John Edgar Hoover (January 1, 1895 – May 2, 1972) was an American law-enforcement administrator who served as the final Director of the Bureau of Investigation (BOI) and the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). President Calvin Coolidge first appointed Hoover as director of the BOI, the predecessor to the FBI, in 1924. After 11 years in the post, Hoover became instrumental in founding the FBI in June 1935, where he remained as director for an additional 37 years until his death in May 1972 – serving a total of 48 years leading both the BOI and the FBI and under eight Presidents.
Ed Donegan assert J. Edgar Hoover had three historical periods of British aligned Secret Inteligence Service backed world plans. In the 1920’s he (a Master Free Mason) was part of the plot to get 1925 impregnated Maria Kutschera (Nazi neice and singing coach to Capt Von Trapp and his children he had with Agatha Whitehead). Removing the Nazi unwilling Nazi propogandists from Austria while pregnant by a Windsor into the USA was the first phase. In the Cold War using Marilyn Monroe and Glorian Donegan as 1926 children for MKULTRA including creating Barrack Obama Jr. as a sleeper and the plan involved Malcom X as someone setup by early publicity as a possible father of secret identity Barrack Obama Jr. In the third phase the FBI killed JFK and covered it up on the decades since as the elite like the Bush family and others that were part of the OSS CIA and Vatican activities hid their acts.
J. Edgar Hoover (we must be careful about confusion with Herbert Hoover) became a Master Mason at 26. If we believe his later created 1/1895 guess at his birth that would be about 1921.
Degrees are initiation ceremonies that represent progressive steps to membership in the organization. There are three degrees conferred in the Masonic Lodge: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. They are loosely based upon the journeymen system, which was used to educate medieval stonemasons and craftsmen. In today’s society, the word degree is used by colleges and universities to indicate completion of a course of study. In the lodge, the candidate must demonstrate his knowledge or proficiency of each degree before he can proceed to the next.
It is through these degrees that Masonry passes its teachings and principles from generation to generation. The degree ceremonies are intended to be sources of knowledge, inspiration, and pride for the candidate and the lodge members. Those ceremonies also serve as a shared experience that binds men to a closer brotherhood. A candidate receives the utmost respect during all three ceremonies, and he is never made to feel uncomfortable.
Blake Bowden Administrator Staff Member Sep 20, 2011
J. Edgar Hoover was a devoted Freemason, being raised a Master Mason on November 9, 1920, in Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC, just two months before his 26th birthday. During his 52 years with the Masons, he received many medals, awards and decorations. Eventually in 1955, he was coroneted a Thirty-Third Degree Inspector General Honorary in the Southern Scottish Rite Jurisdiction. He was also awarded the Scottish Rite’s highest recognition, the Grand Cross of Honour, in 1965.[45] Today a J. Edgar Hoover room exists within the House of the Temple. The room contains many of Hoover’s personal papers and records.
Württemberg in the Early 20th Century
It now is part of Germany.
Mary of Tek the wife of King George V and parent of Edward VIII and George VI (Albert of York) was from Württemberg
The gene FOXP2 common in Austria area may have entered the Windsor family through Mary. At the very least the intermarriage and favors among the royals assisting each other was political intermarriage if not at the same time biological intermarriage.
Wallis Simpson, the Nazi minister, the telltale monk and an FBI plot retrieved from and copied or modified to here
When the Duke of York Edward [abdicated 1939] and Duchess of Windsor Wallis SImpson sailed into Palm Beach, Florida, on the SS Berkshire from Nassau on April 18 1941 they were looking forward to enjoying three days of relaxation at the Everglades Club playing golf and drinking and gossiping with American high society.
Little did they know that the previous night instructions had gone out from President Roosevelt to FBI chief J Edgar Hoover to launch what was to be an extraordinary covert intelligence exercise that had to fool both the exiled royals and the US secret service agent who was guarding them.
The exercise was launched after the FBI had been passed intelligence that the duke and duchess were being used by the Nazis to obtain secrets which could wreck the allies’ war effort. The US investigation became even more lurid when FBI agents interviewed a benedictine monk in a Franciscan monastery in the United States; Father Odo had once been the Duke of Wurttemberg, a minor German royal with connections to Queen Mary, the duke’s mother, and her brother, the Duke of Athlone, then governor general of Canada.
Historical Note: King George V was paren to Edward of Wales King Edward VIII who abdicated. Albert of York the younger brother to Edward of Wales then became King Geroge VI taking the name of the father of the brothers. King George V was maried to Mary of Tek that being part of Wurttemberg.
He told them that a prime suspect in the investigation – Joachim von Ribbentrop, then the Nazis’ foreign minister – had been the duchess’s lover when he was ambassador to Britain in 1936. The minister was already thought to have been supplied with information by the duchess during the German invasion of France in 1940. Now it was suggested that there was far closer arrangement.
Father Odo told the agent: “He knew definitely that von Ribbentrop, while in England, sent the then Wallis Simpson 17 carnations every day. The 17 supposedly represented the number of times they had slept together.”
He also revealed that the Duchess of Windsor had told guests at a Paris party that: “The duke is impotent and although he had tried sexual intercourse with numerous women they had been unsuccesful in satisfying his passions.”
He went on: “The duchess in her own inimitable and unique manner has been the only woman who had been able to satisfactorily gratify the duke’s sexual desires.”
The duke was forced into exile after he abdicated as King Edward VIII in 1936. He first went with his lover, formerly the American divorcee Wallis Simpson, to France and was only later exiled again to Bahamas to keep him out of the way.
The key take away from me Edward Paul DOnegan is that these House of Masons feudal history families opposed Nazi German and its anti-monarchism.
In World War I, Carl Alexander Herzog von Württemberg (Father Odo OSB) fought on the Western Front in Italy. He resigned from the army at the rank of captain, following the German Revolution of 1918-1919, and within a few months became a postulant at the Abbey of St. Martin in Beuron. He entered the novitiate in 1920 as “Brother Odo”, taking vows in February 1921. His father succeeded King Wilhelm II, a distant cousin, as head of the House of Württemberg in October of that same year. Brother Odo was ordained a priest in 1926.
Duke Carl Alexander of Württemberg retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here
Carl Alexander Herzog von Württemberg (Father Odo OSB) (12 March 1896 – 27 December 1964) was a member of the House of Württemberg who became a Benedictine monk.[1] During the Nazi and post-Nazi era, he provided aid to refugees, Jews, and prisoners of war and was reported to Nazi authorities for these activities. He acted as an informant of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and spied on Wallis Simpson, the lover and later wife of the former British king Edward VIII.
Carl was the third son of Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg who was the presumptive King of Württemberg. Albrecht, the Duke and Crown Prince of Württemberg (Albrecht Maria Alexander Philipp Joseph; 23 December 1865 – 31 October 1939) was the last heir presumptive to the Kingdom of Württemberg, a German military commander of World War I, and the head of the House of Württemberg from 1921 to his death.
Duke Albrecht (father of Carl) was born in Vienna as the eldest child of Duke Philipp of Württemberg and his wife Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria
The Bill of Rights is best understood as the enactment of a philosophy of individual natural rights that dominated American political thought in the Eighteenth Century.
