: 165

Numerology (dog whislte sub-type) and TWA Flight 800

Empire (1965 film) by Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was an American visual artist, film director, producer, and leading figure in the pop art movement. Wikipedia
Born: August 6, 1928, Pittsburgh, PA
Died: February 22, 1987, in a freak accident after routine surgery and a surgical nick, at New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY

Empire is a 1965 American black-and-white silent art film by Andy Warhol. When projected according to Warhol’s specifications, it consists of08 Hours and 05 (did tbey mean 04) Minutes of slow motion footage of an unchanging view of New York City’s Empire State Building at 33rd and 5th. The film does not have conventional narrative or characters, and largely reduces the experience of cinema to the passing of time.[1] Warhol stated that the purpose of the film was “to see time go by.” Many say it is 8 hour 4 minutes if screened to instructions. August 4 is the British Empire’s Queen Mother’s birthday, and the Empire State Building as the Light in Darkness is the imagery

The British Empire and Agents In Place and Agents of Influence in the Press backing Great Brittain FOXP2 carriers

Partage d’images
Andy Warhol creates a portrait of Debbie Harry using ProPaint on an Amiga 1000 at the 1985 Amiga launch at Lincoln Center, NYC

Deborah Ann Harry is an American singer, songwriter and actress, best known as the lead vocalist of the band Blondie. Four of her songs with the band reached No. 1 on the US charts between 1979 and 1981. Born in Miami, Florida, Harry was adopted as an infant and raised in Hawthorne, New Jersey. Wikipedia
Born: July 1, 1945 (age 78 years)

The site of the Empire State Building, in Midtown South on the west side of Fifth Avenue between West 33rd and 34th Streets, was developed in 1893 as the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. a 33rd Degree Masonic symbols of 5th Column was alleged about the Astor’s plans.

Whether or not it was a Free Masonry (that generally means British but there are French Free Masons as well) the symbolism seems inescapable that Warhol used and Warhol had FOXP2 per his life track and samples of his writing, highly dyslexic looking at first glance but was LONDON KING EDWARD VII London FOXP2 gene.

Astor also setup the Air Force Academy in Colorado and it was tied to The King’s Speech 1925 and joint USA and Great Britain research.


fightingmonarch In 1895, Prince Albert Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was born to Victoria von Teck, Princess of Württemberg, and her husband George V. The German boy who would become George VI was a sickly and fearful child prone to tears.

Tesla technology is used extensively against us today, through voice to skull (V2K), image to skull (I2K), and microwave harassment of targeted individuals, and it was used against Prince Albert, later to become King George, when he was little. That’s why he was crying a lot, that’s why he stuttered and stammered, that’s why he used vulgarity, and that’s why he had a bad temper.[one says, I say Borderline Personality Disorder genetic FOXP2 Minimal Brain Disorder] though preparing for Radio and the need for public speaking.]

When Prince Albert was three years old, Nicola Tesla, financed by Illuminist John Jacob Astor IV, set up a station in Colorado Springs, later the home of the Air Force Academy. Through it he would transmit wireless signals from Pike’s Peak to Paris.


The Marilyn Diptych is a silkscreen painting by American pop artist Andy Warhol depicting Marilyn Monroe. The monumental work is one of the artist’s most noted of the movie star. The painting consists of 50 images. Each image of the actress is taken from the single publicity photograph from the film Niagara. Wikipedia

In it Marilyn Monroe secretly has a blue background.

Top 13 Illuminati family’s plus affiliated family’s

The Kennedy Bloodline, The Bundy Bloodline, The Astor Bloodline.

The original founder of the Astor fortune was John Jacob Astor (1763-1884). John Jacob Astor was born in Walldorf, Duchy of Baden (Germany) from a Jewish bloodline. The Jewish origins have been hidden, and quite a number of various ideas of the Astor’s heritage have been put into circulation by the Astors. John Jacob Astor was a butcher in Walldorf. In 1784, he came to America after a stop over in London, England. Although the story is that he came to America penniless–and that may be true–he soon joined the Masonic Lodge, and within 2-3 years had become the Master of the Holland Lodge No. 8 in N.Y. City. (This Holland Lodge is a prominent lodge in that many of its members have good connections to the Illuminati elite. An example of just one Lodge #8 member is Archibald Russell, 1811 – 1871, whose father was President of a real hotbed of Illuminati action for many years: The Royal Society of Edinburgh).

By 1788, Astor was a master of masonic lodge#8. This is rather interesting considering Astor could not speak Englishwhen he arrived in America, and supposedly was very poor. John Jacob Astor was always very famous for being coldhearted, anti-social, “a man who didn’t have charm, wit or grace.” (This quote comes even from a relative of the DuPont family who wrote a sympathetic Biography entitled The Astor Family.) If this man lacked social graces and was so cold, and was so poor during his first years in the U.S., why did he rise to such prominence in Freemasonry? Certainly not because of his social graces. For instance, one time later in life at a meal given for elites, when his hands got dirty at the table he reached over and used the shirt of the man beside him to wipe his hands. The original financial break came by carrying out a series of shady and crooked real estate deals in the N.Y. city area.

The next breakcame when two men who are now known to have been in the Illuminati gave John Jacob Astor a special government privilege. The two men were Pres. Jefferson and Secretary Gallatin–both Illuminati members. The United States government had placed an embargo on all U.S. ships from sailing with goods in 1807. But Astor got special permission from these two men for his ship to sail with its cargo. His ship sailed and made close to a $200,000 profit in that day’s money. Astor strangely profited greatly from the War of 1812, which crippled almost all the other American shippers. Astor also worked together with George Clinton, another member of the Illuminati, on land deals. Even at that period in history, British intelligence worked for the Committee of 300 and for the Thirteen Top Families, it is interesting then, that John Coleman who had access as an intelligence agent to secret documents, discovered that the original John Jacob Astor was also a British secret agent. The Thirteen Families have very intimate roles with the American and British intelligence cults.

Prior to 1817, John Jacob Astorentered into the fur trade and remained the biggest player in the fur tradeuntil he got out of it in 1834. Over the years, he had managed to build up a monopoly. How he managed to push everyone else out is a good question.

Bear in mind, white people had been trapping furs in the New World for several centuries, and the Indians for who knows how long. Then this guy Astor comes along and in a few years totally owns the whole industry! Again this could only have happened, because the occult power of this Astor family gave them the right. Obviously, others in the Committee of 300 had to step aside, if his position in the hierarchy had not given Astor the right, believe me the other families that originally controlled the fur trade would have gotten rid of Astor. One result of his fur company, was that Astoria, OR was created. Today, perhaps in honor of the family that originally took interest in it, Astoria is a real hot-bed for the secret Satanic covens in Oregon. John Jacob Astor did have a few helpful connections. Three of his relatives were captains on clipper ships. He had connections in London to the Backhouse family. He married a Todd, a family frequently associated with Satanism. His wife, a Todd, was also connected to the influential Brevoort family. And finally for some reason, John Jacob Astor was also on good relations with the politicians of the day, perhaps because most of them were Freemasons too.


Trans World Airlines Flight 800 (TWA800) was a Boeing 747-100 that exploded and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near East Moriches, New York, on July 17, 1996, at about 8:31 pm

The FBI CIA November 18 cover up of the downing of TWA Flight 800 preempting the correct jurisdictions investigating the air disaster, showing CIA simulations the public did NOT see what they thought they saw, a missile. (tied in this book to killing certain passengers).

Jed Johnson (December 30, 1948 – July 17, 1996) was an American interior designer and film director. Initially hired by Andy Warhol to sweep floors at The Factory, he subsequently moved in with Warhol, and was his boyfriend for twelve years. As a passenger in the first class cabin, he was killed when TWA Flight 800 came down shortly after takeoff in 1996

Views: 58

James Paul Donegan Dies 2012

Glorian Donegan died 2011 and I suspect (as my mother did at the time of death in a nursing home) foul play. She had just died and I was trying to find anyone but my brother to handle the trust I tought was being handled corruptly.

The common tactic used on me hundreds of times is an Agent Provocateur picks a fight and suddenly he has perhaps 15 or more people from the neighborhood (perhaps Neighborhood Watch) as it turns out right near him, and will defend the provocateur when the fight starts.

My first notice of this was in 2005 or so prompting me to start a blog called Real Harm Real Foul. The harm of militant sociology movements in my mind was groups of race baiting hoodlums attacking in bad areas. I lived at 26th and Wisconsin in new condos that were built near an old slum. Getting on the bus I made it on but white person following me was pulled back a bit tripping on the bus step and bumped against one black thug. IT was an accident but about 15 to 20 on that bus all at once not from any lead started shouting at the the white guy who was forced off the bus. My blog title was that sociology had too many inner city thugs rioting because they held society and establishment whites to blame for outcomes and were at a hair trigger for unrest just as I myself found conditions.

My father “died of an accident” call a subdural haematoma. One occurs when a blood vessel in the space between the skull and the brain (the subdural space) is damaged. Blood escapes from the blood vessel, leading to the formation of a blood clot (haematoma) that places pressure on the brain and damages it. (NHS)

Geral Sosbee

For decades I have tried to file reports on this subject and often the fbi prevents me from doing so. For example, the fbi destroys any computer that I buy; so I use the public library. The libraries at Brownsville, Mcallen and Mission, Texas have assisted the fbi in harassing me every time I enter. I notified the city council in Mcallen & Mission, and some of the harassment by staff and security guards stopped. The library at UTHSC, Harlingen Texas, allowed the police there to threaten me and allowed thugs to enter the library to harass me.

The FBI’s Fusion Centers are used by government employees to block any benefit (such as police protection) that I may seek (Ed Donegan reports the same. Police refuse to arrest or prosecute the thug assailants even if those assailants or burglars are at the scene.) I document many such instances online. See my documentation of the MI6/Fusion Center corruption of the UT Police Department (University of Texas?) where police helped send thugs into the library to distract and criminally assault me.

Ted Gunerson and others have noticed this and people calling themselves “Gang Stalked” or “Targeted Individuals” assert these thugs are working for the police who wish to hide their misconduct. Many other things I hear from my father indicated he was stalked and at times feared for his life.

Clean Hands Doing Dirty Things (Soviet Union Saying)

Use of Police Forces to engange in misconduct such as oppressive activities that are ordered by high ranking officials.

Hand of the State Staying Clean by Contracting-out the Dirty Work

State us of contractors and thugs and prison snitches hides the role of the State in what are clearly State-Sponsored criminal activity. According to the State no State Actors touched the journalist it was all hands-off.

Views: 39

Joan Mellen Carries Forward Jim Garrison

The documents and photos scanned and placed in Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel released in 2014 match all these details.

Jim Garrison, JFK’s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have
Changed History
retrieved from Skyhorse Kindle Edition

Joan Interviews with Jim Garrison and telling of the story of the case and cast of characters


I BEGAN WITH A BIOGRAPHY of Jim Garrison, flamboyant district attorney of Orleans Parish, Louisiana, a Don Quixote in a three-piece suit, and emerged with my own investigation into the murder of President John F. Kennedy. As a DA, Garrison was daring, a reform democrat and civil libertarian. What catapulted him onto the stage of history, however, was not his liberal approach to crime, but his discovery that the planning and a good part of the implementation of the assassination of the president occurred not in Dallas, Texas, but in Louisiana. The cover-up began in the tiny rural towns of Clinton and Jackson, north of Baton Rouge.

The release in the 1990s of thousands of documents, most from the CIA and FBI, has established the truth of Garrison’s lone cry in the wilderness. To the moment of his death in 1992, Garrison was persuaded that the CIA, the same team that had overthrown President Arbenz of Guatemala in 1954 [including Chauncey Marvin Holt, Jack Youngblood, and others and the International Rescue Committee], among them Lawrence Houston, Richard Helms and David Atlee Phillips, had planned the assassination, and then, with the assistance of the FBI, attempted to cover its traces, not always successfully. Kerry Thornley, the Marine Corps buddy of Lee Harvey Oswald, who told the Warren Commission that Oswald was a Marxist, turned out himself to have been a CIA employee trained, according to a CIA document, in Washington, D.C., in chemical and biological warfare.

Garrison’s chief suspect, Clay Shaw, was a CIA operative, who, as a director of the Centro Mondiale Commerciale in Rome, joined fellow agents, like Ferenc Nagy, who since 1948 had worked for the CIA under the direction of Assistant Director of Central Intelligence, Frank Wisner. Despite his denials, Shaw knew Oswald’s mentor David Ferrie so well that he cosigned a loan for him a week before the assassination so that Ferrie could rent a plane and fly to Dallas. When Ferrie denied he had been in Dallas for eight to ten years, the FBI turned a blind eye to his well-documented acquaintance with Oswald. Ferrie was never called before the Warren Commission.

Oswald not only was set up as a scapegoat, but there were alternative scapegoats trained should he not fulfill the job, among them Thomas Edward Beckham, whom the CIA protected in Omaha. As for Oswald, not only was he an FBI informant and a CIA employee working for Counter Intelligence, but he was also an operative for United States Customs, a dual role shared by customs officers in Miami.

I [Joan Mellen] met Jim Garrison in New Orleans in May of 1969, where he registered my husband and me as “Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Baines Johnson.” My husband had sent Garrison a series of articles from an Italian newspaper called Paese Sera, which revealed that Garrison suspect Shaw had been on the board of directors of what had been a CIA front. That Garrison’s arrest of Shaw coincided with the publication of the articles was a coincidence of history.

In This Post

A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK’s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History (Mellen) and On the Trail of the Assassins (Garrison)

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Joan Mellen and Jim Garrison On Kindle

Working with thousands of previously unreleased documents and drawing on more than one thousand interviews, with many witnesses speaking out for the first time, Joan Mellen revisits the investigation of New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison, the only public official to have indicted, in 1969, a suspect in President John F. Kennedy’s murder.Garrison began by exposing the contradictions in the Warren Report, which concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was an unstable pro-Castro Marxist who acted alone in killing Kennedy.

A Farewell to Justice reveals that Oswald, no Marxist, was in fact working with both the FBI and the CIA, as well as with U.S. Customs, and that the attempts to sabotage Garrison’s investigation reached the highest levels of the U.S. government. Garrison interviewed various individuals involved in the assassination, ranging from Clay Shaw and CIA contract employee David Ferrie to a Marine cohort of Oswald named Kerry Thornley, who at the very least was a Defense Intelligence Agency asset.

Garrison’s suspects included CIA-sponsored soldiers of fortune enlisted in assassination attempts against Fidel Castro, an anti-Castro Cuban asset, and a young runner for the conspirators, interviewed here for the first time by the author.

Building upon Garrison’s effort, Mellen uncovers decisive new evidence and clearly establishes the intelligence agencies’ roles in both a president’s assassination and its cover-up, set in motion well before the actual events of November 22, 1963.

The assasins the inluded the Burns family, Obama Family, and others of CIA creation working in the Cabal now and then are part of world rule plan and are on trail of witensses who know too mucb. (Richard Belzer, Ralph Thomas, Mark Lane, Penn Jones Jr., Gary Shaw, and others.)

The Mule – Large Print Edition: Robert S. Mueller III

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Tatum, D.G. Chip On Kindle

Robert Swan Mueller III has been the go to man when secrets go awry. Recruited as a CIA asset in Vietnam as an member of the Phoenix Project it was embedded in him that there are No Borders, No Limits, No Restrictions, and No Repercussions. With these standards ingrained in his persona, Mueller became an invaluable asset in protecting what today is called “The Deep State”. Teamed with William Barr the duo was incredibly effective in blocking investigations, erasing and fabricating both evidence, and witnesses. When the need arises, invariably the Deep State Handlers call on “The Mule”

About the Author –
Gene “Chip” Tatum a native of St.Petersburg Florida, was a Vietnam Special Forces Air Combat Controller, Defense Intelligence Asset, and US Army special operations pilot flying classified missions during the US invasion of Grenada, Tatum was also involved in the Nixon Administrations relations with China, NASA’s Apollo Program, the Iran-Contra Affair, and several other classified intelligence operations dating through through 1992 . Working directly for the sitting Presidents. From sensitive and highly secret – and hitherto largely unknown – Special Forces covert operations in Cambodia, to wandering CIA asset, through to “black ops” activities in Grenada and Oliver North’s Iran-Contra “Enterprise.” Tatum knows where the skeletons are buried.

Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel

book cover image

Holt, Chauncey On Kindle

The How of killing JFK

The Siegel Lanksy Mob grew out of prohibition. The Great Lakes and closeness to Canada allowed for bootleggers to bring Canadian booze across the great lakes to Chicago and other Speak Easys. “The Bugs (Bugsy) and Meyer Mob was a Jewish-American street gang in Manhattan, New York City’s Lower East Side. It was formed and headed by mobsters Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky during their teenage years shortly after the start of Prohibition. The Bugs and Meyer mob acted as a predecessor to Murder, Inc.” – Wikipedia

Bugsy Seigel left for Vegas and and Myers Lansky to Florida as they grew apart. In Vegas gambling was legal. I Cuba gambling was legal. Short flights to Cuba during Batista of the 1950’s allowed travelers Havana club life the Florida mob could offer up and use printed numbers cards inside Florida to work with Batista run lotteries.

Chauncey Holt was was the mob accountant to Meyers Lansky and could do the graphics and other work on altered books, etc., This mob was offered Havana back if they could help the CIA hit Castro. J. Edgar Hoover recruited and used them. Holt tells the story of being under Lanskey and how the orders reach him though he did not have the higher level knowledge of what was planned, did do things like print fake Secret Service IDs and Fair Play for Cuba fliers and work with Lee Harvey Oswald in the plan.

The Men Who Killed Kennedy

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by Nigel Turner and GG Communications – The History Channel (online as video)

The How and the Scope of the Cover-ups

“Starring: Hilary Minster , Robert J. Groden , L. Fletcher Prouty , et al.
Directed by: The History Channel”

The Men Who Killed Kennedy is a video documentary series by British television network ITV that depicts the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Originally broadcast in 1988 in two parts (with a subsequent studio discussion), it was rebroadcast in 1991 re-edited to three parts with additional material, and a fourth episode added in 1995. The addition of three further episodes in 2003 caused great controversy, particularly in the final episode implicating Lyndon B. Johnson and the withdrawal of these additional episodes.

A detailed examination of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, with emphasis on the discrepancies and inconsistencies in the government’s official version of events.

Forgive My Grief Vol 4


Penn Jones JR

American journalist, the editor of the Midlothian Mirror and author.

He was also one of the earliest John F. Kennedy alternative assassination theory proponents.

‘Forgive My Grief’ Volume I was published by Penn Jones Jr. way back in 1966, a year which saw the publications of ‘Rush to Judgment’ by Mark Lane, Epstein’s ‘Inquest’, Weisberg’s ‘Whitewash II’ and Popkin’s ‘Second Oswald’. The Lane, Epstein, Weisberg and Popkin books have been on my shelf for quite a while, but the Jones volume has been omitted owing to the high cost and it’s rarity. The cover shows that back in the day this sold for $2.95.

Fortunately a copy was available to me via a co-member of Dealey Plaza U.K. The books value to me is more from the rarity value than the content.
Jones has published selected transcripts from the Warren Commission volumes for his critical review of that report, and the vast majority of the text is taken directly from Earl Warren’s fairytales. Pete daPixie
1,505 Goodreads reviews

Procedural fairness, if not all that originally was meant by due process of law, is at least what it most uncompromisingly requires. Procedural due process is more elemental and less flexible than substantive due process. It yields less to the times, varies less with conditions, and defers much less to legislative judgment. Insofar as it is technical law, it must be a specialized responsibility within the competence of the judiciary on which they do not bend before political branches of the Government, as they should on matters of policy which compromise substantive law.

If it be conceded that in some way [that the agency could take the action it did], does it matter what the procedure is? Only the untaught layman or the charlatan lawyer can answer that procedure matters not. Procedural fairness and regularity are of the indispensable essence of liberty. Severe substantive laws can be endured if they are fairly and impartially applied. Indeed, if put to the choice, one might well prefer to live under Soviet substantive law applied in good faith by our common-law procedures than under our substantive law enforced by Soviet procedural practices. Let it not be overlooked that due process of law is not for the sole benefit of an accused. It is the best insurance for the Government itself against those blunders which leave lasting stains on a system of justice but which are bound to occur on ex parte consideration.

Shaughnessy v. United States ex rel Mezei, 345 U.S. 206, 224–25 (1953) Justice Jackson

I Edward Paul Donegan am more anti-FBI than Joan Mellen probably and probably not that much at least I think so after hearing her and others speak at book conferences and assassination conferences about the FBI.

If we are to have sympathy for those living in and fighting for freedom within repressive countries whose police agencies and espionage groups conduct dirty tricks and engage in illegal conduct that that should extend into the USA as well until this abuse of power the press does tolerate and the National Security interests of the Republic for which we Patriots stand for ends or is finally brought to an end.

The Great Treason, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio, Written By The Right Hand X, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

Views: 51

Donegan’s and Prouty’s Skate in Marshfield

Because Canada’s freezing blasts arrived much sooner than in previous years, our “grandparent” bog-farmers began measuring the bog-ice thickness earlier and more frequently. And after many careful inspections, they finally proclaimed, “The bogs are safe enough to skate on today!”

In our case a frint car wheel would be driven onto ice and left there as inspection for cracks in ice was conducted around tire.

James Paul Donegan blames Vatican Catholic Gladio for death of JFK. col Prouty blames Cabell, Landsdale, others. Ed is too young to know. Jen Moore talks of history of assassination of JFK and Gambit Children used to stygmatize Ed Donegan as exploiter of children. Ton Dunham is part of that, notices non Ed Donegan sock puppets are being blacnlmaied by FBI at birthday parties were Ed isn’t . All went through J Edgar Hoover, Angleton. Fake allegations against Ed

Views: 38

End Notes

Turn your Sails Back Towards The Trojans

Hoist the Colours- @Malinda, @the.bobbybass, @LaurenPaley and @Colm_R_McGuinness

In Greek mythology, Achilles (/əˈkɪliːz/ ə-KIL-eez) or Achilleus (Greek: Ἀχιλλεύς, translit. Achilleús) was a hero of the Trojan War who was known as being the greatest of all the Greek warriors. A central character in Homer’s Iliad, he was the son of the Nereid Thetis and Peleus, king of Phthia and famous Argonaut. Achilles was raised in Phthia along with his childhood companion Patroclus and received his education by the centaur Chiron. In the Iliad, he is presented as the commander of the mythical tribe of the Myrmidons.

Achilles’ most notable feat during the Trojan War was the slaying of the Trojan prince Hector outside the gates of Troy. Although the death of Achilles is not presented in the Iliad, other sources concur that he was killed near the end of the Trojan War by Paris, who shot him with an arrow.

This Land Is Our Land


“This land is our land. This High and Noble Office of the President of the USA hereby orders thus under the sway of Great Britain regime change conducted inside theu USA or elsewhere out of our republic of the People.

“There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot [in my speech I have prepared for Dallas. Regime Change must end].” This land is Our Land and This Man Ted Gunderson is Our Man

Jen Moore

John F. Kennedy

Happy Birthday America from DC

Task Force: Whistle-blowers (expose the NWO Cabal superseding US law) Jen Moore: –Patriots a lot of red white and blue which is great this is a two hundred and forty second birthday I believe in our country I hope this year is filled with new opportunities and new understanding by the American people of what’s going on even in the last two or 42 (length of Stalk of Ed Donegan actually longer) years but really what’s going on since World War two in significance and I hope to a part of exposing some of that and then the deep and dark secrets that have been withheld from the American people so they have a right to vote and to determine their own destiny within our country this is the people’s house these are the people they are in charge of the government and that needs to be restored I’m hoping to be a part of that I’m hoping the American people will grab hold of that with peace and take their country back and their government back and be once again in charge of those people that hide behind the walls in that building right there so we’ll keep reporting from here and see what happens

Hoist The Colors


Jen Moore

(I will not be silenced)(Video #3 Good Vs Evil: we must fight on) “I’m trying to do my small part of it and part of it is making these videos to show just how difficult it is and I’m doing you know obviously doing interviews.

and although I don’t put them out for people’s safety reasons they are being reported and placed in very secure places and being sent to places where investigations should take place and should they not things will become very public and very uneasy for a lot of people.

A lot of high powerful people so just like Q says and other people say all over Twitter and YouTube we know who you are not all of you but a lot of you we know what you’ve done.

We testimony in and of itself physical injuries obviously total emotional trauma we’ve got it all.

And it’s going to come out one way or the other and you’re not going to stop us.

So you might think that you are and you might do some things to stop some people in some ways but we have made preparations.

we’re very good at making preparations so we have backup plans with backup plans that have backup plans that have some more backup plans so this information is not in one location it’s never going to be.

it’s gonna be in many locations so you know the choice to to try to stop any one of us will only be met with more and more exposure so you know that probably just wouldn’t be a good idea.

But that’s that’s your choice so we’re gonna keep pushing forward and I know I’m always taking pictures of parking lots and cars because I can’t take a lot of pictures of some of the things that I’m doing for safety reasons.

Ted Gunderson


I have read the Complaint in the current action of Mr. Keith Labella against F.B.I. and D.O.J.,

It is my professional opinion, based on information, knowledge and belief that the information sought by Mr. Labella in this F.O.I.A suit regarding “gang stalking”, “gang stalking groups” and “gang stalking methods” reasonably describes an ongoing, active, covert nationwide program that is in effect today, and, based on my investigations and experience, has been operational since at least the early 1980’s. Since the 1980°s gang stalking has increased in scope, intensity and sophistication by adapting to new communications and surveillance technology. These programs are using the codenames Echelon Program, Carnivore System, and Tempest Systems.

The Echelon Program is administered by the N.S.A. out of Fort Meade, Maryland, and monitors all email and phone calls in the world. Carnivore System is administered by the N.S.A. out of Fort Meade, Maryland, and can download any computer system without being traced or otherwise known to the owner. Tempest Systems can decipher what is on any computer screen up to a quarter of a mile away.

These programs are negatively impacting thousands of Americans and severely abusing their civil rights on a daily basis.

In addition to high-ranking members of the F.B.I., other intelligence services, and the government overall, wealthy, powerful members of criminal syndicates, multi-millionaires and the corporate elite are using the government gang stalking program to harass enemies.

They can get a targeted individual harassed for the rest of that individual’s life (individual cases of gang stalking lasting for over a decade are common).

The higher status members of the gang stalking conspiracy initiate the gang stalking and coordinate logistics and funding. Lower echelon government rogue operatives, lower ranking members of the military (in violation of Posse Comitatus), petty criminals and street thugs perform the actual grunt work of daily monitoring and harassment of individuals targeted by the program.

Again quoting by Offramp a Free Mason in a Free Mason forum

Predatory Gangstalking is also called “terror stalking”, “gangstalking”, “flash mobbing”, “cause stalking,” “hate stalking,” “multi-stalking, “happy slapping,” “workplace bullying, and “covert war.”

The reasons why it is employed?

You found the wrong forum on the internet and saw something you should not have seen; you worked for a company and found out some sensitive information; you got on the wrong side of someone who is a member of the vast satanic or luciferian cabal; etc.

What does this have to do with the field of the paranormal?

On a macrocosmic level, preternatural beings are the driving force behind activities such as gang stalking. The destruction of a person feeds them. It also fits in with their overall agenda. People who are victims of gangstalking are people who pose a threat to the goals of the dark principalities.

Prouty, Gunderson, Moore, Donegan each have two Pieces of Eight.

One to the center, one each perspective on it.

Lands End: To affect a solution to the conditions the Empire Due Proccess is Abridged

Set a few months after Dead Man’s Chest, Lands End is the story follows a desperate quest to locate and rescue of Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), trapped on a sea of sand in Davy Jones’ Locker, and convene the Brethren Court in a war against the East India Trading Company. In an uneasy alliance, Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley), Hector Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush), and the crew of the Black Pearl rescue Jack and prepare to fight Lord Cutler Beckett, who controls Davy Jones and the Flying Dutchman.

Lord Becket- “In order to affect a timely halt to deteriorating conditions and to ensure the common good a state of emergency is declared for these territories by decree of lord cutler beckett duly appointed representative of his majesty the king by decree according to martial law the following statutes are temporarily amended: right to assembly suspended, right to habeas corpus suspended, right to legal counsel suspended, right to verdict by a jury of peers, suspended decree all persons found guilty of piracy or aiding a person convicted of piracy or associating with a person convicted of piracy shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until dead the king who his men.

Hoist the Colors Pirate Song by Hanz Zimmer

The king and his men stole the queen from her bed, And bound her in her bones, The seas be ours and by the powers. Where we will, we’ll roam, Yo-ho, all together. Hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars. Never shall we die.

As group after group of pirates die from hanging one young boy seems to be able to toss a single coin out during the song.

The coin, cut into pieces of Eight or perhaps a Spanish coin worth 9 Bits not 8, will be re-assembled for future Brethren Counsels to meet, establishing Quorum for the Council.

Studio play Hoist The Colours x He’s a Pirate | EPIC VERSION (feat. @Colm_R_McGuinness) Samuel Kim Music

The Pieces of Eight are together. Jen Moore and knowing about the Von Trapps and Borderline Personality Disorder, the study behavioral of rat behaviors, and CIA and Jesuit child development studis and the Donegan family, my oral histories and artifacts from inside the Donegan family like EPD III, Gunderson and thhe FBI an Kennedy Assassination, Prouty about Nixon and Executive Action and the Secret Team of business leaders.

The missing bit of 8 was that abusing children as Satanism was a red herring. They need a way to architect the abuse of children in a way it was not connected to “reputable” groups.

Jen Moore 4th of July and the Deep State at Capitol Hill after hearings

Okay that’s about all I could take of the crowd in the upcoming fireworks not don’t do too well with fireworks in PTSD so you don’t want to really be in a large crowd so I thought I’d just go walking you can see the beautiful capital in the capitol grounds gorgeous hot hot hot but gorgeous a lot of cop cars a lot of people walking but the crowd is enormous and I thought when the fireworks went off and the crowds started to dissipate it would be a nightmare to get out of there so I thought I would leave early I did hear some of John Stamos and her the national anthem and played that for you guys and you know that really is the patriotism of America and you saw it in the crowd I mean there were no people kneeling in that crowd tonight her people in red white and blue and children dressed up in red white and blue dresses and shorts and putting their hands on their hearts and servicemen and police officers so that was a wonderful view you stand right here in front of the capital of the United States of America and hopefully this next year will bring us more unified more together as the secrets of the deep state that are hidden buried underneath all these structures come out to the open for the American people to see and healing can begin and the whistleblowers can speak freely and the victims can speak freely and we as a country can heal red white blue purple yellow green whatever color whatever race whatever creed we as the American people can begin to heal and that is my hope for this year on this two hundred and forty second birthday of the United States (end of video)

[is there a way] in this country to stop this that those in power would abused their power in such a devastating systemic continuous way that people would live all of their childhoods experiencing some of these things and even young adulthood and then be terrorized for the rest of their lives to never speak about these absolute monster crimes so you know as much as you guys a lot of people don’t want to hear about some of this stuff as you said this stuff is coming out and I know it is as well so it’s it’s part a the part that I play in it is some of my knowledge and experience in the past and understanding of some of the stuff that came into play regarding my whistle-blowing and as well as many other things that are attached to it I can’t give real specifics just because it’s just not safe enough we’re going to have a meeting in a little bit and telling you my heart is that feels like it’s been a ripped in two just hearing some of the stories that I’ve heard and so I’ll be giving more information on that and like this is also my PTSD journey as well this is part of the reason this is part of my trapped truth as I said yesterday is knowing these things to be true and not being able to speak them out loud these things and many other things being silenced and so that silencing that pushing down of your personal experience whether you’re a whistle-blower or victim or survivor a witness a lot of witnesses to that have been silenced especially by the government our government that ever want you to speak and you know threaten you and even worse things than that the power of that coming against you as an individual you as a child or the abuse of power is such a traumatic wounding and such a betrayal of all that you believe to be true and think who are the safe people and who aren’t and we’re trying to correct some of that now many of the whistle-blowers that I’m involved with are trying to correct that now to let the American people know that there are really good people that have tried for a long time to stop some of these very bad things and we become victims as well as we are silenced with threats in many other ways so that’s kind of the update and we’ll go on from here -Jen Moore

André Rieu reminds me of Boston Pops the Donegan’s and so many others would go to sitting on the lawn, etc., The popularization and diversification of songs including movie scores, notable classical works, incorporation of popular music played orchestras has added a lot to the enjoyment of music and education of the public about classical music.

The Johann Strauss Orchestra is a pops orchestra founded in the Netherlands by André Rieu in 1987. The orchestra is well known for performing classical works with a distinctly unorthodox frivolity, joking with the audience and performing all sorts of antics.

Rieu and his orchestra have performed throughout Europe, in North America, Japan, and Australia. Winning a number of awards, including two World Music Awards, their recordings have gone gold and platinum in many countries, including eight-time platinum in the Netherlands.

At Rieu’s studios in Maastricht, the orchestra has recorded a wide range of classical, popular and folk music, and music from cinema and musical theatre. His lively orchestral presentations, in tandem with effective marketing, have attracted worldwide audiences to this subgenre of classical music.

Some of the orchestra’s performances have been broadcast in the United Kingdom on Sky Arts and the United States on the PBS television network[1] such as the 2003 airing of Andre Rieu Live in Dublin, filmed in Dublin, Ireland, and 2003’s André Rieu Live in Tuscany filmed in the Piazza Della Repubblica in the village of Cortona in Tuscany. – Wikipedia

December 11, 1964, 19th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York.

… the United States is not the champion of freedom, but rather the perpetrator of exploitation and oppression against the peoples of the world and against a large part of its own population.…

…In all these parts of the world, imperialism attempts to impose its version of what coexistence should be. It is the oppressed peoples in alliance with the socialist camp that must show them what true coexistence is, and it is the obligation of the United Nations to support them.

We must also state that it is not only in relations among sovereign states that the concept of peaceful coexistence needs to be precisely defined.

As Marxists we have maintained that peaceful coexistence among nations does not encompass coexistence between the exploiters and the exploited, between the oppressors and the oppressed. Furthermore, the right to full independence from all forms of colonial oppression is a fundamental principle of this organization. That is why we express our solidarity with the colonial peoples of so-called Portuguese Guinea, Angola and Mozambique, who have been massacred for the crime of demanding their freedom. And we are prepared to help them to the extent of our ability in accordance with the Cairo declaration.

We express our solidarity with the people of Puerto Rico and their great leader, Pedro Albizu Campos, who, in another act of hypocrisy, has been set free at the age of 72, almost unable to speak, paralyzed, after spending a lifetime in jail. Albizu Campos is a symbol of the as yet unfree but indomitable Latin America. Years and years of prison, almost unbearable pressures in jail, mental torture, solitude, total isolation from his people and his family, the insolence of the conqueror and its lackeys in the land of his birth nothing broke his will. The delegation of Cuba, on behalf of its people, pays a tribute of admiration and gratitude to a patriot who confers honor upon our America.

The United States for many years has tried to convert Puerto Rico into a model of hybrid culture: the Spanish language with English inflections, the Spanish language with hinges on its backbone the better to bow down before the Yankee soldier. Puerto Rican soldiers have been used as cannon fodder in imperialist wars, as in Korea, and have even been made to fire at their own brothers, as in the massacre perpetrated by the U.S. Army a few months ago against the unarmed people of Panama one of the most recent crimes carried out by Yankee imperialism …

The delegation of Cuba to the UN General Assembly

The Great Treason, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio X, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

Views: 62

Well a little about me

I have long had to articulate my identity, the formation of it, and its lawfulness as I have been harassed during my life. In part that has fed more attacks but since the propaganda about me does not match who I am I will continue to write about who I am. is something I have mentioned before in fact fairly regularly. Seeing this in the Prado in Spain. Or was it the Louvre in Paris? The French and Mexicans fighting on the Third of May.

I have been to some twenty or thirty major national art galleries with my family in major cities around the world. This includes the study of fahsion and military uniforms and at times I have wanted to be a clohtign designer using things like Niecholas and Alexaner of the Rusion Revolution for Goth clothes.

I am not an insophisticatre in any way but discreditng me and who I am allows otehrs to copy me without attribution and crediting themselves.

I could explain my apreciation for Stormfront more fully than I do. I explain I was drawn their over curiosity about my genome an its ties to WWII and that is all true. But that is defensive. If I wanted to be more defensive I could say my Libertarian instincts were drawn from history and paintings like this.

So I might argue I would never otherwise gone to a site sympathetic to Nazi Germany. On the other hand I reserve that right even so. But this is not about me defending myself but conductign a prosecution of those who reject my right to White identity or white identiarian poolitics.

I have nothing but revuilsion against color of law abuses, racioal abuses and transgressions, or any other abuse. I am sibmect to them and not the perpetrator. I resefve the right to be white and the right to fight back against trangression against me.

Views: 42

Truman, Prouty, and William Cooper were Revealors of how the Shadow Government NWO Came about following WWII

I will be writing about Jem Moore and using her word how the US Government was infiltrated by powers sneaking in to the NSC and its opporutnity to circument the US Constitution. One example of doing so not part of any thread of history I am writing about but is a relevant example of CIA and US DOD conduct was Egypt. Egypt was very close to the USA for long periods of history. I routinely tortured its prisoners will little court interevention in the abuse. When the CIA felt the laws of the USA interfered with interogation needs it would under treaty turn suspects over to Egypt and there they would talk. Similary Gaunatonmo Bay is offshore of the USA and limits reach of certain domesitc laws.

While waiting for all states to ratify, the Congress observed the Articles as it conducted business, directing the war effort for independence from Great Britain, conducting diplomacy with foreign states such as France, addressing territorial issues and dealing with Native American relations. Little changed procedurally once the Articles of Confederation went into effect, as ratification did little more than constitutionalize what the Continental Congress had been doing. That body was renamed the Congress of the Confederation; but most Americans continued to call it the Continental Congress, since its organization remained the same. -Wikipedia

As the US Constitution was ratified upon gaining of endepenence the Executive Branch was created and in the following years The Bill of RIghts were added to the Constition and modified inth the farbic of governance of the USA today that includes Common Law (court opinions) creatkgn landmark interpretaions of the legal frameworks.

Like the 10th Amendment that reservered poewrs to the states that had not been delegated to the national government, the Congress itself in approving the Constitution reserved war power to itself and foreign policy as a shared repsonsibilty with the Executive.

Powers of Purse in all matters (funding actions of the Government) rather than a general fund was a power of Congress. Declaratin of War, regulating the military, and usign the Draft for conspription of soldiers a power of COngress. Congress forbade Prizes of War in order that not incenetive or independent capability of war making existing outside of authorizations granted by Congress (who again would allow for a prise of war to soldeirs fo fortune but only upon congressional approval.

While Truman states he wanted a composite tszr or group of tsars who were not departmental stekeholders (perhaps) in the diffeing branches of military or who had conflicting and then bickering interests in their realm or department, it was decided to have a summary opinion delived to the president upon the formaion of such opnions if we are to later believe Truman after JFK was assasinated.

In fect the Psychological Warefare in Iran and other nations and war profeittering of CIA front companies created by the War industries Boards of WWI or post WWII or in between or later did secretly conduct military wars in disguisded military equipment and uniforms, profiteer, and do so whithout decleaqrions of war and without Congressonial approvals on treaties called policies with The Vatican or other groups rannfing from Northern Ireland, Grerat Brtiain, major billionaires and groups like Bilderbers, Free Masons lodges, etc., for what the “eite” world view was on western governance.

Ed Donegan and many Catholics or catholic raised believr this was too close to creating holding, and supressing colonies probably not for the wealth of the second world but in doing so under business fronts covert wars were possible subsumed the UsA into the NWO.

History of the National Security Council, 1947-1997

The National Security Act of July 26, 1947, created the National Security Council under the chairmanship of the President, with the Secretaries of State and Defense as its key members, to coordinate foreign policy and defense policy, and to reconcile diplomatic and military commitments and requirements. This major legislation also provided for a Secretary of Defense, a National Military Establishment, Central Intelligence Agency, and National Security Resources Board. The view that the NSC had been created to coordinate political and military questions quickly gave way to the understanding that the NSC existed to serve the President alone. The view that the Council’s role was to foster collegiality among departments also gave way to the need by successive Presidents to use the Council as a means of controlling and managing competing departments.



   Truman Administration, 1947-1953

   Eisenhower Administration, 1953-1961

   Kennedy Administration, 1961-1963

   Johnson Administration, 1963-1969

   Nixon Administration, 1969-1974

   Ford Administration, 1974-1977

   Carter Administration, 1977-1981

   Reagan Administration, 1981-1989

   Bush Administration, 1989-1992

   Clinton Administration, 1993-1997

   Appendix: Assistants to the President for National Security Affairs 1953-Present


Since the end of World War II, each administration has sought to develop
and perfect a reliable set of executive institutions to manage national
security policy. Each President has tried to avoid the problems and
deficiencies of his predecessors’ efforts and install a policy-making and
coordination system that reflected his personal management style. The National
Security Council (NSC) has been at the center of this foreign policy
coordination system, but it has changed many times to conform with the needs
and inclinations of each succeeding chief executive.

The National Security Act of July 26, 1947, created the National
Security Council under the chairmanship of the President, with the Secretaries
of State and Defense as its key members, to coordinate foreign policy and
defense policy, and to reconcile diplomatic and military commitments and
requirements. This major legislation also provided for a Secretary of Defense,
a National Military Establishment, Central Intelligence Agency, and National
Security Resources Board. The view that the NSC had been created to coordinate
political and military questions quickly gave way to the understanding that the
NSC existed to serve the President alone. The view that the Council’s role was
to foster collegiality among departments also gave way to the need by
successive Presidents to use the Council as a means of controlling and managing
competing departments.

The structure and functioning of the NSC depended in no small degree
upon the interpersonal chemistry between the President and his principal
advisers and department heads. But despite the relationships between
individuals, a satisfactory organizational structure had to be developed, for
without it the necessary flow of information and implementation of decisions
could not occur. Although a permanent staff gradually began to take shape, the
main substantive work occurred in the departments.

President Truman’s NSC was dominated by the Department of State.
President Eisenhower’s predilection for the military staff system, however, led
to development of the NSC along those lines. The NSC staff coordinated an
elaborate structure for monitoring the implementation of policies. The NSC’s
Executive Secretary became an assistant to the President, but was sufficiently
self-effacing not to conflict with a powerful Secretary of State, John Foster

President Kennedy may have initially looked to a strong Secretary of
State to take charge of foreign policy-making, but turned to other strategies
when it became apparent that the Department of State did not have sufficient
authority over other departments. Kennedy, who preferred policy-making with ad
hoc groups, dismantled Eisenhower’s elaborate NSC machinery and allowed the
Special Assistant for National Security Affairs and his staff to assume the
primary coordination role. Kennedy’s freewheeling style tended to erase the
distinction between policy-making and operations that President Eisenhower’s
regimented staff system so carefully observed.

Sharing Kennedy’s affinity for informal advisory arrangements, President
Johnson let the NSC structure atrophy still further and, like his predecessor,
relied instead on the National Security Adviser and his staff and various ad
hoc groups and trusted friends. But he also consulted regularly with his
Tuesday Lunch Group and in 1966 officially turned over responsibility for the
supervision and coordination of interdepartmental activities overseas to the
Secretary of State, with mixed results.

Under Presidents Nixon and Ford, Henry Kissinger’s expanded NSC staff
concentrated on acquiring analytical information from the various departments
that would allow the National Security Adviser to put before the President the
best possible range of options for decision. This system was in perfect accord
with President Nixon’s preference for detailed written expositions rather than
interpersonal groupings. Kissinger concentrated on a handful of major issues
and allowed some foreign matters to devolve by default on the Department of
State, while weapons and international financial questions were dealt with by
the Departments of Defense and the Treasury. Kissinger at first attempted to
restore the separation between policy-making and implementation, but eventually
found himself personally performing both roles.

Under President Carter, the National Security Adviser became a principal
source of foreign affairs ideas and the NSC staff was recruited and managed
with that in view. The Department of State provided institutional memory and
served as operations coordinator. Some saw this as an activism-conservatism
duality, and the press eventually picked up on the tensions that were present.
The National Security Adviser’s role as public advocate rather than as
custodian exacerbated the difficult relationships with State and other

A collegial approach to government decision-making was emphasized in the
Reagan administration. The National Security Adviser was downgraded, and the
Chief of Staff to the President exercised a coordinating role in the White
House. The collegiality among powerful department heads was not successfully
maintained and conflicts became public. The NSC staff tended to emerge as a
separate, contending party.

President Bush brought his own considerable foreign policy experience to
his leadership of the National Security Council, and restored collegial
relations among department heads. He reorganized the NSC organization to
include a Principals Committee, Deputies Committee, and eight Policy
Coordinating Committees. The NSC played an effective role during such major
developments as the collapse of the Soviet Union, the unification of Germany,
and the deployment of American troops in Iraq and Panama. The Clinton
administration continued to emphasize a collegial approach within the NSC on
national security matters. The NSC membership was expanded to include the
Secretary of the Treasury, the U.S. Representative to the United Nations, the
newly-created Assistant to the President for Economic Policy (who was also head
of a newly-created National Economic Council or NEC, parallel to the NSC), the
President’s Chief of Staff, and the President’s National Security Adviser.

For 50 years, 10 Presidents have sought to use the National Security Council system to integrate foreign and defense policies in order to preserve the nation’s security and advance its interests road. Recurrent structural modifications over the years have reflected Presidential management style,
changing requirements, and personal relationships.

Truman Administration, 1947-1953

The National Security Council was created by Public Law 80(253, approved July 26, 1947, as part of a general reorganization of the U.S. national security apparatus. Proponents of the reform realized that no institutional means for the coordination of foreign and defense policy existed, and that the informal management techniques employed by President Roosevelt during the war and President Truman after the war were not suitable for the long haul. The State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee SWNCC) had been established in 1944 at the Assistant Secretary-level, and by 1945 the Secretaries of State, War, and Navy began holding weekly meetings. President Roosevelt had tended to trust White House aides like Harry Hopkins and Admiral William D. Leahy to carry on necessary day-to-day coordination.

President Truman for a time relied upon Special White House Counsel Clark Clifford to provide the Hopkins(Leahy type of personal coordination. Clifford, who was dismayed by the disorder among
agencies taking major post-war policy-making decisions, was a key figure in establishing the National Security Council to give institutional stability to national security policy-making.

The National Security Act of 1947 created the National Security Council under the chairmanship of the President, with only the following seven officials as permanent members: the President, the Secretaries of State, Defense, Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Chairman of the National Security Resources Board. The President could designate “from time to time” the Secretaries of other executive departments and the Chairmen of the Munitions Board and the Research and Development Board to attend meetings. While the new Central Intelligence Agency was to report to the NSC, the Director of Central
Intelligence was not a member, although he attended meetings as an observer and resident adviser.

The function of the NSC as outlined in the 1947 act was to advise the President on integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating to national security and to facilitate interagency cooperation. At the President’s direction, the NSC could also assess and appraise risks to U.S. national security, consider policies, and then report or make recommendations to the President.

The act created a small permanent staff headed by a civilian Executive Secretary appointed by the President. In neither the National Security Act of 1947 nor subsequent amendments was there provision for the position of National Security Adviser. Initially, the permanent NSC staff had no substantive role in the formulation, let alone implementation, of national security policies.

The NSC did, however, serve other purposes beyond its stated goal of advising on policy formulation. For Forrestal and the Navy, who were opposed to a strongly-unified Department of Defense, it provided top-level coordination of the three armed services without integration or unification. For Defense officials, it ensured a continuing military voice in formulation of related foreign and domestic policies during peacetime. For those, especially in Congress, who doubted Truman had adequate experience in foreign affairs or even doubted his abilities in general, the NSC offered the hope of evolving into a collegial policy-making body to reinforce the President.

Truman was clearly sensitive to this implied criticism and jealous of his prerogatives as Chief Executive. He did not like the idea of Congress legislating who could advise him on national security. Truman, therefore, kept the NSC at arm’s length during its first 3 years. He attended the first session
of the NSC on September 26, 1947, and then stayed away from all but 10 of the next 55 meetings. Truman continued to rely on a succession of personal White House advisers (George M. Elsey, Rear Admiral Robert Dennison, and W. Averell Harriman(to coordinate for him major foreign policy matters.

Initially, Truman named the Secretary of State as the ranking member of the Council in his absence and expected the Department of State to play the major role in formulating policy recommendations. This decision disappointed Defense officials who hoped that the Secretary of Defense would be allowed to preside in the President’s absence and had offered to locate the NSC staff in
the Pentagon. Clifford managed to resist Secretary of Defense Forrestal’s efforts to gain control of the NSC. Procedures established during the Truman administration set the basic bureaucratic pattern which lasted through the Eisenhower administration: draft NSC papers written primarily by State’s Policy Planning Staff, discussion at the NSC meeting, approval by the President resulting in an NSC Action, and dissemination to relevant parts of the bureaucracy. During its initial years, the NSC suffered from haphazard staffing and irregular meetings and was sometimes bypassed entirely. The executive secretaries of the Council had no real authority or influence beyond managing the staff process.

In 1949, the NSC was reorganized. Truman directed the Secretary of the Treasury to attend all meetings and Congress amended the National Security Act of 1947 to eliminate the three service secretaries from Council membership and add the Vice President(who assumed second rank from the Secretary of State(and the Joint Chiefs of Staff who became permanent advisers to the Council. NSC
standing committees were created to deal with sensitive issues such as internal security. The NSC staff consisted of three groups: the Executive Secretary and his staff who managed the paper flow; a staff, made up of personnel on detail, whose role was to develop studies and policy recommendations (headed by the Coordinator from the Department of State); and the Consultants to the Executive Secretary who acted as chief policy and operational planners for each department or agency represented on the NSC.

Even Truman’s overhaul of the machinery in 1949 did not create a National Security Council that fulfilled the role originally envisioned. Truman was partly to blame. He insisted on going outside NSC channels for national security advice, relying directly on his Secretaries of State and Defense, and
increasingly on the Bureau of the Budget. Attendance at NSC meetings gradually increased to a point where the Council became too large for free discussion and degenerated into a bureaucratic battleground of departmental rivalries. NSC lines of authority, never clear, became increasingly blurred. By not attending most NSC meetings, Truman ensured that Council members would seek him out to press their own viewpoints privately.

In 1949, events reinforced the need for better coordination of national security policy: NATO was formed, military assistance for Europe was begun, the Soviet Union detonated an atomic bomb, and the Communists gained control in China. The Department of State seized the opportunity to review U.S. strategic policy and military programs, overcoming opposition from Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson and his allies in the Bureau of the Budget. Initially sidestepping formal NSC channels, State won approval of an ad hoc interdepartmental committee under its Policy Planning head, Paul Nitze. Their
report, NSC 68, was submitted directly to Truman in February 1950, who sent it to the NSC for a cost analysis. An NSC committee authorized to consider costs and broader implications of NSC 68 began its work, but before it could be completed the Korean war broke out.

The war in Korea dramatically changed the functioning of the NSC under Truman. Thereafter the Council met every Thursday and the President attended all but 7 of its 71 remaining meetings. Truman limited attendance to statutory members plus the Secretary of the Treasury, the Chairman of the JCS, the Director of Central Intelligence, two special advisers (Averell Harriman and Sidney Souers), and the NSC Executive Secretary.

The Secretariat was retained, but the Staff and the Consultants were eliminated in favor of a Senior Staff–Assistant Secretary level or higher(supported by Staff Assistants. Truman reiterated that the NSC was to be the channel for all important national security recommendations. During the
first year of the Korean war, the NSC came as close as it ever did under Truman to fulfilling that role. Nonetheless, Truman still looked outside the formal NSC mechanism for advice and recommendations, relying on the NSC as much for staffing and coordination of interdepartmental views as for primary recommendations.

Truman made additional structural changes in the NSC in late 1950 and in 1951. He directed the head of the newly-created Office of Defense Mobilization to attend NSC meetings and then made him a member of the Senior Staff. With the Mutual Security Act of 1951, the newly-created Director for Mutual Security (Harriman) became a statutory member with the right to appoint a Senior Staff member. The Bureau of the Budget sent a representative to some Senior Staff meetings. In 1951, the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB), made up of the deputies at State and Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence, was created to coordinate the response to Soviet unconventional Cold War tactics.
The PSB worked closely with the NSC in managing America’s covert psychological counterattack. In his retirement President Truman denied any responsibility for “cloak and dagger operations” but it was during his Presidency that covert intelligence operations in support of foreign policy objectives was undertaken on an ever broadening scale. The NSC’s first action (NSC 1/1) authorized covert action in the Italian elections. The formal institutionalization of covert actions was established as NSC 4 in December 1947, and NSC 10/2 of June 1948.

During Truman’s last year, the Council and the Senior Staff met less frequently and NSC activity abated. Much interdepartmental planning on the NSC books was never completed by the end of the Truman administration. During this period, the NSC reflected Truman’s sense of frustration as a lame-duck
President caught in a stalemated war.

Eisenhower Administration, 1953-1961

Under President Eisenhower, the National Security Council system evolved into the principal arm of the President in formulating and executing policy on military, international, and internal security affairs. Where Truman was uncomfortable with the NSC system and only made regular use of it under the
pressure of the Korean war, Eisenhower embraced the NSC concept and created a structured system of integrated policy review. With his military background, Eisenhower had a penchant for careful staff work, and believed that effective planning involved a creative process of discussion and debate among advisers compelled to work toward agreed recommendations.

The genesis of the new NSC system was a report prepared for the President in March 1953 by Robert Cutler, who became the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs. Cutler proposed a systematic flow of recommendation, decision, and implementation that he later described as the
“policy hill” process. At the bottom of the hill, concerned agencies such as State and Defense produced draft policy recommendations on specific topics and worked for consensus at the agency level. These draft NSC papers went up the hill through the Planning Board, created to review and refine the
recommendations before passing them on for full NSC consideration. The NSC Planning Board met on Tuesday and Friday afternoons and was composed of officials at the Assistant Secretary level from the agencies with permanent or standing representation on the Council, as well as advisers from the JCS and
CIA. Hundreds of hours were spent by the Board reviewing and reconstructing proposed papers for the NSC. Cutler resigned in 1958 in exhaustion. The top of the foreign policy-making hill was the NSC itself, chaired by the President, which met regularly on Thursday mornings.

The Council consisted of the five statutory members: the President, Vice President, Secretaries of State and Defense, and Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization. Depending on the subject under discussion, as many as a score of other senior Cabinet members and advisers, including the Secretary of the Treasury, the Chairman of the JCS, and the Director of Central Intelligence, attended and participated. The agenda included regular briefings by the Director of Central Intelligence on worldwide developments affecting U.S. security, and consideration of the policy papers advanced by the Planning Board. The upshot of the discussions were recommendations to the President in the form of NSC Actions. The President, who participated in the discussion, normally endorsed the NSC Action, and the decision went down the hill for implementation to the Operations Coordinating Board.

President Eisenhower created the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB) to follow up on all NSC decisions. The OCB met regularly on Wednesday afternoons at the Department of State, and was composed of the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Directors of CIA, USIA, and ICA, and the Special Assistants to the President for National Security Affairs and Security Operations Coordination. The OCB was the coordinating and implementing arm of the NSC for all aspects of the implementation of national security policy. NSC action papers were assigned to a team from the OCB for follow-up. More than 40 interagency working groups were established with experts for various countries and subjects. This 24-person staff of the OCB’s supported these working groups in which officials from various agencies met each other for the first time.

The President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, a post held under Eisenhower by Cutler, Dillon Anderson, William H. Jackson, and Gordon Gray, oversaw the flow of recommendations and decisions up and down the policy hill, and functioned in Council meetings to brief the Council and
summarize the sense of discussion. The Special Assistant was an essential facilitator of the decision-making system, but, unlike the National Security Adviser created under Kennedy, had no substantive role in the process. The NSC staff managed by the Special Assistant grew during the Eisenhower years, but again had no independent role in the policy process.

President Eisenhower had great confidence in the efficacy of covert operations as a viable supplement or alternative to normal foreign policy activities. The seeming clear success of the operations to overthrow Iranian populist leader Mossadegeh in 1953 and the left-leaning President Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954 was not without their crisis moments in the White House. In 1954 NSC 5412 provided for the establishment of a panel of designated representatives of the President and the Secretaries of State and Defense to meet regularly to review and recommend covert operations. Gordon Gray assumed the chairmanship of the “5412 Committee” as it was called, and all succeeding National Security Advisers have chaired similar successor committees, variously named “303”, “40”, “Special Coordinating Committee,” which, in later Presidential administrations, were charged with the review of CIA covert operations.

President Eisenhower also created the position of staff secretary with the responsibility to screen all foreign policy and military documents coming to the President. While Colonel Andrew Goodpaster held this position, he tended to eclipse the Special Assistant for National Security.

The strength of the NSC system under Eisenhower was that it provided for regular, fully-staffed, interagency review of major foreign and national security issues, culminating in discussion and decision at the highest level of government. The resulting Presidentially-approved NSC papers provided policy guidance at every level of implementation. Eisenhower felt that the regular policy discussions kept his principal advisers fully informed, in step with one another, and prepared to react knowledgeably in the event of crisis. His commitment to the system was such that he chaired every Council meeting he could attend (329 of a total of 366). The NSC meetings, including prior briefings and subsequent review of NSC Actions, constituted the largest single item on his weekly agenda.

Secretary of State Dulles, on the other hand, had reservations about the NSC system. He was the strongest personality in the Eisenhower Cabinet and jealously guarded his role as principal adviser to the President on foreign policy. He had constant, direct access to the President and did not feel that
some of the most sensitive issues should be discussed in groups as large as were involved in most NSC meetings. He drew a sharp line between the NSC policy review process and the day-to-day operations of foreign policy, which he maintained were the province of the Department of State. Dulles and his
deputies were not comfortable with the scope the NSC review system gave to Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey, another strong figure in the Cabinet, to intrude budgetary limitations into policy considerations. And Dulles successfully resisted a proposal to substitute the Vice President for
the Under Secretary of State as chairman of the OCB, arguing that such a change would impinge on his role as principal adviser to the President on foreign policy.

Critics of the Eisenhower NSC system have argued that it was inflexible, overstaffed, unable to anticipate and react to immediate crises, and weighed down by committees reporting in great detail on long checklists of minor policy concerns. The most thorough critique of the system emerged from the hearings conducted in 1960(1961 by the Senate Subcommittee on National Policy Machinery, known as the Jackson Subcommittee for its chairman, Senator Henry Jackson. Cutler and NSC Executive Secretary James Lay testified in support of the effectiveness of the system, but their testimony was offset by that of former Truman administration officials such as George Kennan, Paul Nitze, and Robert Lovett. They argued that foreign policy was being made by a passive President influenced by a National Security Council rendered virtually useless by ponderous, bureaucratic machinery. Basically, they argued, the NSC was a huge committee, and suffered from all the weaknesses of committees. Composed of representatives of many agencies, its members were not free to adopt the broad, statesmanlike attitude desired by the President, but, rather, were ambassadors of their own departments, clinging to departmental rather than national views. To make matters worse, critics added, the NSC system by its very nature was restricted to continuing and developing already established policies and was incapable of originating new ideas or major innovations. The critics suggested replacement of the formal, “over-institutionalized” NSC structure with a smaller, less formal NSC which would offer the President a clear choice of alternatives on a limited number of major problems.

Eisenhower was certainly not a passive President, dominated on foreign policy and national security issues by his Secretary of State. In fact, Eisenhower was actively in command of his administration, and the NSC system met his instincts and requirements. There is substance in the criticism that the Eisenhower NSC became to some extent the prisoner of a rigidly bureaucratic process, but the criticism misses the point that Eisenhower and Dulles did not attempt to manage fast-breaking crises or day-to-day foreign policy through the NSC apparatus. An examination of several of the major foreign policy problems that confronted the Eisenhower administration reveals that the NSC system was used to manage some and was virtually bypassed in others. When the question involved a policy debate between departments with strongly-held, contending positions, as it did in the case of the debate between the Departments of State and Defense in 1956(1957 over whether to introduce a more modern generation of weapons into Korea, the NSC process focused debate and produced an agreed decision after discussion of three draft policy papers.

Crisis situations, however, such as the Suez crisis of 1956, the off-shore island crises of 1955 and 1958, and the Lebanon crisis of 1958, were typically managed through telephone conversations between Eisenhower, Dulles, and other principal advisers, and through small meetings with the President in the White House, normally involving Dulles and other concerned advisers. Eisenhower sometimes used trusted NSC staffers to serve as an intermediary to gain information outside the chain of command as he did with Colonel Goodpaster during the Quemoy crisis in 1955. There was great similarity between this process of crisis management and that adopted by subsequent Presidents, such as Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, except for the fact that the ad hoc meetings in the Eisenhower White House did not involve a National Security Adviser as a substantive participant. And in the event that aspects of crisis management depended on contact with the critical man-on-the-spot, as it did in 1958 when Deputy Under Secretary of State Robert Murphy was dispatched to Lebanon to attempt to defuse the crisis, his instructions came from the Department of State and he reported to the Secretary of State rather than directly to the White House, as became the practice during the height of the Vietnam conflict.

When Eisenhower briefed President-elect Kennedy on the NSC system, and when Gray briefed his successor McGeorge Bundy, they emphasized the importance of the NSC machinery in the management of foreign policy and national security affairs. They might have been more persuasive had they pointed to the fact that the NSC system was essentially limited to policy review and was not used to manage crises or day-to-day foreign policy.

Kennedy Administration, 1961-1963

President Kennedy, who was strongly influenced by the report of the Jackson Subcommittee and its severe critique of the Eisenhower NSC system, moved quickly at the beginning of his administration to deconstruct the NSC process and simplify the foreign policy-making process and make it more intimate. In a very short period after taking office, the new President moved to reduce the NSC staff from 74 to 49, limit the substantive officers to 12, and hold NSC meetings much less frequently while sharply curtailing the number of officers attending. The Operation Coordination Board was abolished, and the NSC was, at the President’s insistence, pulled back from monitoring the implementation of policies. The coordination of foreign policy decisions was ostensibly left to the State Department (and other agencies as necessary).

Johnson Administration, 1963-1969

The abrupt transition of power to the Johnson administration brought no
dramatic change in the formal role of the National Security Council. Like
Kennedy, Johnson much preferred small, informal advisory meetings to large
Council meetings supported by an elaborately organized staff. According to one
of his aides, Johnson felt the NSC was “not a live institution, not suited to
precise debate for the sake of decision.” Moreover, Johnson thought NSC
meetings were prone to leaks–they were “like sieves,” he once remarked–and he
inherited advisers who shared his views. Secretary of State Dean Rusk later
observed that during the Kennedy Presidency neither he nor Secretary of Defense
Robert McNamara liked to “get into much discussion” in the NSC with “so many
people sitting around the room” and the possibility of leaks so great.

Despite his misgivings about the Council, Johnson started out convening
it fairly regularly, about every 2 weeks on average during his first 11 months
in office. The sessions dealt with a broad range of issues but were relatively
brief in duration and, after May 1964, consisted largely of briefings. With the
approach of the Presidential election in November, Johnson suspended NSC
meetings, but then in early 1965 he shifted gears. From February 1965 through
mid-1966 he convened the NSC almost exclusively to discuss Vietnam, doing so
irregularly and, following a flurry of meetings in February 1965, infrequently.
Several participants later charged that Johnson used the NSC during 1965 not to
consult on Vietnam as he committed major U.S. ground forces but to “rubber
stamp” decisions made beforehand. The other major foreign policy crisis of the
period, the intervention in the Dominican Republic during April and May 1965,
was not brought before the Council at all.

As the Council’s formal advisory role diminished, so too did its
institutional support. Johnson treated the NSC staff as a personal staff, and
dropped meetings of the NSC Standing Group, which convened intermittently under
Kennedy to deal with planning and operations problems. Official records of
Council actions were discontinued, and National Security Action Memorandums,
which Kennedy had instituted to inform government agencies of Presidential
decisions requiring follow-up action, were issued with decreasing frequency.
Whereas Kennedy had issued 272 NSAMs in less than three years, Johnson issued
46 in 1964, 35 during 1965 and 1966, and a mere 14 during his final 2 years in

Disinclined to use the Council meetings for advice, Johnson, like
Kennedy, relied heavily on his National Security Advisers: McGeorge Bundy, who
remained in office through February 1966, and Bundy’s successor, Walt Rostow,
who served to the end of the administration. Indeed, scholars looking at the
evolution of the NSC from its inception to the 1970s contend that the National
Security Adviser and his White House centered staff increasingly assumed a more
prominent role than the official National Security Council and that Johnson,
like Kennedy before him, played a key role in this development. Focusing on
Johnson’s Presidency alone, however, some of his advisers, including Secretary
of State Rusk and Walt Rostow, insisted that the Council’s advisory role was
actually performed principally by another institution, the Tuesday Lunch Group,
and that those lunch meetings were in effect regular NSC meetings.

The small, informal, Tuesday luncheon meetings were much more to
Johnson’s liking than formal NSC meetings and quickly gained a prominent place
in the decision-making process. Embracing the Secretaries of State and Defense
and the National Security Adviser, the Tuesday Lunch Group met 27 times between
February and September 1964. In all Johnson convened some 160 Tuesday luncheons
during his Presidency, and the group was gradually expanded to include his
press secretary, the Director of Central Intelligence, and the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff. The participants uniformly praised the “strong collegial
sense” at the meetings and the opportunity for “extraordinary candor,” but
subordinates often complained that the secrecy and informality that encouraged
candor also made it hard for them to prepare their superiors properly for the
meetings and implement the decisions that were reached.

Upon succeeding Bundy as National Security Adviser in 1966, Rostow came
to grips with the issue of how to make effective use of the formal Council,
which by then was virtually moribund. He advised Johnson neither to pretend to
use the Council meetings for making major decisions nor to focus on day-to-day
operations. Instead he proposed regular, “anticipatory-type” sessions devoted,
as Johnson explained at the first of the new series, to “discussion of complex
problems requiring careful exploration before they were to come to him for
decision.” Clearly intended to complement rather than challenge the primary
advisory roles of the Tuesday luncheons and the National Security Adviser and
his staff, NSC meetings for the balance of the administration considered a
broad range of anticipated rather than pressing issues and gave little
attention to Vietnam. As one NSC staff member put it, Council members now
convened for “reflective and educational discussions, rather than
decision-making meetings.”

When not relying for advice and support on the Tuesday Lunch Group and
the National Security Adviser and his small staff, Johnson turned to a variety
of ad hoc groups and trusted friends inside and outside the government.
Following the outbreak of the Six Day War, for example, he established an NSC
Special Committee, modeled on the NSC Executive Committee that met during the
Cuban Missile Crisis, to coordinate U.S. policy in the Middle East for several
weeks. But none of these arrangements substituted fully for the functions that
the NSC’s Planning Board and the Operations Coordinating Board provided under

In March 1966 the Johnson White House sought to remedy this situation
through issuance of NSAM 341, the brainchild of General Maxwell Taylor. NSAM
341 assigned the Secretary of State official responsibility for the overall
direction, coordination, and supervision of interdepartmental activities
overseas and created a mechanism to carry out the responsibility consisting of
the Senior Interdepartmental Group (SIG), chaired by the Under Secretary of
State, and several Interdepartmental Regional Groups (IRGs) beneath it, each
chaired by an Assistant Secretary of State. But following a fast-paced start,
the SIG entered a period of quiescence that saw it meet only three times from
late July 1966 to mid-July 1967, reflecting in part Under Secretary of State
Nicholas Katzenbach’s initial hesitancy to exploit its possibilities upon
taking office in October 1966. The SIG gained new vitality in mid-1967,
however, and together with the more active IRGs played a complementary and
supporting role to the Secretary of State and the NSC, especially in easing the
burdens of the national security adviser and his staff with respect to
interagency coordination and follow-up.

The innovations of a Presidential administration often do not survive
its close, reflecting as they do the distinctive views and management style of
the President and his immediate advisers. The close of the Johnson
administration brought an end to several of the adaptations it had made to
manage foreign policy: Tuesday luncheons, anticipatory-type NSC meetings, and
the SIG/IRG structure.

Nixon Administration, 1969-1974

President Nixon and his National Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger,
dominated the making of U.S. foreign policy during the Nixon Presidency. As
Nixon recalled in his memoirs: “From the outset of my administration, . . . I
planned to direct foreign policy from the White House. Therefore I regarded my
choice of a National Security Adviser as crucial.” Henry Kissinger worked
through a National Security Council apparatus he revised and fashioned to serve
his needs and objectives and those of the President. The close relationship
between the President and the National Security Adviser was the basis for their
ability to carry out American foreign affairs leadership around the world. The
National Security Council system was the mechanism for the period of
unprecedented American activism in foreign policy and the exercise of
Kissinger’s growing power. Kissinger wrote later that “in the final analysis
the influence of a Presidential Assistant derives almost exclusively from the
confidence of the President, not from administrative arrangements.” The two men
developed a conceptual framework that would guide foreign policy decisions.
Kissinger’s intellectual ability, his ambition, and his frequent discussions
with Nixon were all factors in increasing within the government both his own
power and the unchallenged authority of the NSC system he personally directed.

The Kissinger NSC system sought to combine features of the Johnson and
Eisenhower systems. The Senior Interdepartment Group (SIG) of the Johnson White
House was replaced by an NSC Review Group (somewhat similar to the
Eisenhower-era NSC Planning Group) together with an NSC Under Secretary’s
Committee. The Kissinger NSC relied upon interdepartmental working groups (IGs)
to prepare for NSC directives. Critics observed that 10 IG meetings prepared
the way for each SIG-level meeting, and 5 SIG meetings were needed to prepare
for each NSC meeting.

White House direction of foreign policy meant the eclipse of the
Department of State and Secretary William Rogers. Nixon did not trust the
Department bureaucracy. According to Kissinger, Nixon picked Rogers, who was
inexperienced in foreign affairs, to indicate that the President would dominate
the relationship between the NSC and the Department of State. Throughout
Nixon’s first term, only Kissinger participated in the President’s important
discussions with foreign state visitors. Nixon excluded Rogers from his first
meeting with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin in February 1969. The NSC also
took control of the process of clearing key policy cables to overseas posts.
Kissinger and Rogers became rivals and developed formal contacts in place of
substantive discussions.

The NSC(Department of State power relationship was reflected in
institutional arrangements. During the transition period before Nixon assumed
power, Kissinger recommended that the NSC be buttressed by a structure of
subcommittees to draft analyses of policy that would present clear decision
options to the President. The National Security Adviser was to be chairman of a
Review Group to screen interagency papers before their presentation to the full
NSC chaired by the President. Nixon insisted on the abolition of the SIG
chaired by the Department of State. These recommendations were incorporated in
National Security Decision Memorandum (NSDM) 2, issued shortly after Nixon’s
inauguration on January 20, 1969. NSDM 2 was rightly perceived as a victory for
Kissinger and helped to establish his foreign policy authority at the outset of
the administration.

Kissinger moved quickly to establish the policy dominance of the NSC. He
expanded its staff from 12 to 34; not only was it the cadre for his centralized
policy-making, but it was also his antennae throughout the bureaucratic
structure. In the President’s name, Kissinger set the NSC agendas and issued
the numerous National Security Study Memoranda (NSSM) that set forth the
precise needs for interagency policy papers. An NSC Under Secretaries
Committee, chaired by the Deputy Secretary of State, gradually withered away.
By the time the increasingly complicated committee structure was settled,
Kissinger chaired six NSC-related committees: the Senior Review Group
(non-crisis, non-arms control matters), the Washington Special Actions Group
(serious crises), the Verification Panel (arms control negotiations), the 40
Committee (clandestine operations), the Intelligence Committee (policy for the
intelligence community), and the Defense Program Review Committee (relation of
the defense budget to foreign policy aims).

Nixon also increasingly bypassed the Department of State to supervise
personally sensitive negotiations in order to avoid what he and President Nixon
agreed were likely bureaucratic disputes and inertia. The President made clear
that he wanted the National Security Adviser to conduct important matters
directly out of his office. Nearly every foreign ambassador called upon
Kissinger at least once. With Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin, Kissinger maintained
a special relationship that completely bypassed the Department of State and
Secretary Rogers. Dobrynin was told by Kissinger to deal with the Secretary of
State only on a limited range of less vital matters. Kissinger also maintained
similar relationships with Chinese leader Chou En-lai and Israeli Ambassador

In carrying on his activist, operational undertakings, Kissinger relied
upon special controlled communications. CIA communications were used for his
“back channel” messages so that the Department of State was kept in the dark.
He also used the White House Communication Agency including the use of special
aircraft as communication centers. With his negotiations in Paris in 1971
regarding Vietnam, with Israelis and Arabs after 1973, and with the Soviet
Union in advance of summit meetings, Kissinger was a traveling negotiator, and
the NSC was a system on the move. Jeanne Davis, the NSC Executive Secretary,
also facilitated the handling of sensitive correspondence by propelling the NSC
staff into the computer age with a document tracking system unheard of by
Kissinger’s predecessors.

The waning of Nixon’s power during the Watergate affair further
increased Kissinger’s influence. On September 22, 1973, Kissinger became
Secretary of State, replacing Rogers. For the first time, one individual held
simultaneously the positions of National Security Adviser and Secretary of

Under these unique circumstances, Kissinger strengthened his
institutional base as the administration’s principal foreign policy adviser.
Kissinger later admitted, however, that the union of the two positions did not
work. Department of State representatives were his subordinates while he wore
his Secretary of State hat. When he chaired a meeting, they had to represent
his point of view or else all interdepartmental matters would be outside his
control. Kissinger indicated he was in an inherently absurd position of either
pushing his Department’s views as chairman or dissociating himself from his

Ford Administration, 1974-1977

President Ford, who assumed office in August 1974, was relatively
inexperienced in foreign affairs. He therefore relied almost exclusively on
Kissinger’s expertise and advice. During 1975, however, there developed strong
public and congressional disapproval of the accretion of so much power over
foreign policy in the hands of one man. As part of a Cabinet shakeup on
November 3, 1975, Ford named Lieutenant General Brent Scowcroft, Kissinger’s
deputy at the NSC, as National Security Adviser.

Kissinger was at first resentful of the loss of his unique, dual
position. He soon discovered, however, as he wrote in his memoirs, that
Scowcroft’s appointment in no way diminished his real power within the
administration because he kept Ford’s confidence and unlimited access, and
Scowcroft in no way sought to advocate policies in competition with the
Secretary of State. Kissinger continued to have a cordial relationship with
Scowcroft, and both men exchanged ideas constantly. In turn, Scowcroft was
content to operate in a quiet, unobtrusive way. He took seriously the NSC
obligation to present the President with clear analyses and options for
decision. He managed a toned-down version of the Kissinger NSC system that was
compatible with the Secretary of State’s role as the President’s chief foreign
policy adviser. Many of the most aggressive members of Kissinger’s NSC team
also made the move to State, allowing Scowcroft to fashion a staff that
reflected the new relationships.

Carter Administration, 1977-1981

Carter began his term determined to eliminate the abuses he ascribed to
the Kissinger NSC under Nixon and Ford. He believed that Kissinger had amassed
too much power during his tenure as NSC Adviser and Secretary of State, and
effectively shielded his Presidents from competing viewpoints within the
foreign policy establishment. Carter resolved to maintain his access to a broad
spectrum of information by more fully engaging his Cabinet officers in the
decision-making process. He envisaged the role of the National Security Council
to be one of policy coordination and research, and reorganized the NSC
structure to ensure that the NSC Adviser would be only one of many players in
the foreign policy process. Carter chose Zbigniew Brzezinski for the position
of National Security Adviser because he wanted an assertive intellectual at his
side to provide him with day-to-day advice and guidance on foreign policy

Initially, Carter reduced the NSC staff by one-half and decreased the
number of standing NSC committees from eight to two. All issues referred to the
NSC were reviewed by one of the two new committees, either the Policy Review
Committee (PRC) or the Special Coordinating Committee (SCC). The PRC focused on
specific issues that fell largely within the jurisdiction of one department.
Its chairmanship rotated to whichever department head had primary
responsibility for the issue, most often the Department of State, and committee
membership was frequently expanded as circumstances warranted.

Unlike the Policy Review Committee, the Special Coordinating Committee
was always chaired by the NSC Adviser. Carter believed that by making the NSC
Adviser chairman of only one of the two committees, he would prevent the NSC
from being the overwhelming influence on foreign policy decisions. The SCC was
charged with considering issues that cut across several departments, including
oversight of intelligence activities, arms control evaluation, and crisis
management. Much of the SCC’s time during the Carter years was spent on SALT

President Carter changed the name of the documents in the
decision-making process, although the mechanics of NSC review differed little
from that of previous administrations. The Presidential Review Memorandum (PRM)
replaced the National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM), and the Presidential
Directive (PD) supplanted the National Security Decision Memorandum (NSDM).
PRMs identified topics to be researched by the NSC, defined the problem to be
analyzed, set a deadline for the completion of the study, and assigned
responsibility for it to one of the two NSC committees. If the selected
committee were the Policy Review Committee, a member was designated to serve as
study chairman. The study chairman assigned an ad hoc working group to complete
the study, which was ultimately reviewed by the responsible committee (either
the PRC or SCC). When the committee was satisfied that the study had
incorporated meaningful options and supporting arguments, the study’s
conclusions went to the President in a 2- or 3-page memorandum, which in turn
formed the basis for a Presidential Directive.

The actual operation of the NSC under Carter was less structured than
under previous Presidents. The Council held few formal meetings, convening only
10 times, compared with 125 meetings during the 8 years of the Nixon and Ford
administrations. Instead, Carter used frequent, informal meetings as a
decision-making device, typically his Friday breakfasts, usually attended by
the Vice President, the Secretaries of State and Defense, the NSC Adviser, and
the chief domestic adviser. The President counted on the free flow of ideas,
unencumbered by a formal setting, to increase the chances of an informed

Critics have contended that the Carter NSC staff was deficient in
certain respects. The NSC’s emphasis on providing advice was effected at the
expense of some of its other functions, particularly its responsibility to
monitor implementation of the President’s policies. Also, the President’s and
some of his principals’ commitment to arms control skewed the formation and
execution of a broad range of foreign policy options on national security
questions. Without any clearly-developed foreign policy principles beyond a
commitment to arms control, he often changed his mind, depending on the advice
he was receiving at the time.

Carter’s preference for informality and openness increased the diversity
of views he received and complicated the decision-making process. Every Friday,
for example, the President breakfasted with Vice President Mondale, Secretary
of State Vance, Secretary of Defense Brown, Brzezinski, and several White House
advisers. No agendas were prepared and no formal records were kept of these
meetings, sometimes resulting in differing interpretations of the decisions
actually agreed upon. This problem led to one of the most embarrassing episodes
of the Carter administration in which the United States had to retract a UN
vote involving Israel and Jerusalem. Brzezinski was careful, in managing his
own weekly luncheons with Secretaries Vance and Brown in preparation for NSC
discussions, to maintain a complete set of careful notes. Brzezinski also sent
weekly reports to the President on major foreign policy undertakings and
problems, with recommendations for courses of action. President Carter enjoyed
these reports and frequently annotated them with his own views. Brzezinski and
the NSC used these Presidential notes (159 of them) as the basis for NSC

At the outset of the administration, Brzezinski successfully persuaded
Carter to make the National Security Adviser chairman of the SCC. This meant
that Brzezinski was given oversight responsibility for the SALT negotiations,
which became an important focus of the Carter administration’s foreign policy.
Brzezinski’s coordination of the arms control process also gave him major input
into the administration’s policy toward the Soviet Union. Thus from the
beginning, Brzezinski made sure that the new NSC institutional relationships
would assure him a major voice in the shaping of foreign policy. While he knew
that Carter would not want him to be another Kissinger, Brzezenski also felt
confident that the President did not want Secretary of State Vance to become
another Dulles and would want his own input on key foreign policy decisions.

Vance voiced his displeasure with this arrangement, which threatened to
diminish the role of the Department of State on arms control. The SCC, however,
functioned fairly smoothly on arms control. Following Vance’s visit to Moscow
in March 1977 to present new arms control proposals, which the Soviet
leadership abruptly rejected, the SCC developed and refined arms control
proposals for U.S. negotiators at the SALT talks in Geneva. President Carter
carefully monitored the work of the SCC, which met with increasing frequency
from 1977 to 1979. The President’s personal commitment to SALT II ultimately
overcame fundamental differences between the National Security Adviser and the
Secretary of State. Brzezinski wanted to link arms control to other security
issues, such as the administration’s commitment to the development of the MX
missile and normalization of relations with the People’s Republic of China.
Vance, however, did not want SALT linked to other Soviet activity. When the
SALT II negotiations with the Soviet Union verged on success, an NSC working
group, including a Department of State representative, formulated the subject
areas for an agenda at the Vienna Summit (June 1979), at which Carter and
Brezhnev signed the SALT II Treaty and discussed other bilateral and Third
World issues.

Brzezinski’s power gradually expanded into the operational area during
the Carter Presidency. He increasingly assumed the role of a Presidential
emissary. In 1978, for example, Brzezinski traveled to Beijing to normalize
U.S.-China relations. Like Kissinger before him, Brzezinski maintained his own
personal relationship with Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin. Brzezinski had NSC
staffers monitor State Department cable traffic through the Situation Room and
call back to the Department if the President preferred to revise or take issue
with outgoing Department instructions. He also appointed his own press
spokesman, and his frequent press briefings and appearances on television
interview shows made him a prominent public figure although perhaps not nearly
as much as Kissinger had been under Nixon.

In other areas the NSC system did not work effectively. The reasons
stemmed less from inherent institutional defects than from strong policy
differences within the administration and President Carter’s inability to
discipline his advisers and forge a more coherent response to the crises of the
last few years of his Presidency. The Soviet military invasion of Afghanistan
in December 1979 further damaged the Vance(Brzezinski relationship. Vance felt
that Brzezinski’s linkage of SALT to other Soviet activities and the MX,
together with the growing domestic criticisms in the United States of the SALT
II Accord, convinced Brezhnev to decide on military intervention in
Afghanistan. Brzezinski, however, later recounted that he advanced proposals to
maintain Afghanistan’s “independence” but was frustrated by the Department of
State’s opposition. An NSC working group on Afghanistan wrote several reports
on the deteriorating situation in 1979, but President Carter ignored them until
the Soviet intervention destroyed his illusions. Only then did he decide to
abandon SALT II ratification and pursue the anti-Soviet policies that
Brzezinski proposed.

The Iranian revolution provided the coup de grace to the disintegrating
Vance(Brzezinski relationship. As the upheaval developed, the two advanced
fundamentally different positions. Brzezinski wanted to control the revolution
and increasingly suggested military action to prevent Khomeini from coming to
power, while Vance wanted to come to terms with the new Khomeini regime. As a
consequence Carter failed to develop a coherent approach to the Iranian
situation. Brzezinski continued, however, to promote his views, which the
President eventually accepted. Vance’s resignation following the unsuccessful
mission undertaken over his objections to rescue the American hostages in March
1980 was the final result of the deep disagreement between Brzezinki and Vance.

Reagan Administration, 1981-1989

The Reagan administration, like its predecessors, faced the recurring
dilemma of determining which official or agency would have primary
responsibility for the direction, control, and supervision of U.S. foreign
policy. During the 1980 campaign, Ronald Reagan pledged to downgrade the post
of National Security Adviser in order to end the rivalry between the NSC and
the Department of State that had plagued previous administrations. On
inauguration day, Secretary of State-designate Alexander Haig presented a draft
National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) on the organization of U.S. foreign
policy to Presidential Counselor Edwin Meese III. The intent of Haig’s draft
was to place overall responsibility for the direction and implementation of
U.S. foreign policy within the Department of State. Relying on his experience
in the Nixon administration, Haig wanted to ensure Department of State control
of the interagency groups within the NSC because they were the “key [to] the
flow of options to the President,” and thus to policy control.

Haig’s initiative, which he repeated on several occasions, was never
responded to. Senior members of the White House staff, Counselor Meese, Chief
of Staff James A. Baker III, and Michael Deaver were concerned that the
proposed reorganization took too much power out of the President’s hands and
that an activist Secretary of State operating with wide powers could eclipse
the President in his public role as the chief enunciator of U.S. foreign
policy. Although the Haig initiative failed, the Secretary of State appeared to
achieve for a time broad authority over the formulation of foreign policy. The
President placed National Security Adviser Richard Allen’s office under the
supervision of Meese, and for the first time in the history of the NSC, the
National Security Adviser lost direct access to the President. In subsequent
public statements, the President underlined his belief that his Secretary of
State was his “primary adviser on foreign affairs, and in that capacity, he is
the chief formulator and spokesman for foreign policy for this administration.”
Allen, who had less personal authority, undertook a role as National Security
Adviser that emphasized the “integration” of the proposed policies and views of
the foreign affairs agencies. Nor did he take on any of the articulation of
administration foreign policy(a responsibility left to Secretary Haig who at
first thought of himself as the “Vicar” of foreign affairs.

Changes were made in the NSC from the outset of the Reagan presidency.
At a February 25, 1981, meeting chaired by Meese, Cabinet-level heads of the
major foreign affairs agencies agreed on a plan to establish three Senior
Interdepartmental Groups (SIGs) on foreign, defense, and intelligence problems,
chaired respectively by the Secretaries of State and Defense and the Director
of Central Intelligence. Under the SIGs, a series of Assistant Secretary-level
Interdepartmental Groups (IGs), each chaired by the agency with particular
responsibility, dealt with specific issues. The NSC staff was responsible for
the assignment of issues to the groups.

One example of a failed effort to create a new NSC organ in the hopes of
improving interagency coordination and reducing friction among the Departments
of State and Defense, the CIA, and the NSC, was President Reagan’s order on
March 24, 1981, naming Vice President George Bush as chair of a proposed
administration crisis management team. The NSC was charged with providing staff
support for this effort. The crisis group, referred to as the Special Situation
Group (SSG) received a formal charter on December 14, 1981, but in fact only
met once. Secretary Haig immediately and forcefully complained that the SSG
would remove coordinating responsibility from him.

In another effort to improve policy coordination during the summer of
1981, the President authorized the creation of a National Security Planning
Group (NSPG) composed of the Vice President, the Secretaries of State and
Defense, the Director of Central Intelligence, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, and the National Security Adviser. This group met weekly with the
President and shaped policy prior to formal meetings of the NSC.

In January 1982, following the resignation of National Security Adviser
Allen, the President appointed a close personal friend, Deputy Secretary of
State William Clark, as his new adviser. The brief episode of the weakened
National Security Adviser was over. Clark would report directly to the
President and not through Meese or the other two members of the triumvirate of
Baker and Deaver as Allen had done. President Reagan issued a written directive
(NSDD(2) in January 1982 outlining the structure and functions of the National
Security Council. The directive placed responsibility for developing,
coordinating, and monitoring national security policy with the National
Security Adviser in consultation with the NSC members. It assigned to the
Secretary of State “authority and responsibility” for the “overall direction,
coordination and supervision of the interdepartmental activities incident to
foreign policy formulation, and the activities of executive departments and
agencies overseas,” except for military activities. NSDD(2 delineated the
functions of the three SIGs. It designated the Secretary of State as chairman
of the Senior Interdepartmental Group for Foreign Policy (SIG(FP), and
established a “permanent secretariat, composed of personnel of the State
Department,” augmented “as necessary” by other agency personnel requested by
the Secretary of State, to deal with foreign affairs matters.

To assist the SIG(FP, the Secretary of State set up Interagency Groups
(IGs) for each geographic region, politico-military affairs, and international
economic affairs. The IGs, in turn, created full-time working groups. The two
other SIGs followed a similar structure under the leadership of the Secretary
of Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence. Over the next 5 years, the
Reagan administration established an additional 22 SIGs and 55 IGs within the
NSC system. Some committees met only once. Observers pointed out the overuse of
SIGs and the increasing snarl of responsibilities that led to enterprising NSC
officials like Colonel Oliver North developing their own sub-domains within the
policy-making system. Zbigniew Brzezinski described the NSC as entering its
“Mid Life Crisis” during the Reagan years.

Clark took a very active role in coordination of policy among the
agencies in such areas as intelligence and the protection of classified
security information. He replaced a number of senior NSC staff members and
reorganized his office to create three “clusters” to deal with political,
military, and intelligence matters. Clark emerged as a major spokesman for
Reagan administration foreign policy, particularly with the Congress. He
publicly reaffirmed President Reagan’s stated policy that the Secretary of
State would be the primary “formulator and enunciator of foreign policy.” At
the same time, however, Clark insisted that the role of the President as the
final arbiter on matters of foreign policy be kept in front of the public. He
also asserted NSC staff jurisdiction over long-range policy review, formerly a
Department of State function.

The NSC system under Clark did not solve the coordination problems.
Friction between the Department of State and the NSC continued and came to a
head during the intense debates within the administration over how the United
States should act in the Lebanon crisis in the spring of 1982 following the
Israel invasion. The disputes resulted in Secretary Haig’s resignation on June
25, 1982, and President Reagan’s appointment of George P. Shultz as his new
Secretary of State. In his July confirmation hearings, Shultz emphasized the
primary role of the President in the formulation of policy and stressed the
collegial nature of policy formulation in the Reagan administration. Shultz
also referred to the delegation of authority as laid out in NSDD(2 as the
source of his own responsibilities and authority.

The apparent resolution of the dimensions of the Secretary of State’s
authority ironically coincided with ever-increasing activities in the foreign
affairs field. The NSC frequently disagreed with the Department of State over
the management of daily U.S. foreign relations problems. One observer called
the NSC a “bee hive of activity.” An NSC-chaired group took over arms control
responsibilities from a State-chaired group (SAC/G) and ramrodded the tough
negotiating position favored by ACDA Chief Fred Ikle and Richard Perle of the
Defense Department. Deputy National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane replaced
Philip C. Habib as the chief U.S. Middle East negotiator in July 1983, and the
National Security Adviser became directly involved in the operations of foreign
policy. It led to a major change in how the NSC system worked.

In October 1983, McFarlane replaced Clark as National Security Adviser,
with Admiral John Poindexter as his deputy. The new National Security Adviser
had a background in both military and diplomatic affairs. Retaining the NSC
structural changes established by Clark, McFarlane played a highly active role
in attempting to compromise interagency disputes. He lacked the personal ties
with the President that Clark enjoyed, but continued to have direct
Presidential access. During his tenure, the National Security Adviser stepped
back from the previous high profile in public policy enunciation, but became
more involved in the direct management of key areas of foreign policy.

During 1985 and 1986, the National Security Adviser and certain staff
members took a particularly activist role in the formulation and execution of
policy in the Caribbean, Central America, and the Middle East. It was an
activism run amok in the “Iran-Contra affair” that brought the NSC to a nadir
of public trust and brought upon it Congressional investigation and the threat
of prison for those involved. The Iran-Contra matter resulted from NSC-led
efforts to develop a policy to befriend Iran and provide arms to that nation in
exchange for its resistance to the Soviet Union and, more particularly to
assist in the freeing of American hostages held by Moslem extremist groups in
the Middle East. National Security Adviser McFarlane and Admiral Poindexter,
who succeeded him in December 1985, played major roles in these matters. The
efforts to provide arms for hostages eventually became connected, through the
transfer of funds made with arms sales, with the NSC staff’s ardent support for
the Nicaraguan “Contras” in their civil war against the left-wing government of
Nicaragua. Investigations in 1987 and thereafter by a Presidential Review Board
(the Tower Board), the Congress, and a Special Prosecutor examined in great
detail the activities of the NSC staff, as well as the actions and
responsibilities of the President, the National Security Adviser, and the heads
of agencies.

The Tower Board, headed by Senator John Tower and including former
Senator Edmund Muskie and former National Security Adviser Scowcroft, not only
reviewed the events of Iran-Contra but made a body of recommendations for the
reform of the NSC. NSDD(266 of March 31, 1987, adopted the Board’s major
recommendations: reduction of the size of the staff, appointment of a legal
counsel, removal of the Crisis Pre-Planning Group, and its replacement with
Policy Review Committee. The spirit of the reforms was given more content by
the new NSC leadership appointed by President Reagan in November 1987: National
Security Adviser Frank Carlucci and Deputy National Security Adviser Lieutenant
General Colin Powell. Carlucci reformed the NSC by replacing more than half of
the professional staff within 3 months. Carlucci largely withdrew the NSC from
its operational roles, but in the matter of Nicaragua, NSC continued to
exercise the coordination that was not forthcoming from any of the agencies.

In the autumn of 1988, Carlucci was called to the Defense Department to
succeed Caspar Weinberger, and for the third time among his six appointments to
the position of National Security Adviser during his presidency, Reagan
promoted the Deputy. General Powell directed an NSC that strived to provide
balanced coordination of major foreign policy presentations for the President.
Managing the Policy Review Group and the National Security Planning Group that
Poindexter had so favored in preparing the NSC for discussions, Powell
conducted an NSC process that was efficient but low key. There were no longer
free-lancers operating out of the NSC staff. Under Powell’s direction, the
President and his chief advisers weathered the Persian Gulf crisis in
1987(1988, the wind-down of the Nicaraguan Contra effort, and the
Reagan-Gorbachev relationship culminating in the Moscow Summit of June 1988(the
smoothest ever seen by observers at the time.

Bush Administration, 1989-1992

After serving 8 years as Vice President and participating in the
momentous foreign affairs events of the Reagan administration, President George
Bush made many changes in the NSC machinery reformed by Carlucci and Powell. On
the date of his inauguration, January 20, 1989, President Bush issued NSD(1
providing the charter for NSC administration. A Policy Review Group was
enlarged to a Committee, the Deputy National Security Adviser managed the
Deputies Committee, and a Principals Committee screened matters for the NSC to
consider. Eight Policy Coordinating Committees assumed regional and functional
responsibilities in place of the multiple interagency groups from the Reagan
era. NSC policy papers were named National Security Review papers (NSRs) and
National Security Directives (NSDs) to distinguish them from the Reagan era

President Bush brought deep experience to the NSC leadership with his
appointment of General Brent Scowcroft as National Security Adviser. Scowcroft
had served in the Kissinger NSC, had been National Security Adviser in the last
years of the Ford administration, and had chaired the President’s Board
examining the Iran-Contra scandal. Robert Gates served as Deputy National
Security Adviser under Scowcroft until his appointment as Director of Central
Intelligence in 1991. Scowcroft’s direction of the NSC was distinguished by the
informality but intensity of the relationship with the President. The NSC also
maintained good relationships with the other agencies, and Secretary of State
Baker and Scowcroft appear to have maintained the most comradely working terms.
Through the collapse of the USSR and the unification of Germany, Operation Just
Cause which sent American troops into Panama in December 1989, and Operation
Desert Shield and Desert Storm, the NSC worked effectively in facilitating a
series of American foreign policy successes. Nor did Scowcroft fail to involve
in key operations Deputy Secretary of State Eagleburger, such as when he
visited China in July 1989 to try to improve U.S. relations with China in the
aftermath of the pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square.

Clinton Administration, 1993-1997

President William J. Clinton on January 20, 1993, the day of his
inauguration, issued Presidential Decision Directive l to departments and
agencies concerned with national security affairs. PDD l revised and renamed
the framework governing the work of the National Security Council. A
Presidential Review Directive (PRD) series would be the mechanism used by the
new administration to direct that specific reviews and analyses be undertaken
by the departments and agencies. A Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) series
would now be used to promulgate Presidential decisions on national security
matters. The Bush administration’s National Security Review (NSR) series and
National Security Directive (NSD) series were abolished.

On January 21, 1993, in PDD 2, President Clinton approved an NSC
decision-making system that enlarged the membership of the National Security
Council and included a much greater emphasis on economic issues in the
formulation of national security policy. The President, Vice President,
Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense were members of the NSC as
prescribed by statute. The Director of Central Intelligence and Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, as statutory advisers to the NSC, attended its meetings.
The new membership of the National Security Council included the following
officials: the Secretary of the Treasury, the U.S. Representative to the United
Nations, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the
Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, and the Chief of Staff to the
President. Although not a member, the Attorney General would be invited to
attend meetings pertaining to his jurisdiction. The heads of other Executive
departments and agencies, the special statutory advisers to the NSC, and other
senior officials would be invited to attend meetings of the NSC where

The new position of Assistant to the President for Economic Policy,
which had been promised by Clinton during the election campaign, was intended
to serve as a senior economic adviser to coordinate foreign and domestic
economic policy through a newly-created National Economic Council (NEC). Robert
E. Rubin was the first to be appointed to this position. The NEC was to deal
with foreign and domestic economic issues in much the same way as the NSC
coordinated diplomatic and security issues, and the Assistant to the President
for Economic Policy was to be included in meetings involving international
economic issues.

In January 1993, Clinton appointed W. Anthony Lake as his National
Security Adviser. Lake, a former Foreign Service officer, served under Henry
Kissinger, President Nixon’s National Security Adviser, and as director of the
Department of State Policy Planning Staff during the Carter administration.
During the Carter years, Lake had witnessed the negative effects of
bureaucratic infighting and squabbling between Secretary of State Vance and
National Security Adviser Brzezinski. As Clinton’s National Security Adviser,
Lake was effective in maintaining cordial relations with Secretary of State
Warren M. Christopher and in developing an atmosphere of cooperation and
collegiality. Lake initially maintained a low public profile, avoiding public
appearances and television interviews, so as not to upstage the Secretary of
State as Kissinger had done in the Nixon administration. In September 1993,
however, in response to criticism that the Clinton administration had not
adequately explained its foreign policy, Lake began to appear as a public

The National Security Council framework in the Clinton administration
included an NSC Principals Committee, a forum available to Cabinet-level
officials to discuss and resolve issues not requiring the President’s
participation. An NSC Deputies Committee served as the senior sub-cabinet
interagency forum for considering policy issues affecting national security and
for reviewing and monitoring the work of the NSC interagency process. This
process included Interagency Working Groups (IWGs), which were to convene on a
regular basis to review and coordinate the implementation of Presidential
decisions in their respective policy areas. Among the most urgent issues the
NSC dealt with in the first year of the Clinton administration were Bosnia,
Haiti, Iraq, and Somalia. The several dozen other questions the NSC system
dealt with initially included such issues as illegal drugs, United Nations
peacekeeping, Zaire, strategic arms control policy, China, and global
environmental affairs.

Samuel R. “Sandy” Berger, a longtime foreign policy adviser to Clinton
who had been Lake’s deputy since 1993, became National Security Adviser in
March 1997, after Clinton nominated Lake to be Director of Central
Intelligence. (Lake subsequently withdrew from the nomination.) Berger
initiated a review of principles that would guide the foreign policy of
Clinton’s second term. These included the integration of Eastern and Western
Europe without provoking tensions with Russia; promoting more open trade;
improving defenses against such transnational threats as terrorism and
narcotics; and promoting a strong and stable Asian-Pacific community by seeking
trade cooperation with China and avoiding confrontation on human rights issues.
In the spring and summer of 1997, the National Security Council became occupied
with such issues as the ratification of the Chemical Weapons Treaty, NATO
enlargement, the Middle East peace process, the U.S-Russian Summit at Helsinki,
and the Denver Economic Summit.

Office of the Historian
U.S. Department of State
August 1997

Assistants to the President for National Security Affairs

Established March 23, 1953, by President Eisenhower, in response to a report on NSC organization by Robert Cutler.

Stephen Hadley: January 26, 2005 – PRESENT

Dr. Condoleezza Rice: January 22, 2001 – January 25, 2005

Samuel R. Berger: March 14, 1997 – January 20, 2001

W. Anthony Lake: January 20, 1993 – March 14, 1997

Brent Scrowcroft: January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993

Colin L. Powell: November 23, 1987 – January 20, 1989

Frank C. Carlucci: December 2, 1986 – November. 23, 1987

John M. Poindexter: December 4, 1985 – November 25, 1986

Robert C. McFarlane: October 17, 1983 – December 4, 1985

William P. Clark: January 4, 1982 – October 17, 1983

Richard V. Allen: January 21, 1981 – January 4, 1982

Zbigniew Brzezinski: January 20, 1977 – January 21, 1981

Brent Scowcroft: November 3, 1975 – January 20, 1977

Henry A. Kissinger: December 2, 1968 – November 3, 1975   (served concurrently as Secretary of State from September 21, 1973)

Walt W. Rostow: April 1, 1966 – December 2, 1968

McGeorge Bundy: January 20, 1961 – February 28, 1966

Gordon Gray: June 24, 1958 – January 13, 1961

Robert Cutler: January 7, 1957 – June 24, 1958

Dillon Anderson: April 2, 1955 – September 1, 1956

Robert Cutler: March 23, 1953 – April 2, 1955

Limit CIA Role To Intelligence
by Harry S. Truman
December 22, 1963
The Washington Post, page A11

I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations. Some of the complications and embarrassment I think we have experienced are in part attributable to the fact that this quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue—and a subject for cold war enemy propaganda.

With all the nonsense put out by Communist propaganda about “Yankee imperialism,” “exploitive
capitalism,” “war-mongering,” “monopolists,” in their name-calling assault on the West, the last thing we needed was for the CIA to be seized upon as something akin to a subverting influence in the affairs of other people.

How ATSUGI and the CIA at ATSUGI Happened as a result of Containment following WWII


Indochina, the three countries of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia formerly associated with France, first within its empire and later within the French Union. The term Indochina refers to the intermingling of Indian (British Colonial included) and Chinese influences in the culture of the region.

In 1931, Japan invaded and occupied Manchuria. Japan invaded other parts of China in 1937, precipitating the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945), a theater of World War II

China emerged victorious but war-ravaged and financially drained. The continued distrust between the Kuomintang (military arustiracy called Whites of White Gloves) and the Communists led to the resumption of civil war.

On 1 October 1949, Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong formally proclaimed the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. [In 1949 US Dept of Treasury employee Dorothy Wetzel will travel to Paris while working for E. Harriman and meet Howard Hunt in that Paris summit and they will maryIn 1950, the PRC captured Hainan from the Republic of China and annexed Tibet. However, remaining Kuomintang forces continued to wage an insurgency in western China throughout the 1950s. China and Japan although having early common Asian roots have long running war rivalreis that created a threat to Japan in during the years following WWII.

The Truman administration was unprepared for the invasion of North Korean into the Repuplic of Korean below the 3ith Parllel a line similar to the Berlin Wall. Korea was not included in the strategic Asian Defense Perimeter outlined by United States Secretary of State Dean Acheson. Military strategists were more concerned with the security of Europe against the Soviet Union than East Asia. At the same time, the administration was worried that a war in Korea could quickly escalate without American intervention. Said diplomat John Foster Dulles in a cable: “To sit by while Korea is overrun by unprovoked armed attack would start a disastrous chain of events leading most probably to world war.”

United States’ response (July–August 1950) A group of soldiers readying a large gun in some brush
A U.S. howitzer position near the Kum River, 15 July Man of the Year, the American soldier on Time magazine cover, 1951 As soon as word of the attack was received, Acheson informed President Truman that the North Koreans had invaded South Korea. Truman and Acheson discussed a U.S. invasion response and agreed that the U.S. was obligated to act, comparing the North Korean invasion with Adolf Hitler’s aggressions in the 1930s, with the conclusion being that the mistake of appeasement must not be repeated.[156] Several U.S. industries were mobilized to supply materials, labor, capital, production facilities, and other services necessary to support the military objectives of the Korean War.[157] Truman later explained that he believed fighting the invasion was essential to the U.S. goal of the global containment of communism as outlined in the National Security Council Report 68 (NSC 68) (declassified in 1975):

Communism was acting in Korea, just as Hitler, Mussolini and the Japanese had ten, fifteen, and twenty years earlier. I felt certain that if South Korea was allowed to fall, Communist leaders would be emboldened to override nations closer to our own shores. If the Communists were permitted to force their way into the Republic of Korea without opposition from the free world, no small nation would have the courage to resist threat and aggression by stronger Communist neighbors.

In August 1950, Truman and Acheson obtained the consent of Congress to appropriate $12 billion for military action in Korea, equivalent to $146 billion in 2022.

While there was initial hesitance by some in the U.S. government to get involved in the war, considerations about Japan played a part in the ultimate decision to engage on behalf of South Korea. Especially after the fall of China to the communists, U.S. experts on East Asia saw Japan as the critical counterweight to the Soviet Union and China in the region. While there was no U.S. policy dealing with South Korea directly as a national interest, its proximity to Japan increased the importance of South Korea. Said Kim: “The recognition that the security of Japan required a non-hostile Korea led directly to President Truman’s decision to intervene … The essential point … is that the American response to the North Korean attack stemmed from considerations of U.S. policy toward Japan.”


In the later 1940’s the issue of defending Japan as a Western national ally and resources created expense and military planning complications. The use of Japan as a base for Asian operations was among the reason this isalnd and the Pafic Ocean was important to post WWII Western Allies, getting at the doorstep of Asia from a friendly held base.

Soviet Union

Published Dec. 18, 2014
By Dr. John Treiber
374th Airlift Wing History Office

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — The Cold War is an amorphous event that historians date variously as having started at the end of WWII, from the president’s [President Truman’s] articulation of the policy of “containment” in 1947, during the Berlin Airlift in 1948-49, or myriad other turning points in that epic struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The Korean War should probably be lumped into the Cold War as well, though when examining Yokota’s history it is worth analyzing Korea as a distinct event. At the other end of the spectrum the Cold War concluded in 1991 with the opening of the Berlin Wall, but at Yokota the Vietnam War was so dominant that it marked an end, or at least a pause in typical Cold War activities.

Therefore, this article shall periodize Yokota’s Cold War era as the thirteen years between 1952 (about half-way through the Korean War) through 1964 when the Vietnam War was ramping up.

The variety of missions and aircraft that called the base home during this timeframe is almost overwhelming, and for those stationed at Yokota during the 1950s and into the mid-1960s the ever-looming threat of a conventional or nuclear attack was very real.

After all, Russia — at that time the Soviet Union — is Japan’s closest neighbor, and combined with the establishment of communist China in 1949 and the aggression of North Korean toward South Korea in 1950 showed that Japan was surrounded by hostile states.

As a result during the 1950s and into the early 1960s, before the Japan Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) was fully operational, the US Air Force provided for Japan’s air defense with various types of fighter jets and early warning radar systems.

As we learned in the previous article fighters from the 35th Fighter-Interceptor Wing (35 FIW) were stationed at Yokota for about three months prior to the Korean War, only to be rapidly replaced by heavy bombers for the duration of that conflict.

For a little over a year following the Korean War armistice Yokota remained almost exclusively a B-29 base. However, in August 1954 the mission changed radically with the return of the 35 FIW and three fighter squadrons.

Now flying North American F-86D “Sabres,” [Jim Donegan]these squadrons were part of a larger defense network with operations out of Air Force bases from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the west. 35 FIW remained at Yokota until 1 October 1957 when it was inactivated.

The air defense mission was scaled back but continued under the 40th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron “Red Devils” that upgraded to F-102 Delta Daggers in 1960, and the unit was a mainstay at Yokota until 1965 when that mission was fully handed off to JASDF.

Perhaps symbolic of Yokota and the F-102’s place in the Cold War, Japanese filmmakers from Toho Movie Corporation came to the base in April 1961 and filmed the jets for the monster movie Mothra. The final cut the movie only showed footage of JASDF F-86s, but it is important to note that the F-102s were originally going to play a large effort in the battle against Mothra as it devastated Tokyo.

Air defense was just one piece of the Cold War puzzle at Yokota. Along with the fighters in 1954 came the 6007th Composite Reconnaissance Group which flew RB-57A Canberras into Soviet and Chinese airspace on highly sensitive photographic missions.

This kind of important work continued at Yokota well into the 1960s under the 67th Tactical Recon Wing and other organizations, the story of which can found in the excellent history Asia from Above.

Perhaps most significantly, the Strategic Air Command or SAC — America’s dominant symbol of the Cold War — made its appearance at the base in the mid-1950s when it established Detachment 1 of the 3rd Air Division to handle B-50, B-36, B-47, and B-52 bomber deployments to Yokota.


Juan Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán was a Guatemalan military officer and politician who served as the 25th President of Guatemala. He was Minister of National Defense from 1944 to 1950, and the second democratically elected President of Guatemala, from 1951 to 1954. Wikipedia


The unconditional surrender of Japan on August 15th, 1945 was eagerly received by the radical and politicised pemuda (Indonesian for ‘male youth’) groups. They pressured Sukarno and Hatta to proclaim Indonesian independence on 17 August 1945, two days later. The following day, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) elected Sukarno as President, and Hatta as Vice-president. Counter-Revolutionary Efforts – The Dutch accused Sukarno and Hatta of collaborating with the Japanese, and denounced the Republic as a creation of Japanese fascism.[24] The Dutch East Indies administration had just received a ten million dollar loan from the United States to finance its return to Indonesia

The British subsequently decided to evacuate the 10,000 Indo-Europeans and European internees in the volatile Central Java interior. British detachments sent to the towns of Ambarawa and Magelang encountered strong Republican resistance and used air attacks against the Indonesians. Sukarno arranged a ceasefire on 2 November, but by late November fighting had resumed and the British withdrew to the coast (refer Battle of Ambarawa)

The Indonesian National Revolution,[nb 1] also known as the Indonesian War of Independence, was an armed conflict and diplomatic struggle between the Republic of Indonesia and the Dutch Empire and an internal social revolution during postwar and postcolonial Indonesia. It took place between Indonesia’s declaration of independence in 1945 and the Netherlands’ transfer of sovereignty over the Dutch East Indies to the Republic of the United States of Indonesia at the end of 1949.

It may depend on where else elsewhere was then.

Whatever Truman thought in 1947 or 1963 about CIA’s “original assignment,” it now ought to be clear that the 1947 Act had a history that precluded the possibility of Truman being the sole and infallible expositor of what that assignment was. It should also be clear that history made the Agency’s functions far more numerous and sophisticated than simply funneling “raw” intelligence to the President. It should also be clear that throughout that history no one the least interested in the subject was excusably ignorant of espionage as a part of the Agency’s functions; and despite his disavowal of “peacetime cloak and dagger operations,” Truman, as we shall see, was probably not ignorant of the fact either.

Only two points made by Truman remain to be considered.

The first, “policymaking,” is easily disposed of; whether the Agency has or has not become such an “arm of the Government” is clearly beyond the scope of this article, but certainly no one is ever known to have held that such a function is part of the “original assignment.” [Following orders from Bidlerbergers, DuPonts, JP Morgan, etc?]

On the second, the “operational,” point, Truman is on good but not unassailable ground. The “assignment” did not explicitly include “covert operations.” (Presumably these at least are what Truman had reference to when he employed such ambiguous language as “operational” and “peacetime cloak and dagger operations.” The Agency was designed to be “operational,” that is, to perform various services and functions, such as the conduct of espionage.) However, no sooner did the international situation in 1947-52 virtually invite American covert operations in Greece, Italy, and elsewhere than President Truman’s administration, reading the really ding the 1947 Act and scrutinizing resources at hand, found the new CIA the most convenient instrument to use. In other words, Truman in 1947-52 seems to have accepted covert operations as an implicit part of CIA’s “original assignment.”

If by 1963 he had changed his mind — and there is some doubt as to whether he actually did — he seems not to have renounced covert operations per se but only their conduct by “his invention.” In that 1963 article, in a paragraph which is invariably overlooked, especially by critics of all covert operations, Truman — throwing syntax and punctuation to the winds — wrote this recommendation:

I, therefore, would like to see the CIA be restored to its original assignment as the intelligence arm of the President, and that whatever else it can properly perform in that special field — and that its operational duties be terminated or properly used elsewhere.

That last word “elsewhere” surely demonstrates that Truman was only slightly more helpful than the JIS civilians who in 1944 thought “subversive operations abroad” not the “appropriate function” of an intelligence service but failed to say to whom they were “appropriate.”

Truman at least positively assigned them “elsewhere.” Truman’s recommendation brings us back to espionage. That Truman knew CIA was intended to be a “spy agency” might be deducible from that elliptical reference to “whatever else it can properly perform in that special field.” Anything else could certainly have been expressed in a less obviously veiled manner.

While Truman apparently did not actually write that 1963 article, an exchange of correspondence with Admiral Souers48 shortly after its appearance demonstrates his familiarity with and endorsement of it.

About the same time — after the Bay of Pigs — he was privately telling Merle Miller that CIA was “a mistake,” which “if I’d known what was going to happen, I never would have done it. “

Views: 65

Fabric of Edward Paul Donegan and Fabrications

There are many similarities I have with others and the overlaps are in very unique areas not normally believed but viewed the full fabric of connected existances the truth can be seen.

St John Hunt and Edward Paul Donegan

ST. John Hunt is the son of E. Howard Hunt. E. Howard Hunt served in the U.S. Navy on the destroyer USS Mayo, the United States Army Air Corps, and finally, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the CIA, in China where his wife Dorothy worked for the US Treasury before escaping Mao and meeting Howard Hunt while working for Averall Harriman in 1949. The Hunt family was stationed at ATSUGI airbase in Japan in 1952 where Col Prouty and James Paul Donegan were stationed.

James Paul Donegan and Glorian and Ed Donegan were friends with Col Prouty in Marshfield Massachusetts and James Donegan likely before at ATSUGI were he flew recon in the 1950’s including the 1952 Korean War. JFK and Jackie were wed at this time as was James Donegan and GLorian Donegan. James Donegan was part of the atomic bombing of Japan in a recon role and possibly from what he described verbally in the pre-attack strafing as a :P-51 and F-86 pilot. He was at the atomic blast that tested the atomic bomb or at least one of them while in the observation tower and flew in the first and second nuclear bombing wing groups.

The Army appointed warrant officers against vacancies from this 1936 list until the beginning of World War II. In 1939, warrant officers who were qualified as pilots were declared eligible for appointments as air corps lieutenants in the Regular Army. In 1940, warrant officers began serving as disbursing agents. Though his father had lost all about the tiem of the Great Depression (he was an accountant) my father James DOnegan grew up poor painting houses under 18 until the US Army Air Force took enlistments and my father born in Dorchester Massachusetts enlisted as a Warrant OFficer in Pennsylvania where the arail reconnaissance school was and he flew mostly recon for the rest of his career. He would hvae likely worked with the OSS and CIA,. Massachusetts, U.S., Birth Index, 1860-1970
Name James Paul Donegan
Birth 1926 Boston (Dorchester), Massachusetts, USA James Paul Donegan was born in 1923 in Dorchester, Massachusetts, to Unknown paternal grandmother and Unknown paternal grandfather. He also told me he was a painter using a stepaladder when he heard pilots were being hired. This may be the time Holt enlisted.

1923 • Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. His brother Robert William “Happy” was born on October 30, 1928, in Dorchester, Massachusetts, when James Paul was 5 years old. His son Edward was born on November 18, 1961, in Inglewood, California. Education 4 years of high school
Civil Occupation Railroad clerks, n.e.c.
Enlistment Date 23 Feb 1943
Enlistment Place Allentown, Pennsylvania
Service Number 33617288
Branch Branch Immaterial – Warrant Officers, USA
Component Selectees (Enlisted Men) Probably him he told me he was told to lie a little go get in and that is what he did.

Threats to our lives. E. Howard Hunt warned St John Hunt he was afraid the CIA would kill him (St John Hunt) as it had killed his mother (UAL flight 533) if St John knew too much but after saying that gave taped confession of the CIA killing JFK with LBJ and Cord Meyer as participants. Ed Donegan reported (before he ever heard of any of this) that a plan existed to shoot down a plane he was about to board at the time I left Wells Fargo to write about my world travels and political philosophy in the Natural Law system.

If E. Howard Hunt at the time of his own death told St John Hunt the CIA killed JFK his wife Dorothu yHunt on UAL 533 likely knew the CIA killed jFK. She worked for E Averell Harriman and US Treasury before meeting Hunt in 1949, a special operator herself.

The Great Treason, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio, Written By The Right Hand X, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

Views: 39

Thorkil Kristensen Thorkil Kristensen (9 October 1899 -2 6 June 1989) was a Danish politician, finance minister, professor in national economy, and futurist.

Selected publications Kristensen, Thorkil. The economic world balance. The economic world balance. (1960).

Kristensen, Thorkil. The brain drain and development planning. No. 29. International Institute for Educational Planning, 1968.

Thorkil Kristensen

Soffe is grown inbetween the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

The equatorial region has many Third World nations and Thorkil Kristensen and others believe IQ and the Brain studies showed there was not sufficient indigenous leadership to work with because of the level of development. He thought efforts to improve leadership would bring socioeconomic improvments. Ed Donegan asserts controlling the third world nations below the major Super Powers as categorized by many (China, USSR, USA and the West) were part of the interest in coffee growing nations not turning to Communism. THe USA could do better than the Great Leap Forward to feed those tempted to socialism.

February 20 1961 Thorkil1 Kristensen, OECD.

The brainchild of Thorkil Kristensen, the first secretary general of the organisation, the OECD Observer was launched at the 2nd ministerial meeting 27-28 November 1962.

Author of IQ, developing economies, and the Brain. DARPA

  • The economic world balance. The economic world balance. (1960)

  • The brain drain and development planning. No. 29. International Institute for Educational Planning, 1968.

  • The food problem of developing countries. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1968

  • Development in rich and poor countries: a general theory with statistical analyses. Praeger, 1974.’

  • George Ball: George Wildman Ball was an American diplomat and banker. He served in the management of the US State Department from 1961 to 1966

With JFK I think planning for Indonesia February 20, 1961 a secret project of a baby for CIA grooming or Indonesian family adoption before or near 2 years old and spekaing begins.

The Great Treason X, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

Views: 115

Knowledgebase Q(uerry) equals 1945 to 1963

Following WWII that had destabilized Colonial Powers as a world nations were occupied territories a post war fight emerged for the new world map. Long held by Great Brittian and China fought for Indochina the area East of the Indian Ocean the ocean south of India.

The Bamboo Curtian or Bamboo Wall against Communist China.

Harry S. Truman retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

33rd President of the USA two terms 1949-1953

Assuming the presidency after Roosevelt’s death and just before the atomic bombs were described to him and ordered used by him , Truman implemented the Marshall Plan in the wake of World War II to rebuild the economy of Western Europe and established both the Truman Doctrine and NATO to contain the expansion of Soviet communism. He proposed numerous liberal domestic reforms, but few were enacted by the conservative coalition that dominated the Congress.

An Democrat Party member who despised Nazim, Communism, and Graft in the public sector.

Truman Committee

In late 1940, Truman traveled to various military bases. The waste and profiteering he saw led him to use his chairmanship of the Committee on Military Affairs Subcommittee on War Mobilization to start investigations into abuses while the nation prepared for war. A new special committee was set up under Truman to conduct a formal investigation; the White House supported this plan rather than weather a more hostile probe by the House of Representatives. The main mission of the committee was to expose and fight waste and corruption in the gigantic government wartime contracts.

Truman’s initiative convinced Senate leaders of the necessity for the committee, which reflected his demands for honest and efficient administration and his distrust of big business and Wall Street. Truman managed the committee “with extraordinary skill” and usually achieved consensus, generating heavy media publicity that gave him a national reputation.

Roosevelt’s advisors knew that Roosevelt might not live out a fourth term and that his vice president would very likely become the next president. [Truman was selected]

Harry S. Truman[b] (May 8, 1884 – December 26, 1972) was the 33rd president of the United States, serving from 1945 to 1953. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as a United States senator from Missouri from 1935 to 1945 and briefly as the 34th vice president in 1945 under Franklin D. Roosevelt. Assuming the presidency after Roosevelt’s death, Truman implemented the Marshall Plan in the wake of World War II to rebuild the economy of Western Europe and established both the Truman Doctrine and NATO to contain the expansion of Soviet communism. He proposed numerous liberal domestic reforms, but few were enacted by the conservative coalition that dominated the Congress.

In the primary for the Congressiponal run Truman defeated Congressmen John J. Cochran and Jacob L. Milligan with the solid support of Jackson County, which was crucial to his candidacy. Also critical were the contacts he had made statewide in his capacity as a county official, member of the Freemasons,[c] military reservist,[d] and member of the American Legion.

In the general election, Truman defeated incumbent Republican Roscoe C. Patterson by nearly 20 percentage points in a continuing wave of pro-New Deal Democrats elected during the Great Depression.

After his election to the U.S. Senate, Truman was transferred to the General Assignments Group, a holding unit for less active officers, although he had not been consulted in advance.[67] Truman protested his reassignment, which led to his resumption of regimental command.[67] He remained an active reservist until the early 1940s.[68] Truman volunteered for active military service during World War II, but was not accepted, partly because of age, and partly because President Franklin D. Roosevelt desired senators and congressmen who belonged to the military reserves to support the war effort by remaining in Congress, or by ending their active duty service and resuming their congressional seats.[69] He was an inactive reservist from the early 1940s until retiring as a colonel in the then redesignated U.S. Army Reserve on January 20, 1953

The post WWII period under Averell Harriman Truman signed into law becomes the CIA monster the Bush family will rise under and take control of.

It is a Devil’s Chessboard run by elites as David Talbot put it. I also think Crypto done by Great Britain was the part Truman wanted most – insights into the world from its decripted messages and that was an English epicenter.

Did Eisenhower and Nixon turn foreign policy “coordination” in secret to the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, and others, indebting and indenturing the USA capabilities into old money Europe and colonialism and use the mechanisms of the NSC to do that and did JFK reject that?

The use of the National Security Council as think tank not beholden to the US Congress that worked too independently with the CIA and US DOD created by national security legislation and treaties setup the military industrial complex run by the NSC under the Vice President per the new laws signed by Truman who was luke warm to the apparatus.

Further; did Allen Dulles and Indonesia plans include regaining Indonesia and did this go too far and use Barrack Obama as a sleeper, not “activated” for Indonesia but still a CIA sleeper who became US Senator and US PResident? I tnhink this and ATSUGI and the Kennedy assasition the DOnegans are tied to overlap with this.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt[a] (January 30, 1882 – April 12, 1945), commonly known by his initials FDR, was an American politician and statesman who served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945. He was a member of the Democratic Party and is the only U.S. president to have served more than two terms in office. During his third and fourth terms, he was preoccupied with World War II. – Wikipedia

Democrat Party Harry S. Truman (May 8, 1884 – December 26, 1972) was the 33rd president of the United States, serving from 1945 to 1953. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as a United States senator from Missouri from 1935 to 1945 and briefly as the 34th vice president in 1945 under Franklin D. Roosevelt. Assuming the presidency after Roosevelt’s death, Truman implemented the Marshall Plan in the wake of World War II to rebuild the economy of Western Europe and established both the Truman Doctrine and NATO to contain the expansion of Soviet communism. He proposed numerous liberal domestic reforms, but few were enacted by the conservative coalition that dominated the Congress.

Democrat Party Alben William Barkley November 24, 1877 – April 30, 1956) was an American lawyer and politician from Kentucky who served as the 35th vice president of the United States from 1949 to 1953. Successor Richard Nixon (Republican) under President Eisenhower (Republican)

Part of my (Edward Paul Donegan) theory core is that in 1949 as the Marshall Plan was being created and organized in legislation in the USA and in Paris among the WWII allies is that President Truman who succeeded FDR after WWII and PRECEDED Eisenhower Nixon who took office in 1953 was the one who really planned ATSUGI base and Licavoli Ranch that began in 1951 though from 1946 to 1953 Nixon then a us Representative was working with PsyOps and others in Los Angeles as CIA. Following the assassination of the JFK Truman stated he was sorry the CIA he signed into law had so exceeded its bounds. Over Indonesia and British Colonialism rather than more focus on the USSR itself?

Again I assert in the close of WWII it was the plan to support regaining the lost colonies England and Japan held but gained independence during WWII. Among the nations the CIA foreword base of ATSUGI was to take on was Asia area, Tokyo itself from any aggression, the Soviet Union, Guatemala, and Indonesia. Those could be the where else.

The “X Article” is an article, formally titled “The Sources of Soviet Conduct”, written by George F. Kennan and published under the pseudonym “X” in the July 1947 issue of Foreign Affairs magazine. It widely introduced the term “containment” and advocated for its strategic use against the Soviet Union. It expanded on ideas expressed by Kennan in a confidential February 1946 telegram, formally identified by Kennan’s State Department number, “511”, but informally dubbed the “long telegram” for its size.

After hearing Kennan speak about Soviet foreign relations at the Council on Foreign Relations in January 1947, international banker R. Gordon Wasson suggested that he share his views in an article for Foreign Affairs. Kennan revised a piece he had submitted to Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal in late-January 1947, but his role in government precluded him from publishing under his name.

His superiors granted him approval to publish the piece provided it was released anonymously; Foreign Affairs attributed the article only to “X”. Expressing similar sentiments to that of the long telegram, the piece was strong in its anti-communism, introducing and outlining a basic theory of containment. The article was widely read; though it does not mention the Truman Doctrine, having mostly been written before Truman’s speech, it quickly became seen as an expression of the doctrine’s policy.

Retrospective commentators dispute the impact of the article; Henry Kissinger referred to it as “the diplomatic doctrine of the era”,[5] while some historians write that its impact in shaping governmental policy has been overstated.

Robert Gordon Wasson (September 22, 1898 – December 23, 1986) was an American author, ethnomycologist, and a Vice President for Public Relations at J.P. Morgan & Co.

In the course of work funded by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),[5] Wasson made contributions to the fields of ethnobotany, botany, and anthropology.

Wasson began his banking career at Guaranty Trust Company in 1928, and moved to J.P. Morgan & Co. in 1934. That same year, he published a book[6] on the Hall Carbine Affair, in which he attempted to exonerate John Pierpont Morgan from guilt with respect to the incident, which had been viewed as an example of wartime profiteering. As early as 1937, Wasson had been attempting to influence historians Allan Nevins and Charles McLean Andrews regarding Morgan’s role in the affair; he used Nevins’ report[7] as a reference for his own book on the topic. The matter of Morgan’s responsibility for the Hall Carbine Incident remains controversial.

On 29 August 1949, the Soviet Union secretly conducted its first successful weapon test (First Lightning, based on the American “Fat Man” design) at the Semipalatinsk-21 in Kazakhstan.[1] Stalin alongside Soviet political officials and scientists were elated at the successful test.[11] A nuclear armed Soviet Union sent its rival Western neighbors, and particularly the United States into a state of unprecedented trepidation.[12] From 1949 onwards the Soviet Union manufactured and tested nuclear weapons on a large scale.: 840 [13] The nuclear capabilities these tests helped develop were crucial to projecting and maintaining its global status. In total, the Soviet Union conducted 715 nuclear weapon tests throughout the course of the Cold War. Furthermore, the nuclear capabilities of the Soviet Union escalated the Cold War with the United States to the possibility of nuclear war and ushered in the doctrine of mutually assured destruction.

The Nevada National Security Site (N2S2[1] or NNSS), known as the Nevada Test Site (NTS) until 2010,[2] is a United States Department of Energy (DOE) reservation located in southeastern Nye County, Nevada, about 65 miles (105 km) northwest of the city of Las Vegas. Formerly known as the Nevada Proving Grounds, the site was established in 1951 for the testing of nuclear devices. It covers approximately 1,360 square miles (3,500 km2) of desert and mountainous terrain. Nuclear weapons testing at the site began with a 1-kiloton (4.2 TJ) bomb dropped on Frenchman Flat on January 27, 1951. Over the subsequent four decades, over 1,000 nuclear explosions were detonated at the site.[3] Many of the iconic images of the nuclear era come from the site.