Natural rights philosophy emerged in the Seventeenth Century as an explanation of the proper function of government that was in sharp contrast to the philosophy that had prevailed in the Middle Ages.
During that time, Europe was ruled by kings who had acquired power basically by invading countries, defeating the natives in battle, and ruling them by force of arms. Kings soon found propaganda useful in subduing their subjects and there was no shortage of intellectuals who would curry favor with the king by announcing in obscure treatises that kings ruled by divine right and their authority was absolute.
Along about the Seventeenth Century, however, certain authors like John Locke offered an alternative explanation of the basis for political authority. Locke and others less famous argued that individuals possessed certain rights by virtue of their nature as rational human beings. They had the rights to life, liberty and property, for example. To secure these rights, governments were established, whose powers were delegated to them by the people for the limited purposes of maintaining order and protecting natural rights. While governments were to protect rights, these philosophers emphasized that the rights belonged to individuals by nature, and were not granted by the government.
The philosophy of natural rights [and quest for them and for self rule] was a powerful ideological weapon against kings and tyrants during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in England. During that time King Charles I lost his head and later kings lost much of their authority to an elected parliament.
ALbert of York and Edward of Windsor 1926. From Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel
Our History (SIS Beginnings 1909 In the early 1900s, the British government was increasingly concerned about the threat to its Empire posed by Germany’s imperial ambitions. This led to scare stories of German spies and even the Director of Military Operations was convinced that Germany was targeting Britain. These rumours proved to be overblown, but the Prime Minister, Herbert Asquith, reacted to popular concern. He ordered the Committee of Imperial Defence to look into the matter and they established a Secret Service Bureau in July 1909.
Captain Sir Mansfield George Smith-Cumming KCMG CB (1 April 1859[3] – 14 June 1923) was a British naval officer who served as the first chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) and died in office soon before he was to retire.
At the outbreak of WWI he was able to work with Vernon Kell and Sir Basil Thomson of the Special Branch to arrest twenty-two German spies in England. Eleven were executed, as was Sir Roger Casement, found guilty of treason in 1916. During the war, the offices were renamed. The Home Section became MI5 or Security Service, while Cumming’s Foreign Section became MI6 or the Secret Intelligence Service. Agents who worked for MI6 during the war included Augustus Agar, Paul Dukes, John Buchan, Compton Mackenzie and W. Somerset Maugham.
Admiral Sir Hugh Francis Paget Sinclair, KCB (18 August 1873 – 4 November 1939), known as Quex Sinclair, was a British intelligence officer. He was Director of British Naval Intelligence between 1919 and 1921, and he subsequently helped to set up the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, commonly MI6) and GCHQ.
Hugh Slinclair came Director of Naval Intelligence in February 1919 and Chief of the Submarine Service in 1921. He became the second director of SIS in 1923. He was promoted vice-admiral on 3 March 1926 and full admiral on 15 May 1930. Sinclair also founded GC&CS, later to be known as GCHQ in 1919.
Ties to Admiral Halsey and the Queen of Romania at that time
Was it Prince Albert’s out of wedlock births of Norma Jean and Glorian Gainey headed to North Carolina to be born by Maria Kutschera of the Convent?
In the German Language version of her musical based on her notes Maria Kutschera bits and apple ten seconds later slides down a bannister with her legs spread and lands dropping her bible on the floor as she falls in front the Nuns.
The forkhead box protein 2 (FOXP2) was the first gene to be implicated in a developmental disorder of speech and language (Lai et al. 2001). Identified as the “speech and language gene” by Drs Simon Fisher and Anthony Monaco following molecular studies of 15 individuals in the “KE family” [who live in London and match the number of Royals] who suffered from speech-language delays (Hurst et al. 1990), FOXP2 is now known to play an essential role in normal speech development. Located on Chromosome 7 (Fisher et al. 1998; Lai et al. 2000, 2001), FOXP2 is not only implicated in speech-language delays but also has a function in regulating a large number of downstream target genes associated with common forms of language impairment (Vernes et al. 2008).
Fig. I—Rothschild-protégé banker J.P. Morgan became a trustee of Columbia University while William J. Donovan (1903•1907) was being groomed by numerous founders Of the British Pilgrims Society. By 1912, had purchased editorial control of all of America’s major newspapers and in 1913 drove the formation of the Federal Reserve to be controlled by British banks aligned with the Pilgirms Society where Lord Rothchild was a co-founder with J.P. Morgan. L/R: William J. ‘Wild Bill” Donovan, J. Pierpont (“J.P.”) Morgan, Franklin D. Roosevelt, all British Pilgrims Society founding members.
Alleged C.I.A. founder William J. Donovan was a mere stooge for J.P. Morgan, Lord Rothschild and John D. Rockefeller who conspired with Columbia University to groom him (1903-07)
Wild Bill Donovan retrieved from The Spymaster Who Created the OSS and Modern American Espionage and copied or modified to here
By Douglas Waller · 2011
After three years of what amounted to prep school at Niagara, Father Egan convinced Donovan that the legal profession might be his calling (he certainly had the windpipes for the courtroom) and wrote him a glowing recommendation for Columbia College in New York City—which helped get hilu admitted in 1903 despite mediocre grades.
He continued to be an average student at Columbia, but the college gave him the opportunity to widen his intellectual horizon and explore ideas beyond Catholic dogma (though like Donovan, a large majority of his classmates professed to be conservative Republicans). At one point Donovan even questioned whether he wanted to remain in the Catholic Church and started attending services for other denominations and religions, including the Jewish faith, to check them out. He finally decided to stick with Catholicism.
Donovan was handsome, his dark brown hair brushed neatly to the side, his face angular but with soft features that showed manliness yet gentleness, and those captivating blue eyes. Young women found him irresistible and at Columbia Donovan began going out with them, gravitating toward girls with highbrow pedigrees. He dated Mary Harriman, a free spirit who attended nearby Barnard College and whose father was railroad tycoon Edward Henry Harriman. His most serious romance developed with Blanche Lopez, the stunningly beautiful daughter of Spanish aristocrats resettled in New York City, whom Donovan had met at a Catholic church near Columbia.
[Mary Harriman Rumsey (November 17, 1881 – December 18, 1934) was an American social activist and government official. She was the founder of The Junior League for the Promotion of Settlement Movements, later known as the Junior League of the City of New York of the Association of Junior Leagues International Inc, and served as Chair of the Consumer Advisory Board of the National Recovery Administration. Mary was the daughter of railroad magnate E.H. Harriman (Bunny) and sister to W. Averell Harriman, former New York State Governor and United States Diplomat. In 2015 she was posthumously inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame.]
This is very important. It is in The George Bush Unauthorized Biography this period of time is when Geroge H.W. Bush and this very crowd including Averell Harriman are becoming the Military Industrial Complex and will remain so through their lives.
The Truth: C.I.A., NSA, FBI, DoD, DOS, SEC, Judiciary and multinational corporate intelligencers are American stooges controlled by the British Empire [and the Special Relationship.]