During the 1950s, the mushroom clouds from the 100 atmospheric tests were visible from almost 100 mi (160 km) away. The city of Las Vegas experienced noticeable seismic effects, and the mushroom clouds, which could be seen from the downtown hotels, became tourist attractions. Westerly winds routinely carried the fallout from above-ground nuclear testing directly through St. George, Utah and southern Utah. Increases in cancers, such as leukemia, lymphoma, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, bone cancer, brain tumors, and gastrointestinal tract cancers, were reported from the mid-1950s onward. A further 828 nuclear tests were carried out underground

United States Objectives and Programs for National Security, better known as NSC 68, was a 66-page top secret National Security Council (NSC) policy paper drafted by the Department of State and Department of Defense and presented to President Harry S. Truman on 7 April 1950. It was one of the most important American policy statements of the Cold War. In the words of scholar Ernest R. May, NSC 68 “provided the blueprint for the militarization of the Cold War from 1950 to the collapse of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 1990s.”

The report, designated NSC 68, was presented to President Truman on 7 April 1950, who passed it on to the NSC for further consideration on 12 April 1950.

NSC 68 drew some criticism from senior government officials who believed the Cold War was being escalated unnecessarily.

Conclusion This document is critical to understanding the Cold War with its effect on similar national security pronouncements such as President George W. Bush’s announcement of a “War on Terror” in September 2001 and the National Security Strategy document of 2002.

President Harry S. Truman, even after the Soviets became a nuclear power, sought to curb military spending. However, he did not reject the recommendations of NSC 68 out of hand, but instead requested more information i.e. asking for an estimate of the costs involved.

In the ensuing two months, little progress was made on the report. By June, Nitze had practically given up on it. But on 25 June 1950, North Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel north.[16] With the Korean War begun, NSC 68 took on new importance. As Acheson later remarked: “Korea… created the stimulus which made action.” wikipedia

Limit CIA Role To Intelligence by Harry S. Truman December 22, 1963 The Washington Post, page A11

I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations. Some of the complications and embarrassment I think we have experienced are in part attributable to the fact that this quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue—and a subject for cold war enemy propaganda.

With all the nonsense put out by Communist propaganda about “Yankee imperialism,” “exploitive capitalism,” “war-mongering,” “monopolists,” in their name-calling assault on the West, the last thing we needed was for the CIA to be seized upon as something akin to a subverting influence in the affairs of other people.

How ATSUGI and the CIA at ATSUGI Happened as a result of Containment following WWII


Indochina, the three countries of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia formerly associated with France, first within its empire and later within the French Union. The term Indochina refers to the intermingling of Indian (British Colonial included) and Chinese influences in the culture of the region.

In 1931, Japan invaded and occupied Manchuria. Japan invaded other parts of China in 1937, precipitating the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945), a theater of World War II

China emerged victorious but war-ravaged and financially drained. The continued distrust between the Kuomintang (military arustiracy called Whites of White Gloves) and the Communists led to the resumption of civil war.

On 1 October 1949, Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong formally proclaimed the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. [In 1949 US Dept of Treasury employee Dorothy Wetzel will travel to Paris while working for E. Harriman and meet Howard Hunt in that Paris summit and they will maryIn 1950, the PRC captured Hainan from the Republic of China and annexed Tibet. However, remaining Kuomintang forces continued to wage an insurgency in western China throughout the 1950s. China and Japan although having early common Asian roots have long running war rivalreis that created a threat to Japan in during the years following WWII.

The Truman administration was unprepared for the invasion of North Korean into the Repuplic of Korean below the 3ith Parllel a line similar to the Berlin Wall. Korea was not included in the strategic Asian Defense Perimeter outlined by United States Secretary of State Dean Acheson. Military strategists were more concerned with the security of Europe against the Soviet Union than East Asia. At the same time, the administration was worried that a war in Korea could quickly escalate without American intervention. Said diplomat John Foster Dulles in a cable: “To sit by while Korea is overrun by unprovoked armed attack would start a disastrous chain of events leading most probably to world war.”

United States’ response (July–August 1950) A group of soldiers readying a large gun in some brush A U.S. howitzer position near the Kum River, 15 July Man of the Year, the American soldier on Time magazine cover, 1951 As soon as word of the attack was received, Acheson informed President Truman that the North Koreans had invaded South Korea. Truman and Acheson discussed a U.S. invasion response and agreed that the U.S. was obligated to act, comparing the North Korean invasion with Adolf Hitler’s aggressions in the 1930s, with the conclusion being that the mistake of appeasement must not be repeated.[156] Several U.S. industries were mobilized to supply materials, labor, capital, production facilities, and other services necessary to support the military objectives of the Korean War.[157] Truman later explained that he believed fighting the invasion was essential to the U.S. goal of the global containment of communism as outlined in the National Security Council Report 68 (NSC 68) (declassified in 1975):

Communism was acting in Korea, just as Hitler, Mussolini and the Japanese had ten, fifteen, and twenty years earlier. I felt certain that if South Korea was allowed to fall, Communist leaders would be emboldened to override nations closer to our own shores. If the Communists were permitted to force their way into the Republic of Korea without opposition from the free world, no small nation would have the courage to resist threat and aggression by stronger Communist neighbors.

In August 1950, Truman and Acheson obtained the consent of Congress to appropriate $12 billion for military action in Korea, equivalent to $146 billion in 2022.

While there was initial hesitance by some in the U.S. government to get involved in the war, considerations about Japan played a part in the ultimate decision to engage on behalf of South Korea. Especially after the fall of China to the communists, U.S. experts on East Asia saw Japan as the critical counterweight to the Soviet Union and China in the region. While there was no U.S. policy dealing with South Korea directly as a national interest, its proximity to Japan increased the importance of South Korea. Said Kim: “The recognition that the security of Japan required a non-hostile Korea led directly to President Truman’s decision to intervene … The essential point … is that the American response to the North Korean attack stemmed from considerations of U.S. policy toward Japan.”


In the later 1940’s the issue of defending Japan as a Western national ally and resources created expense and military planning complications. The use of Japan as a base for Asian operations was among the reason this isalnd and the Pafic Ocean was important to post WWII Western Allies, getting at the doorstep of Asia from a friendly held base.

Soviet Union

Published Dec. 18, 2014 By Dr. John Treiber 374th Airlift Wing History Office

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — The Cold War is an amorphous event that historians date variously as having started at the end of WWII, from the president’s [President Truman’s] articulation of the policy of “containment” in 1947, during the Berlin Airlift in 1948-49, or myriad other turning points in that epic struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The Korean War should probably be lumped into the Cold War as well, though when examining Yokota’s history it is worth analyzing Korea as a distinct event. At the other end of the spectrum the Cold War concluded in 1991 with the opening of the Berlin Wall, but at Yokota the Vietnam War was so dominant that it marked an end, or at least a pause in typical Cold War activities.

Therefore, this article shall periodize Yokota’s Cold War era as the thirteen years between 1952 (about half-way through the Korean War) through 1964 when the Vietnam War was ramping up.

The variety of missions and aircraft that called the base home during this timeframe is almost overwhelming, and for those stationed at Yokota during the 1950s and into the mid-1960s the ever-looming threat of a conventional or nuclear attack was very real.

After all, Russia — at that time the Soviet Union — is Japan’s closest neighbor, and combined with the establishment of communist China in 1949 and the aggression of North Korean toward South Korea in 1950 showed that Japan was surrounded by hostile states.

As a result during the 1950s and into the early 1960s, before the Japan Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) was fully operational, the US Air Force provided for Japan’s air defense with various types of fighter jets and early warning radar systems.

As we learned in the previous article fighters from the 35th Fighter-Interceptor Wing (35 FIW) were stationed at Yokota for about three months prior to the Korean War, only to be rapidly replaced by heavy bombers for the duration of that conflict.

For a little over a year following the Korean War armistice Yokota remained almost exclusively a B-29 base. However, in August 1954 the mission changed radically with the return of the 35 FIW and three fighter squadrons.

Now flying North American F-86D “Sabres,” [Jim Donegan]these squadrons were part of a larger defense network with operations out of Air Force bases from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the west. 35 FIW remained at Yokota until 1 October 1957 when it was inactivated.

The air defense mission was scaled back but continued under the 40th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron “Red Devils” that upgraded to F-102 Delta Daggers in 1960, and the unit was a mainstay at Yokota until 1965 when that mission was fully handed off to JASDF.

Perhaps symbolic of Yokota and the F-102’s place in the Cold War, Japanese filmmakers from Toho Movie Corporation came to the base in April 1961 and filmed the jets for the monster movie Mothra. The final cut the movie only showed footage of JASDF F-86s, but it is important to note that the F-102s were originally going to play a large effort in the battle against Mothra as it devastated Tokyo.

Air defense was just one piece of the Cold War puzzle at Yokota. Along with the fighters in 1954 came the 6007th Composite Reconnaissance Group which flew RB-57A Canberras into Soviet and Chinese airspace on highly sensitive photographic missions.

This kind of important work continued at Yokota well into the 1960s under the 67th Tactical Recon Wing and other organizations, the story of which can found in the excellent history Asia from Above.

Perhaps most significantly, the Strategic Air Command or SAC — America’s dominant symbol of the Cold War — made its appearance at the base in the mid-1950s when it established Detachment 1 of the 3rd Air Division to handle B-50, B-36, B-47, and B-52 bomber deployments to Yokota.


Juan Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán was a Guatemalan military officer and politician who served as the 25th President of Guatemala. He was Minister of National Defense from 1944 to 1950, and the second democratically elected President of Guatemala, from 1951 to 1954. Wikipedia


The unconditional surrender of Japan on August 15th, 1945 was eagerly received by the radical and politicised pemuda (Indonesian for ‘male youth’) groups. They pressured Sukarno and Hatta to proclaim Indonesian independence on 17 August 1945, two days later. The following day, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) elected Sukarno as President, and Hatta as Vice-president. Counter-Revolutionary Efforts – The Dutch accused Sukarno and Hatta of collaborating with the Japanese, and denounced the Republic as a creation of Japanese fascism.[24] The Dutch East Indies administration had just received a ten million dollar loan from the United States to finance its return to Indonesia

The British subsequently decided to evacuate the 10,000 Indo-Europeans and European internees in the volatile Central Java interior. British detachments sent to the towns of Ambarawa and Magelang encountered strong Republican resistance and used air attacks against the Indonesians. Sukarno arranged a ceasefire on 2 November, but by late November fighting had resumed and the British withdrew to the coast (refer Battle of Ambarawa)

The Indonesian National Revolution,[nb 1] also known as the Indonesian War of Independence, was an armed conflict and diplomatic struggle between the Republic of Indonesia and the Dutch Empire and an internal social revolution during postwar and postcolonial Indonesia. It took place between Indonesia’s declaration of independence in 1945 and the Netherlands’ transfer of sovereignty over the Dutch East Indies to the Republic of the United States of Indonesia at the end of 1949.

It may depend on where else elsewhere was then.

Whatever Truman thought in 1947 or 1963 about CIA’s “original assignment,” it now ought to be clear that the 1947 Act had a history that precluded the possibility of Truman being the sole and infallible expositor of what that assignment was. It should also be clear that history made the Agency’s functions far more numerous and sophisticated than simply funneling “raw” intelligence to the President. It should also be clear that throughout that history no one the least interested in the subject was excusably ignorant of espionage as a part of the Agency’s functions; and despite his disavowal of “peacetime cloak and dagger operations,” Truman, as we shall see, was probably not ignorant of the fact either.

Only two points made by Truman remain to be considered.

The first, “policymaking,” is easily disposed of; whether the Agency has or has not become such an “arm of the Government” is clearly beyond the scope of this article, but certainly no one is ever known to have held that such a function is part of the “original assignment.” [Following orders from Bidlerbergers, DuPonts, JP Morgan, etc?]

On the second, the “operational,” point, Truman is on good but not unassailable ground. The “assignment” did not explicitly include “covert operations.” (Presumably these at least are what Truman had reference to when he employed such ambiguous language as “operational” and “peacetime cloak and dagger operations.” The Agency was designed to be “operational,” that is, to perform various services and functions, such as the conduct of espionage.) However, no sooner did the international situation in 1947-52 virtually invite American covert operations in Greece, Italy, and elsewhere than President Truman’s administration, reading the really ding the 1947 Act and scrutinizing resources at hand, found the new CIA the most convenient instrument to use. In other words, Truman in 1947-52 seems to have accepted covert operations as an implicit part of CIA’s “original assignment.”

If by 1963 he had changed his mind — and there is some doubt as to whether he actually did — he seems not to have renounced covert operations per se but only their conduct by “his invention.” In that 1963 article, in a paragraph which is invariably overlooked, especially by critics of all covert operations, Truman — throwing syntax and punctuation to the winds — wrote this recommendation:

I, therefore, would like to see the CIA be restored to its original assignment as the intelligence arm of the President, and that whatever else it can properly perform in that special field — and that its operational duties be terminated or properly used elsewhere.

That last word “elsewhere” surely demonstrates that Truman was only slightly more helpful than the JIS civilians who in 1944 thought “subversive operations abroad” not the “appropriate function” of an intelligence service but failed to say to whom they were “appropriate.”

Truman at least positively assigned them “elsewhere.” Truman’s recommendation brings us back to espionage. That Truman knew CIA was intended to be a “spy agency” might be deducible from that elliptical reference to “whatever else it can properly perform in that special field.” Anything else could certainly have been expressed in a less obviously veiled manner.

While Truman apparently did not actually write that 1963 article, an exchange of correspondence with Admiral Souers48 shortly after its appearance demonstrates his familiarity with and endorsement of it.

About the same time — after the Bay of Pigs — he was privately telling Merle Miller that CIA was “a mistake,” which “if I’d known what was going to happen, I never would have done it. “

In mid 1951 Grace Ranch owned by Peter Licavoli liquidate the race horses used for Vegas track betting.

Gambling figures Ray Ryan and Peter Licavoli turn over a new leaf in 1951. Murder Inc., Vegas and Miami mafia is being bought-out by the CIA with Great Britain for CIA contractor work and the racing horses are liquidated. Bermuda (to the Sand) Dunes airport is opened by the CIA for Guatamala El Mirrado the Mirror

It is the era of Congressional Representative Richard Nixon, Los Angeles discharged from the Navy in Los Angeles 1946 a Lt Commander now going into Anti-Communist works and the Marshall Plan. He will not be sworn as VP to Eisenhower until early 1953. In 1954 deals with Bilderbergers, etc.,

This is all stored in the New William Cooper books series stored fron information input from myself and information I gained from others like St, John Hunt, Chauncey Holt, Wikipedia, and others.

Let me set the stage of Richard Bissle Jr. at Atsugi with some fiction and the CIA as Jedi adn a Thousand Years (M in Roman Numerals who is M of THe Corsican Republic

Attack of the Clones

PALPATINE This separatist movement has made it
difficult for the limited number of
Jedi Kights to maintain peace and
order in the galaxy.

Senator Amidala, the former Queen of
Naboo, is returning to Coruscant
to vote on the critical issue
of creating an army to assist the
overwhelmed Jedi.

I don’t know how much longer I can
hold off the vote, my friends.
More and more star systems are
joining the separatists.

If they do break away …

No! I will not let that happen!

But if they do, you must realise
there aren’t enough Jedi to
protect the Republic. We are
keepers of the peace, not soldiers.

THe Empire of Great Britain was cut to pieces during WWII and reforming itself was culturally fairly easy when the war was over but it was a different legal form, voluntary treaties.

Albert Eisenstein, Oppenheimer, and others valued Great Britain entering the war and with the USA turning the tide of victory. The Extant British Empire Nations contributed to fighting back Nazim.

In Post War France in 1949 and during the war earlier under Averell Harriman a world map was heing formed about shaping the nations of post WWII political systems.

On October 1, 1949, Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The announcement ended the costly full-scale civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT), which broke out immediately following World War II and had been preceded by on and off conflict between the two sides since the 1920’s.

In late 1951 King George VI was dying as the Empire already had. Yet The Queen Mother, Princess Elizabeth was about to become Queen Elizabeth II and General Jimmy Stewart (here Mr. Smith FLIES to Washington ) would fly the news-reels to the USA in a P-51 to celebrate the war’s outcome.

The International Workers are the theory of Communism and despite conflicts between the USSR and China a Red China was a real threat to Korea, Vietnam, Japan, the Pacific Islands including Hawii and Indonesia, and elsewhere.

in 1946 the CIA was created and a variety of global alliance building actt and treaties like the Mutudual Defense Treaty and National Security Act and Mutual Security act spring up just a year or two in advace of the Korean War starting in 1951.

Claude E. Shannon is considered by many[weasel words] to be the father of mathematical cryptography. Shannon worked for several years at Bell Labs, and during his time there, he produced an article entitled “A mathematical theory of cryptography”. This article was written in 1945 and eventually was published in the Bell System Technical Journal in 1949.[31] It is commonly accepted that this paper was the starting point for development of modern cryptography. Shannon was inspired during the war to address “[t]he problems of cryptography [because] secrecy systems furnish an interesting application of communication theory”. Shannon identified the two main goals of cryptography: secrecy and authenticity. His focus was on exploring secrecy and thirty-five years later, G.J. Simmons would address the issue of authenticity. Shannon wrote a further article entitled “A mathematical theory of communication” which highlights one of the most significant aspects of his work: cryptography’s transition from art to science. – WIkipedia

Lovett, Richard Bissle Jr. E. Howard Hunt, James Donegn F-86 pilot, Col Prouty and others arrived in Japan to begin CIA field operations against the already named countries. Asia, Tokyo, Soviet Union, Guatemala, Indonesia and under Nixon in 1958 the National Security Council will oversee all of these CIA operations and the Oil Business will sett to it the DO have an army and Lansdale and the US DOD will see to it too.

Over time Batista will fall in Cuba and the Guatemala operation using Chauncey Marvin Holt and Bermuda run out of Las Vegas and Tuscon ASrizono will become Operation Mongoose and the attack on Castro also in the Mediterranean through on the other side of the Caribbean the CIA through Phillip TWombly formerly of CocaCola will be just as involved.

These teams will hit JFK as he goes gains the global scheme and Obaa at 2 years old with Donegan participation is readied for Indosia that Dulles supports and JFK does not.

The Great Treason, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio X, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

James Paul Donegan and COl Prouty both pilots were part of photography recon of Hiroshima and Nagasaki might well monitory Soviet tests from within Japan

Soviet atomic bomb project retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

After Stalin learned of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the USSR program was pursued aggressively and accelerated through effective intelligence gathering about the German nuclear weapon project and the American Manhattan Project.[9] The Soviet efforts also rounded up captured German scientists to join their program, and relied on knowledge passed by spies to Soviet intelligence agencies.

On 29 August 1949, the Soviet Union secretly conducted its first successful weapon test (First Lightning, based on the American “Fat Man” design) at the Semipalatinsk-21 in Kazakhstan.[1] Stalin alongside Soviet political officials and scientists were elated at the successful test.

A nuclear armed Soviet Union sent its rival Western neighbors, and particularly the United States into a state of unprecedented trepidation.[12] From 1949 onwards the Soviet Union manufactured and tested nuclear weapons on a large scale.

The nuclear capabilities these tests helped develop were crucial to projecting and maintaining its global status. In total, the Soviet Union conducted 715 nuclear weapon tests throughout the course of the Cold War. Furthermore, the nuclear capabilities of the Soviet Union escalated the Cold.

In This Post

The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World and his other book JFK : The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy

book cover image

book cover image

L. Fletcher Prouty on Kindle

L. Fletcher Prouty (1917–2001), a retired colonel of the U.S. Air Force, served as the chief of special operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy years. He was directly in charge of the global system designed to provide military support from within the military for the clandestine activities of the CIA. JFK was trying to move more activities of the CIA into direct military oversight augmenting control of the CIA through Bobby Kennedy Ag and “tzar” of activities. Prouty was the author of JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy and The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies.

He also wrote The Guns of Dallas, Indonesia 1958: Nixon, the CIA, and the Secret War that is an articel explaining how he was asked to provide military support for actions in Indonesia the CIA was conducting under direction of the NSC as led by V.P. Richard Nixon.

Chapter 8 of The Secret Team goes into the conditions of Post WWII and the atomic bomb (and experimental fighters and bombers elsewhere) as the sound barrier break, space race is born, and many other factors setup a powerful military industrial complex acting covertly in military activities.

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Various Book on the Hunt family and the Bush operation that killed Dorothy HUnt during Watergate

Saint John Hunt on Kindle

About the author
Saint John Hunt is an author, a musician, and the son of the infamous and legendary CIA covert operative and author, E. Howard Hunt. Saint John spent more than ten years searching for the truth about his father’s involvement in JFK’s death, resulting in his first book Bond Of Secrecy. In his next book, Dorothy, he explored his mother’s life as a CIA spy and her war with Nixon, which resulted in her murder. He lives in South Florida.

Saint John Hunt is an author, a musician, and the son of the infamous and legendary CIA covert operative and author, E. Howard Hunt. Saint John spent more than ten years searching for the truth about his father’s involvement in JFK’s death, resulting in his first book Bond Of Secrecy. …

Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel

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Holt, Chauncey On Kindle

Lee Harvey Oswald was the ultimate Patsy
just as he vehemently claimed to the press and the police after his capture.

The Siegel Lanksy Mob grew out of prohibition. The Great Lakes and closeness to Canada allowed for bootleggers to bring Canadian booze across the great lakes to Chicago and other Speak Easys. “The Bugs (Bugsy) and Meyer Mob was a Jewish-American street gang in Manhattan, New York City’s Lower East Side. It was formed and headed by mobsters Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky during their teenage years shortly after the start of Prohibition. The Bugs and Meyer mob acted as a predecessor to Murder, Inc.” – Wikipedia

Bugsy Seigel left for Vegas and and Myers Lansky to Florida as they grew apart. In Vegas gambling was legal. I Cuba gambling was legal. Short flights to Cuba during Batista of the 1950’s allowed travelers Havana club life the Florida mob could offer up and use printed numbers cards inside Florida to work with Batista run lotteries.

Chauncey Holt was was the mob accountant to Meyers Lansky and could do the graphics and other work on altered books, etc., This mob was offered Havana back if they could help the CIA hit Castro. J. Edgar Hoover recruited and used them. Holt tells the story of being under Lanskey and how the orders reach him though he did not have the higher level knowledge of what was planned, did do things like print fake Secret Service IDs and Fair Play for Cuba fliers and work with Lee Harvey Oswald in the plan.

JFK vs. Allen Dulles: Battleground Indonesia

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Poulgrain, Greg On Kindle

For those interested in the assassination of JFK, the untold story of Indonesia, gold, JFK, Allen Dulles, the CIA, and secret military coups.

Two of the most fascinating figures in history, John F. Kennedy, thirty-fifth president of the United States, and Allen Dulles, our nation’s longest-serving CIA director, often clashed over intelligence issues and national security. However, one such conflict has remained in the shadows until now. JFK vs. Allen Dulles: Battleground Indonesia takes reader to the vast archipelago 3350 miles wide where this secret showdown occurred.

In 1936, an Allen Dulles-established company discovered the world’s largest gold deposit in remote Netherlands New Guinea. In 1962, President Kennedy intervened, and Netherlands New Guinea was added to President Sukarno’s Indonesia. Neither Sukarno nor JFK was aware of the gold, since Dulles had not informed Kennedy.

Dulles planned a complicated and ruthless CIA regime-change strategy to seize control not only of Indonesia itself, but also of its vast resources, including the gold. This strategy included a push to start Malaysian Confrontation. Yet Kennedy’s plan to visit Jakarta in early 1964 would have sunk Dulles’ master plan, which included the destruction of the Indonesian communist party as a wedge to split Moscow and Beijing. Only an assassin’s bullet put an end to Kennedy’s plan of peace. Did Allen Dulles arrange for JFK to be killed to save his plan and his gold? Was his coup for gold successful with JFK out of the picture?

Using archival records as a basis, Greg Poulgrain adds word-of-mouth evidence from those people who were directly involved—such as Dean Rusk and others who worked with President Kennedy and Allen Dulles at the time; or the person who was with Michael Rockefeller when he mysteriously disappeared in West New Guinea during this whole affair.

Treasonous Cabal: A Primer on the Violent Overthrow of John F. Kennedy and His Presidency

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Jones, Barry On Kindle

As assassinations go, the JFK assassination was unique for at LEAST a few reasons. First, the very nature of the crime was astonishingly brutal…and visible. Second, an alarming number of key assassination witnesses died violent…and unexplained deaths. Third, the subsequent investigations created more questions than answers. This book is an attempt to answer three of those questions. Why was President Kennedy killed? Who benefited? And who had the power to cover it up?

As Dwight Eisenhower’s Vice President, Nixon was fully involved in a covert CIA plan to assassinate Fidel Castro. What made this operation a stick of political (and legal) dynamite was the involvement of Sam Giancana and his crime syndicate. The federal government and the mob were partners! Giancana described the arrangement as the CIA and Cosa Nostra being “two heads of the same coin.”

President Johnson later characterized the relationship as a reincarnation of the 1940’s-era hit squad, “Murder, Inc.” It began in August 1960 when the CIA recruited ex-FBI agent Robert Maheu to approach mobster Johnny Roselli and pass himself off as a representative of international corporations that wanted Castro killed because of their lost business enterprises in Cuba.

After the successful meeting, Roselli introduced Maheu to “Sam Gold” — Sam Giancana — during which a deal was struck to work together. Later, The Agency gave the Chicago outfit six poison pills. The plan was to have someone put them in Castro’s food. Naturally, Vice President Nixon was rooting for this plan to succeed before the 1960 election so the Republicans could claim credit for having rid the world of the Castro scourge.

[After the Bay of Pigs and still connected to the CIA cabal the CIA will use Murder Inc. (Meyers Lansky, Charles Harrelson, others, Peter Licaovoli, Chauncey Holt partially aware only of his role, to it JFK. -edp relying on Holt.]

The Men Who Killed Kennedy

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by Nigel Turner and GG Communications – The History Channel (online as video)

The How and the Scope of the Cover-ups

“Starring: Hilary Minster , Robert J. Groden , L. Fletcher Prouty , et al.
Directed by: The History Channel”

The Men Who Killed Kennedy is a video documentary series by British television network ITV that depicts the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Originally broadcast in 1988 in two parts (with a subsequent studio discussion), it was rebroadcast in 1991 re-edited to three parts with additional material, and a fourth episode added in 1995. The addition of three further episodes in 2003 caused great controversy, particularly in the final episode implicating Lyndon B. Johnson and the withdrawal of these additional episodes.

A detailed examination of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, with emphasis on the discrepancies and inconsistencies in the government’s official version of events.

Forgive My Grief Vol 4


Penn Jones JR

American journalist, the editor of the Midlothian Mirror and author.

He was also one of the earliest John F. Kennedy alternative assassination theory proponents.

‘Forgive My Grief’ Volume I was published by Penn Jones Jr. way back in 1966, a year which saw the publications of ‘Rush to Judgment’ by Mark Lane, Epstein’s ‘Inquest’, Weisberg’s ‘Whitewash II’ and Popkin’s ‘Second Oswald’. The Lane, Epstein, Weisberg and Popkin books have been on my shelf for quite a while, but the Jones volume has been omitted owing to the high cost and it’s rarity. The cover shows that back in the day this sold for $2.95.

Fortunately a copy was available to me via a co-member of Dealey Plaza U.K. The books value to me is more from the rarity value than the content.
Jones has published selected transcripts from the Warren Commission volumes for his critical review of that report, and the vast majority of the text is taken directly from Earl Warren’s fairytales. Pete daPixie
1,505 Goodreads reviews

The Unauthorized Bush Biography and Treason in America from Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman

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by Anton Chaitkin and Webster Tarpley

The Motive for hitting JFK

Some assert the Saudi government is not consistent with the US system. It is. Understanding Bandar Bush the Saudi royal friend of the Bush family so close to the Bush’s that he is a called Bush is part of that. The British system of installing repressive puppets who will allow access to natural resources (or base locations) to the West is how it is done. What is the average income in Indonesia that we have ruled with puppet governmnents after Sukarno was overthrown or the income in Bannana Republlics setup by United Fruit Company?

The George Walker Bush family come from big defense backed and even funded companies like that were closely connected to the CIA. Like United Fruit Company, Zapata Petroleum followed in the tradition of East India Tea Company helping overthrows of independent of communist nations and George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
by Webster Griffin Tarpley (Author), Anton Chaitkin (Author)

Treason in America from Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman
The Oligarchy that usurped power in the USA, against America’s revolutionary heritage, that has now destroyed the economy: What is it? Anton Chaitkin’s Treason in America is the original, authoritative inquiry into this criminal apparatus, the British Empire and its arms in Wall Street, Boston and the South.

George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography This is the groundbreaking classic expose of the Bush family, cited by all that followed it, yet still unmatched. Exhaustively documented by intensive search of dozens of archives and months of interviews with government insiders, this biography digs up all the dirt – frightening, gory, hilarious – on the Bush dynasty: how the Bushes made their fortune building up Hitler and the Nazi war machine; Iran-Contra; Zapata’s Watergate burglars; the Reagan shooting; the ‘war hero’ story; the secret government; ‘Eugenic’ population reduction plans; Kissinger, China, and genocide in the Third World; Luring Iraq to attack Kuwait; The Bush Leveraged Buyout Mob, theft of a nation; Jupiter Island, Skull and Bones, and other power bases. Essential reading as long as this Anglo-American oligarchy directs American politics, the “Unauthorized Biography” is a vivid X-ray of the presidential dynasty, and the private forces dominating both major political parties.

The British model was to cripple satellite countries with imposed poverty keeping them from rising to be a threat and that was done to Republic of Ireland. Guess what JFK thought about all of this. Companies run by the aristocrat powers of WWI America Robber Barrons like Averell Harriman and Rockefeller;s, Dupont (Franklin D Roosevelt’s one time wife Ethel DuPont,) J.P. Morgan were funded by Great Britain and USA with huge returns on investment (if any) that these private individuals put up DuPont large contract suppliers to the military, atomic research contracts, gun powder, etc., War Industries Board at end of WWI decided to create a military subservient set of big businesses that would be ready for Pentagon orders rather than be unable to fill them. The sponsored companies were also CIA allies around the world with Washington and London loyalties. Key players in Subversion and Overthrow operations.

Profile in Courage

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Chapdelaine Sr., Perry On Kindle

Written in 1955 by the then junior senator from the state of Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage was ghost written by Ted Sorenson to represent the thinking and beliefs of the Kennedy family who had boycotted a British events in the US Congress. In 1991 Kennedy boycotted a speech to the U.S. Congress by the United Kingdom’s Queen Elizabeth II “in protest to the British occupation in Northern Ireland” Growing up on Boston and Irish Catholics from the Republic of Ireland (Wexford) resentment against the British abuses of colonies was deeply ingrained morally and geopolitical in these Catholics as the Troubles have dominated the Emerald Isle’s history since William of Orange. The book with a forward by Robert F. Kennedy served as a clarion call to every American against global oppression. The inspiring true accounts of eight unsung heroic acts by American patriots at different junctures in our nation’s history, Kennedy’s book became required reading, an instant classic, and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. Now, a half-century later, it remains a moving, powerful, and relevant testament to the indomitable national spirit and an unparalleled celebration of that most noble of human virtues.

Ed Donegan asserts that Gregg Poulgrain is correct, the attempts to control Indonesia and rob it its gold was the dispute JFK was ultimately assassinated over, resisting even Joseph Kennedy Sr’s ties to Britain (As Robert F. Kennedy resisted FBI tolerance and closeness with Organized Crime that help in overthrow activity becoming contracts to the FBI and CIA). Further Ed Donegan (me) asserts during atomic testing under McCone (CIA Director and Atomic Energy Agency and Proving Grounds Nevada New Mexico, Tennessee. Donegan DNA was used in tests births since there are those around the world as bastard children to the Windsors the CIA hid, we show a gene that Windsors are trying to hide, and Barrack Obama like Ed Donegan is a bastard child descendant of this genetic line also under a hidden identity but does not have the gene. This likely converges through Glorian Donegan my mother who was born at the time of the Kings Speech the when the defect was publicly seen.

Rush To Judgment (August 1966)

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by Mark Lane (Author), Hugh Trevor-Roper (Introduction) Chauncey On Kindle and elsewhere

Robert Kennedy received information from the CIA Atsugi station that the CIA assasinated JFK. RFK immediately called the CIA and asked “Did you kill my brother? (Lisa Pease A Lie Too Big To Fail

Mark Lane was JFK’s New York campaign manager and an attorney. He felt Oswald was framed and requested to represent he Oswald wrongfull death.



Rush to Judgment is Mark Lane’s seminal work on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This groundbreaking number one bestseller opened the eyes of the people of the United States to the possibility that their government was involved in a cover-up of monumental proportions. In his mesmerizing book Lane explores the Warren Report’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Lane’s exhaustive investigation provides a roadmap to the body of evidence about the assassination. By interviewing witnesses throughout the country, comparing each of the Report’s conclusions with its own corresponding evidence, and searching through the 26 volumes of evidence the President’s Commission collected and thousands of documents found only in the National Archive in Washington, DC., Lane truthfully investigates the assassination. Meticulously detailed, with over 4,000 citations, yet immensely compelling, Rush to Judgment set forth cataclysmic ripples through the fabric of our nation. This work, still unparalleled after nearly 50 years and scores of other explorations, is where it all began. No serious study of this event is complete without it.

While the CIA influenced news media bought the story of Oswald as the shooter and mocked conspiracy theorist Mark Lane and Pen Jones gave speeches at colleges and universities to wild applaue after the two had followed in the footsteps of the FBI and found out what the witnesses really said (and said again on camera as the two re-interviewed) them and showed the FBI investigation was wrong and not following the facts. Events like these that led to the rise of Robert F. Kennedy for President, departing his US Senate role. Mark Lane & Wesley Liebeler debating at UCLA 1/25/1967 https://

Did you know when they transposed the order of frames in the Zupruder film it changed the bullet that his hit head coming from the front into coming from the back?

An excellent book maybe still the best there is. Mark Lane who had some level of closeness to JKF is pictured on the cover with JFK. Like Penn Jones Jr Mark Lane, Jim Mars, and others see evidence right away that the official version was incorrect, shots came from the Grassy Knoll area and that is what the witnesses in the area were attesting to.

Since that book and other books like Penn Jones Jr book Forgive My Grief about the same time much has happened. Scientific techniques have been used to forensically analyze photographs and other evidence. Patters of deaths have occurred that lead to suspicion of an ongoing cover-up themselves raising questions. Death bed confessions have come out as have classified documents. Still he has a list of about 100 deaths then he considered suspicous and on details revealed since now seem homocides.

In recent months I have been working from the 2014 released book Self Portrait of a Scoundrel along with ST John Hunt E. Howard Hunt data and similar sources such as Lisa Pease and James DiEguenio books, other books and his now.

Since these early books were written technology has added a lot such as Web 2.0 with videos and speech to text on sites like YouTube that are searchable and indexed. Anita Ward’s book Rush To Conspiracy leads to a different conclusion but in the discussion an organization something like the Standard Model of physics of forming in understanding the layout of Dealy Plaza and the names of witnesses and available theories such that more and more of a common base of information reasonable minds can explore are getting more detailed and finely honed a picture of what really happened and the terminology like Grassy Knoll, pagodas, various rifle types, groups of people like Hobos or Tramps and the train yard, train tracks and Triple Underpass begin to become common understanding.

His book is still an important read, thorough read, and the lawyer (himself) who put it together and deposed witnesses himself exceed and contradicted the Warren Commission.

Mark Lane (February 24, 1927 – May 10, 2016) was an American attorney, New York state legislator, civil rights activist, and Vietnam war-crimes investigator. Sometimes referred to as a gadfly, Lane is best known as a leading researcher, author, and conspiracy theorist[5] on the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy. From his 1966 number-one bestselling critique of the Warren Commission, Rush to Judgment,[6][better source needed] to Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK, published in 2011, Lane wrote at least four major works on the JFK assassination and no fewer than ten books overall.

In December 1963, Lane traveled to Dallas to question Oswald’s family, and three days later suggested to Marguerite Oswald that she sue the city of Dallas for the death of her son. Lane said: “It would be an attempt to give Lee Oswald in death what he could not obtain life—a fair trial.” Marguerite Oswald announced on January 14 that she had hired Lane to represent her son before the Warren Commission. After Lane notified the commission that he had been retained by Marguerite Oswald to represent her deceased son, the Commission’s general counsel J. Lee Rankin replied: “The Commission does not believe that it would be useful or desirable to permit an attorney representing Lee Harvey Oswald to have access to the investigative materials within the possession of the Commission or to participate in any hearings to be conducted by the Commission.” Although Warren reversed that position with a statement released on February 25 that said Walter E. Craig, president of the American Bar Association, had been appointed by the Commission to represent the interests of Oswald, Lane remarked that he still considered himself to be Oswald’s counsel.

I Edward Paul Donegan believe I am representing deceased Ted Gundeson’s interest against the FBI and CIA and NSA and Lee Harvey Oswald and my own family too, myself included.

Limit CIA Role To Intelligence retrieved from and copied or modified to here

by Harry S. Truman December 22, 1963 The Washington Post, page A11


I think it has become necessary to take another look at the purpose and operations of our Central Intelligence Agency—CIA. At least, I would like to submit here the original reason why I thought it necessary to organize this Agency during my Administration, that I expected it to do and how it was to operate as an arm of the President.

I think it is fairly obvious that by and large a President’s performance in office is as effective as the information he has and the information he gets. That is to say, that assuming the President himself possesses a knowledge if our history, a sensitive understanding of our institutions, and an insight into the needs and aspirations of the people, he needs to have available to him the most accurate and up-to- the-minute information on what is going on everywhere in the world, and particularly of the trends and developments in all the danger spots in the contest between East and West. This is an immense task and requires a special kind of an intelligence facility.

Of course, every President has available to him all the information gathered by the many intelligence agencies already in existence. The departments of State, Defense, Commerce, Interior and others are constantly engaged in extensive information gathering and have done excellent work.

But their collective information reached the President all too frequently in conflicting conclusions. At times, the intelligence reports tended to be slanted to conform to established positions of a given department. This becomes confusing and what’s worse, such intelligence is of little use to a President in reaching the right decisions.

Therefore, I decided to set up a special organization charged with the collection of all intelligence reports from every available source, and to have those reports reach me as President without department “treatment” or interpretations.

I wanted and needed the information in its “natural raw” state and in as comprehensive a volume as it was practical for me to make full use of it. But the most important thing about this move was to guard against the chance of intelligence being used to influence or to lead the President into unwise decisions—and I thought it was necessary that the President do his own thinking and evaluating.

Since the responsibility for decision making was his—then he had to be sure that no information is kept from him for whatever reason at the discretion of any one department or agency, or that unpleasant facts be kept from him. There are always those who would want to shield a President from bad news or misjudgments to spare him from being “upset.”

For some time I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government. This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several explosive areas.

I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations. Some of the complications and embarrassment I think we have experienced are in part attributable to the fact that this quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue—and a subject for cold war enemy propaganda.

With all the nonsense put out by Communist propaganda about “Yankee imperialism,” “exploitive capitalism,” “war-mongering,” “monopolists,” in their name-calling assault on the West, the last thing we needed was for the CIA to be seized upon as something akin to a subverting influence in the affairs of other people.

I well knew the first temporary director of the CIA, Adm. Souers, and the later permanent directors of the CIA, Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg and Allen Dulles. These were men of the highest character, patriotism and integrity—and I assume this is true of all those who continue in charge.

But there are now some searching questions that need to be answered. I, therefore, would like to see the CIA be restored to its original assignment as the intelligence arm of the President, and that whatever else it can properly perform in that special field—and that its operational duties be perminated or properly used elsewhere.

We have grown up as a nation, respected for our free institutions and for our ability to maintain a free and open society. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel that we need to correct it.

Copyright © 1963 by Harry S Truman Reprinted for Fair Use Only.

GCHQ started life during World War I as the Government Code & Cypher School {GC&CS). During WWII they established a major codebreaking operation at Bletchley Park (BP), which today is a museum. Immediately after the war, in 1946, it was renamed GCHQ and relocated to Eastcote.

In 1951, GCHQ moved to a new premises Cheltenham, where the organization is still located today.

But what does all this snooping around in the shadows actually achieve in the real world? Asked to provide details, the agency is understandably tight-lipped. They do, however, give the following examples: between 2018 and 2019 they helped foil 19 terrorist attacks, and prevented around £1.5 billion of tax evasion; they contributed to the arrest of sex offenders Matthew Falder and James Alexander; in 2018 they conducted a cyber campaign against ISIS, “hindering their ability to coordinate attacks, and protecting coalition forces on the battlefield”; in 2020 they exposed Russian attacks on the development of coronavirus vaccines.

Other crucial GCHQ work – as we discover when our tour starts with a briefing in the director’s meeting room – includes protecting British citizens, businesses and institutions from cyber attack, and defending the nation from the at times provocative governments of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, for example.

The Doughnut comprises two concentric circular buildings, with a covered walkway in between known as The Street. It’s a design that allows employees to move around the building as rapidly as possible, the idea being that no one is ever more than five minutes’ brisk walk from another colleague’s desk.

Lining The Street are all the facilities employees might need – a Greggs, Costa Coffee, Starbucks, a convenience store, a staff canteen – ensuring they can remain inside the security ring for entire shifts. Also here is a small museum housing infamous security items such as the Enigma machine which helped the British decipher German codes at Bletchley Park during World War II; and the Zimmermann Telegram, which proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico during World War I, and hastened USA’s entry into the war after it was intercepted by the British.

The Zimmermann Telegram (or Zimmermann Note or Zimmermann Cable) was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between the German Empire and Mexico if the United States entered World War I against Germany. With Germany’s aid, Mexico would recover Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. The telegram was intercepted by British intelligence.

Revelation of the contents enraged Americans, especially after German State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Arthur Zimmermann publicly admitted on March 3 that the telegram was genuine. It helped to generate support for the American declaration of war on Germany in April 1917.

Paul says staff must agree to keep their identities very low profile. The few who have a social media presence, for example, might simply list themselves as “civil servants”. But since the agency is one of the largest single employers in Gloucestershire, locals often know if their neighbours work at the Doughnut. As another employee explains: “Where we work isn’t secret; what we do is.”

Nevertheless, it was only in 1982, when the then prime minister Margaret Thatcher first mentioned GCHQ in parliament, that the agency’s existence was officially acknowledged. Before then, the public impression of Britain’s spying agencies was left to fiction writers like Ian Fleming, Graham Greene and John Le Carré.

The decryption has been described as the most significant intelligence triumph for Britain during World War I[2] and it marked one of the earliest occasions on which a piece of signal intelligence influenced world events.

[Disney would work for the CIA lobbying for Great Britain and against the Nazis.

The Freemasons’ Hall is the oldest building in Cheltenham, other than the Ecclesiastical, still used for the purpose for which it was originally designed, and over 400 Freemasons now meet there, on a regular basis.

[Cheltenham’s Masonic Hall is also one of the first purpose built Freemasons’ Halls outside London.]

The Great Treason, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio X, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

Views: 80

How I became a JFK researcher, experienced retaliation, and discovered others

St John Hunt has spent years researching the deathbed confession his father E. Howard Hunt provided to him as Karyn Holt-Harcourt told the story of her father (also taped and researched) of Chauncey Marvin Holt.

I and Edward Paul Donegan and the son of a lesser known but equally imnportant figure than these two’s parents and the hidden identity and role of the Donegan’s (I am the last living one) is how I became a Kennedy Asssaination Researcher.

Like many most of whom have written books on a treason conspiracy with the Bush family at its epicenter I am a mulit-generational party interested through my family history.

Other people research for other reasons. A quest for justice not believing the Warren Commission, or who were in goverment and didn’t believe what the Government was saying (like Mark Lane the NY Campaign Manager for JFK) or the press (Penn Jones Jr.) who could not let the horror of the assasionation go unsovled.

Many are the elves of history and acedamia toiling away are questions in knowledge where holes in information exists or the information may be incorrect or can be elaborated on and there is so many interesting and important parts of history to be researched.

The retaliation began before I found my families role. In fact it was the retaliation that led me to ask why I was being retaliated against a question many “targeted” people assuring powerful figures are smearing them for no reason on behalf as best as can be guesed some unfortunate connection to an oil company (in some cases) or some globalist or historical figure in some part of the family.

That said I think I have become an important researcher because I have worked for decades and around the clock with the same late start some of these other second generation ignored witnesses have had. The Holt book Self Potrait oncly came out in print and in full in 2014 to little fanfare though it has much proof in its appendix that serves to prove true was has already been proved true about the CIA and its role in global illegal operations.

So what I had wanted to write about, Natual Law, the science of Nature and epestimia by hypothesis tesing and debate and logic became a back burner to a book about police harrassement of me in misdemeanor cases the government started and then finished taking me to court for conficts they generated. That was The US v EPD and later some other names leading into its most recent title The Great Treason and aonther book by me Pillory suggesting the pillory of me with false allegations against me as witness intimidation.

In the course of that work I found allies tied to me one named Jen Moore and other conspiracy theorists called Truthers or Super Conspiracy Theorists about the Family Jewels Program. That led to the two books one bio on Ted Gunderson and another one called Written by The RIght Hand of right hand operatives to CIA goals such as Prouty was.

Like the Ted Gunderon bio I have also worked on Wiliam Cooper works and believe he was correct a Deep State exists and it should be feared. I can not operate as the State in its actions. It hides behind thugs or by entrappment forcing those it destest into fights it can then prosecute the person for fighting, etc.,

Not a Knights Tale. I am not fighting for Her Ladyship. I am not winning for her or losing jousting matches for her. None of that exists. Nor am I anti cop nor pro cop. I have been pro-cop but now and suspecious of them all of them. So I am at this moment anti-cop. Or actually not at all. While I do not trust cops I am for the rule of law. I wish they were too, they are not, most of those I intellectually team with now find them politicaly motivated dangerous figures working for powerful figures of the NWO.

I try to leave all that asside but I don not trust them. I considermyelf like the IDFILES site and trust no one and suggest nobodty else place themselves under police control if they can avoid doing so.Don’t be arrested? Aviod detnetion? that is basic lawyer ing anyway. Stay out of trouble and then if you get in trouble stay out of jail. Nice and simple.

Views: 67

The Authors and Their Content

Colonoel Fletcher Prouty

Had believed from early on the CIA in its quest to rule the world and the USA had assasinated JFK. He worked from 1949 on and beyond (including mostly in Japan’s post-WWII forward CIA airbase Japan) in overthrows at first through the Pentagon’s Office of Special Operations and later the Defense Intelligence Agency on overtrhows and assasinaytions. I believe he and my father were close friends both from ATSUGI airbase and Massachussettes and both tied to the Kennedy’s and the Gladio system of overthrows my father left the Catholic Chruch over “when his friedn was driven out of the church for poltical reasons.” This was too early to be RFK and I think it was JFK.

Col Prouty could only get his articles like The Guns of Dallas published in adulat magazines that were looking for a reputation of worldliness as Playboy itself was reaching for.

Jim Garrison

A public figure who prosecuted Clay Shaw for the assasination of JFK and later wrote On The Trail of The Assasins and worked with Col Prouty with others telling the story of the events for a short time to a jury and much more time in media interviews and written works. He was framed by a criminal operation tied to gambling in Nevada and that may have been the CIA operation tied to Murder Inc., Chauncey Marvin Hold, Meyers Lansky, Ray Ryan, Enrie Dunlieve and others were tied to.

Ted Gunderson

Ted Gunderson during his FBI carreer worked to stop the mafia figures RFK suspected in the death of his brother JFK and after his carreer Ted Gunderon (RFK was deceased by then) pursued the international global elite who hid under false identies like Satanists or other for illegal global NWO activities. Gunderson was formelly invovled (as Special Agent in charge or Racketeering and Organized Crime under RKF) and Los Angeles Special Agent in Charge) in the murders of Marilyn Monroe, JFK, and others and like William Colby beleived Franklin Nebraska activtiiveis were also CIA activities tied to world plots.

“Conspiracy of Silence” is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, “Conspiracy of Silence” reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians. (including George H.W. Bush and others of the Republican Party with Ted Gunderson and William Colby forewards and lateral and contributed works. Director Nick Gray Stars Lawrence E. King Jr.John DeCampRobert

Jen Moore

The former Tracy California Police Officer and later investigator of Child Psychology spoke of the Donegan family connetion to Aland Dulles and the CIA assasintion of JFK and spoke of that explicitly without using the Donegan name but shooting outside shots of the Donegan home and telling the story of MKULTRA, the OSS and CIA, and history tied to it including personality studies spanning generations. She like Ted Gunderson was Gang Stalked and with Ed Donegan and Tom Dunham assert frame jobs by teams of malicious fraudulent pests.

Veronica Hoffman

An adult entertainer asked and public figure who was the focus of a lot of attention and respect to help in a Gang Stalk of Ed Donegan to engage in the Depravidation of Ed Donegan (making him seem a depraved person not a sophisticate) by altering her own identity to falsify attributes about those “in my circle” or “circles of interest to Ed Donegan”. Depraved: marked by corruption or evil. a depraved attack. especially : perverted. the work of depraved minds. depravedly. She was in my onion Gang Stalked. Enforcing the Enforcer is terminology for cleaning up an operation by eliminating anyone left who could compromise the operation and is scene in The Spy Game. I assert several deaths of one-time confidential informants dying suspicious deaths.

Edward Paul Donegan

Like many others writing about the Kennedy assasinations and my theories of them based on my life history and research I have experienced the attacks Geral Sosbee had. I had to keep my very old PC (the only I would be after so many others were destroyed) in a locked broom closet with cement walls and a lock to protect it. I showed the landlord where the key was hidden above the door frame and offered them a copy. On the outside deck and later inside through the ceiling of my apartment water dropped on top of it destroying one and almost destroying another. in addition to that a theft-break-in occurred and had death threats for what I was writing. Although I was able later to protect the PCs themselves (using small cub-sized portable PCs) my home office lease was finally sabotaged instead. After a period of time I got a laptop and was attacked and nearly blinded that. My eye did swell shut for a while. Other attempts on my PC and using of the library to write my books followed similar to what Geral Sosbee described.

Views: 39

The Government And Those Writing About It

The Government And Those Writing About It

Some terms defined are a good start.

The Government (FBI, CIA, NSA, US DOD and its officials)

When the CIA was created J. Edgar Hoover opposed it. The FBI was an espionage agency enacted by Congress to act world-wide for the same reasons and with the same methods the OSS and CIA utilized or would.

The Defense Intelligence Agency and Joint Chiefs of Staff OFfice of Special Operations before it are espionage agencies inside the military and since NDAA Fusion Centers and other removal of stove-piping now are seemless with most policing, fire, and other agencies it acts through under cover identities.

Office Holders

Those like George H.W. Bush who have been elected to or appointed to what are called political positions (elected or cabinet level agency heads appointed by an administration who will further platform goals, etc., have dual identies. In either their carreer role as politicians and office seekers or as office holders and wielders of the powers of the Government they are government officials.

Proprietary Interests and cover-identities

For the purposes of cover-identities so the CIA or FBI can conceal their role in politiccal or miliatary affaris around the world corporations and their exectutives are asked to provide information or cover stories (Legends) for CIA operatives who are studying or working in foreign locations.,

By the time George H. W. Bush founded his own company, Zapata Petroleum, it was not difficult to line up backers with long-standing ties to industrial espionage activities. The setup with Devine in the oil business provided Bush with a perfect cover to travel abroad and . . . identify potential CIA recruits among foreign nationals . . .

“Poppy” Bush’s own role with intelligence appears to date back as early as the Second World War, when he joined the Navy at age eighteen. On arrival at his training base in Norfolk, Virginia, in the fall of 1942, Bush was trained not only as a pilot of a torpedo bomber but also as a photographic officer, responsible for crucial, highly sensitive aerial surveillance . . .

After mastering the technique of operating the handheld K-20 aerial camera and film processing, Bush recruited and trained other pilots and crewmen. His own flight team became part bomber unit, part spy unit. GHW Bush and the JFK Hit

unredacting history link to by: Baker, Russ
Who.What.Why: Read Essay

Per information on Thomas J. Devine the CIA officer helped fund Zapata Patroleum and Devine was in and out of the CIA in a revolving manner. Oil rigs near Cuba offshore were proto cell towers listeing in on any radio traffic to be beard from Cuba. Per COl Prouty it was Operation Zapata that was behind the Bay of Pigs with one boat the Barbara and another the Houston where Zapata was based in Texas.

Contractors including Murder Inc.,.

The “doers” (as General Edward Lansdale put in a letter about CIA activities in a 1951 letter to CD Douglas of the OSS) as the CIA and FBI remained hidden it calls the “shots” that contractors to them will carry out. “As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.

Treaties and Allegiances with Foreign Nations and Non-Governmental Organizations like the Vatican

James Jesus Angleton of the CIA and in WWII in the OSS X2 intelligence utilized the Italian Mafia, the Vatican, and many others. “The Enemy of my Enemy is my friend. The US acquired some very eclectic friends during the WWII and the Cold War.

The Great Treason X, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

Views: 52

FBI and Rouge Operations below and in Director role

[the following post has bee in my book for two or three years before 2024 but I have just updated with John Pilger’s death.]

FBI and Rouge Operations below and in Director role

Christopher Wray will inform the Military of people holding questionable racial views whites are superior to blacks Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III said the “overwhelming majority” serve with “honor and integrity.”

“We owe the men and women of the Department of Defense an environment free of extremist activities, and we owe our country a military that reflects the founding values of our democracy,” he said in a Dec. 20 news release.

The report listed four action items completed by the Pentagon since April and an additional three recommendations moving forward. It includes a broadened definition of extremist activities, which now accounts for social media and other online behavior, as well as better training for service members leaving the military who may be recruited by supremacist organizations.

Defense department officials outlined new efforts to ferret out recruits with potentially dangerous extremist ideologies, starting with updating screening questionnaires to include specific questions about whether recruits have joined “racially biased entities and other extremist groups.”

The forms will notify recruits that any involvement in criminal gangs or extremist organizations is forbidden.

Recruiters and the Military Criminal Investigative Organizations also now have access to an FBI portal with “information on local gangs, white-supremacy and nationalist groups, gang signs, and extremist symbols and tattoos,” the report states. Officials said the portal will allow recruiters and investigators to better assess “questionable tattoos and branding that suggest propensities to extremism and violence.”

If a recruit either attests to being a member of an extremist organization or has a tattoo that’s been flagged by the FBI, senior leadership will have to issue what’s known as a “Morals Eligibility Determination” that allows them to move forward in the application process, the defense department said.

Espionage destroying the lives of witness to the Kennedy Assassination

Illegal Espionage activities by powerful elites can study, steal, co-opt, ambush and plan for what would be called “Executive Privilege” “Secrecy and Dispatch” operations of political rivals.

Able to anticipate, study (and perhaps hinder by infiltration of an organization) the party conducting the surviellanc nuetralize, compete with, share space with, or prepare for a threat from the survilled party.

In conjunction with discrediting the assets of the surveilled organizations achievements a smear campaign agaisnt the survilled party completes the leapfrog or gains over the surveilled party.

Surveil is a see also of survey. As verbs the difference between surveil and survey is that surveil is (nonstandard) to keep someone or something under surveillance while survey is to inspect, or take a view of; to view with attention, as from a high place; to overlook; as, to stand on a hill, and survey the surrounding country.

As a noun survey is the act of surveying; a general view, as from above. wikiDiff

Wikipedia retrieved from link and copied or modified to here

Espionage, spying or intelligence gathering is the act of obtaining secret or confidential information (intelligence) from non-disclosed sources or divulging of the same without the permission of the holder of the information for a tangible benefit. A person who commits espionage is called an espionage agent or spy. Any individual or spy ring (a cooperating group of spies), in the service of a government, company, criminal organization, or independent operation, can commit espionage. The practice is clandestine, as it is by definition unwelcome. In some circumstances, it may be a legal tool of law enforcement and in others, it may be illegal and punishable by law.

Espionage is often part of an institutional effort by a government or commercial concern. However, the term tends to be associated with state spying on potential or actual enemies for military purposes. Spying involving corporations is known as industrial espionage.

One of the most effective ways to gather data and information about a targeted organization is by infiltrating its ranks. This is the job of the spy (espionage agent). Spies can then return information such as the size and strength of enemy forces. They can also find dissidents within the organization and influence them to provide further information or to defect.[2] In times of crisis, spies steal technology and sabotage the enemy in various ways. Counterintelligence is the practice of thwarting enemy espionage and intelligence-gathering. Almost all nations have strict laws concerning espionage and the penalty for being caught is often severe. However, the benefits gained through espionage are often so great that most governments and many large corporations make use of it.[citation needed]

In the 20th century, at the height of World War I, all great powers except the United States had elaborate civilian espionage systems and all national military establishments had intelligence units. In order to protect the country against foreign agents, the U.S. Congress passed the Espionage Act of 1917. Mata Hari, who obtained information for Germany by seducing French officials, was the most noted espionage agent of World War I. Prior to World War II, Germany and Imperial Japan established elaborate espionage nets. In 1942 the Office of Strategic Services was founded by Gen. William J. Donovan. However, the British system was the keystone of Allied intelligence. Numerous resistance groups such as the Austrian Maier-Messner Group, the French Resistance, the Witte Brigade, Milorg and the Polish Home Army worked against Nazi Germany and provided the Allied secret services with information that was very important for the war effort.

Since the end of World War II, the activity of espionage has enlarged, much of it growing out of the Cold War between the United States and the former USSR.

To discredit someone or something means to cause them to lose people’s respect or trust. … a secret unit within the company that had been set up to discredit its major rival. Synonyms: disgrace, blame, shame, smear

A premise of this book is Knights of Malta, Scottish Rites, large defense contractors like the DuPont and Rockefeller, Bush, and Kennedy families, are industrialist politicians who have a world plan. Mostly it is British leaning and Kennedy’s, Donegans, others, its victims.

Keeping publicity, reach of voice, and sympathy from me has allowed the progresive destruction and co-option of the entire Donegan family ethnic achievement by hostile Blue Blood the Boston Brahmins or Boston elite are members of Boston’s traditional upper class.

They have been, the FBI and others, long term mafia conjoined and the Donegans and Kennedy’s have in common mafia can easilty get rid of us, in my case, it seems and FBI assisted mafia creating a cartel of genome racketeering based on manufacture of fake pretexts for an trust fund depletion, the trust fund usable to cover seeming liabilities of Edward Paul Donegan.

My entire family has been GangStalked and I have not been able to stop it. My elderly father attacked with abusive phone calls and planted hostile neighbors and he had a brain injury later from a hit to the head.

I am resisting getting into a fight because I know the battle against police sent snitches is a losing fight.

As for what the GangStalk is I cite the movie The Day The Fish Came Out a late 1960 movie in which espionage teams in fake clothes from the US Military go to an island of Greece called Koros to pretend to think about a hotel resorts development but secretly and unsuccessfully stop a nuclear disaster, a dropped nuclear device called Q can not be locate after it fell form an Air Force plane and a nuclear disaster results. Further Reading

The Mafia acting under cover is allowed to blame me for being a harm to my neighborhood and a tenant who is a problem for management companies and thus I is hard for me to get housing in normal life areas.

This is not that different than when the FBI sent the gambling mafia after Castro, allowing mafia profits in mafia business that could also take out Castro and profit from doing so.

The Masons holding FBI and CIA positions or above in US Government conducted too many myopic black operations special access programs designed to hide or mitigate existential threat society and new illegal acts are was not willing to or able to cope with elitely.

Underground railroads from Nazi Germany especially of Minimal Brain Dysfunction under watch by Vienna scientist, the CIA, and British Government led to secret family genealogy being concealed now by elites because many of them are from affected family lines such as the Donegans, Schwartzenegers, Cruz, Kelly, Bush, Mueller, Wray, and other families multi-generationally.

Serious blunders include assassination JFK to keep the British based program in operation and grooming leaders to be US Government officials who will take over office and then hide the trail by abusing powers of office clandestinely.

George H.W. Bush led the USA into Targeted Killings by the FBI, CIA, NSA, US Marshalls, US PHS Psychological Warfare unit, LEIUs aks Law Enforcement Intelligence (Espionage) Units (Fusion Centers,) Blackwater, and other Domestic Contract CIA assets to “protect” the USA, or rather, himself.

Richard Cheney along with Boeing general Counsel led the program at least up until recently and it was Bush, Boeing, Cheney and others at 21st Century Expo Seattle WA USA with the Kennedy’s Windsors and Obamas.

I do not cite two or three deaths (JFK, RFK, Ted Gunderson) to a criminal conspiracy but a chain of perhaps 100 egregious acts of terrorism, murder, and assassination of political office holders, journalists researching those assassinations, and include things like attempts on Texas Gov John Connolly having been shot, a press reporter Dorothy Kilgallen being murdered, those investigating the Shadow Gov that killed Marilyn Monroe and may have faked the birth certificate of Barrack Obama Jr as part of a Saudi plot that led to the assassination of Malcolm X in France to cover a Windsor backed plan using corporation like Boeing corp in the USA, and this book explains attacks on the nuclear facility Karen Silkwood worked at , the radio active hit on her and me, and the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald in police custody and his last attempted phone call, and whether the Bush Family, Barr Family, Rockefellers, Masons, FBI Directors, NSA, and others are effectively foreign operatives killing covertly in the USA, people like Robert Swan Mueller using FBI assassination to cover the corporate trail of DuPont and his own family members adding new violent crime into his portfolio, Mueller being a violent criminal attacking helpless citizens.

My book representing 8 years of round the clock research has no interest.

I am subject to Government corruption. I am sad to say there is nothing abnormal, and all JFK assassination researches know this is a day in the life, and likely a short life.

Before that was DuPont and 1926 Glorian and Harold Gainey i North Carolina then South Carolina, used for Obama.

Robert Mueller II was on the board of DuPont and my uncle Harold Gainey worked for DuPont. One of the person most cited for murders openly conducted by the FBI is Robert Mueller III. Further Reading

Activity in-bound towards a Targeted Atheist like myself or other people who are Targeted utilize people including actors reading lines of a play to make Targeteds a chess pawn in a play acted out that will be re-played to others. We the Targeted are foils for a play acted out in our vicinity, inbound to us either makes statements to us OR makes our own acts altered by an altered context such as placing a tot between me an an tourist attraction I am photographing.

Elsewhere a Dopple of me will corroborate the vague appearance at the first scene the real me was at as having been real thus create a false construction with visually supported of the chain of the events at the first scene..

Humiliating me in public especially as a retarded Atheist in an attack on my family of James and Glorian in cultural violence.

Shadow Government – The FBI must go or the USA and the FBI must go
Source Material about FBI CIA Shadow Gov Description Found on Mafia Criminal Organization FBI DOJ CIA NSA

    LBJ George H.W. Bush, Richard Cheney Mike Pence, Kamala Harris are put in position of greatest jurisdictional purview


  • J. Edgar Hoover

  • Robert Swan Mueller III

  • Christopher Wray

  • Donald Barr William Barr Bush admin cronies

  • RFK JFK Dead

Un American Mafia Activities

Jim Garrison: The Case That Should Have Changed History Joan Mellen

Garrison worked for New Orleans law firm Deutsch, Kerrigan & Stiles from 1954 to 1958, when he became an assistant district attorney. Garrison became a flamboyant, colorful, well-known figure in New Orleans, but was initially unsuccessful in his run for public office, losing a 1959 election for criminal court judge. In 1961 he ran for district attorney, winning against incumbent Richard Dowling by 6,000 votes in a five-man Democratic primary. Despite lack of major political backing, his performance in a televised debate and last minute television commercials are credited with his victory.

Political analyst Carl Oglesby was quoted as saying, “…I have done a study of Garrison: I come out of it thinking that he is one of the really first-rate class-act heroes of this whole ugly story [the killing of John F. Kennedy and subsequent investigation], which suffers so badly for heroes.” Libertarian theorist Murray Rothbard stated that “Garrison, one of the most viciously smeared figures in modern political history, was simply a district attorney trying to do his job in the most important criminal case of our time.”


Jim DiEugenio makes a special appeal to our readers for assistance in exposing the truth in the JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X assassinations.


Besides pro-Warren Commission writers like Gerald Posner, other pro-conspiracy writers criticized Garrison for being reckless. However, several researchers, including Jim DiEugenio, publisher of, Gerry Campeau of, William Davy, and Joan Mellen have all defended Garrison.

Garrison came under contemporary criticism from writers including Sylvia Meagher, who in 1967 wrote: “…as the Garrison investigation continued to unfold, it gave cause for increasingly serious misgivings about the validity of his evidence, the credibility of his witnesses, and the scrupulousness of his methods. The fact that many critics of the Warren Report have remained passionate advocates of the Garrison investigation, even condoning tactics which they might not condone on the part of others, is a matter of regret and disappointment.”

According to Clay Shaw’s defense team, witnesses, including Perry Russo, claimed to have been bribed and threatened with perjury and contempt of court charges by Garrison in order to make his case against Shaw. However, in a later interview with public radio, Perry Russo stated: “Well the truth of the matter was that Garrison was very sincere. Well, [NBC News reporter and ex FBI Agent] Walter Sheridan tells me and threatens me that he’s gonna take Garrison out and take me with him. […] And he says [if] you do that” [revoke his testimony] “we won’t go after you.”

on YouTube

COINTELPRO FBI Violence via Mafia recruits, Jack Ruby Gambling and prostitution, Mark Gonzales Dominatrixes, Ron Pataki media reporter hits, others

Missionary fronts against Cubans Latin Americans, Ukraine, and Godless Goths by Red State and Salvation

The Garrison Tapes: A John Barbour Film John Barbour’s World

We seek a free flow of information … A Nation that is afraid to let the people judge the truth and a falsehood in an open market is a nation [national government] afraid of its own people. JFK February 1962

On Janyary 31st 1992 NBC conducted a telephone survey … Asking American citizens who they thought killed JFK. NBC received 30,000 calls in three hours. 51% said the CIA did it.

In 1967 only one man said the CIA did it. Jim Garrison. “Lee Harvey OSwald killed no one at all.[he was on the first floor of the museum] So the pooint is wether the question of him [acting] along or being with anybody he has nothing to do with the assassination. John Kennedy was killed by a major force. The only way to describe it is the Central Intelligence Agency.

On YouTube

WETDIVISION PsyOps OSS CIA US Media backed expansion of West Eurpean Commonwealths

Hit List: An In-Depth Investigation into the Mysterious Deaths of [50] Witnesses to the JFK Assassination Paperback – June 7, 2016 Richard Jay Belzer

Richard Jay Belzer is an American retired actor, well known stand-up comedian, conspiracy theorist and author. He is best known for his role as BPD Detective, NYPD Detective/Sergeant, and DA Investigator John … Wikipedia Born: August 4, 1944 (age 77 years), Bridgeport, CT

“There are those in positions of power who malign the pursuit of justice by intentionally associatiating the word ‘conspiracy’ with the delirious hallucinations of an unbalanced mind.” 50 dead witness to JKF Assignation

“My book Hit List is about [a disturbing list of] witness dead and found in a barrel, under house arrest and shot in a back, mysterious heart attacks, etc.,”

Richard Belzer and David Wayne are back to set the record straight after Dead Wrong; this time they’re going to uncover the truth about the many witness deaths tied to the JFK assassination. For decades, government pundits have dismissed these “coincidental” deaths, even regarding them as “myths” as “urban legends.”

Like most people, Richard and David were initially unsure about what to make of these ‘coincidences’. After all, events don’t “consult the odds” prior to happening; they simply happen. Then someone comes along later and figures out what the odds of it happening were. Some of the deaths seemed purely coincidental; heart attacks, hunting accidents. Others clearly seemed noteworthy; witnesses who did seem to know something and did seem to die mysteriously.

Hit List is a fair examination of the evidence of each case, leading to (necessarily) different conclusions. The findings were absolutely staggering; as some cases were clearly linked to a “clean-up operation” after the murder of President Kennedy, while others were the result of ‘other forces’. The impeccable research and writing of Richard Belzer and David Wayne show that if the government is trying to hide anything, they’re the duo who will uncover it.

On YouTube WETDIVISION FBI CIA Murders eliminate George Bush, Donald Barr, William Barr, J. Edgar Hoover, James Angleton, Landsdale as suspects
Book Cover Big Bamboozle
Emblem: United States Inteligence Commuity

The Big Bamboozle : 9/11 and the War on Terror by Philip Marshall (2012, Trade Paperback)

Beginning with his role in the 1980s as a Learjet captain first as part of a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sting on Pablo Escobar, and later in the covert arming of the Nicaraguan Contras, Marshall has studied and written 30-years worth of covert government special activities and the revolving door of Wall Street tricksters, media moguls, and their well funded politicians.

Calaveras County Coroner Kevin Raggio said he determined Philip Marshall and his two children were all killed by a gunshot wound to the head, after performing an autopsy Tuesday morning.

Further Reading

Whole family murdered by FBI and CIA while writing book about same. Murders of Media by Patreus, CIA, others ranging from Clark Gable, Tom Clancy, Micheal Hastings, Marilyn Monroe, many Andew Brietbart, Tom Clancy, many others

Myself and this book, my famiily in danger ad death threats for attempting to write THIS, all my famil already dead. Clear “stimulus response” corelation withe me getting warmer as to why I have been assaulted to them trying to silence me and key parts of my story. In particular Kings Speech and Sound of Music stories.

This book

Publication of this book about CIA FBI Sleepers and infiltration Deep State hindered by FBI CIA Whole Donegan family (and others under lifelong COINTELPRO Stalk behavioral research

Mocked, existing, or former or now Conspiracy Theorists

WHen I say exhibits I mean items manifested inside the HTML based book I wrote. Web developers familiar with the epub format know it is a ZIP file which when renamed as a zip can be opened if the file permits it, mine does. A web developer and find the file the exhitbit number refers to.

  • MCT-10 Jim Garrison: Former FBI agent and Orleans Parish LA USA prosecutor expertly built the case a deep state CIA led killed JFK and blamed then killed Lee Harvey Oswald. this is the case as Joan Mellen changed history. If The FBI, CIA, and Office of Naval Intelligence and Mafia had NOT killed his our Nation’s witnesses like David Ferrie, Sam Giacanca, and others, Clay Shaw who WAS a CIA Domestic Contracting Service asset of the CIA would have been convicted and flipped George H.W. Bush, Richard Cheney, England, and the FBI Knights of Malta J. Edgar Hoover James Jesus Angleton NWO British backed Wild Bill Donovan Donald Barr William Barr plan

  • MCT-20 Jen Moore:Jen Moore as she takes video of the 850 N. Randolph Arlington VA home of my mother Gorian and myself she keeps the CIA MKULTRA Nazis in USA component

    She explains Western Schism side is using church groups to make gambits of their children to populate Western Schism side of the Great Schism of 1054 and this is illegal genome trafficking. id1046

    Exhibits: id56 is especially important. Jen Moore SMS txt screen shots fear FBI DOJ having people hit. Jen Moore will later die. I add Christopher Wray and Mueller, others in family lines of MKULTRA with much to hide, id637 is also very important Jen Moore points her camera at the home of Glorian and Ed Donegan of 850 North Randolph Arlington VA 2nd floor and talks about Nazis coming to the USA as the Von Trapps did, and how those family lines now make up famous and also unkonn USA family lines including elite political families and media families, id448, id228, id1046

    She adds in Free Masons as elite mafia black budget illegal profits of Deep State via Pizza-gate asset seizures of black market genome used in the Ukraine by US Mafia crime families, the Donegan genome of Windsor Kutschera history and the ties to the JFK Murder and other murders as the CIA tries to conceal why JKFK was killed and how this genome related to that story, Barrack Obama Jr is only one of many mostly Bush family members and more not wanted to be tied to illegal genome research by DARPA BRIAN program going back to Austria Freud, and Carl Jung.

    In California while Stalked by Espionage in the USA I was writing a book on Espionage violence against me and others. My computers have been destroyed, burgled. Jen Moore had audio I had and more, and other data and was silenced. Use of attacks on me continue.

    On Google Drive have folder called “Highlights” of planned teasers from my book. Most audio notes taped “Jack Flash” storage of mp3 narratives, records contemporaneous. I have open death threats if I write the book naming Deep State, #JenMoore also told she would die if she continued to talk yet she did.

  • MCT-30 Edward Paul Donegan who Jen Moore was talking about: Add in more of the Donegan genome truth and Manhattan Project history of atomic testing, the cold war, and how British conspiracy was largely rejected by Roman Catholics which explains #WETDIVISION concentration of kils against Roman Catholics. Roman Catholics are spiritually unyielding in ideas of reproductive rights of unborn and resentful of Great Britain in Ireland or India (Profiles in Courage, JFK, East India Tea Company, and 1963 travel, Ghandi Center) and Royal Rule or Blue Bloods in society.

    I consider myself and the attempts on my life and Jen Moore’s life comparable to the Marshall family and the attempts to stop my own book. They were shot and killed, shots into the skull. I have had threat of knife stabbings, and been attack in other ways.

    “According to Santa Barbara View, during the editing and pre-marketing process of Marshall’s book, he expressed some degree of paranoia because the nonfiction work accused the George W. Bush administration of being in cahoots with the Saudi intelligence community in training the hijackers who died in the planes used in the attacks.”

    The Saudis are well documented participants in Kingdoms based system of expanding royal families including in Mafia controlled Middle East North Africa and this book and others consider Barrack Obaam Jr. to be among groomed sleepers, him using Malcom X as father and Glorian Donegan and her genome past as the MKULTRA egg source.

    Exhibits: id621, id501

  • MCT -40 Collectively murder mystery researchers : The important work of researching and writing about Howard Hunt, Dulles, the CIA, and MKULTRA Mafia Murders of the Shadow government built at least by J. Edgar Hoover and James Angleton, but many more including the Mockingbird Rockefeller Cabal of Deniers of conspiracy theories, and the treason of the Bush Family and likely LBJ participation ion the murder of JFK

    • Hit List Richard Belzer: An In-Depth Investigation Into the Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination

      A New York Times Best Seller!

      Richard Belzer and David Wayne are back to set the record straight after Dead Wrong; this time they’re going to uncover the truth about the many witness deaths tied to the JFK assassination. For decades, government pundits have dismissed these “coincidental” deaths, even regarding them as “myths” as “urban legends.”

      Like most people, Richard and David were initially unsure about what to make of these ‘coincidences’. After all, events don’t “consult the odds” prior to happening; they simply happen. Then someone comes along later and figures out what the odds of it happening were. Some of the deaths seemed purely coincidental; heart attacks, hunting accidents. Others clearly seemed noteworthy; witnesses who did seem to know something and did…

      [I Edward Paul Donegan think I am on the hit list, my whole family was and others like me and my family are “dropping like houseflies.”]

    • A Farewell to Justice Joan Mellon :

      Working with thousands of previously unreleased documents and drawing on more than one thousand interviews, with many witnesses speaking out for the first time, Joan Mellen revisits the investigation of New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison, the only public official to have indicted, in 1969, a suspect in President John F. Kennedy’s murder.

      Garrison began by exposing the contradictions in the Warren Report, which concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was an unstable pro-Castro Marxist who acted alone in killing Kennedy. A Farewell to Justice reveals that Oswald, no Marxist, was in fact working with both the FBI and the CIA, as well as with US Customs, and that the attempts to sabotage Garrison’s investigation reached the highest levels of the US government. Garrison’s suspects included CIA-sponsored soldiers of fortune enlisted in assassination attempts against Fidel Castro, an anti-Castro Cuban asset, and a young runner for the conspirators, interviewed here for the first time by the author.

      Building upon Garrison’s effort, Mellen uncovers decisive new evidence and clearly establishes the intelligence agencies’ roles in both a president’s assassination and its cover-up. In this revised edition, to be published in time for the fiftieth anniversary of the president’s assassination, the author reveals new sources and recently uncovered documents confirming in greater detail just how involved the CIA was in the events of November 22, 1963. More than one hundred new pages add critical evidence and information into one of the most significant events in human history.

    • SUPERCLASS: THE GLOBAL POWER ELITE AND THE WORLD THEY ARE MAKING: by David Rothkopf (Author) “Oil is the most mind altering substance known to man.”

      by David Rothkopf (Author) “Oil is the most mind altering substance known to man.”

      DR: … I was thinking back on the fact that I had probably given 50 or 60 speeches on the other book and whenever I gave a speech on “Running the World,” somebody would stand up in the audience and say, that’s the trouble with you Americans; you think you’re running the world. And I would look at them aghast because, apparently, my subtle irony was lost in the title. And this taught me an important lesson and so there’s no irony whatsoever in this title – (laughter) – although I try to weave some of it into the book. But – so that was part of the genesis.

      Part of it was the fact that when I was a student at Columbia University back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, they had a core curriculum. And one of the things in the core curriculum was C. Wright Mills’ book “The Power Elite.” And “The Power Elite” looked at how power and the most powerful people interacted in the United States during the ’50s. In fact, it just came out of – 51 years ago now, just about half a century ago.

      [Though Mr. Rothkopff only discusses the most powerfull of society as a force which should be anthromphized as an estate of worl power he does not as far as I know tie this to JFK, but the theory he holds about elite power is of interest

    • JFK: Oliver Stone telling the story of Mr Garrisons attempt to convict the Shadow Government he discovered as acting in the assasination of JFK

    •, Jim DiEugenio : His research and books led to the near restart of coroner inquest into the death of Marilyn Monroe. Like Ted Gunderson sees the deeper underbelly of shadow gov at work in Martin Luther King, JFK, Marilyn Monroe, and other deaths.

    • Paul Wilcher Paul Wilcher was the lawyer to whistle blowers Rodney Stich and Gunter Karl Russbacher. Wilcher died in disputed circumstances a month after writing a letter to then-new US Attorney General Janet Reno alleging that the CIA was killing people to cover up mind control [brain] experiments, and that the Waco incident was one of these events.

      I’ve read the Wilcher letter,
      And it’s got me quite well chilled
      To learn that you can know the truth
      And the truth can get you killed.

      – DC Dave

      Wilcher alleged that the David Koresh cult in Waco was a front operation for a CIA team of sleeper-agent assassins, these being Koresh and six others, and that similar CIA-sponsored cults were run in five other locations

      Wilcher claimed that Koresh and earlier cult leaders Jim Jones and Charles Manson had received mind control training from the CIA.

      Paul Wilcher [murdered and likely victim of espionage hit] alleged the existence of a “top secret chain of command underlying all of the major covert and black operations which have been carried out by the CIA’s myriad wet teams over the past 30 years or so.” This “shadow government” would be led by “a top secret council of nine men whose names I do not know and would not recognize even if I stumbled across them,” who were capable of giving orders to the Director of Central Intelligence and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

      Wilcher claimed that this group was responsible for nearly every notable assassination and assassination attempt from JFK to John Lennon, for starting the Vietnam and Bosnian wars by destabilizing these societies, and for the deaths at Jonestown.

    • Mark Howard Gorton and Captain Hanley

        Mark Howard Gorton

      • Document:Fifty Years of the Deep State: Deep state CIA 9-11 George H. W. Bush JFK/Assassination RFK/Assassination MLK/Assassination, A detailed overview of the modern US deep state which names names, the most prominent of which, George H. W. Bush, is exposed as the kingpin of the US Deep state and probable a key mover behind the 9/11 plot.

      • Document:The Coup of ‘63, Part 1 : Deep politics US/Deep state JFK Assassination, Part 1 of Mark Gorton’s summary of the JFK assassination.

      • Document: The Political Dominance of The Cabal : Deep politics 9-11 Bush Family US/Deep state

      • Document: The Political Dominance of The Cabal : Deep politics 9-11 Bush Family US/Deep state, The story of an American political cabal so powerful that it has been able to repress knowledge of its existence for 50 years, and the hidden history of the political force that has dominated American politics for the last 50 years.

      • Captain Dan Hanley

        Captain Dan Hanley : ” Our organization, 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers, intends to seek out highly experienced civilian, military, and airline pilots from around the world who will agree with our assertion [that Bush Cheney were involved in helping the Saudis and Cabal conceal darker details of the Pentagon and other September 11 attacks.” My father (a pilot) James Paul Donegan held deep love for Jews including Zionist Justice Brandies, while also worrying about the boundaries violated by Israeli tactics such as Attack on the Liberty US spy ship watching Isreal. Captain Hanley is sensitized on this issue which I understand.

      • Edward Paul DoneganMr Gorton and Mr Hanley smell something out of the “terroirst ordinary” in the motive for the events and see a clod of fog added by Bush Cheney obstruction of reasonable chain of investigatory acts. I Ed Donegan think Bush Chenney DID know the Saudi’s wanted the ONI hit in the Pentagon and because George H.W. Bush and Cheney November 18, 1962 went along with the Saudi plan of manufacture of Obama Jr. out of Mecca orientated Malcom X

  • MCT -50 Teg Gunderson: Poisoned by the NWO and the FBI he worked for STOPPING organized crime along with Robert F. Kennedy (the two were in an organized crime meeting when they heard the news JFK had been shot) he died living into his 80s in a long term fight against the NWO Shadow Government and his allegations of being poisoned biologically and the NWO using Dr. Cameron style psychological warfare violence as social control is correct. The NWO exist and did kill Marilyn Monroe, the family of Jeffery MCdonald, and others and in private practice after leaving the FBI he continued his law practice, private investigations, and political speech against the NWO until his death.

    Along with Along with Mockingbird Program revealor Jim DiEugenio of I add other victims to the list Ted Gunderson had, I add myself and family to the Beharioal Resarch/Warfare victims, and also explain the assassination of Malcom X which has so far not been explained.

    Poisonings, biological attacks, D-E-W, assassinations, dirty bombs, Organized Stalking, and other crimes do exist but are still denied by the press and by the US Government. Further Reading

    Exhibits: id1045

  • MCT- 60 Surveillance and Harassment Survivors Alliance and also Targeted Justice: and describe Espionage Agency Targeted Individuals and the attacks Targeted Individuals are subjected to illegally by the CIA, FBI, NSA, US Marshalls, and others.

    Targeted Jusice

    Established in December 2017

    Targeted Justice is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are the world’s largest and most popular website for Targeted Individuals. In the last 12 months, our website had almost 400,000 page views.

    Our Goal

    To stop the global use of Directed Energy Weapons against civilians, including illegal surveillance, and organized stalking.

    Ted Gunderson and others like myself have been attacked by war crimes type Espionage including raw source radiation and D-E-W radiation medical devices misused to be carcinogens in CIA and FBI conducted murder operations. Being the system of Criminal Justice the infiltrator OF criminal justice are able to use insider access to the Criminal Justice system to obstruct it from within, defeating Due Process, etc., and creating COINTELPRO false arrests and detentions, using Prison Snitches to conduct attacks really run by the prisons themselves, etc.,

    As usual the US Media asserts Russia is behind the attacks though I watch uniformed US officials conducting them, a “conspiracy theory” I hold. I like most Targeted Individuals also believe the NWO is covering up the JFK murder and oil business NWO operations by destroying the lives of those who were victimized by the NWO, Kennedy family and Donegan family included as victims.

  • MCT -70 Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley: Psychological Warfare, assasination, Abuse of Psychiatry, and attack including attempts to destroy or alter cognition by destructive caustics has been useful in Behavioral Psychology, both gaining reflexive emotional control over large populations of people with emotional appeals and also provided stimulus response to victims which not only alter cognition but can be so caustic as to appear to destroy cognition.

    Anton “Tony” Chaitkin (born 1943) is an author, historian, and a former political activist with the LaRouche movement. He served as History Editor for Executive Intelligence Review.

    During the 1990s, Chaitkin helped to lead a campaign that called for the removal of the [Free Mason] Albert Pike Memorial from federal property in Judiciary Square, located in Washington, D.C.

    Chaitkin’s father was Jacob Chaitkin, who was the legal counsel and strategist for the boycott against Nazi Germany carried on by the American Jewish Congress in the 1930s.

    Reflexive Control of the mind of Edward Paul Donegan may consist of aversion conditioning, condition to view minorities or the US Government as a threat seemingly on an irrational basis or gain reflexive anger from me based on threats I face.

    My argument remains my responses are valid response to stimuli and only seem abnormal IF the threat which I identify is in fact a delusion held by my unbalanced mind.

    Use of harassment with Doples and Gang Stalks I could not prove to (complicit very often) Psychiatry as led to my spending most of my lifespan institutionalized as delusional, racist, etc.,

    These authors have written widely ignored histories of British Psychiatry and OSS CIA operations conducted by the Bush family, Rockefeller Neurology, and other Free Mason actors.

    This is the Espionage Deep State in Psychiatry war machine Ted Gunderson and I have been a victim of and a war machine that eradicates its victims, witness to Free Mason misconduct. Further Reading

    • Bush Family Treason by Barbara Boyd and Anton Chaitkin: Bush Family Treason by Barbara Boyd and Anton Chaitkin

    • British psychiatry: from eugenics to assassination By Anton Chaitkin, Executive Intelligence Review : Rockefeller’s Psychiatry – The NAZI Extermination Training Manual Further Reading

    • George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography : Available in many locations

      Psychological Warfare controls society, is social control, if and when Mockingbird controls the media of a nation fighting “Russian Propaganda theories that Free Masons killed JFK”

  • MCT -80 John Pilger: He is correct the USA is an international Global Cartel of MKULTRA operating all around the world with Goerge H.W. Bush groomed Sleeper Agents in the US Press corps is apparatchik of it.

    On his accusations the US Press keeps the US public dumbed down he cites Empire of Illusion[ary showy entertainment NEWSREELish spectacles presented to us the viewers]

    Pilger: – The clever young man who recently made it to the White House is a very fine hypnotist partly because it is indeed extraordinary to see an african-american at the pinnacle of power in the land of slavery however this is the 21st century and race together with gender and even class can be very seductive tools of propaganda for what are so often overlooked and what matters I believe above all is the class one serves.

    George Bush’s inner circle from the State Department to the Supreme Court was perhaps the most multiracial in presidential history it was PC par excellence think Condoleezza Rice Colin Powell.

    It was also the most reactionary Obama’s very presence in the white house appears to reaffirm the moral nation he’s a marketing dream but like Calvin Klein or Benetton is a brand that promises something special something exciting almost risque as if he might be radical as if he might enact change he makes people feel good he’s a postmodern man with no political baggage and all that’s fake.

    In his book Dreams from My Father Obama refers to the job he took after he graduated from Columbia in 1983 he describes his employer as an (I quote) “a consulting house from multinational corporations” unquote. For some reason he doesn’t say who his employer was or what he did there the employer was Business International Corporation which has a long history of providing cover for the CIA with covert action and infiltrating unions on the Left.

    I know this because it was especially active in my own country Australia

    Obama doesn’t say what he did at busines.

  • MCT -90 Wayne Madsen: The former NSA employee who analyzed detailed top secret files on Barrack Obama Jr believes (like John Pilger) the US and English ongoing East India Tea Company involvement around the world, including as peace and international front organizations like the East-West Center in Hawaii and Peace Corps, activities of Lyndon B. Johnson were designed to plant sleepers like Barrack Obama Jr. in places like Indonesia where juntas or backed candidates would bave shadow connections to what I call the Black (secret operations) Registry of interconnected Mason royal or free mason families.

  • MCT -Gratitude: Other voices have risen against corruption as well. Here are some of them.

    • SIGHTINGS: Clinton’s ‘Circle Of Death’ – Latest Statistics”WHAT? Me a MASS MURDERER? Nahhhh…I’m Just A Cute Guy From Little Rock!”

      By Sam Lowenthal 10-9-98

      The CLINTON BODY COUNT has climbed to 85 seriously DEAD people connected with that adorable William Jefferson Clinton, (born ‘Billy Blythe’) whom 46% of you are boo-hooing over, saying “AHHH, it’s Sexual McCarthyism, a Torquemada Lynch Mob of Victorian anti-sexuality. We’ve all had a little nookie, why hang this poor sex-starved good ole boy?” Well, kiddies, don’t feel sorry for this reprobate. They may not hang Bill for the right offense but it’s the Right airport, if the wrong PLANE!

      Read the following, just a partial list of the large number that has recently met a demise in suspicious circumstances, with ties to the Clintons. I stress “partial” because new stiffs are coming in faster than closets can be found to hide bodies in! If even half of these can be tied to Mr. Bill, (Oh no!) then he is the number one mass murderer, serial killer in the HISTORY of America. And what’s really weird is that he’s our PRESIDENT! It’s like having TED BUNDY in the WHITE HOUSE!

    • : Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X? [in CIA grooming of leaders lab, Scotish Rites, THE ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD) ]

      If Barack Hussein Obama II is Malcolm X’s biological son, it would explain the mystery of why he was so generously helped by so many Arab and communist “friends in high places” long before he was a “somebody.” Just as Malcolm X adopted Islam, his secret son would also need to learn its ways, and learn the ways of revolution, not just assume an Islamic name. He would need to be groomed and educated to organize the community called the United States of America. by Reuven Koret, Ireali Insider

    • Ron’s Page : The focus of this website is the murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry, however, the backstory of the CIA’s involvement is essential to understand that there are no boundaries, no party lines, and no more denying.

      “It’s a conspiracy.” The mere suggestion destroys credibility, even when documented evidence offers proof. This website goes where the evidence leads, which is into a powerful conspiracy of secrets that involve three U.S. presidents. As daunting a task as we have, there is much in our favor:

      1. The writers of this website will not evince political preferences.
      2. No one can tell us what we can and cannot publish, because no one controls us.
      3. Our motivations are not for personal gain of any kind: power, prestige, notoriety, money, etc. simply do not interest us. This makes it impossible for detractors.
      4. The nature of conspiracies as described by Francesco Guicciardini in 1528 predicts that the truth will surely come out. When that happens, the legacy of three presidents will be corrected.

      Nothing works against the success of a conspiracy as much as the wish to make it wholly secure and certain to succeed. Such an attempt requires many men, much time, and very favorable conditions. And all these in turn heighten the risk of being discovered. You see, therefore, how dangerous conspiracies are!

    • : Theodore Roosevelt said that speaking out against criticism of the President “is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”

      Welcome to Patriot or Traitor …

      The primary purpose for this web site is to provide unbiased voter information in helping to assure elections are won by patriotic and honorable candidates that are not traitors to the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution.

      In other words, I hope my fellow Americans will support patriotic candidates so that the core principles of our founding fathers become, once again, the foundation upon which America stands.

      Thank you, and God bless our Republic of the United States of America.

      Eric Pearson, registered owner and chief administrator of Email:

Biographies and Curriculum vitae

John Pilger Biography

John Pilger was born and grew up in Bondi, Sydney, Australia. He launched his first newspaper at Sydney High School and later completed a four year cadetship with Australian Consolidated Press. “It was one of the strictest language courses I know,” he says. “Devised by a celebrated, literate editor, Brian Penton, the aim was economy of language and accuracy. It certainly taught me to admire writing that was spare, precise and free of cliches, that didn’t retreat into the passive voice and used adjectives only when absolutely necessary. I have long since slipped that leash, but those early disciplines helped shape my journalism and writing and my understanding of moving and still pictures”.

Like many of his Australian generation, Pilger and two colleagues left for Europe in the early 1960s. They set up an ill-fated freelance ‘agency’ in Italy (with the grand title of ‘Interep’) and quickly went broke. Arriving in London, Pilger freelanced, then joined Reuters, moving to the London Daily Mirror, Britain’s biggest selling newspaper, which was then changing to a serious tabloid.

He became chief foreign correspondent and reported from all over the world, covering numerous wars, notably Vietnam. Still in his twenties, he became the youngest journalist to receive Britain’s highest award for journalism, Journalist of the Year and was the first to win it twice. Moving to the United States, he reported the upheavals there in the late 1960s and 1970s. He marched with America’s poor from Alabama to Washington, following the assassination of Martin Luther King. He was in the same room when Robert Kennedy, the presidential candidate, was assassinated in June 1968.

His work in South East Asia produced an iconic issue of the London Mirror, devoted almost entirely to his world exclusive dispatches from Cambodia in the aftermath of Pol Pot’s reign. The combined impact of his Mirror reports and his subsequent documentary, Year Zero: the Silent Death of Cambodia, raised almost $50 million for the people of that stricken country. Similarly, his 1994 documentary and dispatches report from East Timor, where he travelled under cover, helped galvanise support for the East Timorese, then occupied by Indonesia.

In Britain, his four-year investigation on behalf of a group of children damaged at birth by the drug Thalidomide, and left out of the settlement with the drugs company, resulted in a special settlement.

His numerous documentaries on Australia, notably The Secret Country (1983), the bicentary trilogy The Last Dream (1988), Welcome to Australia (1999) and Utopia (2013) all celebrated and revealed much of his own country’s ‘forgotten past’, especially its indigenous past and present.

He has won an American TV Academy Award, an Emmy, and a British Academy Award, a BAFTA for his documentaries, which have also won numerous US and European awards, such as as the Royal Television Society’s Best Documentary. The British Film Institute includes his 1979 film, Year Zero: the Silent Death of Cambodia among the ten most important documentaries of the twentieth century.

His articles appear worldwide. In 2001, he curated a major exhibition at the London Barbican, Reporting the World: John Pilger’s Eyewitness Photographers, a tribute to the great black-and-white photographers he has worked alongside. In 2003, he was awarded the prestigious Sophie Prize for ‘30 years of exposing injustice and promoting human rights.’ In 2009, he was awarded Australia’s human rights prize, the Sydney Peace Prize. He has received honorary doctorates from universities in the UK and abroad. In 2017, the British Library announced a John Pilger Archive of all his written and filmed work.

The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom and is one of the largest libraries in the world. It is estimated to contain between 170 and 200 million items from many countries

It is comparable to the USA Library of Congress.

  • Career Summary:1958-62: Reporter, freelance writer, sports writer and sub-editor, Daily & Sunday Telegraph, Sydney
    1962: Freelance correspondent, Italy
    1962-63: Middle East desk, Reuter, London
    1963-86: Reporter, sub-editor, feature writer and Chief Foreign Correspondent, Daily Mirror
    1986-88: Editor-in-Chief and a founder, News on Sunday, London
    1969-71: Reporter, World in Action, Granada Television
    1974-present: Documentary film-maker, producer, director, reporter, Independent Television Network (ITV), London

    Accredited war correspondent in Vietnam, Cambodia, Egypt, India, Bangladesh, Biafra and the Middle East

  • Honours: Doctorate Arts, Lincoln University
    Doctorate Litt, Staffordshire University
    Doctorate Litt Rhodes University, South Africa
    Doctorate. Phil, Dublin City University
    Doctorate. Arts, Oxford Brookes University
    Doctorate. Laws, St.Andrew’s University
    Doctorate Phil, Kingston University
    Doctorate Univ, The Open University
    1995 Edward Wilson Fellow, Deakin University, Melbourne
    Frank H.T. Rhodes Professor, Cornell University, USA

  • Selected Awards: 1966: Descriptive Writer of the Year
    1967: Reporter of the Year
    1967: Journalist of the Year
    1970: International Reporter of the Year
    1974: News Reporter of the Year
    1977: Campaigning Journalist of the Year
    1979: Journalist of the Year
    1979-80: UN Media Peace Prize, Australia
    1980-81: UN Media Peace Prize, Gold Medal, Australia
    1979: TV Times Readers’ Award
    1990: The George Foster Peabody Award, USA
    1991: American Television Academy Award (‘Emmy’)
    1991: British Academy of Film and Television Arts – The Richard Dimbleby Award
    1990: Reporters San Frontiers Award, France
    1995: International de Television Geneve Award
    2001: The Monismanien Prize (Sweden)
    2003: The Sophie Prize for Human Rights (Norway)
    2003: EMMA Media Personality of the Year
    2004: Royal Television Society Best Documentary, ‘Stealing a Nation’
    2008: Best Documentary, One World Awards, ‘The War On Democracy’
    2009: Sydney Peace Prize
    2011: Grierson Trustees’ Award

James James DiEugenio (Primary Sources)

  • JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass: by James DiEugenio and Oliver Stone

  • A Lie Too Big to Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: by Lisa Pease and James DiEugenio

  • Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Case: by James DiEugenio

  • Reclaiming Parkland: Tom Hanks, Vincent Bugliosi, and the JFK Assassination in the New Hollywood: James DiEugeni (Private Detecive who got the Marilun Monroe Grand Jury re-opened) , the mammoth book about the Kennedy assassination, Reclaiming History, into a miniseries.

James DiEugenio first became interested in history while at film school. Later he studied Contemporary American History from California State University, Northridge.

His first book, Destiny Betrayed (1992) took a close look at the Jim Garrison investigation of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. In 1993, he became a co-founder of Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination. The following year he was co-founder of the Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA).

DiEugenio and Lisa Pease co-edited COPA’s journal, Probe Magazine (1993-2000). DiEugenio is also the co-editor of The Assassinations (2002), a book that covers the deaths of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, and Malcolm X.

COPA’s site is now archived for historical and research purposes. The Coalition on Political Assassinations ended with the passing of John Judge in April 2014. In the last two years of his life, John Judge was working to realize the vision of a Museum of Hidden History with the incorporation of a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit

Wayne Madson

  • The Manufacturing of a President [Barrack Obama Jr.) : Wayne Madson (Lulu 2012) ISBN 9781300011385,

  • Jaded Tasks-Brass Plates, Black Ops & Big Oil: The Blood Politics of Bush & Co.: Wayne Madson(TrineDay, 2006) ISBN 0-9752906-9-X

  • America’s Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush II.: Wayne Madson Tempe, AZ: Dandelion Enterprises. 2003. p. 173. ISBN 978-1-893302-29-7. OCLC 55941597. (Wayne Madson with co-author John Stanton)

  • Forbidden Truth: U.S.-Taliban Secret Oil Diplomacy, Saudi Arabia and the Failed Search for bin Laden: Wayne Madson co-authored with Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie (Nation Books, 2002) ISBN 1-56025-414-9

  • Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999 Wayne Madson: (African Studies) (Edwin Mellen Press, 1999) ISBN 0-7734-8002

  • Handbook of Personal Data Protectio:Wayne Madson (New York: Macmillan Publishers Ltd, 1992) (reference book on international data protection law) ISBN 1-56159-046-0

Wayne Madsen who as a young naval officer was stationed at SOSU Navy Anti Submarine Missile Facility Coos Bay Oregon. He was fired but continued contracting work elsewhere

Background and early life

Madsen was born in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania on April 28, 1954 to an American mother and a Danish mariner. His grandmother, who emigrated to the U.S. with his father after World War II was Victoria Madsen, a Danish communist party official. In the 1950s Victoria Madsen was deported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Madsen attended the University of Mississippi where he joined the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps.[16]


U.S. Navy

Upon graduation from University of Mississippi, he joined the U.S. Navy. He was commissioned an ensign.

In early 1982 he was stationed at the Coos Head Naval Facility which had an allowance of twelve officers, ninety-five enlisted and 15 civilians. He was later given a bad fitness report by his executive officer, Lt. Cmdr. Marney Finch who transferred him to Washington D.C. later that year.

In 1984, Madsen reports that he was loaned to the National Security Agency by the Navy.[18] He resigned from the Navy in 1985 as a lieutenant, having been passed over for promotion. Madsen described himself as the “most senior lieutenant in the Navy”.

Post-Navy career

Between 1985 and 1989 Madsen held a series of jobs, first working for RCA as a government consultant on contracts for the National Security Agency (NSA). Later he worked for the Navy’s Naval Data Automation Command as a civilian employee. After this Madsen briefly established his own consulting firm, then worked for the National Bureau of Standards, and later for the State Department. In 1990 Madsen joined Computer Sciences Corporation, working there from 1990 until 1997, when he joined the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) as a senior fellow. In 1998, while at EPIC, Madsen was described by journalist Jason Vest in the Village Voice as one of the world’s leading SIGINT and computer security experts, In late January 2005 Madsen left EPIC.

Blogging and journalism career

He has been described as an “odd individual” devoted to writing in an area that “teeters on a slippery slope, at the foot of which is the whole repository of Internet-perpetuated conspiracy theories” which leads to much of his writing being treated with skepticism.[21] In 2005 Madsen began working as a free-lance journalist. He produces a blog called the Wayne Madsen Report. His articles have appeared in publications such as CorpWatch, CounterPunch, CovertAction Quarterly, In These Times, Multinational Monitor, The American Conservative, The Progressive and The Village Voice. His columns have appeared in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Columbus Dispatch, Houston Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer, Miami Herald and the Sacramento Bee.[16][22] He appeared on WETA-TVs “White House Chronicle” in January 2012.[23] He is a frequent contributor to the Alex Jones show.[24]

Guardian newspaper controversy

On June 30, 2013, The Observer, which is owned by The Guardian, in London published a front page story sourced from a blog in which Madsen had been interviewed regarding his views on claims by whistleblower Edward Snowden, alleging connections between the National Security Agency and several European governments known as ECHELON.[25][26] In the story, entitled, “Revealed: Secret European Deal to Hand Over Private Data to Americans,” Madsen claimed that several European governments were “colluding with the U.S. over the mass harvesting of personal communications data.” [27] According to Michael Moynihan of the Daily Beast, shortly after going to press, “the Observer realized that the story’s author, Jamie Doward, failed to conduct even the most perfunctory Google search on Madsen.[28] The article was quickly removed from the parent (Guardian) newspaper’s website pending an investigation, but not before the print edition had gone to press.[25][27] Several journalists reporting on the incident described Madsen as a “conspiracy theorist.”[7][8][9][27] According to Forbes magazine, The Observer likely took the story down as it was concerned with the reliability of the source rather than the content as no matter how “left field” the source was, the story seems to be largely true and has been a matter of public record for some years.

Joshua Gillin of the Poynter Institute noted that the Guardian hadn’t interviewed Madsen but had pulled the quotes from an online interview with Madsen and that Madsen’s “declassified documents”, upon which the story was based, were publicly available on the NSA website,[7] According to Forbes, on June 30, 2013, the same day that the Observer both published and retracted the article, Reuters reported the same claims, but sourced from NSA documentation supplied by Edward Snowden to support his claims regarding the cyber-espionage programs Tempora and Prism.

On July 5, 2013 the Guardian responded to the controversy saying that ” The documentary evidence for the story, which was based on a number of sources, was sound, but it was wrong to connect Wayne Madsen with this story in any way. For this reason, the original story was removed from the website, and the Observer splash was replaced.”

Reporting and opinions

In 2002 he suggested to The Guardian newspaper that the United States Navy had aided in an attempted overthrow of Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez.

In 2003 he said that he had uncovered information in a classified congressional report that he claimed contained information linking the September 11 attacks to the government of Saudi Arabia and the Bush administration through financial transactions with the hijackers. The Saudi Foreign Minister demanded the report be declassified so it could respond, however, the Bush administration refused, claiming that to do so would compromise intelligence sources and methods.[33] Later, in an interview for the Veterans Today website in 2010, he claimed that Mossad had been involved.[34] Madsen has asserted in The Palestine Telegraph that hundreds of Iraqi scientists who had been assassinated or died in accidents after the invasion in 2003 were actually murdered by Mossad hit teams operating in Iraq.[35] In 2005, he wrote that an unidentified former CIA agent claimed that the USS Cole was actually hit by a Popeye cruise missile launched from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine.

On May 17, 2005, Madsen testified regarding American policy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) before a Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights hearing on the situation in the DRC. According to the news magazine New African, Madsens testimony “was so revealing that the mainstream Western media…have refused to print it.”

In 2005 he said that the pro-Israel lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, had pressured American politicians to stay away from protests against the Iraq War.

He has asserted that members of AIPAC and Israel’s Mossad dominate CNN’s management and urges his readers to boycott CNN and its advertisers until they are fired. He has begun a project to oppose Israel as a threat to world peace.[39] Madsen has stated in an interview that “the Israeli lobby owns the Congress, media, Hollywood, Wall Street, both political parties and the White House”.

In a 2008 ArabNews article, Madsen is quoted as suggesting that the criminal prosecution of New York State governor Eliot Spitzer was partly due to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.

On June 9, 2008 he reported that unnamed “GOP dirty tricks operatives” had found a Kenyan birth certificate registering the birth of Barack Obama, Jr. on August 4, 1961. “However, the registration is a common practice in African countries whose citizens abroad have families with foreign nationals.”[43] This birth certificate was a cornerstone of the “Kenyan Born” subset of the birther conspiracy theories, and Madsen’s article was cited in a Washington state petition challenging Obama’s eligibility to serve.[44] Madsen has also claimed that Obama is gay.

On April 25, 2009, Madsen reported that some unidentified UN World Health Organization officials and scientists believed the 2009 new H1N1 strain of swine flu virus appeared to be the product of U.S. military sponsored gene splicing, as opposed to natural processes.[46][47] While it can not be ruled out that the virus was created in a research laboratory or vaccine factory, the most plausible explanation is that the virus is the result of modern farming techniques. New Scientist magazine cited the example of a H1N2 influenza pandemic in the 1990s that only affected pigs in the United Kingdom. This subtype of the H1N2 was also a reassortment (mix) of swine, human and avian strains.

In July 2009, Madsen released a report saying there was a “Q Group” within the National Security Agency tasked with plugging leaks of classified information and the monitoring and suppression of journalists who report on the NSA. He noted that with the approaching 10th anniversary of 9/11, the group have “made plans to stop any new revelations that would point to high-level U.S. and Israeli government involvement in the 9/11 attacks” that included the use of Wikileaks to identify potential “leakers”.

In 2010, Madsen reported in the Pakistan Daily that unnamed sources suggested that the company formerly known as Blackwater, had been conducting false-flag operations in Pakistan that were blamed on the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan.

In June 2012 Madsen self-published his sixth book. The book states it is an expose of Barack Obama’s rise in American politics and the CIA’s role in his attaining the Presidency.

SPECIAL REPORT The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part I) retrieved from and copied or modified to here

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen has discovered CIA files that document the agency’s connections to institutions and individuals figuring prominently in the lives of Barack Obama and his mother, father, grandmother, and stepfather. The first part of his report highlights the connections between Barack Obama, Sr. and the CIA-sponsored operations in Kenya to counter rising Soviet and Chinese influence among student circles and, beyond, to create conditions obstructing the emergence of independent African leaders.

President Obama’s own work in 1983 for Business International Corporation, a CIA front [and a good example of rather thinly veneered making up front company names] that conducted seminars with the world’s most powerful leaders and used journalists as agents abroad, dovetails with CIA espionage activities conducted by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham in 1960s post-coup Indonesia on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation. Dunham met and married Lolo Soetoro, Obama’s stepfather, at the East-West Center in 1965. Soetoro was recalled to Indonesia in 1965 to serve as a senior army officer and assist General Suharto and the CIA in the bloody overthrow of President Sukarno.

Barack Obama, Sr., of Kenya, who met Dunham in 1959 in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii, had been part of what was described as an airlift of 280 East African students to the United States to attend various colleges – merely “aided” by a grant from the

Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation

The Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation (JPKF) is a non-profit foundation founded by Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. in 1946 in memory of his son Joseph P. Kennedy Jr.. The foundation was led by his youngest brother, U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy, until his death in 2009. The foundation funded the construction of the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Memorial Hall at Boston College, now a part of Campion Hall and home to the college’s Lynch School of Education. The foundation had assets in 2000 of $30 million (equivalent to $45 million in 2020).

From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia citing Frank L. Ellsworth (Editor), Joe Lumarda (Editor), 2003, From Grantmaker to Leader : Emerging Strategies for Twenty-First Century Foundations, Wiley, p9

according to a September 12, 1960, Reuters report from London. The airlift was a CIA operation to train and indoctrinate future agents of influence in Africa, which was becoming a battleground between the United States and the Soviet Union and China for influence among newly-independent and soon-to-be independent [of foreign powers] countries on the continent. [and elsewhere]

CIA files indicate that Mboya was an important


Language of Espionage Letter “A” From the Spy Museum of Washington D.C.


A person unofficially employed by an intelligence service, often as a source of information.


A government employee who is influenced to cooperate with a foreign government instead of defecting; now working for two employers instead of one.


A person who works within the government or media of a target country to influence national policy.


A clandestine source or method, usually an agent.

for the CIA, not only in Kenya but in all of Africa. A formerly Secret CIA Current Intelligence Weekly Summary, dated November 19, 1959, states that Mboya served as a check on extremists at the second All-African People’s Conference (AAPC) in Tunis.

[Perhaps Barrack Obama Sr once a Muslim but then convert to Anglicanism in the British Kenyam run school could produce a future Kenyan leader loyal to London and covertly rule on behalf of Great Britain]

Mboya received a $100,000 grant for the airlift from the Kennedy Foundation after he turned down the same offer from the U.S. State Department, obviously concerned that direct U.S. assistance would look suspicious to pro-Communist Kenyan politicians who suspected Mboya of having CIA ties. The Airlift Africa project was underwritten by the Kennedy Foundation and the African-American Students Foundation. Obama, Sr. was not on the first airlift but a subsequent one. The airlift, organized by Mboya in 1959, included students from Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, and Nyasaland.

Expanding on Jim Garrison: The Case That Should Have Changed History and now CIA Project Mockingbird and Mockingbird Conspiracy Theorists

I Edward Pauld Donegan live in fear 24 hours a day of my government, in the center of my apartment, often with knives or hammers or 2X4s defending my life, computers, file cabinets, as far from windows as can be.

Mafia payoffs to willing conspirators and murder of unwilling conspirators incapacitate Law enforcement and the #MSM capacity against crime and there is no recourse except flight from the USA if that is at all possible.

As a general rule a criminal will be caught unless the criminal takes the job of cop in which case the criminal is both more dangerous and unstopable with defaming yourself as a criminal yourself.

Many of the tactics used in COINTELPRO are alleged to have seen continued use including; discrediting targets through psychological warfare; smearing individuals and groups using forged documents and by planting false reports in the media; harassment; wrongful imprisonment and this has gone along all across my lifespan.

I have a deep and intense trauma based fear of the USA and intense hatred of the public of the USA as I have watched so many poeple die, planes go down, and criminals in plane clothes and State badges kill before my eyes or range of hearing, and at leat fifty people I have known in 35 years or so tied to Gangstalk dying including a Head Royce curse it seems in the mid-1980s.

Jen Moore was a outer of the CIA programs and what she called the CIA nest at Tenley Town Tenley of Circle which lies at the intersection of Nebraska Avenue, Wisconsin Avenue of Washington D.C.

She knew the secrets of the Donegan family as I do, she was a whistleblower who was silenced by murder but was never forget and never ignore.

I will start now with a list of Whistleblowers and then go into the CIA killing machine that has victimized my family, Organized Stalks, Espionage tactics denied but CIA systems or organizing plausibly deniable CIA murders.

MKULTRA Organized Stalk activities of COINTELPRO OSS methods of Dr Cameron. Street gangs, arson, assassination of families of journalists, death threats. Organized Stalks use racial and sexual violence campaigns carried out by First Responders. Success = flipping Good into Bad, recruits as First Responders who work for the CIA and will set fires they pretend to (lackadaisically on purpose) fight, for instance.

In the eyes of the CIA Reinhard Gehlen was an “asset” of staggering potential. He was a professional violent spymaster, violently anti-Communist and, best of all, the controller of a vast underground network still in place inside Russian frontiers. His checkered past mattered not. “He’s on our side and that’s all that matters,” chuckled Allen Dulles, a U.S. intelligence officer during the war who later headed the CIA. “Besides, one need not ask a Gehlen to one’s club.”

(The NAZIs were nationalist who viewed World 3Rd Internationalists workers movement as threat from elsewhere to Germany . Thus some Nazis helped the US as a nation fight Communism world movements.)

The Gehlen principle is misdeeds while in costume, basically the CIA or CIA assets at police, fire, medical, etc., doing what is called “dirty deeds with clean hands.

In the movie Dream Catcher aliens are discovered but the US Military covers up the presence. Colonel Abraham Curtis an unhinged military official at one points kills a patient with a lethal serum in a hospital and is responsible for kills of other witnesses as well.

Jen Moore, Tom Dunham and myself Edward Paul Donegan know all about this though not one of us ever spoke to each other I am pretty sure. What Tom Dunham called “Badge bunnys” were planting suggestive evidence outside his doorstep, a key under a rock that did NOT go to his apartment that an escort might access, arranged actual break ins to his apartment, etc., as police acts.

I have deep fear of corrupt MKULTRA COINTELRP acts and fear for the life an any person taken into any medical or detention custody in the USA, or even living in the USA.

Joan Mellon speaks of Deep State COINTELPRO which btw is run out of Fusion Centers as espionage operations by the FBI and Richard Belzer talks of a long list of deaths, often violent, of witnesses to the JFK murder.

I believe either Gehlen asset type CIA informants either comit the murders OR fail to solve the murders, or sometimes as Ghehlen asset types do both.

Gehlen pioneered the setting up of dummy fronts and cover companies to support his farflung covert operations. A major project was to form Eastern European emigre groups in the U.S. that could be used against the Soviets. Both the Tolstoy Foundation and the Union of Bishops of the Orthodox Church Outside Russia were funded by the CIA. When Lee and Marina Oswald arrived from the Soviet Union in June, 1962 they were befriended by some three dozen White Russians in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Many had identifiable nazi links; others were in the oil and defense industries. It was an improbable social set for a defector to the U.S.S.R. and his wife from Minsk.

Organized Stalk victims will tell you the landlord, local press corps, the utilities companies, pharmacies, transportation, all are willing to and do co-operate with CIA and FBI operations as Front Companies in clandestine acts thorugh those organizatoins. Also as Shills, allegted nuetral witnesses but lyers working secretly in clique with the criminals FBI CIA.

Because this is mostly White European Christian Red State conspirator based mostly Protestant or Disciples of Christ I want to note mostly it has been Jew who have either defected from the scheme or been important in researching it, blowing the whistle on it, and characterizing its evil.

Many of the tactics used in COINTELPRO are alleged to have seen continued use including; discrediting targets through psychological warfare; smearing individuals and groups using forged documents and by planting false reports in the media; harassment; wrongful imprisonment, all have been used against me to conspire against right to trial, present evidence, I have evidence planted on my by Espionage Gang STalk, I have had raw radiological source poisoning of me and twice I held the radioactive source in my hand, and I think my brother died of being Xrayed with a wrong setting on the machine. Jen Moore was murders, silenced, but she kept talking until she died, and the US Press corp mockers her “Conspiracy Theories” about CIA MKULTREA Midnight Climax Pizzagate CIA surrogates and baby trafficking, stem cells trafficking by the CIA as paranoid delusional threat to the US Government officials who could be attacked by right wing extremist.

The use of Glorian Donegan DNA, daughter of Maria August Kutschera and Prince Edward of Wales was used to groom Sleepers who have infiltrated Governor, POTUS, Judiciary, DHS, FBI, and other spots as planned. Now they are cleaning up evidence of Glorian Donegan.

The FBI is planting child porn, using its own employees families for that, seuxalizing them, turning them into child porn, and doing that with the Deep State Cell of extremely elite Masonry families rotating through the Presidency, Courts, and FBI ad a deep state cartel.

The Pedo ring the FBI created is used to tarnish and attack Free Mason victim families, in particular, Ed Donegan son of James and Glorian who Donald Barr, William Barr, George H.W. Bush, and others were tied to in MKULTRA DNA kiting for using in sleeper agents to infiltrate USA and other governments while conducting life outcome research on these various brain genes.

The plan (and the infiltrators into the US Government can now be outed by forensics DNA analysis and living and dead witness statements yet the murders of people like Philip Marshall and the tarnishing of Patriot reputation continues, asserting Russian Spies (The Rockefeller Rotschilds Standard OIL hate Russians and its oil business and land claims) or Pedoohhiles that the FBI THEREFORE needs to conduct COINTELRPO sabotage of.

Murdered Journalist Jen Moore was trying to out the evil of the FBI and it being infiltrated by large scale billions if not trillions of dollars of international corruption including money laundering through Deashe Bank and trying to kee Epstein out of jail because his racket and him were the large scale FBI operation.

I am trying to set the stage about how the WASP rich and Irish poor break down in Boston and US history, and how James Paul Donegan, Glorian Donegan (total poverty) and others viewed WASP oppression including the under reported Potato Famine which resulted from British policies.

February 17 the FBI Document tied the FBI murder of JFK, later the FBI murder RFK and the FBI coverup of killing him.

Robert Mueller II in particular was part of DuPont and the plan which used Glorian Gainey and Harold Gainey of then Sourth Carolina as DNA source for Barrack Obama jr. and others.

In listening to FBI Director James Comey and his book narration the FBI internally had a culture of “don’t tell the boss” much like the CIA “Don’t Tell Don’t Get Us Caught” and this free wheeling FBI initiated a mess that is ongoing, J. Edgar Hoover building Obama and then covering up what was not that bad to begin with. So a guy is groomed from the outset, many grow up in politicians families, etc., but act of terror to cover it up is where people like Donald Barr and William Barr, and the major GOP families or free masons find themselves.

The FBI Cabal and Deep Espionage
With RFK gone and very LBJ and his mafia using government in the Cartel Mafia Cabal took root in the FBI JFK, would be POTUS RFK, would be POTUS TK
Wild Bill Donovan, OSS CIA figures, later DOJ FBI such as Donald Barr or George Bush and his other flunkies, Rosenstein, Holder, Lynch, William Barr as others are fired in Stalinist purges as per Lame Cherry and others FBI DOJ Layer Politcal hits, shaping the US and world opinion leaders, politics, etc., via Targeted Killings (Wounded Knee, Ruby Ridge, WACO, the Donegans, the Kennedy’s FBI Deep State include J. Edgar Hoover, Robert Swan Mueller, Christopher Wray, and others uing illegal GangStalk attacks, D-EW, and other warfare against both law abiding citizens AND Government resistance to Masonic Masons Business Plot

Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Jaime Zapata

Was he setup like Frank Serpico was?

Jaime Zapata retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Jaime Jorge Zapata (May 7, 1978 – February 15, 2011) was an Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent who was ambushed and murdered by the Mexican criminal group Los Zetas in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. He was one of the two agents who were ambushed in a part of the country that was increasingly under the influence of drug violence.[3] Zapata’s death was the second highest-profile killing of a U.S. agent in Mexico-the first one was Enrique Camarena, an undercover DEA agent who was tortured and murdered by the former Guadalajara Cartel.

Sipsey Street Irregulars

Two of the weapons found at the murder scene were later traced back to Texas – One was purchased in August 2010 near Houston on behalf of accused drug dealer Manuel Gomez Barba, and the other in October 2010 by a Dallas trafficking ring that included Otilio Osorio and his brother Ranferi. Much like Fast and Furious, both groups had been under ATF surveillance for many months, although ATF officials in Texas later denied that any gunwalking happened in their state. United State Senator John Cornyn has pressed Eric Holder and DOJ for details on any gunwalking in Texas. So far, he has been met with denials or silence.

The Department of Homeland Security, ICE and the Department of Justice have long denied that the case of Jaime Zapata had anything to do with Fast and Furious. The discovery of this ROI by Zapata, “puts the lie to that (expletives deleted) by Napolitano and Holder,” according on source who spoke with this reporter on conditions of absolute anonymity.

Multiple sources including current and former employees of the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security have confirmed this explosive new revelation in the Fast & Furious investigation. Said one source, “I think (DHS) is covering up something big.” He added, “I feel betrayed.” At the time of Agent Zapata’s death, President Obama declared “The United States will work with Mexico to bring the assailants to justice.” For her part, Janet Napolitano avowed: “Let me be clear: Any act of violence against our ICE personnel – or any DHS personnel – is an attack against all those who serve our nation and put their lives at risk for our safety.”

One source indicated his frustration that neither DHS nor the FBI have come under scrutiny for what they know about gunwalking operations and the murders of Agent Zapata and Border Patrol BORTAC Team member Brian Terry.

1902 and Joseph Kennedy Sr

The McNamara brothers were Irish American trade unionists. Good lads them both and Catholic Church going

Irish Americans or Hiberno Americans (Irish: Gael-Mheiriceánaigh)[10] are Americans who have full or partial ancestry from Ireland.

In 1903, officials of U.S. Steel and the American Bridge Company founded the National Erectors’ Association, a coalition of steel and iron industry employers.

The primary goal of the National Erectors’ Association was to promote the open shop and assist employers in breaking the unions in their industries.

Employers used labor spies, agents provocateurs, private detective agencies, and strike breakers to engage in a campaign of union busting. Local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies generally cooperated in this campaign, which often used violence against union members. Hard pressed by the open shop campaign, the Iron Workers reacted by electing the militant Frank M. Ryan president and John J. McNamara the secretary-treasurer in 1905.[3] In 1906, the Iron Workers struck at American Bridge in an attempt to retain their contract.[3][4][5] However, the open shop movement was a significant success. By 1910, U.S. Steel had almost succeeded in driving all unions out of its plants. Unions in other iron manufacturing companies also vanished. Only the Iron Workers held on (though the strike at American Bridge continued).

The Iron Workers Union was formed in 1896. As the work was seasonal and most iron workers were unskilled, the union remained weak, and much of the industry remained unorganized until 1902. That year, the union won a strike against the American Bridge Company, a subsidiary of the newly formed U.S. Steel corporation. American Bridge was the dominant company in the iron industry, and within a year the Iron Workers Union had not only organized almost every United States iron manufacturer, but had also won signed contracts including union shop clauses.

William John Burns (October 19, 1861 April 14, 1932) was an American private investigator and law enforcement official. He was known as “America’s Sherlock Holmes” and earned fame for having conducted private investigations into a number of notable incidents, such as clearing Leo Frank of the 1913 murder of Mary Phagan,[1] and for investigating the deadly 1910 Los Angeles Times bombing conducted by members of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers.[2] From August 22, 1921, to May 10, 1924, Burns served as the director of the Bureau of Investigation (BOI) (predecessor to the FBI).

Joseph Patrick Kennedy was born on September 6, 1888, in Boston, Massachusetts.[1][2] Kennedy was the elder son of Mary Augusta (Hickey) Kennedy and businessman and politician Patrick Joseph “P.J.” Kennedy.[1] Kennedy attended Boston Latin School, where he excelled at baseball and was elected class president[3] before graduating in 1908.

Kennedy then attended Harvard College, where he gained admittance to the prestigious Hasty Pudding Club but was not invited to join the Porcellian Club.[3] Kennedy graduated in 1912[4] with a bachelor’s degree in economics.

On October 7, 1914, Kennedy married Rose Fitzgerald,[6] the eldest daughter of Boston Mayor John F. “Honey Fitz” Fitzgerald and Mary Josephine “Josie” Hannon.[

Kennedy was born to a political family in East Boston, Massachusetts. He made a large fortune as a stock market and commodity investor and later rolled over his profits by investing in real estate and a wide range of business industries across the United States. During World War I, he was an assistant general manager of a Boston area Bethlehem Steel shipyard; through that position, he became acquainted with Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was the Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

Kennedy pursued a career in business and investing. In his mid- to late 20s, he made a large fortune as a stock market and commodity investor; he reinvested in real estate and a wide range of business industries. He did not build a significant business from scratch, but his timing as both buyer and seller was usually excellent.

Frank Costello (Italian: [koˈstɛllo]; born Francesco Castiglia;[1] [franˈtʃesko kaˈstiʎʎa]; January 26, 1891 February 18, 1973) was an Italian-American crime boss of the Luciano crime family. In 1957, Costello survived an assassination attempt ordered by Vito Genovese and carried out by Vincent Gigante. However, the altercation persuaded Costello to relinquish power to Genovese and retire. Costello died on February 18, 1973.

Various criminals, such as Frank Costello, have boasted they worked with Kennedy in mysterious bootlegging operations during Prohibition.[9] Scholars dismiss the claims. The most recent and most thorough biographer David Nasaw asserts that no credible evidence has been found to link Kennedy to bootlegging activities.[10] When Fortune magazine published its first list of the richest people in the United States in 1957, it placed Kennedy in the $200400 million group.

Los Angeles Times bombing – The City of Los Angeles hired Burns to catch those responsible for the bombing of the Los Angeles Times building on October 1, 1910, killing 20 people. Revenge or anger was the suspected motive, as Times publisher Harrison Gray Otis was a staunch opponent of labor unions and the incident was similar to a nationwide series of dozens earlier but not-fatal bomb attacks that Burns had been investigating for the National Erector Association.

After months of investigation, Burns’s son Raymond and police officers from the Detroit and Chicago police departments arrested Jim McNamara and associate Ortie McManigal on April 14, 1911, in Detroit. Ironworkers Union secretary-treasurer John McNamara, Jim’s brother, was arrested later that month in Indianapolis, Indiana. Extradited to Los Angeles, the brothers pleaded guilty to murder in the bombing.[5] The MacNamara brothers were important members of the Ironwokers Union and the investigation implicated numerous other members of the union up to President Frank M. Ryan.[2] Burns’s investigation found the Ironworkers Union leadership knew and approved of over 100 bombings between 1905 and 1910, perhaps the largest domestic terrorism campaign in American history.

BOI (FBI) career Burns was considered well qualified to direct the Bureau of Investigation, and was friends with President Warren Harding’s Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty. Burns was confirmed as Director of the Bureau of Investigation on August 22, 1921. He continued to run the Burns Detective Agency throughout his tenure as Director of the BOI. Under Burns, the Bureau shrank from its 1920 high of 1,127 personnel to 600 employees in 1923. Burns was responsible for hiring the first female special agents, Alaska P. Davidson in 1922 and Jessie B. Duckstein in 1923.

At the request of Attorney General Daugherty, Burns sent agents to investigate Montana Sen. Thomas J. Walsh for evidence of criminal wrongdoing. The investigation was actually a pretext for retaliation; the congressman had been instrumental in opposing oil leases granted by Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall, a friend of Daugherty and fellow cabinet member. Burns later refused to turn over Department of Justice documents to Congressional investigators, who in turn began investigating the BOI; Senate hearing revelations of BOI misdeeds were avidly covered in the press, and became known as the Daugherty-Burns scandal. Burns’ BOI field agents made visits to the offices of newspapers around the country who had presented the BOI’s actions in a negative light; their clumsy attempts to intimidate newspaper editors caused a backlash in public opinion and Congress. Burns was forced to resign in 1924 at the request of Attorney General Harlan Fiske Stone[7] and on May 10, 1924, J. Edgar Hoover took over the position on a provisional basis.

Burns Detective Agency and Teapot Dome Burns also became indirectly involved in the Teapot Dome Scandal, involving the secret leasing of naval oil reserve lands to private companies. In November 1927, Harry F. Sinclair went on trial in federal court for conspiracy to defraud the US in the leasing of the Teapot Dome naval oil reserve. At the request of Sinclair oil executive Henry Mason Day, Burns secretly hired a squad of 14 men from the William J. Burns Detective Agency to “investigate” his jurors. Day arranged for their compensation and received their daily reports. Midway through the trial the government’s investigators discovered Burns’ agents, and a mistrial was immediately declared.

At a new hearing, Sinclair’s defense was that he had had the jurors followed to protect them against federal influences and that in no case had the operatives made direct contact with the jurors. Sinclair was convicted on corruption charges and sentenced to six months in jail, Day to four months’ imprisonment, William J. Burns to 15 days’ imprisonment, and Burns’ son, William Sherman Burns, was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine. The father immediately appealed, and the Supreme Court later reversed his conviction (Sinclair v. United States, 279 US 749 – Supreme Court 1929).[8]

Richard Miller

Special Olympics – Richard W. Miller (December 13, 1936 October 16, 2013) was an American FBI agent who was the first FBI agent indicted and convicted of espionage. In 1991, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison but was freed after serving fewer than three years.

Colleagues who knew Miller described him as “bumbling”, “inept”, and “lunchy”. The last description referred to his unkempt appearance, and the fact that he often was observed with food crumbs and stains on his clothing. Former FBI Special Agent and author Gary Aldrich described Miller in this manner:

Most agents assigned to Los Angeles during that time who knew Miller would probably agree that he should never have been hired in the first place. How he even got through the FBI Academy was a big mystery. But how Miller avoided losing his job for being one of the dumbest, most unkempt, most unpopular misfits the agency had ever hired was not a mystery. The management should have watched Miller more carefully.