Columbia University recruited and groomed William J. Donovan at the inception of the British Pilgrims Society in 1902 to organize American intelligence as a reflected lizard of British intelligence.
Jun. 10, 2021—On Jul. 16, 1902, the British Empire’s top “Empire Builders” formed The British Pilgrims Society at the Carlton Hotel, London. They were Privy Councilors, admirals, generals, spies, virologist (Sir Henry Wellcome), Guglielmo Marconi (wireless), bankers (Lord Rothschild), industrialists, lawyers, aristocrats, politicians, publishers and newspapermen.
CECIL RHODES 5 July 1853 – 26 March 1902)
As in earlier centuries the late 19th Century was built on open colonial conquests by Redcoats or private armies backed by the Crown such as Cecil Rhodes led but the world was rebelling against this style including the Atlantic Revolutions in North America, Francel, and elsewhere and the rise of Natural Law libertarian philosophy of republics.
First Cabalist of British Imperialism. Cecil John Rhodes. was an English mining magnate and politician in southern Africa who served as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896. On 13 March 1888, Rhodes and Rudd launched De Beers Consolidated Mines. He and his British South Africa Company founded the southern African territory of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe and Zambia), which the company named after him in 1895. He also devoted much effort to realising his vision of a Cape to Cairo Railway through British territory. Rhodes set up the Rhodes Scholarship, which is funded by his estate. His monopoly of the world’s diamond supply was sealed in 1890 through a strategic partnership with the London-based Diamond Syndicate. They agreed to control world supply to maintain high prices.[17][page needed][18][page needed] Rhodes supervised the working of his brother’s claim and speculated on his behalf. Among his associates in the early days were John X. Merriman and Charles Rudd. Rudd later became his partner in the De Beers Mining Company and the Niger Oil Company.
Empire Builder Edward VII and his spouse Alexandria of Denmark reign 1901 to 1910
Edward VII (Albert Edward; 9 November 1841 – 6 May 1910) was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India, from 22 January 1901 (following Queen Victoria’s death) until his death in 1910. Formed the Empire Builders.
Two children of them of note here for possible FOXP2. 1) George (son) and Duke of York becomes George V and and marries Mary of Tek. 2) Princess Victoria (daughter) and thus sister of George was essentially home schooled a free spirit and as guarded closely by parents and her brother George V
Columbia University, Pilgrims Society, Carnegie Foundation, J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller devotee and fellow Cabalist
J. PIERPONT MORGAN (1837-1913)
Baron Rothschild UK protégé. Columbia Universtiy trustee. William J. Donovan groomer. Pilgrims Society. Carnegie Foundation. Rockefeller devotee and fellow Cabalist.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt as Lord as Lord of the Admiralty 1913-1920 retrieved from FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History and copied or modified to here
by Joseph Sweeney Fordham University School of Law
[For the purposes of Edward Donegan focus on this article keep in mind the advent of submarine warfare and the Von Trapp story and international law.]
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was a lawyer but not an Admiralty lawyer; nevertheless, his position as Assistant Secretary of the Navy for seven years and five months (during the First World War) made him “Lord of the Admiralty” and director of government policy affecting ocean transport and even military actions. FDR’s service modernized the Navy and provided the experiences and confidence he continued to exude after he was crippled by Polio in 1921.
Our only four-term president guided the nation through its most serious financial collapse (1933-39) and the mightiest of world wars (1941-45). Standard biographies of FDR’ agree on the importance of his Navy years in the development of his administrative and executive skills but none of them provide a close examination of the content and consequences of his maritime decisions. All consistently describe his supreme self-confidence and mistrust of experts as clues to his career in government. Assistant Secretary of the Navy was an office FDR sought for many reasons. His devotion to the Navy was life-long but more important was the fact that his distant relation, Theodore Roosevelt (TR), had held it on his way to the White House. While FDR and his wife called him Uncle Ted, he was truly Eleanor’s uncle but only a fifth cousin, once removed to FDR. Nevertheless, despite their different political parties FDR always admired “Uncle Ted” even though he could not publicly endorse his aggressive foreign policies while part of the Wilson administration, and TR always encouraged FDR’s career.
Theodore Roosevelt came from a New York City branch of the family. TR was an enthusiastic supporter of the Navy and author of The Naval War of 1812, which was published in 1882 shortly after his graduation from Harvard College. TR lectured at the Naval War College while in the Navy Department. As president, TR proudly expanded the Navy and sent the “Great White Fleet” [that also sounds much like the United Fruit Company Tourist ships Great White Fleet] around the world from July 7, 1908 to February 22, 1909 to advertise the United States as a maritime power. Theodore Roosevelt had been Assistant Secretary of the Navy for eleven months at age 40, resigning to become a “Rough Rider” in the 1898 Spanish War.
Both TR and FDR were adherents of the “Big Navy” thinking of Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan, as espoused at the Naval War College, Newport, RI. 4 Mahan’s demands for a one-ocean Navy of overwhelming power, naval bases abroad, larger battleships, and a vigorous merchant marine would greatly influence the “Imperialists” of the Spanish American War in 1898 who added the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and Hawaii to America’s empire. FDR had a brief correspondence with Mahan and was anticipating discussions with him, but Mahan’s sudden death in 1914 eliminated that possibility.
While Admiral Mahan’s theories were viewed with suspicion and hostility by Pacifists and even American senior officers, they were enthusiastically adopted in London, Berlin and Tokyo and pushed to extremes in the construction of giant warships like HMS Dreadnought, which was launched by Great Britain in 1906 with ten monster 12 inch guns and capable of 21 knots. The result was an arms race to build the most expensive and dangerous ships afloat. Those concerned with naval policy were distracted by the arms race even as the nature of naval warfare changed completely with the introduction of the submarine. The First World War would be a war of submarines and their enemies, the destroyers.
FDR AND THE SEA FDR’s middle name, Delano, tied him to a nautical legacy. His mother, Sara Delano (1854-1941), came from a family of New Bedford merchants and ship owners in the China trade to and from Hong Kong that had been a Massachusetts specialty since the beginning of the nineteenth century. Sara’s father, Warren, had recouped family fortunes in the opium trade during our Civil War, then retired from business. He bought Algonac, an estate in New York’s Hudson River Valley where Sara grew up except for two years in Hong Kong (1862-64). At Algonac, she met James Roosevelt, a wealthy widower known to her father from business and social clubs. Despite the difference in their ages (Sara was 26, James was 51) Sara was determined to marry James Roosevelt, ignoring her father’s concerns about the age difference.
FDR’s father, James Roosevelt6 came from a family of Dutch planters (Patroons), the fifth generation descendent of Nicholas Roosevelt (1658-1742) whose father, Claes, came from Holland to America in 1644. James was born on a Hudson River estate, Mount Hope. He was sent to Union College in Schenectady, NY and received his A.B. in 1847. James attended Harvard Law School and received the LL.B. in 1851, then spent two years in a New York City law office before turning to a business career. James was an investor with his father, Isaac (1790-1863) in transport and coal mines (Consolidation Coal Co.), served as Vice President of a canal company (Delaware and Hudson) and President of the Southern Railroad Security Company (a railroad holding company). He acquired the 500 acres of “Springwood” at Hyde Park in 1865.