Or was he Office Mobbed by hostiles? I suspect that happened to Bolton who I admire as a leader and thinker. James Flynn was driven out similarly at DIA. Office Mobs are conniving groups of cheap shotters who have it in for you in the office as frenemies #FOXP2Purge

Richard William Miller was born in Wilmington, California, on December 13, 1936.[1] He graduated from high school in Lynwood, California. He completed a two-year Mormon mission to Latino communities in Texas, and then attended Compton Junior College. He was a 1963 graduate of Brigham Young University, and a 20-year veteran of the FBI at the time of his arrest.

After 20 years with the bureau, Miller had a personnel file filled with doubts about his job performance. His superiors had repeatedly admonished him to control his ballooning weight. And in 1982, a psychologist (CHarney?) examined Miller and told the FBI that he was emotionally unstable and should be nurtured along in some harmless post until retirement.

An ordinary every day guy who could pass as an undercover asset anywhere

After his arrest, a fuller portrait emerged of Miller.[4] According to news accounts, Miller occasionally took three-hour “lunches” at the 7-Eleven near his Los Angeles office, gorging himself on stolen candy bars while reading comic books.[4] He was alleged to have cheated his own uncle by selling a muscle-relaxant device he’d patented, and skimmed cash from bureau coffers meant for one of his informants.[4] Miller also ran auto-registration checks and searched FBI criminal indexes for a local private investigator at $500 per search.[4] In early 1984, the LDS Church excommunicated Miller for adultery.[4] He was divorced from his wife, Paula Miller, in late 1988.[citation needed]

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Donegan and Sosbee and also Gunderson and Labella

Donegan and Sosbee and also Gunderson and Labella and other Deceased from Misconduct and Aggrieved

Predatory Gangstalking is also called “terror stalking”, “gangstalking”, “flash mobbing”, “cause stalking,” “hate stalking,” “multi-stalking (teams of people), “happy slapping,” “workplace bullying, and “covert war.”

The reasons why it is employed?

You found the wrong forum on the internet and saw something you should not have seen; you worked for a company and found out some sensitive information; you got on the wrong side of someone [from an enemy camp of some type]

Techniques used to Silence Citizens, Journalists, Activits, and Others

Contention = Progression – Oppression. Various names exist for creating fights. “Roadblocking” (getting in the way, tripping a person that is walking forward or running forward while saying it was an accident,) Rough Noise (contextual bothersome stimuli that can include contentions and abuse sounds, noises, appearances, etc.,) that are obstacles that might resutl in fights breaking out or allegations of misconduct about others. Often the cover oppressor hopes for a fight or an allegation from a person being tripped up so that person can be treated as the trouble maker when that person was the victim of covert troublemaking.

And it is tied to WWII even WWI ties to England, Royalty, and a Deep State of ultra rich.”

Organized Stalks are run by the US Marshall, FBI, DEA, and other groups (alphabet agencies) who in tandem with high ranking orders work for the National Objectives of various espionage operations. Nominally for the state the fully equipped and trained agencies with state and local support are capable of evidence fabrication, staged appearances, falsified records, and many of the dirtiest tricks of COINTELRPO and CIA capabilities to destroy a persons reputation, life, family, career, credit, etc., as well as place undercover operatives in roles that can get into private homes and offices such as “plumbers” or other workers or place FBI or CIA backed Agents in Place in rental and leasing offices, banks, etc., as required. In addition local neighborhood watch groups can be composed of or include thugs and prison trustees can be used as stoolies for police or police family members sometimes go under cover.

Run out of the Fusion Centers it is widely believed to be out of control abuse of power targeting whistle-blowers and I and others have been subject to egregious injuries from thugs, intimidation, hostile and abusive conditions, and some under cover police abuse have died in psych wards following bullying, batterings, etc., traumatized, injured, and attacked again inside institutions.

As Jen Moore (aka Task Force the group she was on and turned whistle-blower) will say before she was killed some “Targeted Victims” (those subject to illegal abusive black opps operations inside the USA) are law abiding police or others (reporters and oversight committee members or attorneys) who just came to know too mucn and being discredited with evidence plants, etc.,

Jen Moore states the attacks on her and death threats (just as I have received) are tied to the OSS CIA Vatican hidden identity of my family, and the connections of the Donegan to Allan Dulles and the assasinatio of JFK by powerful elites who remain in or have family in government now and wish to cover up the JFK history I am trying to tell but am being harrased while doing and Jen Moore of that same story of my family was found dead.

PAINE: How We Dismantled the FBI In Our Pajamas

While the mainstream media ignored a corrupt FBI & DOJ, Paine and cohorts hammered away and knocked the FBI off its trusted public mantle. Revered FBI leaders were fired. Others quit. FBI officials, targeted by True Pundit’s hard-hitting reporting, are now targets of numerous federal investigations. A fitting irony after the FBI — whom Paine worked for — came into his home with M4 rifles drawn on his young kids and wife. Twice. Then, the FBI went on a rampage to ruin his Fortune 100 career at Citi and even prevented him from attending his mother’s funeral.

Implicated too here are U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller along with former CIA Director John Brennan, among many others. A Criminal conspiracy involving top players in the Deep State, entrenched in one of the greatest public betrayals imaginable.

They tried to silence Paine and ruin him to keep these alarming revelations secret but something went wrong. Paine rose from the ashes of his battered life and tattered financial career and then re-launched his award-winning journalism career. And this time — playing by his own rules — Paine blows the lid off of a massive cover-up that implicates the same D.C. elite who tried to take him down.

Mike “Thomas Paine” Moore’s story is one of personal loss, struggle, payback [through journalism about corrupt officials abusing power] and [and his own] patriotism.

… the FBI — whom Paine worked for — came into his home with M4 rifles drawn on his young kids and wife. Twice. Then, the FBI went on a rampage to ruin his Fortune 100 career at Citi and even prevented him from attending his mother’s funeral.

Jen Moore continued writing about these same CIA and FBI officials the family history story the Mueller, the Barr family, the Bush family, now the Obama Jr family and others and the MKLTRA program now in a Deep State frenzy of espionage assasins cover-up of such scale the cover-up continues to succeed in silencing all reaming witness perhaps down to the last one left, myself and her and now just myself after she was found dead.

Geral Sosbee

For decades I have tried to file reports on this subject and often the fbi prevents me from doing so. For example, the fbi destroys any computer that I buy; so I use the public library. The libraries at Brownsville, Mcallen and Mission, Texas have assisted the fbi in harassing me every time I enter. I notified the city council in Mcallen & Mission, and some of the harassment by staff and security guards stopped. The library at UTHSC, Harlingen Texas, allowed the police there to threaten me and allowed thugs to enter the library to harass me.

Moore worked as a money laundering expertr in banking (as Edward Donegan worked at a National Bank (Wells Fargo) as Network Security all ultimately were privatge in-house bank workers who submitted and coordinated their work with the Secret Service.

That is where the illegal Black Budget (Money laundering and illegal programs) are tried to as the accounts are confused between account holders and protection rackets and other activities are run by special opps for various assignments that can include gun running and drugs and other illegal black opps.

Ted Gunderson, Gene “Chip” Tatum and I Edward Pauld Donegan have written about covert illegal activities and I Ed Donegan fear for my life as Jen Moore did before she was found dead.

The FBI’s Fusion Centers are used by government employees to block any benefit (such as police protection) that I may seek (Ed Donegan reports the same. Police refuse to arrest or prosecute the thug assailants even if those assailants or burglars are at the scene.) I document many such instances online. See my documentation of the MI6/Fusion Center corruption of the UT Police Department (University of Texas?) where police helped send thugs into the library to distract and criminally assault me.

We The first group of us are victimized writers with serious egregious injuries (or deaths) and our writing about the highest level figures of the CIA and FBI and Presidency and the JFK assassination and the CIA Family Jewels program, and their most egregious misconduct including an undercover operation driving me from my home by undercover operatives false allegations and into homeless already after repeated break-ins to my home office and vandalizing and theft of my office equipment. We have discovered misconduct and it goes back to the JFK assassination and the FBI and CIA.

By the way do you remember those statements like can not record or reuse those pro basketball, hockey, or football games with express written consent of the various leauges? It turns out they (and the FBI really mean it. THat is how the raided and got Moore in the Big House far away from his home computer.

Remember “How We Dismantled the FBI In Our Pajamas” though I Edward Paul Donegan wore clothes or a bathrobe at least in my work live studio.

We the second group of us are the victimized witnesses with serious egregious injuries (and deaths) who in the matter of Ed Donegan (a member of the first group) have been witnesses to the attacks on Edward Paul Donegan and then became victimized themselves. One or two or more of this group knew as much or more about y own family’s connection to the Kennedy assassination and I the last living member of my family The first group of and break-ins to mh home and destruction of its property has eliminated most evidence though reconstructions of the evidence’s materiality and history or materials may be possible.

The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is the presidential library and museum of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917–1963), the 35th president of the United States (1961–1963). It is located on Columbia Point in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. – Wikipedia. James Paul Donegan, 86, of Lincoln, Calif., originally from Dorchester, Mass., died Oct. 13, from injuries following an accident. Jim leaves his 2nd wife, Sue Ann of Lincoln; two sons from his first marriage, Thomas of Provincetown, Mass. (now deceased), and Edward Paul Donegan (myself) from police abuse left homeless in a harassment campaign. The campaing targets my books serieson the Kennedy Assassination, Alan Dulles, OSS CIA history, and the Vatican of WWII and leading into the that war and the cold war.

All of us are subject to break-ins, home loss, computer and book notes theft, criminal harassment under color of law, etc.,

Jen Moore also telling the story of Edward Paul Donegan (myself) and the same story I am telling of these family histories and the legacy of the CIA an FBI events surrounding this history is now deceased found dead in motel room after receiving death threats if she revealed this CIA FBI history.

I am the last living member of the Donegan family of origin and there are no biological members other than me in a Roman Catholic family that was part of WWI history and came from the same small catholic church of the Kennedy’s in Dorchester Massachusetts.

Now from former Adjunct Professional Instructor Geral Sosbee (Attorney and former FBI Special Agent) who is a among us 10 varied victims of police abuse.

Geral Sosbee Viet Nam war veteran, National Defense Service Medal, Combat infantryman badge, Vietnam service medal, Vietnam campaign medal, Sharpshooter 81 millimeter mortarman, Marksman badge.

Texas Tech University, School of Law, Post-Doc

Former Instructor at Amber University and Webster
University, former FBI Special Agent (Counter-Intelligence Unit), Three Letters of Commendation awarded by the Director of the FBI

Doctor of Jurisprudence, former Magistrate judge.

Now from Edward Paul Donegan. The experience of Ted Gunderson (former FBI and Robert F Kennedy right-hand man against the Mafia (Called Murder Inc) that killed JFK also a deceased victim of police abuse. Ed Donegan, and Geral Sosbee are all the same and part of Texas DPS and the FBI working together to silence journalists and even law enforcement who may have learned or witnessed too much about powerful figures and the guilt of those figures and are writing publicly we are being attacked covertly by unsolved break-ins, etc., that are clearly State sponsored.

“FBI and CIA kill and torture innocent civilians worldwide”

“FBI and CIA routinely torture, kill, falsely imprison, or force
suicide upon targeted individuals using electromagnetic weapons for mind control and nervous system manipulation. I witnessed that the FBI and C/A inhumanely and regularly torture the targeted person and also force him/her to live under horrific conditions that could reasonably be expected to lead to
suicide. ” – Former Special Agent Sosbee

Geral W. Sosbee FBI Special Agent 1971 -1978

SA (Special Agent) SOSBEE was assigned to a squad handling Espionage – Foreign Intelligence matters. Because of his language ability, he is primarily concerned with investigations relative to the country of Romania. He handles a sensitive source on a nearly daily basis which requires the use of his language ability. He attended Basic Counter Intelligence school during April and May, 1974. (From Xerox of FBI document Espionage – Foreign Intelligence)

Romania was part of the Windsor Story (King Goerge V) and Imperialism?

Marie of Romania retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Queen Marie on the cover of Time, 4 August 1924

Queen Marie of Romania on the cover of Time, 4 August (that’s 8/4) 1924

Marie of Romania was considered highly attractive in her youth and she had several young men vying for her hand in marriage, however one young man had already stolen her heart – George, Duke of York. Marie had known George for the majority of her life since he was also in the navy and had been a frequent visitor of the family while they were in Malta. George seemed to be just as fond of Marie, and when the prospect of marriage was raised, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VI of England as he marries Queen Victoria) and Queen Victoria heartily approved of the match. Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said of the Alexandra, Princess of Wales and Maria who had a longterm enmity towards each other. When George proposed to Marie, she reluctantly turned him down and hoped they could remain friends. Its complicated, some of these might be the same people, but the Romanian language Sosbee was asked to specialize in by the F.B.I might cover documents from this 1902 to 1910 era of London’ Monarchy.

Marie’s dynastic efforts were viewed by critics as those of a manipulative mother who would sacrifice her children’s happiness in order to fulfil her ambitions; in reality, Marie never forced any of her children to marry.[124] While attending Peter’s baptism, Marie met the Duchess of York, later Queen Elizabeth, by whom she was enchanted.

In 1924, Ferdinand and Marie undertook a diplomatic tour of France, Switzerland, Belgium and the United Kingdom. In England, she was warmly welcomed by George V, who declared that “apart from the common aims, which we pursue, there are other and dear ties between us. Her Majesty the Queen, my dear cousin, is British born.”[126] Similarly, Marie wrote that the day of her arrival in England was “a great day for me, one of emotions, sweet, happy and the same time glorious emotions to come back as Queen to my own country, to be received officially, in all honour and enthusiastically into the bargain – to feel your heart swell with pride and satisfaction, to feel your heart beat and tears start into your eyes, while something gave you a lump into your throat!” These state visits were a symbolic recognition of the prestige Romania had gained after World War I. Whilst visiting Geneva, Marie and Ferdinand became the first royals to enter the newly established headquarters of the League of Nations.

The Maryhill Museum of Art in Maryhill, Washington, was initially designed as a mansion for wealthy businessman Samuel Hill. However, at Loie Fuller’s behest, the building was turned into a museum instead. Hill wished it to be dedicated in 1926, and he conceived it as a monument to peace, to his wife Mary, and to Queen Marie herself. Marie agreed to come to America and witness the dedication, especially as Fuller was an old friend of hers. Fuller quickly put together a committee that supported Marie’s “tour” of America and arrangements were made for her departure.

Marie viewed the tour as an opportunity to “see the country, meet the people and put Romania on the map”.[133] She travelled by ship across the Atlantic Ocean and disembarked in New York, on 18 October 1926, accompanied by Prince Nicholas and Princess Ileana.

Upon her arrival, Marie was welcomed enthusiastically with the “whistle of steamers, roar of guns in white smoke puffs against gray fog, voices cheering in a stinging rain”. She was formally greeted by Jimmy Walker, the Mayor of New York City.

Attempts By Illegal Means to Covertly Discredit, Harass, and Conduct the Sabotage and Subversion of Witnesses, Historians, and Media Figures

Supreme Court of the State of New Vork

(Attorney Registration NO. 4015236) Keith S[alvatore?]. Labella has submitted an affidavit dated January I l, 2019, wherein he voluntarily resigns from the New York State Bar. Mr. Labella was admitted to the Bar in the State Of New York at a term Of the Appellate Division Of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department on January 9, 2002.

There are no complaints or charges of professional misconduct pending against him. Mr. Labella presently resides in California, does not practice law in New York,
and, under these circumstances, does not wish to pay the biennial registration fee.
Upon the papers submitted in support Of the resignation, it is ORDERED that the voluntary resignation of Keith S. Labella is accepted and directed to be filed; and it is further, ORDERED that the name of Keith S. Labella is removed from the roll of attorneys and counselors-at-law in the State of New York, without prejudice to an application for reinstatement; and it is further, ORDERED that pursuant to Judiciary law 90, effective immediately, Keith S. Labella is commanded to desist and refrain from (l) practicing law in any form, either as principal or as agent, clerk, or employee Of another in the State of New York, (2) appearing as an attorney or
counselor-at-law before any court, Judge, Justice, board, commission, or other public authority in this State, (3) giving to another an opinion as to the law or its application or any advice in relation thereto in this State, and (4) holding himself out in any way as an attorney and counselor-at-law in the State of New York; and it is further,21 2019

ORDERED that if Keith S. Labella has been issued a secure pass by the Office of
Court Administration, it shall be returned forthwith to the issuing agency,

A federal court in New York has ruled that the FBI conducted an adequate search for records pertaining to “gang stalking.” The agency originally provided records from another request it believed were responsive to Keith Labella’s request, but later admitted the records were not responsive and conducted further searches using extensive terms supplied by Labella. The agency found no responsive records and Labella sued. After finding the agency’s search had been adequate, the court examined documents submitted by Labella to show the agency must have responsive records. The court noted that “these documents are neither FBI records nor contain any mention of the FBI, so presumably Labella submits them to suggest that since gang stalking is so pervasive and so well-known to several government agencies, the FBI must have documents responsive to his FOIA request.” The court pointedout that ‘ ‘Labella’s suggestion that, because it is the nation’s leading law enforcement agency, the ‘FBI should be charged with constructive knowledge of gang stalking and presumed to have records thereof,’ shows only that Labella has no evidence at all that the FBI actually possesses records responsive to his request, let alone that the FBI failed to conduct a good-faithand reasonable search of its records. Labella’s proposed ‘presumption’ turns the law on its head; it is the FBIthat is entitled to a presumption of good faith with respect to its affidavit and Labella cannot rebut that presumption by speculating that the FBI simply must have the records he requests because of its stature and resources.” Labella also argued that several articles criticizing the FBI’s FOIA practices raised suspicions. But the court observed that “even if these articles are fully credited, two isolated incidents of the FBI ‘s non-compliance with FOIA does not demonstrate that the FBI failed to conduct a reasonable search or acted in bad faith in this specific instance.” (Keith Salvatore Labella v. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Civil Action NO. I I-CV-0023 (NGG)(LB), U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, Mar. 19)

Truth Out is a web site that like Gene Chip Tatum (quoted below) in his book The Mule: Robert S. Mueller III (available on Kindle and a treasure-chest of National Security relevant informant accuses Mueller of of FBI of contant ilegal activities.)

Robert Swan Mueller III has been the go to man when secrets go awry. Recruited as a CIA asset in Vietnam as an member of the Phoenix Project it was embedded in him that there are No Borders, No Limits, No Restrictions, and No Repercussions. With these standards ingrained in his persona, Mueller became an invaluable asset in protecting what today is called “The Deep State”. When the need arises, invariably the Deep State Handlers call on “The Mule” – Gene Chip Tatum

Mueller was born on August 7, 1944, at Doctors Hospital in the New York City borough of Manhattan, the first child of Alice C. Truesdale (1920–2007)

I Edward Paul Donegan trace my uncle I used to spend my summers with in South Carolina and his Camden S.C. Dupont plant employment to the Truesdeale and Robber Barron CIA activities of the DuPont’s defense contractors. He along with the Burns Family and Barr family and the Bush family are considered Deep State operatives holding law enforcement cover-identities but using those positions to operate illegal programs and recruit others to participate in illegal programs while working in front companies or employees in organizations willing to cooperate. The CIA does not admit to being behind illegal acts and has cover-stories they were not involved. In my case they even publicy conspire to tie their acts of human trafficking to me by public perceptions of staged events, identity theft, and forgeries.

As an Atheist (with some pagan sympathies) I write on (and am discredited about) Born Free, and evolved natural world that Natural Science is trying to understand. While living in Moraga I used to talk about with my mother (collative protein water based DNA formations began as a random occurrence and led to life. How can I have a higher power in AA (1986) and I had this belive in the mid-1970s.

I rejected religion (and thus held sexual liberation and hedonism beliefs) and those beliefs included doing no harm to others as the limit.

Linked In Profile

I viewed Laws as a system of Social Contract (David Enlow taught th first Social Contract as the Covenant) those who have an ethic or national identity forming laws that allow and protect their life-styles and ethics.

I began in 2002 writing on high tech and pluralism hoping those who held religious beliefs that were at odds with some US laws and customs be be in a separate set of laws specific to them rather than just exempt from contradictory laws and electronic groupings identities to achieve this. )Group Object with individuals in the group

I have pointed out that Adam Smith was a Natural Law Philosopher who wished to examine forces operating in systems not yet labeled or clearly seen like the Profit Motive that could be identified through study and considered in scientific systems of politics and philosophy. I contine to write in that area but it is “too close to Nazim” for some and FBI programs tie my to Nazim and in fact some Nazism does fit, bigotry and dislike of Christianity and Feudalism..

Others though hold more “extremist” views than me and others are targeted and discredited. I think I and Labella and Sosbee and Gunderson and Jen Moore and others were subject to surveillance and harassment abuse to discredit us in JFK related matters.

My linked in profile reads “Writer, Natural Law , Epistemic Naturalism d Objectivism as
Progressive (Reason) over Fundamentalism (Scriptures).
Corpus Christi, Texas, United States • Contact info

Labella’s Request

By letter dated January 11,2010, Labella submitted a FOIA request to the FBI seeking thirty-seven categories of documents relating to “the national phenomenon of gang stalking.” (Id. ¶31.) The request defines “gang stalking” as follows:

Gang stalking involves groups of individuals (“gang stalking groups”) operating territorially and nationwide, and, in communication and collusion with each other, to violate the civil rights of, and disrupt, destabilize and finally destroy individuals who are put on a Stalking List for various reasons. The gang stalking groups use both intensive physical and electronic surveillance means to do this .. . including], but not limited to: “street theatre,” in which targets of gang stalking are subjected in public to rudeness, loud speaking and personal references to themselves and their private activities by persons within the gang stalking conspiracy; [and] related “Flashmobbing,” or the coming together of an often large group of individuals in the gang stalking conspiracy to disrupt, intimidate, harass and otherwise confuse a gang stalking victim ….

Labella requested that the FBI search terms such as “targeted individual(s)” (id. ¶ 31 (5)), “publicly funded victims groups” (id. ¶ 31(10)), “informants” (id. ¶ 31(15)), “agents provocateur” (id.), “community stalking” (Id. ¶ 31 (20)), “cause stalking” ( id. ¶ 31 (22)), “school shooting” (id. ¶ 31(25)), and “COINTELPRO” (id. ¶ 31(26)), all as they relate to “gang stalking.”

For the reasons set forth below, Defendants’ motion for summary judgment is GRANTED and Labella’s motion for summary judgment is DENIED.

Some of the extravagance of the text in the claims made and left to us by Labella and Gunderson and others can be explained by 1) The fact that the FBI and CIA really do things that illegal and 2) Often in cases early speculation as to what the documents mean is wide in scope and even wrong. The child trafficking for instance turned out late to be that children being moved around and hidden between diplomats around the world for various reasons from orphanages often got relocation allowances rather than payments being made for rights to raise the child.


6230-A Wilshire Blvd., Suite 6
Los Angeles, California 90048
Phone: (337) 344-8876

I, Ted L. Gunderson, hereby swear under the pains and penalties of jury that the following statements are true and correct:

  1. My name is Ted L.. Gunderson. I am the owner and operator of Ted L. Gunderson & Associates, an international security and consulting firm based out of Santa Monica, California. I am currently a licensed private investigator in the state of California. I have performed private Investigation and security work for numerous individuals, companies, and governments worldwide since founding my firm in 1979.

    I have worked for, among others, F. Lee Bailey, Esq., The California Narcotics Authority by appointment of Governor Jerry Brown, The 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Committee, and The 1979 Pan American Games in San Juan, Puerto Rico by appointment of then U.S, Attorney General Griffin Bell.

    [Ted Gunderson narrowly was passed over to be FBI director as in inbound Reagan Bush team preferred Griffin Bell but the respect between the candidates for the top job was mutual.]

  2. Previous to my [Ted Gunderson’s] work as a private investigator I spent nearly three decades in the F.B.I. Between 1951 and 1960 I was an F.B.I. Special Agent. In 1960 I was promoted as a supervisor at F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington, D.C., where I was in charge of Organized Crime and Racketeering investigations covering 26 F.B.I Field Offices nationwide.

    [The Anti-Racketeering Anti Hoffa Robert F. Kennedy as Attorney General of the United States of America chose Ted Gunderson to be his right hand man in fighting the mafia. As Bobby Kennedy took the call his brother was assassinated and deceased it was Ted Gunderson in the meeting on the Mafia in his office with him.]

    Following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy I was re-assigned to Special [JFK] Inquiry White House Matters at F.B.I. Headquarters. In 1965 I was promoted again to Assistant Special Agent-In-Charge of Internal Security and Anti-Terrorism of the F.B.I. New Haven, Connecticut Field Office.

    In 1970 I was promoted to Assistant Special Agent- In-Charge of the F.B.I. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Field Office.

    On July 12, 1972 I successfully negotiated with two terrorist hijackers of National Airlines Flight 496 for the release of 119 passengers at Philadelphia International Airport: In 1973 I was promoted to Chief Inspector at F.B.I. Headquarters[appears to be just below Director of the FBI]. Also served as Special Agent-In-Charge of the F.B.I. Memphis and Dallas Field Offices[and continued ever increasing JFK Dealy Plaza material as Warren Commission, etc, unfolded]. I retired from the F.B.I, as Senior Special Agent-In- Charge of the Los Angeles Field Office of the F.B.I. with over 700 F.B.I. employees and a budget of over 22 million dollars in 1979, [perhaps a few cases to supervise].

  3. I have read the Complaint in the current action of Mr. Keith Labella against F.B.I. and D.O.J., It is my professional opinion, based on information, knowledge and belief that the information sought by Mr. Labella in this F.O.I.A suit regarding “gang stalking”, “gang stalking groups” and “gang stalking methods” reasonably describes an ongoing, active, covert nationwide program that is in effect today, and, based on my investigations and experience, has been operational since at least the early 1980’s. Since the 1980°s gang stalking has increased in scope, intensity and sophistication by adapting to new communications and surveillance technology. These programs are using the codenames Echelon Program, Carnivore System, and Tempest Systems.

    The Echelon Program is administered by the N.S.A. out of Fort Meade, Maryland, and monitors all email and phone calls in the world. Carnivore System is administered by the N.S.A. out of Fort Meade, Maryland, and can download any computer system without being traced or otherwise known to the owner. Tempest Systems can decipher what is on any computer screen up to a quarter of a mile away.

    These programs are negatively impacting thousands of Americans and severely abusing their civil rights on a daily basis.

  4. Based on my investigative work, which includes intelligence from sources such as active and former members of the Intelligence Services (including the FBI, the C.I.A, the N.S.A and Military Intelligence), information from informants active in criminal enterprises, and, victim testimonies, I have come to the conclusion that thousands of victims have been targeted by an illegal government rogue criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day within the U.S. This conspiracy is far too active to be controlled or operated by private enterprise whose goals are achieving financial gain.

    These operations require extensive financing with no return on the investment. This program’s operations are financed by illegal black operations, i.e., narcotics, prostitution, child kidnapping (children sell at covert auctions for up to $50,000 per child), human trafficking, gambling and other rackets.)

  5. I have documentation and know that throughout the U.S., operating 24 hours-a-day and 7 days-a-week, there is a Central Command, located within the U.S., with multiple satellite offices, whose administrators can instantly initiate surveillance, phone taps and harassment against any individual in the country.

    They have the technology, financing and manpower to dispense illegal surveillance and harassment against anyone at any time, day or might. I have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic, illegal government harassment currently being conducted against thousands of Americans. This makes the F.B.I.’s former COINTELPRO program, which I worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday school program by comparison.

  6. I firmly believe that most individuals working in the F.B I, other intelligence agencies, and the government overall are honest, law-abiding public servants. However, a sophisticated network of rogue operatives has secretly infiltrated the F.B.I,, other intelligence agencies including the C.I.A, and other key government positions.

    This rogue element seeks personal power and wealth and considers themselves above the law and the Constitution. They are carrying out the aforementioned surveillance and harassment activities in conjunction with organized crime, the cult movement in America including Satanic cults, other commercial and political interests, and even misguided civic organizations and neighborhood groups.

    This illegal surveillance and harassment program is being called gang stalking and organized stalking by the victims targeted by it.

    The victims are targeted for a variety of reasons including government and corporate whistle-blowers, parties to financial and employment disputes, parties to marital disputes (usually divorced women), and even jilted paramours. Journalists covering controversial issues, and, even attorneys and private investigators representing unpopular clients or interests, have been targeted by this program.

  7. Individuals targeted by this program have been subjected to illegal and unconstitutional phone taps, illegal re-routing of business and private phone calls for purposes of harassment, illegal audio “bugging”, surreptitious entry into home, office, and vehicle, visual surveillance in the home conducted by illegal placement of miniature remote, wireless cameras (often accessible via internet), illegal internet spyware, illegal GPS tracking (often through their own mobile phones), regular fixed and mobile surveillance, mail misdirection, mail theft and tampering, financial and employment sabotage, slander campaigns and community ostracizing , internet disinformation and smear campaigns, poisoning, assaults and murder, illegal set-ups on ding charges and other felony charges, amongst many other civil rights abuses.

  8. In addition to high-ranking members of the F.B.I., other intelligence services, and the government overall, wealthy, powerful members of criminal syndicates, multi-millionaires and the corporate elite are using the government gang stalking program to harass enemies.

    They can get a targeted individual harassed for the rest of that individual’s life (individual cases of gang stalking lasting for over a decade are common).

    The higher status members of the gang stalking conspiracy initiate the gang stalking and coordinate logistics and funding. Lower echelon government rogue operatives, lower ranking members of the military (in violation of Posse Comitatus), petty criminals and street thugs perform the actual grunt work of daily monitoring and harassment of individuals targeted by the program.

  9. Based on my professional experience, extensive intelligence information and belief, it is my professional opinion that the F.B.I is involved in and has investigative files on the subject of gang
    stalking, related gang stalking methods, and gang stalking groups in the F.B.I’s vast intelligence files, that are responsive to Mr. Labella’s F.O.ILA. Complaint. Furthermore, I have personally referred numerous victims of gang stalking to the appropriate agents at the F.B.I. for investigation of their cases. I have also furnished the F.B.I. with documentation of an active, international child kidnapping ring probably operated by rogue C.I.A. agents.

    The F.B.I has ignored my requests to investigate even though it is their responsibility to investigate kidnappings. I have a contact in Germany who advises me that the C.I.A. has set up secret
    operations on U.S. military bases for the kidnapping, sale and trafficking of children worldwide. The FBI may be using a unique codename and nomenclature for the gang stalking phenomenon in its records. However, this is a semantic difference, and, in no way changes my professional opinion that the F.B.I. has investigative files on the nationwide phenomenon of gang stalking described in reasonable and specific detail in Mr. Labella’s F.O.L A. Complaint.

    These F.B.I. files contain information responsive to Mr. Labella’s F.O.L.A. Complaint regarding the subject of gang stalking. The F.B.I. and other intelligence agencies are administering and covering up the rogue, covert, government criminal enterprise of gang stalking. The gang stalking phenomenon appears in the records of both the F.B.I. and the N.5.A. in their records pertaining to the Echelon Program,
    Carnivore System, and Tempest Systems.

    In addition, the gang stalking phenomenon appears in the records of both the F.B.I. and the N.S.A. in their records pertaining to information collected by Narus systems. Narus is a wholly owned subsidiary of defense contractor Boeing that produces sophisticated, mass surveillance computer systems currently being used by both the F.B.I. and the N.S.A.

Dated this Al day of @nscl. 2011.

Los Angeles, California

Jet A Sonidiosson.

Ted L. Gunderson


Mr Labella did not get the COINTELPRO documents of the community-stalking system of user of intermediaries that smear and create sham allegations and purport to be part of sham investigations the sole purpose of which is to bully people with abusive lies in the workplace, streets, libraries, etc., but the well known system of police sent thugs hiding police involvement is well known in various circles and internal documents available describe it this way.:

Predatory Gangstalking is also called “terror stalking”, “gangstalking”, “flash mobbing”, “cause stalking,” “hate stalking,” “multi-stalking (teams of people), “happy slapping,” “workplace bullying, and “covert war.”

The reasons why it is employed?

You found the wrong forum on the internet and saw something you should not have seen; you worked for a company and found out some sensitive information; you got on the wrong side of someone [from an enemy camp of some type]

COINTELPRO – political assassinations through publicly committed hate crime.

Here are some of the tactics used by CointelPro, most of which I have experienced. This occurs in broad daylight, inside the prison system, inside the ABA, inside psychiatric hospitals. These covert operations I and those I know have been subjected to will be described in my later false arrests and detentions.

“According to Brian Glick, in War at Home, COINTELPRO used a broad array of methods, including:”

  1. Infiltration:

    Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents.

  2. Psychological Warfare From the Outside:

    The FBI and police used myriad other “dirty tricks” to undermine progressive movements. They planted false media stories and published bogus leaflets and other publications in the name of targeted groups. They forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls. They spread misinformation about meetings and events, set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents, and manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials and others to cause trouble for activists.

  3. Harassment Through the Legal System:

    The FBI and police abused the legal system to harass dissidents and make them appear to be criminals. Officers of the law gave perjured testimony and presented fabricated evidence as a pretext for false arrests and wrongful imprisonment. They discriminatorily enforced tax laws and other government regulations and used conspicuous surveillance, ‘investigative’ interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to intimidate activists and silence their supporters.

  4. Extralegal Force and Violence:

    The FBI and police threatened, instigated, and themselves conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object was to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements. In the case of radical Black and Puerto Rican activists (and later Native Americans), these attacks—including political assassinations-were so extensive, vicious, and calculated that they can accurately be termed a form of official ‘terrorism.’”.The FBI also conducted “black bag jobs”, warrantless surreptitious entries, against the targeted groups and their members.
    Source: COINTELPRO – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From its inception, the FBI has operated on the doctrine that the “preliminary stages of organization and preparation” must be frustrated, well before there is any clear and present danger of “revolutionary radicalism.”

At its most extreme dimension, political dissidents have been eliminated outright or sent to prison for the rest of their lives. There are quite a number of individuals who have been handled in that fashion. Many more, however, were “neutralized” by intimidation, harassment, discrediting, snitch jacketing, a whole assortment of authoritarian and illegal tactics.

More from former fBI agent Geral Sosbee (whistle-blower like fomer Tracy PD Jen Moore deceased) and Sosbee alslo being GangStalked and attempts to seek remedy and document it

[Note that Ed Donegan (myself) and High Tech Silicon Valley associate Tom Dunham worked in high tech security and with federal agencies like the Secret Service in banking and security matters in my case Office of the Comptroller of the Currency overseeing a 1.7 billion dollar financial mass of assets accounted for on the server computers I was involved in security at my job at Wells Fargo San Francisco data center and team lead security specialist for the corporation.

Geral Sosbee – [T]he FBI often vandalizes my car and my home; regularly the fbi sends men and women to assault and battery me to add stress and to provoke me. I have never been accused of a crime and the only defense I have is to write reports such as this one. A few individuals anonymously express support for me and I am heartened thereby.

I believe that the USA is in serious peril due to the evil activities of the fbi and due to the corruption of Congress and the Courts. The fbi controls federal judges en queue, especially federal magistrate judges who apparently authorize fbi to torture and kill this activist (as they did Jen Moore).

Thank you kindly.


Sosbee, Ted Gunderson, Ed Donegan and Keith Labella have reported be attacked by thugs from street gangs sent by the FBI etc., as a nearly regular matter. In addition each of us have reported specialized dangerous weapons ranging from D-E-W and trace evidence and contemporaneous reports early than news reports of Havana Syndrome exist and there is extensive corroboration inside and outside the agencies with easily available corroboration of at least the well place agency whistle-blowers.

All of these accounts (or most of them) were independent with no knowledge or communication among the parties at any time with some exception that Ted Gunderson former FBI became aware of Labella’s court filings and provided and affidavit to the courts and others of the truth of the complaints.

Various Excerpts from the compilation of Gunderson affidavits and clippings TECHNIQUES USED

Image American Free Press Masthead

trheateing phone calls recived by Gunderson

bullethole in home window

American Free Press publishes picture of a bullet hole in the window of Ted Gunderson’s daughter in one photo. Ted Gunderson was working for American Free Press among other interests and he received threats he or his daughter would be killed if he continued to speak out.

Police report copy of his assertions. Many other police reports he made and logs he made are scanned and persevered.

Edward Paul Donegan has experienced all of this as well as did Jen Moore.

Ted Gunderson

“If anything happens to me, my family, or my close associates- including my attorney (former Nebraska State Senator, John DeCamp), Susan Ford, or other individuals within my informational network, the names of the leaders of the cult/drug network and additional information concerning their activities will be released to the public.”


… Who Document Illegal Unlawful activity
(murder, kidnapping and more) of a covert
underground criminal enterprise operating
at the highest levels of our Government.

Ted is from the old FBI, not the new FBI.

By Ted L. Gunderson
FBI Senior Special Agent
In Charge (Retired)

Senior Special Agent in Charge (Ret.)
Federal Bureau of Investigation Lic. # 12878 P.O. Box 18000-259
Las Vegas, NV 83114

President George W. Bush Apri 23, 2003
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Bush

On April 3, 2003, I found an intruder (biker type- wearing a head bandana, leather Jacket, and chains attached to his belt) in the basement of the apartment complex where I am presently staying in Los Angeles. After seeing me, he bolted through the front door of the building and disappeared. I filed a police report. [am making this incident a matter of record with a number of government agencies and the news media because this appears to be yet another surveillance of me.

Since retiring as the Senior Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Los Angeles Division in 1979, I have publicly exposed pedophilia, murder, child kidnapping, and other nefarious criminal activity on the part of individuals both in and out of government circles; much of which has been covered up or ignored by those responsible for investigating these allegations.

In the past, there have been attempts to frame me for alleged criminal activity, individuals have been ‘planted’ on me and there have been attempts on my life. More recently, I have been the target of a disinformation/smear campaign spearheaded by an FBI informant. In addition, I have been the victim of periodic surveillances, illegal entries into my home and vehicle, and illegal telephone taps (I have proof.)

I [Ted Gunderson elderly FBI retiree] am making the April 3, 2003 surveillance incident a matter of record as I have no intention of becoming another ‘victim’ such as Bill Colby (former CIA Director) or Dan Casolaro (journalist) Both men were murdered in spite of the “official” reports that state otherwise.



On this 27th day of February, 2007, appeared before me Geral W. Sosbee, an individual known personally to me to be the person who affixed his signature to this document below and who, being by me first duly sworn on his oath, deposed and said: “My name is Geral W. Sosbee; I am over the age of 18 years. I am fully competent in all manner to make this affidavit. The information contained in this affidavit is within my personal knowledge, and is true and correct. I am referred to below as Affiant.

I have documented by direct and incontrovertible evidence and personal testimony the criminal activities of dozens (or perhaps hundreds) of agents, operatives and handlers of the FBI and the CIA of the United States of America, including, but not limited to the following:

A. Obstruction of Justice, Suppression of Evidence, Perjury, Fabrication of Evidence, Criminal Conspiracy, Conspiracy to Violate and the Violation of Civil Rights, Attempted Extortion, Attempted Blackmail, False Arrest, False Imprisonment, Fraud Burglary, Robbery, Felonious Assault and Battery, Destruction of Personal Property, Petty Theft, Theft of and Tampering with U.S. Mail and a variety of other high crimes and misdemeanors as further described in paragraph “B” below.

B. Abuse of civil process, home and car invasions facilitated by physical and wireless electronic surveillance in home and car and further enhanced by the use of a tracking device implanted in the person of the human experimentee, the Affiant; the surveillance of Affiant is ineffect as this affidavit is written and has been in effect twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, without cessation and without interruption for well over nine years world wide; all such invasive surveillance is accompanied by various terrorist acts against the Affiant as further described in paragraph “C” below.

C. Repeated assault and battery on the person of the Affiant by street thugs and by the use of high technology authorized by the United States Government …

Prior to my (Edward Paul Donegan) becoming homeless following retaliation against my complaints and accusations at 1001 North Water Street Corpus Christi I (or rather my office equipment) suffered a string of attacks conduct by shill” neighbors placed by the police (replacing the original neighbors) and acting on police orders with police protection of them. The attacks including water poured from above on the computer on my fourth floor balcony from the fifth floor destroyed a computer beyond any recoverability. Following that I moved as depicted here to just inside the window of that same balcony but again on this fourth floor location a water drop came through the ceiling so intense it left an inch of water standing but I was able to protect my PC using plastic on top and random positions. Finally I moved into an all cement broom closet with a padlock I attached offering a key and the location of a hidden key on the top of the door frame. At the time of the theft I was watching some recreational horror films AND the Kings Speech about the WWII history of the Windsors and the probables they had been having during a key era tied to my book and the Special Relationship that has existed. FBI Direct Wray was on the cover of the book at that time accusing him of being a Deep State official.

Although I had no such ability to lock the PC at my new location of 1513 I bought a small .79 x 5.12 x 3.15 inches of all electronic comments no larger than the ports it had or the palm of my hand and I could plug in keyboards, mice, and my flat-screen to it. Since I could take it with me easily in my jacket pocket or sleep with it under my bed breaking in to steal the other computer would offer a thief no advantage. The PC was very old and bough refurbished and I was not dependent on it.

The shill neighbors from the old location and other shill neighbors attacked at 1513 in other ways cooperating with the landlord and police as instructed including faking records, facts of fights, allegations against me, rental records, and so on until I was evicted over fighting and even the small PC was not usable homeless as I have been for a year since, it had no keyboard or screen.

Tom Dunham who is a surving victims of extensive illegal operations, break-ins, smear campaigns, and the ruin of his familyl and vocation and of San Francisco and I have encountered the same pattern of sham investigation sham allegation smear campaign and often times it has intertwined himself and I and itself.

First of all what is an Organized Stalk undercover police operation on a large scale?

Operatives of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and high ranking politicians the Secret Service and other groups use (while acting in secret) organized thugs, homeless people, dupes they recruit while running sham investivations of journlists, etc., to interfere with the lives and in some cases end the lives of dissidents and whistle-blowers while pretending no role at all.

Articles published by CBS, the Daily Mail, RT, Tech Dirt, and Courthouse News Service in December 2013 reported that a U.S. government contractor filed a lawsuit against multiple federal agencies for gang stalking him (the complaint refers to gang stalking as such). The plaintiff claims he was subjected to constant surveillance – including inside his residence and his vehicle – and constant psychological harassment from co-workers and strangers.

The Globe and Mail, a national newspaper in Canada, reported in May 2006 that the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) used organized stalking techniques (referred to as “Diffuse and Disrupt” tactics) against terrorism suspects for whom they lacked sufficient evidence to prosecute.

A cover article in The Washington Post Magazine in January 2007 by a journalist familiar with military policies and weapon systems portrayed self-proclaimed victims of gang stalking as intelligent and credible, and suggested that claims about exotic non-lethal weapons being used by the U.S. government to harass targeted individuals were plausible.

Former CIA division chief Melvin Goodman was quoted in a June 2008 article by Jeremy Scahill in The Nation (America’s oldest continuously-published weekly magazine) on the vast private contractor element of the intelligence-security community:

“My major concern is the lack of accountability, the lack of responsibility. The entire industry is essentially out of control. It’s outrageous.”

Gang stalking apparently targets American citizens deemed to be dissidents or whistle-blowers (and perhaps potential dissidents and whistle-blowers), although others might be targeted for other reasons – such as for experimental or training purposes. For perspective, it should be remembered that for two decades the CIA performed secret illegal experiments on U.S. and Canadian citizens (the infamous MK Ultra program). Those experiments included physical and psychological torture.

A newspaper article in the Verona-Cedar Grove Times in March 2009 titled “Stalker Claims Unsettle Police” described how a self-proclaimed target of gang stalking had been distributing fliers in his former neighborhood in Verona, New Jersey, warning about organized stalking of targeted individuals. The fliers stated: “Their intention is to murder their target without getting their hands dirty. It’s the perfect hate crime.

In November 2013, a TV and radio broadcast of Democracy Now! featured an interview with the director of the Center for Corporate Policy in which he discussed the shadowy industry of spies employed by major U.S. corporations to conduct secret – and often illegal – counterintelligence operations against critics of those corporations.

Articles published by CBS, the Daily Mail, RT, Tech Dirt, and Courthouse News Service in December 2013 reported that a U.S. government contractor filed a lawsuit against multiple federal agencies for gang stalking him (the complaint refers to gang stalking as such). The plaintiff claims he was subjected to constant surveillance – including inside his residence and his vehicle – and constant psychological harassment from co-workers and strangers.


Zersetzung is a psychological warfare tactic
developed by the East German Stasi Secret
Police to nuetralize dissidents quietly without
kidnapping and murdering them like the Gestapo.

It means disruption because it disrupts every part
of you’re life and gaslights you so you go crazy
yourself with no touch torture leaving no
and evidence.

The CIA and FBI used Zersetzung small scale with DEWs from 1971-2001 and organized community vigilante groups and extremist groups and first responders based on vicious smear campaigns according to CIA whistleblower Carl Clark and Jesus Mendoza who filed 3 lawsuits in Texas and lost.

The CIA runs electronic harassment, Noise Campaigns of harassing, threatening, and veiled threat or veiled other harassment noxiusness to a stalk victim as the FBI runs gang-stalking and Fusion Centers that sychronize everything.

They (under cover operatives posing in various positions) give perjured testimony in court, makes false dossiers or dossiers composed of false reports that are resultant from Subornation of Perjury, and disseminate the smear using their partnerships (in crime) as flying monkeys (dupes believing the smear, shown faked evidence that then attack a smear victim) along with the smear campaign as part of it gaslight (break in to homes to fake evidence that will be shown to others), harass, backstab, conspire against normal civil activities such as credit, home buying, leases sanctity of the home, etc.,

Private Investigator David Lawson infiltrated gangstalking groups in the US and Canada for 10 years. After 911, the government calls it counter-terrorism and the watch-list is a sham to hide the targeted individual program.

The FBI Fusion Centers, FISA, watch-list, counter accusing its victims as being paranoid, using DSM 5 saying it is schizophrenia to accuse US Espionage of illegal and covert acts and puts out disinformation about those it is harassing to discredit them.

At 82 Ted Gunderson was afraid his own FBI could and would kill him and despite his often quite public outcry he never found any safety for himself or for his daughter be he did leave an extensive records of his complaints about be a subject of Gang Stalking that does include poisonings and other covert techniques.

I [Ted Gunderson} have documentation and know that throughout the U.S., operating 24 hours-a-day and 7 days-a-week, there is a Central Command, located within the U.S., with multiple satellite offices, whose administrators can instantly initiate surveillance, phone taps and harassment against any individual in the country.

They have the technology, financing and manpower to dispense illegal surveillance and harassment against anyone at any time, day or might. I have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic, illegal government harassment currently being conducted against thousands of Americans. This makes the F.B.I.’s former COINTELPRO program, which I worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday school program by comparison.

I firmly believe that most individuals working in the F.B I, other intelligence agencies, and the government overall are honest, law-abiding public servants. However, a sophisticated network of rogue operatives has secretly infiltrated the F.B.I,, other intelligence agencies including the C.I.A, and other key government positions.

They have the technology, financing and manpower to dispense illegal surveillance and harassment against anyone at any time, day or might. I have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic, illegal government harassment currently being conducted against thousands of Americans. This makes the F.B.I.’s former COINTELPRO program, which I worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday school program by comparison.

I firmly believe that most individuals working in the F.B I, other intelligence agencies, and the government overall are honest, law-abiding public servants. However, a sophisticated network of rogue operatives has secretly infiltrated the F.B.I,, other intelligence agencies including the C.I.A, and other key government positions.

This illegal surveillance and harassment program is being called gang stalking and organized stalking by the victims targeted by it.

The victims are targeted for a variety of reasons including government and corporate whistle blowers, parties to financial and employment disputes, parties to marital disputes (usually divorced women), and even jilted paramours. Journalists covering controversial issues, and, even attorneys and private investigators representing unpopular clients or interests, have been targeted by this program.

In addition to high-ranking members of the F.B.I., other intelligence services, and the government overall, wealthy, powerful members of criminal syndicates, multi-millionaires and the corporate elite are using the government gang stalking program to harass enemies.

They can get a targeted individual harassed for the rest of that individual’s life (individual cases of gang stalking lasting for over a decade are common).

The higher status members of the gang stalking conspiracy initiate the gang stalking and coordinate logistics and funding. Lower echelon government rogue operatives, lower ranking members of the military (in violation of Posse Comitatus), petty criminals and street thugs perform the actual grunt work of daily monitoring and harassment of individuals targeted by the program.

These F.B.I. files contain information responsive to Mr. Labella’s F.O.L.A. Complaint regarding the
subject of gang stalking. The F.B.I. and other intelligence agencies are administering and covering up the rogue, covert, government criminal enterprise of gang stalking.

We all four have proof none of us yet have acted together. In my case I bring additonal witness specific to these events of harrasment of me also attesting to the exact same fact pattern.

Attempts to do this using Street People etc to create a flair-up fight with the Chaff takes the writer off target from documenting CIA and FBI wrongs.

Called Street Theater (or Rough Music or “loud” conduct that is noxious and abusive) of “parades” of people (Stalkers) various thugs, assailants, antagonists, etc., can become a distressing bother to a person being stalked. IT is also called Terror Stalking and other names.

Charivari alternatively spelled shivaree or chivaree and also called a skimmington) was a European and North American folk custom designed to shame a member of the community, in which a mock parade was staged through the settlement accompanied by a discordant mock serenade. Since the crowd aimed to make as much noise as possible by beating on pots and pans or anything that came to hand these parades are often referred to as rough music.

Parades were of three types. In the first, and generally most violent form, a wrongdoer or wrongdoers might be dragged from their home or place of work and paraded by force through a community. In the process they were subject to the derision of the crowd, they might be pelted and frequently a victim or victims were dunked at the end of the proceedings.

Not fighting with the Parade of Stalkers is meant to be a challenge but the parade will stick together and counter-attack if it is itself attacked.

Chaff and that is what Stalkers are to whistle-blowers (a countermeasuren designed to entangle the whistleblower’s activities and attention) is a radar countermeasure in which aircraft or other targets spread a cloud of small, thin pieces of aluminum, metallized glass fibre or plastic, which either appears as a cluster of primary targets on radar screens or swamps the screen with multiple returns, in order to confuse and distract (the wepaon system from its real target it has locked onto). – Wikipeida.

The Stasi used operational psychology and its extensive network of between 170,000 and over 500,000 informal collaborators (inoffizielle Mitarbeiter) to launch personalized psychological attacks against targets to damage their mental health and lower chances of a “hostile action” against the state. Among the collaborators were youths as young as 14 years of age.

Security forces lacking a case against a dissident before stalking may be able to bring a paraonioa case or fisticuffs case against a dissedent as they attempt to ward off or nuetralized Stalkers and the misdeeds of the stalkers.

Mark Rich writes Tactics Part I Introduction of his book The Hidden Evil and the Financial Elites (of global power) It has been said that when you’re first targeted, they hit you hard in multiple directions. Presumably, this is done so you’ll collapse after experiencing recurrent emotional violence, which is compounded after realizing that all normal support structures have been removed.

[Others have written on large scale Stalks of writers, whistleblowers, and others elite leaders are attempting to discredit and interfere with those who are a threat to them by smear campaigns, evidence plants, and use of thug intermediaries for break-ins and violent attacks drawn from prison trustees or neighborhood watch programs using often local gang members from bad neighborhoods or prison release systems or recruited from mental health patients rosters.]

People tend to associate the word harassment with acts of temporary aggravation. Therefore, it may not be the proper word to describe the never-ending acts of covert violence inflicted upon targeted people, which amounts to torture and murder.

[Smear campaigns such as the one I Edward Paul Donegan experienced include the appearance I like both teen and tot females, am a fetishist for buttocks who will follow any woman in tights and it is staged by people around me in public places that this is true as people walk in front of me. I can not get a job or an apartment and live homeless as the KOMPROMAT (compromising staged materials) are shown around behind my back in all areas of life.]

Some of the tactics used are borderline-subliminal, which is why they are so difficult to detect, explain, and defend against.

[The system of rumor mongering or seemingly randon break-ins to home office or attack by thugs or street people go unsolved and even orchestrated by COINTELPRO operatives. Gang Stalks base their strategy by working behind a Targeted person’s back spreading dis-truth for the purpose of inciting social and business sabotage of a person targeted by COINTELPRO and the whispers are kept away from the person being smeared thus the clique tries to escape a true discussion of the facts and hide behind coy oblique attitudes. Nomitive is relating to or denoting. Oblique is any case other than the nominative. Those who are hostile and part of a smear campaign will show disdain but stop short of exposing to scrutiny the [false] reason the rental app, job app, etc., is being turned down.]

It is my goal (Mark Rich)to make the unconscious, conscious. [and the Covert illegal acts Overt acts of Conspiracy Against Rights]

The Hidden Evil’s (my Mark Rich’s book) genesis is obviously derived from known tactics such as: perpetual bogus investigations, surveillance, rumor campaigns, noise, thefts, break-ins, staged accidents, framings, sabotage and vandalism, communications interference, blacklisting, citizen informants for gang stalking, poisoning, drugging, incarceration, and directed-energy weapons.

[I Edward Paul Donegan have also been evicted or banned from many locations (and sometimes battered) after and undercover operation very covertly picked a fight with me, denied doing so, and that covert group had their own allies surrounding the seen asserting I was initiating the fight in a mob may. Called the Office Mob a group working together will gang stalk a person working together but doing so covertly as a secretive clique.]

It is a historical fact that the US Government has officially targeted its civilian population on multiple occasions. Programs
such as MKULTRA and Cointelpro can’t be denied.

“The methods reportedly employed in these harassment campaigns,” explained
McKinney, “bear a striking resemblance to those attributed to [what is a dark web of very powerful and influentual figures who have the espionage and political office holding positions to order illegal acts often against whistle-blowers]

(Mark Rich continues in his book)

If policies are set at the top by the controlling elite, then it’s understandable how destructive ones which appear to be positive can be filtered down to local and state governments.

Marrs explained: “If the top leadership of government and business is controlled … then the activities of subservient agencies and divisions must be of little consequence. Government bureaucrats—honest and well-intentioned workers for the most part—simply follow orders and policies set by superiors.”

Former FBI Agent Dan Smoot acknowledged this covert power structure in his 1962 book, The Invisible Government, when he wrote: “Somewhere at the top of the pyramid in the Invisible Government are a few sinister people.” The Invisible Government that Smoot refers to uses the groups previously mentioned to carry out its policies.

According to authors Jim Marrs [who has written extensively on the JFK assasination and who book becane the bais of the movie JKF) and Ross, these organizations directly or indirectly control local, state, and federal law enforcement, as well as the courts, federal agencies, the UN, and NATO.

“The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and a few others—numbering less than a dozen leaders of international finance are the real power behind the visible thrones of world government,” added Professor Marrs. “No major policy is formulated without their input; no major plan of action is implemented without their specific ‘go’ signal.”

I Edward Paul Donegan assert Criminal Harassment of me in a long running matter that is also tied to criminal harassment and “black” activities of illegal programs that have already assassinated journalists not relate and related to my book series; one person Jen Moore who along with myself and Tom Dunham had proof of a smear campaign of me and attacks upon me as an author trying to silence both her and myself about the world of Allen Dulles and how MKUTLRA story including the Donegan family (mine) is related to the Kennedy family assassination in 1963.

Exhibits: id1009 Tom Dunham of San Francisco spots Sock Puppet of Ed Donegan promoting false image, negative image, of Ed Donegan. Ed Donegan is mentally retarded and wants to harm children. “The writer impersonating Ed Donegan appears to have done so to discourage protecting kids. Selectquote …”

The US Dept of Justice throwing me in pscch ward over my accusations about the NIH and FBI over a grant is what my first book since that arrest was about US V EPD. Later it became US v. EPD II. In its latest form it is The Great Treason. Since US v EPD II this has been a core part of my writing about FBI harassment of me and railroading of me and illegal treatment of me.

While Secret Service employees have worked in pscyh wards and FBI offices that have coopted my works will sabotaging me at the same time. Most of my work is work they want but don’t want to admit I generated.

Rudy2’s Multilingual Blog


The ex-FBI official is Ted Gunderson mentioned earlier in this page and let’s first look at Ted Gunderson’s death.

In his 80s he said the United States Military was in an NWO overthrow plot and using Directed Energy Weapons on citizens, government officials, conducting poisonings, and other targeted killings on behalf of the NWO and he continued these assertions and writings until his death from Cancer, perhaps Cancer Type CIA-Havana Syndrome.

Rudy2: Former FBI official Ted Gunderson died of cancer on July 31, 2011. Was his illness induced by silent electromagnetic assault or by other nefarious means? We will never know – and that’s just the way certain entities want it.

A former senior official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation says “rogue” military intelligence and law enforcement units of the federal government oversee a nationwide network of community-based “gang stalking” harassment, intimidation and domestic terrorism directed at thousands of U.S. citizens who have been extrajudicially targeted as “dissidents” or undesirables.

Ted Gunderson, 82, who has served as the Special Agent in Chargeof the FBI’s Los Angeles, Memphis and Dallas FBI Field Offices, has stated in a series of public speaking appearances that he is now targeted by these same elements, and fears for his life and for the safety of his family. He reports that the windows of his home have been shot out, and he believes he has been poisoned and physically sickened by those seeking to silence him.

“Based on my thirty years’ experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal U.S. government rogue criminal enterprise – military intelligence, probably, tied into CIA and FBI and so forth – that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States,” Gunderson stated in an October 2008 speech posted last fall on YouTube, three years before cancer consumed him.

I and others have written about the FBI, CIA, NSA, and high ranking figures while simultaneously being attacked by a variety of illegal means often trying to covertly trip us up on some way while appearing not to do so.

Among the Ted Guderson works I admire and empathize with was his article on the FBI and CIA techniques used to covertly sabotage journalists who write about these figures and agencies including death threats from gunshots through office windows, thugs giving threats, or thug attacks upon the authors of such works.

In addition to the names of my books and the poltical figures named in them are the cover images with these figures on the cover and my assertions the are engaged in agregiouis conspiracy against my rights, thke First Amendment, and the Republic of the USA as well.

As an example of a public figure I have included in my books and approaced the FBI in person about is Vince Stewart

I and Jen Moore and others asserted a conspiracy run out of the DIA and realted to the firing of General Flynn from Trump’s cabinent by Mike Pence who I also consider a Globalist NWO Deep Stater.

Stewart was born in Kingston, Jamaica, on May 11, 1958. He attended Kingston College before immigrating to the United States in 1971 at age 13. He received his undergraduate degree in history in 1981 from Western Illinois University and was commissioned into the United States Marine Corps that same year.

Jamaica slowly gained increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom. In 1958 it became a province in the Federation of the West Indies, a federation of several of Britain’s Caribbean colonies.

Membership of the Federation proved to be divisive, however, and a referendum on the issue saw a slight majority voting to leave. After leaving the Federation, Jamaica attained full independence on 6 August 1962.

The new state retained, however, its membership in the Commonwealth of Nations (with the British monarch QEII as Head of State) and adopted a Westminster-style parliamentary system. Bustamante, at the age of 78, became the country’s first prime minister. Sir William Alexander Clarke Bustamante ONH GBE PC (born William Alexander Clarke; 24 February 1884 – 6 August 1977) was a Jamaican politician and labour leader, who, in 1962, became the first prime minister of Jamaica.

Most of my books focus on Government figures (JFK, RFK, Ted Gunderson, Jen Moore, William Cooper, William Colby, and others) who were victims of Government corruption and I as they write about that very same government.

Jen Moore asserted as I do that an illegal scheme smear me when a retarded and depraved version of myself using my identity “goes on the record” confession to horrific character attributes and actions quite tearfully.

Harassment by Entrapment (forcing conflicts in manipulated contentious environments)

I have stated the development of allegations regarding me were baseless but seized upon by those using theatrics.

Since my ankle would never go into a bear trap because I am not a bear the bear trap is instead moved around me leg. Staging events in places I am (and combing that with forged confessions) entraps me into seeming activities I am not guilty of.

Harassment by Bullying

Kicking sand in a person’s face may not be random. The Bully my kick in a particular direction pushing the victim towards the water or elsewhere, in the case of the library, towards the exit as the substance and process of activities turn into conflicts blamed on the bullying victim.

Harassment by Retaliation (from Positions of Power)

Who should have been fired in the dispute? Anita Hill for being paranoid about a covert reference being made OR Clarence Thomas for an Time Place Manner inappropriate reference?

Was an oral sex reference covertly being made by Clarence Thomas (who Ed Donegan appreciates the Jurisprudence of and does suspect some judicial tempermanet issues in that area.)

ELVING: Hill was a law professor who had worked for Thomas years earlier at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. She testified that Thomas, as her boss, repeatedly tried to date her and subjected her to extensive unwanted conversations about sex and pornography. Some listeners may find the next recording offensive.


ANITA HILL: The incident involved his going to his desk – getting up from a work table, going to his desk, looking at this can and saying, who put pubic hair on my Coke?

JOE BIDEN: Was anyone else in his office at the time?


ELVING: Senator Joe Biden of Delaware was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in October of 1991, and he questioned Hill about her encounters

Forcing the victim of bullying to ward off the bully invites retaliation. A bully who who claims someone else s bar-stool is there own challenges for a fight over it. A person being a pest to another can claim the pestered person is intolerant or paranoid.

The Great Treason X, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

Views: 152

On the Trail of the Assassins Response by NWC

Introduction (to On The Trail of the Assassins by Jim Garrison)

THIS IS NOT just another of the many books analyzing
the dry evidence in the assassination of President
Kennedy. It is, instead, a chronicle of the experiences
of one man who tried to get to the truth about the
murder and prosecute those responsible for it. I write
not as a critic but as a participant, a prosecutor and an

At the time of the assassination on November 22, 1963, I was district attorney of New Orleans. Because
the accused assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, had resided
in New Orleans the summer before the assassination,
I was immediately drawn into the case. More than
three years later, in March 1967, my investigation
culminated in the arrest of Clay Shaw, director of the
International Trade Mart and fixture of New Orleans
high society, on charges of conspiracy to murder John

In the months leading to Shaw’s trial in 1969 I
publicly suggested that members of the United States
government’s intelligence community, including
Shaw, were responsible for the assassination and had
carried it out in order to stop President Kennedy’s
efforts to break with Cold War foreign policy.

While the jury accepted my argument that there had been
a conspiracy, it was not then aware of Shaw’s role as
a clandestine C. I. A. operative. Unconvinced of his
motivation, the jury acquitted him of the charges.
History has a way of changing verdicts.*_ Twenty-
five years ago most Americans readily accepted the
government’s contention that the assassination was
a random act of violence.

A lonely young man, his mind steeped in Marxist ideology, apparently
frustrated at his inability to do anything well, had
crouched at a warehouse window and-in six seconds
outraged, Americans wanted an answer. And we
got one. The Dallas police closed the case almost
immediately, convicting Lee Harvey Oswald without
trial. The F.B. I. agreed, virtually closing the case
in a matter of weeks. And the Warren Commission,
appointed shortly after the assassination, added its
offcial stamp of approval less than ten months later.
But time has undone the omcial explanation
that most Americans at first believed.

There were too many contradictions, too many witnesses, too
many photographs and motion pictures taken at the
scene, too many skeptics. As time passed, previously
unheeded witnesses were located, investigative reports of the assassination were found to be
false, and other evidence was found to have been
altered or destroyed. Even the concealment of
assassination evidence for 75 years by the federal
government could not prevent independent critics
and researchers from uncovering gaping holes in the
Warren Commission report. By 1967, two-thirds of
the public did not accept the conclusion that Lee
Oswald was the lone assassin.

In the 1970s the new Freedom of Information Act
opened more doors. Material that federal agencies
had stored away in their files—believing it would
remain secret forever-became available to the public.

Since that time able critics have done considerable
research. Many books have raised incisive questions
about the official story and disclosed new and
troubling evidence. Yet much of this information
remains unknown to the majority of Americans.

For example:

• Five day s before the assassination the New Orleans
F.B.I. offce received a telexed warning that an
attempt would be made to assassinate the President
in Dallas at the end of the week. The Bureau did
not pass on the warning to the Secret Service or
other authorities. Shortly after the assassination,
the telex message was removed from the file drawer
of the New Orleans offce of the Bureau.

The great majority of witnesses at Dealey Plaza
in Dallas heard repeated rifle fire coming from the
grassy knoll in front of Kennedy. In the chase that
followed, the Dallas police apprehended three men
and marched them away under shotgun arrest.
However, the numerous news photographs of their
arrest were never published and no record remains
of their mug shots, their fingerprints, or their

• On the day of his arrest, Lee Oswald was given a
nitrate test, the results of which showed that he had
not fired a rifle in the previous 24 hours. This fact
was kept secret by both the federal government and
the Dallas police for ten months.

• The assassination taken by eyewitness Abraham
Zapruder was concealed from the public and kept
locked in a vault by Lift magazine. This moving
picture showed Kennedy being slammed violently
backwards-dear evidence of his being struck by a
rifle shot from the front.

• Approximately an hour before the arrival of
Kennedy’s motorcade, Jack Ruby, the man who later
murdered Lee Oswald, was observed alongside the
grassy knoll, unloading a man carrying a rifle in
a case. The statement of Julia Ann Mercer, the
witness to that event, was altered by the F.B.I. to
make it appear that she had been unable to identify
Ruby as the man. This fraudulent alteration has
never been explained or even denied by the federal

• After the President’s body was subjected to a
military autopsy, his brain disappeared. The brain,
which is still missing after 25 years, had been
immersed in formalin to harden it and might
have shown from what directions the head shots
came. Photographs and x-rays of the autopsy, which
might also have resolved the issue, were never
examined by the Warren Commission.

• The pathologist in charge of Kennedy’s autopsy at
Bethesda Naval Hospital burned in the fireplace of
his home the first draft of the autopsy report.
Such revelations, while not widely disseminated,
did eventually force the House Select Committee
on Assassinations to conduct another investigation
from 1976 to 1979. Its offcial conclusion, citing
acoustical evidence, was that there probably had
been a conspiracy to murder President Kennedy—and
that more than one man had been shooting at him.
However, the investigation was limited and made no
further attempt to determine the forces behind the

• This book accepts the responsibility that the House
Committee bypassed. Based on my experiences as
a district attorney who actively investigated the
assassination and on my continuing research since
then, I offer in the final chapter an informed
which is still missing after 25 years, had been
immersed in formalin to harden it and might
have shown from what directions the head shots
came. Photographs and x-rays of the autopsy, which
might also have resolved the issue, were never
examined by the Warren Commission.

• The pathologist in charge of Kennedy’s autopsy at
Bethesda Naval Hospital burned in the fireplace of
his home the first draft of the autopsy report.
Such revelations, while not widely disseminated,
did eventually force the House Select Committee
on Assassinations to conduct another investigation
from 1976 to 1979. Its offcial conclusion, citing
acoustical evidence, was that there probably had
been a conspiracy to murder President Kennedy—and
that more than one man had been shooting at him.
However, the investigation was limited and made no
further attempt to determine the forces behind the

•This book accepts the responsibility that the House
Committee bypassed. Based on my experiences as
a district attorney who actively investigated the
assassination and on my continuing research since
then, I offer in the final chapter an informed
historical speculation about what happened—who
killed John Kennedy and why. I do not claim, however,
to have all the answers about the assassination. No
individual could. To uncover the whole truth would
require an open-ended, honest federal investigation
—the kind that has not taken place to date.

•t the outset, I must underscore the fact that the
details of the assassination—who pulled a trigger,
from what building, what kind of gun, and so
forth—are no longer my primary concerns. The
assassination was an enormously important event.
But even more important, in my view, is what
happened after—ratification by the government and
the media of an offcial story that is an absurd fairy

•Immediately after the assassination, the federal
government and the major media adopted the
posture of two giant ostriches, each unyielding to
reason, each with its head firmly lodged in the sand.
Having ratified the lone assassin theory, they refused
to acknowledge any facts that might discredit it and
attacked anyone who offered a different explanation.

It was not difficult to figure out what their dilemma
was. For the government and the major media to have
acknowledged what virtually everyone knew (that
Kennedy had been fired at by a number of guns)
would have put an end to the sacred pretense that the
President’s assassination was a chance occurrence.

To have acknowledged a conspiracy would have led
inevitably to the question of why it had occurred.
There then would have followed recognition that
there had been powerful opposition in the
government to President Kennedy’s efforts to end the
Cold War. His desire to withdraw from Vietnam, for
example, would have been revealed.

Correspondingly, the role of those who dragged us into nine years of
war in Vietnam also would have become clearer.
When I tried to bring some of these profoundly
disturbing connections to light, the United States
government and the major media came down hard
on me. Both before and after the trial of Clay Shaw,
I was denounced by government offcials and the
mass media for suggesting that members of our own
intelligence agencies might have conspired to kill the
President. I was vilified in the press as a publicity-
seeking politician, a charlatan, and a communist.

The federal government brought false charges of
corruption against me while I was in the midst of a
re-election campaign for district attorney. Although
I was found innocent in court, I narrowly lost
the election. Thus the government succeeded in its
attempt to remove me from offce.

to communicate my view of all that happened.
Nearly twenty years later that has changed. We
have been through the Vietnam War, Watergate,
and the Iran/contra affair. We have learned much
about our intelligence agencies and what they have
done in our name. Assassination by our C.I.A. is no
longer inconceivable; it is established historical fact.
The existence of off-the-shelf covert government
operations is acknowledged in congressional hearing
rooms and on national television. In this more open
atmosphere it is time—for history’s sake and for the
sake of the future—for me to tell the full story of my
investigation and allow a new generation to consider

As a result of my investigation of the Kennedy
assassination and my experiences afterwards, my
life and consciousness were changed forever. This
book is really about that process of change—of
growing disillusionment, anger, and knowledge. My
experience as a prominent player in the historical
events prevents it from being typical. But our entire
country shared, to varying degrees, my change of

A quarter century later, it is possible
to see that the assassination and cover-up by the
government and the media were watershed events
for this country. They represented the loss of
innocence for post-war Americans, the beginning of
the current era of discontent and distrust in our
government and our most fundamental institutions.
I hope this book will help the younger generation
to understand better the political, social, and
historical consequences of the assassination and the
subsequent cover-up.

Today, we still live with those consequences a continuing and ominous Cold War,
a deceptive secret government, a docile press, a
pervasive cynicism, and corruption. To bring an end
to this era in which the lies of our elected government
and the covert operations of our secret government
threaten the very survival of our society, we must
begin to see the Cold War and our national security in
a new light.

Our relationship with the Soviet Union
and other communist nations must be reconsidered
and put into a realistic perspective that looks forward
to a new century rather than backward to the 1950s.
In his short three years as President, John Kennedy
had already begun to change our attitudes and
fundamental assumptions about the Cold War. His
adoption of a more enlightened, less polarized view of
the earth and its inhabitants, I believe, may have led
John Kennedy to his death.

However, it also showed us a way to avoid global
catastrophe. In re-examining his tragic assassination
25 years after it occurred, we should not forget
his enduring legacy, articulated so eloquently at
American University in June 1963: if we cannot
end now our differences, at least we can help make
the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis,
our most basic common link is that we all inhabit
this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all
cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”
Clarence Darrow lost the Scopes trial, but who remembers that

New William Cooper

Jim Garrison Writes

Today, we still live with those consequences a continuing and ominous Cold War,
a deceptive secret government, a docile press, a
pervasive cynicism, and corruption. To bring an end
to this era in which the lies of our elected government
and the covert operations of our secret government
threaten the very survival of our society, we must
begin to see the Cold War and our national security in
a new light.

Edward Paul Donegan and Jen Moore believe this about something older than the Cold War though something the Cold War flowed out of and even WWII flowed out of.

The USA had a relationship with Leverage Forces the Jedah British Secret Service that could assassinate a few leaders and journalists here and there switching out top level leadership as needed to get a “second opinion” from national sovereigns if they did not like the first one.

These ties go very far back in history and JFK was a threat to that as RFK was.

THe Cold War was a fear of the Hot War that ended WWII and that fear favored leverage cover operators over open combat.

On the Trail of the Assassins (excerots from The Sponsors Chapter)

Whenever you have eliminated the impossible, whatever
remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

The Sign of Four;
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

A coup d’etat has been described as “a sudden
action by which an individual or group, usually
employing limited violence, captures positions of
governmental authority without conforming to the
formal requirements for changing offceholders, as
prescribed by the laws or constitution.
” A successful
coup requires a number of elements: extensive
planning and preparation by the sponsors (those
responsible for the coup); the collaboration of
the Praetorian Guard*_ (officials whose job is to
protect the government, including the President); a
diversionary cover-up afterwards; the ratification of
the assassination by the new government inheriting
power; and the dissemination of disinformation
by major elements of the news media. If this
concurrence of events has a familiar sound, it is
because this is exactly what happened when John
Kennedy was murdered.

I do not know precisely when the planning and
preparation for the coup began. In a sense, it may
have been as early as late 1960 when the C.I.A.
prepared a dossier analysis on the President-elect.
Such a psychological profile surely would not have
contemplated assassination of the President, but its
purpose was to help the C.I.A., or some elements
within it, further its goal of manipulating foreign
policy. It probably was not until later, when Kennedy
had veered toward detente and conventional means
of controlling policy had failed, that assassination
became an option in the minds of some of the C.I.A.’s
Cold War establishment.

The sponsors of the assassination also arranged
numerous scenes where Lee Oswald was
impersonated in hopes of laying a trail of
incriminating evidence at his feet. (See Chapter
5.) The most significant of these impersonations
occurred in Mexico City in October 1963, when
Oswald reportedly contacted the Soviet Embassy
and the Cuban consulate, ostensibly to arrange
a trip to the Soviet Union. The reason this
particular impersonation stands out is that all
the “documentation” for it was provided by the
C.I.A. This evidence—which included C.I.A. memos,
photographs of a man who obviously was not
Oswald, and tapes of phone calls to the Soviet
Embassy that were not of Oswald’s voice—was
insultingly flimsy. To me, this meant that while
some elements within the C.I.A. participated in
the Oswald impersonation charades and thus were
doing the necessary preparatory work of setting up
the scapegoat for the assassination, other elements
within the Agency remained uninformed about the
plot, or indeed might have been trying to discover the

Oswald appears to have been extensively
manipulated by the C.I.A. for a long period prior to
the assassination and may well have believed that he
was working for the government. Oswald was also
an F.B.I. confidential informant, a job that provided
additional control over him and may have given him
a reason to believe he was actually penetrating the
plot to assassinate the President. His association with
the F.B.I. raises a question.

To what extent did the F.B.I. and the Secret Service cooperate in the pre-
assassination planning? It appears to me that neither
agency took any discernible positive action prior
to the assassination—although there clearly was
distinct inactivity when activity was called for.
This brings us to the second necessary element for
a successful coup: the cooperation of the Praetorian
Guard. A coup d’etat needs the support neither of a
large number of government offcials nor of a broad
base of the population. The managers of the coup
may well represent the views of only a tiny minority
of the populace, but if they have key elements of the
Praetorian Guard on their side, the majority becomes

In the United States, the modern counterparts
to the Praetorian Guard are the secret police of
the intelligence community, beginning with the
smallish, close-at-hand Secret Service and extending
on through the F.B.I., the intelligence divisions of
various federal departments, the Defense Intelligence
Agency, and the Central Intelligence Agency. Without
key elements of this modern-day Praetorian Guard, a
coup d’etat in the United States would be impossible.
With them, however, a coup can be unstoppable.
The Praetorian Guard is vital to a successful coup
because it has the capability of allowing the defensive
protection of the leader to vanish at a crucial
moment. The removal of the Emperor Caligula in
seconds, leaving as the new emperor the stuttering
Claudius, was almost casual following the quiet
withdrawal of the protection of the guard. And
almost equally casual was the removal of President
Kennedy in less than six seconds, leaving Lyndon
Johnson as the new President.

NWC Response

My Edward Paul Donegan response is 1)that all of what Garrison who was closest to the facts as prosecutor alleged has since been proven true from the deathbed confessions of HOlt, Hunt, and others adn 2) Garrison starts out with a well selected quote that explains why I and other witnesses have been in danger since

On the Trail Chapter 20 The Secret Sponsors

This is the way of all successful coups d’etat. In the
early 17th century, Sir John Harington, the English
poet, described it in a few lines:

Treason doth never prosper: What’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.

MUCH HAS HAPPENED since Clay Shaw’s trial and my
trial. Leading public figures like Lyndon Johnson,
Earl Warren, Allen Dulles, Charles Cabell, and Earle
Cabell have all died. And important characters in
my New Orleans investigation like the virulent
anticommunist Guy Banister and his private
detective associate Jack Martin have gone unnoticed
to their graves.

Others have died in undeniably mysterious
circumstances. Lee Oswald’s Dallas friend and baby
sitter George de Mohrenschildt was found shot to
death, a shotgun nearby, hours after arranging to be
interviewed by an investigator from the House Select
Committee on Assassinations. The coroner’s verdict
was suicide.

David Ferrie, as described in Chapter 11, was
discovered dead in his New Orleans apartment with
two unsigned suicide notes by his side. The coroner
decided that death was due to natural causes.
Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig left Dallas and moved to
New Orleans as the result of an attempt on his life.
He grew homesick for Dallas, however, and moved
back. His car was blown up while he was in it, but
he survived. Then he was found shot to death at his
home. The coroner’s verdict was suicide.

Jack Ruby, having been treated at the Dallas Sheriffs
offce for a cold, was sent to the hospital when it got
worse. Shortly thereafter it was announced that he
had cancer, and shortly after that it was announced
that he had died from the cancer.

Lee Harvey Oswald, of course, was shot by Ruby
in front of a television audience of millions and a
virtual wall of Dallas police offcers. Though there
is no mystery about the precise cause of death,
Ruby’s stated reason for killing Oswald—to save Mrs.
Kennedy the burden of having to attend Oswald’s
trial—remains as questionable as ever, particularly in
view of Ruby’s ties to organized crime on the one
hand, and to the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. on the other.

The beginning of the formal ratification process
came when Congress allowed President Johnson, the
heir to power, to appoint the Warren Commission,
including ex-C.I.A. Director Dulles, to investigate
the murder. The Commission’s report, carrying the
prestige and credibility of its highly respected chair,
put the offcial government stamp of approval on the
lone assassin fairy tale. For the government, reluctant
to face the pre-assassination involvement of the
C.I.A. and the participation of its other intelligence
agencies in the cover-up, such a ratification must
have seemed the easy way out. For many years
afterwards, federal offcials did their best to prop up
this crumbling edifice as critics tore it apart, leaving
almost no one still believing in the lone assassin

With the murder plainly unsolved, a succession
of Presidents and attorneys general, each with
the resources of the F.B.I. and the entire federal
government at their command, made no effort to get
to the truth.

On the contrary, when I attempted a real
investigation of the assassination, federal officials
sought to suppress the truth. I received no
cooperation when I sought to subpoena key
witnesses like Allen Dulles. I found crucial federal
records destroyed, altered, classified as secret, or
sealed by the federal government for 75 years.
I found myself denounced by the President, the
attorney general, and the Chief Justice. I found my
investigation infiltrated and subverted by federal
agents. And ultimately I found myself on trial in a
trumped-up federal case. That is what happens to you
when you do not go along with the new government’s
ratification of the coup.

The government’s cover-up and ratification of
the assassination have been aided by a flood
of disinformation appearing in the major media.
Dissemination of disinformation is the last element
necessary for a successful coup d’etat, and it also
happens to be one of the specialties of the C.I.A.
For many years the Agency secretly had on its
payroll journalists ostensibly working for the major
media but in fact disseminating propaganda for
consumption by the American people. It has also
subsidized the publication of more than 1,000 books.

John Stockwell

The Praetorian Guard: The U.S. Role in the New World Order

ohn Stockwell retrieved from Spartacus Educational and copied or modified to here

John Stockwell, the son of an engineer was born in the Belgian Congo (Zaire) in 1937. His father, an engineer from Texas, was involved in building a hydroelectric plant for a local mission hospital. His mother managed the only women’s academy in Central Africa.

Stockwell was educated at the Presbyterian school in Lubondai before attending the University of Texas. In an autobiographical article Stockwell claimed that while at university he “never had a conversation with a liberal, much less a radical critic of the system”.

After graduating he joined the U.S. Marine Corps. As a result of his ability to speak the languages of the area (Tshiluba and Swahili), Stockwell was sent to the Congo to deal with the rebellion being led by Patrice Lumumba.

Stockwell spent three years in the marines before working in the ranching and land-clearing business in Texas. This was followed by work in the sales and market analysis branch of the Gates Rubber Company in Denver. Stockwell was inspired by a speech made by John F. Kennedy (“ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”) to join the Central Intelligence Agency.

Assassination of John F. Kennedy Encyclopedia

In 1964 Stockwell voted for Barry Goldwater. As he later explained: “everyone in Texas knew that Lyndon Johnson was corrupt to the core, with mob ties, with murders sometimes associated with his political campaigns”.

Stockwell’s first CIA assignment was in West Africa. His main task was to monitor communist activity in the region. He was later promoted to the position of chief of the CIA base in the Katanga province. Stockwell reported back to Washington that he did not believe that the CIA presence in the Congo was not justified as it was not advancing “US national security interests”.

Stockwell spent six years in Africa before serving in Vietnam. As officer in charge of Tay Ninh Province, he organized covert operations against the National Liberation Front. This resulted in him winning the CIA Medal of Merit. He remained in the country until joining the US flight from Vietnam in April, 1975.

Stockwell now served on a subcommittee of the National Security Council and was appointed as chief of the CIA’s Angola Task Force. Unhappy with the way the CIA was targeting the MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola) and resigned from the organization in December, 1976.

Three months later Stockwell published an open letter to CIA Director Stansfield Turner in the Washington Post. He claimed that 98% of CIA operations in the field were “fabrications but were papered over and promoted by aware case officers because of the numbers game”. This resulted in Turner initiating a “house-cleaning of the clandestine services”.

Stockwell has written two books on the CIA: In Search of Enemies (1978) and The Praetorian Guard: The US Role in the New World Order (1991). He has also made several lecture tours where he has spoken on CIA covert operations.

By John Simkin ( © September 1997 (updated January 2020).

▲ Main Article ▲ Primary and Secondary Sources (1) John Stockwell, open letter to Stansfield Turner (10th April, 1977)

We have not met and will not have the opportunity of working together, as you are coming into the Central Intelligence Agency when I am leaving. Although I am disassociating myself from the Agency, I have read with considerable interest about your appointment and listened to some of your comments.

You have clearly committed yourself to defending the Agency from its detractors and to improving its image, and this has stirred a wave of hope among many of its career officers. However, others are disappointed that you have given no indication of intention, or even awareness of the need, for the ‘internal housecleaning that is so conspicuously overdue the Agency.

You invited Agency officers to write you their suggestions or grievances, and you promised personally to read all such letters. While I no longer have a career interest, having already submitted my resignation, numerous friends in the DDO (Deputy Directorate for Operations) have encouraged me to write to you, hoping that it might lead to measures which would upgrade the clandestine services from its present mediocre standards to the elite organization it was once reputed to be.

While I sympathize with their complaints, I have agreed to write this letter more to document the circumstances and conditions which led to my own disillusionment with CIA.

First, let me introduce myself. I was until yesterday a successful GS 14 with 12 years in the Agency, having served seven full tours of duty including Chief of Base, Lubumbashi; Chief of Station, Bujumbura; Officer in Charge of Tay Ninh Province in Vietnam; and Chief, Angola Task Force. My file documents what I was told occasionally, that I could realistically aspire to top managerial positions in the Agency.

I grew up in Zaire, a few miles from the Kapanga Methodist Mission Station, which was recently `liberated’ by Katangese invaders, and I speak fluent English and Tshiluba, `High’ French and smatterings of Swahili and other dialects.

My disillusionment was progressive throughout four periods of my career. First, during three successive assignments in Africa from 1966 through 1977 I increasingly questioned the value and justification of the reporting and operations we worked so hard to generate.

In one post, Abidjan, there was no Eastern bloc or Communist presence, no subversion, limited United States interests and a stable government. The three of us competed with State Department officers to report on President Houphouet-Boigny’s health and local politics.

I attempted, to rationalize that my responsibility was to contribute, and not to evaluate the importance of my contribution which should be done by supergrades in Washington. However, this was increasingly difficult as I looked up through a chain of command which included, step-by-step: (a) the Branch Chief, who had never served in Africa and was conspicuously ignorant of Black Africa,; (b) the Chief of Operations, who was a senior officer although he had never served an operational overseas tour and was correspondingly naive about field operations; and (c) the Division Chief, who was a political dilettante who had never served an operational tour in Africa… Their leadership continuously reflected their inexperience and ignorance.

Standards of operations were low in the field, considerable energy was devoted to the accumulation of perquisites and living a luxurious life at the taxpayer’s expense. When I made Chief of Station, a supergrade took me out for drinks and, after welcoming me to the exclusive inner club of `chiefs’, proceeded to brief me on how to supplement my income by an additional $3,000 to $4,000 per year, tax-free, by manipulating my representational and operational funds. This was quite within the regulations. For example, the COS Kinshasa last year legally collected over $9,000 from CIA for the operation of his household…

The organization currently belongs to the old, to the burned out. Young officers, and there are some very good ones, must wait until generations retire before they can move up. Mediocre performances are guaranteed by a promotion system wherein time in grade and being a`good ole boy’ are top criteria, i.e., there are no exceptional promotions and the outstanding individual gets his promotions at the same time as the ‘onlygood’ and even some of the ‘not-really-so-good’ officers, and he must wait behind a line of tired old men for the truly challenging field assignments.

These young officers are generally supervised by unpromotable middle-grade officers, who for many years have been unable to go overseas and participate personally in operational activity. These conditions are obviously discouraging to dynamic young people, demoralizingly so, and several have told me they are also seeking opportunities outside the Agency.

With each new Director they hope there will be a housecleaning and reform, but each Director comes and goes, seven in my time, preoccupied with broader matters of state, uttering meaningless and inaccurate platitudes about conditions and standards inside the DDO. The only exception was James Schlesinger, who initiated a housecleaning but was transferred to the Department of Defence before it had much effect.

You, sir, have been so bold as to state your intention to abrogate American constitutional rights, those of freedom of speech, in order to defend and protect the American intelligence establishment. This strikes me as presumptuous of you, especially before you have even had a good look inside the CIA to see if it is worth sacrificing constitutional rights for.

If you get the criminal penalties you are seeking for the disclosure of classified information, or even the civil penalties which President Carter and Vice-President Mondale have said they favour, then Americans who work for the CIA could not, when they find themselves embroiled in criminal and immoral activity which is commonplace in the Agency, expose that activity without risking jail or poverty as punishment for speaking out. Cynical men, such as those who gravitate to the top of the CIA, could then by classifying a document or two protect and cover up illegal actions with relative impunity.

I predict that the American people will never surrender to you the right of any individual to stand in public and say whatever is in his heart and mind. That right is our last line of defence against the tyrannies and invasions of privacy which events of recent years have demonstrated are more than paranoiac fantasies. I am enthusiastic about the nation’s prospects under the new administration, and I am certain President Carter will reconsider his position on this issue.

And you, sir, may well decide to address yourself to the more appropriate task of setting the Agency straight from the inside out.

John Stockwell, The Praetorian Guard: The US Role in the New World Order (1991)

The President was perfunctorily warned of the threats against him, but the usual vigilant efforts to protect him were not taken. The Secret Service, FBI, and local police certainly can protect presidents. They do it continuously not only inside the United States but in foreign capitals around the world. Numerous, almost routine, techniques are involved, like bringing extra security forces to blanket problem areas, moving in caravans of cars at a brisk 45 miles an hour, and using, whenever possible, unannounced routes that do not include sharp, slow turns.

When President Kennedy and his wife visited Dallas on November 22, 1963, nearly all of the protections were lifted. Available Texas Guard units were not called into the city and available Dallas policemen were temporarily released from duty. The result? A team of CIA, Cuban exile, and Mafia-related renegades organized a simple military ambush in Dallas and successfully gunned him down. The ambush and its coverup were brazen and astonishingly open. In fact several plots, in Chicago, Miami, and Houston, to kill Kennedy had misfired or been thwarted. The plot that succeeded in Dealey Plaza was so open that various people were reported prior to the event to have said that Kennedy would be killed with a rifle and a patsy would be blamed for the crime. Individuals like Joseph Milteer, the “umbrella man,” and a CIA pilot Robert Plumlee went to Dealey Plaza on the 22nd of November to watch.

Obviously, most CIA personnel were not involved and did not know of the plot since sensitive operations are compartmentalized in order to protect their security. Moreover, the great majority of the coat-and-tie people inside CIA headquarters would never have put up with a hit on the President. A great deal of the success of the CIA is due to its ability to attract patriotic, good soldiers who believe in the general rightness of what they do, and then insulate them through compartmentalization from the heavier activities.

The OPMONGOOSE renegades, however, included assassins, terrorists, and people who had been involved in the drug traffic from Cuba into the United States. The team set up a military-style ambush in Dealey Plaza, with shooters on the tops of buildings and the famous grassy knoll. The route of the President’s convoy included a 120-degree turn which slowed the car to a near stop. There was cooperation of elements of the Secret Service, of the Dallas Police, and of other law enforcement agencies.

When the shooting began, the Secret Service driver put on – the brakes (home movies of the scene show the brake lights on). Anyone who has been through that kind of training – and I have been through their “bang and burn” courses – is drilled to react. When the bullets start flying in such a situation, you mash down on the gas and you get the hell out of the area; you do not slow down and look around as the seasoned Secret Service driver in fact did. In ten seconds of rifle fire, only one of the Secret Service agents in the trail car moved to the President’s aid. The one agent who did move was Jackie Kennedy’s personal guard, in Dallas at her request, not part of the team that was there to protect the President.

Kennedy was shot at very close range from firing stations, probably four of them, where the assassins fired eight to ten shots. He was hit in the back, throat, and twice in the head, two bullets each from the front and from the back. Texas Governor John Connally was hit twice. Two bullets were fired into the concrete, one on each side of the convoy. After the shooting stopped, the convoy raced away. The FBI and other branches of the government immediately launched the coverup. The new President, Lyndon Johnson, ordered the limousine in which Kennedy was killed be flown to Chicago and destroyed. The announced goal of President Johnson was to “reassure” the nation by proving that the killing was the work of lone assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. It was variously suggested that an investigation that turned up Soviet involvement might lead to nuclear war; it might embarrass the Kennedy widow; it might lead to domestic unrest. In fact; it might have led to a sizeable number of very important people and organizations being implicated in a presidential assassination. That might very well have exercised the population sufficiently to provoke a serious investigation of CIA, FBI, and Mafia activities in the country, and to demand some changes.

The evidence was extensively tampered with. The President’s body was altered; the photographs of the autopsy were altered; and over 100 witnesses were killed or died mysterious and violent deaths. To this day, despite the House Committee’s 1979 conclusion that there was a conspiracy, there has been no formal, official investigation. Neither have all the documents been released.

Even among the majority that acknowledge that there was abroad conspiracy, many find it difficult to believe that the CIA itself could have been involved. Perhaps, they reluctantly concede, “renegades” might have had something to do with it.

In fact, there is strong evidence that both the FBI and the CIA high commands had prior knowledge of and direct involvement in the conspiracy. After the Dallas Police had arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, but before they could have positively identified him (he had false identification papers in his wallet) much less interrogate him and reasonably confirm his (alleged) guilt, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover telephoned Bobby Kennedy in Washington to tell him that the assassin had been caught. Hoover gave Kennedy biographic information that he could only have had prior to the assassination. Clearly he was waiting with information about Lee Harvey Oswald, to blame him for the killing.

Similarly, CIA operatives far from Dallas were waiting with biographic information about Oswald to feed to the media. Some time after the Warren Committee hearings, journalist Seth Kantor found himself broadly suspected of being somehow a secret agent because, researchers found, the Warren Commission had classified part of his testimony. Puzzled, he checked and found that the Commission had in fact classified telephone calls he made during the afternoon of the killing. In addition to checking his own notes, he succeeded in forcing the Warren Commission to return his testimony to him, and identified the calls. One was to the managing editor of the Scripps-Howard news service bureau in Washington. Mid-afternoon, again long before the police could have interrogated Oswald, made a positive identification, concluded what had happened, and eliminated the possibility of accomplices in a conspiracy to kill the President, the editor told Kantor that Oswald had been identified as the assassin and instructed him to call Hal Hendricks, a journalist who gave Kantor detailed biographic information about Oswald. Years later, in the CIA-engineered coup in Chile, Hendricks was positively identified as a CIA operative working under journalistic cover. Moreover, the Warren Commission’s move to classify the phone calls is proof positive that it knew there was an intelligence connection with Hendricks and strongly suggests that it was willfully covering up the assassination conspiracy.

vIn sum, the FBI Director and CIA media operatives were waiting, primed, before the assassination to launch the coverup and pin the blame on the pre-selected patsy, Oswald.

In September, 1997, Spartacus Educational founder and managing director John Simkin became the first educational publisher in Britain to establish a website that was willing to provide teachers and students with free educational materials.

From the William Binney Chapater of The Great Treason

Chapter 13 (hmm) by Jim Garrison in his book On The Trail

All of this overlaps with the Japan CIA operation and the CIA at Las Vegas and Covington locations Chauncey Holt speaks of AND CD Douglas in LIfe magazine framing Garrison.

The Assault

ON SEPTEMBER 4, 1967, Chief Justice Earl Warren
announced from Tokyo, Japan, that I had presented
“absolutely nothing” publicly to contradict the
findings of the Warren Commission report on
President Kennedy’s assassination. Warren, speaking
at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan, said that
he had not heard “one fact” to refute the Commission findings that Lee Oswald was the lone killer.

This was strange behavior for the Chief Justice of
the United States. Clay Shaw’s trial had not begun.
The first juror had yet to be selected. Yet here the
highest judge in our land already was testifying as the
first witness in the case. He was not testifying under
oath, which gave him a unique freedom from the laws
of perjury which witnesses following him would not
have. And he plainly was loading the dice in Shaw’s
favor. No witness was going to be eager, in front of all
the world, to make the Chief Justice appear to be a liar,
or at least mistaken.

Some long-cherished illusions of mine about the
great free press in our country underwent a painful
reappraisal during this period. The restraint and
respect for justice one might expect from the press
to insure a fair trial not only to the individual
charged but to the state itself did not exist. Nor did
the diversity of opinion that I always thought was
fundamental to the American press. As far as I could
tell, the reports and editorials in Newsweek, Time,
the New York Times, the New York Post, the Saturday
Evening Post and on and on were indistinguishable.
All shared the basic view that I was a power-mad,
irresponsible showman who was producing a slimy
circus with the objective of getting elected to higher
office, oblivious of any consequences.

The attacks did not end with Phelan. Without any
warning, Dick Billings, the friendly editor from Life
magazine, suddenly flew in from New York. He
seemed amiable enough, but he appeared to have lost
a great deal of weight. He had deep circles under his
eyes. His Ivy League clothes hung loosely on his thin
frame. He informed me that Life would no longer
be able to support me and work with me in the
investigation. The magazine, he said, had come to the
conclusion that I was not the vigorous opponent of
organized crime that it had first thought I was.
“What on earth are you talking about?” I asked. He
then mentioned a name, asking me if I knew of the
man. I shook my head and answered that I had never
heard of him. The editor held out his hands. “There
you are,” he said. “You should have had a dossier on
him by now.”

I pulled over a phone directory and located the
name he had mentioned in the small town of
Covington, a listing which indicated that he lived
immediately north of the lake. “Is this who you
mean?” I asked.

“That’s the man,” he said. “He’s one of the top
racketeers down here.”

“And you’re the starting quarterback for the Green
Bay Packers,” I responded. If that fellow had been
engaged in any extended criminality in and around
New Orleans, I would have known his name well. As it
turned out, I could find no one in the offce who ever
had heard his name. Nor did the name ever come up

I studied my visitor. It was obvious that he was
an unhappy man executing a bad assignment which
he had been ordered to carry out. I was angry, but
not at him. He was considerably more sensitive and
intelligent than most of the media representatives
I had encountered. Soon he would be assigned to
stories about the birth of quintuplets in Bangor,
Maine, or a scientific breakthrough in increasing the
fertility of rabbits.

Apparently, the Life magazine gambit had been
planned for some time, if not from the very outset.
Within a few weeks my name appeared in the second
of two Life articles about organized crime. It gave
particular attention to me as a free-wheeling visitor
at Las Vegas casinos from time to time. The writer of
the article had some problems working me into the
scenario because, as it happens, I do not gamble at all.
It is not that I am too virtuous. I simply observed a
long time ago that the house always wins.

However, that detail did not inhibit the editors of
Life. I was described as having a special Las Vegas
connection who was a “lieutenant” of a New Orleans
“mobster.” I reportedly was “granted a $5,000 credit
in the cashier’s cage.” The implication was that I used
this credit to sign chits during my alleged forays at
the gambling tables.

It was true that I filled out a form once when I had
to cash a check at the Sands Hotel. This apparently
is where I acquired such credit, if indeed I had that
much. It was also true that I took trips to Las Vegas
about twice a year, but they were entirely for the
purpose of getting out into the dry western climate,
which I happen to love, and catching up with some
sunshine. That was all that was needed for me to
become Life’s version of The Man Who Broke the Bank
at Monte Carlo.

Around the time of the Life article about my
fictional gaming proclivities at Las Vegas, Time
magazine—a sister publication of Life’s and a part
of the Luce empire—ran a series of articles on our investigation. It was pictured as an indefensible
sham, and I as a demented buffoon, hungry for

In Newsweek’s May 15, 1967, issue under the
eading “The JFK ‘Conspiracy’,’t Hugh Aynesworth

Jim Garrison is right. There has been a conspiracy in New
Orleans—but it is a plot of Garrison’s own making. It is a
scheme to concoct a fantastic “solution” to the death of John
F. Kennedy, and to make it stick; in this case, the district
attorney and his staff have been indirect parties to the death
of one man and have humiliated, harassed and financially
gutted several others.

Indeed, Garrison’s tactics have been even more questionable
than his case. I have evidence that one of the strapping
D.A.’s investigators offered an unwilling “witness” $ 3,000 and
a job with an airline—if only he would “fill in the facts”
of the alleged meeting to plot the death of the President. I
also know that when the D.A.’s offce learned that this entire
bribery attempt had been tape-recorded, two of Garrison’s
men returned to the “witness” and, he says, threatened him
with physical harm.

Aynesworth, who seemed a gentle and fair enough
man when he interviewed me for several hours in my
home, never did get around to revealing whose life
our offce had shortened. As for the $3,000 bribe, by
the time I came across Aynesworth’s revelation, the
witness our offce had supposedly offered it to, Alvin
Babeouf, had admitted to us that it never happened.
Aynesworth, of course, never explained what he did
with the “evidence” allegedly in his possession. And
the so-called bribery tape recording had not, in fact,
ever existed.

If this article was a typical Aynesworth product,
one could hardly help but wonder how a newsman with so rampant an imagination continued to find a
market for his stories. Yet, in fairness to Aynesworth,
I must say that this “news” story was all too
typical of what my offce staff found itself reading
in newspaper and magazine articles by writers from
distant cities who had not the remotest awareness of
what my offce had been attempting to accomplish.

A Lie Too Big To Fail retrieved from A Lie Too Big To Fail Mission Possible of the CIA and copied or modified to here

Lisa Pease

JOSEPH BURKHOLDER Smith heard on his car radio
that Robert Kennedy had been shot. He was on his
way to teach a class to a group of Army offcers who
were going to Vietnam as part of a joint CIA-Defense
Department unit. When Smith arrived, an Army
colonel who led the unit Smith was about to teach
shocked Smith with the following exhortation:

“Congratulations,” said the colonel, “now it won’t
be us. You guys are great. Only, for Christ’s sake,
having your agent use that small-caliber weapon
is taking an awful chance. He’s not dead yet.”ZZi

Why did the Army Colonel immediately assume,
without any evidence, that the CIA had killed Senator
Robert Kennedy? Because he had seen the system
from the inside, perhaps more than had Smith, who
assured his class, also without evidence, that the CIA
hadn t killed Kennedy.

After the CIA’s operations were exposed in the wake
of the Church and Pike Committees, Smith wrote he
was shocked to find out how much he didn’t know
about his employer, despite his many years working
for the Agency.Z-Z2 But Smith continued to defend the
Agency against all comers, even when an investigator
for the House Select Committee on Assassinations
came knocking on his door. As Upton Sinclair once
said, “It’s impossible to make a man understand
something when his salary depends on him not
understanding it.”

Regardless of whether Smith was shocked or
posturing, the Army colonel had a clearer view of
how the CIA operated, and the ways in which the CIA’s
world vision clashed with that of the Kennedys, than
most reporters do today.

Some people really can’t believe that CIA people
would ever do such a thing. Aren’t they the ultimate
patriots, putting their lives on the line to defend
us? It’s important to understand that, like the Army
colonel, there were a number of people in the military
and intelligence establishments who felt the Kennedy
brothers were Communist sympathizers or worse, so
killing them was, in their minds, an act of patriotism,
not treason. That the Kennedys weren’t Communists
or sympathizers was a difference of fact, not opinion,
but when people only listen to lies that support
their beliefs, instead of the facts that challenge them,
terrible things can happen.

The politics of the Kennedy brothers have been
deliberately muddied for that reason: If you believe
the Kennedy brothers were of the same mind as the
CIA of the time, you’ll find it impossible to believe
that operatives of the CIA killed both brothers. But if
you understand that there was an epic power struggle
going on between the Kennedys and the CIA at the
time of President Kennedy’s death, and that Robert
Kennedy’s policies would have not only mirrored but
exceeded those of his brother’s on the left of the
political spectrum, the picture of why both Kennedys
were killed becomes much clearer.

The CIA and the establishment that supported
it had no qualms advocating and executing covert
action to overthrow governments whose economic
policies did not provide the U.S. an advantage over
all other nations in areas with key resources. In the
present era, we can see clearly now how disastrous
those policies were in Latin America, in the Middle
East, and everywhere else the CIA has meddled. Iran
may never have become a fundamentalist state had
the CIA not overthrown the democratically elected
Mohammad Mossadegh.

No one epitomized the establishment more than
the brothers Allen and John Foster Dulles. These
two had both worked for the powerful Wall Street
law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, protecting
the corporate interests of clients that included
the powerful Rockefeller clan. Together, they ran
America’s overt and covert foreign policy for
eight years. And under them, a tragic number of
democratically elected leaders would be overthrown.

In 1951, two men were elected president that
would become targets of the nascent CIA: Jacobo
Arbenz in Guatemala and Mohammed Mossadegh
in Iran. Both men wanted to stop the exploitation of their people by foreign interests, predominantly
British and American business interests. Both took
steps to nationalize their most valuable resources—
oil in Iran and farmland in Guatemala, and both were
then labeled “Communists” and overthrown by the
CIA in the mid-1950s.

Not all the CIA’s coup attempts were successful.
The CIA tried and failed to overthrow President
Sukarno in Indonesia in 1958. A plot to kill Castro
designed to coincide with the Bay of Pigs failed.

Schlesinger quoted an unnamed “CIA man” who
described how in 1957 CIA tried to force the
State Department’s hand in Indonesia by feeding
them increasingly disturbing intelligence reports on
the Indonesian leader Sukarno. “When they read
enough alarming reports, we planned to spring the
suggestion that we should support the colonels.”

When the Indonesian Ambassador expressed
opposition to any plot to overthrow Sukarno, Allen
Dulles, the head ofthe CIA, pressured his brother John
Foster Dulles, then head of the State Department, to
replace the Ambassador. And while Allen Dulles had
“personally promised” to keep the new Ambassador
apprised of CIA activity, he did not.

In 1958, the CIA launched an utterly unsuccessful
attack on Indonesia that resulted in CIA pilot Allen
Pope being captured. This incident was as poorly
planned and executed as the Bay of Pigs operation
would be three years later. The OCB once again
admonished President Eisenhower to rein in the CIA.
The OCB expressed similar sentiments again in 1959
and 1960. In January 1961, just before John Kennedy
was inaugurated, the board wrote:

We have been unable to conclude that, on balance,
all of the covert action programs undertaken by
CIA up to this time have been worth the risk or
the great expenditure of manpower, money and
other resources involved. In addition, we believe
the CIA’s concentration on political, psychological
and related covert action activities have tended
to detract substantially from the execution of
its primary intelligence-gathering mission. We
suggest, accordingly, that there should be a total
reassessment of our covert action policies.

Data in [my Lisa Pease] previous book with Jim DiEugenio, The
Assassinations: Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and
Malcolm X for some of the strong evidence of the CIA’s
role in the plot. Here I will attempt only the barest
summary of some evidence in that regard.

CIA finance officer James Wilcott told the HSCA and
later, anyone who would listen, including his friends,
who told Jim Douglass, that Oswald had been a paid
agent of the CIA. While Wilcott had never paid him
personally, he was told by others that Lee Harvey
Oswald had been paid under a CIA project code.

Wilcott told the HSCA that he learned from others in
the CIA in the days following the assassination that
members of the CIA had killed Kennedy.

Originally, said Wilcott, the news of Kennedy’s
assassination was met with joy in the CIA. The CIA
was filled with extreme right-wing hardliners who
were thrilled the liberal president had been killed.
But when Oswald’s history surfaced, the joy faded as
employees realized their CIA had killed the president.
According to Wilcott:

Not long before going off duty, talk about Oswald’s
connection with CIA was making the rounds.
While this kind of talk was a jolt to me, I
didn’t really take it seriously then. Very heavy
talk continued up to about the middle of January.
Based solely on what I heard at the Tokyo
Station, I became convinced that the following
scenario is true: CIA people killed Kennedy. Either
it was an outright project of Headquarters with
the approval of McCone or it was done outside,
perhaps under the direction of Dulles and Bissell.
It was done in retaliation for Kennedy’s reneging
on a secret agreement with Dulles to support the
invasion of Cuba.

There was no secret agreement between President
Kennedy and Dulles to support an invasion of Cuba,
but it would have been fully in keeping with Allen
Dulles’ character to make up such a story to blame the
victim. More disturbing was Wilcott’s assertion of the
motive behind the killing of Kennedy:

The branch chiefs and deputy chiefs, project
intelligence officers and operational specialists
viewed Kennedy as a threat to the clandestine
services. The loss of special privileges,
allowances, status and early retirement that
come with the CIA cloak-and-dagger job were
becoming a possibility, even a probability.
The prestigious portions of the bureaucratic
dominions, ambitiously sought, might be no
more. Adjustment to a less glamorous job in a
common profession could be the result.

Ed Donegan reminds you the CIA at that time was the Overthrow Operational Forward Base

This was for Asia, Tokyo, Soviet Union, and Gautamala and Indonesia, and Indonesia overthrow plans in the Caribbean was in dispute and I say tied to plans for a very young Obama Jr. and Prouth and Donegan were invovled in it.

The Great Treason, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio X, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

Views: 49

A Royal Interest in the Caribbean Yesterday and Today

During WWII and after James Jesus Angleton was call the Ghost and run a shadow government. He was eventually fired for illegal tactics but part of his strength had been close and even cowboy confederacy with the USA’s closest allies in actions around the world including the Vatican, Great Britain where he was schooled as a child, and the Vatican in Italy where his father was in business and WWII OSS contact with the Vatican before he himself was.

James Jesus Angleton
James Jesus Angleton was born in Boise, Idaho, on 9th December, 1917. His father, Hugh Angleton, was a former cavalry officer who met his wife, a seventeen-year-old Mexican woman, Carmen Mercedes Moreno, while serving in Mexico, under General John J. Pershing.

Hugh Angleton (OSS Officer) was an executive of the National Cash Register Company. (2) Thomas McCoy, a family friend, described him as “a six-foot-four, raw-boned, red-faced farm boy; a broad super-friendly guy, who was the outgoing salesman type and a born trader. He and his son were as different as one can imagine.”

Carmen Mercedes Moreno was a devout Catholic who insisted on giving him the name of Jesus. “As he grew older he became proud of his Mexican background – but, at the beginning, no. He never liked to use his middle name… Who likes to go around with a middle name of Jesus?”

In 1931 Hugh Angleton moved his family to Milan, for business reasons [his cash register company and at that time Hugh Angleton was head of the European business association

Edward Paul Donegan asserts this was all in the ATSUGI plan working with British loyalists still devoted to the role of England following WWII. This is the story of ATSUGI and E. Howard Hunt, Lee Harvey Oswald, and others, and Bermuda Dunes Air Port and Licavoli Ranch in Tuscon Arizona the JKF assasin team operated out of as part of Operation Mongoose. (per Col Prouty)

Much of this had to do with preferences for Great Britain to get colonial control of the America’s back (hopefully not the USA) during the Cold War and land based missle crisis and nuclear capable submarine warefare.

Pictured the land of Cuba could be used for missles or the large land-space of Guatemala. Or the Gulf of Mexico of Caribbean sub bases might be used for missiles.

The region takes its name from that of the Caribs, an ethnic group and many beans, spices, gold, and other treasures were sought from and transported from that area by the East India Tea Company supported by the British as Pirates tried to steal the cargo.

Much of the content here in Pillory drawn from my book THE GREAT TREASON: HIGH AND PETITE TREASON IN THE USA that focuses on the Special Relationship with Great Britain. Ed Donegan asserts through Free Masonry (very capitalistoc) some Winsdor cousins or other Loyalisits cultivated over generations were ready to be PsyOps favorite in lands distant and close the USA that the USA knew nothing about it being a young country with no world seeds planted or wanted.

The Manhattan Project was a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada. From 1942 to 1946, the project was under the direction of Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The nuclear physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer was the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory that designed the bombs. The Army component was designated the Manhattan District, as its first headquarters were in Manhattan New York City

Edward Teller, 1958-1960

The UGM-27 Polaris missile was a two-stage solid-fueled nuclear-armed submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM). As the United States Navy’s first SLBM, it served from 1961 to 1980.

In the mid-1950s the Navy was involved in the Jupiter missile project with the U.S. Army, and had influenced the design by making it squat so it would fit in submarines. However, they had concerns about the use of liquid fuel rockets on board ships, and some consideration was given to a solid fuel version, Jupiter S. In 1956, during an anti-submarine study known as Project Nobska, Edward Teller suggested that very small hydrogen bomb warheads were possible. A crash program to develop a missile suitable for carrying such warheads began as Polaris, launching its first shot less than four years later, in February 1960.

In 1951, after many years of fruitless labor on the “Super“, a breakthrough idea from the Polish émigré mathematician Stanislaw Ulam was seized upon by Teller and developed into the first workable design for a megaton-range hydrogen bomb. This concept, now called “staged implosion” was first proposed in a classified scientific paper, On Heterocatalytic Detonations I. Hydrodynamic Lenses and Radiation Mirrors by Teller and Ulam on March 9, 1951.

Beyond being the driving force for the successful testing of the first hydrogen bomb, he advanced the concept of the submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), which eventually led to the warhead prototypes for the Polaris SLBM.

The Teller–Ulam design is a technical concept behind modern thermonuclear weapons, also known as hydrogen bombs. The design – the details of which are military secrets and known to only a handful of major nations – is believed to be used in virtually all modern nuclear weapons that make up the arsenals of the major nuclear powers.

The idea of using the energy from a fission device to begin a fusion reaction was first proposed by the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi to his colleague Edward Teller in the fall of 1941 during what would soon become the Manhattan Project.

For the remainder of the war the effort was focused on first developing fission weapons. Nevertheless, Teller continued to pursue the “Super”, to the point of neglecting work assigned to him for the fission weapon at the secret Los Alamos lab where he worked. (Much of the work Teller declined to do was given instead to Klaus Fuchs, who was later discovered to be a spy for the Soviet Union.[1]: 430 ) Teller was given some resources with which to study the “Super”, and contacted his friend Maria Göppert-Mayer to help with laborious calculations relating to opacity. The “Super”, however, proved elusive, and the calculations were incredibly difficult to perform, especially since there was no existing way to run small-scale tests of the principles involved (in comparison, the properties of fission could be more easily probed with cyclotrons, newly created nuclear reactors, and various other tests).

Even though they had witnessed the Trinity test, after the atomic bombings of Japan scientists at Los Alamos were surprised by how devastating the effects of the weapon had been.

Edward Teller founded the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (now named the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, LLNL), and proceeded to put the laboratory on the path to national security prominence.

Edward Teller’s tenure as the Director of LLL was from 1958 to the mid-1960’s.

The discovery of nuclear fission by German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in 1938, and its theoretical explanation by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch, made the development of an atomic bomb a theoretical possibility. There were fears that a German atomic bomb project would develop one first, especially among scientists who were refugees from Nazi Germany and other fascist countries.

In August 1939, Hungarian-born physicists Leo Szilard and Eugene Wigner drafted the Einstein–Szilard letter, which warned of the potential development of “extremely powerful bombs of a new type”. It urged the United States to take steps to acquire stockpiles of uranium ore and accelerate the research of Enrico Fermi and others into nuclear chain reactions.

They had it signed by Albert Einstein and delivered to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt called on Lyman Briggs of the National Bureau of Standards to head the Advisory Committee on Uranium to investigate the issues raised by the letter. Briggs held a meeting on 21 October 1939, which was attended by Szilárd, Wigner and Edward Teller. The committee reported back to Roosevelt in November that uranium “would provide a possible source of bombs with a destructiveness vastly greater than anything now known.”

Harvard University joins the Bomb Program with Jospeph Kennedy likely watching and aware

The S-1 Committee

By the time Bush received the MAUD Committee Report, the administrative structure of U.S. uranium research had drastically changed. On June 28, 1941, just days after the German army invaded the Soviet Union, President Roosevelt established the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), with Bush at its head. The NDRC, now led by James Conant, was reorganized as an advisory body to the OSRD. The Uranium Committee became the OSRD Section on Uranium, or the S-1 Committee Vannevar Bush

To review this work and the general theory of fission reactions, Oppenheimer and Fermi convened meetings at the University of Chicago in June and at the University of California in July 1942 with theoretical physicists Hans Bethe, John Van Vleck, Edward Teller, Emil Konopinski, Robert Serber, Stan Frankel, and Eldred C. (Carlyle) Nelson, the latter three former students of Oppenheimer, and experimental physicists Emilio Segrè, Felix Bloch, Franco Rasetti, John Henry Manley, and Edwin McMillan. They tentatively confirmed that a fission bomb was theoretically possible.

Now it comes to explaining 1952, the Berlin Wall, the Cold War, the H Bomb, and many other activities. As the face-off with the surviving Super Powers of WWII took place along the East and West Germany in Europe the satellites were important from an Aerospace perspective at least, and submarine bases, etc., as Dr Edward Teller father of the Atomic Bomb or H Bomb legend goes speculated submaries could carry a one megaton device and the total power of these weapons already astronomical was expanding beyond what Earth could survive.

A Cold war is preferable and on the remote I(from the United States in most ways) Island of Japan at Atsugi Air base and civilian airports under Col. Fletcher Prouty’s command and with Jim Donegan there fighting in the Korean War and being a RECON pilot along with Lee Harvey Oswald tracking enemy craft and their own in the Polar Route area from Russia and the Troops and Armed Divisions route from China and Russia into Korea was the Russians were moving into during the Korean War in 1952.

The USA and Great Britain had shared colonial interest in the Caribean and was tied into the assassination of JFK. Indonesia and Guatemala were in the MKULTRA plans too. British and Spanish navies operated all along the coasts and inland of the Americas creating and holding colonies with CIA and British cooperation.

retrieved from and copied or modified to here


Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Montserrat and the Turks & Caicos Islands are the six overseas territories in the region under the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the UK. (Note: Bermuda is outside the Caribbean region). Although seen by many as a ‘remnant of empire’ these islands are self-governed but rely to the UK for defence, foreign policy and assistance in many matters. Since 2002 their populations have full British citizenship and the presence of RN vessels is a reassuring sight for communities that have virtually no military capability and are vulnerable to natural disasters. There also Commonwealth states of Antigua & Barbuda, Belize, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and Trinidad & Tobago in the region which welcome occasional RN visitor.

Bermuda was a lynch pin in British superiority and supremacy on the Atlantic in both World Wars, and only faded from importance to the Royal Navy as a result of US alliance under the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, as the Cold War saw the Royal Navy drastically reduced and re-focused on operations in the region of Europe, while naval control of the western Atlantic was effectively ceded to the US Navy. The Royal Naval base in Bermuda was not established in 1951. In 1951, the drydock facilities for repair and refit were removed from what ’til that point had been a Royal Naval dockyard, but it remained a base for the America and West Indies Station. The position of Commander-in-Chief America and West Indies, to which SNOWI was originally subordinate, was abolished in 1956. Bermuda remained as the base for Royal Naval vessels stationed in the Western North Atlantic and West Indies, but the size and number of those vessels steadily diminished, ’til at some point in the 1970s they were replaced with the West Indies Guradship, which only passed through Bermuda on its way to take up station and again on its return to Britain each year. HMS Malabar, the remnant of the Royal Naval Dockyard, operated until 1995 as HM Naval Base Bermuda, but had no vessels based at it.

The Royal Navy during the American Revolution

At the outbreak of the American Revolution in 1775, the British navy was the largest and most experienced navy in the world, and it was essential to the survival of the British empire. At the start of the American Revolution, the Royal Navy numbered over 250 vessels of all sizes. These ranged from massive ships-of-the-line to tiny sloops and coastal vessels. By the end of the war that number would nearly double as the navy expanded to meet the threat posed by other European powers fighting alongside the Americans. The navy served as Britain’s “wooden walls,” protecting the home islands from invasion by much larger continental powers. Britain also relied on her navy to defend trade flowing in from her far-flung colonies. During the American Revolution, the navy played a critical role in supporting the Army’s attempts to crush the American rebellion, allowing the army to strike anywhere along the coast. In the later years of the war, the navy would be crucial in holding off the French, Spanish, and Dutch as the war spread across the globe.

JFK Assassination Board 🇺🇲 🌎

OTD In 1975: The CIA’s retired Western Hemisphere Chief J. C. King believes he can put to rest, once and for all, the question of WH authorization. King has an office at CIA HQ, which has been provided for him since his retirement. In this office is a …

Joseph Caldwell King retrieved from Spartacus Educational and copied or modified to here

In 1947 King joined the Central Intelligence Agency. Eventually he became chief of CIA’s Western Hemisphere Division. On 11th December, 1959, King sent a confidential memorandum to Allen W. Dulles, the director of the CIA. King argued that in Cuba there existed a “far-left dictatorship, which if allowed to remain will encourage similar actions against U.S. holdings in other Latin American countries.”

King worked for Johnson and Johnson in South America before joining the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (OCIAA). He was stationed in Argentina from 1941 to 1945, where he was engaged in feeding deceptive information to Japanese agents. For his service in 1943 to 1946 as a military attaché in Argentina, Lt. Col. King was awarded the Legion of Merit.

As a result of this memorandum Dulles established Operation 40. It obtained this name because originally there were 40 agents involved in the operation. Later this was expanded to 70 agents. The group was presided over by Richard Nixon. Tracy Barnes became operating officer of what was also called the Cuban Task Force. The first meeting chaired by Barnes took place in his office on 18th January, 1960, and was attended by David Atlee Phillips, E. Howard Hunt, Jack Esterline, and Frank Bender.

According to Fabian Escalante, a senior officer of the Cuban Department of State Security (G-2), in 1960 Richard Nixon recruited an “important group of businessmen headed by George Bush (Snr.) and Jack Crichton, both Texas oilmen, to gather the necessary funds for the operation”. This suggests that Operation 40 agents were involved in freelance work.

It is known that at this time that George Bush and Jack Crichton were involved in covert right-wing activities. In 1990 Common Cause Magazine argued that: “The CIA put millionaire and agent George Bush in charge of recruiting exiled Cubans for the CIA’s invading army; Bush was working with another Texan oil magnate, Jack Crichton, who helped him in terms of the invasion.” This story was linked to the release of “a memorandum in that context addressed to FBI chief J. Edward Hoover and signed November 1963, which reads: Mr. George Bush of the CIA”

King officially retired from the CIA in 1967 but soon came back as a CIA consultant. He was CEO of the Amazon Natural Drug Company, known as a front for the CIA. his wife fits name of Rosecurians Frances Anne King (Babbitt) born 13 Dec 1925

Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

Nelson Rockefeller, Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (1940) Nelson Rockefeller, Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (1940)

The Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, later known as the Office for Inter-American Affairs, was a United States agency promoting inter-American cooperation (Pan-Americanism) during the 1940s, especially in commercial and economic areas. It was started in August 1940 as OCCCRBAR (Office for Coordination of Commercial and Cultural Relations between the American Republics) with Nelson Rockefeller as its head, appointed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The Office of Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs in the Executive Office of the President was formally established and enacted by US Executive Order 8840 on July 30, 1941 by President Roosevelt who named Nelson Rockefeller as the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (CIAA).

The agency’s function was to counter Italian and German propaganda in the region. The FBI trained the secret police of friendly nations. German sales to military forces was displaced by American aid. Pro-German newspapers and radio stations were blacklisted. Government censorship was encouraged, while the Latin America was blanketed with pro-American propaganda. The OCIAA grew to be a large Federal agency with a budget of $38 million and 1,500 employees by 1943. 1942.

It was later renamed the Office of Inter-American Affairs (OIAA) with slightly changed powers by Executive order 9532 on March 23, 1945.

The Great Treason, Pillory X, Ted Gunderson Bio, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

Views: 39

Excerpt of Defendent (Edward Donegan to eviction proceedings) and also in full

7) Edward Paul Donegan wishes the Court to recognize his transmission of the death bed statements of Ted Gunderson and Jen Moore of the Stasi “Targeted Victims” targeted by the CIA illegally and presents those death bed statements here was witness statements in summary form.

Using 28 USC 1746 This Document Transmits Two States of violations of 18 USC Section 1111 Murder and in Treason, Assassination, and Silencing of Witnesses

This text transmits two statutory of violations of 18 USC Section 1111 of Chapter 73, Murder and in Treason, Assassination, and Silencing of Witnesses (including by depatterning noise harassment or expressive speech noise harassment including Stalkers in menacing activities.)

Witness-1) The Death Bed statement of former Tracy California police officer Jen Moore trained in psychology and sexual abuse cases investigations and responses as she feared for her post police life while documenting being Stalked as a whistle-blower by the CIA whom she mentions specifically and credibly and others who told her she would be murdered of she talked but continued to do so leaving Death Bed statements on line about Glorian Donegan and Edward Donegan and as she states explicitly that the story of WWII history even going back to Vienna and the CIA following WWI is part of the assassination facilitated infiltration of the US Government by operatives associated with a globalism plan the JFK objected to and this is tied to the Donegan history of 850 N. Randolph Street #221 Arlington Virginia and Glorian Donegan and Edward Paul Donegan’s story.

Screen grabs are included in this filing of Jen Moore talking about and showing partially visible federal records (with federal court stamps) records and history of Glorian Donegan and Edward Paul Donegan’s home and the OSS CIA background story of that, of me and Glorian Donegan, she and possibly I might be Silenced over and she was found dead after an earlier violent physical attack she was hospitalized over threatening her from speaking any further.

Jen Moore asserted she would be and others might be “Silenced” (Silence of the Grave) and I assert she was attempts have been made to afflict such egregious injury to me in my life in Conspiracy Against Rights murder or attempted murder charges and obstruction of justice charges are easily due on any number of statues but probably best fit under Title 18 USC Chapter 73 used with Jen Moore and I facing attempts to Silence us and other witnesses.

Robyn Gritz former FBI has spoken publicly about the assertions of Jen Moore and that the death of Jen Moore should be considered possibly resultant from foul play. Robyn Gritz
Austin, Texas private company executive As seen in: Fox News, NPR, The Hill Covers: Corruption, FBI, DOJ, Human Trafficking, Terrorism, Border Issues, Whistleblowers

While I have never spoken with by any means Robyn Gritz based on what I know of the Donegan family history and my knowledge Jen Moore was silenced over these OSS CIA Vatican World War underground railroad histories I have emailed her on social media to alert to the facts I am presenting corroborating statements from Jen Moore with my public and private records and oral family history backed up by other sources including Jen Moore and Ted Gunderson.

In the Evidence Folders submitted (Groups 1, 2, Witness) the connection between Jen Moore, assertions against the operators of Mac Lamar LLC / Ocean Street Apartments is made. I asserted before my trip to California to leave Texas that in Texas the Mafia was operating with fabricated allegations in mockup apartments and wrote MS Word documents to Fetlife (swingers site) Capitola and Santa Cruz polife agencies and businesses and within those two days I assembled the data between living with William Ruiz in Capitola and Jim Vocelka in Monterey area the fraud continued by my public sharing of docs and data from my social media and MS Word Documents including the data again presented here in the CDROM show locations I am alleged to be act but am not, and this is fraud Jen Moore was empowered with my evidence with, and combined with her own a threat to the operation underway that is Mafia was presented by the assertions of Jen Moore and myself, and the more I pursue that with Mac Lamar LLC the greater the retaliation against me I think showing their sensitivity to illegal operations asserted to be conducted by themselves.

Witness-2) The living statement of Edward Paul Donegan that his is Targeted by illegal programs including a mafia slush fund built on using his own assets for his own destruction, mafia paying themselves to make false allegations against Edward Paul Donegan, and that Edward Paul Donegan can confirm with specifics from Oral history inside the Donegan family I have written about for thirty years or so and talked about during that time frame and by existing photos and the process evidence destruction of other photos created and public records on major events in history tie “Elites” of today’s globalist government to CIA OSS Vatican plans for assassinations and overthrow, the WWII was in part a dispute of British Colonialism versus European Nationalism, and that the Kennedy family while not racist embraced the anti-British colonialism plans, was assassinated and Colonialists then and now tied to the assassination by themselves or groomed for government generations are now silencing witness to the misconduct (murder and assassinations) tied to the Colonialism history.

Witness-3) Edward Donegan transmits via reduction to these notes the death bed statements of Ted Gunderson high ranking FBI agent and confidant of the Kennedy’s and anti racketeering agent joined at the gun holster with Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy fighting against CIA mafia and Ted Gunderson like the Kennedy’s assert a series of murders he was officially assigned to including Marilyn Monroe and JFK were tied to in an international for profit world interest operating inside the CIA and most historians agree to that and Edward Paul Donegan’s story is told through the last 4 SSSN.

FBI official in retirement spoke of Decomposition by GangStalk of the lives of people like himself the Espionage agencies have a vendettaa against. Things go wrong in their lives, accusations plauge them, they get evicted from apartments and canceled on speaking tours or social events. Or have car accidents. Or things like that. Because the police help thjngs like that to happen people Targeted by espionage agencies.

Additionally Ed Donegan asserts as James Paul Donegan stated all of his life a pro British colonialism historical revisionism is deeply rooted in the US fiction entertainment and news companies and these pro globalist factions argue against theories whistle-blowers are offering of promulgating.


Rather than read the existing literature on this matter (YouTube and bitchute videos, conference calls recorded, substantiating books such as The Devils Chessboard and other works or again repeating already cited public records supporting Ed Donegan and Jen Moore’s assertion of the Deep State this document only calls attention to the existing data and and refers the two statements, Jen Moore’s and mine, to some future prosecutor or member of the press.

8) Edward Paul Donegan includes in this updated filing the letter he has written to Tennessee officials asking for assistance of police assisted crime against Edward Paul Donegan and in this letter Edward Paul Donegan (myself) assert Dean Rusk and underground railroads were closely associated with the 1926 home of Glorian Donegan near Davidson College, Dean Rusk was a Rockefeller Foundation internationalist, and many see that connection as well as others I draw to the Kennedy assassination, only one connection of about 6 major total connections Edward Paul Donegan, Jen Moore, and Ted Gunderson asserted, likely not any ever having spoken to each other and likely never aware of each other during their lives.