James married a distant cousin, Rebecca Howland, in 1853; she died in 1876. James met and married Sara Delano in 1880. (Sara was the same age as James’ son, also James (1854-1927), but known as Rosy). James was devoted to his new family-their only child, Franklin was born January 31, 1882. James did not pursue active business after his new marriage and remained with Sara and FDR in Hyde Park or their annual trips to Europe and Campobell. However, by FDR’s teen age years, James had become an invalid due to heart disease.
By 1913, FDR had crossed the Atlantic forty times (twenty round trips). His mother insisted on an annual trip to visit her sister in Paris and his father took thermal waters at Bad Nauheim. By the time he entered Groton School at age fourteen (1896) he had made sixteen crossings. The result of his ocean, coastal and river experiences made him a vigorous and daring sailor, and a fearless commander always ready to try unconventional procedures and uncharted waters. He read widely about the sea and “Uncle” Ted’s “War of 1812” and tried to persuade his parents that he should go to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, but his father refused to consider any school but Harvard.
The Roosevelt extended family was also involved in trading enterprises requiring water transport. Nicholas Roosevelt, (1767- 1834) a New York City merchant, was known as “Steamboat Roosevelt.” He became an associate of Robert Fulton in Hudson River steamboats in 1809; after more than ten years of his own experiments, he received a United States patent in 1814 for an improved paddle wheel, having operated his steamboat New Orleans from Pittsburgh to New Orleans from 1811. FDR’s paternal great grandfather, John Aspinwall, was from a family of New York ship-owners involved in the California trade-the Pacific Mail Steamship Co., and later the Panama Railroad. (The Atlantic terminal of the Panama Canal, now Colon, was once Aspinwall, and FDR’s last born child was named John Aspinwall Roosevelt (1916)).
William Frederick “Bull” Halsey Jr retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here
[Ed Donegan asserts Halsey was called upon to do a favor for Uncle Albert aka Prince Albert to get Maria Kutschera to the USA to secretly give birth to Windsor fathered children. “Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey” is a song by Paul and Linda McCartney from the album Ram. Released in the United States as a single on 2 August 1971,
William Frederick “Bull” Halsey Jr. (October 30, 1882 – August 16, 1959) was an American Navy admiral during World War II. He is one of four officers to have attained the rank of five-star fleet admiral of the United States Navy, the others being William Leahy, Ernest King, and Chester W. Nimitz.
After waiting two years to receive an appointment to the United States Naval Academy, Halsey decided to study medicine at the University of Virginia and then join the Navy as a physician. He chose Virginia because his best friend, Karl Osterhause, was there. While there, Halsey joined the Delta Psi fraternity and was also a member of the secretive Seven Society. (As Frank Wisner was.)
Following graduation he spent his early service years in battleships, and sailed with the main battle fleet aboard the battleship USS Kansas as Teddy Roosevelt’s Great White Fleet circumnavigated the globe from 1907 to 1909.
How did this affect Edward Donegan’s thinking watching some British propaganda filled by Disney shortly after JFK’s death? Mary Poppins I find Disney Propaganda about the Royals and their backers shifting from Military Conquest of Cecil Rhodes (Rhodes marching column into Rhodesia for example) to Financial Offensives (infiltration to gain control of media and corporations) along with Charm Offensives carried out through corporate outreaches and American media building up the British system of Knights and Feudal reigns later a thousand years (M Kingdoms in Roman Numerals – MKULTRA and the Special Relationship between the United Kingdom and USA.
Some background on myself (Edward Paul Donegan) is that I have researched Natural Law Philosophy and The Age of Reason and rise of Western Civilization most of my life including from a Republic of Ireland immigrant family of Boston Massachusetts with deep running contempt for blue-bloods.
I have known that republicanism (hierarchical representative government that functions for very large or small countries alike) including using Federalism that in affect makes small empires from some pluralistic rule as regions self govern within the limits of their own republican nations. This differs from familes of Aristocratic legacy, those with both wealth and title passed among them from generation to generation.
Today though we are not enough aware of it powerful elites continue control of our society with money and influence and illegal and covert anti-democratic mechanisms in a Deep State.
Picture of Lord Governer Barrack Obama Jr ruler of the Principality of the USA in Service to Her or His Majesty of England. So say some socialists and leftist like John Pilger and right wingers as well.
Truther Theory per Ed Donegan is that out of wedlock bastard children in Franklin Nebraska, Manhattan Beach City Los Angeles County (Edward Donegan included) Barrack Obama Jr. date back to hidden CIA and MI5 connections from early plans in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War to control “the devil’s chessboard” with manufactured Princes to rule each square on it.
This was mostly an old money and Grand Old Party plan though the Sleepers are false-Democrat Party members and work for the Robber Barron NWO. William Burns is among them.
By 1902, the British Pilgrims had evidently already singled out selected American “Robber barons” that they would recruit to their “Empire Building,” many of whom were in Britain for the delayed coronation of Edward VII following the deaths of Queen Victoria and Cecil John Rhodes—their empire building prime mover. We will discuss their names below.
WANTED: PILGRIMS CEO FOR THE AMERICAN “BRANCH” (Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission [UK, USA, and Japan along with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and others]) Among those Americans was a groom-in-process: Columbia University lawyer named William J. Donovan who would attend Columbia as an undergrad and law student (1903-1907). BRITISH PILGRIMS SOCIETY’S RHODES IMPERATIVE (CA. 1900): TAKE BACK AMERICA
The plan was business On Target with imperial exploitation (hegemony) of lands beyond England and media corporations On Message with friendly propaganda and planted story lines mocking the enemy.