Singed Electronically using caps EDWARD PAUL DONEGAN 022-46-3233

Espionage and Law Enforcement tip numbers Corpus_Christi PD 1911030057, CIA Submission Reference ID: 9N6HJJMH
Submission Reference ID: C9LFNYWT refereed to also in NSA OSINT OIG tip by Secure Drop

Defendent Ed Donegan responds full text of this ONE document

22EV-0391-JP11 Mac Lamar Management LLC/ Ocean Drive Apartments versus Edward Paul Donegan Edward Paul Donegan files affidavit and CDROM of exhibits in respose to Plaintiff August 31 2022 signed September 7 2022

This is Edward Paul Donegan’s (defendant) response by filing.

2021-FAM-2372-a, file number 0014159369


If you believe the operators of Mac Lamar Manage LLC they are asking I be evicted by the Courts at the behest of neighbors who have alleged a harm from me and perhaps handled behing me back by a Trust Fund conservator paid out for compensation to the alleged victim neighbor as well.

If you believe me you understand by the time of the scheduled hearing I may have already fled corrupt law enforcement operation and hoped for am seeking by now safety in some other state. I consider the least in non performance on the building management side and so corrupt an administration of the premises I have left it and Texas.

Office Mobs are a scheme were coworkers as part of an undercover operation begins smear campaigns in the office place at the water cooler and begin to talk up damaging allegations in cliquish office politics behind a person’s back.

In the apartment building environment and undercover operation has placed false allegations producing neighbors in the vicinity of Edward Paul Donegan and with the assistance of Mac Lamar Manage LL have facilitated the false allegations by illegally using access to Ed Donegans apartment and cutting peepholes or peeping apparatus in his apartment doors or blinds or curtains.

Abuse of Processes is the illegal system of falsify data that will be used in seemingly legitimate process like evictions. It is also called fabricating evidence, fraud on the courts, use of illegal pretexts in Conspiracy Against Rights, and may also constitute welfare fraud and money laundering the person who asserts damage to Ed Donegan does the damage to themselves then attempts to shell game switch the possessor of the liability into Edward Paul Donegan’s identity.

Yet another name for it Obstruction of Justice faking crime scenes or faking criminal or civil allegations against a person or using falisfied information in legal proceedings of any type, and also doing to to harass a writer or litigant who is preparing research or court filings or police reports on others.

My response to eviction suit is with Mac Lamar’s desire to evict me probably being and Government desire to evict me as I write about corrupt politicians is turned into the neighbors desire to evict me only after Mac Lamar LLC planted the neighbors to form an outraged mob desiring my eviction.

Affidavit Legends – What Tales or alternatives to the truth the FBI and CIA wish to tell you are true but are not one such Legend defamatory and false is I am photographing illegally, unethically, or covertly, all false independently and together but racially assaulted for sexual misconduct claims in Hoax evenest falsely tied to me.

Legends supported by faked records, staged appearances, and deceitful narrative create Legends, a pseudo truth, a non truth, that will be believed by the public or courts or press including a smear of a person, perhaps because child porn was planted, or because an older alt-right males shouts a racist epithet at the black person who planted it or the cop who planted it and thus the alt-right male is a bit of a Legend to those around him, quite legendary.

In a Conspiracy Against Reputation leading to defamation and incited retaliation towards a smeared person, the very harm Title 18 Chapter 13 is designed to protect against. An ambiguity of events is created in a public settings as to whether I or a Mockery of me also present photographed or wished photographed a minor as a sexual object. If the frame job of me sticks as paid actors surround and stage an incriminating scene I am defamed and perhaps defrauded by the false appearances.

If confronted at the scene of the ambiguity it could be resolved by analyzing events and taking statements. Left ambiguous as to what really happened during the event that later at least two possible construction of events as to who took the picture the balance scale of presumption of innocence of a person in the vicinity with the probably a crime occurred should be an equal balance inviting fair inquiry. Instead in a coordinated way a Dopple likely the very mimic of myself at the scene who did take the picture will confess in the identity of Ed Donegan in a similar apartment to Ed Donegan or with property or location once tied to Ed Donegan. The ambiguous circumstantial evidence Ed Donegan was in the area of the photography along with a confess elsewhere of a Mockery of Ed Donegan ad Ed Donegan improperly adds up to is the sum of the appearance of guilt of Ed Donegan and a confession forged from a mimic of Ed Donegan that confirms the wrong construction of public events and false allegation weighing him down with the appearance of wrongdoing in public and a forged confession distributed behind his back by hostile parties usually misrepresentation of Ed Donegan with a financial or political interest in a an allegation against Ed Donegan succeeding even though it is false.

Mac Lamar using Shills and coordinating similar apartment usage and manufacture of peeping tom apparatus at its property in ways out of the control of Edward Paul Donegan has created the reputation damage in a coordinated way Tittle 18 US Chapter 73 smearing of witnesses was designed to prevent and some people I am accusing of Obstruction of Justice, faking evidence, faking probate cases, using racketeering layers and money laundering or the social and child services operation in Nueces County that have made Mark of me in false can expertly fabricated false allegations only sophisticated and well place covert operators undercover in Landlord positions with access to the properties and units could achieve.

Sometimes the confession of a Mockery of Me forging my confession nearby me close enough to be confused with me (an adjoining apartment and thin walls) has occurred even before the stage ambiguous event in public has occurred but adding the forged confession and visible public ambiguity later will still add up long as reslt of 3 in 1 plus 2 as is necessary to smear me with the false allegation to whoever it is necessary to smear me to a later date to events 1 and 2.

In their case of a blatantly illegal slush fund operation run by the staff of Mac Lamar Manage LLC the appearance is created Ed Donegan has uncured liabilities to his neighbors and is going pay into what is a victims compensation slush fund of benefits to those who with Mac Lamar LLC assistance faked entitlement to the assets and fake consent to the assets seizures and have done so with an illegal politically based Cartel operation who depends on Confidential Informants to created the sufficient layers of deceit to occur in the places of the process of justice as require to obstruct justice and racketeer as if financial securities false, compensated to false claimants, and destruction allegations against Edward Paul Donegan. Thus system is a Protection Racket allowing racially motivated allegation to be made, to be inciting of dispute, and to resolve dispute that children often immigrant children of the neighborhood and property had been harmed by Edward Donegans alleged acts or harmed by Edward Paul Donegans counterclaims and objections to racially motivated hoaxes being staged, hoaxes that Ed Donegan harmed others.

In addition to Ed Donegans here stated claim Mac Lamar Manage LLC, staff and Bird Dogging tenements surrounding hi were defrauding them they were doing to harm the life and reputation of a witness to political misconduct and the fabrication of allegations against Edward Paul DOneagn violates Obstruction of Justice Title 18 USC Chapter 13 in many sections and other fraud and obstruction of justice laws. While she was disavowed by the media Jen MOore spoke of a criminal racket operated in the family courts of Texas tied the betrayal of the wishes of Glorian Donegan and Ed Donegan in their Arlington Virginia home and thier fear of and disgust with crime from immigrant snow I am subjected to. Exposing the evil of trafficking, blackmail, silenced witnesses my assertions to the court are independently made and proven independently or her evidence though she was found dead under suspicious circumstances for any whistle blower about Cartels and slush funds.

In addition to her video work not included here are her SMS Texts screenshots are included that show her message the FBI at its very highest levels are creating child porn and using their own children or church taught children to manufacture child porn and it is used from blackmail some in FBI and US DOD reprt being horrified at the program but no one has been able to stop the FBI or churches or Department of Defense from making child porn on DOD computers nor using it in stings for blackmail.

Ed Donegan asserts the child porn is manufactured in the whereabouts or alleged whereabouts of Ed Donegan. In addition to her video work not included here are her SMS Texts screenshots are included that show her message the FBI at its very highest levels are creating child porn and using their own children or church taught children to manufacture child porn and it is used from blackmail some in FBI and US DOD reprt being horrified at the program but no one has been able to stop the FBI or churches or Department of Defense from making child porn on DOD computers nor using it in stings for blackmail. of Ed Donegan but Ed Donegan is wrongly entangled to the operation by frame jobs and an impersonator of Ed Dongean will assert he is Ed Donegan confess to the child porn and pay into a sluch fund using Edward Paul Dongan assets.

In may cases the Bird Doggers have assaulted me both sexually and physically and the safety of the building and community have been compromised by Mac Lamar LLC introducing its own and other criminal Cartel acts meeting the definition of RICO with political participation in legal definitions and in analysis of how the crimes operate on and are a danger to The People.

In politics it is called defining people, creating a label for them, a reputation about them. In my case I was racially and sexually attacked by an illegal operation whose undermining, subverting, my not particularly racially biased perspective (Bell Curve type thinking) into constant racial fighting has resulted from abusive antagonistic treatment of me and damaged my life. is the email I registered my account with and is still used by Mac Lamar as my contact email statements are sent, I use in my web interface to pay rent in, see the ledger, maintenance requests etc., and The Medical State is one of two books I have underway that from fiction and non fiction tied highly placed figures both Democrat and Republican of being tied to WWII and Korean War and Cold War CIA programs tied to the Kennedy assassination.

Attacks on my home office, home computer equipment, burglaries, and cuts of utilities to unexplained anomalies have harassed my book writing about powerful figures and reeks if not actually is the type of program ordered from the White House basement for Creamer and Foval to attack Trump supporters or others with “bird doggers” from mental health programs hoping to draw Trump supporters into fights.

The office holders of State positions such as CIA, FBI, POTUS or Congress do not have any write to hamper my book writing. Stasi (decomposition) can harass my home office with loud sounds, tortured cats outside, shrieking children, sexual abusive noises shouted into the apartment, imagery paraded outside my windows of hostile messaging and other forms of Rough Noise and are mere noise, sounds or imagery that meant to stalks and distress.

Neighborhood vigilantes may demand my removal and restitution from me and money and cars to protect women and children from me if they can prove their children were harmed by me and use of Dopples and staging of child porn shoots near me seems to involve me in that.

At one point I sued the DHS FBI in court citing Brown v. Socialist Workers ’74 Campaign Committee a political fiance case. No one wanted to rent to a Socialist political group so the small group was exempted from reporting its expenditure finances and thus no renters of office spaced need fear renting office space to them.

Brown v. Socialist Workers ’74 Campaign Committee, 459 U.S. 87 (1982), the Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment right of association prohibits states from compelling minor political parties to disclose the names of contributors and recipients of disbursements when there is a reasonable probability that those persons will be subject to threats, harassment, or reprisals.

Allegations I am Peeping Tom because the Mockery of me is (the Dopple of me, the Mimic of me) gives me the same problem and fights with neighbors Socialism had in 1974 conservative areas.

That activity harasses my home use and the fights of people putting their children outside my window and calling me a pervert is how the latest dispute erupted in a well planned fight that may lead to my eviction.

COINTELRO is the official name given to the endless budget of Abuse of Power, Conspiracy Against Rights, and Obstruction Of Justice denominations are drawn from to protect corrupt FBI agency and its officials.

It is my belief I am on the “hit list” of people who might be able to offer statements about CIA FBI Free Mason MKULTRA and because of that unseen hidden hands of Espionage are imposing unwanted and loosing fights upon my.

“If you are explaining you are losing” the political wisdom goes and I am consonantly explaining my racial frustration of the environment that surrounds me.

Welfare Fraud is not only a crime against the People to start with and fraud but has been weaponized in violation of Title 18 USC Chapter 13 (Witness intimation or defamation or obstruction, harassment or murder of witnesses) and the mechanism has been for a layer of Behavioral Health Care providers create a scenario where Mockery of me is caught with pictures of children’s buttocks, illegal exploitation of children by photographing them from a Tree House, but since police detected the crime, the Mocker of Ed Donegan will be confronted by an Dominatrix who will make him confess to the police while she role plays with him, but the role play is being watched by the police from one-way overwatch apartment, who will demand vicitim restitution once the confession to the Domina is overheard by secretly watching police.

Realizing the person in the grasp of the Domina is developmentally retarded the adults call adult entertainer sex workers to teaqch the retarded child abuser about peeoping at adult women models instead.

The welfare fraud and conspiracy peice of this is the Mockery of Ed Donegan is not Ed Donegan or really like Ed Donegan. The satire of him though allows for claims agasint the trust fund behavioral health care fund of Ed DOnegan to pay victims.

If this sounds like politically defaming of Edward Paul Donegan it is and more so than it seems. At one time I had some thirty years ago a Teens at the Beach download from the old internet UUNET and it was a fairly minor passing interest as I was looking at some soft core bikini bar type pictures, in that same download bikini contests etc., Those were the available download of bikini bods at that time. I assert in my book Kamala Harris for political hay attempted to make a big deal out of it, back in 2001 or so, it was not any huge matter. But using a thirty year ago slightly aberrant download of pictures from a newsgroup of them at one time adds enough kernel of truth to future allegations that is the basis for allegations against me not really representative of me, in fact that one onetime download was among others including adult BDSM leather porn.

Stigmatizing me and using a gullible who fits the stigmatization has been successful if it can be made to look like I am the mockery of me, and it is me who is exploiting teens or other minors, and that can be used against me both politically and as a way in welfare fraud to provide adult entertainers as health care to mimics of me nad the resultant information is it seems me rather than a dopple was connected to child abuse events.

The operation of that facilitated by Mallarme for years is “Fencing” creating liabilities to exploited minors by a Mockery of Ed Donegan pay for the mockerery’s liabilities to minors and paying for the mockery’s need for adult sex worker services.

THe first of my books the theGreatTreason.epub is non fiction and talks about the fraudulent past of many politicians and the second book Pillary is semi-fictional talking about how in violation of TItle 18 USC Chapter 73 these frame jobs on me staging emergencies that I have been exploiting minors is a way of pillorying me as people believe the acts of the mockery of me who is in my vicinity as I walk around are the acts of mine or that I endorse his acts when I do not.

Perhaps 80 times in the first book the GreatTreason.epub I document Maclamar misconduct during the writing of my book and why a political interest exists in undermining the book, that political interest acted on by Mac Lamar property managers.

Fact Pattern

Presence of Political Trackers and Mental Health Patients used as bird dogger to surround me.


Washington CNN —

A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced Tuesday that he would be “stepping back” from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump’s campaign rallies and incite violence.

Robert Creamer – husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky – announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O’Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

In the past, O’Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.

Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton’s campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.

“I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election,” Creamer said in a statement. “As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign.”

He confirmed that he was referring to the Clinton campaign, with which he was “fully integrated.”

Creamer added that “contrary to the outrageous claims of the notorious right wing blogger James O’Keefe, we have always adhered to the highest standards of transparency and legality in our work for the DNC.”

Trump super PAC chair: Trump needs ‘a miracle’ to win

He also denied that any of the schemes in the “hypothetical conversations” recorded for the video ever took place.

“We regret the unprofessional and careless hypothetical conversations that were captured on hidden cameras of a regional contractor for our firm, and he is no longer working with us,” he said. “While none of the schemes described in the conversations every took place, these conversations do not at all reflect the values of Democracy Partners.”

Democracy Partners called O’Keefe’s video a “well-funded, systematic spy operation that is the modern day equivalent of the Watergate burglars.”

Creamer told CNN that the national field director of Americans United for Change, Scott Foval, who was also recorded in the video, made false comments that are wrong about inciting violence at the rallies. Foval has since been fired from Americans United for Change, which had a contracting relationship with Democracy Partners.

“I mean, honestly, it’s not hard to get some of these a — to pop off,” Foval purportedly says at one point in the video. “It’s a matter of showing up, to want to get into their rally, in a Planned Parenthood T-shirt. Or ‘Trump is a Nazi,’ you know. You can message to draw them out, and draw them out to punch you.”

Creamer said Foval’s comments were “flat out wrong.”


A black male moved into Unit 6 and being evicted the next month if he did not pay rent. I found the notice on his door that he did not use, his family uses the back parkling lot door accessing their minivan and insured he got the notice and handled the matter in time.

Since then when I put my camera from motorcyling a GoPro with my boating equipment shelf in the living room, not on or in operating condition he parades his children near my window or vents not in my control and assert his children are owed restitution from me and acts confrontationally with me, a very large black male who may be activity duty military if the Russians are unlucky. His wife is a mental health patient who scream psychotically as I walk around in my apartment and has shouted that the she is a mental health patient off her meds. It seems he may have been having social services or a friend of his and that person was the mockery of me and restitution of false claims targeting me may now pay his bills for rent.

Group 1 Exhibits show the topic of my book my family the Donegans from Saint Aidans Roman Catholic Church were the Kennedys and Donegans attended but my family left after Catholic Gladio, the Vatican in 1963, adopting papal approval for assassinations of Communist dictators as limited rather than full war and as acts of resistance.

My assertions by book and police reports – Assertion based on the oral and written history of the Donegan family at least 10 family members having contributed to the oral history inside the family. Assertion based on existing consistent data widely available. Barrack Obama Jr was created as part of a CIA plan for the overthrow of Indonesia leading to the death of 1 million Indonesians, and that Kennedy’s and at least 100 others tied to the Kennedy assassination have been killed by a CIA Deep State to conceal the program.

The plan had been backed by the British and George H.W. Bush family under Nixon and Zapata oil, and my family left the church over this. My family was in MKULTRA atomic DNA testing and I assert Rudolph Hess, Werhner Von Brauhn, Sidney Gottlieb used a CIA plan of 1952 to 1972 era to created sleeper agents for the world, that this led to the assassination of JFK and RFK, and cover-ups continue by high ranking CIA families including William J. Burns son of William F. Burns and the military history of a Secret Team of oil barrel politics connected assassins.

In an escalating series of events the wong unit numbering of apartment units and billing addresses, exposed cable TV and ISP and power connectors, and other hazardous situations allowing anything to go wrong with utilities at any time became a problem starting early in Jun and July with TV outages. Then came power outages and lighting outages in the kitchen, and as was common Mac Lamar failed to remediate the unsecured utilities wiring despite my complaints so anyone could assert anyone else created or was responsible for the spaghetti not secured by padlocks or locked telecom doors.

This escalation included during the times I was preparing police complaints about a COINTELPRO smear campaign of me using a dopple of me to do wrong is slush fund built in paying victims who appear to be victims of crime but are not victims of crimes of Ed Donegan use of utilities or premises.

The assertion I make now is the claims and counter claims tied to GangStalk of subversion attaching false allegations to me by the appearances of things placed around or in my apartment, and loss fo power and utilities and destruction of my computer equipment and other harassment has been tied to retaliating against me police and other complaints about COINTELPRO on the premises and break ins to my apartment.

I have tied the local harassment of me at least in my mind as retaliation for my book about the assassination of JFK and my family history of Dorchester Massachusetts connected to it, a Secret Team of high ranking officials hiding their complicity.

Tying me to damaging allegations in violation of Title 18 Chapter 73 is archived by taking things like my kitchen lighting being repaired to someone else s kitchen light repaired and then by conflating events creating a series of events on their units that seem to by service request number tie to my contacts to building management but connect me to others activities wrongly.


6/2/2022. After my internet became spotty about one week prior and then stopped completely at about the time a rain storm hit and after earlier calling Spectrum for not completed trouble shooting at that time I took a quick look on this day 6/2/2022.

It seems the wiring formerly NOT under the building now IS.

This is where the pregnant cat had chosen to hide away and deliver her babies. Note her babies. Since then psychos near me have said that we are having babies together and (presumably) in OUR trust fund, which is not OUR trust fund.

This all seems in furtherance of that in some way though only by statements made by others including those in Apartment 1 making obscure references do I have any real indication they have knowledge of why or what was done in r-routing of MY cable TV and WIFI.

As the case with 1001 N. Water St I had to cut telecom completely the internal wiring and satellite system was problematic and rife with interfering fraud.

I will have to try and use Tmobile 5g (I don’t have a cable modem now) if telecom wiring is not reliable and free from acts of fraud.

Pls note because of my politics that are in the law I have often subject to police harassment. Some of has come from the building the FBI resides in at Shoreline Blvd.

IF it were up to me FBI agents in court representing themselves as law enforcement would be prosecuted for making false statements.

THey are an espionage organization under the DNI that specializing in assassinations, take down, political acts, COINTELPRO and other programs and convictions they have participated in should be over turned.


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Conditions for researching and writing my book – Should be normal environmental context
Wiring labeled as “5” has been sent under the building in the rear parking lot area I think to imply I have some peeping tom setup created and that then leading to retaliatory cut of my internet and cable TV feed. The cut of wiring into my home or the theft of my computer and TV equipment by break in OR by attacks of water bombs dropped on my PC from the balcony above (also 1001 N. Water Street) as well as environmental noises such as cars in the parking lot honking horns are tenents shouting at times I go to the Kennedy history of Donegans and JFK in particular do created distraction and obstruction to my book. As with any home and home office the conditions should be secure and I hope resident laws againt vandalism, harrasment, fraud or criminal activity that I have reported are taken seriously, I an in accordance with laws and correct usage of the leased areas. Pictured James Paul Donegan my father and my family are from Dorchester as are the Kennedys and also Marshfield as are some of the Kennedys. Loud noises came from neighbors but I am working through the noise level


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created
Shared with
Edward Donegan
Edward Donegan

Requesting internal and external review of events entangling my reputation and asssets into other’s activities

I have passed several drafts of my letter to the US Secret Service inncludin goni finalized but since then updated. I iwlll be contacting the Secret Service today formally or at least attempting to do so and request Mac Lamar internally review its activities including staff or owners modifying the property to facilitate fraudulent acts. I have submitted earlier docs that the Trust Fund of my family my not be used for others directly or indirectly via fraudulent claims against it when legitimate claims against it do not exist. While this letter (attached) is still somewhat abstract and requests others investigate internally or externally the matter I will also have a formal denying my own liability for damage in the area such as to the wiring – I did not have involvement in that.


I do support if and when it exist in fBI law enforcement and hope for that. In the interim until the FBI cleans house (and Christopher Wrey is tied to my family history and could be issuing illegal orders) the FBI should be presumed to be unreliable unless in any case their is cause to think otherwise.

Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Correct permissions for property managers et al recognized during entry for maintenance

As you know the email I use for MacLamar the is tied to my book and home office writing my life story that my fathers and mothers participation in atomic testing for the CIA and others led to missues of my genome or ore likely theirs and high power espionage interests have attempted illicit programs hoping to extricate themselves from the situation by fudging outcomes that would be lead to detection of their misdeeds and harrasment of me and my book and life is part of my being suppressed as a credible witness in my statements about those government agencies, thus my concern for my home office and home.

It is my understanding Stagecraft is an espionage system were espionage agencies including the FBI stage certain appearances that if the appearances are believed to have occured on their own my offer evidence to a person with a view of the stage area and events on the stage. How my apartment looks to others including from the outside as observers look at it you might say by reflecting as light back to observers of my home there therefore for reflect on me about how I keep my home and what I use it for. This is a note retrieved from the web about how illegal programs can stage false appearances et including in a person’s home IF the gov needs to hide that it is harrassing the person and doesn’t have real reason to harrass a person.

Called Black Propaganda, smear information, seemingly about a person, not good information about a person, becomes talked about in negative rumors costing the credibilty of a person assering the government has wrong his or her family, or is in some other error. The following excerpt from a Wikipedia entry on the Stasi provides a good description of its strategy and tactics – which were virtually identical to “gang stalking.” By the 1970s, the Stasi had decided that methods of overt persecution which had been employed up to that time, such as arrest and torture, were too crude and obvious.

It was realised that psychological harassment was far less likely to be recognised for what it was, so its victims, and their supporters, were less likely to be provoked into active resistance, given that they would often not be aware of the source of their problems, or even its exact nature. Zersetzung was designed to side-track and “switch off” perceived enemies so that they would lose the will to continue any “inappropriate” activities. Tactics employed under Zersetzung generally involved the disruption of the victim’s private or family life. This often included psychological attacks such as breaking into homes and messing with the contents – moving furniture, altering the timing of an alarm, removing pictures from walls or replacing one variety of tea with another. Other practices included property damage, sabotage of cars, purposely incorrect medical treatment, smear campaigns including sending falsified compromising photos or documents to the victim’s family, denunciation, provocation, psychological warfare, psychological subversion, wiretapping, bugging, mysterious phone calls or unnecessary deliveries, even including sending a vibrator to a target’s wife. Usually victims had no idea the Stasi were responsible. Many thought they were losing their minds, and mental breakdowns and suicide could result. One great advantage of the harassment perpetrated under Zersetzung was that its subtle nature meant that it was able to be denied. That was important given that the GDR was trying to improve its international standing during the 1970s and 80s.


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Lease extension signed, never abrograted, not month to month

Allen we discussed and singed a lease extension. I was NEVER abrogated be my in anyway nor by anyuone with a basis to break a bindig contract on a l lease. I as courtesy have provide others my assertion Mac Lamar has poor and confusing cable wiring as a building mattter I I was concered this affected me. I suggest this is retaliation for my complaint on building conditions and with no housing available have no living family members and in poor health I have called 911. All. have copies of the 1 year leas I signed and has your fingprents you gave me off the copiers. Please withdraw the notice I am no under lease in writing.


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Deniablilty and Liability. Police harassments can be covert, illegal, and is to be avoided
I am the last living Donegan. I do not trust Espionage agencies who view me as a risk. I have some documents I provide openly on COINTELPRO and why I do not with to be its vicim and should not be its victim. Lets keep matters under control and in the realm of law.


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Letter of Demand to Cease and Desist from harassment and intimidation of use of apartment

Letter of Demand to Cease, Continue and recognize Obligations of Debt The letter of Demand is for Mac Lamar Management LLC to recognize the lease beginning execution June 1 2021 and would have expired May 31 2022 but having and being between two parties Mac Lamar Management and Edward Paul Donegan and in advance of expiration in Mac Lamar Offices extend until May 31 2023 by the modification of the original lease. Mac Lamar should decease from falsification of financial records resulting in confusions of assets liabilities, activities, finances, insurance policies and insurance payments of any type from any source including medical or renters or other forms of financial transactions, restitution, or creation of accommodations. Mac Lamar should decease from falsification of building wiring numbering, confused door ore telecommute wiring or building unit addresses for which confusion can arise in nebula of haze or erroneous identifications.

Falsification is wore than omition especially if deceitful intent motivates the confusion. Mac Lamar should recognize its obligation to correct erroneous or confusing accounting when requested to do so. Mac Lamar should decease from use of any Bird Doggers, a tactic used when under cover operations are present, the Confidential Informant harassing or falsifying cases at police behest often an effective way to harass a person if police wish to since Confidential Informants often are under effective control of law enforcement who are operating behind the scenes.

Mac Lamar has represented some law enforcement community connections by their own statements (Alan) and law enforcement presences should protect tenets of law enforcement has any operation under way at all. Mac Lamar should decease from intimidation of use of the apartment in any way such as requesting I return keys and move our or face legal actions. Mac Lamar should consider obligations in matters of break-ins, theft of property, damage to property, etc., including leading into wrongful deaths. I am seeking legal representation to purse the matter of Jen Moore and my brothers death, and several other deaths that may be connected as well to matters of the Trust Fund and undercover operations. Since receiving a notice to turn in my keys I have begun seeking legal representation in the accounting and other matters. I am complying with lease contract obligations and the easement are of my apartment as good community conduct and the same for common area usage and though strewn items from near my apartment exist they are not connected to my apartment or usage of my apartment. The facts I am asserting here including and especially that I am tenant who is to be viewed in good standing and in compliance with an existing lease I make under 28 U.S. Code § 1746 – Unsworn declarations under penalty of per­jury


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Kitchen Light Still not fixed and maintainence should not entangle this matter to other parts of building

INFORMATION DOPPELGANGER (MIMIC) A Doppelgänger or doppelganger is a biologically unrelated look-alike, or a double, of a living person. Dressed as Ed Donegan or confused with Ed Donegan. THe Mimic will created the wrong substantive pretext for a process to be Executed on. Entail: A Stalk Victim engaged in a behavior, say exploitation of another and is entailed with the behavior Entrap : A Stalk Victim is Entrapped in a conduct or behavior; for instance, told as a business oportunity many tens of thousands of dollars paid for any child porn picture created if the stalk victim acts right away before the chance goes away Entangle : Other’s behavior or conduct is in the vicinity of the Stalk Victim and a Mimic’s behavior or deceitful appearances will entangle the Stalk Victim with conduct or appearances contrary to any actual truthfulness regarding the Stalk Victim’s actual activities. Not performing a maintenance request such as broken toilet chain or removal of the ceiling fan at my apartment while laying plastr mix bags at another apartment or arriving at the bathroom of other apartments can entangle my service request with events and activities at other apartments where in truth I am not linked to those other locations. False A does not equal B + C B was the different apartment the service call was complete at, not my apartment. More data on planted evidence and forgeries tying me to other apartments in attachment. I have also reported to CCPD (My sink over flows, I report by inteface, neighbor also ha a sink over flow, three story water fall. Events to be confused with each other thus confusing apartments with each other.

Property manager has permission to enter property
No pets on property

Entry notes: As I have stated faxing evidence to create a wronfully based eviction is Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy Against Rights, and possibly in furtherance of other criminal ends. Entering as landlord to engage in criminal acts is Breaking and Entering under Texas law and Common Law.


Power restured to Unit 5, door was open during even for cooling, heard some activity

Usually I pay my bills as I get my check on the 3rd Wedms of each month. I have used Ambit Energy since Alan suggested it and I signed up for it in the Maclamar Corpus Christi office. THat energy bill is due about the 3rd Friday of each month. When the power went of on the 3rd monday of the month I though it must be some non exact overlay between the days and dates of billing. When I paid the bill this 3rd Weds I found the Ambit bill was not even due until about Friday.

They suggested the outside circuit breaker be checked and Unit 5 is exposed and unlocked and actually being trained on these matters (electrical engineering mostly DC circuits focus though) I resent them. All is well for power. On Monday the man from Unit 6 (Crawford Industrial I think, don’t know his name, say a truck) allowed me to use an extension cord for my fridge that night.

The next night Tues night I kept my doors and windows open for breeze. The sound from his apartment competed with my cell phone cell service TV and it was hear a social worker or safety check person seems to have had arrived, as if aberrant conduct (perhaps involving Betamax tapes and Superglue) had been detected and he was provide lessons on goth, makeup wearing or something like that, or at least some person in that apartment was. Normally this is a private matter except for the context at times in other buildings including 1001 N. Water Street and locations outside Texas my name and sorical services account have been used to provide others in my identity services they need or require, in my identity, though I did not need or request such service. Nothing from last night Tues Night had itself any matter that should concern either of us but just a matter of being sensitive to pattern of conduct it does match situations that without any explanation seem to be fraudulent just by the nature of them.


Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created
Notice of 8/18/2022

Usolicity by me a representative of Maclamar installed a peep hole in my door I do not want or need. The peep hole faces apartment 5 I have accuse of Gambit/Shill conduct, conduct in which strewn childrens toys and presence allows allegation be made on me, circumstantiall, allowing for pretxt of legal acts against me and this is long term COINTELPRO, FBI activity often used against writers, etc., thus I am in fear or the pretexts being manufactured against me. I had an angry oubtburst upon power being cut to my unit, and was in a state of frustratrion I appologies for. I am tryhing to handle the criminal though state supported conduct of Shills (those operation an impersonation of me) that is a threat to me security by documenting these events to police hoping they will obey the law rather than COINTELPRO against authors of book about the CIA or FBI. I will respone to the actions you take as required but feel you preciptitaed events leaind to both my actions and errors, my actions either unnecssary wasstes of my time or actions in anger I have regreted and appoligized for.

Documentation I assert and conintue to report and devolop utilizing 28 USC 1746 for reports to supverision of trust funds and building management, law enforcement, and the press

I have asserte Racketeering at MacLamar Properties is tied to city, county, and perhaps a Texas or larger mafia activities and the power to my power was cut but tripping usnecured ciricuit breakers as I documented and rerported the criminal acticity to Mac Lamar and trust managers.

Assertions of Fraud and Racketeering submitted Mac Lamar 8/12/22 Friday as power was turned off going into Monday and I was preparing reports to police, trust management and supervisors of Welfare Fraud from Unit 6 occuring before AND DURING power outage.

Postal Address demarcations problem not remediated at Maclamar Managed Building 1513 Ocen Drive.

Demarcation Definition & Meaning – Dictionary.com › browse › demarkation
the determining and marking off of the boundaries of something. separation by distinct boundaries: line of demarcation.

Advancing diabetes will soon cost me my feet unless I can keep the disease progression slowed with diet and excersize. I replaced my broken and much older Charge2 watch with a Versa 3 although I was concerned financially and the purchase left me only $46 to live on (combined checking and savings) for a full week.

An unmarked van and van operator delivered the package for the my address that I had labeled at 1513 Unit 5 by printed out paper with blue masking tape attached to the window. That same delivery driver in the unmarked van went to a building south of 1513 with a printed piece of paper and blue masking tape to a location I can not see from my living room window though I could see him leaving his van to that apartment while sitting on my couch.

In the old mailbox system 1513 and 1511 had separate mailboxes in each respective building. Now apartments 1-8 are in a single outdoor mailbox associated with neither building. Many deliveries including process services, evictions, and other Due Process activities are door service and not to mail boxes.

Mac Lamar to my police complaints have exacerbated the situation at 1001 N. Water Street where residents asserted my apartment a 1X1 was a combined apartment with I believe the 1X1 on the same side of the hall as my apartment but next door to it. It was in that near apartment on the other side of the wall from me I heard an occupant of the apartment confess to being a peeping tom and willing to make restititutio payments rather than face arrest.

As I have copied you on I am attempting an initiation of legal proceedings and investigations of whether the building I am occupying has become a Range Finder Camera, my view accused of being the range finder attached to but discontinuous with a photography system built around it nor next to the Range Finder. This differs from an SLR camera where the range finder and light image inbound to film is the same view system.

At times I have offered to pickup neigbors packages from them when they are laying in the hall such that they are not stolen.

As we potentially move to a process service or apartment inspection environment I think it important the demarcations and labeling of apartments and wiring be correct.

I have expressed concerns blaming me for being a peeping tom may both financially and politically motivated. My book on the CIA FBI NSA Deep State turned to the father of William J. Burns (current CIA director) the day before I received a request to turn in my keys.

I often if not mostly keep my blinds pulled and after years of being institutionalized like a nice outdoor view. Few have trouble knowing my activities. It has also seemed a pattern loud noises from neighbors seem to grow in intensity when I write my book. It probably rises to the level of disturbing the peace but I use my stereo for space opera movies and workout videos so I accept a give and take that neighbors and can and so sometimes hear each other.

August 7, 2022
Edward Paul Donegan

ORDER # 111-6582240-8497064
View order details View invoice
Delivered August 11
Your package was delivered. It was handed directly to a resident.
Fitbit Versa 3 Health & Fitness Smartwatch with GPS, 24/7 Heart Rate, Alexa Built-in, 6+ Days
Battery, Black/Black, One Size (S & L Bands Included)
Fitbit Versa 3 Health & Fitness Smartwatch with GPS, 24/7 Heart Rate, Alexa Built-in, 6+ Days
Battery, Black/Black, One Size (S & L Bands Included)
Return or replace items: Eligible through September 10, 2022

(powwer outage over a few days, usecured cicruit breakers outdoores were flipped then
Power restured to Unit 5, door was open during even for cooling, heard some activity
Usually I pay my bills as I get my check on the 3rd Wedms of each month.

I have used Ambit Energy since Alan suggested it and I signed up for it in the Maclamar Corpus Christi office. THat energy bill is due about the 3rd Friday of each month. When the power went of on the 3rd monday of the month I though it must be some non exact overlay between the days and dates of billing.

When I paid the bill this 3rd Weds I found the Ambit bill was not even due until about Friday. They suggested the outside circuit breaker be checked and Unit 5 is exposed and unlocked and actually being trained on these matters (electrical engineering mostly DC circuits focus though) I resent them. All is well for power.

On Monday the man from Unit 6 (Crawford Industrial I think, don’t know his name, say a truck) allowed me to use an extension cord for my fridge that night. The next night Tues night I kept my doors and windows open for breeze. The sound from his apartment competed with my cell phone cell service TV and it was hear a social worker or safety check person seems to have had arrived, as if aberrant conduct (perhaps involving Betamax tapes and Superglue) had been detected and he was provide lessons on goth, makeup wearing or something like that, or at least some person in that apartment was. Normally this is a private matter except for the context at times in other buildings including 1001 N. Water Street and locations outside Texas my name and sorical services account have been used to provide others in my identity services they need or require, in my identity, though I did not need or request such service. Nothing from last night Tues Night had itself any matter that should concern either of us but just a matter of being sensitive to pattern of conduct it does match situations that without any explanation seem to be fraudulent just by the nature of them.

Property manager does not have permission to enter property
Edward Donegan submitted the request.
Aug 17, 2022, 9:12 AM
No file chosen
Created by
Edward Donegan
Date created

Tags: (add)
10 minutes ago


Much of this started when I wrote an Open Letter to Secret Service of misconduct to be dated 6/4/2022 and as the drafts from May were pre=distribued wiring problems and cable cuts began to my home office.


6/2/2022. After my internet became spotty about one week prior and then stopped completelyt at about the tiem a rain storm hit and after earlier calling Spectrum for not conmpleted trouble shooting at that time I took a quick look on this day 6/2/2022.

It seems the wiring formerly NOT under the building now IS.

THis is where the pregnant cat had chosen to hide away and deliver her babies. Note her babies. Since then psychos near me have said that we are having babies together and (presumbly) in OUR trust fund, which is not OUR trust fund.

This all seems in furrtherance of that in some way though only by statments made by others including those in Apartment 1 making obscure references do I have any real indication they have knowlege of why or what was done in r-routing of MY cable TV and WIFI.

As the case with 1001 N. Water St I had to cut telecom completelyt the internal wiring and satellite system was problematic and rife with interfering fraud.

I will have to try and use Tmobile 5g (I don’t have a cable modem now) if telcom wiring is not reliable and free from acts of fraud.

Pls note because of my politics that are in the law I have often subject to police harassment. Some of has come from tbe building the FBI resides in at Shoreline Blv.

IF it were up to me FBI agents in court representing themselves as law enforcement would be prosecuted for making false statements.

THey are an epsionage organization under the DNI that specializing in assassinations, take down, political acts, COINTELPRO and other programs and convitions they have participated in should be over turend.

I do support if and when it exist in FBI law enforcement and hope for that. In the interim until the FBI cleans house (and Christopher Wrey is tied to my family history and could be issuing illegal orders) the FBI should be presumed to be unreliable unless in any case their is cause to think otherwise.


Definitions of COINTELRPO Gangs of Bird Dogging Stalker from Eric T. Karlson

“Gang Stalking” is, very likely, a disinformation term created by U.S. intelligence agencies. It refers to the intense, long-term, unconstitutional surveillance and harassment of a person who has been designated as a target by someone associated with America’s security industry.

Such operations have nothing to do with criminal gangs. Official domestic counterintelligence operations of this type are – apparently – perpetrated by federal agents and contractors, sometimes with the support of state and local law enforcement personnel. The goal of such operations – in the parlance of counterintelligence agents – is to “subvert” or “neutralize” an individual deemed to be an enemy (or potential enemy) of clients or members of the security state. Arguably, the most accurate term for this form of harassment would be “counterintelligence stalking.”

Published news reports and other evidence cited on this website seem to suggest that much – but not all – of this stalking is done as part of a national program. News reports indicate that such stalking is also sometimes used unofficially for personal and corporate vendettas by current and former employees of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, including private investigators.

Since counterintelligence stalking goes far beyond surveillance – into the realm of psychological terrorism, it is essentially a form of extrajudicial punishment. As such, the harassment is illegal – even when done by the government. It clearly violates the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, for example – which guarantees the right to a trial. Such operations also violate similar fundamental rights defined by state constitutions, which people on the right of America’s political spectrum claim to respect. Stalking is also specifically prohibited by the criminal codes of every state in America.

Although the term “gang stalking” is intentionally misleading, it does have one merit: it is accurate in the sense that the perpetrators – law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies, and private security thugs – do often function in the manner of criminal gangs. Although they sometimes conduct their operations under the color of law, many of their activities have neither constitutional nor moral legitimacy. That is true of all of the likely major perpetrators of organized stalking in the U.S.: the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. military counterintelligence agencies, state and local Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs), and security contractors. All of those groups – and other federal intelligence agencies, such as the CIA and NSA – have well-documented histories of abusing their powers.


Organized stalking methods were used extensively by communist East Germany’s Stasi (state police) as a means of maintaining political control over its citizens. The Stasi referred to the tactics as “Zersetzung” (German for “decomposition” or “corrosion” – a reference to the intended psychological, social, and financial effects upon the victim).

Although they are illegal in the U.S., the same covert tactics are quietly used by America’s local and federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to suppress dissent, silence whistle-blowers, and get revenge against persons who have angered someone with connections to the public and private agencies involved.

Illegal counterintelligence operations have been perpetrated against Americans by urban police departments in the U.S. since the late 1800s. Traditionally, the groups of mostly-undercover police officers involved are called “red squads,” although the modern official term is “Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs).”

The most well-documented example of such operations was the FBI’s infamous Cointelpro (Counter-Intelligence Programs) under the direction of J. Edgar Hoover. Those operations ran from 1956 until 1971 when they were exposed by political activists who broke into an FBI office and obtained secret documents which they handed over to the press.

Cointelpro’s official goal was to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” individuals and groups deemed to be subversive.


As the U.S. Senate’s investigation of Cointelpro found, tactics used by the FBI included many of the methods associated with gang stalking, such as overt surveillance (stalking for psychological operations purposes). The agency even perpetrated crimes such as blackmail and assassinations.

Organized stalking methods include warrantless electronic surveillance, slander, blacklisting, and a variety of psychological operations. The latter presumably exploit findings from studies such as the notorious MK Ultra experiments conducted on American and Canadian citizens by the CIA, as well as the aforementioned psychological torture tactics refined by the Stasi. In fact, as explained in the overview below, former CIA analyst and expert on the history of U.S. spying, George O’Toole wrote about a connection between the CIA and the aforementioned LEIUs.

An organized stalking victim is systematically isolated and harassed in a manner intended to cause sustained emotional torment while creating the least-possible amount of evidence of stalking that would be visible to others. The process is sometimes referred to as “no-touch torture.” Methods are specifically chosen for their lack of easily-captured objective evidence. Perpetrators use common annoyances such as constant noise by neighbors or rude comments and abusive behavior by strangers, but on a frequent ongoing long-term basis. The cumulative effects of relentless exposure to such tactics can amount to psychological torture for the victim.

Accomplices – such as neighbors, co-workers, and even friends or relatives of the victim in some cases – are recruited to participate (often unwittingly) by counterintelligence personnel using various means, such as by telling them that the target is a potential threat or that the target is the subject of an “investigation.”

A whole set of psychological operations are perpetrated against targeted individuals. These methods, described in detail in the overview below, include such things as threats, slander, vandalism, abusive phone calls, computer hacking, tormenting the victim with noise, and “mobbing” (orchestrated verbal harassment by strangers, neighbors, or co-workers).

Accounts by numerous victims of organized stalking share common specific details – suggesting that the perpetrators are following a well-tested and standardized playbook of methods that have proven to be easily kept off of the radar of potential witnesses and the mainstream news media.

A book published in 2014, L.A. Secret Police, exposed such spying in Los Angeles and explained how it was kept out of the news. Police Chief Daryl Gates apparently used threats and blackmail to scare city council members and the Los Angeles Times away from digging into his activities.

Here is an excerpt from a description of the book:

“L.A. cops ruined lives and reputations, inflicted mindless brutality, committed murder and engaged in massive cover-ups. In Los Angeles, police corruption was much more than unmarked envelopes stuffed with cash. It was a total corruption of power. For decades LAPD engaged in massive illegal spying and lied about it. Its spying targets included politicians, movie stars, professional athletes, news reporters and anyone wielding power or those of interest to Daryl Gates.”

An apparent case of organized stalking by federal agents which did appear in the news during that era was the high-profile case of a cancer research scientist named Arnold Lockshin, who fled with his family to the Soviet Union in 1986 and was granted political asylum.

In 2004 the PBS news program NOW and Newsweek magazine both reported that the Pentagon had quietly resumed its practice of domestic spying, and suggested that “something like Cointelpro may again be at hand.” Spying on civilians by the U.S. Army was one of the scandals which led to the famous Church Committee investigations by Congress in the mid-1970s.

In October 2004 the U.K newspaper The Sunday Times published an article about the use of Stasi-type psychological operations to punish whistle-blowers by MI5 – an intelligence agency with close ties to the U.S. intelligence community.

In December 2005 National Book Award winner Gloria Naylor, wrote a semi-autobiographical book in which she described her experiences as a target of organized stalking. The book’s title, 1996, was the year it became apparent to Naylor that she was being stalked. Apparently, her harassment began after she had a minor dispute with a neighbor whose brother worked for the National Security Agency (NSA).

The Globe and Mail, a national newspaper in Canada, reported in May 2006 that the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) used organized stalking techniques (referred to as “Diffuse and Disrupt” tactics) against terrorism suspects for whom they lacked sufficient evidence to prosecute.

A cover article in The Washington Post Magazine in January 2007 by a journalist familiar with military policies and weapon systems portrayed self-proclaimed victims of gang stalking as intelligent and credible, and suggested that claims about exotic non-lethal weapons being used by the U.S. government to harass targeted individuals were plausible.

Former CIA division chief Melvin Goodman was quoted in a June 2008 article by Jeremy Scahill in The Nation (America’s oldest continuously-published weekly magazine) on the vast private contractor element of the intelligence-security community:

“My major concern is the lack of accountability, the lack of responsibility. The entire industry is essentially out of control. It’s outrageous.”

A newspaper article in the Verona-Cedar Grove Times in March 2009 titled “Stalker Claims Unsettle Police” described how a self-proclaimed target of gang stalking had been distributing flyers in his former neighborhood in Verona, New Jersey, warning about organized stalking of targeted individuals. The flyers stated: “Their intention is to murder their target without getting their hands dirty. It’s the perfect hate crime.”

In November 2013, a TV and radio broadcast of Democracy Now! featured an interview with the director of the Center for Corporate Policy in which he discussed the shadowy industry of spies employed by major U.S. corporations to conduct secret – and often illegal – counterintelligence operations against critics of those corporations.

Articles published by CBS, the Daily Mail, RT, Tech Dirt, and Courthouse News Service in December 2013 reported that a U.S. government contractor filed a lawsuit against multiple federal agencies for gang stalking him (the complaint refers to gang stalking as such). The plaintiff claims he was subjected to constant surveillance – including inside his residence and his vehicle – and constant psychological harassment from co-workers and strangers.

An article in The New Yorker in February 2014 gave a detailed account of an organized stalking campaign by a large corporation. Research biologist Tyrone Hayes discovered some disturbing effects from a pesticide made by the agribusiness corporation Syngenta. When he refused to keep quiet about it, the corporation’s goon squad began slandering him to discredit him. They also stalked him, hacked his emails, and threatened him for more than a decade.

A report on the ABC News TV program 20/20 – and an article in the Daily Mail – in May 2014 chronicled the ordeal of a couple in Hubbard, Ohio who were systematically harassed for 7 years in a vengeance campaign orchestrated by the town’s fire chief. Apparently, the fire chief was angry at the couple because of a real estate dispute, so he enlisted the help of other firefighters, police officers, and local residents to perpetrate a campaign of constant vehicle horn honking outside the couple’s home. The harassment – which the couple thoroughly documented on video – resulted in legal claims which were still pending at the time of the news reports.


As I Edward Paul Donegan have attempted to write my books my PC has been destroyed twice from water drops or theft, and while writing horns honk and bird-dogger neighbors bang on the walls so hard the very sturdy walls shake and wall hangings fall to the floor and shouting into my apartment occurs at loud volume often abusive and targeted speech directed through the walls to me harassing me and threatening me.


Numerous job listings by intelligence/security contractor corporations for “surveillance role players” with active security clearances and training in counterintelligence (links and details in the overview below) strongly suggest that federal law enforcement agencies have largely outsourced these operations – which would be consistent with other security programs. A June 10, 2013 article in USA Today noted that about 1.4 million Americans had top-secret security clearances.

Federal and local law enforcement agencies also make extensive use of criminal informants (who are in large supply in America, with its extraordinary per capita incarceration rate). It would be natural for such informants to be used in a counterintelligence program. Indeed, the original Cointelpro was found by the U.S. Senate’s Church Committee investigations to have delegated some activities to organized crime groups. First-hand accounts of self-proclaimed victims of gang stalking support this assumption: by their appearance and behavior, many street-level perpetrators appear to possibly be ex-convicts.

Regardless of the exact nature of organized stalking in the U.S., any national counterintelligence program would require at least passive acquiescence by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) – just like the first version of Cointelpro did. U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy approved some of the original Cointelpro operations. Because of the critical role of the DOJ in allowing organized stalking to occur, I devote an entire section of this overview to that agency.

Target Selection

Gang stalking apparently targets American citizens deemed to be dissidents or whistle-blowers (and perhaps potential dissidents and whistle-blowers), although others might be targeted for other reasons – such as for experimental or training purposes. For perspective, it should be remembered that for two decades the CIA performed secret illegal experiments on U.S. and Canadian citizens (the infamous MK Ultra program). Those experiments included physical and psychological torture.

A lot of accounts by self-proclaimed targets of gang stalking suggest that people are often subjected to severe long-term harassment simply because they crossed someone connected with the agencies and security firms which perpetrate such operations.

An example of that type of abuse occurred in April 2012, when USA Today reported that one of its reporters and an editor were slandered by a secret disinformation campaign waged by an intelligence contractor firm to discredit them because the newspaper had investigated and reported on that contractor. The company involved conducted propaganda campaigns for the U.S. military. Similarly, in August 2013 it was reported that at least a dozen National Security Agency (NSA) employees had used their surveillance system access to spy on their current and former spouses and partners.


Impossible Mission Teams – Bailing Out Politicians With GangStalk undercover Harassment of Journalists and Others with Subversion and Sabotage teams.. Such teams utilize smear, black bag jobs planting porn or peeping apparatus, accidental collisions or causing cancer or dangerous conditions, etc.,

GangStalk Impossible Mission Teams operating inside the USA described by Jen Moore, Ted Gunderson (STasi in the USA) and Edward Paul Donegan and asserted in this court to Mac Lamar Manage LLC.


Art and Life and the CIA system of Bissle Jr. Goerge H.W. Bush, Donald Barr, Alan Dulles, John Foster Dulles, Earle Cabell, and others including Richard Nixon 1946-1960 as MKULTRA COINTELRPO.

Founded in 1945 after World War II, the IMF bears the brunt of today’s international attacks, now focused on concealed entry [into a home or office] and [then comitt] espionage. The missions keep getting harder and harder – but so do the agents.

The IMF operates primarily by executing confidence tricks on its mission targets, sometimes with the aid of high-tech gadgetry. The agents are able to deceive their targets into cooperating with them without detecting a set-up until the mission is accomplished; by that time, the IMF personnel have already vanished from the scene.

In a worst-case scenario during such undercover missions in which their presence becomes known, the IMF can become subject to disavowal under order from the President’s failsafe initiative, “Ghost Protocol”. With this initiative in place, the IMF is rendered defunct, and any and all agents in the field are hereby unable to access specific safehouses or extraction points in their specific location.

The IMF operated primarily by using confidence tricks, infiltration, and high technology devices on its targets. The agents of the IMF were able to deceive their targets into cooperating with them without detecting any kind of deception until the “impossible mission” was carried out. By that time, the IMF team members had all vanished from the scene and/or left the target country. In some cases, especially involving organized crime, the mission targets were actually killed as a direct result of the IMF’s work, though never actually by any IMF agents themselves.

The organization’s job was to infiltrate secure installations, seize critical intelligence, destroy dangerous data or equipment, and neutralize the enemy as needed, without leaving a trace. The IMF is different than most intelligence organizations in that, once their orders have been given, there are no required procedures for the fulfillment of the mission.

The IMF agents were anonymously sent on covert missions to tackle the dangerous world of counter-terrorism, espionage, political subversion, international crime, and American organized crime. Their international missions tended to undermine communist governments, dictatorships, and other opponents of democracy. The TV series never directly specified exactly who oversaw the IMF, though it was some agency of the United States government. All of the team members were Americans. They acted under nonofficial cover status, and if they were ever caught or killed, “the Secretary” (presumably the U.S. Secretary of State) would “disavow” any knowledge of their actions.

In secret tape messages issued to the team leaders, references were made to “the Secretary,” and whenever these were foreign operations, this Secretary is understood to be the Secretary of State, as stated above. The IMF team leader was also given the option to reject a mission which he did not find to be suitable, or if he believed that it was truly impossible to accomplish.


CIA Gang Stalks Jen Moore, Edward Paul Donegan, and Ted Gunderson assert all three of us (only me living) that this is CIA history of the JFK assassination.

Everette Howard Hunt Jr. (October 9, 1918 – January 23, 2007) was an American intelligence officer and author. From 1949 to 1970, Hunt served as an officer in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), particularly in the United States involvement in regime change in Latin America including the 1954 Guatemalan coup d’état and the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion. Along with G. Gordon Liddy, Frank Sturgis, and others, Hunt was one of the Nixon administration “plumbers”, a team of operatives charged with identifying government sources of national security information “leaks” to outside parties. Hunt and Liddy plotted the Watergate burglaries and other clandestine operations for the Nixon administration. In the ensuing Watergate scandal, Hunt was convicted of burglary, conspiracy, and wiretapping, eventually serving 33 months in prison. After release, Hunt lived in Mexico and then Florida until his death.

It is hotly and dishonestly debated as to whether the Impossible Mission Force Ethan Hunt is based on Everette Howard Hunt Jr.

Former CIA operative Peter Earnest commented on how authentic the movies are, and stated, “Certainly we have designed operations to, let’s say, break into a place and acquire something, but that requires an enormous amount of planning and a drawn-out process and, of course, it’s government—you’re getting approvals as you go along.” On top of that, his colleague echoed his opinion and said that the movies are slightly more adrenaline-inducing than the real cases they have worked on.


Edward Paul Donegan requests of the Court in 2021-FAM-2372-a, file number 0014159369

1) Recognize the Terms of Art in law of fraud, racketeering, Conspiracy Against Rights, Criminal Harassment Under Color of Law, breaking-and-entering under Texas law, breach of contract by Mac Lamar Manage LLC in its fostering of hostile and racketeering neighbors and grounds staff.

2) Recognize the fraud initiate in the child courts as under Texas Law Improper Commitment, a false attested set of facts for a jury or magistrate or Justice of the Peace to act on the the Mac Lamar Manmage LLC fabrication of the false allegations to harass Ed Donegan exercising his leased home and home office apartment rights.

3)Recognize the less than artful response by Edward Paul Donegan to the conditions and the threats manufactured by Mac Lamar’s fabrication of evidence and harassment to be in a pattern of better crafted responses in writing that had been ignored by Mac Lamar even as the hazard of living conditions grew to an emergency state of now power, lights, utilities, refrigeration, etc., as the open exposed system of unsecured utilities failed an a loiterer was in the vicinity of the unsecured tripped circuit breaker near the parking lot area.

4) Recognize that the falsified allegations against Edward Paul Donegan as a fabricated pretext to harass and leave Edward Donegan without his apartment home or home office is harassment in retaliation to Edward Paul Donegan;s use of his home and home office to assert in police and other filings that Mac Malamar Manage LLC and other undercover operators (they have admitted being in some undercover unit, not identified specifically) are retaliating and hindering Ed Donegan in his home and home office and even political base of operations, and his standing in the community as false allegations are propagated in social and leasing and media competition for reach of voice and opportunities.

5) Recognize the police in Corpus Christi have falsified records related to the computer thefts from Ed Donegan’s homes and thefts from his homes, and that Ed Donegan sees this as Interstate issue of both law (Federal Questions) and Diversity of Persons and upon the child courts issue being quashed as fraudulent harassment in violation of Federal law then Edward Paul Donegan has a preference for Tennessee to joining in allegations with deceased Ted Gunderson that Impossible Mission Teams, a STASI of Subversion, harassed both of us and in response to the the same matter, a group of assassinations and murders tied to JFK history.

6) A thirty day continuance to find an attorney and familiarize the fact pattern to him or her such that the issues can be addressed artfully.


7) Edward Paul Donegan wishes the Court to recognize his transmission of the death bed statements of Ted Gunderson and Jen Moore of the Stasi “Targeted Victims” targeted by the CIA illegally and presents those death bed statements here was witness statements in summary form.

Using 28 USC 1746 This Document Transmits Two States of violations of 18 USC Section 1111 Murder and in Treason, Assassination, and Silencing of Witnesses

This text transmits two statutory of violations of 18 USC Section 1111 of Chapter 73, Murder and in Treason, Assassination, and Silencing of Witnesses (including by depatterning noise harassment or expressive speech noise harassment including Stalkers in menacing activities.)

Witness-1) The Death Bed statement of former Tracy California police officer Jen Moore trained in psychology and sexual abuse cases investigations and responses as she feared for her post police life while documenting being Stalked as a whistle-blower by the CIA whom she mentions specifically and credibly and others who told her she would be murdered of she talked but continued to do so leaving Death Bed statements on line about Glorian Donegan and Edward Donegan and as she states explicitly that the story of WWII history even going back to Vienna and the CIA following WWI is part of the assassination facilitated infiltration of the US Government by operatives associated with a globalism plan the JFK objected to and this is tied to the Donegan history of 850 N. Randolph Street #221 Arlington Virginia and Glorian Donegan and Edward Paul Donegan’s story.

Screen grabs are included in this filing of Jen Moore talking about and showing partially visible federal records (with federal court stamps) records and history of Glorian Donegan and Edward Paul Donegan’s home and the OSS CIA background story of that, of me and Glorian Donegan, she and possibly I might be Silenced over and she was found dead after an earlier violent physical attack she was hospitalized over threatening her from speaking any further.

Jen Moore asserted she would be and others might be “Silenced” (Silence of the Grave) and I assert she was attempts have been made to afflict such egregious injury to me in my life in Conspiracy Against Rights murder or attempted murder charges and obstruction of justice charges are easily due on any number of statues but probably best fit under Title 18 USC Chapter 73 used with Jen Moore and I facing attempts to Silence us and other witnesses.

Robyn Gritz former FBI has spoken publicly about the assertions of Jen Moore and that the death of Jen Moore should be considered possibly resultant from foul play. Robyn Gritz
Austin, Texas private company executive As seen in: Fox News, NPR, The Hill Covers: Corruption, FBI, DOJ, Human Trafficking, Terrorism, Border Issues, Whistleblowers

While I have never spoken with by any means Robyn Gritz based on what I know of the Donegan family history and my knowledge Jen Moore was silenced over these OSS CIA Vatican World War underground railroad histories I have emailed her on social media to alert to the facts I am presenting corroborating statements from Jen Moore with my public and private records and oral family history backed up by other sources including Jen Moore and Ted Gunderson.

In the Evidence Folders submitted (Groups 1, 2, Witness) the connection between Jen Moore, assertions against the operators of Mac Lamar LLC / Ocean Street Apartments is made. I asserted before my trip to California to leave Texas that in Texas the Mafia was operating with fabricated allegations in mockup apartments and wrote MS Word documents to Fetlife (swingers site) Capitola and Santa Cruz polife agencies and businesses and within those two days I assembled the data between living with William Ruiz in Capitola and Jim Vocelka in Monterey area the fraud continued by my public sharing of docs and data from my social media and MS Word Documents including the data again presented here in the CDROM show locations I am alleged to be act but am not, and this is fraud Jen Moore was empowered with my evidence with, and combined with her own a threat to the operation underway that is Mafia was presented by the assertions of Jen Moore and myself, and the more I pursue that with Mac Lamar LLC the greater the retaliation against me I think showing their sensitivity to illegal operations asserted to be conducted by themselves.

Witness-2) The living statement of Edward Paul Donegan that his is Targeted by illegal programs including a mafia slush fund built on using his own assets for his own destruction, mafia paying themselves to make false allegations against Edward Paul Donegan, and that Edward Paul Donegan can confirm with specifics from Oral history inside the Donegan family I have written about for thirty years or so and talked about during that time frame and by existing photos and the process evidence destruction of other photos created and public records on major events in history tie “Elites” of today’s globalist government to CIA OSS Vatican plans for assassinations and overthrow, the WWII was in part a dispute of British Colonialism versus European Nationalism, and that the Kennedy family while not racist embraced the anti-British colonialism plans, was assassinated and Colonialists then and now tied to the assassination by themselves or groomed for government generations are now silencing witness to the misconduct (murder and assassinations) tied to the Colonialism history.

Witness-3) Edward Donegan transmits via reduction to these notes the death bed statements of Ted Gunderson high ranking FBI agent and confidant of the Kennedy’s and anti racketeering agent joined at the gun holster with Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy fighting against CIA mafia and Ted Gunderson like the Kennedy’s assert a series of murders he was officially assigned to including Marilyn Monroe and JFK were tied to in an international for profit world interest operating inside the CIA and most historians agree to that and Edward Paul Donegan’s story is told through the last 4 SSSN.

FBI official in retirement spoke of Decomposition by GangStalk of the lives of people like himself the Espionage agencies have a vendettaa against. Things go wrong in their lives, accusations plauge them, they get evicted from apartments and canceled on speaking tours or social events. Or have car accidents. Or things like that. Because the police help thjngs like that to happen people Targeted by espionage agencies.

Additionally Ed Donegan asserts as James Paul Donegan stated all of his life a pro British colonialism historical revisionism is deeply rooted in the US fiction entertainment and news companies and these pro globalist factions argue against theories whistle-blowers are offering of promulgating.


Rather than read the existing literature on this matter (YouTube and bitchute videos, conference calls recorded, substantiating books such as The Devils Chessboard and other works or again repeating already cited public records supporting Ed Donegan and Jen Moore’s assertion of the Deep State this document only calls attention to the existing data and and refers the two statements, Jen Moore’s and mine, to some future prosecutor or member of the press.

8) Edward Paul Donegan includes in this updated filing the letter he has written to Tennessee officials asking for assistance of police assisted crime against Edward Paul Donegan and in this letter Edward Paul Donegan (myself) assert Dean Rusk and underground railroads were closely associated with the 1926 home of Glorian Donegan near Davidson College, Dean Rusk was a Rockefeller Foundation internationalist, and many see that connection as well as others I draw to the Kennedy assassination, only one connection of about 6 major total connections Edward Paul Donegan, Jen Moore, and Ted Gunderson asserted, likely not any ever having spoken to each other and likely never aware of each other during their lives.

Singed Electronically using caps EDWARD PAUL DONEGAN 022-46-3233

Espionage and Law Enforcement tip numbers Corpus_Christi PD 1911030057, CIA Submission Reference ID: 9N6HJJMH
Submission Reference ID: C9LFNYWT refereed to also in NSA OSINT OIG tip by Secure Drop

Singed Edward Paul Donegan 0/1/2022


Views: 34

Knowledgebase Q(uerry) equals 1945 t0 1963

In mid 1951 Grace Ranch owned by Peter Licavoli liquidate the race horses used for Vegas track betting.

Gambling figures Ray Ryan and Peter Licavoli turn over a new leaf in 1951. Murder Inc., Vegas and Miami mafia is being bought-out by the CIA with Great Britain for CIA contractor work and the racing horses are liquidated. Bermuda (to the Sand) Dunes airport is opened by the CIA for Guatamala El Mirrado the Mirror

It is the era of Congressional Representative Richard Nixon, Los Angeles discharged from the Navy in Los Angeles 1946 a Lt Commander now going into Anti-Communist works and the Marshall Plan. He will not be sworn as VP to Eisenhower until early 1953. In 1954 deals with Bilderbergers, etc.,

This is all stored in the New William Cooper books series stored fron information input from myself and information I gained from others like St, John Hunt, Chauncey Holt, Wikipedia, and others.