Queen Victoria Reign 20 June 1837 – 22 January 1901 and who ruled with Cecil Rhodes precedes the events and change in strategy begun in 1902. Victoria married her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, in 1840. Their nine children married into royal and noble families across the continent, earning Victoria the sobriquet “grandmother of Europe”. After Albert’s death in 1861, Victoria plunged into deep mourning and avoided public appearances. As a result of her seclusion, British republicanism temporarily gained strength, but in the latter half of her reign, her popularity recovered. Her Golden and Diamond jubilees were times of public celebration. Victoria died in 1901 at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, at the age of 81. The last British monarch of the House of Hanover, she was succeeded by her son Edward VII of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. |
Around 1871 with the the pressure force of is made and captured for use motors (motive force) in Steam Engine in trains and boats and metal works massive industrialization took place with Robber Barron financiers directly involved. You don’t have to walk as far or buy a horse. The boat just goes across the water by itself from one location to another- EPD Queen Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria; 24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901) was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death in 1901. Her reign of 63 years and 216 days, which was longer than any of her predecessors, is known as the Victorian era. It was a period of industrial, political, scientific, and military change within the United Kingdom, and was marked by a great expansion of the British Empire. In 1876, the British Parliament voted to grant her the additional title of Empress of India. Victoria married her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, in 1840. In United States history, the Gilded Age is a term coined by Mark Twain and used to refer roughly to the period from 1865 to 1904, which occurred between the Reconstruction Era and the Progressive Era. The early half of the Gilded Age roughly coincided with the middle portion of the Victorian Era in Britain and the Belle Époque in France. It was a time of rapid economic growth, especially in the Northern and Western United States. As American wages grew much higher than those in Europe, especially for skilled workers, and industrialization demanded an increasing unskilled labor force, the period saw an influx of millions of European immigrants. Railroads were the major growth industry, with the factory system, mining, and finance increasing in importance. Immigration from Europe and the Eastern United States led to the rapid growth of the West based on farming, ranching, and mining. The East India Company (EIC)[a] was an English, and later British, joint-stock company founded in 1600 and dissolved in 1874. The company eventually came to rule large areas of India, exercising military power and assuming administrative functions. Company-ruled areas in India gradually expanded after the Battle of Plassey in 1757 and by 1858 most of modern India, Pakistan and Bangladesh was either ruled by the company or Princely states closely tied to it by treaty. Following the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Government of India Act 1858 led to the British Crown assuming direct control of India in the form of the new British Raj. |
King |
Queen |
Children (Issue) partial list |
Mary Poppins or media Reference? |
Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha |
Queen Victoria dies 1901. Cecil John Rhodes dies 1902. |
Edward VII Reign 22 January 1901 – 6 May 1910–His-Empire-Builders ‘King Edward & His Empire Builders’ © National Portrait Gallery, London published by Rotary Photographic Co Ltd postcard print, circa 1907 |
Victorian Vinegar days of Cecil Rhodes columns in Rhodesia and elsewhere |
King |
Queen |
Children (Issue) partial list |
Mary Poppins or media Reference? |
King Edward VII (Albert Edward; 9 November 1841 – 6 May 1910) was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India, from 22 January 1901 until his death in 1910 |
Alexandra of Denmark (Alexandra Caroline Marie Charlotte Louise Julia; 1 December 1844 – 20 November 1925) was Queen of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Empress of India, from 22 January 1901 to 6 May 1910 as the wife of King-Emperor Edward VII. |
George V George was born during the reign of his paternal grandmother, Queen Victoria, as the second son of the Prince and Princess of Wales (later King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra). He was third in the line of succession to the British throne behind his father and his elder brother, Prince Albert Victor. From 1877 to 1892, George served in the Royal Navy, until his elder brother’s unexpected death in January 1892 put him directly in line for the throne. The next year[ in planned royal husbadnry], George married his brother’s [who died unexpectedly] fiancée , Princess Victoria Mary of Teck, and they had six children. When Queen Victoria died in 1901, George’s father ascended the throne as Edward VII, and George was created Prince of Wales. He became king-emperor on his father’s death in 1910. Reign 6 May 1910 – 20 January 1936 |
Charm Offensive and Honey to catch the flies with. King Edward VII and Empire Builders will invest in and become the equity holder fo world business and media as influences in a colonizing way. [American Intelligencer Media] |
King |
Queen |
Children (Issue) partial list |
Mary Poppins or media Reference? |
George V Born 3 June 1865 – 20 January 1936 Reign 6 May 1910 – 20 January 1936 |
Mary of Teck (Victoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes; 26 May 1867 – 24 March 1953) was Queen of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Empress of India, from 6 May 1910 until 20 January 1936 as the wife of King-Emperor George V. |
Here it stays weird. Edward VIII (Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David by family is called David. He is formally before being king Prince Edward and Lord Governor of Wales with Wales being the London containing highest priority principality of Great Britain and King Edward VIII until abdicating and being Edward Duke of York. George VI (Albert Frederick Arthur George is Prince Albert of York the next Principality of Great Britain and thus Prince Albert. To family and as a King he is Gerorge in fact George VI when King. Edward Prince of Wales King Edward VIII and Prince Albert Prince of York King George VI (after Edward VIII abdicates) dies early 1952 V2K – THE TRUE STORY OF THE KING’S SPEECHDecember 20, 2019 January 3, 2021 fightingmonarch : In 1895, Prince Albert Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was born to Victoria von Teck, Princess of Württemberg, and her husband George V. The German boy who would become George VI was a sickly and fearful child prone to tears.[Borderline Personality Disorder and that kid as child had a similar face to Ed Donegan’s] Lionel Logue notes there are interior emotions correlations to speech while Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon later was wife of the King is Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother born August 4 demands it is simple bodily speech articulators (or written language bodily error causing Dysgraphia?) and nothing of a personality nature. There known offspring are part of Kingdoms and unknown offspring part of Eugenics studies living under hidden identities and born at the same time as Princess Elizabeth 1926 later Queen II. |
Some video links are here from Fighting Monarch about two male children of George V. Those children are George VI and Edward VIII. and also this link is important from |
George V Family life 1894 and 1895. Marie, Queen of Romania (1863-1921) Raised in Coburg, where her father succeeded to the Duchy in 1893, Princess Marie of Edinburgh was seen as a prospective bride by Prince George of Wales, later he was King George V, but she was married instead to Ferdinand I, King of Romania. King George V and Marie of Romania did have fond feelings at least through their lives. In 1924 Maria of Romania will go to the USA on August 4. In 1925 Prince Albert of York a son of George V will do poorly at the Imperialism speech he was to give. Ed Donegan assert in 1926 Maria Kutschera left the Convent in Austria pregnant and had Marilyn Monroe and Glorian Donegan. Albert of York may have been testing the bloodline in him outside of known family members. I think the Admiral Halsey song told this story of births in the USA a song by Paul McCartney 1924 is the time Admiral Halsey is in Vienna or Germany as an attache and FDR is Undersecretary of the Navy (who could get Halsey a command if he performed a favor for FDR and Joseph Kennedy. Bringing bastard children into the USA was that plan. The Hidden Identities Jen Moore assert to the Donegan family as an Allen Dulles plan that led to the assassination of JFK. Male Children. Edward VIII (Edward of Wales 23 June 1894 – 28 May 1972) George VI (Albert of York 14 December 1895 – died 6 February 1952) |
King |
Queen |
Children (Issue) partial list |
Mary Poppins or media Reference? |
Under King George V who was King 1910 to 1936 two males are among his children. Prince of Wales Edward he has little like for and more his favorite Prince Albert of York. He is less flashy than Edward of Wales and his what I Think is FOXP2 speech and grammar and borderline personality defect. |
![]() The weeper Prince Albert of York (circled) along with his older brother Edward of Wales. The Weepy child would go on to make a failed speech in 1925. |
In 1895, Prince Albert Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was born to Victoria von Teck, Princess of Württemberg, and her husband George V. The German boy who would become George VI was a sickly and fearful child prone to tears. [Volatile emotions either way but the the joy in a male child normed to baseline usaully.] Incidentally, you can see how Queen Elizabeth married her third cousin, Philip Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, on the chart above. Those German-er, I mean English-royals are the product of a breeding program, just like the stuff the Nazis were into. It is not a matter of blame though George V wife Mary of Tek may have introduced a common Central European gene FOXP2 of concern to the London family. Or even more likely Alexandra of Denmark wife of Edward VII. Or it may have come from any of the German born males. I don’t know and I don’t think they did either. |
Albert (younger brother) and Edward are sons of KING GEORGE V who is carrying on plans of Edward VII to charm the world into Colonialism again. Edward is briefly KING EDWARD VIII and abdicates to become Duke of Windsor in 1936 and marries a commoner. Following the abdication of Edward VIII in 1936 George VI became King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth from 11 December 1936 until his death on 6 February 1952. His daughter Princess Elizibeth becomes QEII and world plans are formed with the USA. |
Prince of York Albert becoming King George VI will hold the thrown until his death in 1951. Wifie is Queen Elizabeth I and daughter is Queen Elizabeth II Princes Elizabeth daughter of the Queen Mother taking the throne herself late 1951 and 1952 in reality. Ed Donegan suspects other children of Albert of York including Glorian Donegan and Marilyn Monroe at least some of possibly many by Maria Kutschera. |
Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes -Lyon (Born 4 August 1900 – 30 March 2002) Spouse George VI (who in the Kings Speech helps Prince Albert find a speech coach) (m. 1923; died 1952) was Queen Elizabeth I the QUEEN MOTHER of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth from 11 December 1936 to 6 February 1952 as the wife of King George VI. She was concurrently the last Empress of India until the British Raj was dissolved in August 1947. After her husband died, she was officially known as Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother,[2] to avoid confusion with her daughter, Queen Elizabeth II. |
Princess Elizabeth a daughter of Elizabeth Bowels-Lyon (QEI)and King George V will become Queen Elizabeth II in 1952. Her mother Elizabeth was Queen by marriage to Albert of York aka George V. Some ascension rule made her Queen upon the death of her father King George V. Now here is a question. What if the Windsor family who will rule around the world don’t have the name Windsor at all and even more so don’t even get selected and groomed unless they pass a series of tests in Orphanages. Then after that they are called to duty. I think this was a key element of the Cold War plan for Indonesia in the late 1950’s and in truth far earlier dating back to the 1920’s and Marilyn Monroe. |
Ed Donegan asserts this is when a new decoding facility is built in England and the Special Relationship is reborn in the Cold War and ATSUGI gets started by the CIA and BRitish. |
From the moment that Rhodes first wanted America back as a British colony, William J. Donovan’s treasonous Pilgrims Society implemented Cecil Rhodes’ imperative to make American British again. It was a central component of Rhodes’ plan to build a new corporatism British federal empire that was shielded from liability for ALL their evil acts by the Monarch’s Bank of England and the Crown Courts hiding in a one square mile named The City of London, also named The City of London Corporation (not to be mistaken for Greater London). and
On 6 May 1910, Edward VII died, and George V became king. He wrote in his diary,
I have lost my best friend and the best of fathers … I never had a [cross] word with him in my life. I am heart-broken and overwhelmed with grief but God will help me in my responsibilities and darling May will be my comfort as she has always been. May God give me strength and guidance in the heavy task which has fallen on me.
George objected to the anti-Catholic wording of the Accession Declaration that he would be required to make at the opening of his first parliament. He made it known that he would refuse to open parliament unless it was changed. As a result, the Accession Declaration Act 1910 shortened the declaration and removed the most offensive phrases.
Albert of York is about 29 or 30 in the mid 1920s and likely to have had trouble in schools requiring many tutors to keep his attention on studying, etc.,
The Theory and which unanswered questions fit facts no one can even believe
Norma Jean. Brought by Joseph Kennedy Sr. connected to Navy Undersecretary FDR in the 1920s into the USA. Glorian Donegan too, her as Glorian Gainey in Dean Rusk area North Carolina near Davidson College and underground railroads.
Long-term CIA involvement in both their lives even to this day.
John F. Kennedy through Joseph Kennedy became involved in sleepers around the world from the Special Relationship going back to 1902 and 1910 into the WWII and the COld War.
George Herbert Walker Bush, Prescott Bush, and others were part of the special relationship in CIA companies.
The planned with Malcolm X and Norma Jean help creating sleepers of Indonesia (Obama Jr) and maybe Cuba (as Ted Cruz Sr. was anti-communist working with Oswald too. Obama Sr. in Kenya was CIA backed and died suspiciously. So did Malcolm X and Noram Jean who (as with Dr King) knew of the CIA plan until they found out the evils of the CIA plans and activities.
That Ted Gunderson assigned to Marilyn Monroe AND the JFK murders knew something was up and became a target. Sobee maybe ties to this history too. The Donegan’s are victims and how does Keith S. Labella fit this? That is my only unanswered question so far.
In 1919, Edward agreed to be president of the organising committee for the proposed British Empire Exhibition at Wembley Park, Middlesex. He wished the Exhibition to include “a great national sports ground”, and so played a part in the creation of Wembley Stadium. It was his brother Albert of York who in 1925 spoke to widespread criticism.
FDR ties and the Navy
Mother Sara Delano – Delano was described as 5’10” (178 cm),[4] and an intelligent debutante beauty in her youth. She was also known for her sense of purpose that many young women of her age and class lacked at the time. After the death of her husband in 1900, she temporarily moved to Boston, Massachusetts to be close to her son FDR who was then studying at Harvard University.
In the United States, members of the Delano family include U.S. presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Ulysses S. Grant and Calvin Coolidge, astronaut Alan B. Shepard, and writer Laura Ingalls Wilder. Its progenitor is Philippe de Lannoy (1602-1681), a Pilgrim of Walloon descent, who arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts, in the early 1620s. His descendants also include Eustachius De Lannoy (who played an important role in Indian History), Frederic Adrian Delano, Robert Redfield, and Paul Delano. Delano family forebears include the Pilgrims who chartered the Mayflower, seven of its passengers, and three signers of the Mayflower Compact.
After obtaining a law degree from Harvard University, FDR’s father James Roosevelt I joined the law firm of Benjamin D. Silliman, the latter arranging Roosevelt serve on the founding board of directors to the company’s client, the Consolidated Coal Company of Maryland. Doug Wead wrote that Roosevelt applied the skills he learned from watching the growth of this company to his own enterprise.
Jamwe Roosevelt’s business interests were primarily in coal and transportation. He was vice president of the Delaware and Hudson Railway and president of the Southern Railway Security Company.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882, in the Hudson Valley town of Hyde Park, New York, to businessman James Roosevelt I and his second wife, Sara Ann Delano. His parents, who were sixth cousins, came from wealthy, established New York families—the Roosevelts, the Aspinwalls and the Delanos, respectively.
William Henry Aspinwall (December 16, 1807 – January 18, 1875)[1] was a prominent American businessman who was a partner in the merchant firm of Howland & Aspinwall and was a co-founder of both the Pacific Mail Steamship Company and Panama Canal Railway companies which revolutionized the migration of goods and people to the Western coast of the United States.
Aspinwall was descended from, and related to, many prominent American families including the Roosevelts, Howlands, and Aspinwalls, that were heavily involved in the merchant trade business and politics, wielding vast power and ensuring wealth for generations.
William Henry Aspinwall was born on December 16, 1807, in Manhattan, New York. He was the third of seven children born to John Aspinwall (1774-1847) and Susan Howland (1779-1852). His father, who traveled extensively,[4] was associated with the dry goods merchant firm of Gilbert & Aspinwall His younger sister, Mary Rebecca Aspinwall (1809-1886) was married to Isaac Roosevelt, the grandfather of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. His maternal aunt, Harriet Howland, was the third wife of Isaac’s father, New York State Assemblyman James Roosevelt.