Let me set the stage of Richard Bissle Jr. at Atsugi with some fiction and the CIA as Jedi adn a Thousand Years (M in Roman Numerals who is M of THe Corsican Republic

Attack of the Clones

PALPATINE This separatist movement has made it
difficult for the limited number of
Jedi Kights to maintain peace and
order in the galaxy.

Senator Amidala, the former Queen of
Naboo, is returning to Coruscant
to vote on the critical issue
of creating an army to assist the
overwhelmed Jedi.

I don’t know how much longer I can
hold off the vote, my friends.
More and more star systems are
joining the separatists.

If they do break away …

No! I will not let that happen!

But if they do, you must realise
there aren’t enough Jedi to
protect the Republic. We are
keepers of the peace, not soldiers.

THe Empire of Great Britain was cut to pieces during WWII and reforming itself was culturally fairly easy when the war was over but it was a different legal form, voluntary treaties.

Albert Eisenstein, Oppenheimer, and others valued Great Britain entering the war and with the USA turning the tide of victory. The Extant British Empire Nations contributed to fighting back Nazim.

In Post War France in 1949 and during the war earlier under Averell Harriman a world map was heing formed about shaping the nations of post WWII political systems.

On October 1, 1949, Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The announcement ended the costly full-scale civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT), which broke out immediately following World War II and had been preceded by on and off conflict between the two sides since the 1920’s.

In late 1951 King George VI was dying as the Empire already had. Yet The Queen Mother, Princess Elizibegh was about to become Queen Elizibeth II and General Jimmyu Stewart would fly the news-reels to the USA in a P-51 to celebrate the war’s outcome.

The International Workers are the theory of Communism and dispite conflicts between the USSR and China a Red China was a real threat to Korea, Vietnam, Japan, the Pacific Ilsands including Hawii and Idonesia, and elsewhere.

in 1946 the CIA was created and a variety of global alliance building actt and treaties like the Mutudual Defense Treaty and National Security Act and Mutusal Security act spring up just a year or two in advace of the Korean War startign in 1951.

Lovett, Richard Bissle Jr. E. Howard Hunt, James Donegn F-86 pilot, Col Prouty and others arrived in Japan to begin CIA field operations against the already named countries. Asia, Tokyo, Soviet Union, Gautamala, Indonesia and under Nixon in 1958 the National Security Council will overdsa all of these CIA operations and the Oil Business will sett to it the DO have an army and Lansdale and the US DOD will see to it too.

Over time Batista will all in Cuba and the Guatamala opertion using Chauncey Marvin Holt and Bermuda run out of Las Vegas and Tuscon ASrizono will become Operation Mongoose and the attack on Castro also in the MEditeranian thogh on the otehr side of the Carribiean the CIA through Phillip TWombly formerly of CocaCola will be just as involved.

These teams will hit JFK as he goes agains the global scheme and Obaa at 2 years old with Donegan participation is readied for Indosia that Dulles supports and JFK does not.

The Great Treason, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio X, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

James Paul Donegan and COl Prouty both pilots were part of photography recon of Hiroshima and Nagasaki might well monitory Soviet tests from within Japan

Soviet atomic bomb project retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

After Stalin learned of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the USSR program was pursued aggressively and accelerated through effective intelligence gathering about the German nuclear weapon project and the American Manhattan Project.[9] The Soviet efforts also rounded up captured German scientists to join their program, and relied on knowledge passed by spies to Soviet intelligence agencies.

On 29 August 1949, the Soviet Union secretly conducted its first successful weapon test (First Lightning, based on the American “Fat Man” design) at the Semipalatinsk-21 in Kazakhstan.[1] Stalin alongside Soviet political officials and scientists were elated at the successful test.

A nuclear armed Soviet Union sent its rival Western neighbors, and particularly the United States into a state of unprecedented trepidation.[12] From 1949 onwards the Soviet Union manufactured and tested nuclear weapons on a large scale.

The nuclear capabilities these tests helped develop were crucial to projecting and maintaining its global status. In total, the Soviet Union conducted 715 nuclear weapon tests throughout the course of the Cold War. Furthermore, the nuclear capabilities of the Soviet Union escalated the Cold.

In This Post

Various Book on the Hunt family and the Bush operation that killed Dorothy HUnt during Watergate

Saint John Hunt on Kindle

About the author
Saint John Hunt is an author, a musician, and the son of the infamous and legendary CIA covert operative and author, E. Howard Hunt. Saint John spent more than ten years searching for the truth about his father’s involvement in JFK’s death, resulting in his first book Bond Of Secrecy. In his next book, Dorothy, he explored his mother’s life as a CIA spy and her war with Nixon, which resulted in her murder. He lives in South Florida.

Saint John Hunt is an author, a musician, and the son of the infamous and legendary CIA covert operative and author, E. Howard Hunt. Saint John spent more than ten years searching for the truth about his father’s involvement in JFK’s death, resulting in his first book Bond Of Secrecy. …

Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel

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Holt, Chauncey On Kindle

Lee Harvey Oswald was the ultimate Patsy
just as he vehemently claimed to the press and the police after his capture.

The Siegel Lanksy Mob grew out of prohibition. The Great Lakes and closeness to Canada allowed for bootleggers to bring Canadian booze across the great lakes to Chicago and other Speak Easys. “The Bugs (Bugsy) and Meyer Mob was a Jewish-American street gang in Manhattan, New York City’s Lower East Side. It was formed and headed by mobsters Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky during their teenage years shortly after the start of Prohibition. The Bugs and Meyer mob acted as a predecessor to Murder, Inc.” – Wikipedia

Bugsy Seigel left for Vegas and and Myers Lansky to Florida as they grew apart. In Vegas gambling was legal. I Cuba gambling was legal. Short flights to Cuba during Batista of the 1950’s allowed travelers Havana club life the Florida mob could offer up and use printed numbers cards inside Florida to work with Batista run lotteries.

Chauncey Holt was was the mob accountant to Meyers Lansky and could do the graphics and other work on altered books, etc., This mob was offered Havana back if they could help the CIA hit Castro. J. Edgar Hoover recruited and used them. Holt tells the story of being under Lanskey and how the orders reach him though he did not have the higher level knowledge of what was planned, did do things like print fake Secret Service IDs and Fair Play for Cuba fliers and work with Lee Harvey Oswald in the plan.

The Men Who Killed Kennedy

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by Nigel Turner and GG Communications – The History Channel (online as video)

The How and the Scope of the Cover-ups

“Starring: Hilary Minster , Robert J. Groden , L. Fletcher Prouty , et al.
Directed by: The History Channel”

The Men Who Killed Kennedy is a video documentary series by British television network ITV that depicts the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Originally broadcast in 1988 in two parts (with a subsequent studio discussion), it was rebroadcast in 1991 re-edited to three parts with additional material, and a fourth episode added in 1995. The addition of three further episodes in 2003 caused great controversy, particularly in the final episode implicating Lyndon B. Johnson and the withdrawal of these additional episodes.

A detailed examination of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, with emphasis on the discrepancies and inconsistencies in the government’s official version of events.

Forgive My Grief Vol 4


Penn Jones JR

American journalist, the editor of the Midlothian Mirror and author.

He was also one of the earliest John F. Kennedy alternative assassination theory proponents.

‘Forgive My Grief’ Volume I was published by Penn Jones Jr. way back in 1966, a year which saw the publications of ‘Rush to Judgment’ by Mark Lane, Epstein’s ‘Inquest’, Weisberg’s ‘Whitewash II’ and Popkin’s ‘Second Oswald’. The Lane, Epstein, Weisberg and Popkin books have been on my shelf for quite a while, but the Jones volume has been omitted owing to the high cost and it’s rarity. The cover shows that back in the day this sold for $2.95.

Fortunately a copy was available to me via a co-member of Dealey Plaza U.K. The books value to me is more from the rarity value than the content.
Jones has published selected transcripts from the Warren Commission volumes for his critical review of that report, and the vast majority of the text is taken directly from Earl Warren’s fairytales. Pete daPixie
1,505 Goodreads reviews

The Unauthorized Bush Biography and Treason in America from Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman

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by Anton Chaitkin and Webster Tarpley

The Motive for hitting JFK

Some assert the Saudi government is not consistent with the US system. It is. Understanding Bandar Bush the Saudi royal friend of the Bush family so close to the Bush’s that he is a called Bush is part of that. The British system of installing repressive puppets who will allow access to natural resources (or base locations) to the West is how it is done. What is the average income in Indonesia that we have ruled with puppet governmnents after Sukarno was overthrown or the income in Bannana Republlics setup by United Fruit Company?

The George Walker Bush family come from big defense backed and even funded companies like that were closely connected to the CIA. Like United Fruit Company, Zapata Petroleum followed in the tradition of East India Tea Company helping overthrows of independent of communist nations and George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
by Webster Griffin Tarpley (Author), Anton Chaitkin (Author)

Treason in America from Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman
The Oligarchy that usurped power in the USA, against America’s revolutionary heritage, that has now destroyed the economy: What is it? Anton Chaitkin’s Treason in America is the original, authoritative inquiry into this criminal apparatus, the British Empire and its arms in Wall Street, Boston and the South.

George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography This is the groundbreaking classic expose of the Bush family, cited by all that followed it, yet still unmatched. Exhaustively documented by intensive search of dozens of archives and months of interviews with government insiders, this biography digs up all the dirt – frightening, gory, hilarious – on the Bush dynasty: how the Bushes made their fortune building up Hitler and the Nazi war machine; Iran-Contra; Zapata’s Watergate burglars; the Reagan shooting; the ‘war hero’ story; the secret government; ‘Eugenic’ population reduction plans; Kissinger, China, and genocide in the Third World; Luring Iraq to attack Kuwait; The Bush Leveraged Buyout Mob, theft of a nation; Jupiter Island, Skull and Bones, and other power bases. Essential reading as long as this Anglo-American oligarchy directs American politics, the “Unauthorized Biography” is a vivid X-ray of the presidential dynasty, and the private forces dominating both major political parties.

The British model was to cripple satellite countries with imposed poverty keeping them from rising to be a threat and that was done to Republic of Ireland. Guess what JFK thought about all of this. Companies run by the aristocrat powers of WWI America Robber Barrons like Averell Harriman and Rockefeller;s, Dupont (Franklin D Roosevelt’s one time wife Ethel DuPont,) J.P. Morgan were funded by Great Britain and USA with huge returns on investment (if any) that these private individuals put up DuPont large contract suppliers to the military, atomic research contracts, gun powder, etc., War Industries Board at end of WWI decided to create a military subservient set of big businesses that would be ready for Pentagon orders rather than be unable to fill them. The sponsored companies were also CIA allies around the world with Washington and London loyalties. Key players in Subversion and Overthrow operations.

Profile in Courage

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Chapdelaine Sr., Perry On Kindle

Written in 1955 by the then junior senator from the state of Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage was ghost written by Ted Sorenson to represent the thinking and beliefs of the Kennedy family who had boycotted a British events in the US Congress. In 1991 Kennedy boycotted a speech to the U.S. Congress by the United Kingdom’s Queen Elizabeth II “in protest to the British occupation in Northern Ireland” Growing up on Boston and Irish Catholics from the Republic of Ireland (Wexford) resentment against the British abuses of colonies was deeply ingrained morally and geopolitical in these Catholics as the Troubles have dominated the Emerald Isle’s history since William of Orange. The book with a forward by Robert F. Kennedy served as a clarion call to every American against global oppression. The inspiring true accounts of eight unsung heroic acts by American patriots at different junctures in our nation’s history, Kennedy’s book became required reading, an instant classic, and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. Now, a half-century later, it remains a moving, powerful, and relevant testament to the indomitable national spirit and an unparalleled celebration of that most noble of human virtues.

Ed Donegan asserts that Gregg Poulgrain is correct, the attempts to control Indonesia and rob it its gold was the dispute JFK was ultimately assassinated over, resisting even Joseph Kennedy Sr’s ties to Britain (As Robert F. Kennedy resisted FBI tolerance and closeness with Organized Crime that help in overthrow activity becoming contracts to the FBI and CIA). Further Ed Donegan (me) asserts during atomic testing under McCone (CIA Director and Atomic Energy Agency and Proving Grounds Nevada New Mexico, Tennessee. Donegan DNA was used in tests births since there are those around the world as bastard children to the Windsors the CIA hid, we show a gene that Windsors are trying to hide, and Barrack Obama like Ed Donegan is a bastard child descendant of this genetic line also under a hidden identity but does not have the gene. This likely converges through Glorian Donegan my mother who was born at the time of the Kings Speech the when the defect was publicly seen.

Rush To Judgment (August 1966)

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by Mark Lane (Author), Hugh Trevor-Roper (Introduction) Chauncey On Kindle and elsewhere

Robert Kennedy received information from the CIA Atsugi station that the CIA assasinated JFK. RFK immediately called the CIA and asked “Did you kill my brother? (Lisa Pease A Lie Too Big To Fail

Mark Lane was JFK’s New York campaign manager and an attorney. He felt Oswald was framed and requested to represent he Oswald wrongfull death.



Rush to Judgment is Mark Lane’s seminal work on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This groundbreaking number one bestseller opened the eyes of the people of the United States to the possibility that their government was involved in a cover-up of monumental proportions. In his mesmerizing book Lane explores the Warren Report’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Lane’s exhaustive investigation provides a roadmap to the body of evidence about the assassination. By interviewing witnesses throughout the country, comparing each of the Report’s conclusions with its own corresponding evidence, and searching through the 26 volumes of evidence the President’s Commission collected and thousands of documents found only in the National Archive in Washington, DC., Lane truthfully investigates the assassination. Meticulously detailed, with over 4,000 citations, yet immensely compelling, Rush to Judgment set forth cataclysmic ripples through the fabric of our nation. This work, still unparalleled after nearly 50 years and scores of other explorations, is where it all began. No serious study of this event is complete without it.

While the CIA influenced news media bought the story of Oswald as the shooter and mocked conspiracy theorist Mark Lane and Pen Jones gave speeches at colleges and universities to wild applaue after the two had followed in the footsteps of the FBI and found out what the witnesses really said (and said again on camera as the two re-interviewed) them and showed the FBI investigation was wrong and not following the facts. Events like these that led to the rise of Robert F. Kennedy for President, departing his US Senate role. Mark Lane & Wesley Liebeler debating at UCLA 1/25/1967 https://

Did you know when they transposed the order of frames in the Zupruder film it changed the bullet that his hit head coming from the front into coming from the back?

An excellent book maybe still the best there is. Mark Lane who had some level of closeness to JKF is pictured on the cover with JFK. Like Penn Jones Jr Mark Lane, Jim Mars, and others see evidence right away that the official version was incorrect, shots came from the Grassy Knoll area and that is what the witnesses in the area were attesting to.

Since that book and other books like Penn Jones Jr book Forgive My Grief about the same time much has happened. Scientific techniques have been used to forensically analyze photographs and other evidence. Patters of deaths have occurred that lead to suspicion of an ongoing cover-up themselves raising questions. Death bed confessions have come out as have classified documents. Still he has a list of about 100 deaths then he considered suspicous and on details revealed since now seem homocides.

In recent months I have been working from the 2014 released book Self Portrait of a Scoundrel along with ST John Hunt E. Howard Hunt data and similar sources such as Lisa Pease and James DiEguenio books, other books and his now.

Since these early books were written technology has added a lot such as Web 2.0 with videos and speech to text on sites like YouTube that are searchable and indexed. Anita Ward’s book Rush To Conspiracy leads to a different conclusion but in the discussion an organization something like the Standard Model of physics of forming in understanding the layout of Dealy Plaza and the names of witnesses and available theories such that more and more of a common base of information reasonable minds can explore are getting more detailed and finely honed a picture of what really happened and the terminology like Grassy Knoll, pagodas, various rifle types, groups of people like Hobos or Tramps and the train yard, train tracks and Triple Underpass begin to become common understanding.

His book is still an important read, thorough read, and the lawyer (himself) who put it together and deposed witnesses himself exceed and contradicted the Warren Commission.

Mark Lane (February 24, 1927 – May 10, 2016) was an American attorney, New York state legislator, civil rights activist, and Vietnam war-crimes investigator. Sometimes referred to as a gadfly, Lane is best known as a leading researcher, author, and conspiracy theorist[5] on the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy. From his 1966 number-one bestselling critique of the Warren Commission, Rush to Judgment,[6][better source needed] to Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK, published in 2011, Lane wrote at least four major works on the JFK assassination and no fewer than ten books overall.

In December 1963, Lane traveled to Dallas to question Oswald’s family, and three days later suggested to Marguerite Oswald that she sue the city of Dallas for the death of her son. Lane said: “It would be an attempt to give Lee Oswald in death what he could not obtain life—a fair trial.” Marguerite Oswald announced on January 14 that she had hired Lane to represent her son before the Warren Commission. After Lane notified the commission that he had been retained by Marguerite Oswald to represent her deceased son, the Commission’s general counsel J. Lee Rankin replied: “The Commission does not believe that it would be useful or desirable to permit an attorney representing Lee Harvey Oswald to have access to the investigative materials within the possession of the Commission or to participate in any hearings to be conducted by the Commission.” Although Warren reversed that position with a statement released on February 25 that said Walter E. Craig, president of the American Bar Association, had been appointed by the Commission to represent the interests of Oswald, Lane remarked that he still considered himself to be Oswald’s counsel.

I Edward Paul Donegan believe I am representing deceased Ted Gundeson’s interest against the FBI and CIA and NSA and Lee Harvey Oswald and my own family too, myself included.

The Great Treason, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio X, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

Views: 42

Terrorist Cell Organa

Why Mr. Gunderson, do our borders matter so much to a Patriot? “Because our national borders are our Constitutions borders. The laws prescribed in the body of our Constitutional makeup our charter, our way of life. How we protect our children. How we prosecute the mob and build for the common good. We have religions from everywhere, business that are global. There is nothing wrong with that but on our land our laws are final. Our elections are final and our government officials must be protected from foreign interests or business interests or NGOs.

When we let foreign based powers however much some in government may agree with them they must act under our laws. Those who assassinated the NWO breached the borders of the Constitution itself. Patriots will believe in such an act.”

Ted Gunderson called it the Corruption Network, others the CABAL or NWO, the Global Elites, Cartels, etc.,

For simplicity’s sake in sending this out by cut and paste as well as other means I am going to develop an Ordered List representing the Cell more or less from the Nucleus out to the cell wall and that beyond the cell wall. It will change over time so what is section I A 1 a now may be 2 A 1 c later as I add a new item above item I causing a renumbering.

What I am representing is the basic Secret Team concept of allied parties working together used by many historians.

Edward Paul Donegan Oped “The National Security Threat Posed by the Criminal Activities of Police Agencies Inside and Outside the USA and the Cover-up of Treason

There will be several sections of this. One is that I have read free speech law most of my life from under the age of 18 to over 60 years old and I understand as Thomas Jefferson did and others did that threats to free speech are a national security threat.

Second I will outline that the factors that will cause my death in the best case scenario are already far advanced because of police abuse of me. Aging in conjunction with being over-weight, homeless, carrying belongings, sleeping on sidewalks in all weather amongst violent ex-cons, poor nutrition, waking disturbances of yelling people or noise campaigns, all have taken their toll when without police abuse I might have been on a trajectory to reach 90 years old quite thin and well housed.

Heckler’s veto is often referred to outside a strict legal context. One example is an article by Nat Hentoff in which he claims that “First Amendment law is clear that everyone has the right to picket a speaker, and to go inside the hall and heckle him or her—but not to drown out the speaker, let alone rush the stage and stop the speech before it starts. That’s called the ‘heckler’s veto.'” – Wikipedia

Government Agents can use “No Touch Torture” of sensory input that is repulsive to a person. Repetitively and traumatically it is Complex Post Traumatic Trauma, an interpersonal invasion of the victim’s pscyche of ideas, sounds, imagages, scents, religious messaging so disturbing to a person the trauma can not be ignored and the traumatized person must to be functional work against the “noise.”

I will show wherever I need WiFi and workspace to write my book about US officials and the Kennedy Assassination abuse campaigns (very unfair to me) begin that manufacture unusable, physically threatening, and deeply hostile environments.

I will show the Conspiracy Against First Amendment Rights is clearly and very accurately aimed at my book writing and is one factor of many other factors (including break-ins to me home office, death threats, cuts to ISP wiring, cuts to power to the building) designed to erode and stop my book writing or the means or locations to write my books.

I will show that the these criminal acts through polie intermediaries include illegal racketeering, that the unfair staged acted out imagery of me is also used not on the fraudulent appearances as of how I look with teen girls placed around me but the Legend (manufactured backstory about me that includes forgeries of confessions) are part of violating racketeering laws and are blatantly and admittedly (by those involved) a criminal operation by policing.

The racketeerig elements include homicides of whistle-blowers to the scheme probably created at Comet Ping pong and incluide the assasinations of Seth Rich (gunshot wounds) and Jen Moore.

AI Overview

“If that comment was directed at me,” means that the speaker is wondering or questioning whether a previous statement or remark was intended to be aimed at them personally, implying a potential for criticism or negativity towards them.

Key points about this phrase:

Uncertainty: The speaker is not sure if the comment was meant for them, which can lead to feelings of confusion or discomfort.

Defensive posture: By asking this question, the speaker might be trying to understand if they are being targeted or criticized.

Context matters: The meaning of this phrase depends heavily on the situation and tone of the comment that preceded it.

Example scenarios: In a group conversation: “Did you just call me lazy? If that comment was directed at me, I disagree.” On social media: “That post seemed to be a jab at my opinion. If that comment was directed at me, I’d like to explain my perspective.”

– Google AI

“Flying Monkeys” trained at making both inter-personally and under the law offensive comments are hidden behind the ambiguity of who the comments are directed at.

Another factor in being harassed (Roadblocked) by thugs is Angie in the movie Balboa. Her and her thugs are present when Balboa is befriending a character much like me, poor, but a good keeper of house and home and a responsible person. Interceding in the activities between Balboa and Marie Angie and her thugs rudely pan-handle Balboa and are eager to escalate the fight far beyond that.

The Repugnant Frauds included a person calling sperm bank and egg bank reproducivity markets “illegal animal husbandry” in a bio-rights fraud scheme of “beakers” the ARC of Northern Virginia as a racketeering matter may have created using faked rather than real evidence against me to make the “restitution” demands for impregnation or bio-rights.

See “Seth Rich, Comet Ping Pong, and the New Reality of DC Conspiracy Theories.
DC has always had conspiracy theories. Now they have actual addresses” by Benjamin Freed.

The murder of Seth Rich occurred on July 10, 2016, at 4:20 a.m. in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C.[2] Rich died about an hour and a half after being shot twice in the back. The perpetrators were never apprehended; police suspected he had been the victim of an attempted robbery.

The 27-year-old Rich was an employee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and his murder spawned several right-wing conspiracy theories,[1][4] including the false claim, contradicted by the law enforcement branches that investigated the murder, that Rich had been involved with the leaked DNC emails in 2016. [The PizzaGate emails were included in several leaks thought to be tied to Seth Rich.]

QAnon was the offspring of a conspiracy theory known as Pizzagate. In 2016 the website WikiLeaks released a trove of e-mails that Russian hackers had stolen from the account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair for her 2016 presidential election bid. On the website 4chan—a forum characterized by trollish behaviour, extreme content, and lax moderation—anonymous users posited that the use of the term “cheese pizza” in Podesta’s e-mails was code for “child pornography” and that a Washington, D.C., pizzeria named Comet Ping Pong, from which Podesta had ordered, was engaged in the sexual exploitation of children. Ultimately, Pizzagate conspiracy theorists invoked the existence of an elite cabal of satanic cannibals operating a child sex trafficking ring out of the basement of Comet Ping Pong (the restaurant does not, in fact, have a basement). Edgar Welch, a Pizzagate conspiracy theory believer, decided to “self-investigate” the matter, so on December 4, 2016, he drove from North Carolina to Washington, D.C., armed with an AR-15, a shotgun, and a revolver. He entered Comet Ping Pong and fired several rounds in an effort to uncover the pizzeria’s nonexistent basement, but he surrendered to police after determining that the “intel” on Pizzagate “wasn’t 100 percent.” In 2017 Welch was sentenced to four years in prison on federal weapons charges.

Jen Moore had a different theory on Pizza Gate. James Alefantis, a little recognized power broker in D.C., had at his Comet Ping Pong shope Podesta and others who did not abuse children in a basement. They setup a plan to use children in the basement of a church (possible First United Methodist in Corpus Christi Texas) to act like victims. They would be used to defame and sabotage the identity of Edward Paul Donegan in various locations as it appeared to be true (though it was not) that a request for food, coffee, etc., or use of a gym or park was fact a cover story of the accused exploiter of children (Ed Donegan is being framed) who only wanted to abuse children and was not a real gym user, park user, apartment user, etc, and thus should be blacklist fro those places. The plan was made in Comet Ping Ping but acted on elsewhere.

I Ed Donegan assert it is an unfair extortion scheme using smear of my usage of pubic locations and accommodations to be subjected to unfair extortion demands and allegation of misconduct.


John Podesta Campaign Chair


Maya Harris (sister of Kamala Harris and Wife of Tony West (attorney) Morrisen and FOrrester

Senior Policy Advisor


Pizza Chef James Alefantis
of Comet Ping Pong

Sunday. April 10.2016 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm HOSTED BY


From 2001 to 2009, Tony West was a litigation partner at Morrison & Foerster LLP in San Francisco. He also served as the California co-chairman of Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign.. During 2001 through 2009 I was in a dispute with the N.I.H and FBI and was trying to submit evidence of their frauds to Morrison & Foerster LLP.

In California I was a responsible scene memer and adult of normal morals and ethics and reporting trafficking to police when I encountered it. When three female drug addicts seeking drug money tried by violence to “turn a woman out” I offered to defend her story to police if she would turn her assailants in as to filing a report against them because they told me the same reason for the attack and I had warned the victim away from those assailants even before the attack. Another person was an underage bondage partner to Nathan Bunny . A friend and in fact several of them took active steps to bring that to an end, it first came throught contacts into behavioral health by the victim then an arrest of Nathan Bunny. When my best friend Shawn of that time was accused of sexual assault at a party I had thrown in my house I isolated him, found supporters to help the reported victim and offered to call police. THe victim recanted to her friends at the party and admitted she had behaved oddly on drugs and I took her and other’s word for it.

It is possible this unfair politically motivated smear of me went from California into a larger operation of framing accross several states alleging I was after “pizza” not pizza in pizza shops. Oh how confusting to people that could be.

I need to unpack the word “unfair.” The conspirators of an illegal scheme are so brazen as to used forged confessions in the legal system, courts, and behavioral health care trust funds even though the allegations and even fabricated confessions are false. Many go along with the fraud either for political reasons and wanting to sabotage the right wing OR to profit from an extortion of sex offender predicated on the belief the sex offender has something of value that could be blackmailed over. This is are Revenge Stalk where a lynch mob in an office or public place has been expose to false allegations about a person and are invited to retaliate against that person.

Next on the OpEd agenda is that the high power interests that created an abusive smear campaign of me unfair to me are doing to to prevent the truth of the Kennedy assasionation from coming out, the operators of the black-ops program continuing the supression of the USS as a republic as global elements use subverion against the he politics and politicians of the Republic of the USA.

Finally I will show and example of the unfair trauma to me naming names of some locations and how the scheme operates. The section title is abrasive and uses a term I don’t like but is needed to make a contexutal point.

The title of the final section is Faggot, Faggot Heckler, Faggot Veto and the artklce explains violations of a person’s space to program trauma into them.

I spent years of my life in San Francisco with as many or more gay friends than straight ones, the Leather Community and Gay Community have much overlap as does paganism, etc., I always objected to Christianity interfering with free love and wrote on the topic for 30 years or more. “Freedom to Reason is Freedom [for gay couples] to cruse [each other.] It was a play on Freedom to Reason is Freedom To Choose a John Milton statement about self-governing in the Age of Reason.

The way a person is traumatically vioiled is the alteration of context. In public we share space with those who are not use or like us. That is fine. But when those who do not represent who we are (different cultures, language speakers, sexual orientations, religious orientations) force themselves traumatically into the individual space of a Stalk victim the in self of the stalk victim gasps for air and normalicy but will never find it. This is the creation of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the use of fear, terror, or things of disgust to a stalk victim to impose the need for some type of attempt against the stalkers who will deny stalking.

These types of traumatic gay traumas exposes were at Oil Can Harry’s, Halcyon, and other locations. The first two I was evicted over my complaints on the illegal components to all of this. The Arlington central Public Library evicted me under the same fight. I continue to experience conduct similar to this at Iron Bear. The adult clubs are more racially oriented in “happy slapping” making sure the imagery is disgusting to me as I write in those locations) and focus on clear smear campaigns as to wether I like adult woman sexuality or minors.

Very rude, abusive, and not uncommonly raially charged confrontations in caberets participating in this have been common at the time I am trying to contact Texas Rangers about the corruption or officials (from Austin now in Congress) I think had roles in COINTELPRO program attacking me that is illegal. In the case of Red Rose I was booted out at the exact moment I was completing an email to Texas Rangers on corruption. Similar with a Starbucks. On batter power I did finish it out accross the street and provided the info I was attacked by rudeness as I was sending it delaying the send. Stalkers seem to have most police and first responders in their back pockets but I don’t think Staklers like having to pull strings and ask for silence or stand down IF the stalker can prevent that from happening in the first place.

Since the eviction from my homes and ending up homeless I can only work on my books at all at a 30 percent rate of what I could do house. Since the loss of the library I have lost 70 percent of what is left.

During this time I have also lot my health and Jen Moore’s death has occurred.

Jones, Barry. Treasonous Cabal: A Primer on the Violent Overthrow of John F. Kennedy and His Presidency (p. 6). CreateSpace. Kindle Edition.

JOE No SINGLE conspirator had the power and influence to plan and organize all of the moving parts involved in the treasonous plot to assassinate President Kennedy. Rather, evidence shows FOUR conspirators –

  • The mafia,

  • The military and intelligence community

  • Lyndon B. Johnson,

  • and the Cuban Americans.

– Each one playing a part in the Crime of the Century.

Indeed, the plot could NOT have succeeded without the complicity of co-conspirators. Likewise, it wasn’t a single issue that drove multiple multiple parties with very different agendas to “join the team” and carry out the hit. Evidence shows that each of the conspirators had individual motives that intersected, causing them to want to permanently eliminate John F. Kennedy – the enemy of their various schemes, enterprises, policies, and ambitions. This “common enemy syndrome” united conspirators from wildly different orbits

Barry Jones writes “This book is an attempt to answer three basic questions. Why was President Kennedy killed? Who benefited? And who had the power to cover it up? This text will present a narrative from the author’s perspective. Though the evidence is factual, the conclusions drawn are the author’s alone. This book is not intended to supplant or even supplement historical research texts. In fact, it is targeted at JFK laypersons, not the researchers and history experts who can probably recite more JFK assassination facts from the tops of their heads than this author has read.

This book has two purposes – to simplify what has proven to be quite a complicated topic and present it in such a way that even novices and especially high school and college students might take an interest in what some consider to be the “Crime of the Century.” Though I am not advocating cynicism, I DO hope the reader comes away with a healthy skepticism as it relates to anything the United States government presents to the American people as the “official version” of past, present, and future events. When all is written, if this book causes the reader to think, I’ve done my job!

I Edward Paul Donegan have written on political systems (including The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, Spain under Franco and afterwards and other geopolitics and political philosophy for most of my adult life., Now in my early sixties I am applying Constitutional Law of the USA to study US Foreign Policy, its making and carrying out, and splits in allegiances from republicanism to our change from a breakaway colony of England into an ally of Great Britain and how this affected JFK’s thinking and politics him having similar influences to my own my being from Boston too.

Breaking down the four interests that Barry Jones does I see the Protestants of Texas were closer to the East-West Center of Hawaii LBJ was largely resonsible for and the military intercepts capability of the British with Yale and others from WWII history and trying to continue that in the Cold War as even the Pope joined with both Protestants and the mafia also to fight socialism or communism both of which harassed or banned the practice of Christianity.

  1. Nucleus

    1. High Crimes

      Arbitrary power by the Executive under various excuses and denials that give the executive feudal powers of illegal acts that the Executive will deny rather than admit and is often done by intermediaries the Government claims not connection to and on behalf of interests other than the Republic that the Government claims no connection with.

      “Black Operations” also at times called “Black Budget,” “Above Top Secret,” or “Special Access” programs can include drug dealing, money laundering, hitmen, gun-running to combatants, forgeries, false flags, assassinations, and profiteering while denying the secret activities.

      1. National Security Act of 1947. More money has been spent, more lives influenced, and more national prestige and tradition affected by the National Security Act of 1947 than] anything that has been done since that date-and all in the futile and passive name of defense. In this single Act, Congress established the Department of Defense with its single civilian secretary, and it established a new military organization joining the old Army and Navy, with an independent Air Force and a Joint Chiefs of Staff.

        It also set up the National Security Council, which consisted of the President, the Vice President, the secretaries of State and of Defense, and the director of the Office of Emergency Planning.

        It provided for the Operations Coordinating Board to assure that decisions arrived at within the NSC were carried out as planned and directed. And not to be overlooked, this same act created the Central Intelligence Agency and very specifically placed it, “for the purpose of coordinating the intelligence activities of the several Government departments and agencies in the interest of national security… under the direction of the National Security Council.. Col Prouty The Secret Team

        It was largely the creation of anti-communist US Representative Richard Nixon who was leading the Marshall Plan planning and creation of the National Security act along with other legislation. As it became law with the help of some rich friends like Rockefeller (checkers speech) Nixon will become the first VP elected into an office that will run the NSC.

      2. Concentration of Power and Executive Power. James Madison: “Concentration of powers is tyranny.”

        “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” -The Federalist Papers, Number 47

      3. Teaming with Murder Inc., and drug runners and other such as the Vatican for overthrows while hiding US hands in the activities that include war crimes and profiteering. A free-for-all access to military supplies Prouty was asked to supply for specially created businesses (following the War Industries Board and Military Industrial Complex) paid for by the US and given to select robber barraonns and with to US military inventory to conduct acts of war against both other nations and the USA itself.

        Denials. Denying its activities and hiring reporters to deny rumors of such events and by denying links to intermediaries used (Even though they later confess) the CIA can deny and the press corp will accept the denials thus the public will accept the denials

      4. George H.W. Bush and other oil cronies throughout the world pillaging nations for the “black” hidden even from JFK profits looted from the countries the corporations are committing crimes and acts of war in.

      5. British System of Subversion and Overthrow ( in allegiance and receiving support from foreign State and Non-State actors) with Covert internal leverage forces special operators often funded by Prizes of War collecting CIA front companies run by moneyed international interest of for international world powers like the Vatican.

        John F. Kennedy and his family were part of Boston patriotism (think Mel Gibson as The Patriot) rebelling against Britain’s financially exploitative oppression of both Catholicism and the USA and the Republic of Ireland and the poor who lived under feudal oppression and arbitrary power of High and Petty tyrant officials. No Taxation Without Representation.

        In the opening of Ed Donegan book The Great Treason is that following WWII and even before the secret world powers that utilize anti-democratic preemption. subversion, and overthrows to rule the USA and the world are a terrorist Deep State that remains a Quiet War by illegal actions and is covertly controlling US Government and Media while denying it. This group has access to military hardware and war making capabilities from the USA and elsewhere that it employs illegally. This is what Col Prouty spent his life writing about after his friend JFK was assassinated and silenced.

      6. The House Select Committee on Foreign Aid, or Herter Committee, was established to study the proposal that had been launched by General George Marshall in his speech at Harvard on June 5, 1947, for a Marshall Plan, in part as Cold War anticommunism, which led future US President Richard Nixon to focus on foreign policy throughout his public career. In 1947, it identified a “prevailing theme throughout-that democratic leadership was close to non-existent and Communist leadership at the forefront of political shaping.”

        In fact British Imperialism was on the decline and the Boston Brahmin wanted it back.

  2. Whole of Cell and its Context as Terrorist Cell(s) function Organism and The Special Relationship respecting Great Britain and its influence and techniques to control many countries using pillaged or foreign-assets means of war. The model was East-India Tea Company that allowed State blessed chartered corporations extensive (and even backing for) misconduct of dirty wars in foreign lands that have been targeted for exploitation and conquest.

    1. Need of WWII’s England to reverse decline – End of British Empire See also: Falklands War, Transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong, and Repatriation. By 1981, aside from a scattering of islands and outposts, the process of decolonisation that had begun after the Second World War was largely complete. In 1982, Britain’s resolve in defending its remaining overseas territories was tested when Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, acting on a long-standing claim that dated back to the Spanish Empire.[256] Britain’s successful military response to retake the Falkland Islands during the ensuing Falklands War contributed to reversing the downward trend in Britain’s status as a world power.

      The 1980s saw Canada, Australia, and New Zealand sever their final constitutional links with Britain. Although granted legislative independence by the Statute of Westminster 1931, vestigial constitutional links had remained in place.

    2. Averell Harriman, Bush, Rockefeller, and others made Keepers of the Peace special forces subversion and overthrow teams to get the bilateral treaties England and others wanted. Some call this the Secret Governments that replaced the more open Cabal.

      That the Donegan’s Prouty’s E. Howard Hunt, Dorothy Hunt, Bissle JR., Lee Harvey Oswald and plans for Indonesia were under way by this time is clearly documented. JFK would and likely did strongly object to at least some of this. Regardless of what the OOECD did say about this you can find AR6362-A. President John F. Kennedy Meets with Secretary General of Organisation for European… more

      President John F. Kennedy meets with the Secretary General of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation Thorkil Kristensen in the Oval Office. Ed Donegan asserts that at this time he was fertilized a plan to have a possible half brother under a fake id born along side him or said to be was made and this was Post WWII CIA plans for Indonesia Gregg Poulgrain calls Allen Dulles v. JFK and Jen Moore (deceased) also asserts using Donegan home as background for video. Kristensen asserted better leaders had to be inserted or backed in countries like Indonesia of those countries were to succeed.

    3. Indonesia 1958. In Col Prouty Was A Revalor I show that the CIA had one command and it was a mobile command placed into Japan after WWII and 1949 in particular for the N (post WWII) World Order to pursue under treaty world peace. I show at that time the main concerns were (A)sia, (T)okyo of conquered Japan now a US asset that Prouty was a near full military governor of, and from there the military conducted operations as planned in (S)oviet (U)nion flyovers, (G)uatemala, and (I)ndonesia all hotpots the base ATSUGI the recon and covert operations for overthrows were based out of and Lee Harvey Oswald of the CIA was based at using RADAR I think to demonstrate it.

      As seen in openly sourced news materials in 1951 as Prince Elizabeth was coming to power as Queen Elizabeth and James Paul Donegan were there in that time with the Prouty’s under Nixon. Ed Donegan asserts this is when (1951 to 1961 the CIA birth of Obama for Indonesia was planned with an uncertain placement of the baby Obama Jr. and several possible CIA plans for countries and parents to grow up with. This was under the GOO Bush Nixon and led to the assassination of JFK when Obama under his real birth certificate was two years old and that the whole Operation 40 scheme and similar ones was mafia run and the records destroyed. Prouty was a close Donegan friend.

    4. The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World is a book by L. Fletcher Prouty, a former colonel in the US Air Force, first published by Prentice-Hall in 1973. He also wrote this Team of Conspirators assassinated JFK.

    5. Overthrow a Fascist Regime on $15 a Day. Wayne Madsen quit his job and moved to Washington, DC, in 2000 to launch journalistic riveting accounts. Countries like Indonesia and elswhere have CIA backed ovethrow plans and Obama was CIA connected and planned for Indonesia.

    6. Books include The Manufacturing of a President: The CIA’s Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House “Research is based on formerly classified CIA and State Department files, personal interviews, and international investigations. Obama’s birth certificate has never been the issue … (in Wayne Madsen view. Obama Jr was eligible for President. In Ed Donegan’s view too but to Ed Donegan a possible SSN of 022-46-3234 as the actual birth SSN next to Ed Donegan SSN is material to Ed Donegan’s version of accounts) The real issue,

    7. The Almost Classified Guide to CIA Front Companies, Proprietaries & Contractors This book is a compilation, in encyclopedic format, of the CIA’s various fronts, proprietaries, and contractors/corporate partners since the agency’s inception in 1947. The book ranges from “A” to “Z” — Air America to Zapata Offshore.

    8. America’s Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush II by Wayne Madsen and John Stanton by Wayne Madsen

      Ed Donegan and others assert the team of Murder Inc., mobsters, and other assorted allies recruited from nearly anywhere are the “Doers” (as General Lansdale put it) while the State sponsor of the criminal actives denies being linked to the guerrilla warfare or arming insurgents of other countries. Wayne Madsen and Ed Donegan assert Barrack Obama JR. and his presidency resulted from these CIA plans for the world.

  3. Ectoplasm

    1. The Financial and Legal and Political and Military dealings of the NWO. In almost all cases the overthrow involve Organized Crime on large financial scales of hidden corporate profits and funding and personal profits and abuse of power in office.

  4. Intelligence

    1. Organizations of Cells working together as a Cartel or other organization can be brain cells and have plans. Planted stories in an influenced press corps can present fabricated stories and fabricated judgmental condemning conspiracy theories and providing acclaim and protective sentiments to conspiracy members.

    2. Disinformation designed to influence Targeted audiences may be based on accurate reporting of carefuller staged events. Iran was accused of this when student protests occurred before the world under the Shah that were designed for the camera lens.

  5. Flagellum (tail outside cell wall)

    1. On behalf of Robber Barrons Special Operators Conquer covertly destabalizing smaller countries with strife within the strife energizing with covert support one side of the seeming internal civil war. Often the nations pres is infiltrated that run planted stories to manipulate public opinion.

    2. Bully (OED) v. seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable).

      [Bulls (police bullying) can destabilize a situation and blame the victim] The bullies find places to insert themselves into in such as way as their presence in a particular place or time will likely generate a conflict with the victim to be bullied and blamed in resultant conflicts.]

      Similar to Bully (OED) persecute, oppress, tyrannize, torment, browbeat, intimidate, cow, coerce, strong-arm, subjugate, domineer, push around, play the heavy with, pressure, pressurize, bring pressure to bear on, use pressure on, put pressure on, constrain, lean on, press, push, force, compel, oblige, put under an obligation, hound, harass, nag, harry, badger, goad, prod, pester, brainwash, bludgeon, persuade, prevail on, work on, act on, influence, dragoon, twist someone’s arm, blackjack, bulldoze, railroad, put the screws/squeeze on, bounce, hustle, fast-talk,

    3. CIA agents have written books on “dirty tricks” and they are known publicly. Close Hits position an operative near a victim (usually undercover or using an asset) in position next to a victim and preferably not accessible by the victim. Such a location may be a neighboring office (Watergate break-in) neighboring apartments or houses or in common areas next the victim such as common areas including common areas of apartment or condo units. Forgeries and planted misinformation and use of Shills help the operation also with undercover operatives. Organizing cartels is another dirty trick if the cartel will collude in illegal actions (RICO) for criminal ends.

      “Pizzagate is one such abuse of power. Wanting special access to adult entertainers and wanting to use Ed Donegan Donegan family property to pay for access a retarded version of Edward Donegan is taken to sex industry workers for lessons by law enforcement and Edward Paul Donegan is made to look in public in need of those lessons that will build Haute couture new adult sex worker call girl and pimp scene members. Edward Donegan was asked by the Salvation Army to help understand Goth and he would not.

      Ed Donegan asserts he is targeted as a behavioral risk to others in order to toxify his presence in libraries, apartment, social communities, etc., to hinder or subvert his platform to write his book in.

      Fighting and other consequences result from the confession of the body double of Ed Donegan away from Ed Donegan’s presence AND treatment of real Ed Donegan in public as the person who elsewhere confesses to misconduct. These have led to rigged legal proceedings, pscywards, and fights as well as evictions.

    4. Protection Rackets a form of Organized Crime labor racket by police or security services are the most dangerous. One now feeds off false allegations against Ed Donegan who is being used as a patsy for an alleged sex crimes ring. The police may even bully a patsy they are blaming their own acts on and act against the patsy or extort the patsy. This is the case with Lee Harvey Oswald and Edward Paul Donegan. Blacklisting the Patsy by smear allows for the transfer of blame to the patsy publicly while also brings acclaim to the protection racket publicly whitelisting the terror cell. Again corrupt police and corrupt investigators are in the perfect position to do this.

    5. Alternate Paths By Hostile Parties Those not allowed to attack a journalist or witness to JFK matters may plant child porn on the person, harrass them, cause their evictions and job loss etc., as an alternate path disruption of their lives and credibility.

  6. Cell walls and cell wall passage of assassins, propaganda, and world profits into the cell and rise to power of the elites as controll of the cell

    1. Secret Agreements between Espionage agencies and countries to cooperate on the world planning and covert operations regime changes and hemispherical covert aggression.

      The main functions of the cell wall are: Protecting the cell against physical damage and invading pathogens. Cell wall controls and regulates the direction of cell growth. Providing the strength, structural support and maintaining the shape of the cell. Functions as a storage unit by storing carbohydrates for use in plant growth, especially in seeds. It allows entry of smaller molecules through it freely.

      As Cell Walls of Sovereign Nations are destroyed the conquered nation joins into or is ogrnaized as a colony of the Terrorist Cell. Manufactured copies of itself by mitosis or by virus may leave the cell, toxins may be produced and leave the cell, nutrients may pass into the cell. Cellular intelligence Major histocompatibility complex is DNA that alerts the cells to foreign biology or endogeneic biology.

    2. SILENCED! Strange Deaths Of People Who Knew Too Much About The JFK Assassination: 92 Witnesses, Researchers, CIA Agents, Police Officers, Reporters, Girlfriends Who Just Knew Way Too Much! Kindle Edition by Ralph Thomas (Author) [Ed Donegan and others assert the Terrorist Cell emits toxicty to those not in the Cell or are a threat to the Cell. Often it is law enforcement, innocent bystander whiteness, or patriots who are targeted]

      Hit people sent into the public to assassinate Marilyn Monroe, Malcom X, Dr. Martin Luther King, later Robert F. Kennedy and other Kennedy’s and US Representative Sonny Bono and even William Colby to keep silent the truth of the Family Jewel’s program mostly run by Boston Brahim.

The Flagellum of Subversion includes guerrilla warfare against journalists and politicians. Covert harassment on the personal level includes police secretly picking fighters by bullying the police can win including working against housing, break-ins, use of assets to conduct attacks the police want conducted though deny involvement in.

The misfortune of conflicts with police are said to be the fault of the bullied person.

The Great Treason, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio X, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government

The Timing of NSC activities and roles of CIA and the evolution of the CIA in Japan 1951 leading world security including from Grace Ranch Arizona Grace Ranch of Peter LIcavli of the JFK assassination

1946 the CIA is created mostly by Congressman Richard Nixon to be the NSC mechanism for national security.

By the time the lines had hardened, few would deny the necessity for central coordinated intelligence, and nearly everyone was convinced that the quality of national intelligence must be improved. However, as strongly as these measures were supported, the majority also denied the proposals that would have given the Intelligence Authority its own clandestine branch and the means to support such activities. General Donovan, Allen Dulles, and others took to the rostrum and spoke publicly and privately of the need, as they saw it, for an agency with special “operations” powers. To confirm this need and to inflame the public with this issue, the supporters of the clandestine operations proposition became the greatest firebrands of the anti-Communism theme. It was this same group that picked up the banner hurled by Winston Churchill and that saw Communists under every rock. It was during these crucial days that the opposition, no matter who the opposition was, was painted pink or red with the label of Communist. A beginning of this form of public and political blackmail was made during these debates, and it reached its zenith less than a decade later.

[T]he supporters of the clandestine operations proposition became the greatest firebrands of the anti-Communism theme. It was this same group that picked up the banner hurled by Winston Churchill and that saw Communists under every rock. It was during these crucial days that the opposition, no matter who the opposition was, was painted pink or red with the label of Communist. A beginning of this form of public and political blackmail was made during these debates, and it reached its zenith less than a decade later in the infamous days of Senator Joseph McCarthy.

In the quarter-century that has followed this debate, this country and the world have become somewhat accustomed to the polemics of this terrible issue. What began perhaps as an honest effort to alert this country to the fact that the Soviet Government did in fact have the potential to unleash the secrets of the atom and thus to build atomic bombs, gradually became a powerful tool in the hands of the irresponsible and the agitators. All opposition for whatever reason was branded as Communist or pro-Communist. Gradually, this dogma of anti- Communism was extended into the entire world, and by the time of the publication of the Truman Doctrine, the entire world had been divided into Communist and anti-Communist along the lines of the Iron Curtain, the Northern Tier, and the Bamboo Curtain. Once these Lines had been drawn, it remained only for time to run its course and for the Soviet Union to follow natural growth and scientific achievement to obtain not only the atomic bomb, but the hydrogen bomb and then the intercontinental ballistic missile. As many have said, these decisions and pressures, which first appeared during the years immediately following the end of World War II, have contained some of the most serious and grievous mistakes of this quarter-century.

During WWlater CIA figures served in the Office of Strategic Services. At the end of the war, President Truman abolished that office and shortly thereafter set up another National Intelligence Authority in January 1946, again for the purpose of coordinating intelligence. It will be noted that the specific duties assigned to the new agency (CIA) specifically itemized most of the standard tasks of Intelligence, with the exception of “collection.” It would seem that a Congress that had debated the subject so long and so thoroughly would not have overlooked the function of collection. It is more likely that Congress fully intended what it stated-that the task of the CIA was that of “coordinating” intelligence. ‘ Col Prouty the Secret Team

The Mutual Defense Assistance Act was a United States Act of Congress signed by President Harry S. Truman on 6 October 1949. For U.S. foreign policy, it was the first U.S. military foreign aid legislation of the Cold War era, and initially to Europe.1949 .

On 8 September 1951, the United States and Japan signed the Mutual Security Treaty, which stationed U.S. troops on Japanese soil for the defense of Japan following the eruption of the Korean War. On 8 March 1954, both countries signed the Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement (activated on 1 May 1954), focusing on defense assistance. It allowed for the presence of U.S. armed forces in Japan for the purpose of peace and security while encouraging Japan to take on more responsibility for its own defense, rearming in a manner suited for defensive purposes.

The Mutual Security Act of 1951 launched a major American foreign aid program, 1951-61, of grants to numerous countries. It largely replaced the Marshall Plan. The main goal was to help poor countries develop and to contain the spread of communism. It was signed on October 10, 1951, by President Harry S. Truman.[1] Annual authorizations were about $7.5 billion, out of a GDP of $340bn in 1951, for military, economic, and technical foreign aid to American allies. The aid was aimed primarily at shoring up Western Europe, as the Cold War developed. In 1961 it was replaced by a new foreign aid program, the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, which created the Agency for International Development (AID), and focused more on Latin America.

The Mutual Security Act also abolished the Economic Cooperation Administration, which had managed the Marshall Plan and transferred its functions to the newly established Mutual Security Agency (MSA). The Agency was established and continued by acts of October 10, 1951 (65 Stat. 373) and June 20, 1952 (66 Stat. 141) to provide military, economic, and technical assistance to friendly nations in the interest of international peace and security, but was abolished by Reorganization Plan No. 7 of 1953, effective August 1, 1953, and its functions were transferred to the Foreign Operations Administration.[3] The act however, was extended by appropriators each fiscal year until the early 1960s.

As the Marshall Plan was ending, Congress was in the process of piecing together a new foreign aid proposal designed to unite military and economic programs with technical assistance. In the words of Secretary of State Dean Acheson, who testified before Congress, Western Europe needed assistance against Soviet “encroachment.” The measure was intended to signal Washington’s resolve to allies and to the Kremlin that the United States

Though not officially a belligerent during the Korean War (1950-1953), the Soviet Union played a significant, covert role in the conflict. It provided material and medical services, as well as Soviet pilots and aircraft, most notably MiG-15 fighter jets, to aid the North Korean-Chinese forces against the South Korean-United Nations Forces. Joseph Stalin had final decision-making power and several times demanded North Korea postpone action, until he and Mao Zedong both gave their final approval in spring 1950. – Wikipedia

In 1951 as Princess Elizabeth II is near becoming Queen CHina and Russia threaten the Islands of Japan if they push through Korean as Russia did from Manchuria China) to force Japan to surrender in end of WWII

28 USC 1746 Declaration using a theoretical Interrogatory exposition)

Part 1 General information and Conspiracy Theory

Q. What is your full name and where do you currently reside? A: My full name is Edward Paul Donegan born 11/18/1961 on St. Josoph’s Hospital in Inglewood of Los Angeles County to parents from Massachusutes then residing in Manhattan Beach City of Los Angeles County. I attened McMartin preschool in 1962 and that is history tied iinto Franklin Nebraska Boystown and the CIA that William F. Coly, John DeCamp, and Ted Gunderson and Jen Moore have written of, all wth access to the CIA files on the matter. Today I reside in Texas but am homeless. I use the mailng address of the Austin Resource Center for the Homeless (ARCH) though I distrust most including them.

Q. How long have you been homeless and have been homeless at other times in you ilfe? A. About a year and half this time and I have been homeless before. I had signed several valid leases in Texas but an interstate covert operation has sabotaged the existing leases I signed as well as interfering with my initiating new leasing.

Q. What leases do you assert were sabotaged and what mechanisms have bee used to sabotage them and who sabatoged them according to your assertions. A. ARC of Northern Virginia in connection with Arlington County (Virginia) Mental Health Services in conjunction I suspect at times Nueces County Texas social services and Austin Community Court Services as well as FBI offies in Texas have had a role.

Q. How do you assert the sabotage of housing has worked? A. A smear campaign leaves drug paraphernalia near me, plays to the fears of the communities I have attempted to move to by suggesting I exploit vulnerable children by cover photography, use drugs, and am a bad influeve and a risk to the public. This invites people to deny my housing, fake bad credit, fake that apartments already leased for some reason are not coming available as planned, etc., When I have moved in to ompleted housing leased properties hostile neighbors called Shill in con job terms or Confidential Informants by others have attacked me on common property areas, stared into my window faves through the windows, holding buttocks squished against windows as though blok me from looking at children’s buttocks outside my windows at the same time the scatter children’s toys outside my windows or children’s underwear or meth pips or other items around my apartment or hotels.

Q. Do you assert these are smear campaign or ist there some truth to it? A. Both. I am guilty of some of that with an explanation. I did not like being outside the home on drugs and up until about 2003 I did use drugs including methamphetamine and ecstasy. During those times I would stay indoors rather than go to sex or music club nearly on the same blokc I live on, numerous clubs in that area. While using and auto-download of the UUnet groups of that time I clicked on everything bikini, bikine bull beach contest, body sculpting fitness modeling, leather and S&M porn, and may other including at times later and rub fashion, etc. While there was some teen stuff in there for the most part teens I find have an ickiness to them that when treated as erotica deeply disgusts me I just figured enough of them at that time passed for adults. Those sabotaging me I think know the truth but have for smear campaign reasons played up what has been the exceptions (here or there) rather than the clearly contradicting truth of the matter.

Q. Why would someone do that to you? A. There is a very simple answer a to why but the more complex question is why me? As to why because those other things I liked and had been a part of my life going back into early San Franiso Leather scene history, sophisticates of Silicon Valley counter-culture were glamouruse and rare. COINTELRPO has stage me as a loser in part because IF I were that loser assets of my family could be used in “my interest” to teach me that counter-culture. In Texas a scheme uses a dopple of me to “confess” to being a developmentally retarded loser. I think the Texas culture I found in Nueces County 1) Resented what they view as my White Supremacism and 2) Viewing my success in the gym lowering my body fat with arcane thrilling high energy music set-off in them a desire to co-opt a cultural space of health and fitness from me preferring to smear me and aggrandize themselves as they copied my results and while warning people of me personally a to gym and park usage.

Q. You say there was a racial competition with your personal image in the gym, and that you are known as a White Supremacist? A. Well I don’t like that term and try to avoid it but several times in my life I have attempted to build movements that refute equal iq averages between racial groups. A. Well certainly but I was just seeking solutions. But this goes to that deeper question of why me that was harassed racially in the first place? Non whites, gays, and a very hostile rainbow coalition types have long worked against me despite that fact I was in now way an aggressor or against any of them. I actually started with men’s rights in about year 2000 and in that research I discovered white identitarians. For years I was the subject of a scheme of non-white monopolizing my actual vicinity moving white adult females away then in that vacumn acting like I am buying child porn from other racial groups OR (that having been men of other racial groups) the women of other racial groups calling me, making lewd comments like I like your cookies, that comment from a black female made in a lewd tone in Washington D.C., in a Walmart as I pushed a shopping cart with Oreo cookies in the cart tray right in front of my hipps.

Q. Have you written books asserting a racketeering interest in your genealogy and have you bee researching motivations for this group of State backed operatives you accuse of cover fraud? A. Yes. I think that as a result of atomic testing my family was in and CIA activities my family were a part of were tied to bastard children world famous family lines and that my mother comes from such a family. I grew in a very interesting family an it has been the subject of racketeering an fraud from those who aspire to certain parts of that family history.

Q. Do you think this theory you offer of a historical family history tied to harassment of you has other victims that might corroborate any of this? A. Yes. Geral Sossbee is a former FBI agent who comes from Transylvania, a region of Romania. His family of origin being speaker of Romanain. Romanian was also known as Moldovan in Moldova, although the Constitutional Court of Moldova ruled in 2013 that “the official language of Moldova is Romanian”.[c] On 16 March 2023, the Moldovan Parliament approved a law on referring to the national language as Romanian in all legislative texts and the constitution. On 22 March, the president of Moldova, Maia Sandu, promulgated the law.

William Binney and John R. Stockwell, Geral Sosbee and others are Revealors

I do not doubt anything any of these have said and I have experienced to and I believe the JFK assassination and aviation safety researchers about FBI, DHS, and police services in the USA. I don;t doubt today based on all of that the truth TODAY that if several high speed bullets strike and kill a police officer today the USA and it citizens, homes, and the republic itself is safer. Why cops are this dirty or so dangerous I do not know but whatever their ideology is what they do the core error is them failing to understand democratic systems and the rule of law.

Fraud on the courts, radiation attacks on me, the deaths around me I consider suspicous such as car accidents, cancer, and violents stabbings or the murders of journalists and/or law enforcement like Ted Guderson and Geral Sosbee and others is the norm for the USA and the USA nor the world are not safe unitl the confessions of Holt, Hunt, and others are taken seriously and corruption is routed from poltical offices and political cover-ups come to and end.

This book is NOT meant to kill police officers or encourage others to do so. It is meant to explain the corruption and corrupt policing exists and add to that puzzle with the pieces in my possession I can add into that picture. Rather than encourage violence against police I discourage it since it build police moral and public sympathy for police worsening the problem. The corruption of police forces must be exposed and those exposing it must not fall to the “terrorist conspiracy theorist” label. Sunlight is the best disinfectant of the corruption in the Body Politic, and support for the Body Politic does not include shooting at it.

Many I knew are dead and one of them Veronica Hoffman died in mental hospital. I believe she was terror-stalked, subjected to covert harassment, bullied, and died in her twenties because she had the misfortune of (like Bobby Courtney and others) worked with a corrupt police operation. That operation faked allegations against me. They all died under 30 years old I think. Tom Dunham is another person I know being framed for things I know are impossible about him, but the same smear techniques are used on him as on those others and also all the ones used on me and my father.

Covert operators working for the elites have everything from radiolgy (raw source AND D-E-W) and CIA Technical Services poisons and murder techniques available to them and also sophisticated dirth tricks that improperly link people to toxifying alleged events AND trick people into actions that look bad or have bad optics. One such thing to get fights is Lieographies. Lies audible to, in the vicinity of, and repeated in a clear hostile way but with an alibi (I was talking to my dog, into my cell phone, or had some other meaning) are improper tellings of a part of a Target’ life. Meant to be abusive and fighting words and draw a punch the covert aggression welcomes that punch because like me elderly father who “became confused about those around him” the target of the lie will fight the lieographer and often die or be arrested in the course of the fight.

Image of Geral Sosbee “The F.B.I and C.I.A are Terrorists.” “FBI and CIA kill and torture innocent civilians worldwide.” “FBI and CIA routinely torture, kill, falsely imprison, or force suicide upon targeted individuals using electromagnetic weapons for mind control and nervous system manipulation. I witnessed that the FBI and C/A inhumanely and regularly torture the targeted person and also force him/her to live under horrific conditions that could reasonably be expected to lead to suicide. ” – Former Special Agent Sosbee

Geral W. Sosbee FBI Special Agent 1971 -1978
SA (Special Agent) SOSBEE was assigned to a squad handling Espionage – Foreign Intelligence matters. Because of his language ability, he is primarily concerned with investigations relative to the country of Romania. He handles a sensitive source on a nearly daily basis which requires the use of his language ability. He attended Basic Counter Intelligence school during April and May, 1974. (From Xerox of FBI document Espionage – Foreign Intelligence)

Several interesting factors regarding Romania
The Warsaw Pact Founded 14 May 1955 Founded at Warsaw, Poland Dissolved 1 July 1991

Dominated by the Soviet Union (USSR), the Warsaw Pact was established as a balance of power or counterweight to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Western Bloc. There was no direct military confrontation between the two organizations; instead, the conflict was fought on an ideological basis and through proxy wars. Both NATO and the Warsaw Pact led to the expansion of military forces and their integration into the respective blocs.

The Warsaw Pact’s largest military engagement was the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, its own member state, in August 1968 (with the participation of all pact nations except Albania and Romania), which, in part, resulted in Albania withdrawing from the pact less than one month later. The pact began to unravel with the spread of the Revolutions of 1989 through the Eastern Bloc, beginning with the Solidarity movement in Poland, its electoral success in June 1989 and the Pan-European Picnic in August 1989. – Wikipedia

Interestingly enough it was the Polish intelligence agents that assassinated Franz Kutshera uncle of Maria Kutschera who married Barron Von Trapp.

Franz Kutschera/Assassinated February 1, 1944, Warsaw, Poland. Operation Kutschera was the code name for the successful execution of Franz Kutschera, SS and Reich’s Police Chief in German-occupied Warsaw, who was shot on 1 February 1944 by a combat sabotage unit of Kedyw of the Home Army (predecessor of Battalion Parasol).

Operation Kutschera retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here

SS-Brigadeführer and Generalmajor of the Polizei, Franz Kutschera, became SS and Police Leader of the Warsaw District on 25 September 1943. During his earlier posting in the Mogilev District of the Soviet Union he proved himself as a ruthless officer, prone to brutal and unscrupulous methods.

Soon after his arrival in Warsaw he stepped up terror measures directed against the civilian population. The number of public executions and łapanka round-ups were increased, and lists of hostages to be shot in reprisal for civil disobedience or any attack on a German soldier were published daily. These actions, based on a decree by Hans Frank, were intended to crush the will to resist among the Polish population. As a result, the Polish underground leadership included Kutschera in its “Operation Heads” list.

Kutschera’s whereabouts in Warsaw were a closely guarded secret but were discovered by Aleksander Kunicki (code name “Rayski”), head of intelligence of the Agat company, while he was investigating two other assassination targets: Dr Ludwig Hahn, Chief of the Sicherheitspolizei and Sicherheitsdienst in occupied Warsaw and SS-Sturmbannführer Walter Stamm.

In the course of his surveillance of the area around the Gestapo HQ on Aleje Szucha, Rayski one day noticed an Opel Admiral limousine entering the drive of the building at Aleje Ujazdowskie number 23, which was then the SS headquarters in Warsaw (and now houses the Hungarian Embassy). The SS-man who emerged from the car wore the insignia of a general, and Rayski began to monitor his arrivals and departures from the building. The SS-man was soon identified as Kutschera, who actually lived only 150 metres away, at Aleja Róż number 2. Rayski also discovered that despite the short distance from his home to the SS headquarters, Kutschera always used his car to get there.

Marie of Romania was considered highly attractive in her youth and she had several young men vying for her hand in marriage, however one young man had already stolen her heart – George, Duke of York. Marie had known George for the majority