FDR’s father, James, graduated from Harvard Law School in 1851 but chose not to practice law after receiving an inheritance from his grandfather.
A member of the Delano family and Roosevelt family, after attending university, Roosevelt began to practice law in New York City. He was elected a member of the New York State Senate from 1911 to 1913 and was then the assistant secretary of the Navy under President Woodrow Wilson during World War I. FDR In office as March 17, 1913 – August 26, 1920 Undersecretary of the Navy. The Delano family patriarch, Philip Delano, traveled to the New World on the Fortune in 1621, and the Delanos thrived as merchants and shipbuilders in Massachusetts.
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. 26th President of the United States often referred to as Teddy in office September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1909. In 1908, FDR took a job with the prestigious law firm of Carter Ledyard & Milburn, working in the firm’s admiralty law division and in FDR Assistant Secretary of the Navy (old job of Teddy Rosevelt) FDR Undersecratary of Navy office March 17, 1913 – August 26, 1920. Franklin Delano Roosevelt , commonly known as FDR died in office in 1945 just asn then Atomic Bomb was about to be dropped. 32nd President of the United States In office March 4, 1933 – April 12, 1945 He was succeeded by Truman also a Democrat. Lee Harveyu Oswald How Lee Harvey Oswald is a Closer Cousin to Teddy Roosevelt than FDR Posted by HISTORYMONOCLE on APRIL 14, 2016Portraits of Presidents
Teddy Roosevelt President of the New York City Board of Police Commissioners In office May 6, 1895 – April 19, 1897. 5th Assistant Secretary of the Navy In office April 19, 1897 – May 10, 1898 by President William McKinley. 25th Vice President of the United States under McKinley. In office March 4, 1901 – September 14, 1901. 26th President of the United States In office September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1909 following assaination of McKinley.
FDR entered Columbia Law School in 1904 but dropped out in 1907 after passing the New York Bar Examination.[26][b] In 1908, he took a job with the prestigious law firm of Carter Ledyard & Milburn, working in the firm’s admiralty law division.[28]
In 1900 FDR’s father dies. In 1901 President William McKinney is shot (and dies) at the Pan American Conference and Teddy Roosevelt his V.P becomes President of the USA.
FDR graduated from Harvard in three years in 1903 with an A.B. in history. He remained there for a fourth year, taking graduate courses.
FDR entered Columbia Law School in 1904 but dropped out in 1907 after passing the New York Bar Examination. In 1908, he took a job with the prestigious law firm of Carter Ledyard & Milburn, working in the firm’s admiralty law division.
FDR Assistant Secretary of the Navy In office March 17, 1913 – August 26, 1920, Member of the New York State Senate from the 26th district In office January 1, 1911 – March 17, 1913
During his second year of college, Roosevelt met and proposed to Boston heiress Alice Sohier, who turned him down. Franklin then began courting his childhood acquaintance and fifth cousin once removed, Eleanor Roosevelt, a niece of Theodore Roosevelt. In 1903, Franklin proposed to Eleanor. Following resistance from Roosevelt’s mother, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were married on March 17, 1905. Eleanor’s father, Elliott, was deceased; Theodore, who was then president, gave away the bride.
Despite sharing the same surname, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt are not really that closely related. Many of you may know that FDR’s wife, Eleanor, was both a Roosevelt by birth and the niece of Teddy Roosevelt. When FDR and Eleanor married, Teddy Roosevelt said something to the effect, “It’s a good thing to keep the name in the family!” What some of you may not know is that JFK’s presumed killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, is actually more closely related to TR than cousin FDR is to the older president.
This may perplex some, partially because the Marxist Oswald is a Southerner and TR is identified with New York. What a lot people don’t know is that TR’s mother was born in Georgia from a leading Georgian family: the Bullochs. Archibald Bulloch, the great-grandfather of TR’s mom, was a governor of Georgia. From his mother’s side, TR is the great-great grandson of Joseph Oswald of Georgia, who died about 1785. This is the common ancestor of TR (and Eleanor) and Lee Harvey Oswald. TR and Eleanor came from a daughter of Joseph Oswald, while Lee Harvey Oswald came from a son, Thomas Hepworth Oswald.
While TR is the 2x great grandson of Joseph Oswald, Lee Harvey Oswald is the 3x great grandchild of Joseph Oswald. This makes them 3rd cousins, 1 time removed.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882, in the Hudson Valley town of Hyde Park, New York, to businessman James Roosevelt I and his second wife, Sara Ann Delano. His parents, who were sixth cousins,[3] came from wealthy, established New York families—the Roosevelts, the Aspinwalls and the Delanos, respectively.
Early life and marriage
As a child, Roosevelt learned to ride, shoot, and sail, and play polo, tennis, and golf.[10][11] Frequent trips to Europe—beginning at age two and from age seven to fifteen—helped Roosevelt become conversant in German and French. Except for attending public school in Germany at age nine,[12] Roosevelt was homeschooled by tutors until age 14. He then attended Groton School, an Episcopal boarding school in Groton, Massachusetts.
Roosevelt’s father died in 1900, causing him great distress.[22] The following year, Roosevelt’s fifth cousin Theodore Roosevelt became President of the United States. Theodore’s vigorous leadership style and reforming zeal made him Franklin’s role model and hero.[23] He graduated from Harvard in three years in 1903 with an A.B. in history.[24] He remained there for a fourth year, taking graduate courses.[25]
Roosevelt entered Columbia Law School in 1904 but dropped out in 1907 after passing the New York Bar Examination.[26][b] In 1908, he took a job with the prestigious law firm of Carter Ledyard & Milburn, working in the firm’s admiralty law division.[28]
In the summer of 1902, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt encountered her father’s fifth cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, on a train to Tivoli, New York. The two began a secret correspondence and romance, and became engaged on November 22, 1903. Franklin’s mother, Sara Ann Delano, opposed the union and made him promise that the engagement would not be officially announced for a year.
“I know what pain I must have caused you,” while in West Virginia FDR wrote to his mother of his decision. However, he added, “I know my own mind, and known it for a long time, and know that I could never think otherwise.” Sara took her son on a Caribbean cruise in 1904, hoping that a separation would squelch the romance, but Franklin remained determined. The wedding date was set to accommodate President Theodore Roosevelt, who was scheduled to be in New York City for the St. Patrick’s Day parade, and who agreed to give the bride away.
Frank Gardiner Wisner retrieved from Wikipedia and copied or modified to here
Frank Wisner was educated at the University of Virginia, where he received both a B.A. and a LL.B. degree.[1] He was also tapped for the Seven Society.[2] After graduating from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1934,[3] Wisner began working as a Wall Street lawyer for Carter, Ledyard & Milburn.
Navy and OSS career- In 1941, six months before the attack on Pearl Harbor, he enlisted in the United States Navy. He worked in the Navy’s censor’s office until he managed to transfer to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1943. He was first stationed in Cairo where he spent an uneventful year. After Cairo (from June 15, 1944) he spent three months in OSS Istanbul, Turkey, as head of SI (Secret Intelligence) branch. On August 29, 1944, Lt. Comdr. Wisner and 21 OSS agents landed in Romania,[5] where he became head of OSS Bucharest.
Wisner arrived just as Romania joined the Allies and declared war on the Axis. His first task was to oversee the return of over 1,000 American airmen who had been shot down in missions against Romanian oilfields. The POWs were returned by the Fifteenth Air Force via the Popești-Leordeni Airfield during Operation Reunion.[8] Over 50 B-17 Flying Fortress airplanes flew out the prisoners between 31 August and 3 September. In all, some 1,127 American POWs were transported.
Immediately after the arrival of Major Robert Bishop (September 9, 1944) as head of X-2 (Counter Espionage) branch in Bucharest, Wisner started the search for German records. With the help of Romanian Intelligence, they manage to obtain tons of records, including SD files, 200 rolls of German film and a large amount of Soviet information. During that time, Wisner and Bishop discovered and penetrated a Soviet intelligence service named GUGBEZ. Wisner left Bucharest Romania in the last week of January 1945.
In March 1945, Wisner was transferred to Wiesbaden, Germany. In 1945-1946, he returned to law practice at Carter, Ledyard & Milbrun.
Wisner was recruited in 1947 by Dean Acheson to join the State Department to become the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas. On June 18, 1948, the United States National Security Council approved NSC 10/2 which created the Office of Special Projects.[12] On September 1, 1948, the office was formally established, although it was renamed to the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) for obfuscation purposes.[13] Wisner was chosen to lead the OPC in the capacity of Assistant Director for Policy Coordination (ADPC).[14] The OPC initially received services from the CIA but was accountable to the State Department.[15]
According to its secret charter, the OPC’s responsibilities include “propaganda, economic warfare, preventive direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage, demolition and evacuation procedures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world.“
During the early 1950s, Wisner was the subject of FBI inquiries in connection with his wartime work in Romania, including the claim that he had an affair with Tanda Caradja, daughter of Romanian princess Catherine Caradja during the war; Caradja was alleged in FBI reports to be a Soviet agent. However, Wisner was cleared of all suspicions by the CIA Office of Security.
On August 23, 1951, Wisner succeeded Allen W. Dulles and became the second Deputy Director of Plans, with Richard Helms as his chief of operations. In this position, he was instrumental in supporting pro-American forces that toppled Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran in 1953[citation needed] and Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in Guatemala in 1954.
Wisner worked closely with Kim Philby, the British agent who was also a Soviet spy.
Wisner was also deeply involved in establishing the Lockheed U-2 spy plane program run by Richard M. Bissell Jr.
Wisner suffered a serious breakdown in September 1958. He was diagnosed as manic depressive and received electroshock therapy. Bissell replaced Wisner as Deputy Director of Plans. After a lengthy recovery, Wisner became chief of the CIA’s London Station.
In 1961, Wisner was ordered to organize CIA activities in British Guiana.
In 1962, Wisner retired from the CIA.[citation needed]
British Guiana
1831-1966 is a country in South America south of Venezuela along the eastard opening mouth of the Caribbean. | |||||||||||||
Motto: Damus petimusque vicissim (Latin) “We give and take in return” |
Anthem: God Save the King (1831-1837; 1901-1952) God Save the Queen (1837-1901; 1952-1966) |
Status | British colony | ||||||||||||
Capital | Georgetown | ||||||||||||
Common languages | Official English Vernacular language Guyanese Creole Native languages
Other languages
Government | Colony | ||||||||||||
Monarch | |||||||||||||
• 1831-1837
William IV | ||||||||||||
• 1837-1901
Victoria | ||||||||||||
• 1901-1910
Edward VII | ||||||||||||
• 1910-1936
George V | ||||||||||||
• 1936
Edward VIII | ||||||||||||
• 1936-1952
George VI | ||||||||||||
• 1952-1966
Elizabeth II | ||||||||||||
Legislature | Legislative council | ||||||||||||
Historical era | New Imperialism | ||||||||||||
• Single colony
21 July 1831 | ||||||||||||
• New constitution
1928 | ||||||||||||
• Independence
26 May 1966 | ||||||||||||
Area | |||||||||||||
1924[1] | 231,800 km2 (89,500 sq mi) | ||||||||||||
Population | |||||||||||||
• 1924[1]
307,391 | ||||||||||||
Currency | Spanish dollar (to 1876) British Guiana dollar (to 1940s) British West Indies dollar (1949-65) East Caribbean dollar (1965-66) |
ISO 3166 code | GY | ||||||||||||
Today part of | Guyana |
Carter Ledyard & Milburn retrieved from and copied or modified to here
A Brief History (including FDR and Frank Wisner)
James C. Carter pcitured from Collection Harvard Club of New York City
The founding partners were distinguished attorneys with well-known clients who made valuable contributions to the profession and the City of New York. James C. Carter argued three dozen cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and was a member of the legal team that successfully sued the politician William “Boss” Tweed for corruption and graft. He was called “possibly the most famous lawyer in the country” and “perhaps the most respected appellate advocate in the nation” at the turn of the 20th century. Lewis Cass Ledyard was personal counsel to J.P. Morgan and a founder and President of the New York Public Library, and John G. Milburn was a law clerk to Grover Cleveland and Supreme Court counsel for John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil.
Since 1904, when Carter Ledyard & Milburn had only five lawyers, the firm has steadily built its practice. Today, the firm has about 100 lawyers spanning a broad range of practice areas, including many facets of litigation, corporate law, trusts & estates, real estate, intellectual property, tax law and non-profit/tax-exempt organizations. A full list of the firm’s practice areas is available here.
In addition to its founding partners, Carter Ledyard & Milburn boasts many notable alumni, including: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (32nd President of the United States), Edmund L. Baylies (a well-known New York lawyer and philanthropist), John Teele Pratt (a corporate attorney, philanthropist, financier and music impresario), Devereux Milburn (an accomplished attorney who won ground-breaking cases before the U.S. Supreme Court involving the rules for class action lawsuits and the contract clause of the U.S. Constitution as well as one of the best polo players America has produced), Grenville Clark (a Nobel Peace Prize nominee and co-author of the book “World Peace Through World Law”), William Harding Jackson (National Security Advisor to President Dwight D. Eisenhower), Frank Wisner (Head of the Office of Strategic Services operations in Southeastern Europe at the end of World War II and 2nd Deputy Director of Plans in charge of covert paramilitary and counterintelligence operations for the CIA under President Truman), Peter H. Dominick (U.S. Senator for the State of Colorado), Renato Beghe (U.S. Tax Court Judge, appointed by President George H.W. Bush), John M. Walker, Jr. (Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, appointed by President George H.W. Bush) and Margo K. Brodie (U.S. District Court Chief Judge for the Eastern District of New York, appointed by President Barack Obama and the first Afro-Caribbean-born federal judge in the United States).
The Great Treason X, Pillory, Ted Gunderson Bio, Written By The Right Hand, Majic 12 and the Secret Government
This book
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